so… i will just say right away… i have a fake identity on pinterest so that you can’t find me.
it is the only place on the internet that i don’t share openly.
i just like having a little place that isn’t WIDE OPEN.
i like planning & dreaming without someone saying “i saw you pinning bathrooms… are you remodeling?”
does that make sense?
keeping it anonymous allows me to dream more freely.
but i do love to share some of my favorite pins i find with you too.
click on the picture to go to the original source so you can pin them too.
and if there is no link it is because the link led to nothing.

hello. this is brilliant. B R I L L I A N T!!!


i would LOVE to have this cool walk way in my yard!

stairway to happiness? i think yes.

so simple and so lovely at the same time.

i would like to eat at that table… yes please.

i like pretty much anything Kal Barteski creates.
she is rad.

i am considering getting on the striped curtain bandwagon.
so striking…. a bold move in any room.

i am not one who loves hearts… but this is super cute. even if it was just circles it would cute!
and then add in some colors.
yeah… i like this!

that wall is so cool!

white floors make everything better. true story.

i believe this is a christmas craft but it doesn’t have to be. this looks like lots of fun!
adding in the straws makes it extra neat.

pink floors?!!! this room is precious.

i could handle a cup of coffee out here with some lady friends… don’t ya think?

i want to paint ALL the THINGS when i see this. and then when i went through so many of her paintings i was just bursting with ideas! she’s awesome!

again… hearts.
but they are RAINBOW hearts.
and i like that.

loving loving loving this print.
love the verse and fonts but also love the painted background.

the gray grout.
and the baskets.
and old wood floors.
this picture gets better as you explore the layers! 🙂
it looks like a movie set.
maybe it is?

i would like this to be my birthday cake.
but no purple flowers please.
more pink and orange would be fine.
and maybe… sparklers.

details like this blow my mind.
this is probably 3 inches wide… seriously.
some people are so uberly creative.
this is gorgeous… and it’s a heart. HA!

someday… i will put on a sparkly sparkled gown and dance around in the sunset on the beach.
it will happen.

these colors together are lovely.
don’t you love these little scenes people make pulling out all the colors from a picture?
i think it’s awesome.

i don’t want to ever forget.

birthday cake batter cinnamon rolls? whoa.

i think i am ALL COLOR ALL THE TIME and then i see this door and think “ohhhhhh……”

i have some pretty good friends.
(sadly the link to this is broken so if you know the artist who made this please let me know in the comments)

so cute.

i LOVE this! it would be a blast to make.

white words on a white wall…. genius.

scrap pieces of wood to form a garden path.
it is super… it is easy… use what you have… loads of color.
i like it.
isn’t it interesting how just looking at cheerful, light and happy photos can brighten our mood?
if i am feeling a little down and then i jump over to Pinterest or a blog that is positive it really does lift my spirits.
i feel inspired just by looking.
i don’t feel pressure to change my house or MAKE something right then but i can appreciate a project or photo and say “i like that” or “this makes me feel happy” or “this is peaceful” and move on with my day.
i like shopping with people that get that too. I don’t have to buy it to enjoy it. i mean… i want to buy things i love but i can live without them. sometimes i will take a picture of something at a store if i am alone and text it to a friend saying “isn’t this beautiful?! i am not buying it… just sharing my love of it and moving on”
and then a really good friend talks you into buying it over text.
ha ha ha
i hope you have a super day today.
Grace - Long time reader, first time commenter, but I couldn’t resist. I’m glad you are enjoying Andy’s series. You’ll have to listen to the current one he is doing. Been on staff at North Point for 9 years now, and he still nails it. Every. Time. Anyways, if you are interested in any of the other sermons, mom resources, or small group content, let me know! I’d be happy to send some your way. Thanks for sharing your tidbits of life with us. Encouraged often.
phyllis - You’ve got me on a internet-wide waffle hunt!
I think I found yours at B.Street Waffles in San Francisco: annnd, apparently,
you can have them sent to your door 😀
Candice McLean - YUM! The stuffed waffles looks delicious. Those painted leaves look dynamite… a great idea for a kiddo (and parent) fun project. Thanks for sharing!
tricia - My girls make the leaf casts every year in art class. i have a whole collection at this point. and no, i never really know where to put them. but i love them so. 🙂
Jane - At 50 I have gone back to college! Never finished and I am so lucky I can now. I have to finish a paper and a book. Learning is amazing..
Will try the recipe!! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day!
amy - That little guy’s antics may be cute now, but that mama is unknowingly teaching her kiddo how to argue, bargain and be in control. I wanted to find that little guy a naughty stool – and fast!
April R - i like random 🙂
and waffles
and fancy bathrooms
and crafting for creativities sake
And I listened to Andy Stanley on the way to my Aunt’s house today. Title was “Follow” – specifically “Follow Wear” – really really good. I was planning on listening to his sermon “Nick and Joe Save Easter” again soon – if you haven’t checked that one out it’s really great as well. I’ll have to check out “Ask It”
Thanks for encouraging others to listen to good teaching and to be crafty and find all kinds of random things to enjoy in life
Elizabeth - I made the chili for dinner tonight and my family loved it. Thank you so much for sharing healthy recipes. It’s always good to have new recipes.
Cindy - The boy needs a few pow-pows! He would drive me insane.
Sara - Oh my have you never head waffles and ice cream!?! Our county fair has them every year! So worth the calories just once a year! 🙂
Stephanie C - Love these posts!
I am…..
trying to finish my last classes before earning my bachelor’s degree
finishing up lunch for the kids
looking up homeschooling curriculum for the next school year (we start over again in the summer when it’s too hot in FL to do anything else)
Missing my husband who is away for a month who also caught shingles in MD and cannot fly home even though he can’t work
Trying to figure out how to not go crazy with my seven kids and I in this house indefinitely waiting on dad to come home…someday. So thankful for FL’s early springs so I can see lots of life in the garden already.
Cara Kuester - I have a question about your 21 day fix challenge. I feel like although I don’t know you I can relate completely with your health journey. I have four kids at home-a picky eater husband and I just want to enjoy foods but lose about 15 pounds. I exercise regularly but can’t seem to stay on a health eating plan. Can you give any advice or encouragement. Thanks! I appreciate your honesty and openness to share your story and life with all us strangers.
Krystle - Sitting in my favorite leather chair checking in on your blog, dreaming about renovating my kitchen someday, and avoiding the laundry pile on the floor next to me.
Beth Ann - Megan, you have in part help to inspire me. For about 5 years I have exercised regularly – 3-5 times a week, but decided to get serious about it and the nutrition part. I joined a local ‘9 week challenge’ place to kick it up a few exercise notches and to get nutrition guidance. I am only 1 week in, but it feels good. I thought I would share my favorite snack/meal:
No fun things planned today, although it is early out for my kids from school. I would like to think of something fun to do with them after I get off work and they get out of school…..
Ari @ Ari's Menu - So glad you enjoyed the chili! Also, you could totally make your own stuffed waffles and then you get to put whatever you want in them like…NUTELLA! 🙂
Tiffany Gardner - OKC has awesome stuffed waffles. Waffle Champion used to be a food truck and now… they have a restaurant! Next time you are in OKC… stop by.. it is awesome!
Michelle from Australia - I’m in Upstate New York today. About to get on a plane to fly to Seattle.
Nicole - Had to comment about the waffles, as they brought back a wonderful memory. Whenever my brother and I would spend the night at my Poppy’s (Grandpa’s) house, he would make us waffle sandwiches as a treat. Two waffles with strawberry ice cream for the filling. YUMMMM… so good!
Rachel - So lets see…. yesterday I re-roofed the back yard awning in preparation for a “rain storm” that lasted all of 1 hour and was in the middle of the night. Today after helping sort 5000 items of clothing for our annual MOMS Club clothing swap benefiting the Mother To Mother Fund charity, I thought it would be a good idea to hang a new gutter where the previous owners of our home had decided never needed a gutter (they were wrong) in preparation for the next rain storm. And now I sit here waiting for this next supposed “storm” and wondering if maybe I should have just played dragons with the kids instead. After all, its LA. It never rains here. Only the ground shakes here.
Sandra - Love your ‘Random’ posts!
I’m on spring break enjoying Florida sunshine with my family. It’s been delightful. 🙂
Kristin S - That kid is going to be a famous attorney someday.
Jfryer -
Flavour Spot-Check out their menu 🙂
We were just introduced to one of these food carts in Portland, OR. So fun and yummy!
tasha roe - that chili looks divine!
cleaning and organizing after an ikea and target run.
our pastor, robert morris at Gateway will knock your socks off! Texas has some awesome churches!!
Carrie - Have you tried waffatopia?
I am not an affiliate for them, we just live in their area and they are yummy waffles.
My two girls go back and forth with trying new foods. My youngest will eat literally all day and then when she sees meat on her plate she just can not take it. She is not super into new items lately which was a problem with my oldest a few months ago, they just can not get on the same page!! Luckily as far as veggie eaters go, I lucked out. They both get giddy over salads, one will eat ANY veggie and the other prefers most veggies raw which is fine.
Our Lent study is Adam Hamilton’s The Way. I like it and my oldest is doing the children’s version in her Sunday School class. It is nice to be doing the same thing.
Linda - we are on spring break! kids are home and i’m painting my bedroom this week!!! Love your random posts!
Julie - Right now I am putting off doing the vacuuming by reading my fave blogs. I have been to the bank and sorted out our mortgage, and I am hoping to play with some fabrics in my sewing room later today.
Enjoy your day.
Lisa - It’s snowing today (I think it’s a big fat April fool’s joke from God! ha!) and I had a ton of errands to do. Hate having to run errands in slushy snow. But I did exercise and am now home so that’s good. Hoping to take a nap this afternoon after school pick ups! Enjoy your day!
laura oyler - oh those waffle sandwiches…..can I have nutella on mine??
kathleen grace - Thank you for the link. I LOVE Andy Stanley, the man is a super genius:>) I’m listening to it right now as I type!
Necole@seriouslysassymama - I have a kid home sick today, so we went shopping, and I bought a pretty necklace. Taco soup is in the crock pot, and I am watching a movie while folding laundry. I started reading Me Before You, and I am already awaiting a gut wrenching ending. I have already cried twice. You should really listen to some pod casts from Matt Chandler at The Village Church here in Texas. He is awesome.