if you were first to leave a comment to purchase jewelry you should
have received an email from me today.
if you didn't….check your spam folder.
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(cdduerksen at yahoo dot com)
thank you so much ladies!
i had my party!
it was so nice to have a clean and quiet house.
and then add in my friends and jewelry….LOVELY.
(thank you craig for taking the kids for pizza)
the jewelry that 31Bits makes is unique.
it's colorful.
and it has meaning.
31 bits was started by kallie dovel, traveling to uganda in 2007.
she met women there making the paper beads.
she brought home some of the jewelry & her friends were amazed at the talent and beauty of the beads.
After getting her degree she brought a few friends on board and together they made a company.
the women traveled back to uganda in 2008 and selected six women to to buy jewelry from on a monthly basis.
it has now grown to 48 women, each with a unique story of suffering that has been overcome with joy & liberation.
the term 31 bits comes from proverbs 31 where it describes a woman providing and caring for her family.
and bits comes from what the beads are made out of….bits of paper!
the money from the jewelry allows the women to provide
for daily needs while participating in educational programs.
by being equipped with literacy education, financial and vocational training, holistic care, and
a strong support system, individuals will be empowered to further their careers and attain social equity.

the beads are made from recycled paper from magazines, posters, fliers and texbooks.
then they are sealed with varnish.
making the beads is a process.
designers spend a few days completing each step of cutting, rolling, varnishing & stringing the final product.
depending on the length of the necklace and size of the beads, one designer can make 5 – 15 necklaces a week.
if you have a party….you can make the decision to leave your bananas out or put them away. :)
you can contact 31BIts on their website about having your own party with your friends.
would you like to see what i have left?
click here to see…and buy what's left.
there is plenty…keep clicking.
it is ALL SOLD!
you are the best.
מרפאת שיניים בראשון לציון - Amazing post! It’s beautiful. I never see such awesome post. Thanks for sharing this colorful post.
Ivonne Loving - Hi! I included this post in this weeks from my reader round-up. Loved the post and thought it would be super useful to my friends and readers. Yay, your second post in the round-up!!!
linda lou - hope you get some proms photos of your daughter and maybe group or date? love the teapot if you don’t need it, it will fit right with my others.
kim g - please share how you printed those photo collages??? how did you do it???
love all the pics from around your house….it make me happy!
Four Flights - Awesome pictures. Thanks for posting again about Dream Big and Danielle’s story, I think with all the pictures of pretty houses in the last post I missed it. My sister just adopted her 4th child and all her children have been a special part of God’s plan for our entire family, not just hers. Going to donate right now 🙂
christine - Love those photo collages. Such a great idea. I often want to display different pics but don’t want to commit to a frame. Love this!
We have that little World Market paint-it-yourself tea set. LOVE! My daughter and I worked on it together a few weeks ago and it was such a hit here. Even our 2 year old has been most delicate with it – even she knows it’s special 🙂
Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Hey Megan,
Any chance you can give a quick how to on the picture collages hanging on your blackboard? I could probably figure it out, but I’m kind of lazy. : )
crystal b. - Did you lay flat on the floor to get sparkle shoes??? I love it. If these were Claire’s I would frame this in her room. Do you have a big wall where you post all of these? I hope so. I bet it looks so cool. 🙂
jenni - oh how i wish for tiny feet, so that i could fit into those sparkly shoes!
Sarah Wolfe - Yes! I want to know about the collages, too. These may be my favorite of your posts. Love the photography and getting a visual of all the creativity around your house!
The BabbyMama - Can I just say my 2 year old daughter loved looking at all these pictures! She said:
I want to play with that dog! And that cup! Is that my shirt? Is it a real girl wearing it?
crystal beutler - Meg I just LOVE how you capture every day things and make them look so amazing. I would love a wall of your photos in my house. They make me smile. You need to add one to my photo linky party!!!!
I’m posting about little Surge (did i spell that right?) on Monday. 🙂 Such a great cause. I hope they raise enough money soon. I’m giving up a lunch a week until he comes home. 🙂
Have a great weekend.
kristen - i love your blog. definitely helping out with Dream Big. happy weekending to you.
Erin Leigh - as always, love your color! and, yes, i will draem big today.
Heather - Sorry to comment-jack, but I saw this craft and thought of you, Meg! And it’s super colorful, so I suppose it’s topical!
jami nato - ok i was reading the post before this…and i’m commenting about that on this one. rude? i don’t know… anyway, i love parenthood. and a do have a tiny crush on adam braverman as well.
Marcella - So colorful as always! Is the tea set handmade?
Lacy Brauner - Meg- Youre my favorite blogger, always have been always will be.. I sure would love to buy some pillows, are ya all sold out?? also,, since when did leggos get such good hair?? haha! love yor blog and inspiration, and real way of being a beautiful mother
Lacy Brauner
danielle - forget the picture collages…where did you get that wreath!??!
sarah - hey meg- a while ago you had a link on the right hand side of you blog to a cute valentine craft where the lady took bouncy balls and put them in plastic bags and sealed the bag with a piece of paper that said “have a ball this valentines”. i was just looking for it and i don’t see it there anymore. any chance that you still have the link for it?
thanks! sarah 🙂
amy jupin - love grandma’s flowers.
the purdy aqua yarn wreath
talby’s ginormous shoes.
these posts make me HAPPY!
karen - second time i read/looked this post today. you’ve got a good eye lady 🙂
linda@limein the coconut - Ahhhh. Color. Vitamins for the soul!!
Beautiful, happy and soulful images
Kristin - The multi-colored polka dot in the 2nd picture is my absolute favorite fabric. I bought 2 yards years ago and used it for a quilt. When I went back to the shop they no longer had it and found out online it is no longer available. I have a tiny scrap that is smaller than 12″ sq. that I am hoarding for something special someday. 🙂 I just thought I would let you know I am so glad you have it in your home and I hope it brings you as much happiness as it does me when I see it. 🙂
jamie - ummmm. the pictures hanging with a ton of pictures within the square. how did you do that? i want to do that! love it.
Linda - SO lots us want to know where/how did you do the picture collages? They are awesome. Actually your entire home is awesome. Did you make the wreath? Thanks for the breath of fresh color!!!!
Alice H - cute wreath
Anna Marie - I like your posts like this. They are refreshing!
Please share more about the photo collages. What program you used and who you used to print them. Thanks a bunch!
Tanya - I just love your photos
Get a dose of laughgter at A Taste of T
Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Love all your pics, as always. Those collages are fantastic! Love the old scouting mug too. I scored some vintage McDonalds coffee mugs at the thrift store a few weeks back for 69 cents a piece and I LOVE them! Theyre just like milk glass.
jennifer - Well I guess you’ll just have to let us all in on your collage lovelieness!
Thanks for sharing all your color. I needed that today… As it’s snowing out my window!
Courtney Walsh - love this. can’t wait to fill our new home with loads of color. 🙂 I’m going to blog Dream Big. Probably hopefully tomorrow. Thanks for the email! I love a good (great) cause!
Jes - just needed*
Jes - dog looks great, just need a day or so to grow in to it 🙂
and love those happy silver sneaks.
jerusalem - this all makes me very happy
Sharla - I’ve made those collages through bighugelabs.com for Christmas cards but never thought to print them out and use around the house. Love it! I also love the beaded flower.
Erin - I love the color inspiration here! My favorite picture is the photo collages on the white garland. Such a great idea. I have 4 kids and love having pics of them around, but have a hard time choosing which ones to put in frames. I will do these collages. Thanks 🙂
Karen P. - Please, please, tell us how you did the picture collages!!! Love them 🙂
vanessa - Oh I LOVE the picture collages!
Melissa - Where, oh where, did you have those picture collages printed???
Courtney Henson - Love all your little pics from around your home! You know, out of all of blog land…your home is the one I could move right into and be so happy because it is me but one million times me..if ya know what I mean! Have a happy day! (And I’m so enjoying the “Whatever” print and gumball print I got from you! They are framed in white and hanging on my chalkboard wall in my kitchen…they look faaantastic!)
Alma Barters - I love the picture collage on the ball fringe ribbon. What program did you use to create it?
tam - I love your photos and your home.
thanks for sharing.
april - total awesomeness…i wanna eat that litle mini globe for breakfast…FYI
melissa rice - please tell me how you print out those picture blocks!!!
No.17 CherryTreeLane - a colorful home is the only type to have. {in my humble opinion, of course}
have a happy and color-filled day, Meg!
Lia - I’ve got color on my brain too. With spring bursting all around us how can we not. Beautiful photos.
Necole - I love color! I love pictures of your home. I want that scout coffee mug.
Kelly - You have Harvey’s Hideout. My brother and I used to love that book! I have a copy too. Kelly
Cassie Allen - I love your little world. It makes ME happy. The end. 🙂