Category Archives: prettyhave i mentioned how much i love summer? Love these photos. Can I tell you how much I miss Hollyhocks. I do.
Lovely. love all your flowers but especially your hydrangeas…I’m a hydrangea junkie 🙂 happy summer! Very beautiful Meg! Do bumblebees sleep on your cone flowers?! Ahhh look at all the pretty
Ar! Hollyhocks and hydrangeas and echinacias! Ar!!!! Beautiful!! I bet your garden is a lovely lovely place to be!! these are gorgeous shots, Meg!
The flowers are beautiful and I too love summer! Love this! (Now I have to pull out my plant book to figure out what a few of these are!) Do you live at Botanica? 🙂 Gorgeous flowers!! Man! How fantastic! I wish my yard looked like that, but we’re working on it. Thanks for the motivation!
Gosh your garden is so gorgeous and lush! Waiting for everything here to get blooming, slowly but surely! Meg what a beautiful garden. Your photography keeps getting better and better, its always good. Your blog brings so much joy to my life and such inspiration. Please don’t ever go away!!! Hydrangeas are my favorite! Enjoy mine are just popping up. I am seriously lusting after your camera and your mature plants! Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures with us! Wonderful pictures !
And in Australia it is mid-winter. But thankfully I live in the sub-tropics so it’s 23 degrees Celsius here today. That is 73.4 degrees Fahrenheit. I love it. Thanks for reminding us that Spring is only 8 weeks away here! Simply beautiful. Kansas seems to bloom about a month before the East Coast (Long Island). Our Day lillies just opened but hydrangea and purple cone flowers are nearly a month away from blooming. Those are all mid July and August flowers for us. Thanks for sharing. My yard has serious yard envy. Those pics are delovely! These are beautiful…thanks for sharing!! 🙂 love it!!! ENJOY!!!! I am drinking your margarita recipe RIGHT NOW!!!! SOOOO GOOD!!!! LOLS Just beautiful:) Lucky you…oh and I found you in a magazine tonight! Honey and I were at Barnes and Noble and I picked up Flea Market Style and voila…there you were on page 28. Congratulations. You go girl!!! Really beautiful. I wish we could grow hollyhocks, but our cool summers in Alaska just don’t produce them often. Have I mentioned how much I love your photography?? Gorgeous!
Beautiful!! I can’t wait till I have a bigger yard that gets more sun. I would especially love a mature garden like yours, because I’m not much of a gardener… Oh meg… these are beautiful! I love them! Wow, amazing photos! I love the 7th one up from the bottom because you captured a little bug crawling on it, how cool!
I love the ruffles of them! Kelly These are absolutely my favorite flowers, so I won’t ever get tired of seeing pictures of them! They’re hard to grow here in Alaska, though. I just haven’t had good luck. Oh, my gosh, those are so beautiful! Mine are just barely starting to bloom. You’ve got several kinds there. Very pretty the way you edited them too.
I got some shoots from my great aunt’s house a year ago… I have 3 or 4 plants that come up and this year I finally have ONE bud… finally! I check every day to see if it has bloomed 🙂 I love them! so i have a peony question for you. when do you think i’ll get this kind of crop? from the bulbs i bought from aldi’s & just planted on monday? some how i think i missed the boat this season. 🙂 ha ha ha but yours are GORGEOUS. enjoy!
Photo’s, not the real flowers… ha ha. Meg, can you put these in your shop? I’d love to buy some…. 🙂 Thanks for sharing. Mine aren’t open yet so I’ll enjoy yours until I can bring some inside.
One of my most favorite flowers! I’ve been following your blog for a while and you always have the most amazing photos. And I’m really glad you posted these pics since I didn’t even think about taking any photos of our peonies and they have already come and gone for the season where I am 🙁 Oh, I could NEVER get tired of these! They are just AMAZING! Great, great photos!
They are so beautiful! I couldn’t get tired of their beauty. They made me think of some of the couture dresses I’ve seen in magazines lately – soft, torn chiffon and silk. I wonder if peonies gave the designers their inspiration. Thank you for posting them! Do you think my neighbors would notice if I picked a few large bouquets out of their yard until I get some to grow over here? 🙂 They are gorgeous! I love them and can’t wait to have some peony bushes of my own someday! I adore peonies! They bring back such wonderful childhood memories of an elderly neighbor and the visits we had. I’ll never get tired of seeing them! I love Peonies too! Every house we ever lived in when I was young we always have several peony bushes… sadly, I don’t have any now… I need to make a mental note to purchase some and get them planted so they will bloom next year!! Beautiful!!
Who could ever tire of peonies? Mine are still tight little balls…come on, warm weather!! Never tire of your beautiful pics 🙂 Rain (tornado) Rain (tornado) GO AWAY!!!!!!!!! my favorite too! I wish I had a bush of them for myself! Those are nothing short of spectacular! Amazing photos! The dark pink ones are just gorgeous!
I love them! So pretty. they are my favorite and i don’t have one bush in my yard of them…that needs to change this year! i am going to get one! Wow. Those are just beautiful. I can practically smell them through my computer screen. Quick, go pick them! I never get tired of peonies! Ours won’t open for a few more weeks… Just lovely. I wish I could grow those. I think my dogs would eat them for lunch. 🙁 I will enjoy yours.
Very pretty! 12 days of school left.
can’t wait for your summer to-do list too! i feel like you just did last year’s! time flies! 🙂 and that’s what marks my anniversary of reading you! i’m on year three! woohoo!
I love those flowers. My parents had bushes like those outside there house. We would play barbies around those trees and use those little flowers as bouquets. Now I always call them barbie bouquets. I always thought it would be fun to have a flower girl throw tons of those little flowers at a wedding. sounds perfectly heavenly! Augghh we still have 30 days. At least the sun is shining today. Finally. It actually snowed here (outside Seattle) on Wednesday. What a colorful little girl Annie is 🙂 And I love that Talby horn shot!
ici , il manqueme soleil et la chaleur surtout ! Only 8 days for us!!!!! Love Annie’s style!
lightning bugs, seriously? i have never seen a real life lightning bug. sounds fantastic. i wanna hang out on your porch, watch the lightning bugs, and i’ll pack the coffee with me from cali. deal? I’m ready to see your summer list of “things to do”! 13 days for us! And you know this teacher is in final countdown mode for SURE! I have mixed feelings. I’m SO excited about having the kids home and all the fun travels we have planned this summer, and a huge YES to iced coffee!! But when the big kids get out of school at the end of this month is when I have to stop working from home and go back to the office, which means leaving my little baby at home, and THAT I’m sad about.
Boy, your kids get out of school early! I will be ready for summertime too:) Great photos. wow ….. can’t even imagine that when its still only 2 degrees here!!! I love how happy your girls look here! A perfect little piece of innocent America, it made me smile! Where did you find Annie’s darling Ring Pop tee? My 5-year old would {heart} it! Cute, cute!
Talby is getting TALL. So cute. I’ll have a chocolate chip cookie dough cone from Braums, please.
“i’ll have what she’s having!”
Ah cute! These pics make me so excited to watch my girls grow up, they are 6 months and 2 years.
we still have a little over a mnth of school left thanks to all the blizzards this year!! 12 days???? My kids don’t get out until June 24th. Uggghh… I wish it were only 12 days! 13 1/2 for us. Also, can’t wait! And your little one just captures the joy of childhood in these pictures-all smiles, no inhibitions. Joyful! Love it! Cute girlies! 🙂 oh yes! cannot wait! I’ve been reading your blog a looooong time 🙂 I remember this post last yer saying you were ready for bbq’s and watermelon 🙂 Sign me up! This is going to be an especially wonderful summer since my oldest starts Kindergarten in the fall (and yes, it’s KILLING me!). So I’m determined to make it awesome for all of us.
Oh man 🙂 Meeee toooo!!!! So looking forward to not packing lunches and going through backpacks for notes 😉 ahhhhh Summer 🙂 (Except here in OK…the wind is REEDICULOUS right now!!! And tomorrow….gonna be like 67 🙁 sooo, with the wind, it will feel like Winter again! But I’m not complaining, right!!!!??? Nope, not at all!!!!)
that my friend is a great list of things to look forward to! Me too! Add days lounging at my dad’s pool, summer thunderstorms, and barbeque dinners.
my favorite flower. Wow beautiful. You should totally create some magic and find a way to preserve those for my wedding in April. YUM! Loveeee. Those are so very, very beautiful! Peonies are my favorite as well. Stunning photos as always, one of the reasons why I adore coming here. Happy Mother’s Day to you! GORGEOUS!!! You are right! These are my favorite flower, as well. I need to get some more. You are so lucky, flowers bloom sooner in Kansas than in Iowa!
I am green with envy! We can’t grow peonies here. I can Almost smell them…Thanks for sharing!
I just try not to look at all the ants! We had peonies at our house growing up and all I can think of is the ants that seemed to be always crawling all over them, though lucky for you you don’t seem to have that same problem 🙂 I love peonies too. I had them in my wedding bouquet. You’re lucky mine won’t bloom until next month probably. But I think I can smell them from your shots 😉 I love your flower pics…when I went home to La. I went crazy taking pics of all of the flowers. I feel like I can smell them through your pictures… Mine too. Here in Oklahoma, they’ve been in bloom for about a week. So last night I cut a HUGE bouquet of them to put on the table as they fade away. I wish some scientist could genetically mutate them so that they would bloom all summer long.
have to agree…GREAT flower, and it makes us appreciate it so much because it is here for such a short sweet time. We should treat everyday like we do the peony!!!
I love peonies too. My plants dont even have buds yet 🙁 Enjoy yours while they are blooming. Thanks for sharing! They’re my favorite too! I’m fighting every urge to go cut the ones blooming on campus (at U of I) to bring them home for myself 😛 brings back such sweet memories. summer time at grandma’s. my birthday…playing in the water hose while trying not to get stung by the busy bees. and the sweet smell; oh, i loved the fragrance they share. my grandmother grew these all over the side of the family house. thank you for sharing. so pretty!
these are my favorite too!! just such a beautiful flower. i have tried and tried to grow them here in the south and have one bloom in 7 years ;(….just too hot
Can’t wait to see this years pictures of London in the Peonies. They are such beautiful flowers and that little girl in them makes for great pictures and fun. PEONIES are the BEST. Gorgeous!
I’m still waiting for mine to bloom, your’s are way ahead of mine… thanks for the picture’s ! Hugs to you 🙂 Ditto x 6! One of my faves, especially in hot pink! LOVE IT! I just recently discovered my new favorite flower and it was a tree so it really won’t last long. I used it for my YouCapture this week on my blog. Oh wow ~ Great pictures! Beautiful, love Peonies…wish I could grow them here in Cali, too hot though. Mine came out today too! We cut one and sent it to Corbett’s teacher, I cut two for the coffee table and I photographed the rest! Why do ants like them so much too? Let’s go to barn sales on peonies farms. Gorgeous photos of one of my favorite flowers. I have subscribed to your blog for almost a year and it is one of my favorites (I’m a fellow Kansan!). Thanks for sharing yourself; you are inspiring to me. I love peonies too. I didn’t know you could grow them at home… I’ll have to look into that. I love your blog!
i have one of mine in a vase on my table right now and have to take a big wiff everytime i sit down. my fave too for sure! also, i really like your processing on those pics:)
I LOVE peonies!! They remind me of my Grandma. She had lots and lots of peony bushes in her yard. =) I love this flower too! So pretty 🙂 oh…beautiful. we don’t grow peonies here…major flower envy! I second all of that… Sooo pretty! Enjoy every minute of the next 2 weeks:) Isn’t it ridiculous that peonies are one of the most beautiful flowers…they’re in all the wedding magazines…when you ask for them, you find out you can’t have them because they aren’t around anymore…sad, sad, sad! Glad you get to enjoy them in person, if only for a short while. Thanks for sharing with us!
my fav too along with hydrangeas! My pink peonies are blooming now and my white ones are getting ready to open!!
oh, i don’t have any peonies and i wish i did…they are my favorite flower as well…I LOVE the pink ones!!! I don’t have any peonies, but my Mom does. They are my favorite flower. The smell is bliss. I’m sure she won’t miss the few I have adorning my coffee table. SHHHH…don’t tell her. Love them too – I peonies in my wedding bouqet! It’s almost time for them here as well! I can’t wait, your pictures make me want some NOW:) I feel the same way, Meg! My peonies are just starting to bloom. I cut a few today and they smell heavenly! those are my favorite too! Beautiful pics! Enjoy them while they last, they are so beautiful! Mine are still not ready, they’re still tight little buds. I am keeping an eye on them, last year they bloomed and I didn’t realize it until a few days into it and they were all drooped over onto the ground. Not good!!
This post is making me SO excited!!! Mine are all tight buds and I just KNOW they’re going to bloom soon and I just CANNOT wait!! The colors are so so very beautiful:) I am so happy that spring is here! The flowers are beautiful! Don’t you just love them! They are so fluffy and full. Enjoy darling! they are so beautiful…still waiting for mine to pop open…I think I should add some new colors this year. I love them too! Just saw a couple small buds on my bush this morning! Yeah!! Enjoy! Peonies are my favorite, too. They have the best smell and are so easy to arrange. Mine won’t be in for another week or two, though! They are beautiful! So sad they only last for two weeks… What absolutely lovely, beautiful randomness xox I enjoyed all the photos. The cookies look so yummy! Your pics always makes me smile! Lovely pictures! Can I ask where you got your chairs…the cream colored one? I’ve been on the hunt for some JUST like that!
One word. Gorgeous.. such simple every day things captured by an amazing eye! Love your blog.. your work is stunning! xoxo Maybe my favorite post ever.
Super Cute!!!! you have a great eye for seeing beauty in things…love your pictures. thanks for sharing. i love all of these pictures…especially annie hanging off the window, and of course waffle dog 🙂 miley would like a print of the treat jar 🙂 i think this is what i love most about your blog…the way you make the every day beautiful. I have to tell you, you have an amazing way of telling a story with each photograph. I look forward to your post each and everyday. Love all the pictures! Great pictures – as always. I kept going back to the one of Annie hanging like that – how does she do this? She’s quite an acrobat 😉
Love your photos! That Easter lunch looks phenomenal! A Cora dress? In a size that fits girls and not a baby? Wow I’d like to be able to buy one of them!
love it all. your cookies look perfect! yum!
ps. when are you going to publish a happy coffee table book?! – signed an eager future customer love. Oh, Waffle. I love how you take pictures of random things and they are still beautiful.
Behold, the power of Starbucks. Just seeing that picture made me “need” it. 🙂 love the pictures..thanks for sharing!!! honestly, I was a little annoyed that you had markers and crayons out and a FULL jar of cookies..must have perfectly behaved children unlike mine. THEN I saw your hanging monkey. Oh good. love the pics….I need that green bamboo McCoy pot! I mean I already have a couple but… Love Annie’s Cora dress – so cute! And I soooo want some of those cookies. 🙂
I like it! Just LOVE. Well done!
thanks for passing on the happy! good stuff! Love the random shots. The cookies would not last in my house long enough to get a picture! They look delish!
Great shots! You’re pictures are always full of color. Please share your secrets … 🙂 I love love LOVE your posts like this! so cheerful 🙂 Your random posts are the best. My favorite is your pooch sniffing the potted grass….exactly what mine would be doing!
Happy Pictures! Thanks for sharing! I love the picture of your kitchen window, and the pretty yellow flowers, but especially the glasses the flowers are in! So unique. You house is so pretty! LOVE!! Your pictures always make me feel happy!! I love your hanging monkey, too cute! Great pictures as always! Colorful & real photos- love it! Was that Easter dinner because it looks scrumptious =) Those pictures make me happy! I want to put my boys crayons in a big ol’ glass jar like the one you have your markers in, but I’m afraid of it falling and shattering. Have you had any trouble with that? Maybe your kids are calmer than mine. 🙂 also, LOVE how distressed your chair is in that picture w/ annie. looks like real life. have a great day! you’ve had a busy week, i see. lovely shots. and save a cookie for me, k? Love your random happy pictures. That fire pit one was really interesting:) Happy day to ya Meg. That does look happy!! Happy, indeed. Thanks for sharing! Oh, and I love that row of tall skinny bottles! Thanks for making me smile 🙂 All those wonderful glass jars. Jealous muchly. 😉 Great random shots – they look somewhat how my random shots would look, if I were cleverer with a camera! The piano one is lovely. it was closing in on me.
next year, i hope you add september’s (indian lakes) to the list. they have a bleu cehsee-stuffed burger that is excellent. btw, i do hope to ping you once the weather gets nice to check out the stump smoker.~ carpetbagger Ooh, your craft room is looking good! Keeping things clean and organized can be a little hard, but when you see results like that, you can’t help but work hard to make sure that things are kept in such a state. Well, invest in ways to store some of that stuff later on to prevent an accumulation of clutter! Cleaning up our closets means cleaning the clutter and all stuff that are scattered. This is a routine that we have to maintain in order for us to be able to have the cleanliness that we deserve. hanks a lot for sharing your points of view with us. Keep up the good work You literally have the best craft room that I have ever seen. Please share where all of the inspiration came from. Is it things that you have been collecting over time? It looks like a room of things that you love.
Love the room…so fun and filled with bits and pieces and it made me want to jump in there and get crafty. I can so relate, I have been trying to clean my bead table for a month, thanks for the incentive! I can’t even tell you how jealous I am of your craft room! I LOVE it! Even when it’s messy, I wish it were mine. Although that’s actually true of your whole house…I have looked at the pics of your house many times. 🙂 I have to admit – I covet your craft room. I LOVE it! It’s about the size of my living room, and my craft room is a table and a dresser in our dining room ha! But just looking at your pictures was the inspiration I needed to finish sewing my kids’ Easter outfits. I love how colorful and just packed to the gills your craft room is! It is bursting with creativity. After this post I just want to color, sew, stamp, cut, and glue! i just love your craft room. all the treasures and vintage goodies. all the light. and most of all, all the love!! That room makes me smile as I know that it does you too! Happy Easter. Love the room Meg! It looks just like your pillows. So fun and vintage looking. I am glad you enjoyed your trip and I have enjoyed your pictures. Will be back tomorrow! Thanks for the daily inspiration. Hi Meg! Being the 84th to comment, I doubt you’ll see this but I just had to say how much I LOVE your craft space and every wonderful, perky thing in it! The pictures of it alone are uplifting. You are such a creative gal and I know you inspire many, including me for sure! Hope you have a wonderful Easter! XO Ann Oh my goodness! Your chalkboard wall is gorgeous- I am so going to erase all my white words and add colored chalk!!!! Love it. Love the verse. The bird with a french fry poster is awesome! My daughter and I have a spot where we park and throw fries to pigeons; they land all over the car and we laugh until our bellies hurt. Weird dream! Speaking of weird dreams, my daughter woke up the other day and said, “Mommy, I dreamed you were feeding me washcloths for breakfast and I didn’t want them but you said don’t waste the food you made.” Wonder what that says about me? 😉 I sooooo LOVE your craft room! I need to make mine more colorful like yours, although is just a mini version, it could be a lot more inspiring. I’ll keep looking at your pictures and maybe I’ll get to it…when I have time. I totally get the not wanting to waste time sleeping 🙂 looks fantastic (once again)! good for you!
Meg, Where do you buy your pom pom trim? I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your craft room. Love the happy colors, love the detail 🙂 I want to live in that craft room:) AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want to spend all day long in there too!!
Great job! Yours is so colorful and fun. I just redid mine…you can see it at
Ok. That’s it. I am getting in my car and driving over… AZ isn’t too far, right? LOL. Have a great day!
it is amazing how happy pom poms make me 🙂 I’m pretty sure we have the same cutting board 😉 And I was having weird dreams until a wild pack of dogs decided to wake us up at 1:30 am and scare the bejeeze out of us. I agree with what purejoy said. Simply lovely. I absolutely love it! It IS so happy! Love the stuff you added – so very cute! Someday. Someday I will have a craft space like this. I love it!
You have my dream craft room! I love it! Love your dream! 🙂 such a happy space – love it! and love the stack of fabric ready for pillows – ’cause i need your pillows! I simply adore this room – it’s fabulous! I’m also cracking up over your dream – priceless 🙂 Pretty darn sure your craft room is THE BEST i have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV IT!!!!!!!!! Wowweeee 🙂 Great job!!! That room makes ME happy….and it’s not even mine….annnnd I can’t even sew 🙂 Simply FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!! Have a blessed Holy Thursday 🙂 awesomeness. pure awesomeness. that was fun! Beautiful and inspiring room! I often get discouraged that I have to go to sleep. There’s just so much I want to do. I guess that’s why kids don’t like to sleep. 🙂
I feel so much better… Sure would love to come and play! give waffle a hug for me 🙂
A pocketful of sunshine, Meg. It’s so important to have a happy place to “escape” to far from the maddening crowd. Hello Megan. Your craft room is just de-lovely. I would want to play in there all night too. But sleep is important so, even with the strange dreams, it was probably the best choice 😉 LB x Lions and tigers and bears OH MY! I love it. I want one… it’s so happy! Enjoy!
Are you selling these upcoming pillows on etsy?? I want a pillow so badly 🙂
I have 3 of the little red/white polka dot boxes I spyed on top of a pile in one of the pics.. 50% off Vday clearance! I love them! I NEED one of those red/white polka dot bags hanging on your still needs to be painted door.. 🙂 Red and white polka dots are my favorite!
Love the hooks on the door. I also LOVE the littl red shelf. Too cute!
Oh I love love love your space! How fantastic! Where did you get the print that says “Today I will be happier than a bird with a french fry”? I love that! what a fun space! I’m in love…..
Best place Evah. I still adore that white/green chippy cabinet with the pink felt flower thingys. And your verse. And your “I am here to serve with JOY”. Oh, and your dream. From one crazy dreamer to another – good one. 🙂 UUUMMM If I promise to pick up after myself can I come and live in your craft room?
lovely! Thanks for showing us. I have the exact same thoughts about having to sleep but unfortunately I’m not sleeping well these days at 8 1/2 months pregnant. 🙁 Kelly I wanna live in your craft room! I’ll help you make pillows!
this looks like the perfect place to create something bright and fun! Love the chandelier. As much as I love to sleep, I too, wish I didn’t need to. It just takes up so much time! 🙂 Fun seeing the Snap on Tools holder in your pictures. You purchased that at my garage sale a couple of years ago. I orginally bought it at Round Top in Texas.
so lovely. i’m watching the clock waiting, just waiting for the play room to become my craft room. my kids are only 5 and 2 1/2 – i think i’m going to be watching the clock for a very, very long time. but it’ll be worth the wait when i get there! 🙂 have a wonderful weekend and easter!! I want your craft room;) It’s lovely. And you literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD! I feel ya…I have so many things to sew and paint! When my hubby came home from work today and asked what we were having for dinner, I cheerfully replied, “leftovers”! (Cause, ya know, microwave=more time to craft!) He’s not as enthusiastic about that as I am…? Time to go all out and plug in the crock pot! 🙂 dude. i would never leave. i’d leave to go menus by the phone and tell my family to order carry out. i’d put in a cot. and a coffee maker. and a portapotty. seriously. never leave. i’d order in a basin of water and take sponge baths and open up windows when the stank of me got too bad. geesh. what a perfect room. it made me want to go thrifting. ohmyword. i was in heaven for just a second.
Cleaning a craft room is so fun. I love the rediscovery of goodness, the promise of crafts to come. Thank you so much for sharing your space. I cannot wait to have a craft room again! Yours is just beautiful and so cheery! Love it! So it is breaking a Ten Commandment to covet your neighbors wife….is it still breaking a commandment if you are coveting your online friend’s craft room? Just curious. Your creative space is so fun and colorful. I LOVE THAT CARD…a bird with a french fry. It just cracks me up:) i know it’s a sin, but I covet your craft room! this looks like such a fun place!!! thanks for sharing!
Oh, it is just lovely! What a great room! Now, can you spare some time to come and help me clean my space? Yum! Makes me want to come play in your craft room! Love your chalkboard wall… especially the verse written on it. 🙂 That’s EXACTLY where we’re living right now. 🙂 Everything looks lovely. The black wooden Snap-On Tools box caught my eye. I was a Snap-on Tools distributor some twenty years ago. Still buy them and use them everyday at my business. Best mechanic’s tools you can get. Really enjoy your blog. Proud of you for going to Haiti, enjoyed the pictures. Oh Meg! Everything is just so lovely and happy. I want this room, actually I want your whole house. Or maybe just a sprinkle of whatever happy dust you use. Now you’ve got me longing for a craft room. Everything is so bright and cheery in there, and love the red lockers. Jackie |
Holly - Hi! Where did you get that Dunder Mifflin coffee cup? I can only find them in white and would love to have a blue one.
Kelly - We got our own copy of Are You My Mother? in a care package on Saturday! I love this post. Great photos! Especially love the eggs and would like to snatch that hostess cupcake right out of that lunchbox. 🙂 Why are they so good? Kelly
Laura - you are so flippin talented
you see such magic in the ordinary
and bring to life all of Gods goodness
HIS greatness
in the simplest form
you are amazing
LOVE this
LOVE you
Emily - LOVE THIS! Wish I could take meaningful “whatever” pictures!
Gemma - Hope you had a great weekend : )
Gemma x
Cassie - WHAT?!? you have a dunder mifflin coffee cup?? where did you get it?
Heather @ Cookie Mondays - love, love, love that verse!
merlin - I’m having one of “those” kind of mothering days and I see the book title in your photo “Are You My Mother?” and I think it should say “How is it that I am your mother?”
Do you ever have those kinds of days when you just wonder how things got so out of control when you have such good intentions?
melissa - i have to admit i’m clueless about dunder mifflin…maybe i’ll google it.
i love this post! i just might be doing my own around the house post here soon!!! thanks for the super idea!!!
Flower Patch Farmgirl - This is my favorite.
Heather - One of my very favourite verses.
Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy Saturday! Have a great weekend!
Lynette - Love the Nebraska puzzle piece on top – Yay Nebraska! Love your pictures. Thanks for the smile today.
jaz - Lovely!
amber - ahhh…dunder mifflin!
Alana Gray @ Gray Matters - Beautiful photos – I would love to know how to create a collage like that!
Megan - This is so cool, Happy Saturday to you and yours!
laura - life is good:).
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Happy Saturday right back atcha:) I woke up happy today. Love that feeling and days like that. Have a great one Meg!
naomi - Love it! And actually, I think you put the Nebraska piece on there (right side up) for ME!
Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Was that a light I saw on- on the washing machine?
Does that mean it’s working again?
Regina - i enjoy your blog so much and i especially LOVE this post ~ i love all the creative captures! i’m pretty sure we have that red & white polka dot canister. i use it at christmas. happy saturday to you too!
Julie - This just makes me happy. I always LOVE your blog, it is so colorful. How do you make these mosaic displays? I am sure it is easy but I am a computer and photo dunce.
Dina - Love it, love it, love it ALL!
Viktoria Slutsky - Love your blog, love reading your posts, thank you for the inspiration!
Viktoria Slutsky - Love your blog, love reading your posts, thank you for the inspiration!
Carla - I come on here looking for a pretty fix and you don’t disappoint 🙂
Krista - Happy Saturday to you & have a great weekend!
Clare - I love visiting your blog Meg, everything about it makes me smile. Happy Saturday to you all (“,)
mindi - Love love love the Dunder Mifflin mug! It looks huge!…that’s what she said! lol!
Kimberlee J. - I love this. You should know that I am blatantly going to copy this idea. 🙂
Oh Hostess cupcake, it’s been way too long. (I was talking about the actual cupcake, but if you want me to call you “Hostess Cupcake” I can.)
AshleyAnn - How sweet of you to put the Oklahoma puzzle piece on top as a shout out to me…:)
Those egg shells can be composted. Learned that this week.