i took annie in for her re-check this morning on her cast.
she is not an easy patient.
we both thought this was going to be just an xray and i wasn't thinking they would need to take off the cast for that but they did.
there was LOTS of screaming and crying…. LOTS!!!
not because of too much actual pain but mostly from sheer panic and terror of the unknown.
i almost started crying too.

but it is healing really well thankfully.
and she got a new christmas colored cast and can't wait for Santa to sign it!
how are you doing on your christmas shopping?
i have…. hardly anything done.
i think i have 4 gifts done.
and none of those four are my own children.
i can feel the christmas melt down coming on already….
i am struggling with finding my christmas spirit this year.
i need to find it.
tell me what to get my kids and that would help. :)
this past week or i have been using my awesome recipes section of the bloggy big time!
i have made cream puff dessert…

crescent chicken…. cheesy potato soup…. spicy tortilla soup…. noodles with ham…
spinach artichoke dip… pancakes... glazed apple bars…
and i am making my mom's mint brownies soon!

last night i played Mexican Train with my kids.
does your family play board games together? do your kids sit quietly while they play?
because mine do NOT.
they squirm and sing and stand up and sit down and stand up and spin and squeal and every other little annoying thing you can thing of while we sit and try to play a game.
oh yeah…and they fight too.
but it's stil better than being a zombie in front of the tv so i'll take it.
here is a visual list of some of our favorite family games here at the Duerksen House….

Mexican Train
it's a game of dominos but a bunch of people can play it at once.
my kids LOVE this one.

even i like to play this game… but i NEVER win!

craig loves to play this with the kids…

oh my goodness my younger kids LOVE this game so much!
Guess Who Extra
fun fact: we have this game and have never put the batteries in and they don't care!
they still play it all the time even without sounds and lights!

everyone likes UNO… how could you not?
even though my kids are older i can still challenge them to Memory.
it was the best game we played when they were preschoolers.
i think this game is amazing for their minds!

my older kids like this one
and craig & i play it with chicago dave & jenny EVERYTIME.

Scene It (Disney edition)
we always agree to this game when we don't have the energy
for the bouncing squirming craziness at the table.

it's a classic game!
i played and my kids love it too!

Apples to Apples Jr.
this is probably their FAVORITE game of all of them…
and for the grown ups too.

we don't have this one but they asked for it for this christmas.

Memory Challenge Holiday
and this one looks like fun…
it's for ages 6+ so it must be harder than the original Memory.
i think it will go in my amazon cart.
Holiday Scrabble
and this one will too!
it looks fun and different and i want to challenge their minds with spelling and math whle we have "fun"
so… maybe that gives you some ideas for gifts at your house?
do you have a favorite family game that isn't listed here?
please share!
i guess i should go out for my run.
sometimes it's such a chore to get out there!
and cold!
i wish i had downloaded new music yesterday with fast internet… it takes 8 minutes to download one song off iTunes out here with our farmy internet!
ok… i will go.
i will.
ready….. set…. GO.
Sharri - Hi Meg: Just catching up with your blog. It’s been a long time since I’ve been here on your site. I am so sorry to read of your grandmother’s passing. What a lovely post you wrote about her. I love reading about your craft weekends. I am a so-so crafter but a good helper, should you need someone to assist, please let me know.
Christina - She sounds like such a wonderful person…what a treasure to have that family time too. Praying for your family. May you all know peace.
Heidi Jo the Artist - Sorry for your loss Meg. Lots of love to you and your family!
Becca - I’m very sorry for your loss. Becca
Karen Gerstenberger - Meg, I’m so sorry for your loss. What a sweet face your grandma had – so gentle and gracious-looking. Those family ties are a blessing, especially when you can share special memories at such a time. It’s so comforting.
God bless you and each member of your family with peace, comfort and loving memories of your grandma.
Flower Patch Farmgirl - I have always loved your grandma and the way that you love her. This is a beautiful tribute. All of those little memories add up to so much heartfelt lifetime love. Thanks for sharing her with us and I’m so sorry for your loss.
Nanette - Your grandma was beautiful! I’m sorry for your family’s loss. We lost my grandfather this December at the great age of 94. He would often text and email me and he put himself out there on Facebook! He and my 8 year old were “penpals” via email. I miss having our weekly calls – he was sometimes my only adult conversation for the day! But his burial was more of a remembrance of happy things and I think it will be a great lesson for my younger boys as they get older. It sounds like that is the way your grandma was celebrated…glad you have so many happy thoughts to keep close.
Carrie - Your lovely words and emotion made me cry. I am so sorry for your loss. Your granmother sounds just lovely!
My nanaw passed in August and she was my last living grandparent. It’s hard to believe I am no longer a grandkid, my parents are no longer the kids. Her passing bumped us all up in the line. I miss her, she always had practical, logical advice that when she gave it you always thought “Now WHY didn’t I think of that?!” she was google to all of us.
Glad to hear you talk openly with the kids. My fam was never good about openly dealing with emotions, it’s always good to hear when parents are.
Dana - Sorry for your loss Meg. So much of what you are saying sounds just like my Meme. She is still with us, but has end stage Alzheimer’s. She was always put together and always sent cards.
Leah - So very sorry for your loss, Meg.
Tracy Fisher - Im so sorry to hear. what an amazing lady. i miss that generation… when a lady was a lady. pearls and all. i said a little prayer for your grandma… and your family. – tracy
Mindy - So very sorry for your loss. I was blessed to have grown up with both grandma’s and three great grandma’s nearby. They all had such influence on my life. I still am fortunate enough to have one living grandma and treasure her. I feel your loss as I had a very close relationship to one I lost and miss to this day. I can only hope if I have the change to be a grandma one day that I can do half of what she did for me for my own grandchildren..
Amy - That was beautifuly written! I cried. Makes me miss my Grandmother even more. Oh how she loved me, my sister and my cousins. Prayed for us daily. There’s something about a Grandmother’s love.
Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Im sorry that she’s no longer around Meg. It does sound like she lived a wonderful, loving life though. And you are blessed to have known & loved her.
I never knew any of my grandmothers. My mom’s mom found out she had cancer and her only wish was to live long enough to get to see me. She told everyone that my mom was pregnant with a baby girl(which no one believed bc my mom had been the last girl, 38 years prior). Well, her wish was never granted. She was buried the day before I was born.
Some day I will get to meet her. What a sweet reunion that will be.:)
Prayers for all of you today.
Leadia Jarvis - Losing a grandma leaves the biggest hole 🙁 I’m so sorry you lost her, but I’m pretty sure she left a lot of herself behind in you.
jennyonthespot - Oh friend. Sending much love. What sweet words and lovely rememberings of your sweet grandma. You have honored her delightfully. xoxox
Georgia - Sorry to hear this sad news. Just be happy and remember all the good times you had…. they make up for the sadness xx
Katherine @ Grass Stains - Meg, I’m so sorry for your loss … my relationship with my only living grandparent (my paternal grandmother) sounds so similar to yours. My grandmother is 95 and still lives alone, although she does have part-time care because her arthritis is acting up. But I admire her and love her so much! You guys are in my thoughts.
Lisa - I’m so sorry about your precious Grandma! What a blessing to have such a wonderful grandma! I am glad you had such a great day celebrating her life and have all those sweet memories!
Patti - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Those sweet memories you have of her will be treasured always I’m sure.
Jen - What a true gift she left her family with. A gift of love. I am truly sorry for your loss.
Amy - What a beautiful tribute, Meg. She sounds amazing. I’m so sorry for your loss.
ann - Meg, thank you for sharing with us your Grandma. She seems like a very sweet lady. I love that you wrote, “a celebration of her life” because the older I am the more I believe that, as opposed to a “funeral”. I agree on the “now that we are the age our parents were”. I am forty something and lost my grandma over 2 years ago….hard to believe its been 2 years. We too were very close. I remember the last time I sat with her, with my hubby and kids, it was outside, she was in her wheelchair, it was Labor Day and there was a slight breeze blowing, and a touch of sun upon us(Illinois) and she would talk a moment, close her eyes, take deep breaths, all the while I held her hand and talked about our time together, making bread, family picnics on Sundays, her home, family. I knew in my heart she was close to the end and even though her faith was strong, I squeezed her hand because she was telling me she didnt want to leave us. I would have sat there for hours if you let me, and my hubby let me stay as long as I wanted. It is a day I will never forget. I gave the euology and though it was hard, I was totally honored. I have a bowl of her broaches, her bread pan, bread recipie (made for the holidays) a few pieces of her china (everyday dishes – in fact I found the same bowl at an estate sale in Michigan and bought it – though I keep the price on the bottom so I know which is which) and relive pictures of memories of her with the kids. That was so sweet of Annie to make a little shrine, its here way of remembering her. My Hannah has a frame of her and grandma on her dresser. You probably feel the same, happy to have been a part of her life, and keep her memory alive with your kids, especially the younger ones. It is nice to have such a wonderful memory of her with you and to continue her legacy with your family. She will never be forgotten. One day at Craft Weekend we can share share stories and blessings of our Grandma’s. Until then, thinking of you as you move on keeping her memories alive.
Jessica - sorry for your loss, Meg. ((hugs))
Andrea T - So sorry for you and your family’s loss.
Michelle Bostinelos - I am so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and your family.
Kirsten J - I’m so sorry for your loss – what a beautiful woman she was! And that is a fantastic legacy. You’re very lucky to have had her so long. I lost one grandma when I was 4, but my other grandma lived into her 90’s – they are such a treasure!
Audrey - She sounds like a wonderful woman. Grandmas are the best kind of people, so sorry for your loss
Holly - Grandmas are so precious. They will be with us always in our hearts.
kay morrison - sweet meg, BIG hugs to you. i am joyful over a life so beautiful and now living it with Jesus and so sorry for your heart missing her here. love you.
Jolie - I am so sorry for your loss Meg. Grandmothers are special people – I’m so heartened you got the opportunity to ceebrate her life with so much of your extended family.
Lori Austin - Losing a grandma is so hard. I miss mine dearly. Sounds like you had a wonderful service to honor her life. Prayers.
Whitney - SO sorry for your family’s loss. Hope you find comfort in all the happy memories, she sounded wonderful! My great grandmother died on 1/1 (in ’97)… despite how sad it was, it always made me happy that she got to ring in one more year. Glad your grandma got to see another one as well.
Tiffany - She sounds like a wonderful woman. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Tina I - So sorry, Meg. What a blessing to have had her in your life….my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Andrea - Meg…I am so sorry. How lovely to know that you have such a special angel looking out for you.
Jenn B - You’re Grandma looks sweet! What a wonderful post about the celebration of life and who she was. I am sorry for your family’s loss. Grandmothers are a precious gift from God. One day you will see her again.
Cindy - I’m sorry for your loss, Megan. I’m positive she is so proud of everything you’ve accomplished and is looking down with lots of smiles and love. My condolences to you and your family.
Carrie - I am so sorry for your loss. The Friday before Christmas we lost my husband’s grandfather. The day after Christmas we had his service. It was simple and very reserved. He was simple and very reserved, it was perfect. He was more then ready to go home and everyone knew it but it has still been hard. My 5 year old loved him so much and it is so hard to explain to a 5 year old that a person has lived a long life and it is time to go. For them, that brings no comfort. So she has her moments, but as most little kids, it is a second here of a spoken sadness and millions of seconds of off the wall happiness.
He was a good man, never spoke a bad word, never drank and raised a daughter ( my husband’s mom) who does the same.
stacie - hugs to you and prayers for your whole family at this time.
may her soul be in that peaceful, awesome, eternal place we strive for.
much love, stacie
cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - So sorry, Meg. xoxo
Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - So sorry for your loss Meg. I can tell she was very special to you and you will always be able to have a special place in your heart for the special grandmother you had. What a blessing!
Lori Bowring Michaud - What a lovely tribute to your grandmother, Meg. Just lovely. I will tell you that the kids will remember enough about the day to get them through what they need to get through. My children were young when their great-grandfather died; he was a very large part of their lives (they were 3.5, 6.5, 7.5 and 9). We wanted them to come to the wake for a bit to understand, then the funeral. No one wanted us to, they were afraid it would “scar” them. It was sad, but lovely, and therapeutic for them. They didn’t “fear” anything. I think it helped to prepare them, in a way, for a huge loss 10 years later, the loss of our oldest child T.J.
Inna - I’m so sorry for your loss.
susan - A beautiful tribute to your grandma. I treasured the many years with mine.
May you and yours always remember those wonderful times.
Heather R. - Bless her. I’m glad you have to love she put in your heart.
Jennifer - So sorry for your loss Megan. I lost my grandmother in 2011-she was beautiful and very much a lady like yours. It sounds like you have wonderful memories of her for you and your children. Treasure them. <3
Amy - So sorry for your loss…but how blessed you were to have her, love and prayers your way:)
Kristin S - What a gift that you had a living grandmother and you have teenagers! My last blood grandparent passed away 19 years ago and I’m 41.
This is a beautiful tribute to her.
Jacci in Ohio - Oh, I’m sorry, Megan. It was beautiful post. Very honoring and loving to her, I think. (hug)
kelly johnson - She sounded wonderful.
I love that her funeral program said “Service of Remembrance and Resurrection”. AMEN! Praise to Jesus for His promise to resurrect the earthly bodies of His people.
karen - my condolences to you and your family
Wendy - I am vey sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was an awesome Grandma … may her memory always bring a smile to your face.
Kris Saia - Lovely. What you said rings so true to me. When I get to Heaven, my Grandma Elsie is going to be in my top ten list of people to look for! 🙂
Heather - I’m sorry for your loss, your words have moved me to tears. What a beautiful rememberance!
Kim Barlow - What a sweet post. I hope my grandkids write that exact same thing about me when I pass. Hold your sweet memories close they will make your heart smile and your soul warm on days when grief comes to call. So sorry sweet lady. May God Bless you and your family! XO
Tracy - I’m so sorry, Meg. Grandmas are very special people! She was a beautiful woman.
Lindsey - Oh Meg, so sorry that she passed. Maybe she will meet my grandma in Heaven. She passed in August. Your description of your grandma is almost identical to how I would describe my sweet grandmother – special ladies indeed! Thanks for sharing such a great tribute.
Cheryl E. - Meg – So sorry for your loss. Grandma’s are one of a kind and you sure had a special one.
Sending prayers and thoughts your way…….
Christy - So sorry for your loss, sounds like she was a great lady
Gale - So very sorry that she’s not physically with you any longer, but I remember both my grandma’s almost every day – all those memories never leave and the older you are, the more you appreciate it. I know she was super proud of you 🙂 Hugs!
Tammy - So sorry for your loss, what a blessing to have her with you for so many years. Such a beautiful tribute, sending prayers of comfort for you and your family.
tiffany gardner - She sounds like an amazing woman!
Molly - SO very sorry for your family’s loss. Your grandmother sounds like the perfect grandmother. Sending you some peace in the days ahead.
jenny - so sorry, but it IS good to remember.
“God gave us memories so that we may have roses in December.”
This has been one of my favorite quotes for years now.
blessings to you. 🙂
Tracey - Oh, I share your pain. My Granny just passed on December 18th. It is a sad time. Prayers for you and yours.
Kate - Oh Meg. I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs.
Julie - I am so sorry for you and your family. You are so lucky to have had her in your life for so many years. There is nothing in the world like family – just as you said – and it is just the way it should be. I LOVED my grandma too and even though she has been gone for 20 years, I still have the BEST feelings about her and miss her! Keeping you and your family in my prayers.
christy - My condolences. What a beautiful tribute and what great memories you will have. I lost my own grandmother just a few months ago.
Mary - sorry for your loss, meg.
reminds me of how short our lives truly are.
chrissi - your grandmother was just lovely. how nice that your children grew with her in their lives. what a joy for you to know that as you celebrate her life.
happygirl - I am sorry for your loss. She is so beautiful. I know you will treasure your memories of her.
Gina - I’m sorry Meg. I love your memories of your grandma. It made me wonder what will be said of me one day. 🙂 I’ve already cried this morning over another’s loss of her grandfather. I guess it’s just part of the life cycle…a reminder that we are not promised tomorrow and to live fully now. 🙂
Laura - What a blessing to have her in your life for so many years! My sympathies to your family.
Alice H - this makes me cry. I don’t like thinking about my grandparents being gone one day. My mamaw and papaw mean so much to me. What a beautiful tribute you wrote for her.
Tiffany - Meg, I love seeing family at funerals too and we all say we wish that we got together more often, especially to celebrate the good times! Your tribute was sweet and leaves with hope, hope to make and leave fond memories for my family and friends as well. To make sure they FEEL the love with something as simple as a glittery birthday card 🙂 Thinking of you and your family.
Kelly Henderson - I am so very sorry for your loss, but what a beautiful tribute you just gave your grandmother…so beautiful xo.
jenny - When I saw your pic on instagram, I had a feeling you’d been at a funeral-all the dark colors I guess. Praying for you as you grieve. I lost my sweet grandfather last March and feel so blessed to have had him for 33 years yet that’s what also makes it so hard because you have all those wonderful memories. Big hugs.
Kerry Wiebe - Megs we spent New Year’s Eve together and I never knew that your Grandma was sick. You are amazing! I’m so sorry for your loss and I know how important a Grandma is in one’s life. I’m so thankful that you have those memories.
Carrie - BIG Hugs Meg.
Kelly - I am so sorry for your loss but thankful you have the hope of knowing you’ll see her again. I’m extremely close to my Gram (even named my youngest, Graham, after her) and know the day is coming when this will be my story.
Miranda - Sorry for your loss. My grandma passed away on Jan. 1st also. Not the best start to the year but shes in the best place she could be 🙂
angela - What sweet words.
I pray that my grandchildren will one day say *I KNOW she loved me.*
When I saw you with your cousins I was reminded that *cousins are some of our very first friends.* We share a lifetime of family memories with them. So glad that even though the circumstances weren’t the best, you got to spend time with them.
Tania K - She sounds like one amazing lady! Sending you and your family a whole bunch of hugs.
Whitney - I’m sorry for your loss, Megan. I was so incredibly blessed to have both sets of grandparents fairly near me when I was growing up, and I cherished both of my grandmothers. I’m glad you were able to have such wonderful times with her and enjoy those memories.
elma - So sorry for your loss. What wonderful memories of such a wonderful grandma. I pray the Lord gives you and your family all you need in the days and weeks to come.
Jen - What a sweet tribute to your beautiful grandma. I am sorry for your loss, Meg.
Caroline - SO sorry for your loss. I’m glad you have so many wonderful and sweet memories of her. Sending you lots of love and hugs!
Caroline - SO sorry for your loss. I’m glad you have so many wonderful and sweet memories of her. Sending you lots of love and hugs!
Jodi Sunderland - SO sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to her. I’m sure she loves it.