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Category Archives: my goofball kids

my babies.

talby and scott were laughing SO HARD watching this old video they found of themselves and sean.
i couldn't breathe when i was watching it…i laughed so hard i cried.
it is crazy and loud and nothing happens but my kids are LITTLE and their laughing is so funny.
i mean both those boys are taller than me and much bigger now. 

apparently they think getting their face IN the camera means they won.

and this is totally what spending some time with my kids can be like…. CHAOS. 


no one was injured during the making of this video.

i think it's 4 years old. 

oh boy.
they are so silly! 


and now…. i am going to sit back and wait for Disney to call.  
this has disney sitcom written all over it.


are you sure?

ha ha ha 



Jacci in Ohio - Hi! Hi! Hiiiiii!!!! Ahhhhhhgh!!!
ha ha.
that was very funny and strangely sweet. and familiar.

Tami - My kids thought this was hilarious. And they had to watch it more than one time. I have 5 too and they act exactly the same way. That is why they thought this was sooooooo funny.

Angela - Scott’s giggling is cracking me up!

Routhie - Had this been around when we were kids, this is exactly what my brothers and I would have done. We managed to be that loud without it, though. Love happy kids!

Stephanie - It’s not just us!! I laughed at your silly kids. These are the kinds of things that are SO annoying while they’re doing them, but hilarious a few years later. We have seven and I feel like this is my life every minute. Except its in my face instead of the video camera. Lol.

steph - i love that they don’t really do anything but laugh… hit one another… and say ‘HHHHHIIIIIII’!!!!
that is one hilario vid.
i’ll have to show my girls.
i might have to bookmark it.

Suzanne G. - OMG…How funny! My speakers are not working so I watched it with no sound and oh my word, this is hilarious! I like that even Waffle got in the action!

tinaehb3 - Talby has no problem holding her own with the boys even when in a choke hold, lol!!

Melinda George - It’s like playing the game King of the Hill only video style. 🙂

Lennie Jackson - Good times….good times. I was a little worried for Talby there for a minute during the whole choak hold thing but she recovered quite nicely 🙂

Lisa - Kids are so funny! Love how they can enjoy the simplest of things. 🙂

Meg P - My two year old little dude climbed up in my lap to watch this video with me. He definitely thought they were saying “Hi” to him! He kept saying “Hey!!” and waving so hard! And then when it was over he asked for “another!” Ha! Kids can be fun sometimes 😉

Corinne - Yes please call disney! It is so much better then Dog with a Blog!

Angela A - Oh my. I have two that get crazy. I can’t imagine 5 of them. I love that Waffle had to join in too.

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sunny sunday.

craft weekend went group of ladies!
we added in a dairy farm visit on saturday.
my friend kerry had a sale out out her farm and we took the craft girls out there for lunch & shopping.
and a bonus was getting to see the cows up close too.

i came home sunday afternoon from Craft Weekend and it was absolutely PERFECT outside.
i watched my girls jumping on the trampoline and could not resist pulling out my camera with that gorgeous light pouring in through the yellow trees.





















i was happy to be back home with them.
we made a campfire and had s'mores and all night i was just overflowing with gratitude for…. all of it.
the sunlight….the turning leaves…the quiet….the beautiful setting….my kids….my husband….the stars…

and the left over cheesecake.
how was your weekend?
what did you do?

i pet a cow.

(and later….i found cow poop in my hair.   for reals.  but i lived.)



Jenny Lynn - these are AMAZING! such sweet memories and BEAUTIFUL pictures 🙂
i can’t wait to go to a blue lily weekend! i’m dying to go!

danielle burkleo - i cannot handle these photos. LOVE.

Lisa M. - Yes, I know you told us this just recently, but I cannot find the post. Sorry…

Lisa M. - Hi Meg, I know you just told us this in a recent post, but what is the camera lens you use most of the time? I am looking into buying a new lens and I’m having a hard time deciding.
Thanks for your help!

Ann Williams - I wish my girls got along as well as your do! 10 and 7…like yours? So sweet!

Penny Smith - Great weekend!! Fun seeing the girls in “3D”! 🙂
Thanks for everything!!

Kerry Wiebe - Megs, so sorry about the cow poop it’s a regular hair accessory around here. HA HA Thanks so much for coming out and bringing your troops. Loved seeing you and Kimberlee

susan - OMG number 7 – enough said.

amber - these photos of your girls are priceless! beautiful use of light and love!

tara - had a marriage retreat this weekend….wonderful getaway with just my man.
your girls are looking so much older, especially Talby.
the one of them laying together and smiling real big is a keeper….those moments where they are happy to be next to each other and smiling don’t always happen at our house these days..(12 and 10 year old boys) …maybe that’s why I’d treasure that picture.

Kate - Oh Meg – they are so beautiful! Great pictures. Um, and sorry about the poo. That is all.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Now I miss our hopper. That’s what the Amish folk around here call them, Hoppers. (An Amish guy once patched our hopper top.) ha

talya - they are so adorable !!! but please put a safety net, pleasssee.

April R - makes me wish i had a sister 🙂
makes me wish my daughter had one…hmmm 😉

shauna - what a beautiful set of photos meg!
the light and the setting are dreamy!
and your girls are heart wrenchingly precious.
what beauty surrounds you, my friend!
thankyou for sharing.

Tiffany - Those photos are amazing! You are so talented! Thanks for sharing it with us! 🙂

Tanya - Your pics of the girls remind me of me and my younger sister growing up. Besties.:)
I missed my kids all weekend and worked on a quilt that is SO over-the-top outside of my skill set…yikes. I’ll be shocked if I can pull it off!
Thanks for sharing…it was a smiley moment for moi!

dee - Your girls look so blissfully the pictures-love dee x

Tracy Fisher - The photos of your girls are precious. -tracy

Sandy - Stop! I can’t take it anymore! Annie is growing up FAR TOO FAST! And when did Talby’s hair get so long?! I must not have noticed because she probably had it pulled up all summer. What beautiful and loving children you have! …says a lot for their parents! Blessings to you & Craig!

jackie grandy - I love the shots of the girls Meg! They look like they’re kindred spirits, so happy and free. We biked tons this weekend as a family, and I just have to say that it made me so happy. The weather was gorgeous here as well and we made sure we got outside and enjoyed it. We purchased headlights for our bikes and biked to dinner and then biked around the neighborhood in the dark enjoying all the Halloween decorations. It was brisk, but so fun!
Happy Monday!
BTW, I am saying “for reals” all the time now and the kids and they keep rolling their eyes at me!

Christy K - Love, love, LOVE these photos Meg! Seeing all that beautiful sunshine made my heart so happy… and your girls! My goodness! They are getting so big and look so mature now… wow! These pics are framers for sure! Thank you for this little ray of sunshine on a cloudy day here in good ol’ Winnipeg. A very Happy Monday to you! : )

Lisa - These pictures are stunning!!! The lighting and their smiles are awesome!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Love the pictures of your girlies and the cow poop thing is why I don’t enjoy nature that much 😉

Erin - I see a little bit of you in each of your girls. Do either one of them look more like you when you were growing up?

domesticali - Your sweet girls are really growing up all of a sudden. Beautiful pictures.

seriously sassy mama - The pics remind me of my daughters. They are such good friends.

angela - I cannot get over how much Talby…or is the older one Annie? Anyway, the older of the two looks so grown-up now! Precious girls! I need to go get myself on that craft weekend list!

lindsay - this is why i read your blog – cows, beautiful pictures, cheesecake, family, gratitude. and the picture of them looking at each other, i die, it’s so sweet.

Angela - Beautiful pics, Talby looks a bit retro with her jeans and sneaks, so fun! Had to post re: the cow poop- I just started doing night milking at a dairy barn (way up in Canada, woo!) and let me tell you I have had my fair share of poop in the hair, on my face, down my shirt, you get the picture… My kids say I stink and I actually smell up the whole room when I get home from work, LOL! I have to admit, this may be gross, but I actually kinda like the smell! Yikes!!

Lisa M. - Your girls are beautiful. They seem to really have fun together and enjoy one another. Beautiful pics too!

Jodi - i am pretty much in LOVE with these photos. seriously what a perfect combo of sisters and lighting! awesome!

Shannon - The girls are looking so much older!
Hubby and I had a great weekend without kids but I’m happy to be back home just wishing I could stay in bed all day today and sleep!

Dani - I had the most amazing weekend! My husband watched the kids so I could attend the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk! I’m a beginner at photography, but I had the most fun!
Your precious girls are just so beautiful!!

Shannon B. - I love how much they love each other and how much it shows! Precious! Glad you were able to have a nice relaxing evening with the family, not so much about the cow poop! Haha!
And I’m totally making the cheesecake this week…in my apron!

beki - How funny, I had to pull out my camers for some golden light trampoline photos of my kids this weekend, too! Annie is looking so grown up these days. Where does the time go?

Kathryn Goertzen - so . . . my friend and I (both from Nebraska) were in town this weekend for the festivities at the college. At 11:30 p.m. Saturday night as we were driving from our hotel to Druber’s for donuts we saw the Craft House all lit up. Seriously considered dropping in. Would that have been o.k.? Would that have freaked you out? Have you ever considered taking your craft girls to Druber’s in the middle of the night. Fresh deep fried and frosted at midnight . . . yummy!

sara @ it's good to be queen - gorgeous girls. gorgeous photos. gorgeous light. happy monday, meg.

Jen - Beautiful girls, awesome pictures – happy all around! Talby and Annie are getting so big! I’m glad you had such a wonderful craft and family weekend, Meg.

Kristin S - I love that they are not too big in their britches (we stay weird things like that in the South) to be silly on the trampoline. Proof of good parents!
My mom’s visiting from Colorado and is in major home project mode. She won’t sit still!

Megan - Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. Your photos fuel my DEEP DEEP desire for a 24-70. 🙂

Trish - some of these need to be on a canvas! BIG… like the one of annie and talby together… sisterly love, just the sweetest!
i want to put my name on craftweekend list, but need to wait until the little baby doesn’t need me, if ya know what i mean 🙂
left over cheesecake would make be very grateful too 🙂
i probably would have dunk my head in hand sanitizer if i found cow poop in my hair 🙂 glad you survived!

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my brain….

i feel a little out of it.
i think it's all that is going on in my head preparing for Craft Weekend again.
lots of things to get ready.
all good…but just lots of things to remember.

i had six cups of coffee today. 
for real.
that can't be good for me i am guessing. 


he is such a goober.


annie made a birthday card for me…she worked so hard.

i got The Help and a blender as my gifts. 
perfect gifts i think.
not kidding.

 some of you were asking to see the farm house and how i "decorated"  


this is my kitchen.
this is my kitchen when i make cheesecake.
i don't know why there is a lighter in the middle of that mess….

this is the front room…the room you walk into when you come in the house.
it has a big set of windows that faces the yard on the right side of this picture.
(one of my kids "hung" that paper star on the curtain hardware months ago… it's not a decoration) 

this is where i spend 95% of my time when i am home.
it gets the light. 
but there are no screens on the windows or door so it has no air flow whatesoever….it's a bummer. 

that door way in the back…goes to the garage.

the family computer is off to the right.

the coat hooks are to the left…. i showed this picture way back in the summer.

and this is our bathroom.
that we ALL share.
there is another bathroom upstairs but none of the kids like it so they all use this one.
there is a tub behind the door…and the toilet.
it's no wider than the the doorway.  :)

do you see why i miss my bathtub?  my big private bath tub in my private grown ups only bathroom???

this weekend i decided to reorganize my closet.
i took out everything and put it on my bed.
that is my bedroom….i am in my closet taking that photo.
there is nothing decorated in it either…just our furniture we got a long time ago….and some of my grandma's.

and there is my reorganized cleaned out closet….
craig has one 2 feet to the right of mine…but his isn't paneled…i am the lucky one.

this house is a rental.
i like living here but do not feel a desire to decorate.
i may someday….but i feel uninspired at this point.
we are still adjusting to the smaller sized space that is not really "ours".
all of us.

this was on my bed last week after a monsterous tantrum by annie.

she is pretty cute!

we have a no screen rule for the first hour home from school.
if you don't have homework you can read, draw or play.
she made this story….it's awesome.


ok…i am dead tired.
i am going to bed.

goodnight bloggy people.



Allison - Does Meg ever reply to the comments? I remember asking a few questions in the past with no reply. I find it curious too as to why she moved. I’ve been reading her blog for years and then one day (after the fact) she said, oh yea, we moved lol Hopefully one day she’ll fill us in 🙂 I’m guessing they are using craft house as a form of income, kinda like a small business going on… crafting/bed and breakfast. Do what works for you Meg and what makes your family happy!

bathroom lighting fixtures - Nice post! I think your bathroom is a little overworked. I mean I’d change the counter tops into something smaller to conserve space, which I think is really important especially for a bathroom where we don’t have that much to start with.

Kelly - I really enjoy seeing these photos! Your white couches in the family room make it seem so “you”. But it’s not about the stuff it’s about where you live and there have been some really good and nice comments about all that. Kelly

Antonette - I looove your coffee table set up with the kids chairs. I remember you once said the coffee table is actually a dining table, but where did you get the little chairs?! I’m having a hard time finding any that small. Thanks!

Tracy Fisher - We ALL share a bathroom too. In our rambler. I thought it best only one bathroom looks disasterous (15 yr old girl with hair products everywhere and 11 yr old boy who has discovered AXE). The other bathroom is for guests. It stays pretty clean. There’s no great solution when you only have 2 bathrooms! haha. Love the letters you share. I keep mine. Especially the ones where they are apologizing. They are so cute. Have a piece of cheesecake for me! -tracy

elisa - Awww I love that you showed pics of the farmhouse. I know people don’t get it. And I love that you don’t care. 🙂
It’s all good.
Love you girly.

Alisa - This was nicely said Jenn! I think the people who don’t understand Meg’s decision are less questioning the fact that she downsized or went to the country or even got into a rental. Many people choose to or have to do this. I think the hard thing to understand is that the other house is still there and is a craft house. Most people who downsize don’t (or can’t) keep the large house. Anyway beautifully written Jenn.

Heidi Jo the Artist - I really love Annie’s card and how she added on to the grass to make it perfect for mom. 🙂 Cute farmhouse too! I love the turquoise box with the flip flops!

Susan - I don’t understand why your family lives in a rental with one bathroom while your beautiful home is reserved for crafting time and craft weekends? I may have missed the explanation, but it is confusing.

Jenn - If living in a real, undecorated, zero storage, one bathroom farmhouse means your incredible kids, and you, and your husband – have the best chance to become the best versions of yourselves…then throw the throw pillows out the window and put your feet up on the furniture and listen to the cows bellow across the field while you wait in line to use the bathroom and know that we LOVE you for that because that is life and living. Your house is awesome and it’s a privilege to have you share it with us. Family is the CAKE of the home, decorating is the sugary icing. There is no such thing as too much cake, but too much icing can ruin a perfectly good slice. Like you, our family decided to have our cake and eat it, too. We left the 4-bed 3-bath beautiful home with its walk in closets (man, I LOVED those closets), and we moved into a 2 bed, 1 bath, 112-year old farmhouse in the country. Sometimes I worry that a friend will come to visit and see this home and not understand and ask why we left our beautiful house. I hope that she finds her answer in the country lane that sees more foot traffic than cars, in the old barn with its soaring beams that arch over us like a cathedral, in the meadow where the butterflies and birds make the wildflowers dance, in the warmth of my neighbor’s eyes when she comes to leave tomatoes and hen’s eggs on my front porch, in the smell of the sweet country air. She won’t find it in my shoebox-sized closet, in my quirky farmhouse kitchen with its sloping floors and cracked countertops, in the walls which remain unpainted and bare. But come on in anyway, throw your feet on the furniture and your troubles on the floor. No pretense here, just some real living going on. And here – in this raw, undefined, unrefined space – we are becoming our most authentic selves and are finding joy in doing it. Dirty dishes and all. Thank you for sharing with us and trusting us to understand and to not judge. Love you, love your blog, love your house!

Shelly - We live in a rental too. We moved from CA to PA. I think it’s a permanent move but we just can’t quite bring ourselves to sell a CA property that is 2 miles from the beach and we have really nice tenants in it. Our first rental out here was smaller living space rooms and we all shared a bathroom upstairs – that drove me nuts. Then, 8 months later, we had to move again for weird reasons and this place is bigger with more bathrooms and living space but now my girls share a room and all our lights are very “dated.” But more outdoor space – it’ll look beautiful in the snow this winter. 🙂 Our basement floor actually has a shuffleboard game built into the laminate tiles. ha! When something breaks, we make a phone call – which is the best of all. 🙂

betsy - Don’t you just love when dogs curl up and do funny things with their legs for a nappy? It kills me!

denise@victory rd. - Annie is right, it would be funny if a dog could bowl.
Thanks for sharing a peak into your reality.

Kristen - I know you had a good reason for leaving your other house, but oh my goodness, I loved it!! It’s taken me a while to get used to the farmhouse. Actually, I’m still not! At the same time, I love the barn on your property and I imagine what you would do with the house if it were yours, considering what you did with the craft house. I love your blog and you seem like someone I could have coffee with 🙂
And you look amazingly similar to one of my cousins. Weird. - I am guessing you can’t paint anything in this rental? Small is doable, no problem, but it’s not being able to really do what you want with it because it’s a rent. I am guessing you moved there because of the school system? I am new to your blog and love your honesty. I hate it when people act like everything is peachy all the time, like WE can’t say we are having a shitty day or my kids are driving me crazy today…it doesn’t mean we don’t love and appreciate each other…it just means we are human! Thanks for sharing! By the way, I love the area where you hang your bags and take your shoes off!!

Kristin S - Emachin
I used to teach second grade and that just made me really miss phonetic spellers?!?!? I loved trying to decipher their daily homework.
Makes perfect sense to me!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love everything about this post. thanks for taking real pictures of real life…trash in the trash can and all. 🙂 LOVE it. we are going on two years in a rental and it is hard. i *choose* contentment a lot even though my heart longs for a forever home. thanks so much for this post.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I’m having flashbacks from that pink bathroom tile! Man, we really missed out on the pink bathroom era. I’m glad you and I have been able to experience it.
We have the same after school rule. It grates me when Calvin comes home and starts asking to use the computer. ??? So the new rule is, if you even ask in the first hour, it’s a no-go all day. Mean.

traci - I understand wanting to live in the country and the only reason your comments about you can do without bug me is the fact that you are not really doing without. You are keeping TWO houses going which is expensive. One day, maybe you will decide to chat about why you have decided to keep two houses but for now I am perplexed.

Brianna - How long is your family planning to rent the farmhouse? Thanks for sharing your home with us!

beth - rather than trying to put how i feel into words, when the last commenter (jacci) has spelled it out so eloquently, i’ll just say, i echo her sentiments exactly. thanks for this very real post! : )

Jacci in Ohio - I just want you to know that when I saw that first full picture of the family room, I teared all up and said, under my breath, “Thank you, Megan” 🙂 Because this shows it. *This post* shows that you are you, no matter where you are. And it encourages us to remember that contentment is not found… as you reminded me months ago… in granite countertops. Joy and creativity and family can happen in wood paneling! And dated kitchens can still make yummo cheesecake 😀 Thank you so much for sharing these! You blessed me today.

mama lola - annie’s cursive is lovely! what a little lady!
your rental looks cozy for all of you! and, you’re quite the brave mama for having white furniture– wowza!

julia - I think people who don’t like to bowl are weird too! So funny!!1

Sarah - why did you move to the farm house?

Heather F. - I love the “sorry” note. My kids used to write those with pictures of themselves with big bubble tears coming out of their eyes. Precious.

colleen from alabama - Smiling. I live in a house from the early 1900’s. I love the closet pictures. My husband & I share a closet the size of yours. double hung on both sides, no shelf on top (he is 6’2″ & needs longer hanging space:) 1400 square feet gets tight at times but we always know where our kids are! We only have one shower. My oldest is a girl. 12. drama. one shower is getting stressful. one bathroom with good light is too. Thanks for keeping it real. That is sweet mercy & grace to the rest of the world who doesn’t have it all perfect either. like me. You are my kind of people.

Jennifer Davis Wood - as a Ps. When you guys lived in the big craft house I know it wasn’t perfect but it was lovely. It was also inspiring to me, I was never able to get my home as cute as yours, that’s okay! Seeing the farm house makes me feel like the energy is in the right place. Relaxed family. that’s what I’m all about right now in my life. I’m letting go of the perfectionism and concentrating on my family and traveling lightly through this world. I have a big’ol house and I miss my smaller home and it’s layout. The house I live in now is never fully cleaned and organized. We do our best and that will just have to do.

Emily M. - I love how real you are and I really like the charm of living in a home that’s not picture perfect. I like it because you can let your kids hang paper stars on the wall and it doesn’t mess up your design among other reasons. 🙂 I love your no screen rule… I’m going to have to use that someday when I have babies of my own. Hope your sleep cured your weird mood… i love the way Annie spelled weird. 🙂

Jennifer Davis Wood - OMGoodness! She is Totally Adorbs! Really funny, I can tell:) I have a couple of my own that are that way. It’s the best.

Krista - Don’t you love “kid writing”? Every time my girls ask me how to spell something, I tell them to write it the way they think it sounds. Love her cursive!

Tiffany - I agree with Stephanie, the book is awesome. Most books do…

Tiffany - oh goodness that annie is sweet. can you keep her this age?

Stephanie Talty - You are going to love the book, The Help it is amazing!
Have you seen the movie?
The movie does not compare to the book-enjoy!

amy cornwell - Ellie just started making her “y” just like Annie’s with the loop on the bottom…it’s so cute! Thanks for sharing the farm house with us 🙂 I think I missed something – didn’t realize it was a rental, are you still looking for something else to buy? I’m still envious all the same…someday I’ll live on a farm!

Alisa - I teach third grade! Wish I could have Annie in class. Such a neat kid. Love the writing!

Tracey - Annie’s notes inspire me to encourage the kids to write more to me and me back to them. Just so I can read them and save the awesomeness for later.
Love shaved Waffle. He makes me smile. 🙂
Do you have slipcovers on the front room furniture? If so, from where? I love the smoothness of yours. Mine always look like they are falling off.

Kate - Goodnight bloggy friend.

Jack - I keep all the little notes that my kids leave around for me. The ‘sorry’ ones are the best!

Rebekah Brummel - I lived in a house like that for years. . . . rental living wears on you 🙂

lisa currie-gurney - good night friend.
hugs from my heart

Tania K - The only reason I follow your blog is to see pictures of Waffle. For reals. LOL
How about a Craft weekend just for teachers? Count me in! I teach second grade.
I love how Annie writes.

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annie – 2nd grade                                                            talby – 5th grade
IMG_5915-5 IMG_5912-4

sean – 6th grade                                                             scott – freshman
IMG_5908-3 IMG_5903-2


i didn’t see that the boys were not smiling….
oh well.

school is in full day swing already and i am enjoying the quiet days.
i can say that because then i love when they come home so much more than when there is no break for months.

lauren’s first day was on a day with two-a-day volleyball practices so she left on her first day before 6 AM.
that is why she is not pictured.  🙂


now i want you to click over to read about the CRAFT WEEKEND that we had two weeks ago.
it was another amazing time.
God is so good.


Amber - You know what’s so crazy about blog land? I was looking at these pics and thought to myself ” huh, i remember when Annie was starting preschool” its just so neat to have memories about someone elses children. Even though the majority of us will never meet, its like we Know each other:-) thanks for sharing your fantastic kids!

Sandy - *Sean not Shawn. Ooops! Sorry

Sandy - Beautiful cildren. I CAN’T believe Annie is in 2nd grade already! Seriously?! Also, shocked at how much taller Shawn is than Talby and only being one year apart. Scott and Shawn don’t look too happy about school starting. Here’s to your whole family having a great year!

elisa - The last picture cracked me up. So familiar!!

kerry - we’ve got 2 weeks left – lord give me strength! 🙂
Have a great year Duerksen kids – my kids are so jealous you don’t have to wear uniform! xx

Mary - what a beeeeauuutiful family you have!
blessed, indeed!

happygirl - You have the best looking family, EVER!!!

Angie - Shew, how lucky you are to have them all in school. I’ve got another 4 years or so before that happens!
You have beautiful kids 🙂

jackie grandy - I am so laughing at the photo of all the kids especially the boys. They look so thrilled to be having their photo taken, not!
My kids start Wednesday. Where did the summer go?

tinycandi - My daughters start second and fifth grade tomorrow! 🙂

the whyte house - my friend’s second grader asked my kindergarten son, “how was your last day of freedom?” LOL. i am woo & hoo’ing everyday at drop off. haha. love school.

Alicia @ La Famille - they’re all getting so BIG!! happy first day to YOU!

Leah - Great pictures. Is Lauren a senior or in college?

Lori Austin - We have a few more days of summer before our first day. Sigh….
We also have a dress code at our school so no super cute bicycle dresses.

Chrissie Grace - I’m laughing at the boys. They look thrilled! haha As thrilled as my 7th grader did on his first day 😉

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last day of summer F U N!!!

i was really ready for school to start but feeling like this summer was missing some FUN.
you know…REAL fun.
i felt tired and busy all summer.
and a bit checked out.
at the store i got the last minute school supplies i had forgotten before and as i grabbed the shaving cream that was on my grocery list…i had the idea.


shaving cream fight.
it's been two years.
we needed to bring it back.

after dinner that night i called them out for a surprise.
i was nervous they were going to think they were too old for it.


clearly they were not too old for this awesomeness.
well, scott was…but you could tell he really wanted to come out.  
isn't it a bummer to get older and put all these "rules" on yourself?
because are you really ever too old to be in a shaving cream fight?
the answer is no.


i keep a few wet rags nearby for when someone gets it on their eye or mouth.
there were no tears this year or fighting.





the yard smelled amazing.





waffle really wanted to come out and play.








she did throw it at me.
it wiped off my camera.
and i had it all over my shirt….but that is no biggie.

best picture ever!!!


i sent them to the trampoline which was like i told them to get a third scoop of ice cream!
they were so happy.




THEN i turned on the sprinkler under the trampoline and they cleaned most of the shaving cream off of them.
they eventually went in one at a time and showered while i sprayed down the deck.


it was the pefect last night of summer activity.
they said so many times how fun it was and how awesome all that shaving cream felt.


at least we ended on a good note.

goodbye summer.
you were too hot and kind of sucky…..autumn i expect more from you!

my advice today:



craft weekend post is coming on monday!
did you think i forgot?
no way…. those posts just always have so much goodness they take a long time to write.  :)


Lisa - Oh cool! We JUST did the SAME thing. I want to show you our shaving cream fun I just posted. 🙂 It’s here: Ummm…yes, I’m being “that girl” who puts links to my site in your comments lol… 😉
I’ve been loving your “in the moment” photos and am happy I found your blog! Have a super weekend.

Kristen - LOVE this idea. We did it our last day of senior year in high school and I forgot how fun it was. My kids would love this!

playmobil - I can see that you kids really enjoy that activity and the bonding. I think they will love to do it always.

Jennifer - I always love your shaving cream posts with the kids. Really cute!

kristen - you are such a cool mom!

joyce - That looks like sooooo much fun!! WIll have to try it with the kids

Rebecca W - so fun!

Donna R - My daughter LOVED these pics! What a great way to end the summer.
Anxiously awaiting the craft weekend post! 🙂

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Looks like a perfect end! Our summer has been hot and sucky too….just waiting for it to end so we can all start over. Still two weeks here till the kids go back to school. May have to give the shaving cream a whirl too : )

happygirl - LOVE THIS. Why did I never think of this when my son was small. This looks like a blast. Thanks for sharing. My grandchildren (God willing) will have a shaving cream party.

Carolyn - How awesome! I was looking for some fun last-day-of-summer activity, and I think this is it! My kids will NOT expect it at all. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration! Oh- and I loved seeing and hearing all about your trip to Colorado. My husband and I lived in Colorado Springs from 2001-2005 and although I’m glad to be back in Pennsylvania, seeing those pics made me miss Colorado! It is a beautiful state!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I remember organizing a shaving cream fight for our church retreat one year. We were a small church. . it was received well by some but others had thosse “rules” for themselves.
Here’s our tip. . before the fight. . stick a straight pin in the nozzle of the shaving cream can and then put a lighter to the nozzle so that the nozzle melts and the opening is only a little pin hole now. . that way the shaving cream will shoot really really far.
You are a fun mom. I want to add more fun to my motherness. I am going to steal your idea. . and surprise the kids with this next week. We do not start school til the 27th. . I am so ready.

Joy Foster - Hey Meg! ( said with cool calmness..even though you are like a celebrity/BFF to me all wrapped up into one beautiful gal) WE love shaving cream in our house! My children have autism and this is a favorite sensory activity!! Loved seeing that a favorite activity of ours is one that you chose as the coolest last day of summer activity for your sweet kids!! Thanks for loving on the rest of us by being the Mom God created you to be! husband will often say..Who are you reading/talking about..and i will say.. “Oh, my friend MEG in Kansas” ( said without the stalky~mc~stalkster effect ) :/
ps..i loved seeing your pups in the background of the pictures..Waffle was so funny..and the neighbor’s doggie looked suspicious…wink wink.
With a Joyful heart!

Jenn B - That’s awesome! How fun!

Michelle Whitlow - I am TOTALLY going to do this!!! How fun!!!

Shannon - You’re such a fun mom!

peta - love this! might add to our summer (Christmas) holidays activity list.
Love Talby’s suit. Can I ask where it is from?

Jennifer W - I could smell the shaving cream while I read this! Where is the outdoor movie blog? I thought for sure that would be your end of summer activity!

Debby - You should make it a Dream Whip or Cool Whip fight. Now, THAT would be awesome – and tasty too!!

elizabeth - Yes I am doing this too. I feel like I didn’t do enough fun things with my kids,but this is going on the to do list for sure!

Ani G W - Ever since I saw this on your blog, we do it every summer. I think this was our third year. My 9 year old and my 4 year old beg me to do it now… My 2 year old LOVED it this year too and cried when all of the shaving cream was gone. Thank you for this idea. It is a tradition now, thanks to you, and one we LOVE!

Angie - My kids would love this although I might use Cool Whip as an alternative to shaving cream. I have a 2 year old and I can see that being an “in your eyes” kind of disaster. Love the pictures. Your right, your never too old for a shaving cream fight 🙂

seriously sassy mama - I think I know what I am doing with the girls the day before shcool. it is perfect that I took the day off!

W - Can remember your post about the shaving cream party two years ago. What a great thing to do before summer ends!

Heather - I have to do this with my kids! Thanks!

Tracey - We do the shaving cream fight too! We haven’t had it yet this year. Last year I got the idea to have them wear their pool goggles during the event so that there was no tears over cream in the eyes. I think their fave part might be the hose down at the end! 🙂

DLG in Mich - That’s an awesome idea! Totally stealing this. Thanks!

Nicole - Sean is seriously the cutest kid ever!! He looks like such a kind person.

Jill - One word! LOVE!

ira lee - we did a shaving cream fight at my daughters 14th birthday party. it was amazing!!!!! so much fun!

Alicia @ La Famille - you are the funnest mom. ever. the end.

Jessica - I need to do this. Looks like a good time!
btw… I found a KU tshirt at a thrift store (in New Jersey) and bought it for my son. He loves it!

Lee Ann - I think we just may have to do this! And after all of these years reading your blog, (our girls are nearly the same age) I still laugh that the girls have so many of the same clothes. Anna has the same swim suit. Always brings a smile to my face.

Kristin - Hmmmmmmm to somehow talk my husband into allowing this to happen. It would be so good for HIM!
What a blast 🙂

angela - Love this. They will remember this for a long time! (We made the mistake and got menthol one time…burned their eyes like crazy!!) Love all the pics! What a fun night!!!!!

Carey - Love it! We had a shaving cream day in toddler time at the library this summer during the reading program. Not quite like this though! At first, my 2 year old wouldn’t even touch it but once my 4 yr old son taught her to put it on herself, well, they were both covered!! So much fun. Thanks for reminding me of this fun idea!!

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hello weekend….


hello…. new table with rainbow legs that now lives at the farm.
we will eat all of our meals on you and you make me very happy.


hello beautiful package that was so pretty i did not want to open from 
sparrow mercentile.


hello…. world's cutest lunch bag at Joann's that inspired a craft project at our house.


hello…. scott and sean's choir and band concert.


hello…. little girlie who fell asleep during a movie on my bed.


hello…. very funny eighth grade boys devouring their food at HuHot for scott's birthday.


hello…. dairy cows that live across our road.

annie shouted on saturday morning "MOM COME QUICK I HAVE A BIG SURPRISE!!!"
i came into the dining room and said "what is it?"
"LOOK!! the cows are eating up close right HERE! Go get your camera!"  




hello….new favorite photo.



hello…. craft time.

my little girls were busy playing when i had it ready to go so i just started drawing on my own.
soon i was joined by two crafty girls.
when one of us is drawing usually several others follow.


hello toothy smile that tells funny jokes and makes me laugh.

hello…. beautiful water colors.
and smiley snails. 

inspired by the lunch bag and this print at twoems shop



hello ….most beautiful spring evening to have a campfire in the yard.



hello…smores with two marshmallows please.

IMAG0749-7 hello…. cowgirl boots and rainbow gloves.



hello….mother's day flowers and breakfast in bed made by talby and annie!


hello…. my favorite thing to wear is "saets"  (sweats 🙂


hello….getting her started early on making coffee!

hello…. daisies at the craft house…with a teeny baby bunny hiding underneath.



hello…super long bike ride over to Sonic for a mother's day treat.


hello….riding bikes on country roads making my heart overflow with happiness.

hello…. very sore rear end from long bike ride.


hello….chocolate milk drinking goofball.


i am saying hello with lisa leonard today.

how was your weekend?
do tell.


Erin - I miss your blog Laura!! Ever going to come back? 🙁

Doris - Those notes from your kids are precious!
I’m a mom, and it made me melt. Hope my daughter one day will make me something like that 🙂
as always, you take wonderful pictures.

jen - yours looks about as awesome as ours! love the campfire time. not enough hours in our day for the fire but the kids are still hounding us – i think this weekend might be the time.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I’m completely in LOVE with that table!! Can we please see the whole thing? 🙂 Also, how cute are the snail paintings. Which reminds me, we need to stock up on paint for some summer art projects.. 🙂

Rachel J - I love that they know your favorite book is the Bible. You’re obviously doing something right with those fab kids of yours 🙂

April R - Yes indeed Hello! 🙂
Speckled cow nose! 🙂
Try Nutella spread with those s’mores instead of hershey’s 🙂
Rainbow chippy table legs?! XD
Thanks for the post!

kerry - Hello Meg!!!
Looks like you’ve had an awesome Mothers Day Weekend – love what the girls wrote about you – so so sweet xx

Missi Smith - Your new favorite picture is now my new favorite picture. I am loving that cow nose!! What an amazing weekend! Your photography is wonderful!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - who cares that your daughter thinks your favorite thing to wear is sweats. . she knows your favorite book is the Bible. . .that says volumes. . .you are giving her a picture of a mom who loves Jesus. . go MOM!

Kate S. - Please tell me you’ll put your “new favorite photo” in your shop?! That is perfect for my office.

Linda - Oh I want to see more of that table!!

happygirl - Fun sounding weekend. I hope your mom’s day was GREAT!!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - “Her favorite television show is: Everything”
Ha ha ha ha ha! One more reason to love you/her.

Kimberly Dial - Hello … you are so my fave … I love that the rainbow table is at your house (that was fast! 😉

se7en - Hello All of You…. Love your weekend and your friendly snails!!! And your life in the country!!!

wedding photography - Very beautiful crafts and I love the notes about moms.

Heather F. - Great weekend! I love the spotty cow noses. Thanks for sharing.

Amy - LOVE that you took 14 year old boys to all-you-can-eat Mongolian Grill. Genius! I will have to remember that in 9 years ~ ha! So fun. That little cow snout/muzzle/nose sure is cute….a Happy Belated Mother’s Day to you!

Georgia - ahhhh your kids are so sweet! totally made me emotional.
My weekend was filled with glossing doors, taking photos of a soon to drop pregnant cousin whose having TWINS!! Shes in labour right now too, im so excited! 🙂

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Your weekend sounds perfect. Mine was the same. It included an amazing barn sale, lots of family time, sewing and crafting the heck out of my fingers for our school’s production of the Little Red Hen(I’m directing AND in charge of costumes and set). I made the little red hen’s apron using your craft weekend ruffled aprons as the inspiration. I’ll send you a link once we’re past all the stress of production and practices.

Laura Phelps - HELLO to my lovely bloggy friend!!!
my weekend was a let down!!! BOO
but…things are looking brighter today…even though the rain just started pouring down!
GOOD BYE…piece of cake is done! I know. Crazy. But it was time…woke up and felt it needed to end.
I will still be visiting here though….love you
and the cows

Stephanie - I am in LOVE with all of the cow photos! I don’t suppose you’ve thought about selling them…because I would definitely buy! 🙂

Lori H - The baby bunny picture is precious! My Mother’s Day was leisurely…I scored Season One of Downton Abbey and a Barnes and Noble gift card!

CathyC - You bought the table!! Love it.

Kimberlee Jost - Is it weird that I took pictures of cows in Germany 15 minutes ago and now here I am seeing that we are both into cows. Ha. I miss you.

tiffany gardner - hello to still being my very favorite blog girl! just wanted to say thanks for inspiring me everyday.

Lisa M. - When I saw the “Few things I know about her” questionare above it made me smile because my son (who is 6) did one similar to that in Sunday school yesterday. When it came to “My mom’s favorite thing to do is” he wrote “clean the house”!! Thought that was so funny! Ah, from a kid’s perspective…

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Looks like you had the most perfect weekend ever! P.S. your Annie Bananie should meet my Shannie Bananie 🙂

Karen - Even better than your favorite thing to wear being sweats, is your favorite food being “salid” (I’m skeptical!) and your favorite TV show being “everything!”
Karen in NYC

Mandy - Your pictures make me want to live on a farm…and I’m not exactly the farm type of gal! Lovin those cows!
Glad you had a wonderful mother’s day!!

Jessie @ Dream and Differ - I love your cow-neighbors! Reminds me of my grandparent’s dairy farm 🙂 Looks like you had a great weekend and a fun Mother’s Day!

Krissy - I love the cows!!!!!!!!! I also really enjoyed Annie and Talby’s stuff about you! They’re so sweet!! Mine was great, I got engaged on Saturday!! EEEEEEE!!! Lol!! Now I just gotta figure out a good middle spot between KS and Indiana. Boo. lol

Tanya H - Annie sounds exactly like my little girly! 🙂 I just love this post.

Kati - Love all the pics! My favorite is cow #132’s nose. Its cute! 🙂

Terrie G - Those Cows!! I need to sign them up for a photo shoot!
Love those girls’ lists!
Great weekend for you!
Mine was awesome!!
Great day yesterday spent with family & my sweet Grandson!
Happy Belated Mother’s Day to You!!

Meredith - We had a yardsale and made $180 for vacation spending money, then to the Art Star Craft Bazaar with my oldest son (8) and my sister at Penns Landing in Philly on a beautiful day. Sunday we had breakfast at our favorite diner, kids gave me a photograph I love of the skyline in Philadelphia and then off to watch my (8yr old) son, finish his spring soccer undefeated 9-0-1 with cupcakes, juice and trophies. Wonderful Weekend, happy mother’s day to all.

Holly - Sounds like you had a great weekend! My sister had a baby this weekend so mine was awesome!

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oh these goofball dogs.
they loooove to wrestle.

L O V E. 


they wrestled for at least 30 minutes straight without stopping.
rolling and running and tackling each other… maniacs.
in the dirt and my weeds.
all for fun…not hurting each other….just full on PLAY time.


waffle is the happiest he's ever been.

and then this happened….

they sat.
just totally chill.

first time ever.


they were TIRED.

it's about time!!!


i think waffle was having the best day ever.


until i declared "BATHTIME!"


ha ha ha.
wet dogs are so funny.
they always look so crazy and scrawny.

shake it.  shake it.
shake it like a polaroid picture.
he actually doesn't mind any part of a bath but his favorite part is when when we towel dry him.
he enjoys the massage.
he's a smart dog!
he hangs out for towel drying….he doesn't want us to stop!

since the girls had their suits on and were already wet they said "let's have a carwash!"
even though i thought it was totally cold outside, they were fine in their suits and cold hose water.  brrrrr.

brilliant plan.
my truck was filthy.
and so was craig's car.
country living in white cars….dirty dirty dirty.

annie's suit is new this year from the walmarts.





clean dog.
clean cars.
clean kids….they took a bubble bath inside after this.

we have had such a good weekend!
my kids are still off school today….who knows what we will do.
maybe some art.
it's been awhile that we have gotten crafty.


Katie - I love that your girls are NOT wearing skimpy ‘lil suits they make for young girls! They look very sweet!
Also, what kind of car do you have??? with baby 5 on the way, we are trying to figure out what is best!

jean anne chez - I just experienced carma from your post. relived my life for a few moments through your beautiful pics. ;0)
I too wanted to marry a farmer, live on a ranch..on a lake instead and loving every moment. We have a standard poodle who romped around with his dog cousin (just like Waffle) until they were completely content…ahh such bliss. thank you.

Jamie - Great photos.. We have a black lab that needs a buddy like Waffle to play with. He would FREAK OUT to be able to play with a four-legged friend to the point of exhaustion. And we love Wal*mart bathing suits around here too.

Christy Brenneman - Oh my goodness…..Waffle is smiling so huge. And they actually reached a “chill” moment together. It took a lot of wrestling to get to that point I’m sure. I’m so happy for them and for you. Ky began to really grow on me and I was quite attached to that girl when we left. Perhaps I will bring Josie out to help her get some energy out when it warms a bit. Thanks for sharing your special memories! They make me smile as big as Waffle was in that photo! Christy B.

Sara - I love your blog, your dog, your spontaneity. Waffle posts and photos are the best! You’re a fun and easygoing mama. I hope I can remember to laugh about messes and embrace the moment! Thanks for the bursts of happy your blog provides. 🙂

Lynne - The dogs are just priceless. That really made my day! Waffle looks like one happy pup!

Becky Smith - Ahhh. A dog and picture post. Nothin’ better!

jackie - Cars got a bath last week, then it rained. Dogs will get a bath before traveling this weekend. How long do you think Waffle will stay clean?

The Lovely One - Happy dogs! They look so stinkin’ cute!

Donna R - Love your doggie pics and that super happy pic of Waffle. Super cute swimsuit find at Wally World…of all places!

Aby - TLOL (Totally lauging out loud) (I just made that up) lol. “the Walmarts” I thought my 80 year old mother in law was the only one that said that! Too funny! Except she’s not making a joke.

Sarah Wolfe - I love Annie’s suit. Do they have one in my size? Also love the car wash pics, and how the sun is setting in them. Looks like the country suits you 🙂

susan - LOVE the backlight in your photos, especially the one of Talby and the hose! Gorgeous!
It’s nice to see that everybody is enjoying the country life.

Mary - so cute!
but oh my, it makes me shiver! 🙂
have a wonderful week!

Lisa - Ohhh! I’m so happy for Waffle! Dogs need friends, too 😉

Shannon - love it! waffle cracks me up! loved this whole post. especially the great photos of the sun behind the water droplets!!!

Stephanie - Enjoy your blog,but i just don’t get why you call Walmart “Walmarts”? 🙂

shauna - that looks so fun.
what perfect light!
who knew dog and car washing could be so fun…

elisa - Waffle looked so sad during his bath- haha!

Adrienne s - I was going to ask about the black dog also. New?

Kelly - Never pass up the car wash request! I am cold from the picture of the hose on the head!! Swimsuits and flip flops… wow!! I was in a sweater today. Glad you had a wonderful weekend!

Vonda - Awwww, I think Waffle is a country dog at heart. He looks SO happy. And the picture of him right before your daughter with the hose, I SWEAR that dog is smiling in that picture, eyes closed tight smiling. Cracked me up.

Lori H - The difference between the laughing Waffle and the next picture (bath time- bummer) was hilarious. I love to see dogs play!

LadiesHoliday - There are few things better that puppy-dog and little kid smiles!

Marianne - Aw. so happy that Waffle has found a best friend! They look so cute together.

Leah - Waffle and the other dog look so cute! You can really tell how much dogs are pack animals when they find a doggy-friend playmate! I love the pic of them sitting together, just chillin’.

Jennifer - Ahhh…a prelude to Summer!! It all looks like it was such fun. Sometimes I think our black lab mix goes out into the rain just so he can get his towel drying. He loves it! Especially around the face. So glad you all are enjoying the country!

jessicakiehn - Show us pictures of the inside of your house, please?! Can’t wait to see what you do with your space. So fun and exciting to get to make such a big change as a family.

Sara Torbett - Loved the simplicity and fun in this post! The shot of Talby with the hose is awesome! 🙂

Melanie - Waffle DOES look happy – he actually smiles! I got a good laugh out of how dirty he was; even his tongue had dirt all over it! Looks like you’re having so much fun living out in the country. I love how you chronicle every day life with gorgeous photos and great writing. Ya know, it’s kinda fun to live vicariously through you with young kids still at home and a dirty dog. 😉

Shar - I would so love to have a goldendoodle! My daughter has a golden (regular) and I have 2 std poodles (regular. Great combo!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I need your kiddos to come on over and wash my van.

happygirl - Doggie BFFs, so cute. We dog wash and car wash together, too. You know what they say about the Great Minds. 🙂

Lia - I think I forgot to comment this. At the end of February we brought home a 8 week old goldendoodle puppy!! Waffle was the first goldendoodle I had seen so I wanted to thank you for posting about him. We couldn’t imagine a better breed of dog for us and love our Pippa girl! Have a great monday!!

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - I was wondering the same thing — new dog or neighbor’s dog?
Looks like everyone had a blast, water play in all forms is always a big hit around here.
Girls are playing playdough and eating jelly beans from their easter baskets this morning, I’m cleaning out the pantry. Might make a batch of homemade watercolor paints later too! : )
A crafty day sounds like the perfect way to wrap up the last day of spring break. That’s what we’re planning to do!

Lyn-de-lou - Is the black dog an addition to the Duerksen household or new neighbour??

Dee - How fun! My kids love washing the dog, cars, or anything else that involves getting to use the hose.

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