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Category Archives: running

it’s good. all good.


these are my 50 mile marker reward.


they are super bright and happy.
Nike Free Run +2
they are so comfy.  
today we did another 6 but only ran a little over half…but 6 miles is 6 miles.  

kimberlee and i went to the world's best barn for some craft weekend neccessities.
since i have moved out of the my house in town i had to replace a few of the things we took with us.
and add some more really fun things!

i almost got this.

check out this table kimberlee is sunning herself near.
it's giant.
it's covered in the perfect amount of rust…from sitting outside somewhere forever.
it weighs a ton.
it's the perfect height. 

it came home with me….delivered on a trailer.

it had to….if i didn't get it i knew Anthro would have come by and snatched it away.
i had NO choice.
ha ha ha

IMG_7981-2 IMG_7985-3

craft weekend SWAG is pouring in my mail box everyday.                                                        sunshine by sara
there is another one coming up in just two weeks!
it's such fun to prepare for!

IMG_7990-4 IMG_7996-6

                                                                house 8810                                                my paper doll designs


                                                    hawthorne threads                                                                          31Bits

                                                                                                                                                   Lucius Art

so now these are all in my kitchen at the old house.
how fun is this?
and messy i know.
i had the tables built for this room by the guys at the Barn from old barn wood & old porch posts (turquoise!!!)
i am IN love with these huge tables.


rust AND bright yellow?  
yes please.

oh Ree.
you are super woman.
this cookbook is so beautiful.
i hope to make every recipe.
you make it look so easy. 

check out this happy table!
this is not where things go….it's things that are stacked waiting for places to land.
but it is one happy corner for sure!
do you see my awesome canvas from  
i absolutely adore it.
crystal clear….BRIGHT perfect colors….amazing quality….i could not love it any more than i already do!

and lastly….do you know what this means?

my etsy shop is making it's way to a comeback.
slowly but surely.

ok…gotta get dinner made.
and i think tonight deserves a dessert.
something super yummy.
hmm….maybe from Ree's cookbook?!  

happy weekend to you.


Heidi Jo the Artist - Wow, those are some rad shoes! 50 miles!? You go girl! I have a ways to go…
Love the rusty table and all the mismatched chairs!

Lea - Love the sneakers too! I saw them at the Dicks sporting goods over the weekend and loved them…Im jealous.
Curious..Is Kimberlee now your business partner with the Craft House? We seem to be seeing her quite a bit. It really is a smart idea and sounds lucrative too. I’m impressed. I think you have good ideas all the way around and a craft weekend sounds like so much fun!

Jenny B. - I couldn’t help it… I saw that dark kitchen in the background of the chairs picture, and I felt a little sad… no Annie climbing on the barstool, no waffle running around… does it just feel really weird to go there and know that you you all live somewhere else? I’m excited for you about the new place and all the awesomeness that will happen in the craft house, but I am just imagining how I would feel if it had been my home. 🙂 I think it would be fun to have it all to myself, though, and be able to spend time planning and decorating, and not picking up toys or doing laundry (besides cute fabric and lovely vintage quilts, of course). Ha! 🙂

elisa - I love this post. All the color. And that water color canvas!!!! I want another pillow from you. Mine is still in storage in Ohio somewhere. I miss it. It was mine. All mine.

April R - inspired by the mpix (thanks for the reference!), the shoes (go go go), and your desire to make all of Ree’s recipes! thanks for sharing 🙂

elizabeth - Those shoes are amazingly awesome!! Your blog is so happy and bright! Love it!

Tracy Fisher - I love your new shoes :). Thanks for keeping me motivated on my workout journey… you are truly an inspirational person, wife and mom. Tracy

Krissy - I love the canvas!!! It’s so happy! :o) I guess i’m totally behind the curve, i didnt even know you had an Etsy shop. (although i’m definitely not surprised lol!) When you put it back up, could you put a link to it? I would LOVE to look through it!! Your colors always brighten my day!

Beth - I have ree’s cookbook! it is so beautiful!

Karen Gerstenberger - Your photos always make me happy – especially when you go to the Barn and bring home something wonderful that deserves a new life with you. YAHOO!

happygirl - That table is GREAT. I love your eye.

Melanie - I’m not a runner, but those shoes are SO cute! I love the happy colors.
What in the world are you going to do with that ginormous metal table??!

jen - love it all.
and surprisingly i love the sneakers. might just have to copy. 😉

Laurie - You have got to search for Pete the cat I love my white shoes – live telling on
Your blog title instantly made me think of that awesome song. Your shoes reminded me again.
You’d love it! I just know it!
here’s a link for it too…

Cara - I love all your yummy pictures. Every. Last. One. And I love the stories that go along with them. It would be a dream to fly out and join the craft weekend. Maybe someday, just so busy these days. I’m so happy you’ve decided to move your fam to them farm. What a beautiful and honorable decision. Happy St. Patty’s Day, Meg.

Vicki - You should sell prints of your paint print in your etsy store! It’s so extra cheery! and there is something so hopeful about a brand new paint set…

CarrieBeth - your blog makes me so, so happy 🙂 🙂

Jen Brandt - The “paint” print canvas is AWEsome! Absolutely love it! Like your new big table too. Happy weekend!

Shauna - Oooh, i hope you’ll be selling some of your prints. I love your “paint” print! Im still thinking about those bird nest photos…any chance of putting those in your shop??

Kerry - Maaaaannnn, I was going to list all the things I love in this post – but then I would seriously be re-writing the ENTIRE post.
those shoes……..oh how I love thy shoes. x

Prairie Jenn - Beautiful colors, flea market treasures, and Ree’s new cookbook…what’s not to love?! Thanks for sharing the happiness:)
Headed to our old downtown antique (and junk) stores to find a few treasures myself today!

angela - I think I am in love with the places you visit to buy your *junk* that I love! I remember the cold, winter Saturday I sat in front of my gas logs and read every. single. post. I am still in love with your blog!!!!

karen - off topic…meg, you so need to do this…
love your runners!

Leah - I got PW’s book yesterday. I’m already in love. And hungry.

lacey poag - Love your HaPpY blog I NEED the watercolors canvas print…pretty please!

Lin - I want so many things pictured in this post. The Wonder Woman poster? I still love that show. I am so sad that I can’t find anyone to watch it with (I tried making my daughter using threats of time outs if she didn’t, but she knew I was bluffing). The happy sneakers? I was thinking of getting myself a pair of bright, happy, rainbow colored ones in the hope it would motivate me to exercise. And your canvas of the water colors? I don’t want it, I need it.

Margaret - I just bought myself those shoes for running. I love them. I have 15 miles on them so far 🙂

Holly - Love that table and the canvas. I have a very similar photo from our water color adventures and I have always thought about making it into art. Yours looks great!

Lindsey - Oh, the antiques barn – how I love thee. I hope to visit again sometime! I can’t wait to see the etsy shop open up!!!!!!

AshleyAnn - This whole post makes me really happy for you. It also makes me feel more relaxed for you…two spaces. One for you and your family, out in the country, private & peaceful. Another place to celebrate being creative and entertaining with others. So happy for you.
Oh, and this time I didn’t have to type in my info. Now you can come fix that on my blog for me 🙂

Kelly - I’m loving all of these colors!! Can’t wait to get my hands on Ree’s new cookbook, too. Enjoy your weekend!

Denissa - WOO HOO on 50miles! And those shoes are RAD!! 🙂 love how bright they are!
The table is amazing, and the canvas..speechless! You blog has totally made me fall back in love w/ rainbows. I have a rainbow wreath idea in my head, just hoping it turns out how I’m thinking it will 🙂
Have a great weekend!

Sara Torbett - The watercolor picture is happy and fabulous and perfectly colorful all at the same time! Rust and chippy paint make my heart sing. 🙂 thanks for the early cw swag mention. 🙂

Lori Austin - Those shoes!
Those tables!
Love it all!

Kristin F. - i LOVE your shoes. just be careful — Frees aren’t great for everyday running. i started running in them and the end result was a wonky knee and a new pair of shoes :). they are good for a few days a week to strengthen your feet. LOVE the turquoise — mine are purple & lime green!!!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Its so funny that you started this post with running sneaks b/c just today on my way home from school I had it in my mind to email you and ask what you’d recommend. I’m NOT a runner, but have always wanted to be(weird, I know) and I need to get my lean-ness back. Yet I don’t want to injure my feet or knees. Wanna help a non-runner out and give me ideas?
And lastly, Ive gotta say I miss seeing the old house so much. I was thrilled to see bits and pieces of it again:)

Elizabeth - I am going to the barn 4 sure when I go visit my sis in Wichita….. I HAVE TO…… there is no other choice! Loving those shoes by the way!!

megan@contentedsparrow - gorge! all gorge! those shoes! that canvas (drool)! that rusty table! the big table! you reopening etsy! yeah!

Katherine - Just have to post and say that I am grateful that you share your gifts with us, I am always lifted when I read your blog…and encouraged to live more joyfully. I have none of your God-given talents, so it is really fun to see what you are up to. Thank you for sharing!

Justine - I was just at the barn on Monday..and i saw your tables that oggie (sp) built, he told us they were special order–didn’t know they were for you lol so crazy…to bad we weren’t there at the same time but we would’ve fought over the wonder woman photo so it’s pry good we weren’t. 🙂

Jacci - YAY for opening the store again!!! Woo hoo! I am PUMPED! 🙂 Oh, pretty please – a sunflower print. The one that used to hang over the chippy white cupboard in the family room. I have loved that photo for EVER and totally missed them all last time.
Very fun that you’re gearing up for a new CW. The change is… I admit… hard for me. I’m such a dork. But, I am totally excited for you.
Love the watercolors canvas print, too!

Linda - Oh my goodness that picture of the paints is pure happiness. My heart just totally smiled! And it so needed it today Thank you!

Valerie Rodriguez - You and your blog… made me fall in live with rainbows again!! I wish I could come out for a Craft weekend but instead I will live vicariously through your great photos!!

Marianne - How could you not buy that Wonder Woman print?!?! It is amazing. And I love that pic of the paint- it is even more amazing!

Sandy - I really, really, really should get my name on your waiting list!! I want to attend a CRAFT WEEKEND!

Kim - Don’t you love it when something follows you home? Love the table. I bet it’s great getting ready for craft weekend once again, in a house that is now just for that purpose. I mean, you can set things out and nobody will touch them, nobody will mess up the house. How great is that?!
Congratulations on 50 miles. 6 miles IS 6 miles. I need to get out and walk/run. And I will. The snow is finally gone!

Sarah Wolfe - So will everyone eat at that table with the turquoise legs? Fabulous! And I never noticed when I was a little girl what a body Linda Carter had… I’m surprised they let my brother watch with me 🙂 that paint pic is so cool. Love it all

Seriously Sassy Mama - Those tables are fabulous! I want to paint my kitchen table turquoise. After the move. I am so jealous of The Barn. i must find something like that around me.

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - How did I miss another craft weekend deadline? GAH! I need to get on some kind of direct notification list…. : ( I’m off to sulk.
but, first…I have to say, Your photos are adorable.
Love the giant watercolor canvas,
E wants your gum ball machine
and yes, that table HAD to come home with you
— love. it. all.

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