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missing preschool

i never showed these pictures from annie's last day of preschool.

so much fun….
annie's preschool has been located in an assisted living facility.
they visited the "grandma & grandpas" often and knew many of their names.
(especially the ones who gave out candy)
many of residents were outside during this party time watching or helping hold the parachute.
the kids gave goodbye backrubs and hugs.
it's so sweet to watch.
next year the preschool will be back at the church..only a 2 block walk for us.
that will be pretty great also.

i printed this out for annie and she hung it on her bulletin board.  :)

oh how we miss preschool.

Meg - This looks very familiar, our kiddos also attended this preschool. Ms. Kristin is a familar face at church. I linked to you from The Macs and check in often for the great photos and another family living life in Kansas.

Allison - Your daughter is the cutest, most precious little girl ever.

Secret Mom Thoughts - I am missing preschool too.

Sheryl - I mentioned before that I found Annie’s preschool blog by accident last month. I’m also a preschool teacher, and love her ideas! Her photos are beautiful, just like yours. She has a way of capturing each detail. I can see why you love her.

Stephanie - Hi Meg.
I just found your blog recently & I am LOVING it.
I wanted you to know that I included you in my “Fine Finds” for the week.
Thanks for sharing.
Stephanie @ A Fine House

niki - it looks like a fun and imaginitive preschool…i’m jealous. would love to know where annie’s teacher got her dinosaur t-shirt……love it.
love your blog, too. πŸ™‚

Kelli - I LOVE the idea of combining an assisted living facility with a pre-school. What a blessing that must be in the lives of the older people and a great lesson in respect for the elderly in the kids. I live in CA and wonder if there is anything like that out here?!

Aubrey - My favorite is Annie’s mismatched socks–especially the rainbow one. And maybe I’m biased, but I think she’s the cutest kid in her class. She has such pretty eyes.

Lorilee - I love the idea of a preschool within or near an assisted living home. I WANT one of those parachute thingys! It looks like fun!

Carrie - how great I love the rainbow aprons

Penny - My girls preschool years were such wonderful times. Two are in college and one is in High School now. So it has been a while. Really cherish these tender years. They fly by so quickly. I love the beautiful pictures you post in your blog. I am a very visual person and this is one thing that draws me to your site. (and of course Waffle!!)

lorel - those kids kids are cute!

Sally - SO cool! I teach preschool so I examined the pictures for ideas! I love that the teacher is sitting on a table to read the story! I love that there are so many bright colors! I love the parachute (use mine often!)! SO cool!!! No wonder she misses it!

Lee Ann - We miss pre-school too. How cool that it was at an assisted-living place. A 2 block walk will be great too.
And I love that Annie and my girls have so many of the exact same clothes. We have both mis-matched socks (worn just the way she’s wearing them) and the “old” sparkly pink shoes. Too funny!

adrienneK - GUSH!!!! annies preschool teacher has a very cool blog as well!!!
i swear my in laws live in newton, if we ever move there (while the girls are still little) i would so want them to go to this school it seems so wonderful (and colorful)!!!!

erin j - I have been watching your blog for some time now and decided I should actually comment. I love your eye for color; it brightens my day. And a preschool in a nursing home is such a sweet idea; it looks like such a blessing to all involved.

Sandy - Preschoolers are so much fun!
Not to sound creepy (although it is), but last night I had another dream about hanging out with you and your family. You guys rock! Thanks for the fun times! (ha ha) πŸ™‚ (This probably really creeps Lauren out!)

Starnes Fam - I love that the school was within the assisted living facility. We took our kids to trick-or-treat at one a few years ago. Such a gift for them… see, feel, hear young people. It warmed my heart to be able to share my joy with them and bring them back to their earlier years.
Love photos, as always.

kristin - oh!!!! i miss it too…especially seeing these.
can i use these? : )

Lillian - I am loving this post so much! My daughter starts Preschool in the fall and it made me so excited for her! Beautiful pictures – and her teachers look like so much fun! The grins in all of the pictures speak volumes:)

adrienne - i love where it was located! what a great idea and so wonderful for the elderly too. as a teacher, i’m loving that table thing she’s sitting on during storytime πŸ™‚ very eye level for the kids!

Joanna - That looks like a FUN preschool!

Kathy - Great pictures, I bet Annie misses Pre-School too! Love the teachers bright color aprons!

Mary Beth - I saw MY Megan’s preschool teacher several years ago and I started crying. MY Megan is now 23 years old! I learned so much from her teacher and I remember so much about that year. sniff…sniff……..

emily :] - awww. preschool was the best.

PaiselyJade - What lovely photos… especially all the colour!!

Jocelyn Stott - Parachutes were the BEST. I miss preschool as well. Great photos.

Shauna Howington - I remember the big parachute thingy in school, it was so much fun. Beautiful pictures!

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another field trip.

i haven't been on a field trip in many  many years…and this year i went on TWO.

i realized long ago that i am not a field trip kind of mom.
i am also not a PTO kind of mom.
or a room mom or a fundraiser president kind of mom.

it's just not me.

i can't even go to meetings at church.
i can't stand that kind of stuff…i can't sit still…i can't listen.
i would skip all kids' programs if i could.
but i can't.

what was i talking about…oh yes…the second field trip.
i went on sean's field trip this year too.
he looked right at me and asked me to go.
"please mom…i really want you to…we'll have lots of fun."

how can i say no to that?

as they were walking to the the bus his teacher said "sean said you'd be riding with him"
"HA! sorry charlie…no way.  see ya there!"
the bus?   that's taking it too far.  
i rode with my friend….and then we were late because we were searching for starbucks.

that's the kind of mom i am.

the field trip was actually really good.
Exploration Place is a very cool place.
i have never been since we'd moved here so i was happy to go for only $3.50.

it was the perfect place for sean.
lots of hands on but also lots of of thinking involved.
and a paper airplane exhibit?   
that's heaven for sean.


they are inside a wind machine.
there is a big weather area…tornados and wind…erosion…
my favorite part was the real tornado made of smoke (?) that the kids could try to break up.

there was a maze exhibit…another challenge sean enjoys.

this room was an entire miniature town. 
we stayed in here the longest…studying the details.
it must have taken a thousand hours to build this.
each little person is like half an inch tall?
that merry-go-round was maybe 3 inches?  
the giant bubble maker is always fun.
he stuck with it until it worked.
other kids ran up and tried it once or twice and then left but he stayed till he got it.
that is just SO sean.

i'm glad i went.
doesn't mean i will go again….but i AM glad i went this time.
it's nice to feel wanted by your kids.
because i am now aware of quickly it can change.
but maybe…just maybe…for sean it won't change?
he'll always want me to go places with him?

hey…i can dream.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You captured the day perfectly. Looked like so much fun.

Heather - I love your honesty. Oh, hell, I think I just love you. πŸ˜‰

melissa @ the inspired room - I’m not that kind of mom either. No wonder I like you. I am going on a field trip though in a couple of weeks. Luckily, I can drive my own car. I am definitely not a ride in the back of the bus field because I am the room mom kind of mom. πŸ™‚

pambuller - what a great day!
2 field trips this year…maybe PTO president next year??? πŸ™‚ (i’m laughing out loud here)

Jeana - i’m not that kinda mom either. i just don’t enjoy stuff like that. and meetings?! i dread them, our son has ARD meetings anytime anything changes with him…you would think i would be used to them by now, but no. anyways, love the blog and pics as usual!

Ryanne Toland - Whoa, awesome pics. One day your children will appreciate all of the wonderful memories you have captured.

lynn bray - Thank you, thank you, thank you for your honesty! I am not that mom- nor was I that kid– never stuck with group activities, especially those that involved meetings (think: Girl Scouts). Looks like you had a fun time though- gives me hope for when the field trips start in the next few years. My oldest is in kindergarten so we don’t do many field trips yet, although we did go see a performance of Pinnocchio in December. That story seriously creeps me, but I went because she wanted me to… not a great time, but not unbearable either. πŸ™‚ Have a good day!

jerusalem G - I am really bad at all that stuff too – glad to know I am not alone! The Starbucks thing cracks me up – totally would happen to me too. I bet Sean will want you to do lots of things with him always. Very cool.

princesslasertron - I wanted to build tiny cities when I grew up

ang - You nailed it!!! I’ve been a teacher for 15 years and mom for 11. I totally dread field trips and PTO meetings. When I would attend field trips as a “mom”, I ended up with the rowdiest kids in the class. I’m glad to hear I’m not alone!!! This place does look awesome. Is it in Wichita?

Lazy Mom Leslie - I’ve done two field trips this year too. I had to ride on the bus for the one this week. I’m glad I went, but I don’t like them either.

Jody - OK, I lurk here often and have heard only wonderful things from Pam about you. This particular blog is giving me so much freedom.
Thank you. πŸ™‚ I with you on this one.

Trish - looks like fun. i giggled when you said you were late cause of Starbucks πŸ™‚ That would be me too!

MGF - nice to spend time with just one child- full attention

marci - I agree, field trips aren’t my cup of tea either. And I’m a teacher, so that’s really bad. LOL!

Kate - I am so, so, so glad I am not the only mom like that. Whew. And not the only one obsessed w/ Starbucks! Love your pics – rock on.


Sharri - Hello Megan, I am new to your blog and enjoy it very much. Does Sean want to fly airplanes?

Ruth - You are a wonderful mother going through with that!! The giant bubble thing does look awesome though…
I just posted a froggy video and it made me think of your header! Is that a sign I spend too much time online?!
Ah… “whatever” πŸ™‚

michelle - Hi Meg…I am writing to you here b/c I couldn’t find where your email was. I had purchased (at least I think I paid) a rainbow shirt (5t) for Cora’s playground. I know you just got some things sent out but I have been gone for a week and haven’t received it. I just wanted to make sure I DID pay for it. I would not put it past myself to mean to and then not. I was buying up difft things for Cora and thought I had them all paid for…if not please let me know. Thanks so much~and I love your work!!Michelle

Sarah - You are funny! If someone asks me to do something at school, I say, “Only if you absolutely promise me there will be NO meetings about it.” I can’t stand girls + meetings. I don’t have time for it, and I can get it done without gabbing on and on about it forever. Field trips remind me of warm fruit punch and hot bologna sandwiches on a bus…which = barf. But looks like you had fun…what a neat place.

Lori Danelle - at least you’re honest with yourself! silly to set expectations for yourself that you really don’t want to obtain and then feel bad when you don’t. πŸ™‚
Also, I think that a field trip definitely requires Starbuck’s, even if it does cause you to be late. Sacrifices must be made!!

3 Peas in a Pod - So funny you blogged about this. I went on a kindergarten field trip yesterday. The place was called Imagine That and it was great. I was responsible for my son and 3 other boys. 2 of the boys were a set of twins who looked identical and I kept messing up their names. I’m not so sure I’m the field trip kind of mom either. I was glad I went but it was madness for 3 hours and the bus trip? Yea glad you missed that. Full of 45 excited 5-6 year olds. Glad I usually have an excuse of younger siblings and can’t normally do things like this. Teachers are grossly underpaid!!

AnNicole@OurSuburbanCottage - Thank you!!! I thought something was wrong with me. Now I know that there are moms out there that I admire (um…YOU!) who feel the same way I do! Phew…

sassafrasanne - Looks like a blast! And I bet Sean was so glad to have you there with him.
Sometimes the fieldtrips can be a drag, but that place looks like alot of fun!
πŸ™‚ glad you could enjoy it together!
**hoping this doesn’t get spammified**

sandy toe - I loved field trips as a teacher but not so much as a parent!
sandy toe

Staci - I hope your Sean always wants you there too πŸ™‚

Jen Christians - Although, I stalk your blog, I don’t always comment, and not because I don’t want to either… just that kind of person, it takes time you know… πŸ™‚ the REASON I HAD to comment on this one is simply put, I wanted to be THAT kind of mom, PTO, fundraiser, feild trip, you know what I mean… but recently found out that I am not THAT kind of mom either. SO happy for your honesty… REALLY! you made my day… I think secretly there are more moms like us though! OH, and since I am commenting and taking the time to do so, I thought I would tell you that I LOVE your blog, LOVE your pictures, LOVE your idea…ALL of it truly you make my day…

Angela Conklin - I use to think my youngest would build us a log cabin and we would all live in it together…because that’s what he always told us. He’s married. Has a house of his own. πŸ™ Go on field trips.

Jennifer From Texas - Thanks for being truthful about the whole field trip, program and PTO thing. I feel the same and feel so guilty about it. I am new reader and love your honesty !!

Kelly - This place looks SO cool! Kelly

Grace - Glad to know there are other moms out there who are just like me! I prefer to be left alone to my creativity and enjoy my children at home. Not at school, not on field trips. However, I do love bringing in baked goods for the class for special occasions!

Michele - I’m not that mom either….even though I was a first grade teacher back in the day before kids….awesome you were looking for starbucks-now I don’t feel so guilty. I am not alone. Hey, check your spam folder…there may be an email from me…about dogs.

Laura - I introduced myself to Annie’s teacher by saying, “Hi, I am Laura, Annie’s mom, and I am the uninvolved parent”. True story.
LOVE that you were late looking for Starbucks.

Mrs. Jones - I’m that kind of mom, too. I *hate* meetings, event planning, buses and all that stuff.
And you’re right, they grow up and move on way too fast. And then no more field trips. πŸ™

Wendy - That place looks like a blast! I love stuff like that. I’d go to places like that before I had a kiddo and people would look at me like I was weird. Yeah, it’s good to have a little one to go with now. Congrats on having a son who wants you around! That’s the best.

adrienne - That place looks awesome! I’m the same way though, the whole PTV and school party thing, not for me. Good to know I’m not alone πŸ™‚

Mandi - This place seems so awesome…
And to give you some hope, I am 22 and I have ALWAYS wanted my mom around!

Mindy Harris - I’ve been to Exploration Place only a couple of times, but each time I spend awhile with the miniature train set/town. I absolutely LOVE it.
How precious that your Sean wanted you there.

amy (not corey) - Did you see Carlos and Dana’s house in the little miniature town? It’s there!

Brooke - that place looks amazing! and it looks like sean had an awesome time…and i loved that he asked you to go…so cute.

chas at the wild raspberry - what a cool place!
i live for field trips {but i’m a homeschooling mom so the noise level can’t compare}

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field trip

i spent the day on a first grade field trip.

IMG_6464 IMG_6471 

i was in charge of three girls for the day…wandering the zoo.


usually when i take my kids to the zoo we don't stay too long.  
we have member passes so we can go whenever.
we go and see a few things and then go home.
all day was a long time for me to wander the zoo! (boo hoo right?  cue the violins…)

IMG_6492 IMG_6500

i felt like that giraffe.
bad mommy.

we said goodbye at the bus….i drove to hobby lobby for a whirlwind visit.
grabbed a giant sonic happy hour drink…
buzzed back home.

got a HUGE headache at 4:30 that put me to bed at 6:00 for 45 minutes.

i did not feed my kids dinner.
annie came in while i was resting my head and whined about 4 times "i'm hun-gry
(it WAS dinner time)
but instead of being nice and sweet…
i yelled "then go get some food!"  
(she does it all day everyday on her own with out any help from me…)
she started to cry and left the room.
my head was still pounding and i was back asleep within a minute.
later we found her asleep in her bed.
poor annie…probably cried herself to sleep from mean old migraine mommy dearest…with no dinner!

so there it is.
it's over.
good riddance.

alyssa - Thanks for being honest about being grouchy to your kids. Makes me feel better knowing I’m not the only one!

traci - that sucks. i have had 1 migrane. it was terrible. made me puke. i never want another one, ever.

Karina - Oh my, you make me LAUGH! That picture of the giraffe, and that’s how you feel at the zoo – HA! Thank you for making the everyday so much fun, and with gorgeous photos too (I am saving up for a camera like yours!)!

kat - Oh dear, migraines truly are the worst. I suffer from them too, luckily I only get a few a year though. We have all had moments when we have yelled at our children, they get over it quickly. I hope your feeling better!!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You are such a hoot. I have to agree with another commentor up there on the list. I too have been “blog stalking” you. Your blog never fails to make me laugh, smile or cry. I just love the way you write and your photos are absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for being such a big part of my blogging day!!

purejoy - i want that giraffe picture for every time i have a migraine (almost a 3x a week occurance, and usually have some level of a headache every day. sorry you were hurting, and it’s totally understandable to bark at your kids when you want to rip your head from your body. a little mommy love makes it all better.
good luck with the head.

danie - So I have been “blog stalking” you since December and I LOVE your Blog! I check nearly every day. You have taken the place of Martha Stewart in my heart LOL! Today I was having a rather hard mommy day and thought of your blog. And I thought “man if I could just get it together too!” But I knew you couldn’t be perfect and wondered what you struggle with. Then I logged on this evening and low and behold you are normal like the rest of us! I just knew it had to be true! God bless you for sharing your life with us all, it is such an encouragement to craft, decorate, befriend, create and mother!!!

Sarah - I’m sorry you had a bad Monday but I am glad that you were so real about it. We all have days like this!

Carmen - Hope you are feeling better. Our school does the same thing for first and second grade, a trip to the zoo and the parents are the ones that watch the kids. The teachers “supervise” from the picnic tables. I know they work very hard at school but it is so much responsibility to watch 2 or 3 other kids! Last year I had to do it 2 weeks in a row. No trip to the zoo this year!

Cris Marsh - Migraines are the worst….
Love you new blog banner…

Linda - I don’t know you, but you are hilarious! Its so great when a mom is real–it makes all of us feel better for the times when we’ve been mommy migraine. Thanks for making my day a little lighter

Jess - aahhhh! welcome to the club!!! you are one of us….you had us fooled for a while with all of your craftyness,cute dog,and happy rainbow kid! you just made us all feel a little bit more normal! sorry about the headache…thanks for being real! hope today was better!

krystall - thanks for being real

adrienne - hilarity! we all certainly have our moments. try excedrin for the headache- works for me.

adrienneK - this made me feel better…to know that you…scream(too) im not a crazy screaming looney or something but i do loose it from time to time:( hope today is bette<3

Laura - don’t get me started on the zoo (I, too, have posted on a visit to the dreaded place)
When we go, we are lucky to see TWO animals.
My kids want to buy the expensive food
then the ice cream
then we see the alligator
then cry that it is too hot
and we leave.
there ya have it. trip to the zoo.
now, stop reading, and go make Annie dinner….

sandy toe - Field Trip=Headache…it did as a “teacher” and now as a “parent”…
sandy toe

Keri - Ugh…I feel your pain. Migraines suck. And, usually, so do field trips. =)

carissa... brown eyed fox - love your new header… perfection!
and i just have to say… THANK YOU… thank you for being you… and being true… i am NOT alone!
πŸ™‚ the “validation” just brought tears to my eyes!
love to you! and big ‘ol hugs too!

Lori Danelle - I’m so jealous!!!! Wichita has an incredible zoo. We try to make a visit whenever we are in town. But I definitely hear you on the joys of having a membership and short visits! With my 2 year-old we sometimes last a half hour, we sometimes make it 3, but it so nice not to feel like you MUST stay all day to make it worth the money. Everyone enjoys themselves and you get to see different things each visit!

Chasity - here is to a new day!!!

heather h - LOVE your honesty…it was refreshing πŸ˜‰
And I agree with all the above-we all have those days

Victoria - Ugh…migraines are the worst…especially when there are small children involved! Thanks for being real.

Courtney - That gave me a good chuckle… thank you! πŸ™‚

Lisa - Oh Meg,
Don’t feel too bad. We all have a Monday like that once in a while. Annie knows you love her. I would have cried too if you deprived me of your fantastic cooking πŸ™‚
Take care,

Trish - Life is like that. I just yelled at my daughter for not focusing while getting dressed. The mean part about that is she has a REALLY difficult time doing it… she has CP. Why do we take things out on our kids? We always feel horrible afterwards, and it never gets us anywhere? Somedays I want to pray for more patience, but then I realize to get more patience you have to go through more things that try your patience. This rain doesn’t help me. Hope you headache goes away. Glad you keep it real for all!

Lyndsey - My Chicken Blanch looks like she had a twin on your field trip! Check her out on my blog…

Wendy - All day at a zoo with kids? Wow, that’s just asking for a headache…

Jeana - hi! I’ve been lurking your AMAZING blog too, and GOSH you’re mean lol. I just wanted to stop in and and say thank you too….for keeping it real. I often feel like this with 3 little boys and one is special needs. Mine happen all too often I’m sure, but I’m learning to grasp this life God has given me and really enjoy it more often! I hope today is a happier one for you and little Annie =]

Christina - Yes, hoping your day is better today-and what I have to say is at least you can blame your behavior on a wicked headache and not just your personality (which some other people I know-um, myself-are just stinky at parenthood and have those moments more frequently). My husband makes up for my wacky tendencies with lots of love, understanding, and wisdom for my kids!
And great pictures, by the way.

traci - I remember a fieldtrip that just ZAPPED me. I somehow made it thru the day (even road a loud, bouncy bus back), fell into bed and slept for about 2 hours with a HORRIBLE headache!! Teachers who do it daily are amazing. I teach 3 times a week and it zaps me….by the way…..great pics and Im sure Annie will

Angela Conklin - I miss my kids being little. I do not miss field trips.

Tracy - Aww…. Meg – I hope you have a much better day today and that migraine is gone so poor little Annie doesn’t get mistreated again and sent to bed with no food – LOL – you KNOW I am JUST kidding – right?! I actually THREATENED my kids (who are both 15) with sending them to bed the other night with no dinner and they laughed at me! They said that was child abuse! LOL Sooo… I feel your pain and I am sorry that the zoo day was a bad day all the way around – however, on an upside – you got some GREAT pictures, as usual! Have a great day, Meg! {{{BIG HUGS}}} Trac~ :o)

Vera - Ha! One time I had a migraine and my 3 year old wouldn’t stop playing in my closet pulling clothes off hangers, but I was in too much pain to close the door or give her something else to do, so I told her there was a giant spider in my closet. It worked. I’m going to have to show her that picture of the giraffe – it’s awesome, and those are her favorite animals!

lorel - Perhaps the mildewy rainforest and muddy barnyard induced your migraine?
I haven’t been on any of Macy’s field trips. I figure the other parents can do that – I see the kids every day! AFter reading your post, it is probably a fair trade. Hope today is better.

Ruth - Oh bless your heart! Field trips did me in everytime! But now I miss them. What’s a mom to do??

amy (not corey) - So we have 3 more field trips yet before school is out. How many can I put you down for??? πŸ™‚ I just wrote in Talby’s planner, “Thanks again for coming with us yesterday! I hope you enjoyed it!” I guess I know the answer to that, huh? You were probably really hating GB and I yesterday. I think it was the best field trip I’ve ever been on! πŸ™‚
Take a nap today. And a bath.

Becky - meg, i nearly squealed with delight when i saw your comment. the only thing that made me cover my mouth was my sleeping 10 month old. i mean, i’m not ready to walk out the door yet, so why wake her, right? i have those days too. and i have NO idea why i haven’t commented yet. i’m usually pretty good at making myself at home. to borrow a word from erika and darby, i would love to snorgle the face of that cute waffle.

Kat - You are the meanest!
Poor Sam and Stone have seen me like this a few times.
Hope today is better!

Katy Durec - I’ve recently started lurking on your blog, and I appreciate your honesty in this story! I can resonate with it all too well, and I only have one small child! πŸ™‚ BTW – Your house is amazing!

Brooke - ooohh lady…i call this “mean mommy mode” unfortunately my girls know the term all too well…thank goodness kids seem to have quicker reset/forgive/forget buttons than adults do! i am sure you and annie will have an awesome tuesday…at least that is what i am hoping for you this a.m.!

katherine - oh boy… what a day… it’s good to know that I’m not the only one that suffers bleck Mondays! Lucky me… I’m going to miss my son’s pre K zoo trip. I’ll be out of town with the baby! My dear mil is stepping in. phew.

kasey - you can join me in the mom of the year award! lol.
{come join me today on my photo challenge girl}

Aby - WOW!! You ARE real!!!! You mean you’re not the constantly perfect, constantly creative, constantly attentive, constantly cool mom I’ve been thinking you are all this time!??! You have no idea the pressure you just took off of me!!!! LOL!!! Hope you’re feeling better… Annie too!!

Jess - Yes, thanks for keeping it real. I have been guilty of doing the same. Today is a new day! Smiles and hugs!!!

Christy Lewis - I LOVE your blog! Everyday I tune in to see what super hero mom act you are doing for that day……… I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you don’t hide anything! Glad to see that I am not the only mommy who gets migrain so bad that I have to hide in my bed and pray that no one finds me (some how they always do)! Hope you have a better Tuesday!

Julia - In my book the first mistake was going to the zoo. Friday I just DROPPED OFF my daughter, 4 of her classmates and her teacher and yelled “see you at 12:30” as I was speeding away. I don’t do zoos. My kids can blame me as much as they want for their lack of zoo time. I’m not buying it.
I do wish I was there for the Sonic run. When the kids and I go to Walmart (right next door) we try to time it to get there at happy hour. Once I had them scattered all over the store getting groceries so we could get there by 4. Serious business.

Mary Elizabeth - i hope your tuesday is more pleasant and no headaches .. those can just end any good times … for everyone involved. so hip hip hooray for tuesday today!!! have fun, hug annie 10 times extra today for her crying and all will be well again!!! πŸ™‚

Lorelei - Thanks Meg for keepin’ it real!!

Sara - here’s a big hug for you! I leave today for a 3 day (overnight) 8th grade field trip to Huntsville Alabama (space camp)and I am NOT very excited about it. I’m sure I will feel like the Giraffe…

Sandy - We’ve all been there. Knowing the great mom you are, you and Annie will both feel all better today. Here’s to a happy Tuesday!

ElizabethE - I hate field trips — honestly, haven’t our kids done enough?

dellie - You are such a classic – I know exactly how that feels. I stayed up late last night and my son decided to wake me at 6:30, which to some may seem late but for him is really very early …and I was not a happy camper!

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no-school friday

i don't like change in my routine….

so no-school days throw me off.
but i was happy to get one extra hour of sleep this morning…to the minute.
waffle came into my room exactly one hour later than i usually get up.

annie still had preschool and the two new creation preschool graduates 
came along for the drop off.


they noticed right away that ms. kristin was wearing the hoodie we made her for rainbow week.
talby whispered "MOM! she's wearing it!!" with a big smile to me.
sean wanted her to zip it up…so he did it for her!  
for sean to feel that comfortable, it makes my heart happy.  (thank you kristin)


i told talby before we left the house "if you come with me…we'll get D, O, N, U, T, S."
she looked confused….ran and got a piece of paper and a pen and said "spell it again."
i did and when she wrote the S she gasped out loud!  
it was the cutest.

i got the peanut butter donut.

sean brought his crazy straw from home.  he's been saving it for a special occasion.  :)

after donuts, sewing and preschool pick up….
we hit the pool.
with friends…for mommy and for the kids.

boys love splashing.
i hate being splashed…freaks me out…always has.


annie had so much fun.
it was the first time she swam without me IN the water with her.
it's a tiny pool so she just floated around the big kids…going from group to group…in her floaty.


seriously shana and pam….this time at the pool made my whole day good.
we all had such a good time.
and now they are getting ready for bed and i am packing up more etsy stuff.

i should have it all mailed out soon.
thanks for your patience…that part of the shop is so new to me…and overwhelming.
then i will get right back to the fun part…CREATING!!

Lori - I LOVE DRUBER’S PEANUT BUTTER KNOTS!!!!!!! You have no idea how jealous you’ve just made me.
I now live in Nashville, TN and every time I’m back in town I drag my husband there for my fix.
I’ve wanted to say “hi” for awhile now and let you know how much I enjoy your blog. You seem familiar, but I’m not sure we’ve actually ever metβ€”however, we do know a lot of the same people. In fact, I believe you know my Momβ€”Diane Walter. She says she failed your valentine’s day craft at Mom-to-Mom. . .??? Just be glad you didn’t give her a hot glue gun.
I wanted to say thanks for you showing off your messy, fun creative spirit. I’m a graphic designer in a job I don’t love wishing I could do more fun, creative things. You’ve inspired me to quit wishing and just start doing. I’m not picky about what area I’m creating in, so I’ve just got to make time and do the things that are going to make me happy.
Thanks for letting all of us into you beautiful, bright and warm world!!!

Sheryl - Meg, I have an idea for you. Maybe one of your friends who is not as creative as you are but willing to help with the Cora project could organize, pack up and mail your stuff for you. It’s that whole hands and feet thing that the Bible talks about. Romans 12, 4-6. I love your site and feel like you guys are part of my real life not just my blog-hopping life. πŸ™‚

katy - Fun day! Donuts, LOVE ‘EM lots…I want one right now and I even ate one this morning at my parents house, but I still want one.
The rainbow sweatshirt is fabulous!

amy - hi meg! i chose to give you an award on my blog. please head over to one day at a time ( to see what it’s all about! πŸ™‚

sandy toe - Okay..I love this post…each water picture is so fun…Have a great day.
sandy toe

jodi - hey, if you ever want to make your etsy shop a regular business, you could add a shipping center to your studio.
check this out:
i thought of you right away–
great pictures, meg!

Julia - I love the photo of your older daughter with her “hair roll”. I remember doing that!

Amanda - do you have any plans of selling hoodies for adults like the rainbow one on etsy? I am in love with it!

angela - That’s funny….I hate splashing too. It only causes fights in the end! What a fun day. Those pool days usually wear the kids out and they sleep good! Hope it worked for YOU!

callie grayson - what a fantastic day you had with your kids!!!

katie - great pics!
i want to see more of that classroom, i love all the art work. looks like such a fun room!

Gini - I just love sitting back and watching kids in a pool. Even though my kids swim competitively and workout 6 days a week for 2 hours – they never tire of it. They could stay in another hour just to fool around with their friends! Makes me exhausted just thinking about it. Your’s looked to be in their glory!

Lazy Mom Leslie - What a great hoodie you made! That almost makes me want to be a pre-school teacher. Almost! But then I realize it would also make me pull my hair out. So, I guess I won’t be a pre-school teacher. But I sure am thankful that some people are!

Aubrey - You’re such a good mom–our days off from school turn into PBS marathons. Yeah, I’m totally lame. whatever.
Talby’s so cute–my daughter asks me what I spelled when I spell something I don’t want her to hear. It’s fun watching them learn.
Next school day, I’ll consider swimming. Except I have to get in because I have a 2-yr-old.

Stephanie Loitz - What a fun day Meg! I’m a new reader as well, and just LOVE your blog. You inspired me to start my own. lol
I love your photos and your kids are so cute! It looks like a day of no school turned out to be a wonderful day. That art preschool looks AMAZING!

Suzanne - what a great way to kick off the weekend!!
hoping you got my e-mail about 3 custom tees??? i know you’re super, crazy busy so i just wanted to double check…
enjoy the weekend!

Jill - What a fun day!! I love the pictures. And your son is so sweet to help his sister swim.
I am a new reader of your blog and I love it!
Have a great weekend!

Jill - What a fun day!! I love the pictures. And your son is so sweet to help his sister swim.
I am a new reader of your blog and I love it!
Have a great weekend!

ang - Please tell me you were eating donuts at Drubers!!! I haven’t eaten those donuts since my bethel days and haven’t found any that taste quite as good! Nothing like a good chocolate/peanut butter donut at 11:30 p.m.!!! Looks like a fun day!

MGF - A good trip to the pool. Did you even have to get in? If not that is even better.

sara's art house - Adorable hoodie!!! And that preschool classroom is great.

Michelle - Very cool way to spend a no-school day. My kids would totally love it. πŸ™‚

Karli - I really love your photography. Really. A LOT!!!

kasey - do you know what i noticed? you are not in the pool, but holding the camera.
bet you didn’t even have to put a suit on.

Amber - Sounds like a fun Friday…especially the donut part πŸ™‚ I love the look of that rainbow color chart. Those pool pictures are great too. Splashing, pool hair, bathing suit bums and pruney hands…all too funny.

Heather Mattos - Don’t worry, I have sent out absolutely nothing!
That classroom SO reminds me of my old room {the one I had before kiddos, when work involved kids other than my own. i miss it. boo-hoo.}

Ashley Ann - A pool?! I am so jealous. I want a pool to drop in at right now. The picture you took over Annie’s head looking down at the steps and floatie…I LOVE THAT SHOT. I think I am going to have to copy it this summer, so cute and tells such a great story. I just love it! All the pool pictures are fun, you did a great job telling the story of your time there without the need for words.

Starnes Fam - Love the swim pictures. Reminds me of my childhood. So fun!

lee ann - As always, great/fun pictures. Love the one of Talby and her friend…..she just looks beautiful, missing teeth and all πŸ™‚

kristin - hee hee hee
my heart was warmed being with sean again.
a sweet soul, he is.

jimaiemarie - i love the pruney hand pic!!! πŸ˜€ it made me smile

sarah - LOL. I love that she ran and got paper so she could see it spelled out…and love how excited she was once she realized what it said. Awesome!
and yeah. I don’t understand the splashing. Freaks me out too for some reason. I was the kid who HATED water in her face.

vicki - My most favorite thing when I was growing up was staying in the pool till I turned into a prune….I always craved orange juice after swimming….no idea why!

Staci - Wow! So many things to comment in on this post!!! I LOVE that Sean brought his own crazy straw from home πŸ™‚ How cute! I LOVE Talby’s hair in the one picture at the pool! I LOVE Annie’s strong face in another πŸ™‚ Oh yea…and I don’t get why boys love splashing either πŸ™ Makes me very angry to get splashed…maybe it’s because I have naturally curly hair…and I spend waaaay too much time straightening it…to only get it wet (I know, then why should I be in the pool anyway?) UGGH! You are such an amazing person Meg! Have a great weekend!

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i have a dream

IMG_2827this was annie's dream.

and this one too.
with her other MLK project over her shoulder.

i would love to have heard the conversation leading up to this.  


what a lovely world annie's would be.

she came home from preschool and told me
"mom….mart luth McCain was a special man who helped people.
and he got shot-ed by a mean man and he died.
why was that man so mean?"

i answered "well…he must not have had jesus in his heart or love God?"

and she has been telling everyone that 
"mart luth McCain got shot because he didn't have jesus in his heart."

we cleared it up.

i am so happy they are learning about him even in preschool.
what a great great man.
annie also said ms. kristin showed them on her laptop MLKs speech.
that made me well up with tears.

here's a link to his famous speech (just in case you've never actually heard it all.)

i hadn't listened to more than the very famous few minutes until a few years ago.
and i cried and cried.

i can't imagine that time in our nation.
or before.

thank you Dr. King.

Daja - The project is priceless! I hope you save it forever!

carissa - i sure do love annie’s dreamy cloud! precious little heart!

Randi - I can’t imagine that time either although there are still glimpses today of that insanity. My daughter is studying slavery now and it eats at my heart to know that people lived through such misery. Love Annie’s project.

kristin at prairie daze - oh, meg, thanks for this perspective.
can you imagine how hard it was for me to keep my serious listening face as i write her dream down?
it was out. of. the. blue. and so sweet.
see you soon.

Lee Ann - What a great teacher! In pre-school! The speech gives me chills.
And if only everyone could go to Sonic. Just think what this world would look like.

Amanda Rettke -
Check this out.
God bless-

MGF - I was captured by the part about Sonic, a personal favorite.

adrienneK - eeep!! you replied to my live journal entry!! (i feel so special) well, now you can see that i truly am inspired by you!! i have a slew of other entires (but since they have my daughters pictures they are all reserved for live journal users:( i may change that however, seeing as how my out of state mother in law enjoys reading my posts!! feel free to pop over anytime!!!

Tami - Annie did a great job on her Martin Luther King artwork!

Jane - What an awesome Pre-school! I would love to live in a world like the one she describes!

danyele - that is so stinking precious i can’t even say!

adrienneK - so sweet!! we too listened to that speech via you tube and did a few coloring sheets!! may i also say that your blog is so very inspiring !<3

Jill Jones - Well, that was just about the cutest thing ever! Keep dreaming big Annie! πŸ™‚

Christy - So cute! I would love to live in Annie’s world. Love the comment about Sonic. How cute.

Wendy - I love it! Sonic. You can’t make that stuff up. Thanks for the link to his speech. I’ll use it tonight for family night. We’re talking about the inauguration and MLK Jr. Day.

sarah - I love Annie’s vision of what the world should be. So cute.
“…Everyone could go to sonic.” priceless.
Thank you indeed, Dr. King.

katy - That is a really sweet speech that Annie created!
I hope my oldest comes home with some knowledge of MLK.

Allikayes Mama - What an awesome preschool! Is it the one that you have linked on your sidebar??
That girl is awesome too!!

Queen Bee - “I wish everyone could go to Sonic”…priceless! I think she should gain advertising money for that one! πŸ™‚

Beth - That speech always makes me cry. Of course, I’ve always related it especially to my own kids, and I worry so much about how the world will treat them. I know all parents do. I love the world annie envisions and wish for it too. Treating each other and all living things with respect and going to sonic! It can’t get any better than that πŸ™‚

traci - aawww, sweet annie always makes me smile. i agree with the sonic idea too. we don’t have one around here, but when we go to the cabin, we visit often. yum!!

princess lasertron - annie’s world sounds absolutely beautiful.

Dana - I wish everyone could go to Sonic, too! I think that would be one step towards world peace! Bravo Annie!

Amber - I love Annie’s sweet school projects. It’s always interesting to hear things from a child’s perspective. I teach 1st grade so we read all kinds of books last week and did a few projects too. I showed my class 2 minutes of the “I have a dream” speech which they loved. It’s hard to imagine that time which really wasn’t that long ago.

corey - I don’t agree with the monkey part, but I do wish everyone could go to sonic. You ain’t livin till youv’e had a vanilla coke.

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