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Category Archives: my goofball kids

not so good….yet.


so i tried cutting waffle's hair this weekend.

it's not easy.
i was so worried about cutting him….then after one hour the first day….and 30 minutes the second day
i just went for it.
and this is what we have so far!


i am nervous to get to the feet, tail and face.
but it will get done….soon enough.

i had a girl day with just this one yesterday.

we hit old navy…target….and orange leaf.

both our first times.
she said it was the best place in the whole world….wants to go there on her birthday….in 7 months.
it was really goooood.
not on jillian's meal plan….but good.
i restrained myself to only a small bowl.
banana yogurt AND peanut butter yogurt!
holy cows.


annie said during foozball with she and i against craig:

"we're winning!  i think it's cause of my muscles!"  
(by the way…we did not win….i am AWFUL at foozball.)

then a few moments later shouted to craig  "GET READY TO EAT MY GUTS!!!"

when she runs hard and then stops she says "OHHH! my heart is beeping so fast."

and my favorite annie-ism….overheard through the window while the kids were jumping on the trampoline….


she is such a hillarious little girl. 


Kelvyn - With the thousands of peolpe Google employs, coupled with the fact that Northern California (where they’re located) has some of the best bud in the states .I’m surprised they didn’t create this themselves!

Christina - The things Annie says make me laugh so. The other day my youngest was using the toilet and when she got off of it she asked me if she would ever have a “something” like Christian (her brother). I could not make out the word she was saying and I finally figured it out. She was saying “thingy” meaning boy part. I laughed so hard (on the inside…I didn’t want to traumatize her). Kids are so very funny and cute and sweet.

Jenna - I “lol”ed quite a lot during this post between Waffle and the nuts: HA!!

Lisa B - My son says his heart is beeping really fast too!! I love it!!

MommaH - Your Talby is becoming a real beauty like her older sister. You and Craig certainly have made gorgeous children!

ronda beeman - First off, your dog is hilarious. Secondly, your last “annie-ism” made me laugh out loud while all my loves are sleeping! So funny!

Tiffany @ The Domestic Fox - OMG…Waffle is such a good sport.
Hint…Kool Lube for your clippers. Friction is one of the top reasons people knick the skin of their dogs in an attempt to clip their dogs. It keeps the clippers cool – it also cleans and lubricates your clippers. In another life, before kids, and pets, and homework, and never ending house duties…I was a dog groomer. The first time is scary – especially when it’s your dog. But Waffle looks like he is being calm for ya – that is always a plus! When you get ready for the feet – use your slicker brush to back brush his fur between the toes to be on the top of his foot. You can cut this with scissors or just trim it when you clip the top of his foot. Sometimes the toes are the trickiest part. It will mean that you will need to watch the hair on the feet – it will grow faster – but you won’t be worried about clipping the skin between his toes.
Good luck on finishing that clip job – you are doing great!
Annie-isms…I love them. She is quite a character!

jeana - our orange leaf just opened. we have had some crazy frozen yogurt movement over the past few months…this is the 3rd one open in our town. can’t wait to try it out though! love the annie-isms!

Wendy - i laughed way over here in australia. too hilario!

meghan - best. hair. cut. ever!
And…i can’t believe all those prints you sent out! Nice work lady.

Quinn - HA. It takes a lot for me to laugh at something written or in pictures… but I laughed out loud for Waffle.
And the kicked in the nuts comment Annie gave… oh boy.

Courtney Walsh - that’s what Adam’s hair looked like the last time I tried to cut it myself.
hahahhahaa. 🙂

Lori - That was one of the best laughs I’ve had all day, especially the kick in the nuts! 🙂

Lizz - So, I just looked back at Waffles first picture and well I definitely see some Chuck Norris in his face and wonderful gruff face! Good luck with the rest!

Liz @ Perfect Chaos - OK, so you know when people type LOL? I’m usually like, really? Did you really laugh out loud? Well, I literally LOL, to the point of tears. Poor Waffle!!! But seriously, thank you sharing! You have made my night.

Patricia - Hope you’re not offended that I laughed at Waffle and my first thought was “poor guy”. He’s still adorable, even with his interesting trim ;o)

Karen Gerstenberger - You had me at the Waffle photos. Best LOL of the day! Thank you, Meg! xoxo

Nancy - waffle, waffle, waffle – that was the best laugh all day. big fat thanks – that laugh was much needed!

Karlye - Meg,
I was so excited to see you mention Orange Leaf. My husband and I opened an Orange Leaf in Lawrence, I’ve been meaning to email you that if you guys are ever up that way taking in a KU game, come by and say hi. Free yogurt in exchange for getting to say I met you in real life! 🙂

Julia - {she says with more than a little jealousy in her voice}. Your photographs have gotten a lot better in the past year.

betsy - Poor, poor Waffle! He looks so embarrassed … but I think he looks super cute. I’m only brave enough to do Minnie’s nails & a trim around her face when her fur gets really long. You are REALLY brave!
Can’t wait to see the next batch of pictures 😉

Shannon - I also laughed at Waffle, but he’s so stinking cute! So, about the Annie’s heart beeping…my daughter also said that when she was younger. I was never sure where she got it, but apparently, it’s a pretty normal description!

Ellen J - Okay, so I definitely just laughed at Waffle for a good two minutes. I’ve thought about getting a kit to groom my morkie, but I haven’t been brave enough to even purchase one yet!! Great job with Waffle…love it. hehe

Lucylu ~ - Wow, Waffle, new look! Yum… Orange Leaf. I LOVE that place!

Cindy - This post made me laugh! All of it. The dog. The fact that Jillian got tossed to the wayside for a girly day and the part about the “nuts” Thanks for the smile.

Courtney Henson - Waffle looks really good! We have a Wheaten Terrier and he looks so much like Waffle. I’ve tried grooming him myself and it is really a nightmare! And it took forever! So I’m super impressed that you are doing it yourself and it looks that good! And I love the furry head and feet look…very cute!

leonieke - i’ve cried three times today, so much fun looking at waffle with my kids and husband..thanks, haven’t had such fun in days:-))
please don’t ever try to cut your kids hair.

Barb - Ohmygosh, that’s hilarious. What do the girls think of Waffle’s haircut?
My son always said his heart was beeping, too. Love that.
I am jealous. We had snowflakes this weekend and it looks like you have spring buds on your shrubs.
Did you ever get your new lens? How do you like it?

Mindy Harris - oh, waffle. bless you.

Julie - I would get a guard and then try cutting Waffle’s hair next time. Keep an eye on her skin they can get razor burn and irritation. Sometimes it will show up more a day after.
I found you blog in Sept when I was looking for a rainbow cake and have been stopping by since.

Jill - I’ve heard Wonderful things about Ornage Leaf. *must go there soon!* You are a much braver woman than I am with the dog hair cutting! You’ll get it in no time. You got the creative gene though, I missed that day…Boo!

Pamela Gordon - I am still laughing at poor Waffle! He looks like a french poodle doodle. Thanks for the LOL moment ;-D

Rebecca - Thank you for my laugh-out-loud moment of the day!

steph - holy… i’d be so scared to cut him too!!!
that is kinda freaky!
but he looks like a standard poodle. hilarious.
(oops…i first wrote poople!)
annie is hilarious.
you can tell she’s the youngest of 5 sibs with all she says. 😉

Anne @ Baking Me - My dog always looks so silly when I cut his hair. I don’t have clippers so I just use scissors, it gets the job done. If he was aware of just how silly he looked, he’d be really embarrassed 🙂

Clare - Ha ha ha I haven’t stopped laughing at poor old Waffle. I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to do something like that myself lol (“,)

Sarah - I love Annie’s freckles.
What a beautiful girl!
(And good luck with Waffle…too funny.)

Kimberly Dial - Poor ‘Waffle’ … will he ever recoup from the humiliation? Meg, as always, you make me smile & (often times) laugh out loud!

Kimberly Dial - Poor ‘Waffle’ … will he ever recoup from the humiliation? Meg, as always, you make me smile & (often times) laugh out loud!

Jenifer Higgins - Oh, my goodness, that picture of Waffle is so funny, I laughed out loud! There is an alpaca ranch down the street from me, and every summer they shave the whole herd just like you shaved your dog. Hilarious! I laugh when ever I drive by them, and I have to drive by at least twice a day.

Andrea T - i just laughed out loud at the annie-isms! needed that…so cute the things they say 😉 we have a fozen yougurt place by us called cups. there was a line with a rope like it was a club on friday night!! . they have red velvet and cheesecake yuuuummy. ps jillian will be kicking my butt for 30 days as of 2morrow!! thanks for the inspiration 😉

melissa - two of your commenters made me laugh too!!! “won’t he get cold?” and “you can get a job on a sheep farm”.
you have some very funny followers! send some my way!!!! LOL

melissa - ok.!!!
waffle looks so proud of his new haircut.
annie is a hoot!!!!!! i’d love to spend one day with that girl! i bet my sides would hurt by the end of the day!

Kristin@BringingPrettyBack - He got an extreme makeover! He looks so handsome!!! hahah!I was thinking of shaving our dog coco myself… thats it! I am goung for it!
Have a pretty day!

Jennie brewer - I’m not sure which is funnier….waffle or Annie’s last comment!

Kristy - I can’t believe you groomed your doodle! You are a brave woman! We have a labradoodle so I know what you mean about paying for the groomer once again. I can’t wait to show my kids Waffle when they get home from school. I know they are going to ask to do the same to Mr. Rudy.
I think Annieisms should be a regular post 🙂 She’s a doll!

amy d - now you know why groomers get the big bucks!
he looks so silly!
did you know we are getting a twisted cow frozen yogurt place?
in the old quiznos…it’s like orange leaf! May 1st is opening day! CAN’T WAIT!!!

catie - HAHAHAHA! waffle’s cut is awesome! you should totally leave it like that, start a new trend! i love this entire post, “you’re gonna eat my guts.”
hahaha! i can’t stop laughing!

Terri Fretwell - I love where Annie says her heart is beeping! My son, who is now 8, used to say “can you hear my heart beeping” when I would hug him or sit next to him. He quit that when he was 6 or 7.

karen - HAHA … love it!

Sandy - Oh how I love the chuckles I get from your posts each day. Talby looks SO grown up! And Annie…gotta love that girl! You’ll always be able to tell she has brothers. I’ve made some comments (not that one, mind you) over the years (even as an adult) that some men have said, “where did you learn that?!” My answer is always, “I grew up with three brothers!” I love your family.

Julie K - Oh my gosh, you had me cracking up from the beginning. Waffle looks like he’s wearing boots and the Annieisms are killer! So funny. Great start to my week – thanks!! 🙂 - Hahaha! Just spat diet coke all over my keyboard at that photo of Waffle! If I tried clipping my Westie I’d have no fingers left by the time I’d finished. 🙂

becky - my almost 3 year old was sitting with me when the first picture of you “shearing” waffle came up and she said, “oh look, a sheep!” thought you’d like that!

Christine - Haha! Good stuff. My Ethan says “My heart is beeping so fast” too! All the time. I love it so much, I never correct him. 🙂

Renae - First, your hair is just so cute!! Second, my 6 year old always tells me his heart is beeping!! 🙂 And he calls his “nuts” his “guts” so I know what he’s talking about but it’s much more censored. These sweet moments in life are such a riot…glad i’m not the only one who cracks up at the goofy things the kiddos say.

Necole - What great annieisms. Personally fav “You kicked me in the nuts”

sam - I think you should keep Waffle’s ‘boots’ they look so cute;-)

Katy - Ohh, I love the Annieisms. 🙂

Michelle - I was thinking, if Meg can do it, I can probably do it… we spend a fortune on getting Monty groomed. He is half Waffle’s size and now I’m thinking, it is money well spent. I can’t do it. HA!

Karen - Ohmygosh!!! I cracked up over Waffle! And I remember the “first time” my little girl got kicked in the, ah-hem, “b*lls”…. hee hee….I have ALL GIRLS – where did THAT come from???!!! It really wasn’t a talk we were ready to have!!! Too funny!!!

ky - Oh you sucker punched me with that last Annieism! I burst out laughing! Too funny!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Oh my gosh, although we have a beagle I am so not a dog person(I love kitties). But Im feelin for waffle. hurry up and shave his feet please!:)
And I am rolling with laughter over Annie’s sayings. What a funny kid!:)
Have a great Monday!

Toni :O) - OMG…poor Waffle….I couldn’t help but burst out laughing! Another commentator was right…it will grow back, he just may not want to be seen in public during that timeframe! You get an A for effort right?! Your Annie is a doll…love her sayings, just too cute!

Edie Steinmann - My husband shaved our two black dogs down last summer. They looked mangey (sp?) for months with their white skin peeping out from all the gaps in their black fur! We’ll be buying a guard for the clippers if he shaves them again this summer. Annie is so cute! I love the things kids say!

Amy - I tried once to groom our goldendoodle, and it was baaaaad. Poor thing looked so hideous that I would only take him walking after dark as to not scare the neighborhood children. 😉

Janie Fox - everything…just everything about this is the greatest. I love your life. Mine rocks too.

Mummy's Dress - Poor waffle 🙁
You might want to pop over and enter my Easter giveaway 🙂

Jenny Joy - I need to give our Charlie (the dorkiest Dorkie on the planet) a shave down, but I’m too SCARED. Yay for a handsome looking Waffle! You’ve done a great job so far, lady! 🙂
And Annie is the cutest. Seriously. Cutie Patootie with a side of HILARIOUS!

Heather R. - Our girls’ hearts beep, too. sweet. 🙂

Trish - haha… addie says the same thing… my heart is beeping so fast. just the other day she was eating a tootsie pop and when she got to the middle she says, ‘ohh, look mom i made it to the casserole!’ 🙂

Tess - “you just kicked me in the nuts!” i just busted out laughing.
orange leaf is in ohio… just nowhere near cleveland. {sad face}

Gemma - Heehee…cute waffle!
Gemma x

Southern Gal - Waffle looks like he has a French poodle cut! His poor pride. Oh, those Annie-isms! She is hilarious.
I’m getting Jillian’s DVD today. If no one hears from me tomorrow they’ll know what happened…

happygirl - Love your waffle cut. Now you know why those groomers get paid what they do. It’s hard work. And, it’s GREAT you hear your daughter when she speaks. I love the attention you give your children.

lovethosecupcakes - As my mum used to say to me after a, ahem, “unusual” haircut, never mind, it’ll grow.

Annika - He-he! Once you are done with Waffle, you can get a job on any sheep farm you want!

leonieke - o my god, he’s naked!!!!!!!!!!!!

leonie - Meg I am curled over laughing at waffle! not just because thats hilarious but because we have just bought our very own Groodle – Murphy, he is divine…… we are friends on Facebook you can see him there…good luck with the head and feet and please share your tips x

georgia - Ahaaaahahaha poor waffle!!
He looks like a posh poodle!

Valerie - Heeheeheeheehahaha…poor little Waffle…hahahaha

sue - Won’t he get cold?

sarah - oh my goodness…that first photo of waffle LITERALLY made me laugh out loud…so funny. and talby is adorable.

melissa @ the inspired room - Poor Waffle. We got a good chuckle over him though. He is a good sport. 😉

Terrie G - Orange Leaf Yogurt is the BEST!! My Hubby wants to open a franchise! 🙂 And you are so brave with the dog haircut!!

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IMG_0012-1  IMG_0019-2

                    before the haircut.                                                                  during the haircut.


after the haircut.

it's exciting around here…..always doing wild stuff… haircuts in the bathroom.

sean had sworn off haircuts.
he wanted it long.
this warm weather equals sweaty hair and that makes me want to gag.
BUT i also hate to force him to compromise his personal style.
so i bribed him.

the price was little chocolate donuts and a dr. pepper.

totally worth it.


come see my new bracelet and win a $50 gift certificate from the vintage pearl.


click here to enter.


sarah harper - meg-when i read that you bribed him with little chocolate donuts, i immediately thought of this classic from SNL:
so funny! 🙂

crystal beutler - I am so making me one of those! Super cool! Remind me to tell you next time I see you about a statement that outlines the basic beliefs of the Mormon church called the Articles of Faith. One of those statements incorporates this phrase of the Apostle Paul. I have it hanging in my house too — and when I saw that you had it too, I knew you were a kindred spirit. It’s something I think about every single day, and I try to conduct my life accordingly. It says:
“We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”

Misty - ha ha so funny… I was watching something last night with Jason Segel in it and I kept thinking who does he remind me of??? and then it hit me… Sean looks a little like Jason Segel.

Charlotte - such a cute boy!
great those eyes!

Janine - Justin Bieber just cut his hair off so it’s all good!

Marisa Berry - I love these. My father just passed away on Christmas eve after a hard battle with cancer. He loved St. Francis. I would love to get my mom (married 43 years) the cuff with the prayer of St.Francis on it. Lord make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love. where there is darkness….light. Where there is sadness…

Gemma - Love the new haircut! I entered on your other page : )
Gemma x

Crystal Swoverland - I would definitely get the Africa one! We just adopted our son from Ethiopia, so naturally I am in love with that place and a very special lady who lives there!

April M - yep – short hair = easy to see the big green eyes 🙂 sweet bribe too! my son will “endure” the torture of a haircut if I let him watch an episode of Mythbusters while I cut it. (btw – was fun to “window” shop at tvp and read everyone’s wishes)

Jess Mead - Ahhhhhhhh I bribe my boys with little chocolate doughnuts too!!! Love it!!

Diane - This blog makes me smile.
thank you!

sally lee - definitely the chunky message bracelet. i love that it can be all lowercase.

Courtney Henson - Well, first of all I love, love, love your bracelet. That verse has become really special to me lately. So I would totally want that or I love the messy nest necklace or the message rings!

sarah - gorgeous bracelet! simple and classy.

Rach - I am finding that M&M’s are an awesome bribe tool for a 2 year old. 🙂 We’re such good mommies.

Jennifer - Maybe you should tell him that shorter hair really makes his eyes *POP*? Just joking, but it’s true! I love at home haircuts, it unleashes my inner stylist 🙂

Kerrie Kaufmann - tough choice, i love the chunkie bracelet, but I also love the cross necklace that says faith. how fun!!!!! thanks for sharing!!!

Amy - I would love to be able to cut my kids hair! (and have it actually look acceptable) I do buzz my son’s hair in the summer, but I can’t fade it like I would like to. Practice makes perfect!….and an embarrased little boy when momma messes his hair up! : )

Sarah@this farm family's life - love the haircut…love the bracelet even more!

Cindy - Great photos! Love the expressions and the haircut!!

Kori - My son has the same dream, long hair, with the same response from me. No sweaty hair. It is icky…especially after sports.
And the short hair is so much better for the pool! Right? Right. 🙂
Have fun with your friends!!!! 🙂

Deanna - Love your blog! Such a hard decision but I love the necklace that has an initial inside a heart with a pearl charm on it! So precious!

Katie - The pics are cute! I cut my 7 yr old’s hair a little this weekend, too, but I guess my mom didn’t like it because when I picked him up yesterday she had taken him and gotten it buzzed off shorter. Lovely. Thanks, Mom. I still feel like a kid.

Patricia - Beautiful bracelet! And the hair cut photos are awesome! I’d say the bribe was a win-win situation :o)

Jodi - he’s a cutie!!

Mendi - LOVE them all…hard to decide! But if I have to narrow it down, it would be a toss-up between the chunky message bracelet and the hammered star necklace. What a great contest! Thanks!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Love the haircut pics:) But i Love that bracelet even more. Its beautiful and how special to have something so personal and unique to YOU…even though its a Biblical scripture…its your signature scripture. Very nice!

deborah@applesinwonderland - we must be on the same haircut schedule….as i cut and took pictures of the boys getting haircuts from me in our bathroom–last night. weird. and bribing is sometimes necessary. the trick is to start low. little donuts and dr. pepper–very well played. 🙂 and what would i do with a gift certificate? i would like to say i would get something for own momma, but the truth is i would love the name charms…for myself.::blush::.

Jenn - Okay…that was hard. Too many awesome things! For now I would go with the danty heart charms and a pearl. I’m thinking about my initial and my husbands. I already have a chain with charms with my girls names, but I could easily switch it out for well anything. Thanks for the chance to win!

shelly - seriously–that’s all it took?!? I’m off to buy some dr. Pepper and donuts:) My almost 11 year old decided he wanted hair like the lead singer from Journey! Where do they come up with this stuff?!?

happygirl - oh my goodness. I was first!!!

happygirl - Love the haircut. LOVE the scar. I know there is a story there. I used to cut my son’s hair, but I did it outside on the deck. He has A LOT of hair. I mean a CRAZY lot of hair. Hair to spare. Lucky him. Thanks for the smile. and cute bracelet. I like it.

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what does it meeeeean?



in case you are not one of the 26 million in the world who did not see the double rainbow video…… 

(warning….he is tripped out for sure and says omg about 75 times….)


happy friday.

i hope you find something that makes you so happy today that you start laughing and then bawling.
and then laughing again. 


margo - my husband and I are crying laughing – yeah, we hadn’t seen the vid before!
I love the tee and hoodie too – very cute!

Alison Vaclav - I love rainbows. I think they are very important and here are my thoughts on why:

Kris - That guy just made my day. I love that he is so overwhelmed. Really shouldn’t we all get that excited about a double rainbow? I always make the kids come look when I find one! BTW your daughters double rainbow is too much too!!

Perrin - Oh, love the tee shirt and sweatshirt. So very adorable. My girls would love that.

kristine - can we have annie’s handmedowns?! 🙂

Michelle from Australia - I love Annie’s double rainbow outfit. Girls size 8 or 10 would work for our family just in case you are thinking of listing any in your etsy shop. Hint hint hint!!!! 🙂

Karen - Genesis 9:13
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
This guy needs to study the Bible along with you (and I). Then he’d KNOW what it means! 🙂

Pam @ Keeping Life Creative - I LOVE her shirt and jacket! Might need to dig out some fabric scraps…but I’ll probably just drool over yours!

karen - oh meg.
but have you seen this?
you should watch their other songs too…hilario.
(and i totally will ignore the fact that posted to the world that i watch these videos and think they’re…well…hilario…take the plank out of your own eye people!)

Su@The Intentional Home - well all I could think of when watching the video clip (and I have not seen it before) was I wish I had that reaction when God showed His glory. . showed His power. . showed His beauty. And I wish that was what this guy was responding to was God. . but I too thought he must be on something. . but wouldn’t it be great if he wasn’t on something. . if that was just his reaction to God’s splendor. . and God was talking to him. . .and showing up for him. . .I am rambling. . thanks for sharing

lauren - a full on double rainbow all the way!!!! goal for my next rainbow siting: to get half as excited as that guy and make my family pretend to not know me. saweeet. 🙂

emily - Where have I been? Never seen it … but I’m dying!!

Katy - i love that video. my husband and i quote it all the time. 🙂

Juli - “It’s a double PROMISE from God”, I meant. Sheesh, my hands can’t keep up with my brain. 😉

Crystal - I hope you’re making plenty of those shirts & hoodies for your shop….in a size 24 months or 2T, hint hint!!!!

Juli - I laughed SO hard with that video. Then the comment above where she responds, “It’s a double from God…you know the one you keep screaming too”…made me laugh so hard my water come out of my nose!

Kelly (kelly is inspired) - Her Rainbow shirts are way too cute!!!

Jenna - LOVE the outfit, the “real life” double rainbow, and the dude … I didn’t exactly laugh, cry, and laugh again, but my throat is now raw from all the shock and laughing I experienced watching the video! I must share it with my family: instant hit!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i had never seen that video…it kinda creeped me out! why is he crying?!

Courtney Walsh - We are HUGE Gregory Brothers fans over here. Their “Poke Me” song makes me giggle uncontrollably. Seriously. But they’re legit musicians!! Sarah Gregory has a band called Sarah and the Stanleys and they are AMAZING!!! I LOVE them!!! 🙂
And the Backin’ Up song. omg. I have to go watch it again. lol

amy - That video is hilarious 🙂 I need a double rainbow for my little bebe girl! Gonna be stalking your store!!! Great job the sweatshirt and tee make me want it in my size 🙂

Courtney Henson - I was one of the rest of the world that had not seen this. Truly happy for this guy that he experienced such joy seeing this. Totally hilarious!

tara pollard pakosta - he sounds like he is crying to me!

jessicakiehn - haha oh brother dude, get over it!
hahahahaha this is SO FUNNY! He’s most certainly high on something, or drunk. But I’m thinking it’s the first one.
You find the funniest videos. I loved “email may, tsuh-day” girl from SNL…I apologize for that!

Melissa - love the rainbow shirt and jacket! i need one of those today…my daughter is turning 5 today and we are having a rainbow themed party! super cute!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I cannot tell you how frequently Cory references this vid. It’s a lot.

Patricia - LOVE double rainbows!

Shaina Brown - loved that video. love that hoodie/shirt comb, will they be in your etsy shop? thinking my niece HAS to have them 🙂

Emily - Where did you get that shirt and sweatshirt? You made I hope! I want one for my daughter!

Christine Ishmael - Does that rainbow sweatshirt come in child’s size 8?

Molly Pearce - hahahahahahaha! It was like watching The Blair Witch movie, hahahahahha! I feel sorry for his dog, hahahahahaah! I can’t stop laughing and I have got to show this to my brother, he will love it. Happy Friday Meg!!!!
~Molly P

Molly - We quote that video ALL THE TIME in our house. DOUBLE CHEESE SANDWICH!!! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!?!

Melinda Owens - Such cynics…maybe he’s just overwhelmed with the beauty…it happens. 🙂 Spontaneous worship. Thanks for sharing this. I loved it!

Lisa - That was a great start to my Friday. Thanks!

Shannon - Oh. My. Wow. Thanks for the morning laugh…it felt good! 🙂 LOVE Annie’s double rainbow. Adorable. My blog post today features a quick and easy rainbow treat, Thought I’d share since rainbows are so dear to your heart!

Anne @ Baking Me - Hilarious, thanks for the laugh 🙂

Sheila P. - What does it say about me that I can see the same double rainbow as that guy and not feel anything but embarrassed for him and slightly annoyed at the same time? Maybe I need a second cup of coffee or a little of what he’s been having.

Maria - I had never seen the video – I love that double rainbow!

Linda Sousa - Oh my…that is too much! I had never seen the video until now.

deborah@applesinwonderland - annie is too cute with her wrinkled up nose, peace sign and double rainbow. that guy is loving life. can’t fault a guy for that. how do you not laugh until you cry? i do all the time. but, then again i laugh until i….nevermind.

Cari - We live in LR, AR, but all of our extended family lives in Northeast OK. My girls and i were driving home after a weekend visit and I was listening to a song called “Faithful”. As we were driving down I-40 there was a beautiful double rainbow (though only a partial) and I kind of had the same reaction as the guy on the video (though not near as intense. Ha!). I got excited and showed the girls, did an ultimate no-no and snapped a pic while driving, and then I began to cry. It wasn’t a coincidence that I was listening to a song about God’s faithfulness & then He revealed a physical reminder that, no matter what, He is Faithful. Faithful and True. Happy Friday, indeed!

ashley jensen - Seen the video before…the dude is WHACKED OUT on something! Stop teasing us with the dang hoodies!!! Why don’t you give us a round about hint when your shop will open….PLEASE!

Tiffany - she is too cute! i want that smile. that energy. that hoodie. have a great weekend.

alyssa - After watching this video a minute ago, Kade just said, remember that rainbow guy?
Me, “yeah.”
Kade, “he was so funny.”

Marla Rae - Annie is adorbale! And her rainbow outfit is too!

Kimberlee J. - God rocks.

karen - i saw this before! Too funny!!
I think he is on something…i hope he is not..but i really do think he is!
P.S. I love annie’s double rainbow 😉

Beth - Ok, I guess I’m the only one to have not ever seen that before…..oh. my…..well, that was something. hahaha! What is with that? Too funny, thanks for sharing.
enjoy your Friday!

candace - did you see that guy’s Tosh.O web redemption?
love the hoodie/shirt combo. how do you come up with such cute things and such cute kids?

Heather - Did you make Annie’s sweatshirt and t-shirt? I want those for my girl! Adorable!

happygirl - Hahahahaha. I hadn’t seen this video. Thanks for sharing. btw, I LOVE the double rainbow in YOUR yard. <3

Andrea - This guy was TOTALLY tripping! But, anyway, I used to see rainbows and double rainbows on the bus on the way to school all the time. We got on the bus at 7:20 am. That was a LONG, LONG time ago! I always thought, and think, of them as God blessing my day.

wendy, NJ - I have to say that honestly I’m not sure that I want to see the video. When my grandfather passed in 1989 (he was my best buddy when my parents divorced) it poured the day of his services, a huge rainbow appeard. Then in 1997 when my other grandfather passed it rained all day until we came out of the luncheon to find a double rainbow. I recently lost my grandmother in 2009. we left for vacation the day after her services and when we arrived at our destination after driving most of the way in pouring rain there was a beautiful double rainbow. so you see, rainbows represents something very special to me. Although as I write this I realize that it would be unfair of me to not look at the video..after all, I love everything you post…BTW the sweatshirt ROCKS!!

Regina - I hadn’t seen it either…and had to turn the sound off to make my dogs stop barking, lol! I would like to think that guy was high on God’s glory, but something tells me it was something else alltogether… 😉

Sarah@this farm family's life - I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who hadn’t seen this video yet. That guy is kind of scary!

Ruth - Well, I really am in favor of appreciating the handiwork of God, but it sounds like this guy is on a “trip”. Love the double rainbow in your yard though.

tami - evidence of psalm 19: The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
soooooo awesome….

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Bwahahahahahahahaha…I guess Im THE only ONE who hadnt seen the video…til now. All I can say is WOW…this guy needs to get out more or something. He was starting to scare me a little:)And “what does it mean” dude? Its a double promise from God…you know, the one you keep screaming to.

Tara M. - Umm, wow! I had never seen that video until now! I love the rainbow outfit!! Can’t wait for your shop to open!

Kerry - haha! Cute!! Double Rainbow all the WAY! (I am now no longer the one person in the world who had not seen the vid)
Thanks Meg for putting a huge cheesy grin on my face on this cold grey day in the UK 🙂

Trish - i saw this for the first time in a starbucks… i laughed til i cried… this guy is too much 🙂

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this week….


remember when i partied in my cardigan?
that was for my sister's birthday.
well that was almost a month ago….and i just got her gift to her….really late.

(if you know me in real life….that is the NORM for me…)


but i think her gift was worth the wait.

this is my favorite necklace in lisa leonard's designs.  (i like it all but i really love this one)
it's simple and classic.
you can get printing on both sides.
it goes with everything.
it's my fave.

my sister loved it.
lisa makes giving gifts so easy!  a few clicks and it's all done.  love that.

on friday my three youngest came out of school with reading reward coupons for free ice cream cones.
i drove them straight to the source.
they were very surprised and happy.

talby pulled out her brand new book that was published from her ELP group. 


i swooned over it. 
it was adorable.

i don't know what this was about…..i can't recall….but annie made this face twice in ten seconds.
i caught the second one.

what a goofy girl.

we hit the park.
the sunshine was so needed.
i felt so much lighter.

and it was still so nice friday night that we had a campfire in the back yard!

today….it hailed, sleeted and snowed.

so….this week:

i really want to get my shop opened!

wish me luck.

before i die in a freak pillow collapsing accident in the craft room…..

don't worry there will be no surprise shop openings.
i will give you lots of warning.
i promise.

also….i have a five more rainbow hoodies!



kristine - natalie is on my lap looking at this post with me and she just said, “whoa mommy. a huge stack of pillows!” 🙂

Molly - where do you buy your fabric?
love love love reading your blog!!

Tiffany - OMG…pillow love here!!! Apparently I am living under a rock, I missed the hoodie pic…wonder if you’ll have it in size 7/8?? Or a 10 even…

chasity - it would be sooooo much fun to fill a fort with those piles of pillows and sit down to a good story.
such great colors and fabrics!

Julia - I love that sneaker shot!

carolyn - popped over her via marta writes, and now i don’t want to leave!

shelley - I pray that all those pillows fall onto my couch ! and I totally cant wait to see more of your little hoodies.

elisabeth - I am really. really. really. excited about the rainbow hoodies. Keeping my fingers crossed for a 3 T!
And I stalk your blog ALL the time. Just love it.

Jill - OMGosh…my children and I say, “lovel” too! :o)

Crissie - I am a lurker on your blog. I feel bad because I should have let you know my feelings about your blog by now. I ADORE your blog, and it soothes my soul and warms my heart. I have been lurking for about a year and should have already told you what gift you give me on a daily basis. The thing I love the most about it is how you remind me to appreciate the little things in life and to cherish my children (just as I am ready to wring their little necks! LOL) So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! 🙂
Anyway, I have to have a rainbow hoodie! I spied it in your pic the other day and I thought, “I have to ask her where she bought that!” Then I scroll down and read your caption! Lo and behold you answered my question! LOL I’m glad you are enjoying your sewing!

Sara - My daughter definately NEEDS a rainbow hoodie! Can’t wait!

Courtney Walsh - You know that front stack of pillows? The 8th one up from the bottom. That’s the one I want. 🙂 lol

mel @ the larson lingo - Love that Lisa necklace…I have a giftcard to her shop & can’t decide what to get! eek!
And, I want to buy one of your pillows for my guest room! Can’t wait for your shop to open 🙂

Tracy E. - Open that shop already! I NEED one of those pillows! Stat! 🙂

Shauna - Are you making Rainbow hoodies in baby/toddler sizes too?? (pretty please??)From the response to them I think you need to make 50 more!! Did you go to a trunk party for Matilda Jane or did you just order the stuff through someone? I love their skirts and dresses but Im afraid to buy something only to find out I need a smaller or larger size…I just LOVE Annie’s dress!

Mindy Harris - so excited for your shop to open. i am going to try to buy a bunting if they don’t sell out first.
also, i can’t wait to hear you speak at blogsugar.
i hope you remember me because i am going to come up to you and hug you!

Caroline - Oh my heavens! You are so talented! I have got to get a rainbow hoodie for my twin girls to share…or maybe they each need their own!

LIlly - Lovely things! I live in Ethiopia and am always worried I will miss the “opening” … so glad you will give us some warning. Look forward to snatching up some of those lovely pillows and hoodies for my girls. God bless 🙂

Esther - Hurry up and open the shop!!! I am dying over here with all of them “pillow eye candies” soooo… like loving them pillows!!! Let us all know when…PLEASE!!!!

Valerie Page - Every time I see these pillows, I get so excited. I can’t wait till your shop opens. Those Published books are awesome. As a retired(decided to stay at home with my baby) teacher, I cannot even begin to tell you how long it takes to make those books. All the time and effort that goes into them is well worth it. I used to be exhausted at the end of the day when I would help my students with them. But then, I would just get soooo excited when the published books came in and I couldn’t wait to open them. My students loved sharing them with the other students. My older daughters still look back and giggle what they wrote and drew in the books. Great keepsake:)

virginia - i really think your pictures are more crisp looking since you went to that blue lily thing, what’s your secret?

Ivy Smith - I can’t wait for the shop to open. I have been desperately needing some new sofa pillows but I have been holding out cause I want some from you! Everytime you post a pic of the pillows I pick out the ones I want:)

Jenny Joy - Who knew that an enormous pile of pillows could put a big ol’ smile on my face?!
And I cannot wait to see these rainbow hoodies. Seriously. Cannot. WAIT.

Kirsten J - Love those little books….I had the pleasure of putting them together for my daughter’s 1st grade class…and must confess, I spent a few too many minutes reading all of the books 😛

Hoosier at Heart - Looking forward to seeing your lovelies in your shop! By the way, I’m going to BlogSugar and I’m so so excited to meet you.

Leah - I feel like laying down in the pile of pillows. Looks so peaceful. Are you going to have the Hungry Caterpillar pillow like you did last year? Sophie and I love that story!

Shannon - Everybody better leave me some pillows to buy in your shop, Oh and I want a sweatshirt too! Can’t wait to see all the goodies 🙂

erlfisher - A freak pillow collapsing accident? Well, let me help by taking some of those pillows off your hands! The sleety-snow thing was weird. Glad it didn’t stick around. Great, colorful pictures on such a gloomy day!

megan - can’t wait for your “shop” to open. also, so wishing my girls could pull off the matilda jane look. think they are too old or too finicky! lord knows they could use some new clothes…you should have seen what #4 wore today!!
thanks for the beautiful pics.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Love that Talbly has her own book. Is that wonderful or what? By the way Talby, goofy faces rock. Love the pillows Meg. Good luck on opening this week.

Christy - ooh can’t wait for the shop opening! Dying for a rainbow hoody.

Gemma - Love love love that necklace! Very simple but lovely!
I wish I had some icecream : )
Gemma x

ashley jensen - I was so worried yesterday while we were coming home from camping that you could have possibly opened up your shop and I would miss out on a hoodie! Gald to know you will be giving us lots of notice! I think I see a pillow in there I might have to have also.

Hannah - hoodies….are they for adults??? 🙂 hope so… 🙂

deborah@applesinwonderland - annie makes the best faces….i’m willing to bet big money that surprise ice cream had a little to do with that. i blame you for my sudden need to fill my artsy/fartsy space with pom-pom ric-rac….don’t worry i’ve already forgiven you:) love when my kid’s wrote book in and out of school. talby’s vacation to michigan? if i had known i’d have baked a cake. or something. 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - As we just moved my youngest DD into her own room and will soon be painting her walls just like your girls”(she keeps telling me, “mommy..I want THAT pink room”) I will also be needing a heart pillow. And Im already wanting a rainbow hoodie. I cant wait….

Sonia - ummmm, i hope the hoodies come in adult sizes. 😀

Jeddie - I’ve been checking like crazy, so glad we are going to get a heads up:). Still hope I am quick enough!

Jenn Thomas - London wanted to know if those were Annie’s “lucky tights” Like Olivia (the pig) because she also has a pair of striped tights
that her lucky tights 🙂
I would hate for a fellow neighbor to die from a stack of falling pillows – I don’t think it would be good advertisment for the selling of our house. 🙂 Have a good week – it’s been a while since I’ve seen ya.

Trish - i love the foot shot of annie’s cute shoe. so fun!

Jessica @ This Blessed Life - I’m sure you probably got 80 million e-mails about this already, but in case you didn’t: you were featured in my babytalk magazine as a top mom blogger! They did a little blurb about you with a link to your site. Congratulations!

andria - are you going to post a bit of advance notice when the shop will be open? i would love a rainbow hoodie and am worried everything will be sold out before i can access your shop. thanks!! gorgeous pillows by the way!

georgia - I love them pillows!!!! I don’t dare buy one as my dogs are partial to the odd pillow…. Ill be eager to check your other stuff though 🙂 🙂
Eeeeeeeee so excited for shop opening! What do the proceeds to towards, you or a charity? I’m not fussed either way, just wondered if it was for a charity event

Sandy - I know which pillow I want and I hope & pray that I get to it first because I know many others will want it too.

karen - yay for more rainbow hoodies!
i think you are going to crash the etsy server!!

Stefanie Shultz - I want those pillows! 🙂

tam - The weather looked fantastic, we are still dreary and snowy-I’m hoping spring is right around the corner! I love Talby’s book, QB’s class did that this year too. A pillow avalanche would be….colorful! Can’t wait for the shop opening.

Su@The Intentional Home - I have been checking your blog everyday for the announcement of your shop opening…I had to giggle when I read that line that said do not worry, there will be no surprise openings. . .it was like you were reading my mind. 🙂

erica - rainbow hoodie! and love that book by talby…so cute!

Kori - Talby’s real, live, actual book? AWESOME! What a cool memento to have!!

Michelle from Australia - Is it sad that I will contemplate sitting up in the middle of the night here in Australia to try and snag a rainbow hoodie? OK, don’t answer that. I know it is sad. But a girl has got to do what she had to do in search of rainbows doesn’t she???

Jennifer O'Steen - swooning over your pillows! i absolutely have to buy one <3

sue - Lovely pillows !!!

Barbara - Such a pretty stack of pillows!

Christina - I MUST HAVE THAT HEART PILLOW!!! SOOO CUTE! You must know I am serious about that because I am on my phone and had to make all those caps individually! Can’t wait for your opening. 🙂

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i am going for the days of the week titles for the rest of the week….if not forever.


well girls….
i don't think there is room for 870 of us to get crafty together…not at my house at least.

but i will be working on my idea.

and i am excited about it.
you will like it…i am positive. 

the winner of the kansas craft weekend giveaway???


Be there or be square!

Posted by: Allie E. | February 15, 2011 at 09:58 AM

Allie send me your address and i will get this in the mail to you.

i am happy for you.
i was tempted to keep amy's ruffle pillow for myself.


annie is on an exercise kick.
they must be talking about it at school.
she was workin' out yesterday.


and then she announced she would be eating vegetables at every dinner and brushing her teeth better.
well ok….i guess that would be alright with me…..


this showed up in my camera yesterday.
i don't know who took it….but it's funny.



i went on a field trip with sean's class this morning.
nothing exciting to tell about that….it was pleasant….i like sean.  

craig calls me mrs. duerksen.
i like that too.

Bruna - what a lovely idea, I’ll be rdnaieg everyday honey.Good luck with it, can’t wait to see what goodies you come up with. I’d better keep my cheque book handy lol.Happy new year.HugsCatherine x

buy percocet online - One thing I really like about informational articles is that they can influence a reader’s thoughts. This article is one of those articles. I am highly impressed with your work and hope to read more.

eds - Annie!! Her part of this post made my night!

Rachel J - Dearest Meg! The pic of waffle…………OMG! Too cute! I have gone back to look at it at least half a dozen times! You should print that out and put it in the Etsy! Shop! 🙂
PS. Did you read my email?
PPS. Annie is adorable!

Tracy - oh waffle how I love thee!

Iris - LOOOOVE the doggie picture. so cute. and I love that your girl is learning about excersize and being healthy…good for her 🙂

jennifer wood - Sounds like John has been burned big time, sorry for your pain john.

Chris - Thanks Meg – this post made my day. Annie’s interest in being healthy – first, then the Waffle pic (LOVE IT), and finally the responses to the John Rambo spam comment. American women unite!

Lisa - Lol, have enjoyed reading the responses to John Rambo aka Crazy Nutjob…WTH? Poor guy, guess you have to feel sorry him…obviously suffers from a broken heart, that is the definition of bitter!

Nickster - I wholeheartedly agree with the comment above. Umm, not the John Rambo one of course, but the one mentioning if you posted the pic of Waffle on Etsy you’d have some takers. Namely, me. 🙂 Me loves your puppy!!!

Andrea T - “Mrs.Duerksen” one day…i need to know what is in that Sonic cup LOL i am a cranberry limeade girl but i need change. I’m in for the Meg convention!

Lori in Iowa - Becky and Amandangerous, the irony of it is what makes his comment so funny I think.
And delusional, of course.
Ah, John Rambo…you ARE a mystery!

Jennifer - And American hearts are breaking here knowing that John Rambo doesn’t want us! 🙁 Boooooo-hoooooo

Ryan - As an American Man married to another American Man, I have to question John’s lack of love for the American Woman.
Every important person in my life, other than my partner and son, is an American Woman and they are. the. absolute. GREATEST. EVER. EVER. ANYWHERE.
You will never find a woman more loving, kind, intelligent, funny, open-hearted, a touch sarcastic (in all the right ways), emotional, wonderful or perfect as an American Woman.
Maybe John just needs to find himself an American Man. 🙂
And that’s that.

sara @ it's good to be queen - lori in iowa!! ha ha ha! i just laughed out loud. sounds like john rambo wants somebody to read his blog.

sue - John doesn’t want me either. I am British. Cold, Reserved and stubborn. ha ha.

Kate - Dear John Rambo. You are cuckoo. Seek help. Or, just go outside and get some fresh air. Love, Me.

merlin - Dear John,
Ah, yes, dear john, apparently you are not interested in an American wife, a partner to share life’s journey with, apparently you are interested in a hired Nanny to look after you. Lucky for you there are many in the developing countries wanting the American dream enough to be your nanny. Just remember, immigration law allows them to leave you as free women after a few years of indentured service to you, so what you have is a short lived delusion about reality.

Amandangerous - Lol @ John Rambo.
He posts this on a blog of a cooking, cleaning, woman with five kids… he should post this on like a career girl’s blog or something if he even wants to make sense XD

lindsey - meg!!!
oh my goodness……
i live in mission, ks (part of KC) and have been secretly dreaming of meeting you someday. i mean, come one, we’re fellow kansans right!?!?!?
and your craftiness!!!??? YIKES. has me over the top every time.
but most of all?
it’s your honesty, and your love for the Lord – i adore both:)
you MUST host a crafti event! ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
heck, i just need a tutorial on how to use my singer simple!!!!

Jessica @ My Ardent Life - Rambo = spam comment? All the responses are cracking me up! And the Waffle pic? I think that would make a GREAT print. If you were to offer it in your etsy store, I think you would have some takers.

Esther Dee - Mr. Rambo….get a life!!! and this is coming from a non- American woman, yes, I am a Cuban lady. And furthermore, I wouldn’t give YOU one second of a chance if I could. I am probably your dream come true woman but your attitude alone would turn me OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Becky - Does anyone else find it ironic that John Rambo posted his comments on the blog of a gorgeous, servant-hearted, faith-filled American woman, who clearly has made a lovely home and who apparently cooks, cleans, teaches, etc- and loves her family well?! It’s like he wanted to be proved wrong by his comment’s context. Sheesh! And Lori in Iowa- haha, yes!

Janie Fox - John Rambo also commented on my blog. Since we are not allowed to comment on his, I deleted his comment. I am not sure what he looks like, but I suspect he is a 500 lb. man living in his mother’s basement. He clearly needs to realize HATE is a four letter word.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - John Rambo… bahahahahaha!
I can see why he’d need a woman from another country!
God bless America- even loons are free to leave comments!
Happy Thursday, Meg!

Jacci - Meg,
I just had to say that after this post and what is possibly your 203rd photo of a sonic drink on this lovely blog – **I am taking my kids to our first happy hour today**. The food at Sonichas always grossed me out, and I’ve never caught on to what all the big woop is about, but I didn’t know about all the fun drink options until YOU enlightened me. I think I’ll get the Cranberry Limeade. Any chance you could let us in on some Duerksen family top pics from HH? 🙂 Thanks, Meg. And my kids are thanking you, too.

Sheryl - You who is without sin be the first to cast a stone.
I am certain that there are women of any nationality that have issues, are overweight, don’t like to cook, etc etc. Just because I love a man who hasn’t done a load of laundry in 8 years doesn’t mean that no men do laundry. Goodness! It’s actually funny to think that way, with everyone in categories….

jerusalem - Oh John Rambo, you sweet talker you. I cannot believe you of all people have had such a bad experiance with American women.
I would expect they would swoon all over you.

Susan Bruner - I agree with Lori. Waffle is cute in glasse! I have a friend with Waffle’s twin…his name is Rainbow!

Jen - baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahah Lori in Iowa. AMEN!
I’m sure he’ll only get the worst of the bunch no matter what country he’s looking in.

Jenny Joy - *snort* Lori in Iowa, I lurve you.

Lori in Iowa - Hey John Rambo, DON’T WORRY. American women think you’re an ass. We don’t want you either.

deborah@applesinwonderland - who knew waffle needed glasses? somebody obviously. 🙂

Why American men should boycott American women
I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don’t know how to cook or clean, don’t want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?
American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.
This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.

Mique - Hi Meg,
Late at night, was working on my blog and saw that I had a bazillion page views from you but could not figure it out! And then realized, it was on your sidebar- the Vday Robots. Thanks! (of course not my idea, but fun to be linked up to you nonetheless)
Also- WAY jealous of your craft weekend. Julie and I live an hourish away and still haven’t had that type of fun yet. Still haven’t met Heather in real life but am dying to!
AND you’re going to GoPro!?! SO exciting. I went to the first one & had a blast. I loooove Wendy & Tyler- give them a big hug and kiss for me.
How completely random is this comment? Go ahead and send it to Julie so she can laugh at it (Hi Julie!).
xo, Mique

Katy Frame - Oh, I am totally dying of cuteness from that picture of Annie looking at her “muscles”! She is too cute! 🙂
PS: If I come to your house, can we go to Sonic for happy hour? They closed the one in my town. Now, you’re probably thinking, “I’m sure there HAS to be a Sonic between Florida and Kansas”. Which is true. But I just need another excuse to come and craft with you! 😉

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Waffle is waaay too cute! He should be in the movies.

Mindy Harris - i like the little PG married lovey talk you put into your posts. i definitely need the reminder to be more romantic with shawn.
when you mentioned about a craft retreat i knew the response would be out of this world. you are going to have to have an entire conference center reserved! and i will have to remind you who i am since you will be meeting so many people. 😉 (we don’t expect you to remember everyone, we just love you to pieces!)

Michelle B. - Annie so reminds me of Ramona Quimby!

crystal - LOVE the Waffle picture!!!! OMG, I just love that dog….I keep showing his pictures to my husband telling him that’s what I want…someday….when we get another dog, I hope my two lovies are around for a long long time, I do want a Waffle next though! How did you come up with his name? IT.IS.PERFECT.

Michelle from Australia - You could have a convention! Meg’s blog followers come to Kansas to craft. As long as we all get to meet Waffle, take in some of your favourite places to shop and eat, I think we’d be happy? And just think what we’d do for the Kansas economy!!

AshleyR - Waffle is my Favorite BLOG DOG!!! 🙂

merlin - More than 870 folks want to spend a weekend crafting with you!! How does that feel? Is that crazy? I can’t decide if knowing this makes me want to be a blogger or to never blog. That is A LOT of folks! Don’t you think that is a lot of people?

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Don’t you just love those ‘mystery pictures’ that appear on your camera?!?!
I once had several shots of the toilet flushing show up.
The next week we had to call the plummer.
Lord only knows what one of my children was flushing and photographing while flushing.
Oh well, at least I’m growing some little ‘photographers’.

Ali - Ok, I had to come out of lurkdom to say that your daughter working out is the cutest thing I’ve seen all day. Also, forget the craft weekend, can I come live in your craft room? My 4 month old will come too. My husband tells me that he won’t allow it, but I’m still waiting to hear from you.
Hypothetically yours,

Courtney - I’m loving your daughter’s shirt (and all the fun Jayhawk stuff in the background on the walls). 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I just saw “Wednesday” on my blogroll and snickered. I really did snicker. Alone, on the couch. Please don’t stop the titles. Do it for me. Do it forever.

amy cloud - Megan, the next time you are in lawrence we should have coffee! Amy klaassen Cloud

tara pollard pakosta - great shot of waffle!
love annie working out!
and I think you are pretty darn cool too!

Lisa - I read your blog everyday…you crack me up on a daily basis, but today’s photo of Waffle made my day!!!! 🙂

Tania K - Wednesday. Afternoon (check out my clever titles!)
Anyhow….Waffle is just so perfect 🙂
What kind of stove do you have? My hubby is looking for one and relocated on the island…any suggestions?

jennifer - Or bet instead of bed. Either way. 🙂

jennifer - I think you should charge a fee to come to “Craft Kansas” and I bed you’d make enough money to build a well. Or at least get a good start on one. Just a thought…

candace - liking the everyday posts.
maybe annie will go around asking people if they got their tickets. tickets to the gun show.
couldn’t help it. sorry.

Maria - omg. I am in giggles over the waffle picture. Love that it showed up randomly on your camera too.
Very clever post title. 😀

lauren - mrs. duersen… that’s hot. 😉 i love when funny pics show up on my camera. waffle is rockin those glasses. 🙂 happy wednesdaay. 🙂

Tracey @7294cottageway.blogspot - Hey Meg, Love the dog…wanna trade? I sent you an e-mail…hope you got it!

Courtney McIlwain - OMG I love the picture of Waffle. I want to print it out and hang it on my wall. He is so cute!!!

Karina - I was wondering how many of us would want to come over…870 would be a tad crowded! Maybe we could do a virtual craft meet of some kind…?
Waffle is stylin’ in those glasses.

Toni :O) - OMG, anytime you post a picture of your adorable dog, I can’t help but laugh…that just cracked me up out loud! I needed that so thank you! My kids are on a fitness kick as well…preparing them for the Physical Fitness test next month is why they are all gung ho. Yay for Sonic…Cherry Dr. Pepper is sooooo yummy and is my fav there!

Tracy Fisher - Meg, I loved your post about craft day… I want in… pick me…pick me! I feel like I am 12! But I couldn’t comment because I am day late as usual.. and it is closed. Also love the part about Valentines Day. I am sure my kids are confused why their friends get really expensive gifts on that day. We get chocolate and cards.. and I get tulips. We tell the kids that’s the way we’ve always done it… since we were poor(er). And you know what? They don’t seem to mind. :).
Tracy Fisher

Julie Weaver - When my husband and I were dating he tried to get me to call him Mr. Weaver. I then found out when his parents were dating his dad tried to get his mom to call him Mr. Weaver. Ha. Funny guys.
My four year old daughter was showing me her muscles the other day. It’s just so darn cute.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Well “Mrs.Duerksen” if you’d like to enter some great giveaways head on over to my blog this week. Right now there are a pair of grey mum earrings up for grabs from April @ Funky Vintage Kitchen.
I recently found your blog and already wish I lived in Kansas b/c you and I would be like peas & carrots(or chocolate & peanut butter in my love language, which is treats:))

annie - that last picture of annie is just precious!

Michelle - Meg, your Christmas craft week really brought me back to crafting more, I just love it! My boys are 3 and 1 and they LOVE to do silly and fun crafts 🙂
Annie is a doll 🙂 makes me really really want a little girl! We’ll see if it’s in Gods plans 🙂
Have a fantabulous Wednesday!

Jessie - I love your blog, you make everything seem just happy and fun. I would LOVE to get crafty with you all. I usually do just painting, but I am dying to do some serious crafting! I will have to keep tabs on your crafts, they are the best!

purejoy - yep. laugh out loudness over that crazy waffle. and your kids. you are a blessed mom. can’t wait for thursday. seriously

Courtney Walsh - hahahah. Annie’s pumping iron picture cracked me up. With a little Waffle on top, I was rolling.
You’re such a good mom. Field trips. Ugh. I know. Not very festive of me.

ashley jensen - My daughter(3yrs) loves to take pictures since I am always taking pics. I can’t wait until I can find little surprise pictures on my camera.

Jen Brandt - LOVE Waffle’s picture! What a keeper. The dog AND the picture!

kasey - damn…and i so wanted to show everyone how to properly use a glue gun.
Oh well….
Maybe i can just come and drink wine.
I’m good at that also.

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6 year old goofball.




annie likes to draw in the magazines we get.
we let her have the sports illustrated a few days after it's been read.
these were a couple of the pages i thought were funny.

i miss our time together.
she seems big now and i hardly even look into her eyes everyday anymore.
i see her and talk with her but i don't SEE her. 

i need to get back to that.
with all the kids.

even if they are being "DOMYS"  

ps….project 320 made it to 100% funding last night!
clean water for an entire community.

God is so cool to use blogs and bloggers and YOU and the internet to bring us all together for HIS good.

i am so happy! 

Katy Stone - oh. my. goodness.
this is adorable.
my fave is probably the bowl of soup.
so creative, just like her mama.

Leslie @farm fresh fun - Wow, she’s talented (and adorable)! Those faces remind me of the Ed Emberley’s fingerprint books… I just ordered some for the surprise craft room I’m giving my kids as their Christmas gift. So happy about the water funding also. We just got the email from Samaritans Purse and my kids are sooo excited. I always love all you do – and had even just made that exact dip! Thanks for ALL the smiles (love those stockings too)!!!
Merry Christmas,

Corey - The soup is so funny and smart. I think you should pitch the idea to Campbells. I’m in marketing and that is genious!!!

jaz - My kids do too! It’s the cutest the way they ask to draw in the junk mail catalogues – turning models into dead models, zombies, or clone troopers 🙂 🙂

Courtney - WAIT, WHAT!!?? What does DOMY mean? You can’t keep that secret, I might need to use that on my kids or maybe not?? 🙂

misty - So cute & funny…. I have a question though, what is a “Domy”? Is it an American thing? I’m from Australia and have never heard the term before.

Dawn - Annie is brilliant!

Sarah - I know what you mean Meg!

Transparent Mama - Great point about seeing them. I am always trying to make sure I let them know that I know who they are.

amy j. - I love the soup people. Hilarious. It’s amazing to see her artwork in the halls… compared to other kindergarteners. They are… a bit more detailed. 🙂

Darlene - Yay about your water project!!

Julie - wonder if my husband would share his sports illustrated?? i think i may enjoy giving magazine art a try!

Holly - How cute is she?! Yay for water! That is awesome!

Sugar Mama - She is an amazing artist! I think those pics in the magazines are awesome!
And I love patterned tights on my 8 yo daughter. Right now she is into leggings… she is like Punky Brewster mixing and matching the patterns and colors. So fun!

Julie - Annie is so creative! I love all of the expressions on the soup vegetables. 🙂

Jessica - Hooray for Water for Christmas!!

amy d - the soup people crack me up…and the skiers butt!
very cute, annie!

Kendall - I LOVE those pictures–so funny. I hope that your kids all survived last night. 🙂

adrienne - yea for water! i’m making your mint brownie recipe today :))

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - i can so relate. everyone going their own way. i try to really connect when i tuck them in at night. i hug them tight and look at every little freckle on their faces. tell them how special they are to me. it’s one of my favorite times of the day. still makes me feel guilty though…it lasts all of 20 seconds:(

Tanya @ Life in 3D - God IS so cool…and as per usual…He doesn’t use the most flashy, high profile method to accomplish great things 🙂
The way He sees us..and all of His children makes my heart full and puts a smile on my face 🙂

sara's art house - LOVE the tights 🙂

Jessica - Too funny!!! Love her shoes!

michelle - I love her fashion sense!

Katherine - Seeing art in the everyday. I wonder who she gets that from? 😉

se7en - I know what you mean about getting back to them… sometimes just doing the stuff of life isn’t nearly enough!!! Well done on your wonderful water collection!!!!

valerie - I love the smiley face on the skier’s butt 🙂 and Yeah for Project320! That is awesomeness!

Shanna - Save her autograph from this age! She is going to be a famous artist! That is SOO cute!

Jenni Carlisle - I love the polka dots and sparkly shoes…pics of Annie always make me smile! Yeah Project320!

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so let's just say that the craft day post is going to be another day because 
i may have been taking a hot bath.
and i may have had company in that bath…making it a romantic hot bath.
and it was nice.
i was relaxed.
there may have been candles….since it was romantic. 

and then suddenly from the dark side of my (locked) door i hear BANG BANG BANG!!!!

romance dead.

i wish i could say that was the first time romance has been interrupted with knocking on the door.
it's not.
it's more like the norm around here.

i get out of the hot romantic bath and get a robe and crack open my door.

you know what it's going to be don't you?

"Sorry mom…i couldn't make it to the bathroom."


and as if the floor wasn't enough….this child threw up on the entire pile of clean towels.

romance is not just dead…it's now buried.

like forever.

me: "oh man!!"
child: "i don't want to look."
me: "well i don't want to clean it up either!"  (just whining…not actually expecting the child to clean it..)
child" "where's dad?"    

me: deer in the headlights.

me: "he doesn't want to clean it up either!"
child: "but he's the dad!"

i like that thinking.

there is nothing romantic about cleaning up throw up in just your robe with mascara running down your face.

and no clean towels.


but i am not saying this actually happened….
just a hypothetical reason why i don't have a craft day post ready for you.

i may need to be doing even more laundry today.

She Loves LIfe - Oh that is so hilarious and so sad all in the same moment it could be a Seinfeld episode!

Lisa Currie-Gurney - Ohhhhhhhh I feel for you Meg!!! If I lived closer, I’d be over to help.
Hugs from Maine

Lauren - Meg, I really needed a laugh this morning. Thank you so much! I am impressed by a few things… that you even had a romantic moment (our kids are still babies, so we crash with them) and that you thought so quickly on your toes on how to answer the ‘where’s dad’ question. Very impressed. Sick kids and their cleanup are no fun…. Good luck!!

jennyonthespot - Oh sister. Oh friend… Oh dear mercy…

Kristin S - Keeing it real. 🙂

stephanie caldwell - oh my goodness!! my friend naomi sent me a link to your blog today. to the post ‘i want you to know’ about how your life is not “perfect”. i loved it.
But this post…this post is the reason I will start reading your blog. this is so honest and real. and funny.
i hope your little one is feeling better soon.

Katy - i love this! I so enjoy your honesty. You are such a great story teller too!! I want to have a family someday and this shows me I need to cherish the no kids stage while it lasts 🙂

Staci - Oh my!! This may be my most favorite post yet!!! Sorry about the vomit though 🙁

Elise - I love your humor about the situation. hypothetically, that is.

Beth - OMGosh, first a chuckle from me and then a Oh my I am sorry about the barf moment.
Great post but sorry the kid got sick…hope it was just a one time puke and she is feeling better.

Trish - oh dear.

deb meyers - blink blink.
you are SO funny. Hope reading your own story makes it all better : ) thanks for the early morning laugh!
deb meyers

the whyte house - just laughed entirely way too loud. thank you for that!! i always fear the “where’s dad?” question in those hypothetical instances. 🙂 lol.

Griswold Fun - So, so funny (and honest)! i read this out loud to my husband since i was laughing!

Bess - Been there, done that. Nothing imaginary, unfortunately! Very romantic moment…knock on the door. “What is it baby?… Response, “I just threw up”. Crack the door, sure enough. Scrambled eggs and chocolate milk dripping off of him and onto the floor not to mention almost everywhere else. You talk about mood altering. It took hours to clean up. Good for me…my kids throw up like a pro. No crying here.

Lisa - Cracking up over here, sorry, but you have to see the humor in it, right??

Ellie Arsenault - and ps….sorry your romance was ruined…nothing like vomit to spoil the mood. yuck.

Ellie Arsenault - Well…I hope you don’t think this is weird but I spent a little time every day for the last few weeks going through all your blog posts…And I’m SO sad that I finished them tonigh…because you’re just like me in 10 years!
Reading through the posts has reaffirmed my desire to have 4 kids, once I get married next year.
I was thrilled to see that some people really do love colours and rainbows as much as me!
Your photographs have me taking more photos of everyday life…and blogging about them too!
And those stuffed shells??? I made them last night, and ate almost 1/6 pan….in one sitting, on my own! to DIE for.
So I just wanted to say….hi 🙂 and thanks for blogging….I feel inspired again because of you!

Jamie - Great story…you sure know how to write!

Michelle - that is classic!!

Widge - oooh that sucks!!

Brooke - Whether this happened or not ;)you made me laugh out loud! Vomit = no fun!

heather - Oh my word! Crying I’m laughing so hard!

Megan - HILARIOUS!! So been there!

amy jupin - 1. i’m very jealous that you can find time for romance.
2. ohh, poor kid.
3. yucko.
4. that’s right, he’s the dad! vomit=dad job. i agree!
5. hahahahahahahaaaaa this is a funny story! so glad you posted it. - Real life is so NOT like the movies when it comes to romance, but I love this story, I’m sure we can all relate. That’s why we love you so much. Thanks for making me smile.

Tanya @ Life in 3D - I’ve really been pondering adding to our family lately…questioning …Do I want a third??…You may have just cured me. :oD

Cari - This is about as real as you can get. Such is life. Love it! (The realness, not the vomit or the interrupted romance.) 🙂

Courtney Walsh - bwwwhahahha. I am totally NOT laughing AT you…just NEAR you!!
romance has been killed more than once ’round these parts too!! But omgosh, that’s funny stuff.

Elizabeth@BlueClearSky - Hypothetically, tears are streaming from laughter here. Oh, the poor people! Thanks for making tonight’s chores not seem so bothersome.

Courtney McIlwain - Thanks so much for sharing. I really needed a laugh today. I can totally feel your pain. Kids, what are you going to do with them?

Lora - fun.
you made me laugh.

Grace - Thank you for being transparent and real. It makes us love you all the more. 🙂

shauna reed - This is a GREAT post. You are priceless.

linda - you are hilarious. that story was too much! loved the reaction to where is dad? sorry about the barf…and the towels…and the laundry…and the no action!
🙂 linda

Diana - I don’t know whether to plug my ears and say “too much info!” or gag thinking about the other…

Lisa - THANK YOU for sharing this! That happens in our house all the time! (interruptions not vomit) Hypothetically of course! 😉

Joyce - really hypothetically not giggling ( much)
oh my that sounds like our house!

Georgia - Hahaha that cracked me up…specially your ‘ deer in head lights’ blink blink … 😀

Tanya H - I may or may not be laughing myself sick becuase every. single. time we attempt any extra romance in the same building as our children, someone pukes. I’ve never felt clever about it the next day. 🙂 Thanks!

Sara - awesome story. only because it didn’t happen to me!

Kerri - And there you have it – REAL LIFE!!
Yours in shared laundry,
Kerri 🙂

kat - Totally laughing and gagging here. This momma does not do vomit very well, I gag my head off and tears stream down my face, it’s just awful. Ugh, sorry your romantic bath was interrupted. 🙁 And sorry your child is sick, that is even worse.

Ashley - Oh man! What a way to have to answer the bathroom door. I had to chuckle, though. I have been in similar hypothetical situations. They have built in radar, I tell you. We keep a small trash can near the bed for tissues amd just the occasion, all the time now. I hope everyone else stays well and little bit gets well fast.

Suzette - Oh, I feel for you!!! Hope today is better!

jaz - hahahahah baaaa ahahahahaha

Teri - In our house, dad cleans up the vomit. Or, I will be adding to it.
Although the romance was interrupted, at least there was romance. Sorry about the extra laundry. That is the worse thing ever.

Nicole Q. - Oh man — hope you can get a raincheck on that hypothetical hot bath! :))

alaina - LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally made my day!!! Maybe tonight will be better! 😉

Shauna - In the voice of Oliver….”eeeeeeeewww”
Thats terrible! I hope you get that hypothetical romantic bath back!

Anna Marie - One of your best posts EVER! Hahahaha! Thanks for the (hypothetical) laugh. I needed it. I am home alone with that nasty stuff. Not only am I dealing with pregnancy puking I am also dealing with “flu” puking. Yuck!

krystall - love it…my day never seems quite so bad after I read your posts and laugh.
“where’s DAD” yeah right!!!!

Trina McNeilly - You deserve some retail therapy for that one…
so sorry for a couple of reason!

Lindsey Jo - nice.

Jennifer - You made me laugh and laugh and laugh. I am so sorry. Hope today is better. 🙂

michelle - hilarious!
craft day might have been a better choice!
love you and your stories!!

Kait - Parenthood is SO glamorous.

Brenda H - that really sucks! Hopefully you’ll get that hypothetical romantic bath back soon! Hope the little one feels better.

april - cutest.story.ever.

Jill - awww…been there done that…maybe.
Okay, last week.

Alicia - I am so sorry, we all have those moments but I sure appreciate the laugh this morning. I hope it doesn’t happen again anytime soon. I am also getting ready for next week’s start of Christmas break…I love the idea of crafting days…will follow your lead!
Happy Day!

Niki - OHHH my! That cracks me up! Ahhh, the joy of motherhood.

steph - ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
you are KILLING me!!!!
i love it! romance dies… it’s buried. awesome!
(well, not awesome that you got no romance, but an awesomely funny story)
we’ve had the pukies here the past few days and i can def sympathize.
good luck… and WASH YOUR HANDS LOTS!!!!
i’m the only one in the family that hasn’t gotten sick yet. i’m diligent with my hand washing!!

Sugar Mama - If this actually DID happen, then I’m sorry. But I have to admit I laughed… only because I’ve been there. Well, not in the romantic tub because we don’t have that kind of tub (bummer) but I’ve had a kid vomit in the middle of romance (blushing).
Hope today is a better day!

amber - atleast you got in a little romantic time…..better than nothing:)

Jamie - Now. That’s. Just. Plain. Funny. !!!

Nichole - HahaHAAAAaaaaaa! I never post, but I needed to tell you that despite the ruined romance of your hypothetical situation, you have an uncanny way of making it the FUNNIEST THING I’VE READ IN AWHILE!!! I mean, a big hold-my-belly laugh! That aside, here’s wishing more uninterrupted romantic hypothetical situations come your way… with more clean towels on hand… just in case. 😉

Sandy - Sorry to hear about the hypothetical situation. Thanks for the chuckles though.
I hope Child feels better soon!

Shivaun - “blink blink”… SO funny!!! Thanks for the laugh!!!!

Carla - Oh I sooooooo hear ya. My youngest is nine months old, we only have two, and yet they have killed the romance stone dead in this house and dance on its grave every night. And they also killed Romance’s friend called “Time for mommy to shower or brush her hair or do ANYTHING”. How you managed to get five of them, I have no idea lol. Bath sounds lovely though, we have a tiny bath, its just not worth it. This post just cheered me right up 🙂

jennifer - “But he’s the Dad!”
LOVE that!!!

Sarah - I’m so sorry in your moment of disgusting disappointment I am finding myself laughing. Bummer about the vomit and double bummer about the interrupted bath.

tasha roe - oh man! that bites.
Look at the upside to the vomit – it could have been in the carpet. you can’t throw that in the wash. ewwww.
in my house I am “The Wolf” when it comes to bodily fluids. it sucks. good luck with the vomit.

alamama - good thing it was all hypothetical…;). i feel for you.

deborah@applesinwonderland - now i know why they put those couples in the bathtubs for the cialis commercials. i’ve never come across the one with the vomit, though. vomit isn’t sexy….even with candles. aw….poor hypothetical you:( - I love this post!! So funny…where’s dad?? This is great! Hope they are feeling better!!

Kathryn - whether this is hypothetical or not . . .
my son says the flu is going around the campus in your town.
He woke up yesterday to the sounds of someone ‘having the flu’ in the bathroom and left IMMEDIATELY to study in the library.
No shower, no brushed teeth – just got OUT of there.
(I would have been right behind him!)

sara @ it's good to be queen - throw up ruins everything!! aaah!! so not fun for the mama. so much work.
and also, you are a good wife. 🙂

Carol S - Well, I guess that’s one good thing about my kids growing up…a lot less vomit around here! Hardly any (knocked on wood floor right now). But oldest has bad sore throat and MAJOR test week as junior in high school this week…DR yesterday, no strep, come back next week if still feeling bad and check for mono…oh joy! Partner baths NOWHERE on my to do list. Go Meg!

Jeni - oh NO!! i was getting so excited for you!! vomit is awful. i think i would just throw away anything and everything that the vomit touched. well, maybe not the kid. i hope and pray the vomit bug doesn’t family member jump!

Talia - Oh, you poor thing! As if the interruption wasn’t bad enough, but to clean up after a sick child? Ugh…
Hope the little one is feeling better soon.

Tonya - Oh no!!! I believe you just won for worst interruption…EVER!!! Hope your kiddo feels better and it doesn’t make it ways through your home!

Jill - oh. my. goodness. that sounds horrible! thank goodness we can all laugh about it today with you! 🙂 i’m sure anything that happens to me with my kids today won’t trump your evening. i hope your kid is feeling better today and that no one else gets sick!

Penny - I pray for you that the ick doesn’t work it’s way through your household! Sorry you had the interruption. I love how the child asked, “where’s dad.” LOL You have a very good attitude lady!

Tess S - life as a mother… it’s grand.

jodi @ back40life - oh girl – I was so loving the reason for the interruption in scheduled blog posts until vomit entered the scene…hope it won’t spread and that it’s over soon! thinking of you today!

Laura Lee - oh I needed that laugh!!! thanks!!! 🙂

Sarah - No pictures? hahaha

Elissa - thank you for sharing this… i’ve been cleaning up vomit this week too… 🙂

Janelle - Isn’t it strange how the stories that are SO NOT FUNNY when they happen end up being very funny when you tell them later 😉

Kimberlee J. - Too bad your kids are too old to throw them in the bath with dad. 🙁
I am so sorry.
No fun.
Boo. Flu.

Lisa - ummm EWWWW!

Kat - I love the way you can see the humour in even the “ugh” moments.
Such is life with kids eh?
I hope you get that romantic bath with clean towels soon!!
Ps I hope the crafts does not in any way involve vomit or towels 😉
Pps I am so impressed that you can even find time to be romantic with 5 kids! I am struggling with 4!

Gemma - Oh no!! Sounds like something from a film!! Really looking forward to your crafts : )
Gemma x

joana - But in the end we laugh!! I know I did! I just love the way you make it so real!
Have a nice day!!!

betsy - Ha! Thanks for the laugh.
No, I’m not laughing AT you … I’m laughing WITH you.
What’s that? You’re not laughing?
Well then, I’m sorry that your fabulous evening was interrupted. That’s no fun! You deserve evenings like that! Make sure to reschedule it in the very near future 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh my goodness. Poor thing. (teeny tiny little giggle).
Praying for you and sweet sick kiddo, hypothetically of course.

Jenni Carlisle - Bummer. Praying for your hypothetically sick kiddo..yeah know just in case he or she is actually sick.

chasity - oh….so sad.
when you are ready to try again~
i have a wonderful and EASY recipe for
lavender bath salts and vanilla sugar scrub.
{{maybe sometime when the kids are off to school}}

Ali Richardson - OH NO! That’s NO fun at all! Actually, I have a barf-phobia so this post makes my heart race. Sorry your bath was interupted by the ultimate ICK. I guess with 5 kids it’s not so rare, huh?

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