you guys… this summer is so good!!
i am loving it.
every day!
we have loads of sports but it keeps us active and not in front of a screen.
i like it even more when i remember my bug spray, my water and my chair.
annie is really enjoying softball this summer… especially after she got her own pair of baseball pants.
she feels much more like an authentic ball player now.
i am eating this salad several times a week this summer.
i can’t get enough of it!
this picture was funny to me…two kids playing separately on the floor… safely apart.
the legos have come out of storage again and are keeping annie busy.
(thank you Lego Movie! #everythingISawesome)
and we’ve been baby sitting our little friend too.
he’s a few weeks away from crawling into the legos so the clock is ticking on the floor lego time.
and he sleeps like a sweet little angel.
thighs rolls are the best! 🙂
when i make bunting for the shop it starts out like this…
and then over and over 25 times.
all before it is sewn together.
4000 squares later… it’s almost ready for the shop.
the girls play softball AND basketball right now.
i appreciate an air conditioned gym in the summer. 🙂
jr. high girls softball is tricky.
they are learning… there are lots of skill levels… they are pitching on their own… and catching…
it’s a lot to learn and perform.
but she LOVES it.
which makes me so happy.
i didn’t make it out to shop for a swimsuit before school got out and it just seemed impossible once every one was home all day.
i thought my suit from last year would work.
i actually had two.
but the strap got eaten by the dryer of one and the other just seemed to have lost it’s elastic over the winter.
so i decided to order a bunch and do what i would do at a store… at home.
Macy’s has free returns so i decided to just go for it.
my credit card company called me assuming it was fraud.
i said “no… it’s just me trying to find a swimsuit.”
i know my body and i know what works for me.
i know i can’t do a tankini because i need FULL support up top.
i know i don’t want anything cutting in on my tummy.
i know i need some spanx-y fabric through the middle.
i know i need a skirt over my hips.
i know these things because i know my body and how to hide and accent.
so i searched a lot and ordered these suits.
i ended up with the chevron… the navy dot… and maybe the magenta.
i enjoyed swim suit shopping at home in my bathroom much more than taking a whole day, driving all around and hoping to find one possible match.
more basketball.
and the day after that was ALL basketball.
i drove back and forth between gyms all day but i had time to myself which was nice.
at one point i sat in the car outside of a starbucks in my car getting wifi and blogging about summer drinks.
and repeat the basketball again on sunday.
this margarita was the perfect ending to all that.
so proud of all these kids!
it’s hard work to play all those games!
i could NEVER do it.
two games in a day? three? four? heck no.
but they loooove it!
this dog.
he is so lovable.
and so crazy funny.
holding all the kittens at once is no easy task.
ha ha ha
this picture could just be labeled “SUMMER”
am i right?
i stopped at the craft house and pulled a few weeds (unfortunately there are still a thousand more) while craig mowed the lawn.
i washed the pillow cases for the porch furniture and swept all the cobwebs away.
a clean porch is a good thing.
and right now… three of kids are at camp.
for the rest of the week!
i have one 17 year old at home and that is it!
it’s crazy.
and awesome.
and quiet!
17 year olds sleep a lot. 🙂
isn’t summer just wonderful?
these days are so good.
i am loving it.
all of it.
Shauna Jones - I just have to tell you that your blog makes me so happy. I’ve followed it for years, but have never commented. When I’m feeling blue, or like life is hard, I come read a little of your blog. Thanks for finding the beauty in the every day. I love the bright colors, the kid pictures, the dog pictures, all of it. Thanks for making the world a brighter place!
Tricia - Hello! That salad looks yummy! I want to make sure I have all of the ingredients:
red onion
poppy seed dressing
Anything else?
Gina - Wow!! Busy summer. Brilliant idea about swimsuits too!! I’ve bought my last few from Lands End and really like theirs. I agree you have to know what works best for your body. And I am going to be the one that asks for the salad recipe. 😉 I see baby spinach, strawberries, blueberries, red onion, pecans and grilled chicken. Am I missing anything? Any cheese and what dressing do you use? 🙂 TIA!! 🙂 I get on salad kicks too.
Jen - I love summer too, and I even work 25 hours a week. I wish I had more free time with my girls, but beggers can’t be choosers and I do love my job. I just love no homework, no school schedule, no lunch packing, no “hurry, you need to get to bed”…it’s just more relaxed.
Also, I was with Aaron Dody last night here in Ohio – fam were in town from KS. He loved seeing pictures of his grandparents old house – the Craft House. He explained that the kitchen isn’t where it used to be, told me about the business his dad and grandpa ran out of the top floor (do you know?), this room is next to this room, oh wow! there used to be a wall there, etc. I LOVED listening to him as he saw your old house. I have to admit that after following your blog for 6+ years and loving your home pics, I was a bit geeked out. I STILL cannot believe how I put this puzzle together. Out of all the people in this world, all the houses, awesome. crazy. wonderful. awesome. Have a wonderful weekend!
Maria - it’s amazing what subtracting three kids can do! My three oldest are off at camp this week too…just the youngest at home and it has been way too quiet! About 24 hrs left of that….
Enjoy your summer!
Tiffany - This post made me think of this ecard. Enjoy Summer!
Stephanie - Yay! Love the suits you chose. You’ll look gorgeous in those rich tones.
Your summer sounds so good. So quintesentially summer! I hate summer. But it’s because I live in Florida. It’s so gross here in the summer. I remember summer in KS–so pleasant. Gets hot once in awhile, but mostly great!
Pam - I too love summer, however it will be 115 degrees here today. We hide in our house like it is a hobit hole and play games and drink iced tea and lemonade. When the sun goes down we slink out into the night for a swim in the quiet, heavy air. Such a freshing treat before bedtime. 🙂
Amy Woods - I have an only child. Also 17. He doesn’t sleep much, but he is definitely quiet or out. He will be a senior when school starts. WAHHHHH! My baby!!!
Love the suits your picked! And all your pics are FAB!!