1. prom
2. invisible fences
3. birthday cake
4. His Safe Haven
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scott went to prom last weekend!
it was cute to see him get dressed up and be nervous and then know that he a great time.
prom is such a fun night for all of them… they feel so grown up.

this is not scott’s car… but it was fun to sit in and take pictures.
there was a huge thunderstorm during what was supposed to be the outdoor “Promenade”
so the car part was kind of a bust… because it was POURING.
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i have had some questions about our Invisible Fencing system we put in here at this house.
we bought the Innotek Basic In-Ground Pet Fencing System, SD-2000

and since we have more than one dog we ordered the Extra Collar For Smart Dog 

our yard is bigger than the amount of wire that comes in the kit so we ordered additional wire to go around the whole yard.
PetSafe 500-foot Spool of 20-Gauge Boundary Wire

my sons and craig put it in in a weekend and it was not difficult.
the dvd that comes with it shows easy instructions to do it yourself.
you put flags up all around the perimeter of the yard to alert the dogs to the boundary.
then you train them for a few weeks in several ways that are all taught on the dvd.
our dogs caught on really quickly.
the collar beeps when they get close to the border so they know to stop.
it also beeps when the battery is dying so you know to change it.
eventually they don’t even go near the edge to make it beep.
the only times our dogs have gotten out of the yard is when the battery has died in their collar.
even dogs blink when they get their photos taken.
i HIGHLY recommend this fence.
invisible fencing has changed my days!
walking a big dog was never pleasant for me… and with two or three dogs… forget about it!
and bathing them when they ran away to find every pond and puddle they could was not my favorite.
and worry about if they were going to come back.
this fence made my life easier and kept my dogs safer.
and i like that!
it doesn’t keep other dogs from coming into your yard but it keeps your own dogs from running away.
our dogs are friendly so if a dog happens to come in our yard it’s like they just met their new best friend!
now if only it would work on chickens…
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i made craig a birthday cake.
it was yummy and i wish i’d only made a half of a cake…. because it’s just sitting there… looking at me!
it’s calling to me from the kitchen!!!
i can see it right now!
i used this recipe from Javacaupcake for the cake.… yum.
(i could not find espresso powder so i left it out)
for the frosting i used:
1/2 cup room temperature butter
1 cup peanut butter
4 cups powdered sugar
3- 6 T milk
Cream together the butter and peanut butter. Then add in powdered sugar slowly and add milk a little at a time until frosting is the consistency that you prefer.
i added chopped Reese’s Mini Peanut Butter Cups to the top.
i like the minis because they come already unwrapped!
the trick… throw the bag of reese’s in the freezer and then when you are ready to chop them up it doesn’t get all messy and mushy. 🙂 🙂 🙂 trust me… i do my research on reeses! i’m no dummy.
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and saving the best for last…
These are some of the foster moms who care for the children of His Safe Haven.
do you remember a few months ago Talby raised money to give to HSH for their housing?
and SO MANY of you gave generously!!
she was able to raise enough for an entire year of housing for His Safe Haven!
THEN Christina sent this picture to Talby and said that with that money they were able to move all the moms to one location to live together!! How cool is that? Now they are a community of foster moms that can support each other! Can you imagine the joy it must bring to have women right next door to help you out… who understand the special needs of these kids? WOW!
God is doing great things with His Safe Haven!
thank you again for helping my Talby raise money for them!
i hope Talby gets to meet all these women someday. 🙂
Jill - Does Mr. Duerksen get a vote on a pink vanity in his master bath? ;-} Asking for a friend.
Tracy Koeppen - I like the green vanity! Paint is easy to change so you could easily change it once you decide to move on… green tile not so much.. Lots of pretty choices!