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i love friday!

i mean really… who doesn’t love friday?
and for me i really love a Craft Weekend friday.
(it means there are margaritas at the end of the day)
i am all packed and ready to head to the Craft House for the weekend… after i workout & shower.
then i get to buy flowers… i love the excuse of CW to buy flowers!
and today we will finalize the crafty details.
but let’s talk about the last week….
we finally had a chance to take lauren out for her 20th birthday!

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it is weird… weird that my kids are all so big.
so grown.
i love this stage.  i loved them as babies.  i loved the toddler phase.  i miss every stage.  and i am sure i will miss this phase too.
it’s all good.

sean really wanted to get his learner’s permit last week.
he studied a lot and he passed!
and then we went driving… oh what an experience!
i had mentioned on Instagram that it is truly a roller coaster of emotions.
fear and pride and joy and humor and LOVE and more fear all in one.
he is a good driver!
my favorite phrase is “more brake”  or probably more like “more BRAKE!!!”

(a learner’s permit in kansas that means you can drive ONLY with an adult in the car)

this movie was hilarious!
it was great for the whole family!  all my kids thought it was good.
if you need a family night movie… this is it.
it is out on dvd now… we saw it at our second run movie theater.

waffle needs a haircut.

this is what it is like at all times at our house.
this is how everyone (except me) watches tv.
not kidding.
throwing a ball in the air the entire time…. and craig is probably asleep there on the couch.

yesterday i drove my friend Pam back to the airport to go home to Africa.
i selfishly want her here close to me.
i want to eat mexican food with her and hang out.
i don’t want her an ocean away.
they had 22 checked suitcases!  there was much more than in this picture even!
it was quite a site.
and now they are home.
i am already planning my visit back to see her.   🙂
because… africa & pam & babies & love… it’s the best.
i gave her a big long hug three separate times before i felt ready to go.
then i just bolted so i wouldn’t cry and make a scene.

i spent the day yesterday setting up the sewing machines at the Craft House.
and opening the swag from all of our RAD sponsors!
we have never had so much for on weekend.
it was not on purpose – we just had so many people respond this month!
and they knocked it out of the park!
then when i got home late last night there was more yet that had arrived yesterday!
this group of CW guests is the luckiest group ever.   🙂
i can’t wait to share their shop discounts with you soon!
and lastly… you guys are SO AWESOME!
talby’s fundraiser for His Safe Haven is at 88% right now?!!!
she is almost to her goal!  let’s keep going!
she is so excited about it.
we can’t wait to pick winners for the big prize giveaway on monday!
there is (of course) still time to donate and enter to win!
click here for talby’s fundraiser and here for the giveaway post details.


AND thank you for all the love you have been passing out to me from this post.
our comments,emails, texts and even letters (like IN THE MAIL?) have been so good for my heart.
i was feeling weary.
you have given me strength and reminded me of so much goodness.
i like you guys.

Danelle - LOVE your shirt… is indeed a great day. Do share where it is from!

Kirsten J - We like you, too. And. In Washington, the kids get a permit as soon as they turn 15 and they are enrolled in driving school (only kind of offered at high school….basically, you have to pay $700 at a private driving school). And that’s it. You’re right, it’s scary and great at the same time. And I do the quick gasp/brace myself a little too often for my girl, but dude! She comes so close sometimes! Phew!!

kelly - Haha! Love the balls but that drives me craaazy! That and wrestling. Now our two year old has become obsessed with a WWE Scooby Doo and all he wants to do is ‘resso’

Barbara (WA) - You have inspired me to add more color to my life! Have a fabulous craft weekend 🙂

sharon / - It was my birthday this week so boy have my thoughts run the gamut! Including the things u touch upon here: pretty flowers, kids getting older (Hpy Bday Lauren!), good friends, the world). One cute son reminded me while we ate bday cake of the song I once told him I wanted played at my funeral. Yes! Ha-ha, lol, I guess they really do listen to EvRyThInG we say!
Well, it is a beautiful song, so I’m sharing 🙂 Happy Weekend All!

chrissi - so happy for sweet talby. you have taught your family so well. you have such a big heart. please keep us updated on pam and her adventures. she is a hero too♥

Liz R. - So I want to be (like) you when I grow up. I am a mama to two very little littles, but seeing your beautiful family makes me want to have FIVE too! Maybe I’ll start looking for my own craft house. 😉 But seriously I am so inspired and encouraged by you!

KatieV - The picture of you in the passenger seat while Sean drives is PRICELESS. I love it!

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monday (and our laundry)

all day i was going to blog.
and all day i just never could get to it.
so here i am at 10:00 writing the bloggy blog.

first off… the laundry room has been cleaned (by me) and must be documented.
i am dying to paint every inch of this room white.
and by “i am”  i mean i am dying for craig to paint it white.
every single inch.IMG_1317

have i mentioned before that everyone in our family does their own laundry?
we started this 5 years ago.
everyone does their own clothes.  they wash.  and dry.  and fold their own clothes!
they even wash their sheets and towels.
and i wash mine.
(i also wash the slip covers, the kitchen towels, the rugs, the dogs and everything in-between that moms do)

it is THE BEST system and i think everyone should be doing it this way.
(im not trying to be bossy or anything… i just love it that much)
doing your kids laundry for them… as a teen? as a 10 year old? it is not necessary i tell you!
we started this system when annie was in kindergarten.
for reals.
laundry is NOT a hard job.
they very quickly learn how to do it.
and they should!
it is their own clothes.    🙂
the hardest part for annie when she was in kindergarten was that the basket was too heavy to carry.
so i carried it for her!
but now she can do it all on her own.
and so can my teenage sons.
and my husband does his own too!
i help them out occasionally by throwing their load in but i truly love that 99% of it they do themselves.
if they need their uniforms before a game?  it is not MY problem.  I’m not the one playing basketball?  i shouldn’t be in charge of washing their uniform on time.
i give reminders.  but that is a LIFE SKILL that kids need!  they need to remember things and get stuff done.  it’s not mean.  it’s GOOD for them!

i don’t have to get mad telling them to help me with mountains of laundry.
it eliminated an argument that we were constantly having.
once we gave them the responsibility of doing their own job… ahhhhh.
for all of us.
no yelling  (not that anyone ever yells in our house of course… HA HA HA)
and no blame.
“kids – if you want clean clothes… wash them”
the end.

but the point of the photo was that every piece of laundry is done and that room is spotless.

and i like that.

UPDATE: people had questions about HOW the system works.
In an ideal world everyone would each have a day and everyone would do their laundry on the right day.
seven people in a family – seven days in a week? obviously that is a good idea.

but these are kids.
mostly teens!
so all that flew out the window immediately.
how we worked it out was… IF there is laundry done & sitting in the washer and someone else wants to use the washer next… they must ask the person whose laundry it is to come and move it to the dryer OR for permission to move it for them.
BECAUSE in the beginning of all this… i would put my laundry in and my kids would move it all to the dryer and shrink ALL my clothes.
there is no fury like a mom who only has one good pair of jeans that were just ruined forever because a kid decide to do their laundry at midnight thinking no one would find out!

they have to get permission to move them or wait the few minutes for that person to come get it.

If there are clothes in the dryer and they want the dryer and the clothes have been sitting for awhile (a day?)… we let them dump it in  basket.
but if the person NEEDING the dryer is basically “jumping the line” by making everyone move their laundry at light speed for them…. because they didn’t remember to do their laundry until 1 hour before they need the jersey… then they are REQUIRED to fold that person’s laundry in the dryer for them.
because AGAIN! when a mom works all day and then finds her clothes wadded up and still damp in a basket in the laundry room… LOOK OUT.
it’s not pretty.

after several trys of working it out… three of our kids are awesome at this.
not everyone.
but majority.
and even the one who drive the rest crazy by cheating… is still learning the skills.

they keep a laundry basket in their closet for dirty clothes & when that basket is full they are supposed to wash it.
one basket at a time is not too much work for your kids.
they take turns.
they learn the best time to do laundry.  🙂
i have heard many times “OH!!! THE WASHER IS EMPTY!” and someone racing down the stairs to get their clothes quick before it gets filled.
that is them learning to strike while the iron is hot!
don’t miss an opportunity!
clean underwear awaits!

it’s not mean.
you are not a bad mom if your kids do their own laundry.
i know this to be a fact.

i made it even EASIER and switched to the laundry pods because then they can’t even make a mess with soap!


my little green pick up that i found last week at the antique shop looks so cute loaded up.
it’s on its way to the fabric store obviously.
a few days ago it was sitting on the table as i was cutting scraps for bunting & it made the perfect scrap holder!
this truck can do no wrong.
annie and talby make such good cookies.
it’s the same recipe (recipe HERE) i have made since the day i got married but they have made them even better!
i don’t know what it is?
but they make them and make them and make them.
and i have THE HARDEST time resisting them.

*cake plate is from world market several years ago.
*wire basket holding paper plates and napkins is from hobby lobby in december.

i got these beautiful stars from Kurt Knudsen.
i’m going to hang them in my window but it’s so hard to get a photo of them that way.
so i am showing you what they look like before i hang them up!
Kurt Knudsen is having a sale right now using the code:  HEARTSTAR for 20% off!!
have you seen his shop?
oh my word.
so many amaaaaaazingly cool options!
polka dot stars?  yes please!
every color of the rainbow?  i want them all.


so…. the other day i was having an extra big feeling-all-the-feelings kind of day.
lots of different stuff with lots of different people was happening all on the same day.
and it was cold and gray.
so i went online shopping… because – feelings.

i ordered all of these:

Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way

The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands

Make it Happen: Surrender Your Fear. Take the Leap. Live On Purpose.


Thirty One Days of Prayer for the Dreamer and Doer

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

Speak: How Your Story Can Change the World

i guess one of my feelings was “Uninspired” on that day.

i think in the past 10 years i have read…. maybe two fiction books?
i just can’t.
i get my fiction on tv.
reading is my time to work on my heart and mind i guess.
i WISH i could focus long enough to read more!
i am so glad no one can see into my mind when i am trying to read a page (not a chapter just a PAGE!) of a book.
it would be ridiculous to most of you i am sure.
no less than 10 different thoughts… ideas… chores to do… things i notice… sounds i hear… per page.
it’s not ideal.

i started this one today.
and one page in i was feeling thankful and SO GLAD i had this book in my hands.
i am a dreamer.
i am a doer.
God made me that way.
sometimes it seems that is not the easiest kind of heart to have.
i don’t know what is the easiest but it sure feels like other people have it better sometimes (even though i know everyone struggles and the grass is always greener and yada yada yada)

and i have been feeling worn lately.
worn out by doubt.  worn out by feelings.  worn out with tasks.
and wondering about so many things…. can i DO it?  should i do that? what is the answer?
feeling tired.

but one page in i knew it was going to speak to me.
Thirty One Days of Prayer for the Dreamer and Doer is going to be a good one.
i can feel it.

i sent this text to a friend immediately (because i have to stop 10 different times per page remember?)

SO GOOD right?

AND i started this book too!  
Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers

because i love learning about silent killers.
but really… with all the “feelings” i’ve had…. and the low energy… and wanting to get strong and healthy…
remember my word?
so learning about stuff i eat or shouldn’t eat is action to me.

and to show how totally crazy i am right now…
i am also reading both of these at the same time as those other two?!
who am i?


i really like Dirty Faith so far…. it makes me think about the hard stuff with church and missions.

Dirty Faith: Bringing the Love of Christ to the Least of These
Talby wishes i would finish it because she doesn’t want to look at that guy’s hairy hand anymore…

and if you wondered about Glennon’s book…Carry On, Warrior: The Power of Embracing Your Messy, Beautiful Life

you could watch her TED talk first and then decide.

she’s very interesting to me… she is shocking at times.
i haven’t really heard anyone like her before.
she’s…. refreshing?  i think that is the word?
she’s brave and vulnerable and scared right out there for everyone to see.
telling her truthiest truths so that others can see that it’s OK to show up as you are.
it’s hard to hear… because it hurts to hear about hurts!
but we need to HEAR and feel and notice all of it.


what are YOU reading?

what do i need to put in my cart for the next shopping spree?


Top 10 Blogs | a glass of milk - […] Whatever – I also want to be Meg when I grow up.  She blogs about things like staying in her PJs all day and watching TV, and the realities of teaching 5 kids to do their own laundry. […]

Lori Noe - Opps I have never commented before so bare with me. We have 6 kiddos age 14-5 and you a part of the reason for that. You may not believe this, but your loonnnggg ago post of your kids jumping on the huge pile of laundry was one of the reasons we pulled the trigger on expanding our family. We adopted our littles (a sibling group of 4 ages 1-6) all in one fell swoop and our two bigs are also a gift of adoption. My heart tugged when I saw yours jumping on the heap of laundry…fast forward 4 years (our gotcha day is March 25, 2011) and it’s not so endearing anymore:):):):):):):) So long question short I’m gonna impose this laundry deal on the 4 bigs and soon to come the 2 littles too. How do you deal with separating clothes? You really don’t want a nice white shirt in with heavy dark jeans??? You are an inspiration in the most common sense and I mean that with the most admiration.

Lori Noe - I love your blog, I’ve been reading it for many years and you are funny, real and a true advocate for the disadvantaged.

Cindy B - When I began working full time my husband decided that everyone would become responsible for doing their own laundry. It really was a smart thing to do and worked well with our three sons. Occasionally someone would be surprised to find that their laundry had been kindly folded by “the magic washer”. Other times someone might return to their forgotten load of wash to find that the “laundry troll” had tied it in knots!

Iris Brown - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! When I read your post 2 days ago I had my 3 kids do their own laundry that same day! Still working on my 6 daughter but she’s on the path! What a revelation!!!!! This monkey is OFF my back!

Jody - Meg – I love this post about laundry. It is so right on.

But I do grimace when I see/read all that you buy & that you post it on your blog – the stars, the books — & in the next post are asking us to donate money to a charity. I cannot imagine buying 6 books for myself online. I cannot. Yes, you obviously have the finances – & kudos to you – but I just wish you were a little more aware that not all of us moms can afford to purchase & purchase whenever we are having a bad day, stressed out, etc.

Your blog is joyous & fun & enlightening most days – I wonder though sometimes if you could be a bit more sensitive to the idea we do not all share the same ability/desire to splurge on material things so freely.

Grace @ sense and simplicity - I totally agree about the laundry. In our house, the laundry fairy stopped doing the clothes when each child reached high school. It worked really well and they all left home knowing how to do their laundry. We also didn’t have set days to do their laundry, just when the machine was available – but it worked.

Audrey - Loved your post!! Was thinking 5 might be to young to start laundry. But if Annie can do it my daughter will be just fine. I started my 7 year old a few months back. Time to tackle my 5 year old and hubby. Then I can have some freedom and hopefully a cleaner laundry room. I can’t wait to break up with the loads of laundry. Thanks!

Tanya - I REALLY want to read Speak, so thanks for that reminder. I loved Bittersweet. Good choice.
I just finished ‘I know why the caged bird sings’ – Maya Angelou, and I am now reading ‘If you want to walk on water you’ve got to get out of the boat’ – can’t remember the author right now.
I just received Every Bitter Thing is Sweet, and Tables in the Wilderness in the mail today. Really looking forward to reading both.

Kirsten - 1) LOVE those rugs. they are MARVELOUS!
2) Just the other day my son had a clothing emergency. You make teaching him to do it on his own veeeeeeery tempting. Hmmmm.
3) Books: I am currently re-reading Jen Hatmaker’s Interrupted (so good!), and I just finished A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet and Every Bitter Thing is Sweet (that one was fabulous). I have a list of non-fiction books miles long, but I am opposite – at the end of the day, they make me think too hard and I would rather escape into fiction, haha.
4) p.s. i love how you teach me to find beauty in things i normally wouldn’t find beauty in – like beat-up green trucks with chippy paint. i would have totally overlooked it on my own, but you make it look so fabulous and awesome. 🙂

Beth Ann - I am laughing how Stanley is sitting so pretty in the first picture, like you were taking a picture of him, not the laundry room! Silly dogs!

My kids are 8,7 & 4 and they all sort their own laundry and put it away. We have been doing this since the oldest was 4 and it has worked well. I fold/hang it. We have an Ikea ANTONIUS stand and containers in the laundry room – we sort by lights, darks, towels and undergarments (eww they get washed on HOT). I recently taught the kids how to turn the dryer on so they can dryer all of their snow gear – snowpants, gloves etc.

Have a great Wednesday!

Michelle - Thanks for sharing Meg – I love your laundry rules! I may have to implement that at our house 🙂 I would love to hear what your family storage routine is for shoes…. in our house, the shoe craziness is right up there with the laundry!

Jen - Love all of the things! Saving the ‘kids do their own laundry’ thing for future reference.
Massively loving all the photos of crafty bits and your house. Your photos always make me so happy because all your things are so bright and fun! 😀
Thanks for the book recommendations too. My list of books to read on Goodreads is already over 500 books long, (true story) but who cares, why not add some more! It just means I have to read more – yay!
Happy Wednesday!

Andrea - Meg….you are brilliant. my pre-teen and teen know how to do laundry, but I don’t let them practice…. What in the world am I thinking. all that is going to change. I do want them prepared to take care of themselves…..thanks…..

Meredith - Hey Meg, I love everything about this post. Thank you for the encouragement regarding laundry. It’s a BIG issue. I’ve got a large family also and you’ve just given me that extra push I needed to set the bar a little higher. It might be messy for a while, but everything is hard and messy before it’s easy, right? As for the books….I have a few of these which I am LOVING. Our bible study are doing The Best Yes and it’s amazeballs. It’s real and raw. So is Speak. Great picks! Have you read Freefall to Fly? I think you’d love it. Great cover too:) xo

Kristin S - I started doing my own laundry when I was 8 years old. We lived in a condo complex where there were two laundry rooms. I had to walk outside, down stairs, up a hill, and down stairs to a basement laundry room. I can still smell it. It wasn’t scary but it was a basement. I was so happy when we moved and had laundry IN our condo at age 12. And I kept doing my own laundry. I’m sure my mom started this because she was a full-time working single mom and it was survival. BUT I’m really glad she did because I got to college and so many friends had no clue how to do laundry. Bizarre.

I used to babysit for a family (the youngest just graduated from HS and oldest just got married) who changed in to PJ’s IN the laundry room. The mom had three bins in there and the kids sorted their laundry as toddlers. I thought that was really smart.

cynthia - Yes, just yes. When both of my kids were in elementary school, I found clean, folded shirts in their dirty clothes baskets and called a family meeting. I printed out laundry instructions and said “when in doubt, pick cold” and marked that chore off my list. It was one of my best parenting decisions. The real treat is, on the rare occasion I would fold what I found in the dryer or wash a load of their’s just because – they were soooo appreciative! My son is better at laundry now than I am.

Jennifer - Desperate- Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe. So fabulous for moms in any season of motherhood. By Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson

Lindsay - I was wondering if your kids separate their whites and darks and still run full loads every week?

Alisa - My question for all of you about laundry & kids is how they have full loads if you separate colors from whites? I have a big machine, but my kids would not have a white load per kid each per week – maybe colored, but not white. There are only a few t-shirts…mostly colored. I would hate for them to start an almost empty machine alone..wasteful financially and environmentally. They do laundry, but it is usually mixed family member’s stuff…like a load of jeans…a load of whites, sometimes even a load with only blues and greens…etc. We wash our blacks together with black detergent. Plus we don’t wash everything after one day of wearing, only the stuff on our skin or dirty things. A sweater or sweatshirt gets worn more than once. How do your kids have full loads of lights and darks?

MollyL - My mom always said that she never had time to read and couldn’t sit down to read at all. She finally started to read when she retired and then she couldn’t stop. My mom always felt that she shouldn’t read because her sister was a voracious reader and read all the time and my mom always heard my grandmother tell her to get her head out of the books. I was always a reader, but now that I have kids I just can’t seem to sit there and read. I tend to read when the kids are in bed but I just don’t read as many books and have stacks of them that I have yet to read. I just can’t seem to get into reading anymore. I feel sad about that too. I hope it will change at some point.

I like your laundry system. One kid could do it and one couldn’t (special needs). But I think I will teach the 13 yr old who could how to do this system. She does help me with the laundry now (folding and putting away, transferring loads, etc.).

Steph Richardson - I’m reading “The Bait of Satan: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offence” right now by John Bevere. I’m getting so much out of it. I’d highly recommend!

Stacy Mc - A lot of these are on my wishlist. I just placed a order and got Bossy Pants, Bloom, The Rosie Project, Cold Tangerines, Let’s all be Brave Together, A Million Little Ways, and Interrupted.

Amy Woods - I’m posting again because I just bought three of the Kurt Knudsen stars! SQUEEEE! I’m so excited! 🙂

Wendy B.,NJ - I’m sorry that this is an odd question, but I was wondering if you could share where you got the long tall laundry baskets that are shown in your picture. I can’t seem to locate any that either aren’t huge or art small and they seem to be a medium size.

Tracy - I have Carry On Warrior but have not read it yet cuz I’m the opposite of you. I LOVE fiction! Please tell us how you liked Carry On Warrior so that I will finally read it. Please?

I’m reading The Girl on the Train….very suspenseful and thrilling and entertaining!!

Melissa - Wow I loved that video, I’ve recently been very worried about my super sensitive son & how I can ‘fix’ him so he doesn’t become like me because I used to be that super sensitive superhero, its been only a few months where I am just super sensitive crazy mom. I love the quote from your book which is just what I needed these laayst couple weeks, I’ve been so overwhelmed with tasks I shut down & maybe it is ok to rest and for nothingness why does everyday need to be accomplished, we are not superheros.
Being someone who I feel is made to serve I do it all in the house and I tell people “well that’s my job” …….well no, I stayed home to raise my children, enjoy them. In raising full functioning adults I need to stop doing things for them, today is laundry and I will not be doing theirs I am going to try out your laundry method its time, my oldest will be 10, middle child 8 & smallest is 6 . I’m tired of seeing them on Minecraft while I run around like a chicken without a head they think stuff magically gets done.
I’m so glad you wrote and posted that video, thinking about showing it to my son so he knows its ok to be sensitive he just has to show up 🙂 there aren’t any superheroes here just oily loving caring people.

Jodi - I love random posts like today! My kids have been doing their own laundry for years…when I went back to teaching full-time. My youngest daughter was 3rd grade and the boys were 4th, 6th, and 8th grades. Best thing I ever did! They are in college and high school now! There’s no schedule to it…just use it when it’s open or wait in line for your turn if everyone wants it at the same moment. Meg, your book choices are all amazing! I’m going to order the ” dreamer and doer” book…just one at a time…so I don’t get too overwhelmed. I find I do more ‘dreaming’ than I actually ‘do’ things…which I need to change. Now I’m off to watch Glennon’s TEDtalk!

Jenni - There are 5 of us in our house and we all do our own laundry. We’ve been doing it that way since the twins (the youngest) were in PreK. I tell everyone I know, YOUR KIDS CAN DO THIS! They NEED to do this. We started out the same way, everyone had a reserved day.

Now the only day that is reserved is Sunday for my husband. The kids have adopted the “when I run out of clothes I’ll do laundry” approach. That usually means they have to do 2 loads, or 1 plus a shared load. They work it out.

What has started happening is one of them will come downstairs in the morning wearing a shirt I haven’t seen in a year and say, “Mom, I need to do laundry today.” That’s their way of calling dibs on the washer after school.

NO ONE is allowed to touch or move someone else’s laundry unless it’s someone over 30 yrs old. 🙂

I fit my laundry in during the day as I need it. I also wash all towels, sheets, coats, blankets, kitchen towels, cleaning rags, etc. I usually recruit help to fold and put these things away.

It works for us.

Once my teen son was trying to push my buttons, and he and his teammates decided that their “thing” was to change socks every quarter during their basketball games. I said, “That’s fine with me because you do your own laundry.” That thing didn’t last long.

Tiffany - My 8 and 6 year old do their own laundry. The 8 year old puts it in the washer and the 6 year old in the dryer. They then work together to fold it and put it away. When they complain about not having socks or jeans with no holes I just point to the basic and say, not my problem. What should YOU do about it? My girls, 5 and 3 empty the dryer and switch the laundry from washer to dryer on their own and then drag the basket to the living room. They are learning to fold towels and shirts and I match up socks and they fold them together. Laundry is my least favorite chore, but with 5 kiddos and another on the way mama has to train them to help or I will be buried alive!!!!

kelly - so glad to know i’m not the only one who reads several books at one time and they each take me a sweet FOREVER to finish, but that’s just how my brain works! and really it just depends on what mood i’m in at night as to which book i will decide to read. ha! okay, these are my suggestions:

Hands Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford (SO good and hits home with this easily distracted mama!)

Living Well, Spending Less by Ruth Soukup (step away from the Target dollar aisle! 🙂

The Power of a Woman’s Words by Sharon Jaynes (Who knew WORDS could be so powerful??)

Ones on my future reading list:
Rhinestone Jesus by Kristen Welch
A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet by Sophie Hudson (i also plan to read Home is Where my People Are by Sophie. She’s a hoot!)

Love your blog….i’ve been reading forever. love your honest writing! ONE DAY i WILL make it to craft weekend!!!!

Jenny B. - I just finished re-reading all seven of the Harry Potter books. I love them so much. I don’t read fiction anymore either, but these are the exception. I re-read them every few years. The last time was when I was pregnant with my almost 6-year-old, and now that I’m pregnant again, it felt like the thing to do! 🙂 I’m also getting ready to start a 40-day devotional by Candace Crabtree called Wait Only Upon God. She’s beginning it on February 18th (my almost 6-year-old’s birthday!), and it will finish on Easter. Here’s a link to that: Wait Only Upon God.

Amy Woods - I think it is awesome that each of your family members do their own laundry. There are only three of us, but we all do our own too. My son was about 7 years old when I incorporated it, and now that he’s 17 it runs smoothly. (Ahem, my husband is the worst about leaving his laundry in the washer! 😉 Good thing he is so awesome at so many other things!!)

I think I want every one of the books you are showing! The dreamer doer book looks really interesting. I’m a definite dreamer…but I want to become a DOER! Perhaps a different perspective that the writer intends, but I think I’ll check it out.

Be blessed! Amy

Stephanie - I knew I couldn’t be the only mega dreamer. Like seriously I need this book. I am the exact same way! 🙂

Debbie Brooks - Oh Meg, so much good stuff here! Thank you! I am also a tortured reader… The only one in my house of very focused and speedy readers. I always thought there was something wrong with me. Until I HAD to read about creative minds in a educational psych class… We are wired this way, on purpose. We are so aware of inspirational nano seconds and we cannot pass one of them up!! And it is a scary world when we do not feel this inspiration. I feel your feels sister!!

Claire - This is a list of all of the books I read last year. (Similar tastes and sensibilities to yours!) A few fiction books, but mostly non-fiction.

Beth - Right now I’m reading The Astronaut Wives Club, and it’s awesome! It’s a true story about what life was like for the first seven astronauts’ s wives. It’s so interesting and reminds me of Mad Men.

sharon morrissette - when, for heaven’s sake, are you doing all this book reading?? even if the kid laundry does get done by the kids?


(thank you for Whatever. am longtime reader :))

Rachel Berry - How have I never in my 20 years of marriage never thought of this? My oldest 3 teens can do their own laundry, I just need to stop being such a control freak and let them do it. I love the idea of everyone doing their own clothes! With 8 people in this house I feel like laundry is ALL. I. EVER. Do!! So this week I’m doing it, I’m going to teach my littlest people (baby excluded) to do their own laundry. They already put away their clothes, so why the stink not?!

Also just wanted to add real quick how much I love your blog. You keep it real and I love that. I’ve decided and well, I know that my life is too dull (color wise) Color does make me happy, and I really need to infuse more of it into my life and home. I find it makes my kids happy too, I actually busted out of my comfort zone and made a Rainbow cake for my daughters 13th birthday last month. It was a HUGE hit!
I’ve also made several ruffled aprons as well (all inspired by you).
You’re blogging inspires me to get back to my blogging, I’ve ignored my blog for far too long. So, Thank you Meg!

:)Rachel Berry

P.s. where are those rocking laundry room rugs from? They are fabulous!

Julie - I was very interested to read that your family each does their own laundry. Anyhoo I hope you don’t mind a few questions about this. How often do they do their laundry? I do one wash a day for all my family’s clothes, towels and sheets are done throughout the week. Do you find that things are left for too long and then you have everyone wanting to theirs on the same day? Do you hang things on the clothes line outside to dry, or is everything dried in the clothes dryer.

I think it is a great idea to teach them responsibility and how to prepare them for when they eventually move out of home.

erin - a couple things:
your kids give me hope. we’ve homeschooled for 7 years and are strongly considering putting our children into school next year. and, in your words, i’m feeling alllllllll the feelings about it. i know your family isn’t perfect, but just seeing that they’re normal kids who still love their parents/family? that gives me so much hope. does this make sense? i don’t know.
also, bittersweet was my very favorite s.niequist book. followed up by bread&wine. fyi
lastly, tomorrow..TOMORROW {which technically is only 18mins away now} i will begin teaching my oldest two to do laundry. i will. you’ve officially inspired me.
this post was fab. thank YOU. xo

Janice - I remember my brother griping once about not having clean clothes. We were both teenagers and I did most of the family laundry. I told him he could help me or do his own and I got the “but I don’t know how” excuse. I wrote specific instructions and taped above the washer. 20 years later, he does all his own laundry!

Thanks for book recommendation – the dreamer and doer book sounds like something I need to read!

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diagRNBW1000pxI found this list through pinterest of what i am currently doing… so fun!

READING…. Just started Carry On, Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton and smiling a lot while reading.

PLAYING…. the Annie sound track.  by myself at home.  the new one.  the Annie (Original 1982 Motion Picture Soundtrack) is the background music to my entire childhood!  i have listened to those songs every year of my life since it came out in 1982.   i think it’s fun to have a new twist on the old songs and i LOOOOOVE the new song Opportunity.  it makes me feel hopeful and inspired.

WATCHING…. i am behind on Parenthood!!! but i will catch up by next week.  (WHY do they have to be done? i don’t understand tv network producers/actors.  We ALL love this show and it’s going GREAT.  Why do they have to quit?!  You too Don Draper!  What is your deal?  Just give the people what they want – MORE shows!!! as soon as anything gets good they stop the series.  it’s like losing a friend.  yes, that’s dramatic but it’s kind of true.  and it makes me want to stop watching all together because i get tired of feeling bummed about silly things like that. )

TRYING…. to stop being so dramatic.

COOKING…. spaghetti for dinner tonight…. garlic bread… broccoli

EATING… literally eating scrambled eggs right now.

DRINKING… i had a moscow mule on my date the other night after hearing rave reviews from my sister at christmas.  YUM!

CALLING….  i only call doctors and the school – other wise i never use the phone for talking.  🙂

TEXTING… my husband all morning.  🙂  he leaves SO early in the morning and i like when he checks in with me mid morning.  i tell him all the exciting things that are happening at home like “a huge coyote just ran through the yard!”

PINNING…. these are 10 recent pins…

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten


TWEETING… ummm…i don’t really tweet.  but i just watched nicole kidman on jimmy fallon from JF’s twitter feed and i was DYING!! you have got to watch it.  oh my gosh.  i feel all sweaty and weird… geesh.  Poor Jimmy.

CRAFTING….Name tags for Craft Weekend!

DOING…. laundry (of course… always)

GOING… grocery shopping in about 30 minutes

LOVING…. having long hair again!  it’s been six years since i chopped my hair off.  🙂

HATING… not knowing what to do with my long hair – HA HA HA!  and the fear of having “Mom Hair”

DISCOVERING… my first gray hair.  for real.  it was shocking.  i thought i wouldn’t care.  oh… i was wrong.  I CARE.

ENJOYING… the silence of my house today.  even the dogs are being quiet.  ahhhhhh

HOPING (for)… a major BIG snow storm this winter (not around or near any Craft Weekends though  😉

CELEBRATING… this funny moment at Scott’s game when we noticed the giant head of his in the crowd.  It was adorable.  the other players faces were there too… and Theodore Roosevelt too because that completely makes sense.  (jk… it doesn’t)


SMELLING…. skunk.  on saturday night craig and i went out for dinner.  it was a REALLY good night.. conversation was excellent… food was my favorite… it was a dreamy night.  then talby called and said “MOM! the dogs found a skunk! and they came inside! and it smells SOOOO bad in here we can’t breathe! and it’s still on the porch!” Talk about a downer phone call?!!  So we made our way back home and i can’t even describe the magnitude of smell.  it was S I C K.  i woke up in the night and was sure i would vomit just from breathing.  it’s better now but not back to normal yet.  Skunks.  WHY Lord?! What in the heck is their purpose?! Why did you need to create those?!!!

THANKING… God that there are not MORE animals like skunks.

CONSIDERING… a third cup of coffee.

FINISHING… ummm… this blog post?  i feel like i am never finishing anything.

STARTING1 & 2 Peter bible study from She Reads Truth.


diagRNBW1000pxwhat about you?  what are you doing?!

Currently… - […] those oldish-school Q&A survey thingies? I read one on Meg’s blog a while back and thought it would be fun to do one here. I never get tired of reading these things. […]

Martha - Dawn dish detergent and baking soda work awesome to rid pets of skulking! So awful! Has happened to our pets multiple times, ugh…

Amira Rahim Art - Thanks for sharing my art! It brought so much attention to my Etsy shop so I had to find out who was behind this. Haha, great blog.

Amira Rahim

Tracy H - We had a skunk on Friday… the middle of the day! It sprayed our dog and thankfully my son was far enough away! Everything smelled! We tried airing out our house, but was too cold so we used the stuff you sprinkle on your carpets and vacuum up…..worked great! Our porch still stinks though!

Amber - In case you haven’t seen this, I think it applies.

Katie P NC - I Love this sort of post!!! I hope these continue!
Parenthood has made me cry more than any other show I have ever watched. I feel like I’m a Braverman. I will miss the show (them) so much!

Lori - That was fun!

Jenna - Totally feel the same way about Parenthood! Why, oh why does it have to end! My Thursday nights are never going to be the same!

Jenny B. - The giant heads are funny. They’ve been doing that at our school too. teenagers have weird senses of humor. I’m sure someone thought the Roosevelt head was HILARIOUS. 🙂

Crissy Armstrong - i am being sucked in by the annie soundtrack at target! i must have it. also, doing a she reads truth study. and, i’m seeing glennon speak on thursday AND friday getting to meet her. DYING. 🙂 i can’t wait to read her book. i have it and it’s next in line (after 10 curses that block blessing). love the “currently” post!

Beth Ann - Good morning! The Jimmy Fallon / Nicole Kidman interview cracks me up every time I watch it (this is like the 30th time) “Brie cheese, corn chips and like old chinese food.” We had a huge snow storm last week, but I still had to work, in the middle of cube-land with no window – boo. If you enjoyed your moscow mule (a favorite of mine) try it with flavored vodka – cherry vodka with a splash of grenadine in addition to the ginger beer and lime juice (i use fresh squeezed). Any flavored vodka will work, but a lady can only keep so many bottles of vodka at her home with out people wondering (ha!) and cherry vodka also goes good with 7 up and Coke :).

Linda Totman - You gave mentioned sermon podcasts that you listen to. I’m wanting to listen to some while doing some mundane projects. Would you be willing to let me know who you listen to?

right now | home is what you make it - […] over at WHATEVER, posted a list she found on pinterest with writing […]

Kristin S - Oh, I like this list. Totally gonna copy. Not your answers… 🙂

Andrea - Every show, every season of Parenthood I cry. And I want to be a Braverman so badly! When the siblings came and hung out with Julia right after Joel moved out and the kids were with him? At the hospital for Christina? When they get “the feeling” and dance dance dance? And soon it’s over? I can’t take it. It’s like they are OURS.

Toni :0) - Insert sad face, the rest of my comment disappeared but I wanted to say I was glad someone posted about the bacon-that’s genius! I’m SO sad about Parenthood ending-I’ve never missed an episode and very upset it’s going away.

Toni :0) - Oh Meg, I die, I have ALWAYS said the SAME thing about those awful creatures called skunks!! They are not cute nor adorable! They are smelly, horrible little creatures with NO predator-gah!

Lee Ann - P.S. I’ve been coloring my gray hair since I was 26. Embrace color. I know you of all people will be good at that! 🙂

Lee Ann - I put off ALL phone conversations until the last possible minute. Texting is an introverts dream!

Hanah - PARENTHOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! isn’t it the best??? i was on my treadmill this morning watching my last catch up episode and i was BAWLING! so much for a great workout. i couldn’t breathe. i am so ticked they are canceling it!! WHY WHY WHY?? i know if we ever meet…we will bond over parenthood!! go catch up. with a moscow mule..which is also my favorite! had my first one in august and it has been my “go to” drink every since!

amy jupin - ok. you are freaking me out a little bit.
i JUST put glennon’s book in my amazon cart this morning!
and i watched jimmy fallon with nicole kidman yesterday! (dying!)
and i’m dreaming of cutting my long hair all off–you should see how long it is now!
and speaking of gray hairs, for the first time in 7 or 8 years i’m wanting to color my hair. my grays are really standing out against my dark hair!
i think we may be twinbos.

Kathy - I’m in Australia and it’s breakfast time, and if was literally eating scrambled eggs when I read you were literally eating scrambled eggs

Now I am literally eating vegemite on toast which I am fairly sure literally 99.9% of Americans don’t…

Alicia @ Investing Love - I love these posts…just wrote one to go on Friday. 🙂 I’m gonna miss Don. Maybe it’s healthier for my marriage if we say goodbye though. I just saw the video with Jimmy Fallon…OMG how uncomfortable!! Love that guy too.

Heather S. - Meg – you are like, 2 years older than me and you are just now finding your first gray hair? So jealous. I found my first gray the day after I got engaged – I was 20 years old!!!! I’ve been coloring my hair for about 6 years now. Ugh! Lucky you!

stephany - I love this. Hope you don’t mind if I borrow it for a blog post…i’ve been in a rut lately!
You can check my post out to see what I am up to!! 😉

Sara W - Ack, gray hair! This fall I discovered MORE than one and I came totally unglued.

Caitlin - I can’t believe you just found your first grey hair…?! I am 26, and after I had my first baby, my body was just like BAM you’re old. And now I have like 30 of them!! It’s kind of depressing. But my hair is naturally kind of a dark blonde, so I don’t have to do any major disguising…yet.

Tanya H - I love it! 🙂 And I completely agree on tv shows, tho I got mad at parenthood a year or so ago and quit watching…my husband still watches it tho so I saw the most recent episode…You have fun with that……..

Tammy - Probably obvious, but my comment is in reference to what you’ve been pinning #10 and I love Parenthood. With 3 episodes left, I am grieving.

Tammy - I have never commented but have been a long time reader, I am sitting here chucking. I have to give a bit of a backstory… we have I boy and 3 girls. Last spring while stressing about all the graduation party details, our son didn’t seem to care or have any opinion on what he wanted for food, decorations, etc… 4 days before the party, he comes up with all kinds of opinions. “Mom, it would be really AWESOME if we could have baked beans and lemon bars and make sure we have Arnold Palmers to drink!” Why he did’t have opinions before this, I don’t know. I started crying wondering how I was going to get beans and lemon bars made and blurted out, “I don’t have time for AWESOME!” Needless to say, we pulled it off and according to those that mattered, it was an awesome day! Something tells me, the 3 girls will definitely have opinions when it comes to their graduation party!

Rosa Zablocki - Loving…this post so much(what am I saying?, I adore your blog!)

Jessica - I love these types of blog posts! SO fun. I know what you mean about Parenthood ending. I talk about the characters like they are real friends to my real friends. I’m worried about how it will end.

Karina - Random….I saw that at someone’s word of the year was “FINISH”. It made me think good one, really good one. It would be a good one to try. NOPE. Just the thought of it made me nervous! haha! Clearly, I am not ready to finish anything I start.

Here is to the year of not finishing anything…again! 🙂

Nan - Re: “Watching” I find the same feeling after reading a good book. I miss the characters and want them to come back. Sometimes I can’t read anything for a few days until I’ve had time to “mourn.” So I can completely understand your feelings about tv series.

Elizabeth Clark - Hi Meg
We got horrible skunk smell in our house a couple years ago. It permeated the entire upstairs. I couldn’t figure our how to get rid of it, but my husband came up with the idea on his way home from work. We cooked bacon and set fans up to blow the smell down to the bedrooms. Worked like a charm!! (We used maple flavored bacon)
Love your blog!

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2014 in photos


what a fun way to remember!

i was going through Instagram and Facebook, seeing so many posts on what they learned this year.
and their word for the year.
i felt blank.
i thought… did i learn ANY thing?
my brain was feeling like mush from the holiday crazy schedule.

then i looked through these photos.
i see love.
and being loved.

this year i found out how to love my kids deeper than i ever have.
this parenthood stuff is HARD and crazy amazing all at once.
it’s no joke.
and i am so proud to be their mom even when things get hard.
I’m happy to walk through life beside them too.

this year i realized i had dreams in my heart i hadn’t validated.
after a little working through what that means… 2015 is the year to make them happen.
i feel like jesus is saying “enough stalling Meg!”

what i reflect on again and again is that through it all God is so good!!
that doesn’t mean everything is perfect.
it’s not.
life is messy.  (sometimes a complete disaster!)
everyone has struggles.
no one is alone in that.
but God’s Grace covers all of it.
He takes our offering of brokenness, weakness and failure and FLIPS it upside down.
He says “i love you. You are mine. You are new.”
we are not our mistakes.
we are not our past.
we are not what people think of us.
we are made new through Him.
God is good.  He gives me HOPE.  He carries me through.

bring on 2015.
i am ready.

(i think… maybe just a quick nap first)


Kellyn - just thank you. Thanks for being you!! that is all 😉
have a blessed craft weekend!

Lori - I never get tired of your beautiful photos!

Courtney - Those photos are soo great! It was the motivation I needed! I have to print mine out and take more in 2015! Time just slips by way too fast. Great documentation of your year! Congrats!

annette - great post – i think taking pictures really helps us remember where we have been… wondering where you got your ‘Jesus loves me’ t-shirt?

Sue Linse - Love the pictures Megan! (does anyone call you ‘Megan’ anymore?…or is it just Meg. Anyway – only comment – love any picture of Stanley – SO cute. And Annie is freaking Adorable – should be modeling for GAP or something. Miss you as always 🙂

jennibell - Wow. What a beautiful, reflective post. You are inspirational to so many Meg!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - So many beautiful smiles! And I can’t wait to watch your dreams unfold!

Melissa - Amen! Here’s to 2015

Carol S. - I like your photos and perspective. You’re one of my favorite bloggers…real…colorful…most important, faithful. My blogging schedule has been reduced to one a year, lol. I don’t know how you do it, but sure am glad you do. Jealous of all your adorable pics with hubby. My husband ducks when camera comes out!

Kimberlee Jost - I loved all of the pictures!

amy jupin - i share so many of these same thoughts and emotions, especially in the message i keep hearing from jesus.
“don’t be afraid. stretch, grow, follow your passions!”
i push it down again and again.
what does it possibly mean?
what if i blow it?
we need to follow his lead and fight for our dreams!
they are important. so, so important!
i am with you, friend.
i am for you too.
happy new year meg!

Tammy - Happy New Year! Thanks for always being such an inspiration Meg!

Amy - Cheers to 2015! I’ve loved following along with you here and on Instagram. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

Lisa - Well said! Here’s to 2015!

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my usual random thoughts…

i have ideas for my day.

1. workout as soon as i finish writing this blog post.

2. clean my bedroom – put away my laundry

3. put away all things NON christmas on surfaces to make room for christmas decor

4. go to store for dog food

isn’t that the most exciting morning????

but the likelihood i accomplish these things without writing it down is slim to none.
so now it’s official.

this is as far as I’ve gotten with decorating.
but there is potential there.


i made a new soup for dinner last night!
Cheeseburger Soup!
all of my kids ate it AND said it was good.


Do you do an Advent study?

i never have.
i’ll be honest here…
i’ve gone to church my whole life and to me advent was something that pastors or really churchy people did…. lighting the candles… the pretty (and seemingly perfect) families get asked to come up on stage to read from the bible… OR it was something that those really spiritual moms did with their kids… OR it was another elaborate thing to set up for your kids with 25 different ideas or projects or things to buy.
so with all that i have just never been an Advent girl.
i did do the advent calendar candy thing & some of my kids stole the candy for the days ahead!

but i felt stirred this year and thought “i wonder what advent might look like to ME… without all the baggage i’ve put on it.”
that thought came to me on Nov. 30.
of course.
too late to order a book or set anything up.
i asked a friend if she was doing anything for herself for advent.
she was going to use She Reads Truth’s Advent plan.
it’s a blog but She Reads Truth is also a free App for your phone!
i follow them on IG but i didn’t have the app… so i got it.
and i bought the $1.99 advent plan.
and i’m reading it.
because i always have my phone.
but the blog is even easier!

so… if you have ever thought any of those thoughts like i had about advent maybe you’d like it too?
it’s short too.
you won’t be too far behind to start now.  🙂



right now at this very second my Pandora is freaking out and playing two songs at the same time?!!?



 am totally loving this photo.
all of it.
the curtains, the lamps, the canvas, the light fixture.
i want basically everything in Lindsay’s shop.


scott has his first basketball game of the season tonight.
it feels like he JUST played in the state championship game like last week?!!
time is such a sucky jerk.

but… he is excited and we are excited.
talby and sean have been playing for several weeks already.
i love it.  i love going.  i love watching them get better!
and they love it too!
it’s so cool!

and here’s a funny fact: i don’t own a single team sports related clothing item.
i don’t have so much as a t-shirt that says our team.
i just can’t do it.
i can’t see myself in a sports shirt… ever!
maybe it was all those years of wearing a cheerleading uniform?
i don’t know.
but i go and watch!  i just don’t wear the gear.


i think i would lose my mind as a window designer BUT i am in love with window designing.
having a job where you could say “i am thinking of hanging 2300 paper plates with string from the roof” and no one even bat an eye… that job has got to be THE BEST!

i imagine if this was my job that it would go down like this:

“i am going to pour paint down the front window of our leased store space… ok?”
“Why wouldn’t you? It sounds brilliant! here are 4 employees to help you accomplish this easy idea you have!”

then the next month:

“i ordered 10,000 clothespins and 50 pounds of dye. i’m going to hang all 10,000 clothes pins from string above your head at the registers. But don’t touch it or they may fall on you and you could die by the weight of all the pins”

“No problem.  are you sure 10,000 will be enough?”

ha ha ha

seriously though… a job where you can dream up crazy beautiful huge displays?
it sounds exhausting and awesome.
exhausting because there is always a new window to be done which means the ideas can never stop and the billion hours every window would take.
(i mean i can’t even get my christmas decorations out of the boxes!)
awesome because you can do anything!
and it’s on such a huge scale that it makes a big impact.
i know anthropologie’s windows make everyone happy.
because that is the point!

anthro is a crazy place that sucks me in with their 10,000 clothespins and folded cardboard hanging from the ceiling but where i never actually purchase anything because i can’t bring myself to fork over the money.
but i love being in there.
i am there for the art.  🙂


ok i guess it’s time for #1 on my list way up there….

i want to skip it all and go purchase stocking stuffers instead.
but… i won’t.
i hope.

Karina - I just have to say…When I was little my plan was to grow up and become a window dresser. lol…I used to decorate each shelf in my bookcase to be a miniature window. I thought that was a great career ambition! Also…I love Anthropologie but have only bought one thing from there because it is really not in my budget. But I visit the web site for the art…just like you said. So cool.

Kelly - hahaha. I had to laugh about the team gear. over all of the years and all of the different sports my kids have played i have never worn a team anything. i find them kinda repulsive. but i always make sure i have clothes in my wardrobe that are team colors so i can support them but still be fashionable 😉

Lucy - I always like the idea of doing advent, but it takes up time and thought. This year I bought Ann Voskamp’s advent book. The pictures and the words are beautiful. Makes me teary when I read them. My children are too little, but my hope is to just read this every year and maybe do some of the suggested ideas in the future.

Beth Ann - Is it weird that your admitting that you have never made a purchase at anthro made my day? I really enjoy window shopping at the store, but I am too frugal to buy anything. Beautiful items and displays tho! I remember when I was in college (paying my own way, but no baby or husband) I would go shopping on the clearance racks (but only when the clearance items were on clearance – ha!) and say to myself “I can’t wait until I make good money so I can buy whatever I want!” And now that I make good money the frugal-gene in me still shops the clearance racks and rarely buys anything unless it is on sale!

Jenny B. - Lovely fun pictures! 🙂 We scaled back the Christmas decor this year. As I sent my husband up to the attic, I gave him a list of what to LEAVE up there. Ha. It still looks festive, and the kids are happy. So, I’m happy. Oh, and then when my husband came back in, he said, I just realized I forgot to pay our property taxes, so I think your car tags are expired. I said, but I remember putting the stickers on not too long ago. Yeah… that was a year ago. Time is crazy!

Angela - Come on girl, get in the spirit! Year round I look at your Christmas posts for inspiration, yours are my favorite, the BEST…ever. I know it’s a lot of work but I bet your girls would help you with most of it. I always think about that saying, “the days are long and the years are short” and then I realized one day I won’t have all these wonderful, bratty, children living with me. Even if you only did a quarter of what you used to do it would be fabulous! Merry Christmas Megan!

Mindy - I think you would be a great window display artist with all your fun colors. Your Christmas decorations look so cheery. And the Lindsay’s Letters photo – beautiful.

Patricia McClure - First, I love your blog. Second, this is my first year of doing an Advent study, so you totally spoke JUST to me with this one. I was lucky cuz on November 30, at church, someone was selling the book “All I Really Want” by Quinn G Caldwell and wanted to start a study group. Perfect timing, I was wanting and what I needed appeared. It is sooo good. If you ever have a chance to look Quinn or the book up, I recommend both.
I better get coffee going. My lists won’t cross themselves off. Today we will get a tree! ( it is written, therefore has to happen

Greta Sutherland - They’re not random thoughts, they’re straight out of my head.

So glad I bumped into you recently in this odd little blogging neighborhood. You’ve been a pleasure to follow…


Patty - OmiGoodnessGracious! I had everything in the house for Cheeseburger Soup, made it for dinner and my husband who does NOT believe that soup is a meal for dinner — APPROVES! It was so yummy! Thanks for the recipe!

Michelle from Australia - We leave in 8 days for our family biennial USA adventure. I am very much looking forwards to seeing store (we’d call them shop windows) decorated for Christmas and loads and loads of Christmas lights.

Alexandra H. - Considering what a visual person you are, I thought you might also enjoy this Advent Project done by the Center for Christianity, Culture, and the Arts at my Alma Mater (Biola University):

Secondly, you may already know about Kara Paslay, but she used to design all those Anthro windows in Tulsa. You can see some of her displays here:

Hope you enjoy these treats!

Heather S. - Went to the Festival of Trees today. Saw a rainbow tree. Thought of you. That’s all I have today.

Tracie M. - One of my college friends decorates Anthropologie windows in Manhattan. It is amazing the amount of hours she puts into it, but they are incredible.

tiffany day - You are funny, I mean that in a good way! 😉

I feel the same about Advent – and honestly dont really know as much about it as I should!

And I want to marry Anthropologie!!!

The only team related thing I had when my kids played sports was a red jacket when I my son played little league and was on the “Angeles” I so feel you about sports stuff!

Have fun decorating – I plan to finish up tomorrow!!

Have a great weekend!

patty - Oh yes the Anthro….. love looking, touching, overwhelmed at how much everything costs and then not buying anything and leaving. : D

I actually once took a silver tray off the wall to see how they hung them (hot glue and a paper clip! Brilliant!), and currently have supplies ready to go on the work bench to copy a horse shoe and wood plate display! Aaagh! Love it.

Rachel - I am pretty sure that no matter what it is, as long as it is in rainbow colors, you can make it look fabulous hanging on a wall. Plates, clothes pins, scraps of fabric, you name it, rainbow colors make it look cohesive and purposeful and beautiful.

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well…. so far nothing has been what i thought it would be the past three or four days.
i did pull off the 10 year old slumber party/Mockingjay opening night Jr. high night.
driving 10 kids in my giant van…. OY!
how does Michelle Duggar do it?!

then everything was different this past weekend and i got NOTHING done on my list.
and now annie is at home sick.
so i guess there are no days off this week since the others will be home on Thanksgiving break tomorrow.

i had visions of doing all my christmas shopping before friday.
i thought all the aprons would be in my shop.

my plans didn’t work out.
which has left me feeling a little lost and unsure of what to do next.

so i am sitting here in my jammies… thinking about doing PiYo…. deciding on some online shopping carts…. thinking about what to make for dinner….thinking about christmas crafts for december….

what are you thinking about?

Lauren showed us this video last week and we laughed so hard.

now you will have Careless Whispers in your mind all day… ha ha ha


here are a few things i pinned recently….




i don’t think i would choose monsters but i love this idea of wallpaper that you color!


and now annie and i are going to make pumpkin pie.
because… why not?

and i am going to change out of my pajamas.
i mean it IS 2:20 pm so i don’t feel like I’m giving in too bad.
i held my ground for several hours.


Wendy - Careless Whisper!!! It was a baseball players walk up song this summer … so funny.

Lisa - More sax — less guns/violence! Love it! Thanx for sharing!

Carrie - The Saxophone players’ random gyrating! Oh my goodness! Hahaha!

heather m. - Love your candid randomness…speaks to my own soul I suppose…! And Michelle Dugger is a special kind of saint..! Hang in there and just try to roll with the punches as it sounds like you’re doing- you can never go wrong with pie! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! ♥

Tanya - Well my daughter would just die over that wallpaper – also not monsters though 😉
Our Canadian Thanksgiving was last month so it’s a quiet, regular week here.
Full disclosure – when I read the post title ‘Unplanned’ my mind immediately went to pregnancy…as a mother does. 😀

Traci - Wallpaper you can color! AMAZING! I have developed a new twist for my future dream house…

midwstmom - These are my favorite kind of posts. . No one posts like this anymore. It’s always look at what i have that’s new and don’t you need one too? Thanks for being real. ☺

mae - In case you haven’t seen “Back Home Ballers” yet, you might like it… currently a big hit with my college and post-college friends as we all head home for the holidays 🙂

Laura In Sacto - I am thinking about Thanksgiving pies, my all girls get away to Florida next week, all my Christmas shopping is done. I am stressing on the fact that when I get home from Florida, with a tan (hopefully) I have to package and mail everything out. Now last year during this time, I was stressing on what to buy for everyone. I got that in the bag this year and it feels good. Enjoy your pie.

colleen - I found something for you.. i know u will do this…. at some point in time.
And even if you don’t have time you will think this is as cool as I do!
hope annie feels better and the others never catch it.. ha!

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monday morning.


craft weekend 2014 has come to a close.
i have a practically empty calendar for the next 9 weeks. (other than the holidays and sports stuff)
and i am SO HAPPY about that.

i have lists going of things i want to get accomplished this month.

i have a food plan put into place.

i am in Marta’s Stress Detox group that started today.

i am signed up for a 4 mile race that i am totally out of shape for so i have to put a plan in place for that too.

today feels like a fresh start!

i just ordered these from my bed in my jammies… even though it’s almost noon.
i used the coupon code of course!

i’ve had three cups of coffee.

i watched New Girl & Mindy Project.

i went over my notes from Storyline again… Bob Goff is a game changer.

i showered and coated myself with this grapefruit scrub because it’s amaaaaazing.

French Cafe is playing on Pandora (thanks for the suggestion amy lupin!)

i can hear the craft house laundry humming in the background.

i am deciding on dinner…. soup or…. soup?  🙂
what are you doing on your monday?

oh, yes two current faves | - […] you Meg for posting about this scrub! I’m in love. If you use it in the shower, there’s no need for lotion […]

Routhie - My Monday was boring and craptastic, but I highly recommend Pink Martini for music. They are an adorable band and would fit in nicely with the Pandora French Cafe theme.

beth larson - We were in the middle of a snowstorm in MN, so after doing a little housework I popped Steel Magnolias in and played hookey! Candles were lit, white lights were plugged in… little piece of heaven my Monday was~ : )

Tracy - That sounds like a glorious day! And soup sounds wonderful for dinner…It’s COLD here in Kansas City!

Lori - Sounds like an awesome Monday!

Carol S. - Just got those boots in black, thank you very much. I’ve done some shopping for myself for my birthday (told husband don’t worry, I’ve got it covered) and I’ve been very generous, lol. Also got a pair of leopard flats I was inspired by on another blog, will look fab on thanksgiving. Got some champagne glasses, a large skillet, knock off beat headphones, and some pjs/slipper and oh, highly recommended by sister tarte (?) australian clay foundation with holiday brush (I must have it she said, ok.) Glad you have a “break” coming up!!

Kerri H. - Nothing terribly exciting here but woohoo to MINDY and NEW GIRL!! I love them. I made Thai Curry Scallops for dinner so that was something. Have a great week!!

Kristin S - Whoa, what a dreamy day!

Kerry - Cleaning and dreaming of my soon to be little girl in China!

Laura h - Walking dogs this Monday in Chicago! One last nice day before the cold! I have a great recipe for some broc cheddar!
Just like Panera ❤

Stephanie - Cute boots!
I am trying to figure out a sourdough starter, help my child with math, get another to weed the garden because he needs the energy release (!!!), and also contemplating dinner–soup here too! 🙂

Sarah M - It is chilly here in SW Ohio, but no snow yet. I have to work most of the day, but tomorrow the Huz and I are going to my mom’s to install a stairlift for her. Should be fun!!! Or super-frustrating. Maybe we’ll hope for something in between those two. Lol Do you all swap names for Christmas with the extended family? We are this year, just among the adults, to save some moolah. It’s a $100 limit though! Yowzas!

Cali Kliewer - French Cafe is my FAVORITE!

Rachel S - We are having our first snow day of the year with 8 inches already on the ground! So the kids and I are hanging out and I’m trying to think through some Christmas shopping ideas online. Hey – I’d love for you to do a gift ideas post! I always love your ideas.

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