so… i will just say right away… i have a fake identity on pinterest so that you can’t find me.
it is the only place on the internet that i don’t share openly.
i just like having a little place that isn’t WIDE OPEN.
i like planning & dreaming without someone saying “i saw you pinning bathrooms… are you remodeling?”
does that make sense?
keeping it anonymous allows me to dream more freely.
but i do love to share some of my favorite pins i find with you too.
click on the picture to go to the original source so you can pin them too.
and if there is no link it is because the link led to nothing.

hello. this is brilliant. B R I L L I A N T!!!


i would LOVE to have this cool walk way in my yard!

stairway to happiness? i think yes.

so simple and so lovely at the same time.

i would like to eat at that table… yes please.

i like pretty much anything Kal Barteski creates.
she is rad.

i am considering getting on the striped curtain bandwagon.
so striking…. a bold move in any room.

i am not one who loves hearts… but this is super cute. even if it was just circles it would cute!
and then add in some colors.
yeah… i like this!

that wall is so cool!

white floors make everything better. true story.

i believe this is a christmas craft but it doesn’t have to be. this looks like lots of fun!
adding in the straws makes it extra neat.

pink floors?!!! this room is precious.

i could handle a cup of coffee out here with some lady friends… don’t ya think?

i want to paint ALL the THINGS when i see this. and then when i went through so many of her paintings i was just bursting with ideas! she’s awesome!

again… hearts.
but they are RAINBOW hearts.
and i like that.

loving loving loving this print.
love the verse and fonts but also love the painted background.

the gray grout.
and the baskets.
and old wood floors.
this picture gets better as you explore the layers! 🙂
it looks like a movie set.
maybe it is?

i would like this to be my birthday cake.
but no purple flowers please.
more pink and orange would be fine.
and maybe… sparklers.

details like this blow my mind.
this is probably 3 inches wide… seriously.
some people are so uberly creative.
this is gorgeous… and it’s a heart. HA!

someday… i will put on a sparkly sparkled gown and dance around in the sunset on the beach.
it will happen.

these colors together are lovely.
don’t you love these little scenes people make pulling out all the colors from a picture?
i think it’s awesome.

i don’t want to ever forget.

birthday cake batter cinnamon rolls? whoa.

i think i am ALL COLOR ALL THE TIME and then i see this door and think “ohhhhhh……”

i have some pretty good friends.
(sadly the link to this is broken so if you know the artist who made this please let me know in the comments)

so cute.

i LOVE this! it would be a blast to make.

white words on a white wall…. genius.

scrap pieces of wood to form a garden path.
it is super… it is easy… use what you have… loads of color.
i like it.
isn’t it interesting how just looking at cheerful, light and happy photos can brighten our mood?
if i am feeling a little down and then i jump over to Pinterest or a blog that is positive it really does lift my spirits.
i feel inspired just by looking.
i don’t feel pressure to change my house or MAKE something right then but i can appreciate a project or photo and say “i like that” or “this makes me feel happy” or “this is peaceful” and move on with my day.
i like shopping with people that get that too. I don’t have to buy it to enjoy it. i mean… i want to buy things i love but i can live without them. sometimes i will take a picture of something at a store if i am alone and text it to a friend saying “isn’t this beautiful?! i am not buying it… just sharing my love of it and moving on”
and then a really good friend talks you into buying it over text.
ha ha ha
i hope you have a super day today.
Cindy McAllister - I love all the photos that you have posted showing the many choices. I think it would be tuff for me to choose but I know for me personally I would choose comfortable and with a back to them. Looking forward to seeing what you choose.
lindsaywillman - I have the green Target stools and my family loves them! I sorta wish they were a different color (pink! coral! NAVY!) but still they’re great.
Out of all those pictures though, I’d choose those flower-upholstered barseats for you…me too, if had older kids! They’re gorgeous and fun!
Katherine @ Grass Stains - If you’d only shown the first picture and said that’s what you’d bought, I would’ve believed you in a heartbeat. But maybe that’s not what you’re going with in the new house … perhaps the Craft House is taking on most of your Rainbow Purchases now. I don’t know … I thought that for a second, but then last week you showed a picture of the palettes for the girls’ rooms, and they looked very “you,” so I do expect to see a lot of color in the new house, too! I love all of the choices you showed us; the first ones (and the other metal choices) seem so practical to me because they’re wipable. (My four kids are younger than yours, though, so that’s of prime importance to me.) Also, the stools look like they’d be SO easy to pull out of the way for sweeping and mopping, and I HATE dragging our heavy wooden bar chairs out of the way to sweep under them. Just a couple of things to consider!
Erin - I love the “look” of bar stools, but sitting in a bar chair is way more comfortable. If you spend any amount of time sitting at your island, I would vote for a chair or something with back support. Can’t wait to see what you pick!!
Tiffany - We are doing some redecorating around our house, and it feels SO good! Amazing how a new rug, wall hangings, and farmhouse table (made by my husband!) can make such a difference! We are looking at purchasing a few barstools for around our peninsula. We have our eye on those utility stools from Target too… In yellow. They were on the Cartwheel app recently and we missed taking advantage of it. Rats. I’m sure whatever you pick will look fabulous!
SoCalLynn - I *love* the chairs with the grey bases and the floral fabric coverings. LOVE them. I probably wouldn’t get them because I am a chicken when it comes to color and pattern but I love them.
Patti Kuttner - Whatever you choose, they need to be colorful! That’s what we love about how you decorate…happy, cheerful. I’ve sprinkled color into my very beige home because of your inspiration.
Cassandra - Just looking thru it seems the majority of what you’ve picked are metal & no back. I love the metal ones, but would probably go with a low back. And color ones!!!
Marilyn - I have two different types of bar stools in our house. Kitchen ones swivel and have backs. Basement stools don’t swivel, but do have backs also. For a kitchen I would choose swivel with backs and not with upholstery. Constant cleaning. Color is great. I liked the turquoise wood stools with the backs and look like they are all wood.
Carol S - Regarding back or backless, which I think is first decision…I love tucking in my Target rush seat backless stools so I can use counter as a buffet. Friends or family pull up a stool and its not uncomfortable. If we’re going to hang out for awhile we move to sofas. I vote backless, unless its your main dining space. So many great pics, use your gut and you won’t go wrong.
Meredith - Two words.
Rainbow. Tolix.
You can’t go wrong:) Happy and classic….also stain-resistant – booyah!
M xo
Penny - Those metal chairs are cute and colorful, but they are oh, so, frosty in the winter. I like the tall wooden chairs with the back.
laura oyler - My favorite are the turquoise ones with the X backs! i love the color. I was also pro-back until I saw jenny b’s comment. I do like backs for comfort, but I always throw jackets, etc. over the back of the chair so that is something to consider. I also like the wooden stools that have the seat made out of the 3 blanks of wood. They would be better in turquoise though! Can’t wait to see the house when it is finished!
Kelly - The first photo is my fave. It looks very you but I get all the other comments about the barstools having backs for comfort too. Our (single) barstool that lives in the kitchen (not at a bar) doesn’t have a back and I never mind it but maybe it would be nice? I don’t like the acrylic for your house because they don’t seem very “you” – not that “you” has to stay the same from house to house either but I also would think they wouldn’t wear very well. If the colorful ones ended up with a scratched up section or something, think how you could modpodge or paint a flower or something over that section and how fun they would get over time! Kelly
Gretchen - When we built our farmhouse 18 months ago, I had to purchase six barstools for our island. I chose the metal Tabouret style and have not regretted the decision. We eat dinner at the island almost every night and no one has complained about not having a back. My kids are older, like yours, so we don’t have to worry about the safety thing. I like the no-back version because it doesn’t block the view. Overstock has a great deal and many color choices, which is where I bought mine.
SOOO excited to watch your new home get your fun touches!
shannon - You posted a couple of the photos we pinned for inspiration for our new kitchen. Ours ended up being close to the white kitchen with black granite… I went with the colored stools in red. Love them! They are comfy and have held up well with our kids.
Su - from one momma of 5 who has barstools and lots of kids in my home: barstools with backs are more comfortable. . and you want your kids to sit there at the counter and tell you about your day while you serve them snack or get dinner ready or unload the dishwasher. The more comfortable they are, the longer they will sit. Plus little ones fall off barstools without backs (my youngest is 7). Also I would recommend wood or metal or something that can be cleaned. . .the fabric barstools are pretty but are gonna get dirty.
tasha roe - forgot to add that the cloth chairs are darling, but a mess to keep clean. we have the dining chairs from ikea with the linen slip covers. they look like a crime scene after dinner and i don’t even have toddlers. grrrr
tasha roe - we have had a few different sets of bar stools at our previous home and i’ll share what i like and done like –
we had the first ones you pictured, but in a walnut finish. LOVED these chairs! super comfy, sturdy & stable. We even put the portable high chair in it for my daughter when she was little. cons – the finish wore off a bit on the rungs, and they were heavy to move when cleaning.
We’ve had the backless stools as well. They are super cute and i loved how they looked they were just UNCOMFORTABLE!!! ugh! I wish I could type that in bold and underlined font too. lol
We are starting our kitchen remodel soon and I’m leaning towards similar chairs that we had the first time, but in color this time – like a teal blue or chartreuse
good luck!
shelly davis - when i saw the aqua wooden, “x” back chairs, i thought those were “you”. i love them!! the multi-colored metal ones are adorable too – but i like the ones with backs best. way more comfortable 🙂 whatever you choose will be gorgeous!!
Kathi - I know where you’re coming from, the choices, ugh. Stools with backs that are affordable is there such a thing? I also follow Young House Love they found a very resonalbe option and painted them. We are going to order some in the next few weeks. Check it out.
I love how everything is coming together.
Lisa - Although I practically love all of those choices, I really do think that having a back on counter-height stools. It is soooo uncomfy otherwise, and people tend to “sit an relax” on them less. I love the look of the industrial backless stool, but my rear end sure doesn’t love that choice at all. lol.
No matter what you choose, it’ll look amazing, I’m sure.
Jenn N - We were faced with the same challenge last summer when we renovated. There are so many choices and price points…but looking at the pictures you had here, I have to say the first one with the colourful metal stools has you written all over it.
Melinda George - Pick the metal stools that are brightly colored. You want backless stools so you can use all sides of the counter to easily stand and work without having to move the stools out of the way. They will last forever and you can repaint anytime. Stools with backs are comfy and beautiful, but for me not as practical. If you want super comfy you are probably not sitting at the counter anyway, you’d go to the table or porch. Go for the simple and pretty.
Linda - WOW you have such amazing choices. No wonder you are having a hard time deciding! you have a lot of metal stools in lots of different color!! I love the green and the turquoise. Totally my fav. But you love rainbow and the 11th picture down ( i counted) looks like you’d love it just a random assortment of color!!! Best of luck I know whatever you pick we be amazing and we will all love it!
Lauren - I vote for stools like YHL had in their old house! I love that they looked like they came right out of a high school science class (but in a fun color of course).
Sheila - I like the orange wooden stools. They look great with the all-white kitchen and I would love pairing them with aqua and yellow accents. I do like stools that swivel though and have some padding so a close second choice would be the brown cushioned stools. I do not care for the metal stools, but that is just my opinion. If I did use the metal ones, I would choose one color and not an assortment of colors – it just feels (in my opinion) more chic and less like a playroom. Happy choosing!
Lisa - My preference would be the turquoise wooden stools with the X backs. Stools with backs are much more comfortable, especially when you spend quite a lot of time sitting in them, as I imagine your family will do. I also think the style is more casual which seems to fit your family well. The turquoise is pretty, although any bright colors would be lovely in your always-colorful home.
Lizelle - Oh gosh – I hear you! We recently had to choose chairs for our island too – I ended up getting smaller ones for the kids on the one side, bigger (more comfy – ssssshhh dont tell the kids) ones for grownups on the shorter side of the island 🙂 The rainbow ones look like you 🙂
kara - oh the rainbow! How could anyone be cranky waking up to a kitchen like that?? Although I’m pretty certain one of my kiddos would manage to fall or tip so maybe the turquoise metal stools with the backs?!!!!
Tanya H - It doesn’t look like this is a hard choice for you… I think you really like the colored square stools with the slot down the middle- for easily rinsing clean. 🙂
rebecca - All such lovely choices! I say picture 17…the wooden ones with backs painted aqua (or any fun color(s)!! Here’s why…stools with back are waaay more comfy and non fabric chairs are much easier to clean. If you want to add fabric to the chairs, find cute lumbar pillows to jazz them up! Good luck! Can’t wait to see which ones you choose!
Robyn B - They are all so pretty. I have just 2 pieces of advice…I have a large island and we sit there ALL THE TIME. You definitely want chairs that have backs….those colored metal ones are so cute, but believe me, sitting in a chair with no back is not comfortable. Also, don’t get chairs with fabric…you will need/want to wipe them down a lot (kids.) The fabric ones are cute, but no practical 🙂 And there is my 2 cents on stools!
Julie Wearmouth - I love the multi-colored metal stools in the very 1st picture! When I think of you, I think of color, color, color!! I know whatever you choose will be perfect!!! Can’t wait to see what you choose.
Karie Waters - I love the metal stools in the different colors. I can see you doing the first picture! I have the green metal ones from Target and love them.
Jennifer - Yeah…that’s hard. If I had to pick one…the second from the last, but in yellow or turquoise or maybe red or maybe all three 🙂
kris gilbert - I love the tolix style (with or without back) ~ fun colors, sturdy pieces that can do double duty in other rooms if needed.
Easier to find a home for them after their island duty is done (or if you just want a change at the island in the future) ~
You can have them in just the stainless too & they will serve the same purpose beautifully. I just don’t see the other styles being repurposed as easily.
colleen from alabama - I think the rainbow metal stools are the ones that make me think of you 🙂 That said, I have metal chairs and I love them but be prepare for cold fannies! That metal is definitely not a warm welcome in the dead of winter 🙂 you may want to have a slip cover or something for cold months. Just a thought. I do love them though.
heidi e. - Love LOVE those floral comfy ones! 11th photo… and also the ever cute metal stools with a hole in the top. I notice you have about a million pictures of them in various colors, so deep down I think you secretly love those ones. 🙂 SO fun!!
TamiV - I live the yellow stools, I think a splash of yellow in every room makes things happy! With that said, those rainbow stools in the very first pic are so totally you! I wonder about not having a back on the stools though. If you want people to sit and stay, the back is more comfortable. I also love that blue wooden spindly chair. If you can find those in bar height and paint them in rainbow colors, I think that’s it! 🙂 can wait to see what you choose!
Kyra - I like the first picture of stools with backs on them. Was that #2? My friend swears by them as being the most comfortable since this is where her kids eat many meals. Her kitchen opens up to the family room so the stools look more like they belong with the rest of the area. She has 4 kids and they still look good after 10 years. You can always paint the stools with backs to add color.
The plastic stools make you sweat in the summer-my aunt had plastic chairs and I didn’t like them as a kid.
Katy - I vote for something simple and timeless. Something with a back and is easy to clean.
Lisa - Hi Meg,
You have shown the Tolix style, colorful metal stools in many of your photos. You have also repeated the “ghost” style stool. I have followed your blog for many years…when I think of you, I think of color! Follow your colorful heart!
Michele - The choices you show are outstanding. I really like the colored metal stools but my fear is that stools will not make you happy n the long run. Backless is really not comfortable. I love the image that has the floral fabric with the black and gray island. I wish I would be brave enough to do that but I worry that I would tire of it too fast. Whatever you choose I know it will be great.
ktg - The bright fabric- floral, pick a pattern that wouldn’t show mess or oil cloth, would be comfy!
Angela - I love the colorful metal ones and I noticed those are the ones that you have the most pictures of in this post. 🙂
Trisha - I love the very first one. It is bright and happy! Easy to wipe off and clean.
Very rainbow perfect!
Jenny B. - Had to come back and add more… 🙂 After reading so many comments about wanting a back on the stools, I have to add my 2 cents (or more like 10 cents now?). Anyway, I have had wooden stools with backs in my kitchen, and got so sick of them I took them out to the garage, and we’ve been without stools completely for months while I figure out what to replace them with. I definitely want something with NO back. The ones with a back were a bit unwieldy to move around when sweeping and mopping, and they always ended up covered in stuff. Jackets, purses, etc. I like the idea that the backless ones can tuck under the bar and (hopefully) not be a magnet for hanging things on. Also, those metal ones from Target (or elsewhere?) are really lightweight and easy to move around. And like I said above, they are actually very comfortable to sit on. Now, if you’re going to be eating every family meal at your bar, then I would probably go for a seat with a back. BUT, if it’s just for extra seating, or for your kids to hang out and talk to you while you cook or something, then I say go backless. 🙂
Jenny B. - Well, I’m no help! I like them all!! Ha. 🙂 I will say that I have been considering either the yellow or green metal ones from Target for several months. A friend has the stainless colored versions, and they are surprisingly comfortable to sit on and very stable (they don’t rock around like a lot of wooden barstools do, if you know what I mean). So… I guess I’m leaning toward those. Love the mulitcolored collection, but you always have lots of color, so not sure if that’s where you want your “pop” to be, or if you want to go more neutral there?? I have also sat on some at Target that look similar to your #3 choice, and they were comfortable too, though not quite as much as the metal ones (again, surprising). Hope that helps! I am sure whatever you decide on will look fabulous! 😉
Meredith - I originally had stools with high backs at my island. I didn’t care for them at all. It made the kitchen feel smaller and prevented us from having a buffet area. I replaced them with the stools you have in picture #13 and I love them. They stack too which is a nice option plus they were a steal on too!
Kathryn - I would recommend something with a ‘back’. For comfort reasons. Other than that?? No idea. Rainbow colors seems very Meg-like. The white is pretty. Not a fan of the Lucite/clear though. No help. I know.
elma - Oh I love the bright colored metal ones!! So nice in a white kitchen and easy to clean:) Do you know who makes the pastel ones?? Have fun!!
Robyn - Love all the colorful metal ones! Look so fun in a white kitchen!
Christy - Floral patterned ones are great! Definitely get stools with backs, anyone who has to sit in them for any length of time will thank you!
Gina - I like the aqua wood ones with a seat back. We have a similar set up in our kitchen and it is a big hang out and the seat backs make it more comfortable
Jenni - Definitely the multicolored stools in first picture. Seems like your style. But…If you are wanting your house to be a bit different than the craft house, maybe something with fabric, and a back?
Holly - The first ones are SO you. But I have to say that having a back is so much more comfortable and encourages people to linger. So that being said, go for the clear ones with a back!
Sarah - I’ve been reading your blog for a couple years now, and I could not imagine you having a set of stools that all look the same. I look to your blog for difference. For this beautiful mishmash of colors and textures and thoughts. In my brain, your stools would match that.
So, answering your question: I would choose the something like the set that are sitting in the grass. Different colors, interesting shape, fun to look at.
Good luck caring about all of those choices, they are important! 🙂
janine - Picture #1 seems like your style from what I have seen on your blog. My favorite is the kitchen with the brown leather stools. I love the whole thing. I do think that backs on the stools is important for comfort though. So if you can find colorful ones (metal or wood) with backs I think it will look great. Rainbow stools would look awesome 🙂 And if you ever got tired of the rainbow look some paint could bring them all back to one color.
AshevilleGirl - I love them all! So much color 🙂 But the painted wood turquoise stools with the low backs would be my pick – it’s so nice having a back for support, and a low back doesn’t interfere with sight lines. You can punch up the color quotient even more with fun slip covered cushions that can go in the washer and dryer as needed, and be changed with the seasons – or with your mood! Loving your new house and am so excited to see how it all turns out. Happy decorating!!!
Jenna - I would choose fabric upholstered chairs with a back on them for sure! Swivel would be ideal so that the kids can move around and they would be perfect for entertaining!
Penny - Love your blog. Can’t wait to see the finished remodel. Home tour, please. Now about the stools … definitely the brown with leather seats and bronze foot rests. They would look outstanding with your wood floors and not distract from all the fun, colorful accessories you most likely will be using in the kitchen. Also, you have some men in your family and they can only stand too much color for so long. As my Montecito interior designer told me, “Get yourself calm!”. You have a real good-looking family. Happy Easter!
Susie - Backs and cushion for comfort as well as minimal crevices and wipe clean-ability : ). were paramount for us.
Christy - I love the rainbow color stools, they are so happy!
My best advice is something that the kids are less likely to rock on. 🙂 If yours are anything like mine, they will rock the stool, which cracked my tile & wore out my stools. I went with the metal base/wood seat stools from World Market & they are awesome. We use our bar a lot & backless stools don’t bother us. My son is there from the time school lets out until about bed time. Just get something comfy to sit on & a sturdy base.
Colleen - I”m loving these kitchen island stools in this pinterest kitchen with slips – the tv over the fireplace also reminds me a little of your set up. World Market hayden barstools are on sale for 89.99 (out of stock online right now) but may be in your store and could come back in on line? Cut down the legs cover w/ slips and wash as needed!
I , of course, Love the four brightly colored upholstered stools w/ backs in the white kitchen the most.. do you know where to get them? They are gorgeous!
stephany - Meg-
I absolutely LOVE the metal stools, but EVERYBODY has them. Not to say they are a bad choice, or don’t do it because everybody else is, but…
I say go with the metal stools…WITH A BACK. Spray paint them different colors if you want…or leave them silver or white.
AND, get a cute oilcloth fabric to make seat cushions so they are a little bit more comfortable.
Just my humble little opinion.
I am living vicariously through your new kitchen…
Shelly - You definitely like the metal ones best and you like color. I say the second to the last picture. Blue metal with the back!
Dana - Stools are oh-so-cute but…ones with a back are WAY more comfy!
Maria - Ahhhh! Too many wonderful, fun choices. Sorry I’m no help.
Jennifer Nanninga - Definitely with a back rest for comfort. I am digging the upholstered ones!
janet @ ordinary mom - We have small backless wood stools I picked up when we first moved and thought I would switch them up for those ikea ones with the backs.
I purchased the Ikea ones but after 3 days they were started to wiggle and fall apart. The stools I purchased as a temporary solution have lasted 3+ years and are going strong. They are used daily!
If your kids will be on them a lot, I may suggest skipping the wood and going with those awesome metal ones. 🙂
Amber - It’s pretty clear you love the metal stools, so I say go for those. You can always spray paint later if you get bored. Also, I’m guessing that it’ll be mostly kid/teen rear ends on those stools, so let the young deal with them not having a back, they’ll be fine. Ahhh, youth. : )
Aimee W. - I like the stools in the first photo! They seem the most like you!
Juli - You do show the metal stools in rainbow colors more than anything else. Perhaps that’s your choice already, and you just need to acknowledge it? They certainly look like your sunny, rainbow-y style!
Michelle Whitlow - As much as I love the look of those fun colored metal ones I personally don’t like sitting on stools that don’t have a back. I’d probably go with the wood ones with the back & paint them. But if you’re thinking it’d just be for your kids then go for it!
Adrienne - First one = SWOON! I think I would be so in love with them that I wouldn’t even care that they aren’t super comfy because the color is so happy!
That being said, I also liked the frenchy upholstered ones, which would be more comfortable. Maybe you could upholster them in brightly colored wipe-able fabric?
Also I liked the multicolored floral fabric ones.
I think it definitely depends on how messy your people are, and what exactly they are being used for. 🙂 I can’t wait to see what you choose!
Adrienne - Metal stools because they are easy to care for and scoot around. And, oh the rainbow colors are so you! For solids, turquoise or that bright orangey-red. NO to any fabric around food. Hope that helps 🙂
Jaimie - They all look great!
We have the yellow metal ones from Target and love them! At the time we ordered them, there was some kind of deal if you spent a certain amount on furniture, you got a good % off and we used the Red card for another 5% off and free shipping. They already seemed at a good price compared to searching for a while online and in stores.
We’re really happy with them! They’re very sturdy and are a great height for our counter. We had to steer clear of stools w/ backs as the counter leads to the basement stairs and we didn’t want to limit the walk way. With these stools, they tuck nicely under the counter. We were restricted with our color choices as we have a very bright backsplash of bright red, green, and yellow alternating tiles…so that’s why we went with the yellow. It’s a great color! I do love the turquoise ones, mint, and green ones that you’ve shown, but we couldn’t get away w/ anything other than those three bolder colors.
I think any of those stools you have listed would look nice, but I think I would recommend going with a metal, grayish or neutral type stool, like you listed
This way, if you change things up down the line w/ color schemes, you’re not tied down to incorporating a specific color from the stools. Maybe go w/ one that could work with any palette, so you’re not limited down the line.
Love them all, though 🙂
Amber M. - I like those minty green ones, second to the last pictured, because they are industrial looking but pretty and can be kept clean easily. Also because they have a back!! So much more comfortable!
KirstenP - I really like the idea of stools in different colors of the rainbow – especially with your white kitchen and because it’s you! I also agree with others that whatever you pick should have backs. And cushiony seats.
Debbie - We have the bright yellow metal stools from Target for our bar and I LOVE them! Very sturdy, wide, and comfortable to sit on. Price was great too!
Makila - We recently remodeled, finishing a little over a year ago. It was a hard decision for so many reasons! First off barstools can be so expensive! Our main criteria was ease of cleaning, sturdy but not too heavy our four kids couldn’t pull them in and out, and no swivel!! Swivel with four young kids (11 and under) was not happening at my house. We also wanted something comfortable. We now sit here for most meals as our island seats six. We chose metal backed counter top stools from Restoration Hardware. When we ordered they were on sale. You have similar ones pictured in the picture with a side view and wood counter tops. Good luck!
Carrie - We have stools also, and I’ve learned that something with a back is essential, along with something that can be wiped down from spills.
Ruth Umney - i LOVE the bright metal stools, would look great in contrast to white units and really bring the kitchen to life!!! loving seeing the re-do come together, must be so exciting, if not totally exhausting!!! xxx
Sara - Oh Meg, I was so excited to scroll through these. Then it kept going and even I felt overwhelmed by your choices! Holy cats! That is a lot of options! I think the first picture was my favorite! Those colorful metal stools and those basket lights. Oh my texture… 🙂
emily hope - We just moved into a new house last year, and I searched high and low for the perfect stools. Was going to go with ones like you have in the first pic, but knew my kids would complain about the non-comfort factor … so then … I found these on Amazon. Super sturdy. And comfy. Not to mention bright & cheery. Also easy to clean. Got one each in red, yellow, blue, green. Perfection.
alex - i am smitten with the distressed one!
they are all beautfiul, which ever one you chose
will be great
Amy Huff - I always like to have a chair with a back and love some color.
cheryl - I would pick something upholstered and with a back. I spend a ton of time in the kitchen and wouldn’t want to be sitting on a backless barstool. Just my opinion!
Aimee Di Croce - I love those cloth flower ones! I like the first pic with the many colored metal stools but I personally like comfortable stools for my counter. I often sit there with my laptop so I like something soft for my bum. I love any of the ones with. I am a color loving fool like you are.
Melissa Poling - I love them all, but noticed a trend in your pics….you seem to like the metal multi-color…FUN ones! ME too…I really love the 2nd pic from the bottom, the metal one with a back!!! LOVE! Good Luck choosing!
Molly - The ones with bright color are fabulous, but I agree with some other comments that ones with a back may be more comfortable in the long run. What about upholstering some with fun oil cloth fabrics? They would be easy to keep clean and you could even do the backs (facing out) of the chairs with chalk cloth- write everyone’s names on them or change things up for holidays/special events!
Kirsten - I don’t remember how I stumbled onto your blog, but I love it! It’s obvious you love color – all of the bright colors. If the rest of your kitchen is one color, I would suggest getting wooden stools with backs that you paint all those wonderful colors! I agree with comments above, you will want stools with backs – and ones that are easy to clean since you still have kids at home.
molly - i like the bright multi-colored ones. because they are fun and not so serious. and they are just chairs so when you become more serious… can get new ones:) ps i would pick them for my house too.
Amber Campbell Hibbs - You want brightly colored industrial ones or maybe brightly colored wood ones. I’m not sure which color you should go with, but based on what you provided and reading your blog I think the idea of a rainbow of them is what will make you the happiest and I’m glad to see that everyone else who commented thinks to too. Plus you need something to rainbow up all the white cabinets. 😛
Amy M - Definitely something with backs…I had a high top table with bar stools for years, and it got frustrating to not be able to sit back and relax…never really ended up using the table much. My faves of the ones you picked are the metal ones with backs or the turquoise ones with backs. I’m sure that whatever you pick, it will be perfect. 🙂
Sarah - It’s been a while since I’ve been to target, but they had colorful metal stools with a wood seat that were very cute. I can’t find them online right now. I like the look of the metal tolix style, but my tush would rather sit upon wood.
For function, ikea has an adjustable stool that can be table height and counter height. I’ve thought that might be an efficient choice if one ever needs to pull up extra table seating very often. I think they’re only around $40 but they only come in black.
Erin Ussery - I love the brightly colored metal ones. They go with your style so well. Our friend owns a company called Industry West that carries these types of stools, as well as a lot of other fun chairs!
Happy Shopping! I’m sure whatever you choose will look amazing.
Sarah - My fave was the first picture. It just screams you. I love the floral fabric option, but honestly metal seems easiest to keep clean. I’m sure that no matter what it’ll look great!
Karen Gerstenberger - All gorgeous choices – of course, the brighter the color, the better I like it! I vote for something with a back (not plain stools), because we committed to bench (backless) kitchen seating and have regretted it. I love the French style upholstered ones, and the turquoise chairs with the X backs.
Sara - Two pieces of advice from someone who had stools and uses them daily with their family 1) get stools that have backs if space allows -SO much more comfortable and 2) get something that can be wiped clean as they will definitely get spilled on!
Meredith - I think you like the colorful metal stools the most because they’re pictured over and over in different colors. 🙂 They’re very fun! I like them!