i have like….a hundred things to say and none of them have to do with each other.
here goes….

i sent this necklace to my mama for mother's day.
i am so in love with it.
i think i will order one for myself because….i tried it on and it looked fabulous.
it's lisa leonard….of course.

there are about 10 other things in her shop that i want also.
but don't we all??
this was my favorite RG this week that i saw.

i want to make these….

i bought this print this week…and a few others.
i think Katie Daisy is THE coolest.
i want to paint like she does….i ADORE her work.

i really want to paint like this.
31BiTS launched their summer line today.
it is so so so pretty.
all bright lovely colors.
i couldn't even begin to pick a favorite yet.
maybe this….

i love 31BiTS.

my aunt Pam and my cousin Sam came over for dinner this week.
she lives in sydney.
i hadn't seen her since i was 14.
isn't that crazy?
22 years? it seems completely silly.
it's official….the farm in may is THE perfect place for dinner guests.
it may be different in the hot summer but this month we have eaten almost every meal outside and it is absolutely perfect out there.
i loved having them here.
maybe next time i see you Pam it will be at YOUR house…in Aussie!

annie BEGGED to take a picture too.
we had CREAM PUFF SQUARES for dessert.
i think it's my family's favorite.
and i think ALL company likes it.
true story.
(while you are way back in 2008 archives…don't get sad and start crying that your cute little baby is all grown up….like maybe i did when i was searching for this recipe)
here is a rare look inside the farm house.

because check out my new messenger bag from The Pleated Poppy!!!

it is pretty darn cute isn't it?! it's better than cute. it is….marvelous?! yes….marvelous is a good word.
so here's the deal…..she can't keep these bags in stock because they are all so amazingly happy.
but she will keep making them.
be patient and she will restock.
you don't need to email her & ask…poor girl doens't need 50 emails asking "when can i get a green chevron bag?"
she will restock.
she knows how fabulous they are.
go over to the pleated poppy….look at ALL her cute stuff….she has free posy pins today!
and look at her bags and make yourself a note to come back in a couple days to get your own messenger bag.
and if i see that they are restocked i will remind you.
but really….everything in lindsey's shop is rad.
you can't go wrong.
what about teacher gifts??? pick some up today!
i have been sitting here debating on running all morning.
trying to talk myself out it.
"i have a headache"
"it's too gray"
"it's windy"
"i'm tired"
"i'm sore"
"now it's too sunny"
dang it….i'm going.
and i am not coming back till my headphones tell me i have been 6.2 miles.
but i am not happy about it.

i am starting with some color on the painted floors today!!
and waffle is going in for a haircut.
cause wow he needs one!
this run is going to kick my grumpy mood OUT the door.
because i said so.
have a wonderful friday.
Photo Booth Manchester - When I was young, I use to think my own mom was insane to get up so beginning. Now, I know her key.
WEIBO WEIBO - I have read your article.Article is very interesting,thanks for your sharing. I will necessarily add it in the selected works and I will visit this site.
Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I love weddings…anybody’s wedding, but especially when it’s special friends and family. Those are the best. A photo booth would be super fun. I’m filing that idea away for my girlies 😉 Happy Fourth!
Vonda - You all are beautiful! Love your favorite dress! I am soooo not a morning person! I wish we had a little summer around here-rumor has it maybe by the weekend?! I would like to just go for a walk without the rain!!! I think the state of Washington is the only state not reaching record breaking temps! Would love to pass a little of our rain to all the other states that need it so bad right now! I need to remember to check out Craft Wars!:)
Katherine @ Grass Stains - Meg, when I saw these window treatments, I thought, “These are MEGAN DUERKSEN all OVER.” I had to send you the link. They would be so perfect for some of your fabric scraps … I could see them on all the windows at the Craft House! http://sweetcheekstastytreats.blogspot.com/2012/07/something-sweet-ripped-fabric-window.html
Jamie - That photo of you in your favorite dress is just truly beautiful. 🙂
beth - I’m with you on running in the am, it’s so hot by mid morning, got to get it in early!
Jenna@CallHerHappy - I always love when I get up early…after the getting up part, of course! Also, Craft Wars is so fun. I agree about the drama though. Just show me some crafts 🙂
Laura - I know this is completely off topic, but do you know what happened to Laura’s blog “piece of cake.” i was away on vacation and when I came back it was gone. I truly love your blog and hers as well. I was wondering if I missed her goodbye post. Just checking to see if you knew 🙂
steph - i am SO not a morning person…
but honestly, i started running early mornings (between 6 and 6:30) since late spring and i LOVE it!
it’s SO hard to get up when the alarm goes, but once i’m out the door, there’s no looking back.
and i feel i’m a better mom when i do go out in the mornings.
you’d think i’d be more tired?
but i actually have way more energy… it’s a great way to start the day!!!!
too bad i can’t do it in winter too…
too dark here! ha ha ha!
Carrie - Ahh.. I have my neverending summer early morning trainers to wake me. My youngest gets up at 5:00 and the oldest a little bit after her. They both love to ride in my BOB duallie so it works out! Of. course I typically have to swing by the park as a reward, but that is ok.
Christy - Not a morning runner either, not by a long shot, but my running partner and I decided 100+ degree days made it necessary. We just switched to mornings last week. I, dare I say it, actually like it because it makes me get up and get going earlier. I feel like I accomplish much more in the day! Thanks for creating such a bright spot on the internet. Your devotion to God and your family are evident in every post. Keep it up!
Kirsten J - Love the wedding photos! And alrighty, girlie, if you say so….looks like summer is finally going to hit here in the PNW (after the 4th of July, as usual). SO if I’m going to walk, I have to get up and get out the door early. Ughh.
lisa currie-gurney - Mornings are the very best time of day.
The peace and quiet are like no other.
When I was younger, I use to think my own mother was crazy to get up so early.
Now, I know her secret.
Hope you discover it too Meg.
Hugs From My Heart
Lori H - Loved the black and white dresses on you three!
ko. s - So cute and fun and sweet and inspiring! I love reading your blog and seeing all the pictures 🙂
sandy toe - Love the polka dot dresses!
sandy toe
Tracy Fisher - The photo of you and the girls and the one of the father daughter (yours) dance… priceless! I love moments like these. Happy mornings to you Meg. -Tracy
angela - Love the photo booth pics!! What was in the punch to make yall so happy???? lol
Sharla - i love your hair too. And the photo booth pics are AWESOME! What a great keepsake.
Miss Rachel - I have to become a morning person too since everyone else in my family already is. Grumble.
I wanted to let you know that I offically thanked you on my blog for your Summer Wish Lists I found on Pinterest. They inspired me to get my family to create our own:
Now let’s just see if we can use our list to inspire us to actually DO the things we put on it!
Heather F. - Your 2 little girls have grown so much in the last couple of months. Your favorite dress is rad 🙂
Talysa - Your hair is gorgeous. Makes me miss having shorter hair. Till I remember that it is so hard to find people that know how to cut it properly. :-)Love that dress too.