you will love this.

Category Archives: recipesi made it for bible study and they went ga-ga over it.
i made it for my family this weekend and craig said "THIS is blog-worthy"
so you need to make it too.
melt 1 stick of butter then add in 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 t. cinnamon and stir together.
pour into a 9×13 pan covering the bottom.
then layer slices of bread on the sugar mixture with the crusts removed.
(it would probably just as good with the crusts on….)
i used 15 pieces of bread.
fill in the holes with smaller pieces.
in a mixing bowl whisk together 2 cups of milk and 6 eggs.
pour over the bread.
that's it.
put it in the oven at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
when it looks baked and golden, pull it out and drizzle syrup over the top.
put it back in the oven under the broiler until brown and bubbly.
NOTE: this step takes very little time.
i set my timer for two minutes and let it ding twice. (i was putting on my make-up…..)
i opened my oven to a huge cloud of smoke and set off my fire alarm.
i had to pick off the burnt parts before i could take it to bible study.
so be careful with the broiler step.
this one is kind of burnt too…but it'd too good to matter.
when you serve it, flip it over so the sugar on the bottom (heaven….)
is on the top.
oh my.
definitely blog worthy.
it would be a very good easter treat.
with a big cup of coffee…
i am drooling.
(recipe is in the sidebar…..with lots of other easy to make duerksen favorites)
i think most of you will think "you can buy frosting." "i know how to make frosting"
or "everyone knows how to make frosting"
if so….then i guess don't read this and come back tomorrow.
i have had several people ask me how i make my frosting so i thought i would share.
like every good food in life….
you start with butter.
i always use real butter.
it needs to be room temperture….this is very important.
it should smoosh when you touch it.
if it's not room temp your frosting will have little clumps of butter in it….not pretty.
then i use the mixer to cream the butter till it's smooth…no clumps.
then i dump in half or 3/4 of the bag of powdered sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla.
turn you mixer on the very lowest setting and start to mix this in.
but it still may fly out and hit your shoe….even if you are careful.
it should be very thick…too thick but mostly mixed together after a minute.
then you add milk.
just a tiny bit at a time….about a tablsespoon.
then mix.
if it seems really thick then add another TBS. and mix again.
that should be enough but you your own good judgement to see if you need more milk.
in this semi-blurry picture you can see that the frosting is thick enough to stand on the knife.
but thin enough to easily spread on the cake.
no drippiness.
then the FUN begins.
one other thing…..
when i make this frosting (shown below…not the same as above)
i do all the steps above and then i fold in a container of cool whip.
then i pour it all into a gallon ziploc bag…close it up…
cut a small hole in the corner and squeeze the frosting on in a spiral motion.
have fun.
and maybe if your lucky a little first grader will ask you
"is this homemade?"
ME – "yes it is"
"well…….it tastes disgusting."
Thanks a lot for blogging this, it was unbelieveably informative and helped me tons. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you’ve ever had. las vegas casino firee [url= poker player[/url] I usually don�t post in Blogs but your blog forced me to, amazing work.. beautiful � Hello. Great job. I did not expect this on a Wednesday. This is a great story. Thanks! I don�t usually reply to posts but I will in this case. WoW 🙂 i wanted you to know that I just made the tie dye cupcakes and my kids are FREAKING out thinking I am the coolest mom EVER:-) I just made this frosting and it is soooo good. Please, can you PM me and tell me few more thinks about this, I am really fan of your blog…gets solved properly asap. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you’ve ever had. just reading off your frosting recipe to a friend whose little girl is having a baking b-day party. theyll decorate the cupcakes themselves. fun! thanks 🙂 Funny I tried this cool whip trick for Shaye’s party in March and the grownups liked it but not the kids. Hmm…
I saw this and immediately thought of you… 🙂
so, so funny — you gotta love them, right? Gotta love those 1 st graders and their thoughful comments. it doesn’t look like it tastes disgusting. lol! don’t ya just love ’em. thanks for the instructions. i don’t make homemade frosting. but it looks easy enough. i just need one of those fancy mixers.
I have those shoes :o) Gotta love kids, huh? Thanks for the recipe & for making me laugh out loud. 🙂
Oh. Yummy.mmmmmmmmm. Can I lick the bowl or the spoon? Please. Oooh thanks for this – it’s different from my recipe..and sounds way better! you are def my icing hero!
Why, oh why, would someone ruin HOMEMADE frosting by adding Cool Whip to it?!!! And, that first grader was probably used to Cool Whip-type stuff! I have wanted to know forever how to make that fluffier looking frosting I see on everyone’s cupcakes- thanks for sharing the cool whip tip! I always love homemade frosting the best! Especially cream cheese frosting on carrot cake! Looks delicious. I love your first grader’s comments. I’ve heard that more than once from my two boys.
Thanks–I’m glad I’m not the only one who wanted to know. I think I will squeeze a little lemon juice in too. In California you have to do something besides make Limoncello with those lemons.
This looks so yummy and I must try it! Thanks for sharing…a lot of us don’t know how to make it…me being one of them! I love it when you fold in the cool whip! I always enjoy the pictures of cupcakes!
I’ve always wondered if it’s hard to pipe it out of a ziploc like that…I can get intimidated by the strangest things! You make it look easy and delicious (never thought about adding Cool Whip). I think I may just give it a try… 🙂 Looks very yummy! I have one question. What size bag of powdered sugar to you use? I need an approximate amount. Otherwise I might mess this up. Thanks for sharing. xoxo Delicious! you cannot go wrong with butter, sugar, vanilla, and some Cool Whip! 🙂 Haha…poor thing. What a little butthead! Kids! I just made my own frosting recently and it’s so worth the effort. I will try your version, too. Thanks! Ha! I had a first grader ask me the exact same thing!! Loved it, Thank you.. Gotta Love the Honesty of Kids. They look Delicious.. Love these directions, I am going to try it soon! And I actually snorted when I read your 1st grader’s comment. As you know, the occasional condescending comments only get worse when they are teenagers! Thanks for the laugh (again). So THAT’s the key to the fluffiness! Thanks for sharing!
I love you!!!!! I have been wanting to know about his secret frosting of yours (in the last photo).. the frosting that looks like fluffy clouds!!! Cool Whip!! Lovely. And I almost spit out my tea when I read the list bit about the first grader asking if it was home made and then saying it tastes disgusting! That would happen to me.. probably by my own daughter! Happy weekend!
Oh, so milk is the secret ingredient! I kept doing it without the milk and it NEVER looked right..thank you! Would you show us how to make chocolate too…please? gotta love children.
Wow – I love your explanation! I don’t have a cooking bone in my body (seriously…I messed up mac ‘n cheese the other day), but this almost makes me want to try. Yum! love the idea of adding cool whip!! this is my new favorite. craig's sister Sherri made this over christmas and i fell in love.
we called her for the recipe and i made it the next week.
it got many compliments….which makes me happy…so i have to share!
it looks like a lot of ingredients
but it's just open and dump it out so it's a quick prep meal.
browning the onion is the hardest step in this recipe.
while the onions are browning you add everything else (except the chicken)
into a big pot.
but clearly you should use a bigger pot than i did.
it was so close to bubbling over!
after it simmers for awhile….40- 60 minutes…you can add you chicken.
and enjoy!
add chips, sour cream and cheese to make it extra yummy ( = fattening)
it is so good.
and spicy…it's got a kick.
i am eating some right now and my lips are burning!
my kids will not even begin to try this so more for craig and i…woo-hoo.
good luck with your kids!
recipe is in the sidebar album.
Wow, I love Peking duck and never thought to make it myself, but you are always a source of inspiration. Can I just say that when I first saw that picture, I thought had a 6 pack, and was ripped! Regardless of the athletic inclinations of the duck, the final results look amazing. This gets my vote especially because I am from the Caribbean where cooking veggies in coconut milk is quite popular.
I love your blog so much, and there are just some differences with others’. Hope there will be more wonderful things in your blog. Happy every day!
oh my YUM. i have to try this asap! i love the pictures you posted, so tantalizing!! 😀 This looks like something we would love. Soup is on the menu most days around here in the winter and I can always use a new one to try. Thanks for sharing Meg.
Im making this today!
Looks like a delicious soup; I’ll have to try that in place of taco soup (hubbys favorite) sometime. I love spicy stuff, but you can hold the onions.
I have big plans for an All Soup Week next week, so this is perfect! Thanks for passing it along. 🙂
I’m glad you posted this so I don’t have to call and get the recipe. When you made it at Christmas it was super. Thanks for sharing it. Looks oh so yummy! I’ll have to give it a try this weekend 🙂 In mourning right now over my Sooners losing, BIG SIGH! Ah well, it helps me keep life in the right perspective 🙂 Lots to be thankful for…even if there is no BCS title! Happy weekending to your family 🙂 (I’m POSITIVE my boys woldn’t touch the soup either!) OMG….I can’t beleive this…my husband and I were just talking about this last night and were going to look up a recipe for this soup to make on Sunday! Wohoo!!!!!! You rock!
This looks very tasty on my way to the store now lol!
Oh this looks yummy!! It has been soup weather here in Houston!! Soup and chili… 🙂 ~Jill I’ve been searching for a good chicken tortilla soup recipe. There’s so many out there and I never know which one to even try…so I just don’t 🙂 It looks yummy although I’m a little wimpy when it comes to spicy foods. I’ll have to give this one a try…thanks for sharing. Hi Meg. I’ve been reading your blog for about a week now. I got hooked, and I read every entry! I love learning about your family, and it excites me that you are super crafty. There is a band that I think you’d enjoy, and it’s safe for everyone’s ears. The band is called Enter The Worship Circle, and they sing beautiful songs to the Lord. It’s not cheesy in any sense. I bought Chair and a Microphone, Vol. 3 on iTunes, and have had some of the songs on repeat throughout these past few months. Hope you like. That looks delightful! I will def. try this with my family…I might lesson the spice, so the kids might eat it. I LOVE spicy though. Thanks for the recipe. you know how i love, love your recipes! thanks for sharing another! it may be on the menu next week:)
Last week I made your enchiladas , they were a HUGE HIT!! So today I had just turned to your blog and you had posted this recipe , I needed to make something for dinner. I checked and I had everything to make it. I had to let you know it’s another success for our family – they loved it. Thank you!! Lisa yum! I would like this…doug would not. 🙂 Hope you are feeling less blah today! 🙂 that looks delicious. have to try that soon. thanks!
Yum, that looks fantastic! Will definitely try! so funny you posted this…mine is redy to go up next week! ha! we love this meal for the same reason…dump and run…and it’s delicious-o!!
Look yummy! Will try this. I also wasnt to try your potato soup recipe. i have seen quite a few blogs with recipes recently. i don’t think i have ever made recipe where i haven’t seen a photo or the actual food. so i thought i’d share one of my favorite recipes gather your ingredients: 1 stick of butter, 2 c. flour, 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 tsp. salt, 3/4 sugar, 1 egg, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1/2 c. milk, 5 c. blueberries. Heat oven to 350. Butter and flour a springform pan and set aside. Combine flour, powder, salt in a bowl; set aside. Cream together sugar and butter for 3 minutes until light and fluffy. Add in egg and vanilla. Alternate adding in flour mixture and milk in small amounts beginning and ending with flour. Remove from mixer. Gently fold in blueberries with a a rubber spatula. Batter is thick. Press batter into springform pan. Cover with Streusel Topping: 1 tsp. cinnamom, 1/4 c. brown sugar, 1 c. flour, 6 T. butter room temp. Mix dry ingredients, cut in butter with a fork until fine crumbs form. Then using hands squeeze together forming large clumps. Bake for 60 – 70 minutes until tester in center comes out clean. Let cool then unlock your pan and it’s beautiful! Cover it with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. Eat it warm and it’s soooo good. but it’s just as good for breakfast the next day! And if you have a hot cup of coffee too…oh my goodness. It is so heavenly. One good thing about this recipe at my house…my kids don’t like it! More for the grown ups – woo-hoo! i know lots of people have asked me if you can use frozen blueberries but i can’t remember what we decided. If you made this with frozen blueberries leave a comment and tell us the result. now…get cooking! I never came back and told you that this was amazingly awesome. So good. Thank you for sharing… and I used frozen and it worked just fine. 🙂
Forget Martha Stewart! She’s mean! You are just as talented but you are actually NICE!!! How do you do it? You spend quality time with your kids, your house and scrapbook pages look like something out of a magazine and you are a great cook, and you find time to blog and go out on a date with your hubby! How do you do it? Look at you, you little Martha Stewart! Very impressive. You didn’t offer to share with your neighbor, though? Fortunately I was in the right place at the right time and got a piece of this….it is very good!! i think you could be the next pioneer woman…i want to make this!!! |
Jessica - There are churches that do have bible studies for adults along with devotions and one church even did the love dare from the fireproof movie. So its not just a childrens thing anymore. And some people want to learn more about the bible so they can enrich their lives.
MamaNellie - 11/11/11 and i’m makin it for breakfast with a side of bacon, hot coffee, too bad i just ran out of apples…. they would have been scrumptious choped and scattered between the pieces. something to add for next time 😉
Danielle - Made it once for the family last month, now I am making it again for a girlfriend get together! Just gotta say again: LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
Ryan - This looks so delicious!! Just added everything to my grocery list 🙂
Danielle T - I just made this….AMAZING!!! it’s my hubby’s bday and he is now obsessed! As am I! Thank you!!!
imagol4 - The recipe is great, thanks for sharing. But I have to make a comment; Bible Study? Really? At your age? Really? Hmmmph, always thought of that as an activity just for kids so that as a responsible parent you could introduce them to religion and let them make up their own minds about it. Never dreamed adults went to Bible Study. What a monumental waste of one’s time. That time would be better spent feeding the homeless, or spending time with people in the nursing home, or being a Big Brother or Big Sister, etc. Because I can guarantee you, THAT is the type of activity Jesus would do, not chit-chatting about what a wonderful person he was because he was ‘christian’…
viagra online - oh my God oh my God oh my God!!!! this is like my favorite food ever, i love to eat french toast, anywhere, any time, they’re just amazing!!
Winni MiIl - I worry about what so much sugar is doing to your family and, of course, to mine as I recently read some research about sugar poisoning our cells. Wonder how we can make this with less. I’ll experiment and keep you in the loop if you like 🙂
Karin Marie - I’m making this tonight for dinner! I’m excited looks super yummy! It’s in the oven as I type! 😛 I love your dish where did you get it from? (Random I know!) I will deff be trying more of your awesome recipes!
Karin Marie 🙂
Adrian - This was so so yummy! I recently made it and have passed the recipe on to a few friends and they love it too. It was so easy! Thanks!
Rose Clark - Okay EEERYBODY, THIS WAS GREAT. Mine tasted almost like cinnamon rolls. Turns out that i melted the butter and added brown sugr, (it was hard but got soft so i guessed at measurement). I poured it on bottom of pan and then put bread on top.Oops no milk and too late to make before kids leave for school, I let it set there all day. Covered of course. Then finished making it at like 5 pm. My son Larry who said he was full had some. He’s 17. YOU CAN PLAY with this recipe people. It’s delish and BIG fun
Jeremy - Making your recipe yet again, I used a thick crusted bread to give it some more substance, and have it for breakfast days after! It is most excellent!
Lauren - Just wanted to thank you for this recipe. I made it Easter morning and it was a hit! My normally non-breakfast non-sweets husband ate it all up. Thanks again!
Steph @ Problem Solvin Mom - Totally, utterly bloggable and delicious!! We made this for Easter brunch and it was perfect – simple enough for a busy morning and special enough for a holiday, family style breakfast! I had leftovers this morning with some sliced pineapple…mmmm
I linked up to this on my menu plan post today as well:
Have a great week!
Jessica - just wanted to THANK YOU for this recipe!! YUM!! YUM!! YUM!!!!! We made this today for Easter Brunch and it was a HUGE hit!! So delicious!!
Jenny - I’m making this today for breakfast – it look so good!
Gretchen - Looks so yummy! I’ll have to try it. We make one that uses dried out french bread and sits overnight… I love variation. Totally going to save the recipe. 🙂
patti - i just printed this out to make tomorrow morning. i usually make a to-die-for french toast with challah bread. it’s the hit of our easter brunch. but i’m branching out this year. i hope i don’t smear the ink on the print out from all the drool.
Tiffany - I must have done something wrong. This was just a big mess. The bread also didn’t taste like anything but egg mush. The only thing I ended up with is a hungry family and a dish that is going to have to soak for a week.
kitchendoor - Oh my GOSH I’m going to make this for the brunch crowd here tomorrow. So amazing. Thanks for sharing!
Alyssa - YUMO!
Elisa - I am not sure if I should try this or not. Really. It looks so good and so bad at the same time!!
Liz@HoosierHomemade - We love French Toast. I will need to try this.
Thanks for sharing!
carissa... brown eyed fox - thought… do you think it matters what type of bread… you know… white… whole grain… wheat! i am SO making this! 🙂 my fam is gonna love me!
carissa... brown eyed fox - i can make that… i can so make that!
so happy to see something i think i can do!
you make the best stuff… i am SO doing this this weekend!
thnk YOU!
kerry lynn - now i want ft… thanks 😉
betsy - Thanks for the recipe! I had no plan for dinner last night so I tried it. It was very yummy!! Adam thought it was more like a dessert than dinner but he liked it too. Next time he wants me to add bacon… 😉
kara - hi meg! I’ve been following your blog for several months now. It’s one of my absolute favorites. I’m currently teaching in China, so I’m always on the lookout for simple recipes I can make here. this one looks amazing. thanks for sharing!
MGF - Yum- O
Rach - OK, if I can figure out how to make it with a newborn in one arm I am all over it! Thank for sharing!
Jaime Melcher - Thanks for sharing another yummy recipe! I cannot wait to try it out…
I just posted my favorite recipe for homemade dinner rolls (works for cinnamon rolls, too) & thought I’d share it with you… I’m making a batch of them for lunch on Easter Sunday!
I hope you don’t think it’s too random for a blogging stranger to tell you about this. ha! I always enjoy reading your blog & wanted to give a little something back, I guess. 🙂
Here’s my link:
Have a blessed Easter!
Angela - Yum! I can’t wait to test it.
Mindy Harris - I can’t wait to try this. Thank you for sharing. Your blog is awesome! I’m a Wichitan so maybe we’ll run into one another one day!
Niki - That recipe is one of our faves. Don’t forget to save the bread ends for crumbs or homemade stuffing
kristin - maybe this would satisfy micah’s LONGING for cinnamon rolls every day.
making it.
and coffee.
Amanda - Yum! I can’t wait to try this! I’ve tried your chicken enchiladas and chicken and biscuits and they are both SOOOOO delicious! My husband keeps requesting them both and I am happy to oblige!
Sarah - looks so gooey and delicious.
kathy b - This does sound and look very “blogworthy”. Yum!
I was glad to read that the fabric arrived. Hope you can use it somehow.
I was “recovering” from some medical stuff last week and didn’t post anything on my blog. I was surprised to see my numbers were up with nothing posted. Then I saw that you linked me in your post. Thanks..that explained it all!
Kathy b
Randi - I made something similar one time but your version sounds so easy … might be whipping that up for breakfast tomorrow. Thanks!
kasey - yum, and you know what’s even better? throw in some cream cheese between the layered bread.
Trina McNeilly - always love your recipes.. thanks 🙂
Ashley Ann - I’ve been looking for a good recipe for baked french toast…so glad you posted this. Sounds like something to try this weekend!
Erica - That actually does sound simple. SO many people say simple but it’s not. Looks good! I’ll have to try it! 🙂 I’ll give you the props if they approve. 🙂
Jenn Thomas - I haven’t had this since college years! I had forgotten how good it tastes. I will have to make it next time we have the kids or company.
Alyssa - We do a baked french toast on christmas morning. I make it the night before and it super yummy on chroistmas morn.
Erin - I love visiting your blog. It makes me want to get creative. Your home is amazing and belongs in a magazine. Your photography is awesome too! Thanks for sharing your recipes – chicken enchiladas are on the menu for tomorrow night (your recipe), I will be trying this one soon.
Sara - That looks delish! Thanks for sharing!
Amy - Looks so yummy! I may have to try that for Easter morning!!! Thanks for all the yummy recipes! You’re so good about posting them!!
Juliann Brenner - Sounds sooooooooooo yummy!! We will definately make this weekend! Whenever Olivia sees your blog up, she says, “Ohhhh Mommy, I want some of those rainbow licorice!!!” I just found some for her Easter basket at Walmart 🙂 We love reading your blog and LOVED seeing the pics of the Hills. I bet you all had a blast!
lulusparkles - perfect for all the company i have coming in for my sons graduation next month(sob, my baby is moving out!)
Laura - gonna try it! Wow..just got a great cheesecake recipe on another blog, and now this…great morning!
CherryTreeLane - you have just CHANGED MY LIFE with this. I love recipes and especially easy ones. THANK YOU.
Lazy Mom Leslie - I’m going to have to do this! Yum-O! As Rachel Ray and my daugher would say!
Wendy - My hips are expanding just reading this. YUM!
Julia - I was thinking…hmmm…maybe I should make this for Easter brunch! Thanks!
katherine - Yum-O! I think we’ll definitely have to try this Easter morning. Can’t wait!!
Allikayes Mama - LOVE your recipes!! Woohoo!!!! I think I have made them all!!! Now this! Yaya!
Katy Frame - This looks SO yummy! And I don’t even like french toast! 🙂
jessica - oh wow. picked a bad day to start dieting. i am saving this recipe, however, to make for the day i decide to kill the diet. amazing!! 🙂
Kelly O. - Great recipe!
I made the enchiladas and my entire family thanks you!
Lanny Stanard - I love this I make it all the time 🙂 and it’s easy and I love that! looks like ti kids ate it all up YUM:)
Suzanne - we are having miss meg’s FAMOUS birthday Mexican Chicken tonight:)
love your recipes!! i’ll be trying this one for sure! thank you…
mom - Meg-
I bet that you don’t remember that Carolyn made this for a bridal shower that she and Nancy hosted for you. It was delicious then and I’ve made it many times since.
Melissa - This sounds yummilicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
traci - perfect for easter morning!!! thanks for sharing meg. and it looks really easy. that’s the best part. i love that craig said it was “blog-worthy”. you have pulled him into the blogging world, like it or not. have a great day!!
chas at the wild raspberry - btw…i totally need you to come to my house for a week or so to show me how to do all these cool things on your blog like the slide shows. the recipes….they are great.
so, when is your schedule open 🙂
chas at the wild raspberry - going to print the recipe now…if i have all the ingredients, i may be on my way to the kitchen to make it as well. wouldn’t that be a great smell to wake up to?!
Katie - I make that on special holidays, but I use real french bread… it’s so good!!!
gina - yum.
CathyC - who needs the bread? I would have stopped with the butter, cinnamon, and sugar, LOL!
sara's art house - YUM! Thanks….:)
Anya - I’m loving that I’ve found your blog! Not too sure what my waistline will be thinking since I’ve just printed off 5 of your recipes!
How much does a stick of butter weigh? Just wondering since our butter comes in different sizes in Australia????
Anya - I am loving that I’ve found your blog…..not too sure what my wasteline will be thinking since I’ve just printed out about 5 of your yummy looking recipes!
Erin - Mmmmm. I will have to add that to my repertoire. I love that you still served the burnt one to your Bible study. It’s nice that you serve it upside down so that they can’t see where you scrapped off the black bits. 🙂
Donna - I have been making this for years…………isn’t it the best?? It is a tradition for me to make it each Christmas morning, along with an egg and sausage casserole. I make them the evening before – in the morning I simply put them in the oven – we open gifts and then have breakfast just coming out of the oven!!!
leigh ann - Hi! I think I’ve been a lurker for a while, but I love your blog! Just curious about the syrup though…did you use real maple syrup or just “pancake” syrup? I can’t wait to try this!!
dawn - Oooooh my is right. I am so trying it!!!
erica - that looks and sounds yummy. i’m def going to try it.
i’m new to the blogging world but have enjoyed looking at yours for awhile (found it by getting lost in the web of other people’s blogs). i love your honesty, humor, beautiful photos, and bright colors. thanks for sharing!
patti - my mouth is watering! and i thought my challah french toast was to die for. this looks insanely good! can’t wait to try it! thanks for sharing!!
Lisa Liddell - MMMMMmmmmm yummy. Will have to try it.
Julie - the second my no sugar nonsense is over you better bet I am making a big old dish of this! Not sure if I will share a single bite.
Keri - Oh, man. I was thinking the same thing before you wrote it: Easter Brunch!
And I love that your hubby claimed it as “Blog Worthy”. Spoken like a true blog-husband!
Adrienne Hopkins - Ohhh, this does sound delicious!!! I’m on it. Thanks for sharing.