i am here at the crafty house painting the work tables.
i have a few hours left of that work.
but worth it.
they look so good already….YAY white paint!!
i snapped some shots of pretty things around me this morning to brighten your day.
look at this sweet little mug i found at the thrift store….

and then look at the inside!

so sweet right??
my husband got the craft house a new tv.
i don't know how it works.
so i am LISTENING to You've Got Mail. :)

i always find sweet dishes while thrifting.
you don't want to know what i am planning on doing with them….
smashing them.
for mosaics….some time…..someday.
i have to have enough before i can take that project on.
don't hate me.

and this table cloth!!!
those colors…. it's pretty fabulous.
lovely and faded to the perfect worn in reds and yellow.

and who wouldn't love a crazy bright yellow chenille bedspread?
it's brrrr-iiiight.
but will be perfect on pillows.

i have been playing around with fabric combos…

and putting my hands in the supplies….just because i like it.

i picked up a pack of 24 spools of ribbon by Amy Tangarine at Joanns.
and the ruffled ribbon is from hobby lobby.
so so happy.

amy….some pillows were finally made from your kind quilty gift you gave me almost two years ago!
are they not the prettiest pillows you ever have seen?!!
yes they are.

new print to hang up this week.
that katie daisy is a ray of sunshine.
she brings me joy every time i look at her work.

that is my little quilt i found at the barn last month.
i love how it was clearly made from fabric they had…not $10 a yard quilting fabric that just came out this fall.
it's crazy and wonky and doesn't go together.
i love that.
back to painting.
happy friday to you.
when i was in 8th grade…i had german class….and i learned that friday was "FREITAG"…pronounced Fri-tog….i still think of that when i am thinking about saying things like "happy friday"….
how was that for a random fact?
gkgirl - beautiful shots!
Victoria - Okay, it’s official, I’m moving to Kansas! What gorgeous pictures!
Fall is my favorite time of year but in Atlanta sometimes fall skips right over us and that makes me sad.
Andrea - Beautiful photos! I always take pictures of flowers/grass/leaves/stumps…what do I do with them? Make my husband look at them and make him say, “Those are nice, honey!”
Colleen - Around here “hedge apples” are called…. Monkey Balls– we used to throw them at each other during recess. When my husband’s 8th grade class had a 30th year reunion, one of the girls made centerpieces out of the Monkey Balls.
rmd - I’m in Montana. It DID look so pretty and then it snowed and everything froze and turned black 🙁
Becky - Thank you for the beautiful Kansas pictures! I used to live in Buhler, now in Wisconsin. Fond memories-I loved it there! Our fall in WI is beautiful as well.
Rach - It must be hard to move from such a personalized home to a place you call home. I have lived in rentals my whole life save the house we currently live in which is our first owned space, but I never thought I’d be able to own anything, so I made every space I lived in my “own” space. That must be difficult after spending so much time on the craft house. Hey, as long as it’s safe and fun and you enjoy being there, who cares if it’s not decorated the way you’d like. A home is where you make memories. It doesn’t have to be perfect.
Gail - I know the weather has been wonderful here lately. The trees look so pretty. I love using our fire pit this time of year. But it is Kansas, we could have either 90’s or snow in a few days.
jennibell - You could make all your Christmas spending money but putting these in your Etsy shop I bet 🙂 I wish I could photograph like this. . .just beautiful.
Erin - beautiful photos as always! Where we live, Fall looks like….well…summer. (Hilton Head Is., SC) And while it’s still very beautiful here, it’s not very Fallish! I grew up experiencing the beautiful Falls of North Carolina.
ejmurn@gmail.com - Meg- I’ve always been a fan of your photos but these are by far my favorite!! You’re making this city girl long for afternoon hikes in the country… crispy crunch leaves underfoot, thermos of tea, scarves…. love it!
Tas - I’m starting to love fall seeing those amazing pictures. Actually, I live in a tropical country and we don’t have fall. I envy you guys.
aimee - I miss Kansas.
Thanks for your beautiful pics, Meg.
Amber - I LOVE it and it looks a lot like that. Then again I only live an hour or two away. 🙂 Kansas is my favorite place and fall is my favorite season. Very happy. Now, if only I had a pumpkin spice latte I’d be set.
Kimberly Dial - Fall is my all time fave & I’m convinced Heaven’s atmosphere & climate is Fall-like all year long! Thanks for sharing!
Kirsten J - Really it’s my least favorite season….here in Seattle, it means it’s going to start raining and keep raining for the next 6 months. But. Ive tried to embrace it more the last few years. It is really pretty when the leaves change. And I do like the extra quilt on the bed. And cooking in the slow cooker. And it means Christmas is coming. See? I’m trying…..
Tonya - Hi Meg we call them osage oranges here in central PA. Pics are so pretty! We will have full color in about two weeks here and it is not as flat but the colors look similar.
Suzanne - oh my, that red barn, I die!! fall is my faves too!
Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - I do love fall where I live ( 30 miles north of LA). It’s usually still hot in September but about now it starts to turn cooler in the morning and evening. I wore a sweatshirt, with my shorts and flip flops, but I was able to where the sweatshirt. I am making soup for dinner tomorrow night and I did put, not an extra blanket, but a blanket on our bed! It looks very pretty where you are. happy Fall!
Debby - Fall is my favorite too. Hannah calls hedge balls, hedge hogs! Ha ha!!
the.mrs - MN = lovely lovely LOVELY for about a week and then poof they’re gone. My favorite is Spring. It means our cold nasty winters are over! 😉 My husband (from Mexico) ‘s favorite season… Winter. Craaazy man, I tell ya. Crazy!
Krista - We call them hedge apples here in Indiana, too! And in case you didn’t know, if you put a hedge apple in each room of your house, it keeps the spiders away! I swear by it! 🙂 love, love, love your blog!
Tiffany - Fall in MN is bea-u-tiful! Although I’m a lil sad looking at your photos because leaves are just turning for you, and I fear they will be almost gone for us soon. End of fall means start of our long nasty winter… and I’m not such a fan of that. Especially the yucky driving in the snow part. 🙁 I did get some beautiful family pictures in our fall colors, right on our country driveway though!
Jenn - Fall is my favorite too! Unfortunately, here in Texas we don’t get falls like you do in Kansas :(. So pretty!
Lisa - I use to live in southern CA where fall was hot and not my favorite. Now I live in the high desert of Oregon and love fall! I dont live where all the rain is so its not quite as beautiful with all the colors but the weather is crisp and cool and the colors do start changing! I love having actual seasons.
Tracey - I love fall and spring. I just adore those “change” seasons. And everything is so pretty at both those times. Here in Texas summer and winter are not typically pretty. During both times things are generally dead. My other favorite thing about both fall and spring is the monarchs. They fly thru here and whenever I see them I know that the seasons are truly changing.
Martha - Beautiful pictures! Fall is definitely my favorite season!
jen - We have the most brilliant coloured trees up here in Ontario. Neon oranges and reds! I always like to see what a place looks like through the changes of the seasons, somewhere else in the world!
Janelle - I live in the Virgin Islands so my fall looks NOTHING like that. But I grew up in Indiana so I LOVE looking at these photos – thanks!! I miss fall…I’m currently sitting outside at 8pm where a tropical shower just passed and I’m sweating!
Ashlyn@Pinecone - We were just looking around for out extra blankets!
I had to grin at your soccer story. We don’t do soccer, but we have been at a lot of swim meets – and have complaining the last few weeks about how hot it is in the pool area. Now that it is really starting to cool off outside – I think that will feel mighty nice : )
Great photos!
Charlton - so true! 🙂
Charlton - Houston doesn’t really have fall. 🙁 We had fallish weather for 2 days this week, but today is was back up to an 87 degree high. boo! My 4 year old asked me a month ago if she could jump in a pile of leaves in the fall. My answer was, if I can find a pile of leaves for you, we’ll jump in it! 😉 I love your pictures, though.
Juli - Those are called Mock Oranges here in the South.
Maggie - I love fall but I am a southern California girl and we have not had fall weather, temps have been in the 90s…too hot for fall, I haven’t even wanted to decorate for fall because it still feels like summer… Your pictures of fall are beautiful!
Susan - We don’t have much fall here in Texas! It goes from hot to not so hot to freezing usually in the course of one week:) Most of the foliage around here goes from green straight to brown in the same amount of time!
tonya - fall has always been my favorite season here in ks…i’m on the east edge of the flint hills and it’s beautiful!!! i love that you took a pic of the hedge apples…my brothers and i used to have hedge apple wars! they hurt and are sticky! 😉
alyssa - fall out east is soooo much prettier. you don’t even realize until you are back and get to experience it again…but, Kansas ain’t so bad!
Adrienne - In Texas we call those horse apples… Not sure why 🙂 yesssss I love fall here too, though it comes a bit later in the north Texas area
Stacy M. - I miss fall in Kansas. We were stationed at Ft. Riley for a couple years. Now we live right out side of New Orleans. Just hot here. Our trees don’t turn till Dec. or Jan. Love the pictures thanks for sharing.
Christy - How awesome is that barn! I would love to have family pictures done there.
jordan c - how beautiful! love all these images.
Brenda - I love the picture of the barn! Would you please put it in your etsy shop? I have grown up in Kansas and we are now moving to Savannah, GA and would love to hang that in my new house!
Trinda - I grew up in Hesston and live in the DC area now. Your pics make me feel a little verklempt. My best friend lived about 6 miles west on Dutch Ave and those hedge apples were everywhere! Love checking in with you and seeing my old town. Found you on a fluke! Thanks for being so inspiring.
Liesl - Looks beautiful! Makes me want to wander around the area with my camera and capture fall shots here in NJ….but it’s been raining a lot.
Brooke - Hedge apples? HORSE apples! 🙂 Funny how things like that are regional! Gorgeous photos. This is my favorite time of year!
sarah j - these are stunning, meg.
in seattle-land, we typically have a beautiful, vibrant fall–but we haven’t had nearly any rain in almost 2 months! shattering stereotypes, eh? so we’re a bit dryer and crunchier than normal in the great pacific northwest…
Stephanie - Oh how I miss fall. Your pictures are gorgeous. I lived around the Fort Riley area when I was a kid and loved it. I loved the big blue sky, the waves of endless grass, the snow, even tornado season. Lol. I now live in FL and before that I lived in Las Vegas. There is no color to be seen and frankly it makes me grumpy. We are still battling upper 80s and even 90 degrees. I do have to praise God for cooler, enjoyable mornings.
Tracy - I’m in Kansas, too, and LOVE fall!!! Buuuuttt, winter, not so much.
Laura - after ten years in Los Angeles, I can not Praise God enough for the glorious season of fall in Connecticut!
I met Nick in the fall
I look great in orange
I make wonderful apple pie
I love a grande soy latte with one pump of pumpkin spice
I look better in fall fashion
I live for the fall Vogue
I got engaged and married in the fall
I love the color, the leaves, the air, the deer, the pumpkins
the end.
Jessica - I would love to buy a print of the red barn photo! Put it in the shop, pretty please!!!
Fall is very lovely here in VA. Just starting to see the leaves changing colors.
Kristin S - Yes, my favorite by far! I’m in North Carolina.
Grew up in New England where fall is perfect.
North Carolina is pretty amazing too.
Lived in Orlando, Florida for 3 years. Not so much there. People laying out at the pool on Christmas day. Not so much.
Fefe - Wow, Meg! That picture of the red barn is gorgeous! I couldn’t stop staring at it! I wish I had it in a frame! Anyway, fall in Indiana is very similar. It’s my favorite season as well. I find that as each season comes and goes, I’m ready for it. It reminds that God has really awesome timing. 🙂
angela - Fall in North Carolina is P E R F E C T.
Tiffany - i feel (a lil) bad because the comments are all lovin on fall. im in pa and i dont want it. florida, please? longer days, where art thou? oh sweet summer i miss thee. i really like the 3rd photo of the pink buds, i will take those. fall is pretty, i’ll give you that.
Jen - I’m finding it interesting to read through your comments and see where people are from. You seem to have a lot of readers from my neck of the woods: southwest Ohio. Maybe a day where we all post where we live??? City and state???
mae chevrette - Your blog inspired me to start taking and sharing more big photos (instead of just small/artwork related ones)… I just posted this big photo post about camping during fall in New England… in case you’d like to see A LOT of different colors on a lot of trees 🙂 http://maechevrette.com/blog/2012/10/9/camp-things
Jen - LOVE fall. Ohio falls are beautiful, too, but that Kansas sky…that’s something different. It’s awesome. Bright blue skies, vibrant leaves, crisp air here in OH today. Love my job working for a park district. I’m out in God’s beauty all the time.
Shannon - I love Fall but it is not even close to as gorgeous as it is where you are! I love all these pics Meg, thank you for sharing with us. Oh and I would prob. cry if I was sitting in the rain cold too 😉
Sandy - I’m in southwest Ohio and it looks and feels a lot like your Kansas. Love fall!! (I also love spring and summer!!)
Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, I just love fall!
We call those horse apples 🙂 No idea why… lol.
rae - here in nashville i’ve always called those “hedge apples” monkey brains! haha. a little bit gross. it has been cold here, but not very pretty yet. i can’t wait for the leaves to really start turning
Lisa M. - Beautiful pictures, Meg!
I live in Western Pennsylvania, so yes, fall looks like this. Our trees are on “fire” with color right now. I can see evidence of this out evey window in my house. I love it! It’s gorgeous!
Hands down, my FAVORITE time of year.
Jamie Van Nuys - beautiful photos!! I love all of the colors. We just moved to a new town in California, and I don’t think it’s really fall yet. After living in Seattle during Fall I can say with full confidence what fall looks like there…but I think it has yet to hit our little town of Gilroy 🙂 BUT, we now live in the country which is totally new to me, so I may have to go on a walk close to home and see if I can capture anything fun like you have!
kim - fall is my first love.
it’s so mild here that it sneaks up on you. but this year, there was one morning i woke up and it was most definitely fall.
we had a few indian summer days after that. but each morning i wake up and my room is cool, and i snuggle into my blankets.
it’s a real good fall this year in the bay.
Anne - I love fall in Kansas. The colors are a feast for the eyes. These are great pictures way to capture fall.
Heather S. - Another KS girl here – NE corner, though. Fall is really pretty up here because the land is somewhat hilly and the trees spot the landscape nicely. My fave season, though, will always be spring – it’s the promise that God will never forsake us – new life has come again!
BTW – we call those hedge balls here. Never heard Hedge Apples. Hmmmm….
Cathy - Our fall in southern Ohio looks and sounds a lot like yours in Kansas. Love it!
Christy K - I absolutely LOVE the photos Meg! Perfect examples of fall. So jealous that these are all so close to home… makes me want to take a little road trip and take some pictures of my own! I wish I could say it looked like fall here… it did, for about a week. Then, typical Winnipeg (there is a reason we are nicknamed WINTERpeg) it SNOWED! Now it has been snowing on and off for a week! I was really hoping for a Halloween where we DIDN’T have to account for wearing a parka when buying a costume but, oh well! That’s life on the Canadian Prairies for you! Hope you have a most wonderful day!
Dani - We call those Bodocks. We even have a Bodock Festival every year. It’s pretty fun seeing what people can use the Bodock balls for.
Heidi Jo the Artist - Love fall! The colors have been amazing here in Iowa. Love all the photos, especially the red barn; I’m a sucker for old barns!!
Hey, I know you are probably super busy, just wanted to let you know I sent an e-mail to you a few days ago and to check your spam if you didn’t get it. My crazy name apparently likes to see spam boxes, ha!
Have an awesome day! 🙂
Gretchen - Fall is my favorite in OH. Love the colors. Hedge apples help with fruit flies. I love sweatshirt and jeans weather.
Jodie - It is snowing in my fall today!
Terrie - I love all seasons…not sure that I really have a favorite.
Except I really don’t love extremely hot or cold.
I love the changing of the seasons.
I miss the hedge apples…we had them all over at our farm.
Did you know that they are supposed to keep the crickets out of your basement?
I don’t know if it’s true…but we always had a few scattered around the basement
in old pie tins. I don’t remember if we had crickets…. LOL!!
I love the cool air coming in from an open window and having to put on an extra fluffy blanket!!
Love the pics!!
Jocelyn Pascall - Beautiful photos – truly. I love Fall too!! I so wish I didn’t have to spend all day in an office so I could go out and enjoy the beauty.
Curious Details - it’s beautiful and would be a lovely way to transition to the holidays.
sadly, Houston never looks like that on the outside. gonna be 90 degrees today.
but we fake it pretty good on the inside.
Heidi D. - I just moved to Marshall MN from South Dakota and fall is the same here as SD. Fall colors here were absolutely beautiful for a couple weeks,then the wind was so bad all the leaves fell off. I can’t believe how windy it has been here over the last week and I really could do without it! If it weren’t for the wind it would actually be quite nice out—sweatshirt weather, my favorite:) Love all your pictures, especially the red barn and the multiple wires on the fencepost:)
Lindsay - I live in Indiana & LOVE fall as well. I feel sorry for those that don’t get to experience it the same as we do! Absolutely beautiful to see such a change in seasons! Love your pics by the way, especially the barn!
Linda - I love fall. It’s my favorite season. I live up in the very NW corner of Washington. It’s so beautiful here. Beautiful red maples OH I LOVE IT!!!
Aimee - I live in Central California and we don’t have a nice fall. Its still in the 80s in October and doesn’t get nice and chilly until December, sometimes January. I grew up in Upstate NY so I grew up with amazing falls. I didn’t realize how much I would miss them until I moved here. Now I get so homesick every fall.
elma - I love fall and all the beautiful colors I just do not like what comes after fall:) Lovely pictures!!!
nicole i - so lovely. i wish for fall. we live in the sf bay area…cooler weather and fog…not too many turning leaves. i miss a real fall like in the rockies.