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Category Archives: sports

what we are up to…

i got these huge barn doors a few weeks ago.
i finally had time to start cleaning them up to bring them inside my house!
i scrubbed for several hours with hot, HOT water and bleach and by the end i was soaked!
but they look great!
i had craig & sean bring them in annnnnnnd there were some problems  with an outlet so for now they are back in the garage until we can figure out how to solve the issue.  BUMMER!
but it WILL be solved.
for sure.

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basketball has started!
my favorite season all year!!!
even if we end up with games on monday, tuesday, thursday, friday and all weekend long.
oy veh!
sean is playing too but i guess i haven’t gotten a picture of him just yet.
he actually plays the most… JV game and then the freshman game and then sits on the varsity bench.
his tuesdays and fridays and long!
but until january we are on break from basketball and i am happy to have that break.
my girlfriends and i got together for the Jingle Bell Run again this year.
we walked it.
but it still counts.

my favorite part of the race day tradition is the afternoon at the spa!
IMG_9663craig took me to see Garth Brooks!!!
he isn’t a big fan but knew a lot of the songs.
i was IN HEAVEN!
i knew every word to every song.
the entire arena did too!
it was SO MUCH FUN!
and i think craig enjoyed it too – if for no other reason than laughing at me singing at the top of my lungs for 2.5 hours.

oh waffle.
he needs another bath already.

i took annie to do her christmas shopping and some one-on-one time.
she had been talking about trying to get her ears pierced again occasionally over the last month.
so we went to claire’s to christmas shop and i suggested trying it that day.
oh boy.
it was an ordeal.
she had a million questions for the sweet girl working the front of the store.
talby called me as she was trying to decide and gave annie a pep talk.
her face was still white as a ghost as she said “ok… let’s do it”
but then that sweet girl working figured out that only one of her holes had grown closed and she was able to get it open again without using the gun!  annie was SO RELIEVED!
we finishend our shopping in the mall and headed to starbucks.
and i had the best peppermint latte i have ever had!
what a great day!
lauren moved to a different apartment so before her utilities were turned on her geckos needed a warm house to sleep in.
ha ha ha.
how creepy could they look?!
such weirdos.
annie had friends over & i dumped out a box of ALLLL the left over christmas crafts and said “have fun!”
they definitely did.

and this…. i mean how adorable is this?!
scott was making his girlfriend a special bracelet.
he did a great job.
i thought all these pictures were so funny and random….. these 18 pictures are all pics that i have texted people the past week or so.
all different reasons… but almost always for a laugh. phoneIMG_9373
the kids put up the tree again this year and completely decorated it.
i have no problems handing that job over.
none at all.
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thanksgiving day selfies.
with my mini me.
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a friend sent me these cookies from Reina Cookies.
seriously you guys… the oatmeal raisin was the best cookie of my life.
i am not exaggerating.
what a GREAT gift!  If you are looking for a sweet idea… this is it!
i felt so loved.

renee - they put up the tree. omg. i am in heaven dreaming about 12 years from now when that will be me. don’t get me wrong – i love my littles but teens are my jam (used to teach high school). i hear it’s all kinds of different stress and problems – everything is bigger than poop at that age. but them doing the christmas tree …. that sounds amazing.

Annette - Where did you get your tree… it looks so real! I always want a real tree but not the mess. I’ve been looking for a fake tree that looks real…they are hard to find! Thanks! Annette

Jenn B - I always love your posts and your photos! It’s fun to see what is going on in your life. You always have interesting this to share. Seems like you all have had a wonderful end to your year. Praise God!

Donna - I love your tree. It looks just like mine; not all styled or themed but full of special ornaments from the past 20 years.

laura oyler - I have been looking for shoes like those wedge booties with the laces…where did you find those??

jen - I think one of my favorite things about my kids getting older is not having to decorate for Christmas because they do it all. Never ever thought I’d feel that way but boy do I ever!!
Merry Christmas to you!

Rebecca Torzewski - Oh my gosh, I saw that XL wine glass at Kohl’s and almost got it as a gag gift, and I love that picture of the older couple, so sweet. Talby IS definitely your mini-you! She is really growing up, all your kids are. Tell Annie I know how she feels with the pierced ears not working out, I decided to get mine double pierced for fun (I’m a lot older though, LOL), and the holes wouldn’t take no matter how much I cleaned them and had to end up taking the earrings out, it was an awful experience, not like I remember when I was 8 or 9 with my first ones. Have a wonderful holiday season. Thanks for 2015 full of great blogs :), really enjoy them.

Lisa Risse - Hi Meg!
I so enjoy your blog! My 3 kids are your kiddos’ age and we live very similar lives!
I so hope to meet you in person someday – as my sister and I are on your wait list for craft weekend!…..MAYBE this year! 🙂

I saw the pic of your son making a bracelet for his girlfriend – so sweet! Can you give me a good tip on what stamp set you really like and where I can get the metal blanks with the pre-drilled holes? (I’ve started to play around with rivets and I’d love to play with those blanks!)

Thanks so much and Merry Christmas, Lisa

Kerri Lynne - I have always thought Hesston schools have such excellent facilities – and love the banner photos of the seniors. That’s a great idea. The random photos gave me a chuckle, especially the Dorothy/Toto one… showing my age that I know that Toto song! Merry Christmas to the Duerksens!

sharon / - i freakin Love walking a run. 🙂 🙂 🙂

and, please? -the story for the granny panties that look freshly washed and belonging to you?? i’m not judging. (believe me, i am not judging, lol!!)

Kelly - AHHH! I know Reina. THE Reina! 🙂 Her cookies are AMAZING! And she is the kindest. I have given them as gifts for the past many years, and we always like to keep some in our freezer, for us.

Kathie M. - Such a fun post!! I miss basketball, looks like it will be another fun year!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

Emily L - I have never commented but man alive, I gasped when I saw the garth pics!!!! I am the biggest fan of that man and he has yet to show up in New Mexico where I live!!!!! I bet you had the best time. I love these random posts and your blog!!!

Kathi - I love your random posts. Those BARN DOORS! Can’t wait to see where you are going to put them 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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all the things.

so much goes on everyday.
i know it’s true at your house as well.
we are at games several nights a week… JV and middle school and high school.
there’s church on wednesday nights.
and annie’s games on saturdays.
but i sure do like all of it.IMG_6164IMG_5292IMG_6547scott had a catch at the homecoming game a few weeks back that was really fun and wild.
he even made it on the local news  🙂IMG_4478

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the catch was lots of fun for Scott but in that game the highlight for MOM was when Sean was sent into the game while Scott was still on the field!
up till then they were playing at separate times… if sean went in it was because the score was so high they took the seniors out and started playing the underclassmen.
but in that game… BOTH my boys played together for a long time.
i am LOVING IT!!!
i love to have them both out there together – freshman and senior.
heart eyes! heart eyes! heart eyes!
i still have no idea what is going on… but that is probably not going to change.
my brain can only hold so much & i don’t think football rules/stats/plays are going to be moving in there anytime soon.

subject change:  i cleaned my closet out. it was redonk and i couldn’t wait another minute. 4 bags donated… everything organized…. i was so happy to have it done.closetthe left side was my finished product until i found the perfect shoe holders for my space.
I got 2 of the ClosetMaid Stackable 15 Cube Organizer and stood them up the longer way to fit between my box of cardigans and my box of heels that i MAY wear again but probably won’t ever actually wear again.
and i hung my boots on hangers?!!closet2and shortly after kicking it in my closet – i took over the craft room/catch everything room at the Craft House.craftroompeople keep asking if i am reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up but i am not.
this is all just out of my need for some decluttering.
too much junk and stuff… and apparently that what that book talks about.
it seems like everyone is reading it!
maybe i should read it too?

IMG_6156IMG_5110talby’s team did fabulous in volleyball this season.
i cannot believe they are done already! it’s her favorite sport.
i know that every year they just just get better and better… i can’t wait to watch her smash it as a high schooler!IMG_5312
annie’s 5th grade team – adorable!
talby helped out with the coaching a little bit and really loved that too.IMG_6587IMG_5613
fall has hit us in kansas. it’s warm in the afternoon but chilly in the morning and evenings.
i think the leaves will go crazy by next week.orangeIMG_6828meIMG_7170last night we had Snack Dinner.
what’s in the fridge/freezer/pantry?  pull it all out… snack dinner!quatroIMG_6813this is a scene from real life right here.
dinner is started… people are talking & eating… boys fresh from football practice – no shirts… messy table… all the good stuff.dogswaffle and stanley are majorly dorky dogs. they love treats more than anything. they can get some air!unoi saw these magnets and was cracking up!PicMonkey CollageIMG_6231tresthe Craft house paint job continues. craig and our boys are changing out the purple for navy. i can’t believe we lasted ten years in a purple trimmed out house?! ten years is enough. navy trim for the win… in two years when it’s done. jay kay. it’s a huge job though… definitely going to take quite a while.  chairi found this chair last week at our thrift shop.
it was soft… comfy… in mint condition… and only $20. sold. it’s living at the Craft House.
i am dreaming up making a personal creative studio in the big room on the 3rd floor and that is where i want that chair. 🙂FullSizeRender 13FullSizeRender 14beautiful isn’t it?   HA HA HA!
i can see all the potential there though.
another project that will take lots of work but i love dreaming about it.

Ayca - I simply love your striped mug! It’s so you 🙂

KWolff - I’m pretty sure you just summed up my entire world in one post. Football, soccer, band, volleyball, choir, work, home improvement projects…that’s all I have going on these days. Sometimes I honestly feel like I have to think hour by hour instead of day by day. My boss laughs at me because she never knows what I’ll be doing at the end of the day. I know that I will look back on it someday and miss it all. So I’m doing my best now to enjoy it, even on the days/nights that it’s pouring rain and the short people are cranky.
Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one! 🙂

mollie's mom - When we pull out whatever is in the fridge we say we are having CORN. What’s for dinner? CORN! Clean Out Refrigerator Night!!
And I loooove that big empty attic space… the potential!!

Erica - I’m love your blog! Never commented before but have to know where you bought your red shoes?!

Julie - Oh that studio space – drooling here -it will look absolutely fabulous.

amy jupin - these are my favorite posts.
i dig the random.
that’s where the real is.
and i miss you like a crazy person.

Leslie - Hello- Thanks for always posting such great stuff. I look forward to your happy colorful pictures, the inspiration it gives, and the real life element. So many blogs are pretty and staged, it’s nice to see teenager life in action. 🙂 And that chair! Oh man, if ONLY I could find those treats at my thrift stores. I keep telling my husband I want to fly to Kansas to go thrift shopping. He thinks I’m nuts. 🙂

Jan - Meg,

Love, love, love your posts. I would love to hear in a post how maintenance has been for you after the diet plan you followed with those containers. Are you still doing that or what are you eating these days? You look fabulous. I have lost weight before but never ever maintained it. I always put it right back on. I would love to hear your story or tips.

Tiffany - Great catch, talk about timing!

Jen - I just love you and look forward to your posts. Thank you for spreading joy, for keeping it real, for keeping it colorful, for being awesome. I saw my cousin and her husband this summer. Her husband is the one whose grandparents used to own the craft house and where his dad grew up. Do you know what the Dody family used to use that 3rd floor for?!

Tiffany Day - you are amazing and delightful!
love peaking into your life!!


Katie Skiff - This is why I love your blog. Ypur life sounds just like mine. Ha. I think I may actually know what they are doing at fotball, and they make some crazy call that never gets explaine. Lol.

Diane - I read your blog every single day – LOVE IT!! So beautiful, inspiring and real. THANK YOU! I don’t normally comment but had to today. I LOVE FOOTBALL. So I just had to say, that was an AWESOME, AWESOME catch!! It’s like be pulled an Odell Beckham!! Awesome job, kiddo!!!

Suzanne - Love the cleaning of the closet – it is on my list to do this week. But I need to finish recovering 3 more (had 7 total) camper cushions and make 3 roman shades. I think cleaning sounds more appealing especially since neither of the sewing projects are for me. Anyway, desperate question – please! What are the leggings you buy? Cannot find where you put it in your previous posts. Thanks a ton!

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summer happiness.

you guys… this summer is so good!!
i am loving it.
every day!
we have loads of sports but it keeps us active and not in front of a screen.
i like it even more when i remember my bug spray, my water and my chair.

annie is really enjoying softball this summer… especially after she got her own pair of baseball pants.
she feels much more like an authentic ball player now.

i am eating this salad several times a week this summer.
i can’t get enough of it!IMG_8356IMG_8389
this picture was funny to me…two kids playing separately on the floor… safely apart.
the legos have come out of storage again and are keeping annie busy.
(thank you Lego Movie! #everythingISawesome)
and we’ve been baby sitting our little friend too.
he’s a few weeks away from crawling into the legos so the clock is ticking on the floor lego time.
and he sleeps like a sweet little angel.
thighs rolls are the best!  🙂
when i make bunting for the shop it starts out like this…
and then over and over 25 times.
all before it is sewn together.
4000 squares later… it’s almost ready for the shop.
the girls play softball AND basketball right now.
i appreciate an air conditioned gym in the summer.  🙂

jr. high girls softball is tricky.
they are learning… there are lots of skill levels… they are pitching on their own… and catching…
it’s a lot to learn and perform.
but she LOVES it.
which makes me so happy.
i didn’t make it out to shop for a swimsuit before school got out and it just seemed impossible once every one was home all day.
i thought my suit from last year would work.
i actually had two.
but the strap got eaten by the dryer of one and the other just seemed to have lost it’s elastic over the winter.
so i decided to order a bunch and do what i would do at a store… at home.
Macy’s has free returns so i decided to just go for it.
my credit card company called me assuming it was fraud.
i said “no… it’s just me trying to find a swimsuit.”
i know my body and i know what works for me.
i know i can’t do a tankini because i need FULL support up top.
i know i don’t want anything cutting in on my tummy.
i know i need some spanx-y fabric through the middle.
i know i need a skirt over my hips.
i know these things because i know my body and how to hide and accent.
so i searched a lot and ordered these suits.
i ended up with the chevron… the navy dot… and maybe the magenta.
i enjoyed swim suit shopping at home in my bathroom much more than taking a whole day, driving all around and hoping to find one possible match.

more basketball.
and the day after that was ALL basketball.
i drove back and forth between gyms all day but i had time to myself which was nice.
at one point i sat in the car outside of a starbucks in my car getting wifi and blogging about summer drinks.
and repeat the basketball again on sunday.
this margarita was the perfect ending to all that.
so proud of all these kids!
it’s hard work to play all those games!
i could NEVER do it.
two games in a day? three?  four?  heck no.
but they loooove it!
this dog.
he is so lovable.
and so crazy funny.
holding all the kittens at once is no easy task.
ha ha ha
this picture could just be labeled “SUMMER”
am i right?

i stopped at the craft house and pulled a few weeds (unfortunately there are still a thousand more) while craig mowed the lawn.
i washed the pillow cases for the porch furniture and swept all the cobwebs away.
a clean porch is a good thing.

and right now… three of kids are at camp.
for the rest of the week!
i have one 17 year old at home and that is it!
it’s crazy.
and awesome.
and quiet!
17 year olds sleep a lot.  🙂

isn’t summer just wonderful?
these days are so good.
i am loving it.
all of it.

Shauna Jones - I just have to tell you that your blog makes me so happy. I’ve followed it for years, but have never commented. When I’m feeling blue, or like life is hard, I come read a little of your blog. Thanks for finding the beauty in the every day. I love the bright colors, the kid pictures, the dog pictures, all of it. Thanks for making the world a brighter place!

Tricia - Hello! That salad looks yummy! I want to make sure I have all of the ingredients:

red onion
poppy seed dressing

Anything else?


Gina - Wow!! Busy summer. Brilliant idea about swimsuits too!! I’ve bought my last few from Lands End and really like theirs. I agree you have to know what works best for your body. And I am going to be the one that asks for the salad recipe. 😉 I see baby spinach, strawberries, blueberries, red onion, pecans and grilled chicken. Am I missing anything? Any cheese and what dressing do you use? 🙂 TIA!! 🙂 I get on salad kicks too.

Jen - I love summer too, and I even work 25 hours a week. I wish I had more free time with my girls, but beggers can’t be choosers and I do love my job. I just love no homework, no school schedule, no lunch packing, no “hurry, you need to get to bed”…it’s just more relaxed.

Also, I was with Aaron Dody last night here in Ohio – fam were in town from KS. He loved seeing pictures of his grandparents old house – the Craft House. He explained that the kitchen isn’t where it used to be, told me about the business his dad and grandpa ran out of the top floor (do you know?), this room is next to this room, oh wow! there used to be a wall there, etc. I LOVED listening to him as he saw your old house. I have to admit that after following your blog for 6+ years and loving your home pics, I was a bit geeked out. I STILL cannot believe how I put this puzzle together. Out of all the people in this world, all the houses, awesome. crazy. wonderful. awesome. Have a wonderful weekend!

Maria - it’s amazing what subtracting three kids can do! My three oldest are off at camp this week too…just the youngest at home and it has been way too quiet! About 24 hrs left of that….

Enjoy your summer!


Stephanie - Yay! Love the suits you chose. You’ll look gorgeous in those rich tones.
Your summer sounds so good. So quintesentially summer! I hate summer. But it’s because I live in Florida. It’s so gross here in the summer. I remember summer in KS–so pleasant. Gets hot once in awhile, but mostly great!

Pam - I too love summer, however it will be 115 degrees here today. We hide in our house like it is a hobit hole and play games and drink iced tea and lemonade. When the sun goes down we slink out into the night for a swim in the quiet, heavy air. Such a freshing treat before bedtime. 🙂

Amy Woods - I have an only child. Also 17. He doesn’t sleep much, but he is definitely quiet or out. He will be a senior when school starts. WAHHHHH! My baby!!!

Love the suits your picked! And all your pics are FAB!!

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friday of a holiday weekend?
the best.
tonight we have HS football and i am hoping the rain stops.

last night on instagram i posted a picture saying that we striped Scott’s helmet.
until last year i had no idea what that meant just like you probably don’t.
photo 1
the helmets are just white and at the beginning of the season the parents all show up in the gym and put new fresh stickers on their son’s helmet.
they are pretty heavy duty stickers.
and you use a hair dryer to kind of melt them to mold a flat sticker onto a curved surface.

i was throwing quite a fit in the car on the way there saying “why can’t the boys just do this themselves?! why do WE have to go? why can’t they just buy helmets with the logo on them? isn’t that a thing? don’t they make those?”
then we get there… and sitting with my husband on the gym floor… working together on our son’s helmet… seeing a gym full of parents  (many of them our friends) working for their kids…. i got a little choked up inside.
it’s actually a pretty cool thing!
it is neat to see your community together.
all these people who are wanting a good season for ALL the boys… not just their son.

and because i am  anti-social (at times…) i would’ve missed out on it.
(but craig duerksen don’t you dare hold that statement over me the next time i try to avoid being with people! 😉

photo 2
school sports are quite different than the travel teams where kids come from all the place to be on a team and play teams from all over too.
that crowd always makes me feel uneasy.
i don’t always trust those crowds with my child… does that make sense?
the parents get CRAZY.  it’s sad and embarrassing to witness.  it makes my Mama Grizzly tendencies flare up.
i don’t trust that they want the best for my son.
but with your school team there is a unity present.  there’s pride in the work the team and coaches are doing together and the adults recognize that.

after the stickers are on,  you write a note to your son, roll it up and put it in their helmet.

that was when i realized i was being a jerk and this was kind of a neat tradition that i was not appreciating.
writing “love” notes just doesn’t happen too much over here.
the teen age years can be hard.
not BAD or awful of course… but still a challenge.
everything is a battle it seems for some kids and parenting through that leaves me not feeling up for writing sweet notes too often.

photo 3
and even though i am a nervous wreck every single game when my basketball loving son  plays football… i am proud.
proud that he is working hard, stuck it out and is having fun out there.
and that his helmet looks soooo good.

(the tape with their name is just so the parents knew which helmet to get…it comes off before the game)  🙂

Sami - Oh my goodness! You’re a Hesston Swather! We always played you guys in sports growing up and I thought your mascot was so fitting for Kansas (I mean after someone explained to me what a swather was.:) We were the Canton-Galva Eagles. Small towns UNITE!! I love the unity created with the sticker party. And the notes you put in the helmets are so precious. If my son plays football, I hope they do that. If not, I might have to start it. 🙂

Lorie - That is such a great tradition and I am so glad you didn’t miss out on it!

Amanda J - I also love your shoes.! Where did you find them?

s - I can’t imagine you as antisocial since you genuinely seem so friendly. I am a total somebody so I would have felt the same as you but it sounds like a wonderful tradition. And sports…brings out the best and worst of people. My kids play for fun….they aren’t the best, don’t have a killer instinct so it sometimes gets difficult to watch and hear the other parents screaming… but I try to just enjoy regardless…it’s all about being part of a team, getting some exercise and learning skills, persistence and dedication. Loved the note in the helmet!

Kristin S - I want your sneakers!

Kerri - That is a very scary looking Swather. Praying all our boys have a safe season without serious injury. I love football, but not too disappointed that my son didn’t play.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - You guys are the sportiest.
Also, yay community!
And yay stripes!

martha - what a great tradition! (especially the note in the helmet) and may I mention your shoes???? loving them!! 🙂

Becca - I am so glad you explained, I thought you meant putting the tape with his name on it. Obviously not a sport family. Cool tradition:)

Liz M - HS football sometimes gets a bad rap, but the traditions– like you described–are so powerful. I love the note tucked in the helmet! Sort of double protection. I miss the Friday Night Lights…enjoy these years!

katie Skiff - That is a fun tradition, but I am the same way. Home. alone. Much better for me. lol…
Tonight was our scrimmage, and I don’t know if I am ready for High School football.

Molly - this is pretty cool!!! i grew up in a small iowa town, so all thee traditions. i get it. they are pretty cool. and your mascot is pretty intense!

Tessa - I LOVE THIS!!! I am forwarding this post to my husband who is a football coach … not sure if they can do the same tradition, but if they can I am totally encouraging it. My son plays 9th grade football this year, and so next year he will be in the high school team. He also has a concussion, and so this would be especially meaningful to pray over his helmet to protect him. Thanks so much for sharing this!

Adrienne - I feel the same way about school sports vs club! Friday night lights is my favorite! I have a senior this year, so it’s a big, BIG deal (to us anyways)!

KWolff - This is such a cool tradition! I hope that your Friday Night Football is fabulous and that the victory bells will ring out for y’all.

ira lee - my oldest is a senior in hs this year and its already been an emotional ride. so i get where you are coming from; the sense of community, pride in your children, the sense of togetherness. maybe its southern football!! lol

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scott loves basketball.
it’s his thing.    all the way.     it’s what he does everyday.
it is his passion. so…. being a part of an undefeated team was pretty much the best thing in his life so far.
IMG_3145this is during warm-ups of his Sub-State championship game.bball1IMG_4468
here is a very focused group of soon-to-be sub state champions before their game.
i said “can i get a picture of you guys?” thinking they would all sit up, squeeze in & smile.
but they are boys.     not girls.      duh.     this is what boys do.
at least they smiled!

IMG_3191IMG_3254the student section cracked us up all season long with their choices of outfits and signs.
as far as i know… the boys are wearing old school uniforms from the 90s (or 80’s?).IMG_3194scott for 3.IMG_3243IMG_3190IMG_3189IMG_3226IMG_3274scott’s  cheering section for Sub-State.IMG_3210IMG_4485basketball games are really fun for the siblings too.
all their friends are there, running around and being crazy.
annie always comes home super sweaty from scott’s games from all the excitement.

IMG_4475IMG_3372and then they went onto STATE!
they won their first game, then their second and then it was the Championship.
we sat in the second row for the second and third games.
i loved being that close to the action.IMG_3318IMG_3332all the little kids were really into the game too… so cute isn’t it?IMG_3336IMG_4619bball5final score of the state championship game.

it was a super close game the whole time….  made it very intense to watch.

and then they WON!
the entire season undefeated.   WOW.

please enjoy a bunch of blurry photos of  H A P P Y basketball players.IMG_4723IMG_4721IMG_4720IMG_4718IMG_4715IMG_4714IMG_4712IMG_3401i never got a photo of our side’s crowd…. it was all full up to the red seats on our side.IMG_3400IMG_3398they raised the trophy and then they were given medals for first place.
and JUST as MY SON was getting his medal… this lady walked right in front of me.
lovely shot i got of her armpit.
there is seriously great basketball in our town!bball3scott hears all about his dad’s basketball “career” every where he goes… but i have to at least mention that his dad’s team won the High School State Championship (that i was a cheerleader for…) in this gym AND his team also won the Jr. College National Championship in this gym exactly 20 years ago.
It is a very special place to all of us.
scott just made it more so.IMG_3463IMG_3459all five of scott’s grandparents made it to his game.  IMG_3450IMG_3447bball4IMG_4738
every single one of them.
and all the parents too.

they did a great job on a season of full on hard work!

IMG_4755FAMILY SELFIE with our state champion!!! it was such a fun season.
i loved every game i was able to attend.
i am so proud of the whole team… but mostly of scotty because he is mine. 🙂

Carrie Lea - AHH! Congratulations to Scott! This made me all emotional, reminded me of my brother’s senior football season, they were undefeated too, and won state. Good times, great memories!

I didn’t realize you lived in Hesston either! I knew you were in middle KS, just wasn’t sure where. My papaw grew up in Chase and my granny (his mama) lived in Lyons until she passed. We made that drive so many times! (I grew up in SE KS, Frontenac).

Amber - WOW! Congratulations! Super awesome- UNDEFEATED!!!!!

Jenna - This made me a little teary! Sooo cool. Congrats to Scott … He will cherish your photos too!

Kathi - That last family selfie says it all! I remember going to basketball games at NIU with my mom way back in the day when the basketball uniforms had those really short shorts! Now days it looks like the boys are wearing skirts:)There needs to be a happy medium.

Amy - SO RAD!! Makes me miss high school sports…kinda. I love that they play with so much heart. And undefeated. Awesome. Great way to end it for the seniors.

Lisa - That is so exciting! Congratulations to Scott and the team!

Valerie @ Chateau a la Mode - I got teared up reading your post. Love family stuff. Tugs at my heartstrings even when they aren’t mine. Love that Scott’s team won. Love that Lauren was there with all of you. Love that all those grandparents are still alive and able to attend the games…what a huge blessing. Love that the little kids are there supporting. And PS girlfirend….you looked skinny 😉

Jen - What a great memory for your family, and I LOVE your family selfie! Please, tell me how you get such great action shots! My son is just starting out in basketball (he’s 8) and for the life of me, I cannot get a shot that is not blurry! I would love to figure it out before he goes to high school 🙂

Jenn - YAY!

Lora - 🙂

Jenni - It has been so exciting as a follower to see his team make it this far!! As a former basketball player myself (so hilarious to my family now that I played something so sweaty) it brings back amazing memories. These are family memories you’ll have forever. It’ll come up at the Thanksgiving table until you are 90…remember that time we were state champions? Anyhoo…thanks so much for sharing such special parts of your family journey with us.

Tobi - Small world: I started following your blog before I realized where your kids went to school – my alma mater. Then, I saw their mascot on a T-shirt or something and it was easy to figure out – not many schools can boast farm machinery as their mascot. I love your blog because I love your blog, but it’s fun to celebrate a little Swather pride vicariously through you, too! Congrats!

P.S. I played bball 94-98. I’m pretty sure I recognize a few of the fans’ jerseys. Nothing makes you feel old like seeing your old uniforms being worn as “throw back” costumes by high schoolers! But I have pictures of my girlfriends and I in Swather throw backs that we were thrilled to find at a thrift store in Newton – I think they were from the 70s! Some things never change… (Like the HHS Singers dresses, amiright?) 🙂

kim - this is SO fun, meg! my hs went to states when i was a sophomore and i STILL remember it. it was so exciting.
i imagine its just infinitely more exciting being the proud mom of one of the stars. 🙂 i love all of this! 🙂

Gina - Awesomeness! You look fabulous. I’ve been doing Marta’s 21 day fix too and love it. Thanks for your inspiration to change.

Kristi Rediske - That is so exciting-there is nothing in this world than watching your own kids doing what they love and watching all the enjoyment in it. All the hard work to get to this place and all the family support, I love seeing it, thanks for sharing and posting, love all the pictures. I am a grandmother now, miss having my kids in those activities, but the little grandkiddos are starting now, so fun. I did notice in the picture how great you are looking, you looked great before but you look so healthy and like you are beaming!

Jen - How exciting for your whole family! I really like the family selfie. 🙂

Laurie M. - How exciting. This must be at the sports arena in Hutch? Did your husband play for the Blue Dragons? I’ve been away for almost 20 yrs but I remember those years being exciting ones for KU and HCC fans.

Cassandra - Congrats Scott & the team!! Being that my husband & I are both from a small town & he played college ball & coached small town high school basketball I enjoy this a lot. Nothing quite like high school basketball 🙂

Jenny B. - Ope, nevermind! I looked it up on Wikipedia. 🙂

Jenny B. - This is SO terrific! What a cool story about the gym too! I have to ask… what are “swathers?”

Tiffany - Oh my, I’m not a basketball person, but I loved reading that post! How exciting for Scott, his team, your family and your town!!

amy jupin - armpit lady…RUDE!
all of the other pictures are so fun.
and i loved the instagram updates too!
what a year they all had!

Sally - Megan,
That was awesome!! I love looking at pictures of the win! What an amazing season… Thanks for posting this!

Suzanne - My husband was an Indiana State Basketball Champion long before I knew him, and your post helped me to understand what it was like “back in the day”. We New Englanders (where I grew up) are just not as b-ball crazy as you Midwesterners! 😉 Congrats to Scott! So exciting!!

miss lynn - this post made me super happy!
weepy, even!
what a great memory making moment.
just so happy for you all.

Kristin S - The armpit shot… oh no!!!

The family selfie… awesome.

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so much to talk about!

there is a lot going on over here.
so much that i am feeling a strong desire to climb into bed and sleep for dayssssssss.
but i don’t have time to do that.  ha ha ha

1. Scott’s basketball team won Sub-State so they go on to play for the State 3A Championships!!!

the first game is tonight!
i am trying to be calm about it… but on the inside i am all a mess.
my stomach hurts.
i hope he gets to keep playing all week… that they win and win and WIN.
State Tournament is SO MUCH FUN.
we are playing in the same gym where Craig played his State tournament and i was a cheerleader.
great memories are made there.

2. talby’s team won their tournament last weekend!  first place!!!

those tournament days get long but it is really fun to see them get better and better.
and i LOVE watching talby working towards something she really enjoys.
volleyball is a fun sport to watch.
i can almost picture her as a tall high schooler jumping up and slamming the ball down with scary speed.
she watched lauren play for years and wants to go to State like she did.

3.  ummm….. we bought a house on monday.

it was time to not be renting any longer.
this house came up and we jumped on it… 9 months ago.  🙂
we have known a long time that we were headed here but we are living in a very small town and i didn’t think any more information needed to be said until the deal was done.  it is just the respectful thing to do.
but now the papers are signed and this is where we will be moving in a month or so.

it is a new-ish home and has been beautifully maintained.  this house was very loved and cared for.
as much as we both would have LOVED an old farmhouse to fix up… that is just not something that is for sale around here.
we looked and looked.
and to be totally honest… we would probably have died from all the work while still maintaining the craft house and raising our kids.

i actually feel a little sorry for this pretty house itself because once our brood moves in… it won’t know what hit it.
we have owned it a little over 24 hours and there has already been dr. pepper spilled and a cardboard shot put thrown… flying through three rooms.  (i didn’t handle that very gracefully)  this poor house!  it’s probably crying out of fear of what is to come.

it is not in the country but it does have a field behind it and it is on the last road of town so it “feels” like the country…. almost.

now… only 1008 more decisions and projects and jobs to do over the next 4 weeks.
i am feeling about full to the brim with overwhelmed emotions.
this is a wonderful home that we are thrilled about.
this is nothing to get overwhelmed about.
i know this.
but moving and painting and answering my kids 50,000 questions while still doing the regular everyday stuff for life and work is…. a lot.

i guess that means i need some more time with jesus and exercise.
jesus will restore and calm me.
and the exercise will get all the anxiety out… so i don’t bury my face in a party size bag of pb m&ms with a margarita in both hands.

we plan on making changes to make it more Duerksen-y.
rainbows every where!!  right???  ha ha ha

we are very excited about moving into town and starting our new adventure.
i mentioned to craig that we have had a house each decade of our marriage.  Our Illinois first home was our 20’s house.  then we moved to Kansas and bought the craft house when craig was 31 and i turned 30 shortly after.  Now this is the house for our 40s.  he has a 40th bday coming up in one month.

we already love our 40s house.

Jenny B. - Congratulations! I bet you’ll have lots of fun making it more “Duerksen-y!” 🙂

Jenn - Congratulations on the new house…that’s always so exciting!! Many blessings to you and your sweet family as you start a new journey in your beautiful home.

Mindy - Wow – congratulations on all the sporting team victories AND on the new house!! I will be anxiously following along to see all your decorating lovliness that will be happening as you settle in. Jesus and exercise will definitely help you through : )

Deb Meyers - I predict you will move beyond rainbows in your 40s house (you’ve probably gone there already in your head) and soon everyone will be copying your new direction. Can’t wait to see what you do, Meg.

Congratulations and God bless each Duerksen,


rachel hood - ok, doesn’t it look like the guy in the background of picture of you and scott at the basketball game (to the far right) is getting his bum pinched! also, love your blog-congrats on your new house! can’t wait to see the decorated version!

Rach - Congrats on the new house. Your brain must be buzzing with fun things to do to it.

lauren - oh the pages that turn…hesitation sometimes…then full on sprinting with smiles so wide we catch bugs in our teeth! you’ll hit your stride in this home too. i’m so excited for your kiddos! adventures = memories and memories are forever. take care duerksen family!

CathyC - Congratulations Meg! I am so happy for you. Can’t wait to see how you put your stamp on the new house!

Lisa - Yes – what about the chickens and dogs and kitties and won’t you miss your cows across the way??? 😉

ira lee - yeah!!! that house is beautiful! can’t wait to see what you do with it! and i know life is crazy- cray-zy!!! but you will get there. i hope (and i can totally see it happeing) the main living area goes from outdated beige to beautiful bright white! =)

beth - soooo happy for you….but worried about the chickens?

Kerri - My goodness – I thought I had a lot going on right now! Saw that Hesston won last night; state tournament time is so exciting and it’s awesome to play at the Sports Arena. Good luck the rest of the week!

Colleen - Doesn’t matter where you are, but who you are… and the who of you is very good…all will be well and keep up the exercise now matter how crazy the house gets… its the only way to survive motherhood! love the new digs..

Jennifer - Meg,
Your blog has been one of my happy places for a very long time. Thank you so much! Are you going to paint the kitchen cabinets? I’m dying to know. :).

Andrea - Congratulations!!!! It looks like a lovely home and I can’t wait to see you make it your own…… day at a time!!!!

Christy - Congrats on the house and everything else! I can’t wait to see all the changes you make.

So….has anyone else noticed the butt pinch in the bottom right hand corner of the second photo? I wonder if they read your blog. Too funny:)

gina - moving is no fun, but it will be nice to not rent any more. Guess looking at the big picture helps us all survive a move. yay for all of your kids and i hope Scott’s team continues to play well. Have fun!!!

April R - congratulations and best wishes!
you’re right on about the Jesus time and exercise 🙂

and I’d like to say a big huge awesome “way to go”
for the extra couple of inches on Talby’s volleyball shorts.
Volleyball is a fun game to play and watch – except for the
booty shorts! just a couple of inches more fabric plz people
so we’re all watching the game! 🙂

kristen - So exciting! I too look forward to seeing what you do. I love it when peoples’ homes reflect them and their family and not the next decorating trend.

amanda - please tell me the chickens will be making the move too???

Whitney - I saw your Facebook pic of the house yesterday and could not wait to hear more! What a great house! Can’t wait to see what you do to it! 🙂

chrissi - what a whirlwind week for your family.
congratz on the big games and the new house.
she is a charmer.

Laura - Actually, you CAN RENT FOREVER. Sadly, I am proof! HA

congrats dear friend! now get out the paint and pom poms…can’t wait to see your talents take over that place!!!! xo

Adrienne - Oooh! We have just kind of decided maybe it is time to stop renting and buy a house. Glad you beat me to it so I can see your transformation!

And rainbows? Yes please!

Michelle Whitlow - Such a cute house!! Can’t wait to see how you rainbow-fy it! hehe

KirstenP - I love love love the kitchen!! Lots of cupboards and counters and a place for the kids and hubs to sit and keep you company while you create.

Tiffany - Congrats on a new home to love. And one suggestion, prayer and then a list. Maybe it will help so you don’t feel like a juggler with 1,000 balls in the air.

Jen - Very happy and excited for you and your family. So many wonderful, happy thing happening. Good for you! Yes, exercise and talk to Jesus! Best wishes. Your new home looks wonderful.

Jerusalem - I cannot wait how you put your lovely stamp on this home! My first question is – about those cabinets? Are you painting?? They are screaming aqua to me. What are they screaming to you? Whatever it is I am sure it will be pefect! Prayers for tranquility in the midst of the wonderful busy!

Andria - I can’t wait to see all your blog posts on how you will transform the house in your great decorating style… Exciting! Congrats!

Heather S. - So happy for you – but I WILL miss seeing all the cool parties and and fun you had at the farmhouse. C’est la vie! Another adventure for you and fun for us all to watch as you make it your own. Enjoy!

Gina - Yea, yea, and YEA!! So excited for your family!! Can’t wait to see you put your stamp of the house!! 🙂

Alisa - Congrats on everything – but as a long time blog reader I am most excited to watch the house become truly *yours*. I am seeing white cabinets in that kitchen with turquoise bar chairs and globes on top of the cabinets…Am I right?

beki - I can’t wait to see how you make your house YOU!! I can already see the colorful pots and blooms on those front steps 😉 Congratulations!!

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sunday morning.

well… i am writing from starbucks this morning.
talby has a volleyball tournament again and she has a two game break so i snuck over here for wifi.
and coffee of course.
this is talby’s first time playing club volleyball.
it is good for her… she seems to like it a bunch… great group of girls.  🙂
we were all together for a few of her games last weekend… that’s FUN!
and my week continued on with basketball games.
they are still undefeated!  Pretty excited for these boys!  Can’t wait to see how far they can take it this year.IMG_3811
update on the 21 Day FIX… i AM LOVING it!
for the first time in my life i think possibly i have worked out seven days straight?!
the workouts are only 30 minutes!
the meal plan – i rocked it.
i posted my plan earlier last week and i am going to make my week 2 meal plan today.
i will share it again and i will answer a couple of questions i had about meal planning with kids in mind also.

i thought an all hot pink workout gear day was necessary for yesterday.
i needed some motivation since i didn’t do my workout in the morning… i kept putting it off.
so PINK to the rescue!

stanley is the most patient and fun little puppy!
PicMonkey Collagestan1stan2stan3
he just loves attention of any kind… even if it means dancing to annie’s sing-a-long.

ok…. gotta get back for the next game.
have a SUPER sunday!

Heather - Um you look so skinny I thought that. Selfie was Lauren. 🙂

Lisa - We spent all weekend at my 12 yr olds volleyball tournament too. We love watching her play! They lost in the championship which was hard. She had some tears over that. Fun to watch them play so hard! And glad she loves the game enough to care! Glad you had all the family there for some of it! So fun to all be together cheering on their sister!

Mindy - You are a great motivator with sticking to your healthy routine! I love the pictures with the dog. I have to admit to dancing with a patient doggie a time of two myself : )

Library Momma - Legs look great! Good for you!!

Carrie - I have never noticed how much you and Lauren look alike until the family picture of you all, and then the pink picture of you. With your hair back, you two are twins! 🙂

Lisa - I think it’s great that your whole family goes to each member’s games/events! A supportive family is awesome! 🙂

Jessica R - I was reading blogs this morning (and delaying my workout) and when I got to your review of 21Fix and your picture, I immediately put down my iPad, changed into my workout clothes and went for a run. True story. THANK YOU for the inspiration. You look so great!

Tiffany - ^^That’s Congrats!^^

Tiffany - Gongrats on 7 days. Do I hear 7 more? Good luck to you.

Aimee D - Meg, you are looking super skinny these days! I mean in a good way. lol

Stacy P. - LOVE volleyball! And I love Stanley. 🙂

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