dudes….this summer is crazy.
i don't know what i did other years?
how did we do craft thursday?
how did i get anything done?
who is this person i have become????
that is how i am feeling everyday. it's getting old.
i miss that lady who made cookies and painted pictures and sewed late at night.
she needs to come back.
i really miss that girl.
this busy, tired, scattered, zoned out person who is living in my head needs to leave.
these pictures have nothing to do with that little pity party.
these are the cows across the road from our front door.
i love to watch them wander around that field.
this day i was sunbathing while all my kids were gone for ONE WHOLE HOUR and there they were.
just chillin' at the only opening that i can get to for pictures.
i have this little voice in me that says "that is the picture you want… take it"
and for so long in my life i have ignored it.
there are lots of reasons i ignore it.
sometimes there are people with me and i don't want to stand out or have someone think "what is she doing?"
sometimes i don't have the right camera for the good shot.
sometimes i am driving and can't stop.
but about a year ago i promised myself that when i hear that voice i will do whatever i can to get the shot.
not wreck my car or anything but if im not running late than i will pull over and get it.
or i just let people wonder why i am taking a picture of something at Target.
because my mind works like that.
i can see the photo in my mind and it feels so good when i get it.
and i like that.
so…. i was lying there… in my swim suit… one hour alone… reading my book… and there come the cows.
i heard the voice.
i said "BUT…. but… it's my only hour"
i got up and put on a skirt and flip flops and my big camera and into the ditch to see the cows.
i am so glad i did.
i am ALWAYS glad i did.

and a lot of times it's not a super AMAZING photo but it's really just the process of looking through the lens.
finding the focus.
catching the light.
and i guess on these jammed packed days that send me to bed exhausted, i need that little moment.
a reminder that i am creative…created to be creative.
it's in there.
and sometimes i don't get to it as often as i would like but it doesn't go away.

Mindy - Your gals are the cutest. I have said it before but you make me want some every single time you post about them…The neighbors in the field behind us used to have some. Their daughter had a battery operated jeep and she would pick one up, put it under her arm and away her and the chick would drive. I got to be entertained but didn’t have to scoop the poop – no eggs either though.
tara - those chickens are hilarious.
annies’ face is awesome.
tracy fisher - i love love love your stories…. i’ve been away being a nurse to my son and husband and taking my daughter to her jobs… and trying to keep up with my own work… exhausting!!! so when i get a chance to sit down and breathe, i love looking you up. hugs to you. -tracy
Melissa - I must say I do agree! They are pretty funny and oh so entertaining!
and now, I think I must take my kiddos bowling and out for donuts this weekend!!!
Now I’m hungry.
Sara @ it's good to be queen - i love it, i love it, 5 times i love it. chicky pictures are my fave. also, your coop is amazing.
Kristen - Chickens! My brother and sister-in-law just purchased a new home with space for chickens. My nieces are SO excited as they research this venture–fun to see how it’s going for you. Also fun to see your earlier post about IL since I live in that general area. You posted pictures of places that are a short drive from my home. We don’t live in that town but my four-year-old son has been to the Choo Choo restaurant and loves it. π Been lurking for a while on your blog–I enjoy it.
Emily @ DavenportDIY - Oh you have a broody hen!! We had one growing up that exact same color who would go broody all the time- she even hatched chicks (from some fertilized eggs we got) and was such a good mama. She would carry the chicks around under her wings. Broody hens are the best (and yes, surprisingly good about you removing the eggs from underneath them)
ERIKA - Adorable Chicks. π
Sara Torbett - My mother-in-law lives next door and has chickens too. My two year old and 11-month old both love them! They are funny creatures to watch….(the chickens, not the babies, lol) I don’t know about you, but we can definitely taste a difference in grocery store eggs and eggs from home. We eat scrambled eggs seven days a week. π
Lee Ann - Love all of these pics! For some reason my eggs are much cleaner in the summer and can get very poopy in the winter. Trust me, that little bit of poop is nothing π Sometimes they’re so gross I just throw them away because it grosses me out to think of eating them. Next year you need a white layer and an Americana so you can have blue/green eggs. I love the mixed colors!
Tiffany - I have such fond memories of ‘picking eggs’ when I was a little girl on my parents’ farm. My favorite part. I loved reaching under them and pulling a warm egg out from under them.
Southern Gal - My daughter and my parents have chickens. They are quite poopy, which reminds me of running around barefoot on my Great Aunt Etha’s farm when I was a little girl and having fits when I’d have chicken poop squish between my toes. Yuck! That’s what I always think about when I’m around chickens. π
Christy - How cool! I love your chickens…and that precious hen house! LOVE it!
Leah Faye - I lived in a house that had chickens one summer. I was always way too afraid to pick them up and created my on strategies for feeding them without them swarming me.
I loved eating the eggs though! So good!
Leah Faye
a clover and a bee
Laura - wish I read this BEFORE I ate dinner
we just had chicken
sorry gals