well i am home from a really good weekend at Hope Spoken in Dallas.
i have been trying to write this post for three days but life is busy!
appointments and carpool and dinner and groceries and puppies and chickens and everything!
take me back to Dallas!!!
kimberlee and i drove down together and talked our heads off every. single. minute.
when we got to dallas we ate at Lyfe Kitchen for lunch.
hummus on a salad? quinoa and cucumbers? avocado AND hot sauce?!
and i tried my first radish!
this salad was not only photo worthy but memorable.
i wish i could eat it every week!
over this meal kimberlee said “i always forget how good it feels to get away and do something out of the norm”
YAY for leaving the routine behind and having fun outside our everyday lives!
the first place i went for the conference was the Speaker Dinner.
the other Hope Spoken speakers were there and i met them for the first time.
We met at Neighbor’s Table with Sarah hosting us in her back yard.
(go read about her Love Mission!).jpg)

the table setting was beautiful and made us each feel so special.
i loved hearing Sarah’s heart in what she does… how she serves.
she made me want to be more intentional about sharing and gathering!
it was a relaxing way to start the weekend.
not hope spoken related but still weekend related:
we ate lunch on friday at the Rusty Taco.
the #2 Roasted Pork Taco with cotija cheese and pickled red onions was something i can’t stop craving!
we tried to go back twice but it was closed on the weekends!
Hope Spoken opened on friday night with Jen Hatmaker.
now… i knew she would be good.
but she blew me away.
i have read her books but i’ve never heard her speak… it was the best thing i have heard in possibly years!
she’s the real deal.
this is a terrible picture of her… but i wanted you to see the stage and the set up… SO lovely.
i don’t think it was recorded but if it was you have got to hear it! i will keep you posted.
these were my roommates.
i mean, they were ok i guess…
ha ha ha.
ashley, shannan and kimberlee are so nice to room with me.
they make me so happy.
i wish we all lived in the same state… in the same town…. on same block… with adjoining backyards where we can hang out every night! 🙂
this is my small group i got to be in.
i always feel anxious when joining a group of women… (will this feeling last forever?)
and as usual… the group was totally lovely full of sweet women with stories that matter & big hearts.
Crystal was our leader and i have been wanting to meet her in person for a long time.
our group even had a smiley baby mascot.
i spoke on saturday morning.
i was a sweaty mess but i made it through!
and i did cry… but not out of control.
they did not record the break outs so literally “i guess you had to be there”

(thanks for picture kimberlee)
i felt like i needed a nap when i was done!
but i am so glad i did it!!!
at 10:55 i tried to get the other break out speakers to go out for coffee with me.
(we spoke at 11:00)
ha ha ha
i shared about how Jesus wants us right where we are, no matter what we have done in our past.
there is no one “qualified” to be used by Him… none of us are and He uses us anyway!
i shared that it’s O K and even good to DREAM with God & the setbacks we encounter when we do.
about how it’s really hard to see ourselves the way God does – we focus on our sins but God sees us clean.
and about how all the stories & events in our past are about God changing us for His good.
i also told them i was super worried that my spanx were showing since i was on the stage instead of the floor.
Stephanie (Honey) Holden spoke on sunday as our closer.
it just couldn’t have been better.
i had never met stephanie but i think she & i should have been friends forever.
she has the best accent!
i loved her stories, the way she read the bible and how she walked us through the verses.
and yes… i had been the crying just before this picture.
it’s not like i just walk around and burst into tears but when someone says something that touches my heart or hugs me when i need it or tells me good news (or sad news too)… the tears come. it’s just me. it started in seventh grade and i don’t think its stopping anytime soon.

jeanne and i have been friends for a LONG time. 🙂
she’s super cool. i always enjoy my time talking and laughing so much with her.
you should take her online art classes!
at the very least you should take part int the Becoming Class – it’s free and awesome!
we ate across the street by default at the Rodeo Goat.
it looks like a 4H building and i was very skeptical.
but like with most fun places… it looked weird but it was really GREAT!
i was wrong.
once i saw this wall… it was my new favorite place in the whole world.
isn’t this a funny picture?! we all had such a good time together!
i got to meet Paige for the first time after ‘knowing” each other online forever!
blogging rocks.
so many online friends are every where! it’s so fun to meet in real life!
paige i loved our meals together. 🙂
i follow Ruth on Instagram but we had never met until thursday.
she was F U N! i loved her from the second we met!
(partly because she walked up and said “oh my gosh you are so beautiful!” or something like that)
if you don’t follow her you are missing out! her shop is RAD too.
she has 6 boys! (with a body like that) (inside joke)
just now i went to the #hopespoken on IG and stole all these pictures!
i wish i had thought to take each of them… and about 100 more.
the speakers each were given “gift bags” which was kinda dreamy.
better life bags… katygirl designs… persimmon prints… intentional home… lovishly… 25:40 Love… eclectic joy… the lovely words
i felt spoiled! thanks to all the sponsors and to the Hope Spoken crew!
Danielle, Casey & Emily – THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
so dear readers… you should go to hope spoken next year.
be brave!
meet new people!
get away from the everyday routine!
have FUN!
worship together.. grow… hear… experience!
i had heard how good it was and i was still skeptical… and it was SO GOOD!!!
i am so glad i went!
tickets go on sale May 1 for Hope Spoken 2016.
M - That green and white tile floor IS amazing! The embroidery work is fantastic and I would like to eat that squash filled boat for lundh today please : ) Great compilation!
PS: I like your hour time limit – sometimes I go way less but have to admit having went over that mark a few times…oy…
Morgan - I get lost in Pinterest too. I love looking at the decor and food and house ideas. So fun! I love all the colorful bathrooms you found! I am a big fan of color.
jennibell - So. . .if I had an hour I would totally do this too!!! I’m going to come back and pin some myself 🙂
I saw an article today and thought of you (I know, so weird. . .you don’t know me, I don’t know you yet I see something and think of you. . .) and couldn’t find an e-mail on your site so thought I’d post it here. I really think it might speak to you. . .
Have a great week Meg!
Kristin S - Thanks for linking the photos! Off to Pin myself. 🙂 I mean, not literally pin myself…