ok…today is better than the past two have been.
i feel relieved by that.
the pool is filling up.
the rain is gone.
the boys' nerf guns have been confiscated.
i think we are going to make it.
i received a shirt in the mail….and i love it.
you can get them here at DOTS.
it is so soft and light.
i really really like it.
and i want to make cupcakes when i wear it.
i thought this one was cute too.
the porch is my favorite spot in the summer.
yesterday i set up memory on the bench/coffee table.
it took the entire top…and was hard to remember with such a long line of cards.
guess which set of matches is mine?
i told you it was hard for me.
some questions were asked about the summer list yesterday…i will clarify.
*WORLDS OF FUN is an amusement park with roller coasters in kansas city.
*PEPPERNUTS are little spice cookies…we love to eat them but i have never made them.
here is a website about them.
they are a mennonite thing…craig has mennonite roots and so does our hometown.
*a BLOCK PARTY is a street party with our neighborhood (our block).
*the FROGGIE POOL is our public pool…it has a frog shaped slide.
*DEMO DERBY is the mud pit where cars crash into each other…that we pay money to watch!
we bought journals yesterday and the three youngest were so pumped about it.
they filled up the front already with stories and stickers.
very sweet.

Category Archives: playtimemy boys usually don't hang around where i am…which is where my camera is…which is why annie but i got sean this week.
sean is growing so fast. Wow, what a fine lad you’ve raised. He looks so cute, even with braces. I think he’ll grow up to be a very handsome young man. What a lucky kid. oh, i love this kid. i’m glad he has you. that brought tears to my eyes. 🙂 so awesome at that age to have a moment like that with your son & totally see and celebrate his uniqueness & individuality. and boyness. 🙂 those one on one moments are precious & priceless – you know they ADORE them, too.
boys ARE soooo fun! i feel so blessed to have one… it is fun to watch them change and grow. i just pray for patience!!! What a handsome lad. And I so could NOT do that… lol love the first portrait of him, cute! Love the pictures! Especially the last one 🙂 He is precious and I love that last picture of him. Oh Megan! Sean is so big–what a handsome kid! He’s far from those Kindergarten days! Loved seeing all the pictures of him!
I’ve tried this so many times. I can get it going down hill but the uphill is a battle. Kids make it look SOO easy!
http://www.indoboard.com/ Hours of indoor fun. Mr. Balance needs an Indo Board:Oh, he is so cute ~ Great pics, Meg!
Momma’s love their boys! They can do the goofiest thing and all you can do is smile, because they’re yours and you love em. Cute boy!
That post had me in tears. Such a beautiful little man. Please do this with the other kids! I love hearing about them. Awesome photos! Continue to enjoy your blog even though I don’t comment much. Happy to see you guys had an awesome trip to and from Africa too. 🙂 Oh man!!! Those green eyes are TO DO FOR!!!! LOVE em! And boy howdy, I do love those braces 🙂 (Especially because my man is an orthodontist 😉 heee heee but your little guy wears them well!!!)
Didn’t realize how much we have in common. You summed up so much of me with my sons. 🙂 He is so cute, and his personality cracks me up. And looks just LIKE you!! I know what you mean about always catching the littlest one in photos. The big kids aren’t really into hanging out with me like Camden is! he’s so beautiful! what a sweetheart.
We have a ripstik and the kids love it. My husband even goes out and does it. Me I tried and got about 10 feet. Anyway they are a lot of fun! whoa. Great Job Sean. 🙂 Seriously impressive. I know the feeling about wanting to do something your siblings can’t. I love the photos. I feel like I stalk my boys, they too, run when they see the camera…. Good for him that he mastered that thing! It looks very very difficult for me. Face plant, for me, I am sure. 🙂 I love the last photo of him. I love braces on teeth! Very cute! I thought of you the other day at Target. Did you see the little pokka dot plates out for summer? Looks just like you! I was praying for you on your mission trip each time I saw dots. I prayed for you a lot. 🙂
Amazing photos Meg! So hard to get those boys to sit down for photos and look so natural!! What a handsome young man. I tell that to my son all the time and he rolls his eyes. 🙂 Can you believe how much we love those boys?
We don’t get to see the boys a lot but it is always a treat when we do!!
a couple summers ago we went camping and one of the kids brought a ripstick. They are kind of addicting! i tried…attempted my nephews once and plunged straight to the ground…those things are HARD!!! i see sean all the time ripping up and down the sidewalk…he has definitely mastered it! He has a great smile! Great photos mom! My 11 year old loves his RipStik. I would never attempt to get on that crazy thing…
I have tried those and I can’t stay on at all!! He is such a cutie…those eyes. You are in trouble mama:-)
Lucky mama! We celebrated our youngest 4th birthday this weekend and our big boy is growing so fast (nearly 7). Time seems to be accelerating. Nice job capturing your boy in some truly sweet pictures:) Oh he is cute!!! My guys also read long after lights out – like I wouldn’t know (but I am not about to interfere with reading!!!)… and they adore club penguin – home from home!!! Must be universal boy things!!!
Beautiful portraits! You’ve probably answered this a million times, but I’m a new reader, so: what camera, lensesetc do you use?
Those are GREAT pictures! What a handsome guy! He is one handsome boy and looks like a tenderhearted boy… I can tell I would like him!! Love his moves!! wow meg! he has gotten sooo big! i remember after you had him and how i really wanted another…hello kristin!! great pictures of your good-lookin’ boy! you’ll treasure these for sure! happy spring! These are great pictures of him. And those eyes—watch out mama! Are the girls chasing him yet??? 🙂
You have beautiful kids. It was nice to see Sean in his element! I have three girls, boys are foreign to me. Becoming less so, since we have boyfriends appearing on the scene now. Love his beautiful green eyes. what a handsome boy!! I am so impressed! Those are GREAT pictures. I love the one of him sitting down smiling. I love thoses braces!! Everyone looks so happy! Now I want 5 kids!!! Ok 4 would be ok! My husband insists that we are done at 2!! They are young but they are still each others bestfriends! =) Talby is getting so tall!! annie’s smile in the 4th one down just put the biggest smile on my face. pure joy in her eyes & smile. Love the photos! The bonds that sisters have. I always wished I had a sister. I will settle for that cute waffle though. Just send him my way! He truely is part of the family. So sweet.
Your blog is very sweet, I love visiting. I’m new to blogging, someone just gave me the “sunshine award” and now I’m giving it to you. Details are on my blog at
Ah, yes…I still love bubbles… Those pics of Talby and Annie together are precious!
that is the good stuff. maybe i should rent a couple little ones so i can play and have fun like that. Annie is starting to look older. Your baby is growing up. It happens fast doesn’t it. I hope someday that I can take photos as good as yours, Meg. It helps that you have the cutest kids on the planet! You have such a gift for capturing the emotion behind your shots. I’m all signed up for Karen’s The Photographer’s Workshop and can’t wait for my first lesson! Oh, and I LOVE Waffle too – he’s just the bestest! SWEET! Great shots of the sistas playin’ nice and loving on each other:) Cute one of your pup too. I forget his name. His hair cut is just perfect now. How Fantastic… as I drifted through your pictures completely lost in your perfect little moment. I realized I was rubbing my big ole pregnant belly!!! I can’t wait til my little man is old enough for bubbles… they’re just so magical I was w/ my youngest two kids at Walmart and couldn’t pass up the bubbles, chalk, jump ropes, and bouncy balls. Spring fever! Great job at capturing it! What a glorious day. Your pooch has such personality. What breed of dog is he? Sping Sunshine/Daughters/Bubbles nothing gets better! So refreshing after driving through snow this morning…I love this. There is nothing like the friendship and love between sisters…lovely to see your girls learning that! do you KNOW how much talby looks like you?! she even stands likeyou! oh we had just a hint, a tease of sunshine last week, but the past couple days have been freezing and rainy. boo!! Love your shots capturing the sweet sister relationship. 🙂 So cute! Your girls are adorable and can I tell you just how envious I am (in a very healthy way, of course) of you because your house is just DREAMY!! Yeah!! Happy happy day! You can’t be anything but happy when you have a full bottle of bubbles to play with! Happy Spring Meg! My mother always said she took the most pictures of the oldest and then took less and less of each kid down the line. I noticed you take a lot of Annie, and I feel like I take the most of my youngest child (I blame this mostly on the invention of digital cameras!). Just wondering if you take more pics now than you did before? Or were you just as into photography when your first was born?
Sweet, sweet sisters! Love it! The good stuff includes your incredible photos! Wow~ those are quite the bubbles. 🙂 Ah, bubbles….one childhood plaything i have truly NOT outgrown….still love them soooo much. enjoy your kids! 🙂 they are beautiful. We’ve had much the same weather as you guys this Winter and it has been sooooo nice to get out and FINALLY enjoy the sunshine!!!!!! I bet Waffle was IN HEAVEN chasing bubbles 😉 I love that first shot. Looks like a fun day. So sweet! I love the fun kids have with bubbles, any age and they have fun! Oh yeah. REALLY good stuff. I love how you have such an amazing ability to capture the moment. simply, beautifully.
new bottles of bubbles are a so great! meg…your pictures and lighting are amazing! but more amazing are the memories that you’re capturing 🙂 Those bubbles are amazing! I LOVE the picture of them looking at each other…I know you must love it too!! Craig came home.
we headed back home…. i am so happy to have the sunshine today! So glad you are feeling better. A walk and fresh air is always a good thing. As for the weather I think it the same every where. Not sure what’s going on with mother nature but she’s been a busy bee. I have those exact pair of shoes but also have them in cream color ~ comfy.. I’m wearing the cream colored ones today:) Love your site… i’ve been a lurker here for a bit. Is that a Daylight Donut wrapper I see in the donut pic??!! mmmmmmmm….. Daylight is the best. Funny that I de-lurk for a donut pic ;o)
Last time I was in the flea market/antique store, I saw those square dancing outfits and REALLY considerded buying them too! Glad that today was a good day. Would love to see you sometime, just say the word. When we poured concrete around back, we purposefully scattered leaf prints on them. The concrete guys thought it was funny because they have had to re-do jobs because people were mad that leaves made prints on their new concrete.
Amen! Glad you got what you needed. you must have had our sun because our sky was devoid of it. rumor has it that it’s coming back tomorrow though! you make the simple extraordinary. love you! and glad you’re having a happy day! It’s official. I want to go flea market shoppin’ with you. 😉 so glad he’s home.. so glad order has been restored….so glad you feel normal today. 🙂
Mmmmmm…. doughnuts sound good! I used to work at Druber’s when I was in college at Bethel. I worked the 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. shift. LOVED my job and the people who own it. Glad you are better today! Glad you are feeling better. What great pictures! Yep, beautiful here in Oregon, too. Just took a nice long walk. Enjoy! Yeah Sunshine!!!! MEG, I NEED THOSE BLOOMERS….SERIOUS, SEND THEM TO ME IN SEATTLE PLEASE, SERIOUS 🙂 YOU KNOW MY ADDY 🙂
Hi Meg! I love your blog and check in quite often. Africa looked incredible. So glad that you had that opportunity – life changing for sure. Glad also that you are having a better day. Hubbies and sunshine will do that! Take care! Sounds like y’all had a great day!!! Yum doughnuts!!! Love the chrome cooler for sure…the square dance dresses…not so much. Glad things are better for you! Today’s pretty day also instantly lifted my spirits after being stuck inside with an infant!!! Also, I have SO enjoyed reading about your trip. As a Floridian being in the north for her first winter, I am with you….I NEED THE SUNSHINE too! It is shining here and I am so happy. I love that picture of the shoes and leaf print!
Beautiful photos! Yay! So glad you’re feeling better. Sounds like you had a perfect morning.
We were outside for a couple of hours this morning. I’m ready to pitch a tent in the backyard and call it home. Who needs walls? I was coming to proclaim my love for Drubers, but I see Lori and my sister beat me to it. Yum. SO glad order was restored…yay:) Beautiful pics, that is our weather today. Glorious sunshine, chirping birds…bliss! The NC weather is beautiful today too! So glad you feel better…I knew you would. Amazing what sunshine will do!!!!!! thanks for the pictures of home 🙂 {i had the same thought as lori: drubers!!} i’m pretty sure God dropped all that snow on us 3 days ago to help us appreciate the sunshine a little more than we might if every day were this gorgeous. Today is a banner day! I don’t know…there must be something in the air…its lovely!!! We got in a walk, I cleaned the kitchen, windows are open and I’m baking a cake for my mom’s b-day today! Hope the rest of your week keeps pace for today 🙂
i hear ya. it’s as gloomy gus day around here and i’m craving the sunshine.
I’m glad you are feeling better, got out and enjoyed the sunshine. I know we all have days like your’s yesterday, I’m feeling icky today, it’s foggy, cold and drizzly rain here…ick. I’m hoping for sunny skies and a better mood, soon!
DRUBER’S!!!!!!!!! 🙂 Oh man!!! Me toooo!!! It is almost 70 degrees here!!!! I’m loving the green….even if they are just weeds 🙂 I’m soooo glad you are feeling better today!!!!!!!!! Looks like Annie is happy her mommy is home too 🙂 on the last day of school before (their incredibly long) break next was snack time.
oh, i love all of these. it’s so fun to see this from a different perspective. i linked over from our preschool blog….thank you. Probably the holidays have made me feel sentimental, that and the fact that the 12 year old at our house was petulant this year that Santa “forgot” to bring the much-admired cell phone, but I actually teared up reading this post, and wished heartily for a few of those crazy needing-constant-attention pre-schoolers I used to have. What a fun place that preschool looks like! i love how they draped the ceiling!
I love the photo ornament. Those are the ones I treasure most on my tree too. What Christmas love!!! I have one hanging on my tree too, it’s heart shaped with my wiggly worm’s face peeking out…a treasure to be sure! cute, I love the Christmas tree in the classroom. 🙂
Love all the bright colors in preschool – you can’t help but be happy there. Meg…just wanted you to know that I really love what your blog has grown to be. I feel like a wierdo typing that…but really I mean it. I’ve been reading for over two years now and I just clicked to your actual site (from Google Reader) and just really was blessed by what it has become. It’s always been great…but I think it just keeps getting better. Hope that makes sense and blesses you! I love the picture with the boys head in her lap. So sweet!! I LOVE it that they are best, best friends. I hope it always stays that way. Cutest! I have a similar little photo frame…from about 15 years ago…it’s a treasure 🙂 So, so cute!!! I love that her best friend has his head on her lap. I am glad that I have my camera lots of time to hide from the things my children are doing. Oh my word! So cute! Wish I could go to preschool! http://homewifemama.blogspot.com/2009/12/happy-birthday-jesus.html Are those peppernuts I see? I used your rainbow cake for a birthday cake for Jesus this year! Here’s where I blogged about it…
this is seriously the cutest preschool ever. my sons was too academic, so i pulled him 😉 he thought xmas break was the end of the year (teehee)! I do believe that is the BEST preschool ever! EVER!
That was THE best Christmas entertainment in a long time! Aren’t they just so CUTE! LOVE the song interpretation, LOL! Those young’uns are everything ADORABLE! I LOVE Ms.Kristens pyjamas!!! What a cute programme she had lined up for her students and parents – she is obviously a real treasure. that is the cutest fireplace set up. so sweet. i had a lot of red-faced parents that would try to play the “who’s kid is that?” game. ha ha. there’s some kid rule that says “i must act as crazy as possible when my parent comes to my class”, cause that’s how it always happens. there’s a zillion parents out there that know what you’re talking about. maybe you should have them hire you as the class photographer. i use to have parents complain about missing out so much on what their child was doing at school and then have their child tell them they just “played” at school. i think there would be some highly thrilled parents. I just love Ms. Kristen. I read her Preschool Daze blog all the time. As a fellow preschool teacher, the break is much needed so we can start fresh in January.As a mom, I know how you feel, too! 😉 Oh my gosh those little cuties are ADORABLE. ahahha! If you are a teacher, it’s a very short break. I am absolutely eating up being at home with my children during holiday break. Such a cute Annie ornament!! so sweet. i miss those days.
i love the picture of annie’s best best friend laying on her lap. so sweet. for three years we have been doing this in november…. please enjoy this huge amount of photos of leaf jumpers… bummer. And no one ended up in the emergency room? If my kid were there it would have ended in broken bones! My son thought those were really cool, too!! Pure and simple joy. LOVE it. That looks like so much fun, woot! All I could think is, what if someone lands on a stick or something. I’m a party pooper! This looks so fun. The ‘mom’ side of me wants to say it looks scary, but the ‘wild’ side of me says that it’s so perfect for kids to let loose and have fun!!! Glad to see you are living the fall life to the fullest!! Fabulous photos!!! So much fun! Those are some great memories and some great pictures! They are so fun! =)
Mind if we come over next November to join in the fun? 🙂 Now that is a good time!! I would totally freak out if I saw my son do that. But thats because I’m a city girl. We don’t have huge piles of leaves like that in Brooklyn! Great shots! Hilarious! I kinda wish we had a trampoline now! lol 🙂 I can’t believe you didn’t get in on the jumpin’ FUN! Love the pics. o gosh! that makes my heart race! looks fun, but scary 🙂 Oh wow – how FUN! I love all of your action shots and Craig cracks me up! :o)
Hahahaha! Those are THE BEST PHOTOS! They just exude happiness! TOTALLY scared to see those kids flipping into the leaves! Cracks me up that you are ‘fraid of heights but not that! Seems we all have our things…Happy Fall! Very fun! Kelly
Wow..that looks like super fun.. you must be super chill because I would be afraid of someone getting hurt…….but then again that must be one big cushy pile of leaves.. I want to jump in them. Looks like fun! AWESOME!!! What a fun time! I love it!
I wonder if I can do that with my laundry mountain? Love, love, love your business cards. Any chance of a book…PW style? You know, just in your spare time…Meredith xo.
Love it! Did YOU jump??!
Awesome! From what I remember, playing in the leaves was always the fun part – all the raking and bagging afterward, not so much. that is seriously alot of leaves!!! i want a trampoline!! love craig’s pic!
That looks awesome!!! Those are such cool photos!!! Love the flip – cute. That looks like SO much fun!!!! Oh wow…that’s a lot of leaves! Those flip ones were making me nervous! Once again…awesome pictures!! Ahhhh. I love this! Shoot, I live in Socal and have no leaves! Craig may be a leaf ‘piler’ but I don’t believe he is a leaf ‘jumper’. I want a picture to PROVE IT! How fun is that? Totally made me smile! 🙂 Ah you are such a great mom. Hope your kids appreciate the trampoline. I’m kind of a stick in the mud with that one:) Looks like a ball!! Craig is a hoot! too funny!! the one of your craig cracks me up!! I agree, my stomach hurt a little bit thinking of the landing your son was going to feel. No pain?! That trampolins always makes me wish we had one! awesome pics. looks like a blast. craig looks like air jordan! I think you have some gymnasts on your hands! Wow… next year we need a picture of you jumping on the tramp 🙂 some of those hurt my stomach imagining the landing!!! the one of craig is a classic 🙂 xo
Looks like alot of fun but you oldest son is freaking me out with the flips….please land okay no broken necks!! Oooh so much fun!!! I love that even Craig joined in! Did you happen to join in on the fun? The fun doesn’t have to be over. You could load up the trampoline, grab the rake and come to our house. I’m fairly certain we could make a pile of leaves five times higher. Which would mean five times the fun, right? Oh, and then the fun would be doubled by my kids joining in. Which would be ten times the fun. Have I convinced you yet? That’s AWESOME! my girls would love that. too bad we don’t have any leaves..can we borrow some? once again…wishing I was your neighbor. that looks like so much fun! almost makes me miss raking leaves. pine needles are not fun.
OK so maybe I am the “square” commenter here, but I give you a lot of credit for bravery! Some of those pics made me nervous! I am not the least bit athletic and would have no faith that I wouldn’t break my neck, but it sure looks like your kids were filled with bliss and abandon. Lovely! that’s awesome! i love that craig got on there too. Your son in the orange is an athelete!(sp?)..he needs to do male cheerleading or gymnastics!or a college yell leader! love love love the pics. i also agree with the Starnes fam…Im in Houston and leaves dont fall like that here! can we say, j-e-a-loussss!? Our love affair with leaves blossomed this year when we moved to the Midwest. No leaves like this in Colorado or Texas, our two previous homes. They are delightful!
wow! that looks like F U N! You should make Craig take a pic of you jumping into the leaves next year!! OMGosh…. How cute. But I am amazed that no one was hurt in the making of that photo shoot!! 🙂 Looks like fun! we are on day three of no school…in the middle of the month…for no good reason.
i made one for myself also but annie finished hers so quickly she took over mine. ….and then it was back to crazyville again. I love painting with my kids too, its so relaxing we really love it! Paintings are the mirror of your inside.The picture or thing we transform on the canvas is the reflection of our imagination.Kids observed a lot their paintings always convey some nice message to others.It is a nice hobby and a good past time.It will develop in them creativity and they will be an artist of future..water painting or glass panting is also a beautiful and colorful experience… We’ve got sick ones here too. problem is I’m sick too!! Three of us have the H1n1 bug!! Jason’s out of town for seminary but thankfully my moms been here. We aren’t having hte fun we had planned but at least I’m not alone!! Maybe tomorrow I’ll be motivated and get something creative out for the kdis to do. As more of us start feeling better we are ALL getting on each others nerves! Your photos make me smile:)
I LOVE this idea and will have to do this for my kids sometime even if they ARE 15 yo! HA!
I love this! I don’t have any kids but I just might try it myself… Hope the Starbucks was perfect. I believe it cures anything 🙂 what a great idea! {oh gee, like, how many others here said that, huh LOL} i will add this to my notebook of crafts for when the grandkids stayover. i’m known as the messy gramma because i don’t get upset with all the necessary items for making fun stuff. {however, NOT messy as in what my housecleaning is like, because i’m very picky on that.} and i’m the one who taught the grandkids all how to make mud-pie soup, mud-pie pancakes, mud-pie town…. FUN! 🙂
Funny when my children and I are coloring I often draw a modern stained glass window and then fill it in. My challenge is not to have the same color touch. I’m sure I’d do that w/the circles too. Will be doing the circles w/the kids soon. Thanks! Very cool! Watercolors are so much fun! the laser pointer…cracks me up. it was on my son’s christmas list last year! darn thing. you are such a good mom! and that is a wonderful idea! i hope that your kids get to feeling better soon!! and that you stay healthy! {because a sick momma is NOT a good thing!}
I wish I could come over to your house for a playdate. LOoks like fun… lots of fun. As always, you amaze me. Some days I just want to scoop my 7 month old up and head to your house and hang out for the day. You can ogle over a baby in the house and I can ogle over your craft room. And I promise if we have lunch, I will even do the dishes. Thank you for continuing to inspire. 🙂 I like in one of the pics you can see in the background the to do list and the first thing on it is Pray 🙂 Your family makes me want to visit Kansas 🙂 eeeek – 4 kids home sick (my idea of a nightmare!). You did well – love the paintings. What are they sick with? I saw the link for this project on your sidebar a few days ago and knew we had to try it! My daughter and I just finished our paintings…while your apple bars were in the oven…and now I am going to go make your chicken enchiladas for dinner! HA! Who knew I could have a happy day just by reading someone’s blog? I just sent my kids upstairs for quiet time. When they asked why, I said, because mama is about to lose it and I don’t want to lose it and be mean and grouchy, so I need to be alone for awhile. They understood. 🙂
fun, fun, fun! and that leaded glass window is to die for!!! Great idea. I am on day 4 of being at home with a sick child. I am going to drag out the paint right now! Thank you for the idea. Your blog is my favorite. Yay! I’m art docent for my daughter’s class – will so take this idea and run with it thankyouveddymuch. And…just so you know you’re not alone…my girl missed 3 1/2 days last week, went back for 3 days this week, and is sick again. Yeah, what is it about Hannah Montana? And the Wizards…and SpongeBob…and Carly…sometimes I can talk her into an episode of House Hunters if there are kids involved… I love this! They turned out great and look so fun to do! We are so doing this! Thanks for the great idea and now I’m subscribed to that blog too. Feel free to tell other blogs you read. I love your blog, your photography, your scrapbook pages, your style . . . you are my blog hero.
Those are awesome!!! I’ve got to go out and buy some new paints…ours are that all mixed up grey-brown color 🙁 it’s been so cloudy and dreary that i forgot what bright colors looked like!! very cute. amazing pictures as always!! hope they get better soon!! gorgeous!!good idea!! Great job…you made lemonade out of lemons! It always helps to put that smile on our face even when we don’t feel like it…things usually end up better when we do. You also ended up with some amazing art to hang all over the house! Perfect! just beautiful! Sounds JUST like what is going on at our house 🙁 Last Saturday, Connor downstairs with a 104 degree temp….then Jake on Monday morning….their Fall Break started this last Wednesday…which of course was the day that they both were well enough to go BACK….not complaining…really, I’m not…I’m thankful to get to stay home and take care of my sick kiddoes, BUT, WHEW, when Brian came home on Wednesday night (he conveniently had meetings on Mond and Tuesday, arrrgh!) I hightailed it out of our house to Target….and spent waaay too much money 🙂 Oooops, sorry! Didn’t mean to go off on this comment…again, it’s just another reason I love BloggyWorld….knowing, I’m not out there alone 🙂 And now, off to defend the peace in this house….I hear the chaos starting 🙂 come over after 4! we’ll find something to do. Such a great idea. Wish I could help with taking some kiddos. another nomination for mom of the year!
Michelle Richmond - I love checking your blog every day. You show the good with the bad and always make me feel inspired to be a good mom. I wanted to post here to let you know you are looking fit and trim. You go girl!!! Michelle from Canada.
chasity - i love the quilt that is on your front porch.
Andie - Love the shirt. But your hair is GORGEOUS!
molls - De-lurking to say Hi! from another Kansas girl (great grandparents lived in Walton) who LOVES peppernuts. I’m the only one in our family who still attempts to make them. I don’t even have the recipe that got me hooked – I like the tiny, dense version. But, I have found some good recipes out there that approximate the flavor, at least. I will say that it is always more tedious than I remember – so many tiny cookies! Make the dough and freeze half for later …
Kat - Love your list Meg which has inspired us to do our own here as two weeks of hols are starting in Tasmania, Australia. (about to start winter though, not a lovely long summer.)
I too have had a few of “those” days with my kids, so I can totally relate!
Enjoy your summer with your lovely family 🙂
paige - wish i could rock that funky short do like yours…i LOVE it!
Heather R. - Love the shirt! Love summer! You inspired us to make a poster this year. Skydiving is on it…yeah, not sure about that one. Where is the Demo Derby? We are in Leavenworth and got our Worlds of Fun passes :)! Have a great summer.
Molly Pearce - Your hair cut is rocking and so is the shirt! Now go make some cupcakes for your babies 🙂
~Molly P
myrnie - Love the oilcloth on your little table- I have the same print, in a turquoise background, on my kitchen table. LOVE IT- everything wipes right off, even crayons and pens 🙂
kristine - talby’s hair is adorable!
Charity - I grew up in Mennonite country, too, and LOVE peppernuts. I have this great little book, titled simply, Peppernuts, full of recipes. It’s amazing how many variations there are. Yum. We always make them around the end of November, so they’re ready and tasy for Christmas.
Anna Marie - We go to Worlds of Fun too :o) Do you ride all of those rides?
Heather @ Cookie Mondays - please send peppernuts 🙂
Jessica - My family makes peppernuts, too (but only at Christmas)! I love them so much, but I had no idea that other people even knew what they were. Haha. However, we make the German version of them.
Jessie Miller Sterling - Just wanted you to know I already made the teacher soaps. LOVE them! I once attempted my own blog, but yours is sooo much better, so I just read it instead! 😉 And if I get a cupcake shirt will I look as hot as you?? Hope so, you look awesome!
Jaime Melcher - Love your hair in that first picture! Super cute! …and the shirt says it all. 🙂
CAROL B - i’m a mennonite and have NEVER heard of peppernuts…interesting, i’m gonna check that out!
Megan Kohlman - Just in case you need the recipe for perfect peppernuts… Seriously. I’m not biased because my grandmas make them or anything.
dani - You look great! and I want your hair 😉
Melanie Shanks - I have followed your blog for a looong time – checking in nearly every day. I have to tell you – you look great! Your new ‘do is oh-so chic.
Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} - Hello! I read your blog all the time, but I’m not sure I’ve ever commented. Sorry. Anyway, I see glimpses of your house/porch and keep thinking that my SIL and BIL lived down the block from you for awhile. They rented a house while they were building. If, in fact, you do live in the house I think you do – love, love, love it!
Courtney Walsh - i cannot describe how happy I will be not to have to search for uniforms and make lunches anymore for a few months!! ack! Bring on summer!
kari - I can’t wait to make our summer list – thanks for sharing! What a great idea!!!!
Kirsten - I gotta tell you – I’m getting my hair cut and wish I was brave enough to get such a cute sassy look –
Lori Danelle - I’m having trouble with peppernuts in the summer. To me, peppernuts ARE Christmas!! 🙂 However, I’ll still share our family recipe for them with you.
We make our first batch right at Thanksgiving time and keep turning them out until Christmas Day. I started bringing them into work and have everyone near me totally addicted to the strange little cookie with the stranger name that they never knew existed. My Grandma still sends me an ice cream bucket full every year as well!
Misty, Southern Belle Mama - Love the shirt!! Glad you led me to check out the site…I just bought the “Cupcake Queen” shirt. I can’t wait to get it in the mail! 🙂
Charlene - Now, I want a cupcake too!
Chris Harms - enjoying your blog. I make peppernuts (pfeffernusse) at Christmas time by the icecream-pailful. Some people roll them out, I use a piping bag and squeeze them onto the pan… not as uniform, but faster by far. Good luck with them! I’m going to attempt a summer list. Saskatchewan may not sport the biggest or fanciest theme parks or zoo’s, but I’m sure we can find a few ways to spice up the summer. Thanks for the ideas!
Cathy - Now I feel like I need to go find a recipe for peppernuts. My mom’s family are from Canada and have Mennonite roots.
Dana Banana - Love the list. Let’s demo derby together….and find a day to bring the kids to the pool here.
Kara Tait - Meg, I love your blog. You look fantastic. Your face is so skinny!
Kristi - I love the idea of a journal! Adding that one to the list that we came up with last night. My daughter is 11 and starts Middle School next year. I’m grateful to have this summer to bond with her before she moves further down the road to adulthood. One of the most exciting things we’re doing is Book Club. We’re still trying to decide on a book though. She wants Twilight and I don’t. ha ha
amy d - haha…it always amazes me what people have never heard of.
love the shirt!
Petie - Love that t-shirt! Your summer list has inspired…looks like it’s gonna be a fun one 😉
Lynda - what a great shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it……wish I could buy one of those here in the Netherlands!
benson - YOU look amazing and are rockin’ the shirt!!
Julie - I LOVE your porch! My kids do too ~ they want one! Looks like a GREAT place to hang out!
lifeologia - You look great in that first photo 😉
Memory games are great fun – it’s so cute to see kid’s faces so concentrated.
I did a little link love on my blog today with your site:
jeny - when i grow up i want to be you (OKAY like,you) you are amazing (and beautiful), talented, and are blessed with a large curious family. i wish to be able to spend time with my babies. – that’s all i got, sorry so weird.
AshleyAnn - You are looking oh so sassy in that first photo. When we play Memory I always win. Granted my competition is ages 4 & 6. Bummer when they start beating me.
Dana@Bungalow'56 - What a wonderful idea: summer journaling for the young and old. The memory game is a favourite here but we’ve forgotten about it recently. Isn’t it amazing how the younger ones always win? The cupcake tee is a perfect gift for my best bud a half world away. Thank you for sharing it.