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i have stuff to do today.
boring regular stuff….run to the store….run to the post office….laundry…all that glamourous stuff.

but i want to get it all done quickly so i can get back to sewing.
there are going to be LOTS of super happy pillows in the shop!!!
i am having so much fun up in my craft room.

i bought another 28 yards of pom pom trim this weekend.
good times.

happy valentine's.
i am making a heart shaped pizza….and that is it. 
forced holidays make me more mad than anything.
if i wanted to i could have spent a hundred dollars on stuff for my kids….that they don't need.
instead i will make the pizza….tell them i love them….and we will survive.
my kids took the plain old sign and fold valentine's to school.
no candy!  
oh how embarrassing…not.  
did you see that there is now a whole ISLE of candy that is bagged in counts of 24 for you to buy to make valentines???
people….this is madness. 

debbie downer.

and i will get to enjoy the sports illustrated swim suit magazine always arrives on valentine's day.
that's always a fun extra cruel treat to the day….if you want to get me mad…
let's talk about THAT!

i think i will watch a romantic comedy while sewing.
or actually just a comedy!

and eat chocolate.

and grab a sonic drink….even before happy hour (GASP!)  oh yeah….i'm doin' it!
don't try to stop me.

it's going to be BEAST!

(especially the part when i get to throw away the magazine…YAY for that)


Sarah - Oh I LOVE YOU! Because I think it’s all madness too! I mean, wasn’t it just Christmas a couple weeks ago??? It sure seems like it! Why do we have to make things so complicated and commercial and icky?
On Valentines Day I laughed at myself because have you ever watched Dan In Real Life? It’s one of my favorite movies. There is a scene where his teenage daughters screams at him, ‘YOU, YOU are a MURDERED of love!!!” That’s what I felt like. When I took my glitter heart (my one Valentines decoration) off the hook above the kitchen sink and pitched it into the garage to be thrown up in the attic, I said, “I am a MURDERER of LOVE!” It felt good.

Sharry - I LOVE YOUR HONESTY! Starting in October and going on through February I am so overwhelmed with holiday overload. I am grateful Easter is late in April. Now there’s a chance I can truly celebrate Easter’s meaning!

Holly - Awesome! Well said Meg! and heart shaped pizzas are a ritual every year here! Completely low-key and they go perfectly with a glass of wine πŸ˜‰ perfection!

Lindsay - hey meg! just wanted to give you a tip. you can sign up not to get the swimsuit issue and then they will send you an extra issue later in the year at the sports illustrated website. or you can call them. its pretty cool. but if you take pleasure in trashing it, go for it!

princess lasertron - that glorious ball trim. love it! xo

Jen - I’m not a big celebrator (is that a word?!) of V Day… so you and me both. Loving the colours in your craft room. x

Elizabeth - I didn’t even make a heart-shaped pizza. We have hot dogs for dinner! Talk about rebelling against the forced holiday. But we are making up class Valentine’s Day parties at school on Friday, the 18th. I’ll get Valentine’s and candy half-price. That’s something to get excited about!

Kit - I am so with you on that terrible magazine. It doesn’t come into our house, but I wish I could hide every copy that I (and my three boys and little girl) have to see in the stores. It is wicked.
Guess I’m a Debby Downer with you!

Katie H - I’ll be honest….
I sent my kid to school with Valentines & candy and he came home with tons of candy….and I’m okay with that! I even got all three of my kids ring pops and little $2 puppies that say, “I wuf you.” I figure it’s no different than stocking stuffers or Easter baskets. Neccessary? No. Fun for the kids? Yes. My kids made me paper Valentines that I love. Also, my husband got me a gift card to the salon for a massage and hair cut. He does this on non-holidays sometimes, too, but I like that there is a holiday just for showing our love for one another–whether it’s through gifts or kind words.
Thanks for your input on V-day. Hope you don’t mind mine πŸ˜‰

Kristin S - You are a good, honoring wife to pitch that SI!

Kirsten J - I’m with ya sista – DH was bummed today, because he’s been too busy to buy me anything for Valentine’s. NOT a big deal to me. At all. Those Hallmark holidays make me nuts. And get this: I remember being 20something and dumb and buying SI for him for Valentine’s – what was I thinking?!?!!??

kristine - you’re hilarious. i hate the stupid swim suit edition. it doesn’t come to our house fortunately but barf…
hope you had a great day! we are having lasagna that i got from my freezer meal swap and i picked up a little raspberry tart from the bakery at the grocery store for $4.99. DONE!

Tracey Garcia - My kids took sign and fold Valentines with candy—that I bought at Christmas clearance. Sweet tarts and laffy taffy don’t go bad!! And tomorrow, I’m going to Target to scoop up clearance valentine candy! πŸ™‚ Cuz it tastes the same whether I paid full price or not. I did get the kids a couple of small lego things (again on clearance) and then I made yummy cupcakes. And that’s it–I’m not a fan of Valentines really–just another day!

Libbi - what is the link to the shop?

Lisa - My husband asked a few days ago, “We still don’t celebrate Valentines right?” Haha! We also aren’t big on this holiday. And I too sent my kids to school with no candy and the fold and sign valentines. Glad I’m not the only one! πŸ™‚

meg schmidt - Oh wow, this absolutely cracked me up. still laughing actually. hope you have a lovely night. πŸ˜‰

taniawillis - oh meg….i love you. *sigh* thanks for being a bright spot in my otherwise discouraging day. πŸ™‚

Kelley - Glad I’m not the only Debbie Downer today….

Kelly - Plain old store-bought Valentine’s went to school with my boys today too. My kindergartener just unloaded all his Valentine’s and our treat box is now refilled.
Way to go on the mail interception! I hate that magazine!

Carrie - I always feel so much better when I leave your blog! You make me laugh!

jennibell - Deputy’s Wife, where do you live??? I want to move there!!! Can’t stand the junk the kids bring home from school. . .anyway, love that you “tell it like it is” Meg! Thanks for the laugh and the eye candy at the beginning of the post. I’m not much a fan of commercial holidays but this year my kids were the leaders in the V-day “celebration” — they all came downstairs with cards they hand-made for one another (no prompting from us!) and the boys even found “gifts” in their room to give the girls. . .so sweet. Was glad we had decided to give them BAM gift certificates so we (the parents) weren’t the only ones standing there with nothing to give. I gave the kids $20 to spend at the store and they bought things to make goodie bags for all the neighbors — can’t say “no” to that either. At least they have the right spirit about the holiday!! Have a great day, Meg! I know you show your family daily how much you love them — no wonder you don’t need a holiday!

Heather - I LOVE Debbie Downer, and that was my favorite one!! They recycle that feline AIDS statistic in other skits too, which is hilarious. It’s so great when the actors start cracking up on live tv. That whole Lohan episode was actually really good- there was an Amy Poehler “Amber” skit with her that was really funny, and a funny Harry Potter one too. Maybe she won’t be too bad when she hosts this year?
My hubby and I don’t do the commercial v-day stuff either. Our tradition is to cook a delicious dinner together, and I love it. Tonight we’re making arroz con pollo. Yum! πŸ™‚

Deputy's Wife - Our state recently passed a law that states only certain kinds of treats can be eaten at school. A lot of people are complaining, but I am not. I am sure you well know about the amounts of candy these kids bring home on Valentines day. Not that I don’t like candy, I LOVE it, but not grocery sacks full of it.
The boys did Valentines and I bought pencils for them to pass out. I work at school and kids NEED pencils this time of year! My 1st grader was so depressed about a candy free Valentine party he said to me this morning “What’s next? Chocolate covered broccoli???” Heh. Love that kid.

Robert Goulet - You must not love your kids.

erica - heart pizza here, too – im off to school to play a game with candy hearts and first graders:)
i can’t wait to see the pillows in your shop – i’ve been checking daily!

Staci - Love this post!! We did the same thing….just got cards and I didn’t even attach a pencil or candy to ANY of them!!!! Felt kind of bad….and then I got over it reeeeally fast! I’m making heart shaped pizza tooo tonight!!! Not even gonna make a salad πŸ™‚ Have an awesome day in your craftroom with that Sonic drink πŸ™‚

Nicole Q. - We’re doing Dr. visits at our place today — fun fun and my kids take the fold and sign v-day cards too and THEY LOVE IT!! Happy Love Day! Jason’s gone for his long seminary classes starting tomorrow so I’ve got the romantic comedy line up ready to go for the week. :))

deborah@applesinwonderland - heart-shaped pizza sounds good. we’re doing a bean burrito bar…..because beans beans they’re good for your heart…..(you know the rest). can you tell i live with boys, sheesh?

Toni - Your comment about Sonic cracked me up. I always feel guilty if I order a drink before happy hour. Like its something I should be ashamed of. Haha its a strawberry diet dr. pepper for crying out loud!

Kristin M - Oh my! LOVE the pile of fabrics! I *need* the rainbow striped (or is it zig zag) one! Care to share where you got it?

ashley jensen - Aren’t you a spunky little thing today! I have a friend that is making a heart shaped pizza too. My husband says it is stupid to try and show someone how much love them just one day out of the year, you should do it EVERY DAY! I totally agree.

Jen - Valentine’s Day…I AGREE!!!!!

Keri - We aren’t doing anything either for Valentine’s. One reason is because the hubby is sick with a stomach bug… yuck.

Karen Gerstenberger - I hope you have a happy Valentine’s Day, even thought it’s a holiday mandated by the greeting card industry. =) You can still enjoy it with your loved ones!
Thanks for the Debbie Downer sketch – we all know people like this; that’s why it’s so funny! My fave SNL sketches are the ones like this one when the actors can’t stop laughing (like Chris Farley’s motivational speaker). So much fun!

karen - Happy Valentine’s Day Meg…really looking forward to your Etsy shop.

Meg's mom - Hope you don’t mind that Grandma and Grandpa sent candy for valentines day!

Tracie - We don’t do V day at our house either. I made cupcakes with the kids yesterday because my 85 year old grandma bought them sprinkles and reminded us about 75 times that she wanted a cupcake on Valentine’s Day. I’m having lunch with her and my mom today and taking her a cupcake! My kids also did the fold and sign store cards and had parties at school. Super fun and I don’t do anything besides buy the cards for them.

Anne @ Baking Me - Great clip, thanks for sharing!

LeAnne Cotton - Debbie Downer was so funny! Thanks for sharing!

Alisha Gibb - I agree that Valentine’s Day is just a money maker holiday. Everyday should be devoted to showing your loved ones how much they mean to you. We crafted our valentines for school, no candy. My kids will get a crafted valentine minus the sweets and gifts.
Can’t wait to see your pillows! Love, love, love your creations!

Gina - love Debbie! so, so funny. thanks for the laugh!

Cari - LOL!! LOL!! LOL!!!! I am dying laughing!! That is my FAVORITE SNL skit of all time. I can’t not watch it without almost peeing my pants! Hahahahaha!! So funny! As for V-day, I hate the commercialism, but love the day. Woke up early to make heart shaped biscuits and sausgae…have a heart shaped strawberry cake in the oven right now…It’s just fun for me. My girls got a new pair of $5 earrings & a pair of Toms from us. Nothing over the top. Enjoy your ordinary day. I think I’ll watch Debbie one more time… πŸ˜‰

katie - yes! i love it when other people admit to hating “forced” holidays! i can’t stand being told when to tell people i love them. πŸ™‚ i knew i could count on you, meg!

Ryanne - Word! I totally agree about the forced holiday. I did make my kids heart shaped crayons, and will make heart shaped cookies today. But yesterday at Wally World people were buying lots of valentine STUFF, and I just couldn’t do it. Anyway, I can’t wait to see all of the yummy pillows in your shop. Keep us posted.

Kerri - GO Meg!
I am telling the truth when I say that as a teenager, I saw the Kathy Ireland SI and have never recovered!!
I think homemade Valentines have much more charm!

Jenni - Mine brought cheapo cards to school as well. But they did have candy…because I wanted the leftovers. And heart-shaped pizza is totally in the cards for us too.
And, now that you’ve put it in my head, a cherry limeade might be as well.

jennifer - Oh goody! I’m not the only one that feels this way about today. Way too commercial for my taste.
Have you seen the movie Valentine’s Day though? I loved it! Thought it was hilarious. Enjoy your day!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - my my.
I think someone needs a big o’l valentine smooch.
Craig? craig?

K - You are truly hilarious! Too bad we do not live closer…we’d be great friends! πŸ™‚ I have almost the same day planned…in fact I am sitting next to what we call “laundry mountain” right now!!! Have a great Valentine’s!

gboll - I agree 100%. I am so not into Valentine’s Day. I feel like it is totally out of control and really is about spending money. I can let my husband know I love him any day, why wait till a holiday? Lucky for me he agrees with me and just so happens his birthday is today so we celebrate his birthday. Very low key though because that is the way we like it! πŸ˜‰

Beth {Embracing Twentysomething} - This. made. my. day. I love your honesty and spunk. Thank you for your thoughts – I lauded out loud. That pizza is perfect and just enough to recognize this hallmark holiday! Happy day. πŸ™‚

Jenny Joy - I am so glad to hear that I’m not the only mother who has resisted the urge to buy a bajillion little heart-ish, Valentine-ish things to for my children. Cripes. We have enough crap around here.
And I’m LOVING your pillows. For real and true. πŸ™‚

Deanna - Oh gosh!! You said BEAST…so it’s not just my kid huh?! And my kids have over 24 kids in their classes….

Tracey @7294cottageway.blogspot - You need your own show..called whatever…I would watch it everyday! You are hilarous…in person too? Ever meet a writter who is so not how they write…I am guessing you are super funny in person too! Hey maybe I will produce the show …well if I had the cnnections…which I don’t, or the money ….which I don’t…but anyway…I would watch it! We make a heart shaped meatloaf covered in ketchup…thats it. Happy….Monday!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy Monday!! Have a great day and I hope you get lots of sewing time after all the errands!

Lisa - LOL – My 11-year old always says EVERYTHING is going to be beast! Brought a smile to my face this morning! Happy Hearts Day! Lisa

Sarah - Too funny! I’m not that into valentines day but I did wear pink to work… at least I tried… right?

Heather R. - I wish our Walmart carried ball fringe. πŸ™
Love the heart shaped pizza idea.

Trish - oh happy fabric… makes me want to sew! we don’t do a whole lot for v-day either. although my sweetie of a hubby bought me a basil plant i’ve been wanting πŸ™‚ we did the same fold and sign valentine… no candy! happy ‘valentime’s’ day that’s how my kids use to say it… i miss it!

Hannah - bahahahahahah! i totally agree! valentine’s day is over-rated! πŸ™ i did make my daughter a heart shaped sandwich this morning though…as for the rest of our day…running errands! fun times! πŸ™‚

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Calvin’s party was Friday and this Mom did NOT get the memo about the candy OR the McDonald’s coupons. And his valentines didn’t even FOLD! They were just little, chicken-scratched squares.
Oh, the humanity.

Katy Frame - We aren’t doing much for V-Day either. I made heart shaped cinnamon rolls and pink milk (found the idea here: ), but that is the extent of our festivities! We know we love each other.. We don’t need a commercial holiday to tell us that. πŸ˜‰

karen - Gotta love Debbie Downer
Hope you have a relaxing Valentine’s Day

Bethany - To give you a Valentine’s laugh…just after the racy Victoria’s Secret ad that aired during the Super Bowl, my 9 yr. old daughter said,”Now why would they put that ad on during a football game?? Men don’t buy girl underwear!” LOL!! I throw the Swimsuit edition away to. Such satisfaction!

Jen - i laughed out loud in my office at work…by myself. hilarious. that debbie downer video is funny forever! thank you for sharing that with us! and SI swimsuit edition? ick. shread that!

Jennifer - I’ve never hated or loved valentines day… it cracks me up how some people absolutely loathe it. Even though the stores act like it, I personally don’t know any Valentine fanatics πŸ™‚ I like it because january and february are long and its a nice excuse to give little treats, flowers, and let the kids party down in the little grades at school.
Your day sounds fantastic! I can’t wait until your shop opens!

sara @ it's good to be queen - can’t wait to see all those pillows! they look so fun and happy! and i guess i am alone here but i love valentines day! also, you can opt out of that dang swimsuit issue by just going online to your account and checking a box to opt out. i am so happy to not see that coming in the mail!
enjoy your day of crafting!

Tiffany - don’t just throw it in the trash, rip it up so too. i’m way too downer for vday huh.

Elissa - this is EXACTLY how i feel about valentine’s day.

Sheryl - I love the addition of Debbie Downer. My husband once used that illustration/noise during a sermon – it was HILARIOUS – but I don’t think the old people got it. πŸ™‚ Have fun sewing!

Gina in Louisville - Love Meg Day!!!!

Bethany {3SonsPlus1} - HA! πŸ™‚
That’s a whole lotta color-me-happy color in that stash…enjoy!

Holly - Our stove is broken so no heart shaped pizza for us, boo. We put out some chocolates for the kids this morning and I threatened them if they did not save at least one for me later. How bad is that!? I forgot to get any cookies or candy for school so I sent the boy with a pack of plain cookies. No pink hearts or anything fancy, but we did get Valentines with pencils!

Nicole - I’m taking myself shopping for valentines day!

Micah - BEFORE Happy Hour?! Gasp! You are a WILD woman!

kristiina - omg, debbie downer….i’m crying i’m laughing so hard. thank you for, yet again, brightening my morning.
(and here here! re not succumbing to the Hallmark Holiday!!)

Melissa - Can I please tell you how many Victoria Secrets swimsuit catalogs I’ve thrown away in the last month??? What a waste of postage…and paper.

Kelly - We had a family date on Friday. It was wonderful and a great way to celebrate for us. My husband took the day off and we ate breakfast together at home, went to the post office and thrift store, dropped off some items at a church for their foster/adoption ministry, ate lunch and dinner out, went to a park to play, drove around and saw new parts of our city, took pictures (my husband getting to try out a new to him lens) and got Italian sorbet. It was a neat day just to spend together, no computers or distractions. Kelly
p.s. absolutely throw away the magazine. gets my blood boiling!!!

Michele Renee - Loved this post. Watched and laughed at the Debbie Downer skit. My youngest in 4th grade didn’t even want to do the Valentine’s so I guess we are officially over that. On the other hand I had to drive all around this weekend getting a rose with the 7th grader to give to a girl and the 9th grader got a card to mail because he is grounded and couldn’t see his crush and so I suggested he get a card and mail it and I had to show him how to address an envelope. And tonight is a double header hockey game for 7th grader. Hubs and I exchanged cards at 6:30 a.m.
Oh and 9th grader gets SI mag and he once pointed out that I check out and make a bigger deal out of that issue than he does.

Catherine - I LOVE the clips you choose to post!! I enjoy them as much as your blog. It totally made my day….I love the skits where they are cracking each other up and trying to stay in character. Thanks for all you do!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Happy Valentines Meg!
I love your happy Cushions : ) Looking forward to seeing them !
Gemma xXx

Kimberlee J. - Did you know that one can opt out of the Swim Suit edition? It’s true. We don’t get one and Sports Illustrated comes to our house every week. I’d also love to say that it was my husband who initiated this…how do I love him? Let me count the ways starting with NO SWIM SUIT ISSUE!

Routhie - I never send candy with my girls and I always give them the same gift: special socks. Never too many of those lying around! I don’t boycott the day like my best friend (3 relationships ended on the 14th), but I just use it, like many other days, as an excuse to buy champagne. πŸ™‚ Have a happy day in your own way!

Shayne - So glad I got to wake up to your post this morning. Now THAT was the way to start off Valentine’s Day!
Love your idea of a heart-shaped pizza. I’m not sure what we’ll do for dinner. Husband’s out of town—it may end up being hot dogs, because I would get Mom of the Year for serving those!
We celebrate simply. Starting with a white tablecloth, red fiesta bowls and mugs to serve breakfast.

keely - I love everything about this post. It’s such a “stick it to the man” kind of post…or something. πŸ™‚

villa ibiza - Great post…!!! The way you have written this blog is awesome… Your craft in the beginning of the blog is the best part of this post….I also wish you a great and lovable Valentine’s Day….Amy God bless you…

Hoosier at Heart - Just breathe though it baby girl. I was in a fine mood this morning until I realized it was Valentines day. GRRRRRRRRR.

~Debra - Emma from Malaysia~I understand your frustration. I live in Japan & by the time I get to the shop, everything is sold out as well. I am sorry you haven’t been able to purchase anything. I hope you can soon!
~Debra in Japan

happygirl - We don’t celebrate Valentines Day over at the Happy house either. I made my husband and son’s favorite, spaghetti and meatballs. Get it? Red – spaghetti sauce? So holiday, right? Anyway, I’m with you on this one. Have a wonderful heart day sewing up a storm. Oh yeah, and holidays that you have go to work shouldn’t really count.

Alissa - Glad I’m not the only one who isn’t into spending a whole bunch of money for this “holiday”! I will be making some cute chocolate and strawberry cakeballs with my daughter today and heart shaped pizza also for supper for us. Have a wonderful day!

Liz - Love your blog, can’t wait to see what you put in the shop.
Happy <3 Day!

Shann - Can’t wait to see what you make in your shop! With 28 yards of pom pom trim…it’s gotta be good! And, I am with you…the swimsuit addition needs to be thrown in the trash. Heck, I would even find more satisfaction putting it through the shredder. Hummmmmmm????? Have a great day Miss Meg! πŸ™‚

Tracy - LOL you crack me up, Meg! I love the new pom pom fabric and the bright colors – SOOO CUTE! And we are your normal “boring run of the mill” peeps over here too – my kids have outgrown the Valentine thing – but I didn’t do anything special for them either except make a heart shaped brownie with icing and pink pearl sprinkles and tell them I loved them – they LOVED it! HA! I think simple is always best! So YOU ROCK! πŸ˜‰ Happy Valentine’s Day, Meg – have a great day! xoxoxo

Emma - Hi Meg, I’ve been following your blog ever since i first stumble upon…more than 2 years ago. I love your blog so much…well i’m addicted to your blog. I love your stack of fabric in this post…how i wish i manage to purchase a few of your pretty, happy colorful pillows for my home. I’m always a bit to late to reach your shop. it was often sold out when i reach there as we are in different time zone i guess. I’m from Malaysia. I wish I live in the same town you are that i can ran to your place to purchase those beautiful pillows!

Pati - Your pillows look soo pretty and colorful! Love you and yaaa for throwing out that stupid magazine!!!! Have a great day:)

heidi - I’ll join in with another “you inspired me” comment- my kids are off school this week so we are doing a craft every day. They are so excited. πŸ™‚ thank you!
we are doing a special steak dinner complete with dollar spot mailboxes full of “love notes” written by each family member. I’m hoping the kids are actually loving with what they say to each other!

Leah - I was so inspired by your crafts last week that my daughter and I crafted our little hearts out this weekend (no pun intended). Check out my blog with photos and a shout-out to you. Thank you for the inspiration!

Julie - i’m the first to leave a comment today.. yeah me!
we are having heart shaped hamburgers today and that’s it.
my kids also have only the valentine cards to pass out… and they are from the dollar store. score!
i wish i could spend my day crafting, but i actually have to go to school and throw a valentine party with 24 cupcakes and cookies and juice boxes… oh yeah and boxes of chocolate i cannot eat. i don’t mind. the kids love it. but since we are being honest, i would rather be crafting… in your craft room. ha!

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craft thursday

two days in a row??

and there are many more to come….

this idea came from a few different ideas 
but mostly first from pink and green mama….marylea.

i bought three sizes of doilies.
you can usually find them in the wedding isle at craft stores or walmart…lots of places have heart ones out right now in the valentine's sections…not my thing but maybe it's yours?  

we opened them and i just let them paint.

i suggested rainbow patterns but it didn't matter at all.
anything they made looked pretty.


this table was COVERED in paint by the time we were done.
this was just the beginning.
we made A LOT of painted doilies.


it is ok if the colors bleed together….it good even!


after they were dry i took them all up to the craft room and sewed them together.


i love how there is no pattern….only color.




 i love the detail of the lace but that it's not girlie or precious.



sean did not participate in this one.
he ran the other way.
not all crafts can have swords or dragons son.

and what easy clean up this is….just wipe up the table and done!
we use crayola watercolors….$4 from target or walmart…..less water makes brighter colors.


and in other news…..

i decided to watch Steel Magnolias yesterday while sewing.

yeah….because who doesn't love to bawl their eyes out while sewing?

i have seen it at least 20 times.
at least!!
and i cry every time.
it's heartbreaking and deep and lovely and pure.
and funny.

Steel Magnolias


i watched it first at a teenager….with my sister when she was in college i think.  

for year and years i identified with julia roberts character….she is young,

independent and trying to break free from her mom.  she is sassy. 

(and has bad pants and giant hair)

then i didn't see this movie for a quite a few years.

and watched it again probably 2 years ago.

it was like a crazy bizarre twilight zone moment… watching a different movie!

i was a different person seeing the same movie 15 years later.

i had completely become the mother….sally field.

i understood every thought she portrayed.

all the feelings that go with loving your child so much….trying to protect them.

the frustration of them not listening.

i had changed.  i was different.  i saw new things.  

it made me love this movie 1000 times more than i already did.

has this ever happened to you?



lori - what did you use to sew them together? a regular needle and thread? how did you keep them from folding?

JDaniel4's Mom - What a beautiful craft! I came across in on Pinterest and had to stop by to see how you made it. - absolutely beautiful craft! I am so putting that on my list of things to do and sharing it on my FB page. πŸ™‚

Mazz - those ‘rainbow’ doilies lok awesome…thanks for sharing, great idea for “Mazz’s Munchkins” family day care and also in my scrapping πŸ™‚

debbie - very pretty and colorful banner. Im sure they had fun painting them.
Steel Magnolias is one of mine and my two daughters (ages 20 and 22) favorite movies.. and I cry absolutely every time I see it.. the cemetery scene does me in.

beki - steel magnolias – one of my most favorite movies!! if it is ever on tv (which it is often) i must stop and watch it.
also, LOVE that doily garland. i think i need to make my kids make me some :))

Debra @ A Frugal Friend - Oh I always loved Steel Magnolias and the good cry that went along with it.
THEN, I was in the hospital with my mom so unexpectedly. Talking to her. Asking her to open her eyes. Begging her to open her eyes when the doctors came in. The most heartbreaking moments of my life.
Not sure I can ever watch Steel Magnolias again…..I know I would cry so much harder and remember my mom….but I would laugh too.

Erin - Okay, I love your blog and don’t think I’ve ever commented until now. Your post made me get all teary- loved the project, but especially your comments about the movie. I feel the same and I can’t watch that movie without seeing myself as Sally Field’s character. My daughter is 1 and has a rare heart problem that is difficult to survive into adulthood- and for those who do- pregnancy and childbirth are considered life threatening and therefore “not allowed”. Needless to say, I sob every time I see this movie and wonder how life will unfold for her as she becomes an independant woman and I try to hang on to my little girl.

Julia - I am definitely doing this.
I remember when you had 20 or so comments….those were the days…

Amy - i had the same exact movie experience when i recently re-watched “hope floats” & the mom says “mothers love their little girls, even if they show it poorly.”
steel magnolias, hope floats & beaches . . . they get me every time!

cassi - I felt the same way about this movie this year!

Trina McNeilly - I LOVE the doilies….. so gorgeous!

marta - colorful doilies may be my new favoritest thing.
p.s. am running out to watch S.M. again. haven’t since i was tiny. thanks for the shove in the right direction. happy valentine’s meg. so glad i discovered your pretty site.

Red Stethoscope - Oh man are those doilies beautiful! What a great craft project!
I love Steel Magnolias, and although I haven’t quite transitioned into the role of mother, I do see new things every time I watch it. I’ve probably seen it twenty times and still cry every.single.time.

patti - I just commented to one of my friends how my favorite character has changed in this movie as I have aged and changed. Right now I think it is Olympia Dukakis saying, “If you can’t say anything nice, come sit next to me:”

Amanda - Hmmm. Never been “allowed” to see the movie. I am a type 1 diabetic and my amazing mom forbade it when I was diagnosed at age 11 (probably because she didn’t want either of us to watch it). I love my mom. Sometimes I am curious about it, but I think she may be right on with this one for me. Of course, I know the basic storyline. Now, I have THREE wonderful little ones and am a super healthy gal and had super amazing pregnancies. God is so very good . . . and I am not scared of a little hard work to get those sweet babes in the end. πŸ™‚
Thanks for sharing all the fun stuff!!! I triple HEART love your blog. Really.

Cindy Wells - I watched this with my daughter during one of our snow days & thought of you :). Like you I had a brand new perspective & saw a whole NEW movie. It was so CRAZY… I think I cry more identifying with the mom. Love the movie….never gets old. Love the craft too, can’t wait to try it! Cindy

Kristen Chapman - I felt that way about “Little Women” – for years I always identified with one or more of the girls, and then last year I reread it and all I could think of was “I wish I was a mother more like Marmee.” πŸ™‚

Ana - What a great idea, Meg! They do look beautiful.

Bethany {3SonsPlus1} - Loving that cheerful doily garland…I think we’ll just have to make that one today! And I thought it was THE funniest thing to read about Steel Magnolias in this post when I was just (like 10 minutes ago) lying in bed, thinking back to the last time I saw…Steel Magnolias! Ha! Double ha!
Just read about the SUMMER photo opportunity- that is so awesome! You have encouraged me, and reminded me, that God does indeed take joy in giving us the desires of our heart. Congratulations!

Holly - the doilies are lovely and I LOVE Steel Magnolias! Sounds like a great day to me!

Ali Richardson - I love love love those doilies! They look magical all strung together! These would be so beautiful strung from the trees for a garden party or wedding. SO beautiful and you captured their beauty so well…as usual πŸ™‚

Sarah {Monogram Chick} - What a beautiful doile garland. I agree, I love color too and Steel Magnolias!

Drea - Wonderful craft! added it to my to do list πŸ™‚

Erin Leigh - Love, love, love these! What an easy, cute idea.

Tara - oh good grief….now THIS is my favorite craft you’ve ever done. i swear i say it about every one of them.
And, i think i can honestly say that i’ve watched steel magnolias 50 times in my life and every single time, i have always related to sally fields…it didn’t matter if i was 17 or 26 or 37….

Meredith - p.s. I think you should festoon the family car with your doilies while you’re doing your school run.

Meredith - Clearly I can NOT watch this movie yet again….I was already welling up during that clip. I watched this as a teenager, but watching it as a Mum makes it even more poignant and gut-wrenching. “Laughter through tears, it’s my favourite emotion”. Love it. Meredy xo.

heather - lovely!!! water colors with doilies…who knew?
i don’t think there’s been a happier pairing with doilies, though.
they’re just perfect together.

Julie K - Oh this is so so pretty! I love this and am totally doing it with Kiana – we did coffee filter hearts today but the doilies I LOVE! and not normally a doilie type. LOVE this.

Katy - Oh, how I LOVE Steel Magnolias! Must watch it again soon. πŸ™‚
So how do you like your new sewing machine? And what have you made with it? Mine crapped out on me last week so I am in the market for a new one. Don’t need any fancy dancy features. Just a “simple” one. I have been eyeballing the one you just got.
PS- Doilies are my favorite! Not sure if you’ve ever heard of Papertrey Ink or not, but they just announced that they are coming out with a doily die (for a die cutting machine)! You can bet I will be first in line (online) to buy one of them so I can make unlimited doilies whenever I want! πŸ˜‰ Here’s a post where you can see them (not my blog, fyi)
Another PS- I keep looking at your blog post about the crafty weekend and I am so, so jealous! Looks like you all had SO much fun!

Janet - Can you or any of your readers recommend a good sewing machine for a beginner? Just for some basic sewing & crafts and all the fun ideas I get from this blog!

taralee - aww…meg!
i was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when i was 15 (2000), and i JUST saw “steel magnolias” for the first time LAST year! i had been wanting to see it for awhile, but had NO idea that shelby died! my husband waited until i was in an ‘okay’ emotional state to watch it. it was still brutal.
i never would have guessed that your blog would network me with other ladies who experience t1! thanks for that.

Shayne - The doilies are Absolutely Gorgeous! This will be our craft for tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for sharing. πŸ™‚
I have never watched Steel Magnolias. So now, of course, I will have to.

Renee - I am a southerner and it’s a prerequisite to love Steel Magnolias! I have an aunt almost identical to the Dolly Parton character. She is lovely. “Aunt Rubye Faye” I think it would be fun to be friends with Weezer. What a grumpy mess she is. Would you believe that I do not identify with ANY of the characters? Weird, huh? But my daughter is only 4. So I’ll give it a few years…

Beth - I LOVE COLOR TOO!!! I love that craft and I love that movie. I love the paints on the table! It makes me laugh at school when kids get all worked up about Paint! On! The! Table! . . . I just like, no big deal, it wipes off. And if it doesn’t, it makes the table prettier anyway! Have you seen the movie Crimes of the Heart? It is one of my all time favorites. I have it in vhs if you want to borrow it. We still have a vhs machine but most people probably don’t. It’s a funny movie, dark humor . . .but some deep, good things too.

Hannah - you are so creative! i have to tell you..that always seeing your bright colorful house and art has made me want more color in my house! you inspired me! and SM…the πŸ™‚

Tonya - I LOVE Steel Magnolias!!! I went to the theater w/my mom to see it when it first came out…we bawled, laughed, bawled, laughed. It’s one of my favorite mommy memories! I can find a quote from that movie for almost any situation!

Dana@Strawberrytart! - I love your project and Steel Magnolias is one of our favorites. I watched when I was pregnant and now have a daughter named Shelby – hormones. I fell in love with the name all over again.

se7en - From one totally color lover to another… Your kids sure know how to make things look so good and colorful and so pretty …. wonderful!!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!!!

Shann - I love this craft!! It is wonderful!! And,I know exactly what you mean about the movie. I named my daughter Shelby from this movie. And, now as a mama I can totally relate to Sally Field and her character. Wonder when I will become Ouiser?? πŸ™‚

kate - how pretty! and yes…it’s amazing how watching the same movie but at a different time in your own life makes you see/feel completely different things…i always think this when i watch..
“terms of endearment”

Michelle - love these. . .and love steel magnolias. best. movie. ever.

Cory - OHH my I love Steel Magnolias. It’s one of the only movies I can think of that makes you laugh so hard your sides hurt & also bawl your eyes out. It’s a good feeling.
p.s. I didn’t comment on your craft weekend post, but can I just say DREAM!! I think if I could come up with the perfect weekend in my head it would look just like your craft weekend with the girls!

Jennifer Allred - LOVE the doilies! They were already on the short list of fun things to do this weekend, but I think they just moved to the top.
And on the Steel Magnolias front – when we were pregnant with our 2nd son we didn’t know if he was a boy or girl. Long story short, my hubby and I were watching this movie and he suggested the name Jackson if we had a boy. So it was decided right then and there he would be our Jack. Fast forward to when Jackson was 27 months… he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes! The first time I saw this movie after his diagnosis I couldn’t keep it together. I honestly believe that the Holy Spirit gave us the prompting for his name. I will never see this movie the same way again!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - yes – the movie experience has happened with me…
the movie:
how to make an american quilt

Jenny B. - LOVE the doilies! And, the movie thing has happened to me too. I saw Freaky Friday (the Lindsay Lohan / Jamie Lee Curtis version) when it came out in 2003… the year before I became a mom. I totally identified with the daughter. I saw it again recently (after having 2 children), and I totally identified with the mom! It was freaky. πŸ™‚

Sarah - I love this idea! Beautiful! Now I just need a sewing machine…

Jodi - YES! That’s exactly how I felt after I watched it later on as a mother. My mom reminds me of Sally Fields (they are both, small, petite women and their mannerisms are so alike), so seeing Sally Fields cry is a lot like seeing MY mom cry and I lose it everytime.
LOVE the craft today! :o)

Janine - Very pretty garland! I like the way the sun illuminates them.
I can totally understand your transformation with Steel Magnolias. It happened to me with my favorite book series. I adore the Anne of Green Gables series. I have read them many times since I was a kid. Every few years or so in fact, and every time I identify with a different part of Anne’s life and see it in a whole new light.

Vera - Oooh pretty craft! One of my best friends and I saw a local theater production of Steel Magnolias a couple of months after we each had our first child (daughters!) and we walked out of there SOBBING.

leonieke - wow…great colours..
and by the way,.if you like colors you should really visit the yvestownblog. she has a great house,..alll white with lots of colors!

Christy - Yes! yes, yes, yes! Same movie…I experienced the same thing with Steel Magnolias! I saw it a couple of weeks ago and my daughters watched it with me. I saw it from a whole different perspective than when I saw it as a teenager.

happygirl - LOVE Steele Magnolias. The best line in a movie EVER is when Olympia Dukakis says “Well, you know what they say: if you don’t have anything nice to say about anybody, come sit by me!”

Catriona - “Miss Truvy, I promise that my personal tragedy will not interfere with my ability to do good hair”

shauna reed - oh for heaven’s sake.
it is such a good movie.
and yes. yes , to say the least that has happened to me…in SO many areas of life.
ps. the doilies….swoon.
will you be my mother?

Beth @ Dirty laundry - Of course, swho doesn’t love Steel Magnolias? My favorite part is during Sally Field’s cemetery speech, when she says, “I just want to hit someone!” And Olympia Dukakis shoves Weezer at her and yells, “Here! Hit this!” You’re already bawling your eyes out, a huge emotional release, and in a split second you’re laughing out loud (and then you go back to crying), but that speech is a neat little roller coaster ride!
I love your rainbow doilies!

Kimberlee J. - I identify with Dolly Parton. πŸ™‚

amy jupin - oh girl. you are going to have a zillion comments on this post.
you are so right about steel magnolias.
amazing movie, so deeply touching and gut-wrenching and sweet all rolled up in one.
and now that i’m officially a southern gal, this movie took yet another turn for me.
so weird how movies can make us FEEL.
anyways, love the doilies, love the rainbow colors, love the movie, love all of it.
happy friday! πŸ™‚

Hoosier at Heart - Beautiful doilies! So fun. My daughter and I have tickets to see Steel Magnolias at a dinner theater here in town for our birthdays. We’ve seen the movie many times. Can you imagine it played out on stage? How much tissue should I bring? YOU SHOULD BE THERE WITH US!!

Jennifer Evans - I had that exact experience with this exact movie! I watched it a few months ago after a long time and I remember when I had watched when I was younger I would think that sounds just like my mother- ugh! When I watched it recently I so Identified with her and felt those feelings and totally understood her in way I couldn’t have before having daughters.

Janelle - Ok. I’m pathetic. Even just reading your post ABOUT Steel Magnolias made me cry. Great movie…but one I probably shouldn’t watch over and over! Sniff, sniff!

Lisa - Love the craft! Thanks for posting!
It is funny you say that about Steel Magnolias. I watched that movie a few months ago and as I was crying, my husband asked me why and I told him I was so sad for Shelby but was also sooo sad for the mother! It was like I could completely relate to both sides.
Love your blog. Thanks so much for being a bright spot to my days! πŸ™‚

Debi - Steel Magnolias- that movie means so many different things to me. I’ve always loved a good cry, so that made it a favorite for me when I first saw it.
Then, many years later, my daughter, Anna, was diagnosed with diabetes. Her first question after diagnosis? “Mommy, will I still be able to have babies when I grow up?” How’s that for a heartbreaker? How do you wrap yourself around that????
Happily, diabetes treatment protocols have changed immensely since Steel Magnolias was filmed. Women with diabetes can now, under carefully controlled situations, get pregnant and have healthy babies without permanently harming themselves (or dying). Amen for that- thank you Jesus.
And yes, I AM M’lynn. Anna’s only 13, and I’m 47, but I soooo identify with that loving and protective mama.
Have a great day!

Sarah Alcantara - totally agree about the cemetery scene…so heartbreaking….but what a great movie!

meghan - favorite all time movie. I haven’t watched it in years…i should probably watch it again. I love those kind of transformations. love. love. love.

Kelly - Weird you should post this today. We got everything out to do this exact same thing yesterday after school and found out that sometime since we last used the watercolors a certain almost 6-year old boy popped all the dried paint things out of the strip. So we had empty paint cases. I got more this morning so we can do it today. I too love color! πŸ™‚

Anne @ Baking Me - It’s been a few years since I’ve seen this movie, but the last time I watched it was with my husband because he had never seen it and I thought he should. I don’t think liked it as much as I told him he would πŸ™‚ He is a bit wary of my movie suggestions. But I think this is a great movie!

Andrea T - we use our IKEA cups for water paint cups too πŸ˜‰ i have extra doilies from vday….doing this one! we need color after all of this snow. thanks for sharing

Tiffany - Yes I am definitely now the mom. Helmet hair and all. :0)

pam - Meg I have no small children at home…well we have NO children at home but I have a special folder with craft idea that you try. I will save them for our future (hopefully) grandchildren. COLOR is so life giving to me. I LOVE the jewel tone doilies…blues, purples, green…so fit for my queenly status.

Lauren - Steel Magnolias is my all time most favorite movie! I cry everytime!

Deputy's Wife - I love that movie and I totaly get what you are saying. When I first watched that movie, oh so many years ago, Julia’s character was the one I was focused on. Now, I identify with Sally’s character! That scene at the cemetary??? I bawl like a baby everytime.
Maybe our parents were right, we do grow wiser as we age.

Wendy - Those are great! Might have to make some of those to decorate with for my girls birthdays coming up.

Jill - maybe sean would like it if you used coffee filters instead of doilies? πŸ™‚
cute craft!!

karen - Pretty doilies!
Hmmmm…that is really cool that you saw it in a different perspective. I’ve been a mom for only 3 1/2 years now and haven’t watch in over 5 years.

ashley jensen - I have seen Steel Magnolia’s a number of times. Haven’t watched it since becoming a mom but I cry every stinkin’ time. Then again I cry at commercials, cartoons, books, etc. It’s pathetic and wonderful at same time what having a child does to your heart.

Ana M - Never see this movie…:(
but now I’m definately going to …
I love your projects…they are simple and real…
I’m a mom of 4 in very different ages but I can try that…
Love the way you write…feels like I’m sitting right next to you and you just copy my thoughts…
God keep blessing your adorable family…
Ana M

Nicole - I held a craft Thursday yesterday with my 5 children Meg! Yes, you inspired me! (as well as the need to get 60 valentines completed!) We used glitter, stickers, paper, glue sticks, tissue paper- and they were ALL gorgeous! I will have glitter everywhere for the next year since the 3 year old loved the “sprinkles” but we had FUN! Thank you for your inspiration!

Courtney Walsh - Such a cute and simple project!! Love it so much. Doilies are pretty to begin with.
I got to play Shelby twice in two different theatrical productions. Yeah, it was pretty draining! I haven’t watched the movie since…I just can’t get through Sally Field’s cemetery speech. Gosh. What great characters.
Have a great weekend!!

Jennifer - Those are beautiful! I think I’ll do something like this with my Sunday School class this week, but with heart doilys and no sewing! πŸ˜‰

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this is where i am sitting right now… bed.
because it's warm.

after i blog i am going to work on my bible study.
in bed.
cause it's WARM!

i am super talkative today. 
so much to tell ya….or not….just stuff i have in my mind.

we watched Secretariat this weekend.
i liked it.
who wouldn't?
and then i bought the song "Oh Happy Day" on itunes and i have listened to it 25 times since.
you should listen to it too….i am right now.

and then i bought "i'll take you there" by the staple singers.  :)
1972 and 1969.
making me happy this morning.

did you watch the super bowl?
it was on in our home and my men watched it.
i made cupcakes…..played games with the little girls….read books to them….and put them to bed.
then i hid in the craft room sewing.
i didn't see one second of the super bowl.
and that is just fine with me.
it was so loud…i just had to be far away.

how old am i????
buying gospel music from the 60's and saying the tv is too loud?!
i am my father.

lots and lots of bunting.

i am getting my etsy shop stocked up again.  woo-hoo!!
pom poms and polka dots and rainbows are all around me.
(my shop won't be open for weeks….i promise i will give you plenty of heads up….)

did you know…..that even with a lock on your door….it is difficult to "be romantic" in the daytime with 5 kids?

well it is!

every 30 seconds a different kid was knocking on our door yesterday!

"mom….mom….mom….are you in there?"

"MOM….can you help me?  i need my shoe tied.  MOM????"

"DAD?  where's MOM?"

knock knock knock "MOM? can i have some ice cream?"  

"mom….hey mom?  when are you coming out of your room?" 

"mom?  the computer keeps freezing. can you come fix it?  MOM….can you fix it NOW?"

and then a blastingly loud rendention of chopsticks on the piano in anger because i wasn't coming out of my room fast enough for their liking.

BUT….romance MUST BE MADE.
no matter what.
it's important.
they will survive without their incredibly important requests of snacks or more computer time or help with zippers met instantly.
mommy and daddy need the romance!

with five kids we have gotten pretty good at ignoring the distractions in exchange for "romance"
but yesterday was one for the record books.

i know.

instead of knocking on my door non-stop they should have been folding the laundry!

the host for SNL was Dana Carvey.  
it made me happy….made me feel all nostalgic….thinking about high school.
wayne's world made me feel like i was 15.
how many times did we quote that in the 90's???

this skit was so dumb but funny. 


i apologize for that.

ok…i need to move on with my day.

and let you move on with yours!  :)


the winner of the Jolly Goode poster is…………

LOVE the poster! I have spots of red in my kitchen and this would be perfect. πŸ™‚ This weekend – Saturday is working on my new craft storage and Sunday is Super Bowl. GO PACKERS! πŸ™‚

Posted by: Sarah | February 04, 2011 at 02:21 PM

sarah….email me your info ok?



Tawnya - I just stumbled upon your blog. I was in a terrible mood, but if that picture is truly of your laundry pile, you have just made my whole day better. I have one to match πŸ™‚

jennibell - I hear you on the “romance” thing. Last Saturday morning might have been one for the record books for us too πŸ™‚ TMI but necessary to know others are in the same boat and MAKE IT WORK! I have to laugh at those who only have two little ones, some still in cribs, and “can’t be together” — ha! MAKE it happen. Good for you!!!!
Hope the snow is melting by now and you are warming. My one daughter is studying the state of KS in her geography book right now — made me think of you, someone I’ve never met. Ha! I love the blog world.
All your new fabrics and pompoms sneak peeks are exciting πŸ™‚

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - I watched about 5 minutes of the end of the SuperBowl. My husband and I are just not into watching sports.

Ashley - I love t.m.i. and I would love to know you and C make it work! PLEASE SHARE!! I look up to you a whole lot and really respect what you have to say about those “romance” situations! I would also love to see how you do your bible study!! I cant get enough of your blog!

Jan - Just loved this post! Just now “found” your blog via Matthew Mead…congrats to you!
Got the “Twilight Zone” chills when I read about “Oh Happy Day” because in the post I wrote last night I mentioned that it was my Grandma’s favorite song…hadn’t thought about it in years til I wrote that post…

Phoenix_Rising - That ‘tmi’ is what keeps your marriage alive and thriving!!! You are awesome <3

Carrie - I’m new to your blog and I just love it! You crack me up!!!

Karen Lehmann - oh…and I snuck away from my kids on Sunday…after being away from them all day long at a swim seminar…and I snuck away and met my husband at the hotel where he is staying for work, about 40 minutes away from our home, so that I could get some romance without those kids knocking on my door…(i kinda felt like a hooker) lol

Karen Lehmann - ok – i know you probably dont read all of these but i have to say that I turned on “oh happy day” and then I kept reading your post. I came to the part about the “romance” while the kids were trying to beat down the door and I just burst out laugh. Out loud laughing. really loud laughing. in my kitchen. by myself. and all I can say is… THANK YOU! πŸ™‚

Amy - Lol Same goes at our house…. Lol thought it wAs just us it is awesome to hear it is not. I just found your blog today. I am really enjoying reading it. You are real! That is what i admire most in people. Love your stack of laundry.

kasey - umm….excuse me…but bryan and i tried to get in a quickie on sunday as well.
our doors don’t have locks…enough said.

Christina - “how old am i????
buying gospel music from the 60’s and saying the tv is too loud?!
i am my father.”
That made me laugh and laugh.
I loved Secretariat…I cried, and I thought it was so exciting. It made me want to know more about horse racing. For a minute, anyway. But…there are all these worlds out there, you know? The worlds where people know their stuff (or learn it really quick, and succeed!). Anyway, you’re so great!

kris - Laughing sooo hard! TMI? Nope, just real!
ps My family LOVED your baked french toast! So much easier than pan fried…and it is all ready at the same time!
Thanks Meg!

shauna reed - i assume you are using the term “romance” loosely…… and baby, you know how i love me some “oh happy day” and a good bunting… fact, some “romance” under a bunting and listening to “oh happy day” may be fun to try….hmmmmm…just a thought.

betsy - How lucky am I that I ALREADY have some of your fabulous bunting for my classroom?!?!?! Very!
I still quote Wayne’s World all the time.
“Camera one, camera 2”
“I don’t even have A gun, let alone multiple guns to necessitate the need of a gun rack.” “Fine, Wayne. You don’t like it? You know if you’re not careful, you’re going to lose me.” “Lose you? I lost you two months ago. We broke up. Are you mental?”
Too funny!

Melanie - The TMI is so funny. I think that it is hard with a 16 yr. old in the house. They KNOW what you are doing and the little kids don’t:)

Alison - oh, and I love the enthusiasm you have for the Lord. So glad when I see a post that gives praise to our awesome saviour. What would we be without him!

Alison - llllove your blog!! cant wait to see your Etsy store!! I just opened an Etsy and am having so much fun!Definetly going to Favorite you… I can already tell it’s gonna be awesome!

anna - hey meg,
could you show us how you do your Bible study, I always love learning that from other women. In fact…. I would LOVE to see a post about faith, coming to Jesus and what your faith looks like in your day to day life/ with the kids…pretty please! πŸ™‚

Michelle - Yeah for romance!
“Party on Meg!”
“Party on Craig!”

Andrea T - thank you for that. you have no idea how normal that made me feel! you may say t.m.i but sometimes its what you need to here. I will be stalking the etsy shop date. i missed out last time, i need to add some rainbowy kansas to my jersey

Christa aka the BabbyMama - Heh, I simply DO NOT understand how you managed to stay in bed… once my daughter is awake, she is not going to let me have a spare moment to myself. Maybe it’s a two-year-old thing? Is there hope for us once she’s older?

Hoosier at Heart - Is that seriously your laundry? Holy crap. This is why I come here, I feel almost human again.

kate - Laughing because we used to have nights where my parents would all of a sudden let us stay out past “when the streetlights came on”. Wink wink.. No way would we have pressed our luck and even set foot in the house until my mom called us inside. If the house was a rockin’, we never had a clue….
It was only until later in life that the lightbulb went off..heywaitaminuteeeee
ps: I’ll Take You There-great song. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re old.

Ruth - Okay I feel SO much better about my pile of laundry after seeing yours!
Here is my question for you: where do you buy your fabric? I have been to 3 different Jo-Ann stores in the past week looking for bright & funky cute fabric to make some dresses for my girls and I can’t find anything like what you have there. Is there some sort of online source I don’t know about? Please help!

Michelle - Can I just say that I love TMI chatty Meg? You made me laugh heartily.

Kat - So grateful for some chattiness, especially seeing I am in need of a chat and I have no one here to talk to except four children under the age of eight, who are still home on summer hols (in Aus)for another week. Sigh.
Thanks for making me smile Meg and as always keeping it so real.
Love that!

Kate - Hahahaha! I love the post and love all the Modern Family references. That was ONE FUNNY episode. My favorite line was, “I don’t know what they were doing. But I think Dad was winning.” πŸ™‚

kristine - that skit was funny. she sounds like she should be on jersey shore. oh my…
love your bunting craftiness! wish i could place a personalized order!!!
glad you got your romance on… maybe that’s why you’re so happy?! πŸ™‚

Hannah - HA! i love that you talk about romance. i only have 2 kids and i can’t even go to the bathroom in peace! AHHHHH! πŸ™‚ they can play fine for HOURS and the min. i walk out of the room, they come searching! it never fails! love your blog…to pieces…

Carol S. - Thank you for the SNL skit! I don’t watch it anymore, used to and that was very funny.

Erin Leigh - Love tmi & love the bunting… so cute!

Shanna - I am in love with the fabric with the school paper & letters on it. Where did you get it? Thank you! xoxo

Tracie - I agree that romance has to be made and I only have 2 kids! We used to put a movie on and then run upstairs. The laundry can wait or the kids can wear wrinkled clothes!

katie - love this post πŸ™‚ love the comments. GOOD FOR YOU and for everyone else that that chooses lovin’ over laundry, my kinda gals!!

Tara M. - O.k. that romance story was funny! At least they didn’t walk in on you two! Did you see the Modern Family episode where the kids walk in on the parents?! It was pee in your pants funny!

Lisa - Love it. I saw you made The Nester over the weekend! Sweet!

Amber - Okay, that girl in the skit reminds me of Vienna from the Bachelor last season. lol.

happygirl - I thought SNL with Dana Carvey was so funny. Especially the Wayne’s World and opening monologue song. Oh yeah, and church lady and the Kardashian girls.

Jessica - I love this post!!
Love, love, love it! Totally makes me smile.

marta - oh goodness. i love me a colorful bunting. please please please let me know when your shop opens. yay. happy productivity. glad i’m in good company with this laundry stuff.

Gina - that is so normal, to try to fit in romance-it’s tough to do that but so worth it! We’ve done the same thing…thank goodness for the locked door! once we found a bunch of notes that one child had slipped under the door while we were locked in. Respect for mom and dad’s privacy is very important for them to learn!

Shelly foster - Oooooo……would LOVE some of that bunting for my nursery ….getting baby boys room ready now ! When will your etsy shop be open ??

Karen Gerstenberger - I agree – romance must be made, and time must be given to make it happen – and happen well. Good for you and Craig! When you are older and the kids are away, you will have a REAL relationship, instead of wondering, “Who is this person? Why did I marry him?”
Gregg & I have always made time for dates, and for romance – even when Katie was in the hospital. We were sleeping in separate places when she was in treatment – Gregg at Ronald McDonald House with David and me in the hospital with Katie, M-F; then we would swap places on the weekends, so each of us had time one-on-one with each child. When she was an outpatient (between each of the 5 weeks of chemo sessions), we all slept in one room and shared one bathroom at Ronald McDonald House. It was hard to find time to be alone, but the support of family made it possible. We needed to look into each others’ eyes, debrief, share what we were seeing and feeling, talk about what was next, and cherish one another. I think it helped us to weather everything – her passing, this new life and our grief.

Brook - Hilarious post today. Did you see the Modern family a few weeks ago where the kids bought them the door lock?? So funny. “MOM!!!” You can just never escape those kids. So excited to see what kind of goodies you get stocked up in your shop. Oh and I didn’t watch one second of the Super bowl either. Even better my hubby and big boys left and watched it at the neighbors. I painted and crafted which is more fun anyway!

julia - Um Meg…so if I show up at your house will you let me fold laundry?
Soooo, I was just wondering if you’d share with me where you get you print your photog canvases. Please, I can’t handle any more tough love like the making of the number 5.

rosemarie - i know how you feel even after 9:00 @ night my kids are still knocking on the door for me. i sometimes make my husband move our dresser in front of the door for fear they will break the door down..

Laura Phelps - I am cracking up because I experienced the SAME THING on Saturday morning…
“MOM! Open the door!!”
“Mom! Can we come in!!”
Finally I shouted, “In a minute! Your father is naked!!!”
They went running!!
and I didn’t have to lie! HA

Sarah - TMI is what makes life interesting!

Gevay - I have “Oh Happy Day” written on my chalkboard sign the hangs outside our front door. I’m with you, Sunday afternoon is a great time for romance! Have a great week!

Danielle - That exact same thing happened to us yesterday concerning the romance department:) Thank you for posting that song, I have listened to it three times in a row and posted it to my facebook. It’s gray, cold and rainy where we live, but it is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Perfect song to help me keep my attitude positive on a day like this:)

Tara -
and i love that you talk about locked doors and attempted romance with your husband.
also love that you had victory in the department of romance despite the screaming and the needs and the questions from your children.
i need to learn from you.

stefanie Arnold - its NOT tmi… because all of us married couples should be doing the same thing! Or, at least trying to with our kids doing the same as yours πŸ™‚ My parents used to tell us kids “its healthy for your security” when we’d complain that they were dancing in the kitchen or suddenly “making out” πŸ™‚
I love your chatty mood. Its how I typically feel first thing in the morning. Happy week!

Marie - Ahahaha that is sooooooooo my house! I have 4 kids and it seems like when that door locks they are right there to knock on it or try to open it even tho it is clearly locked! GAH! lol! My god Dana on snl was great. I love waynes world.

becky - romance??? i have no idea how you do it, but i’m so thankful that you DO – that gives me hope! We only have two kiddos {newborn & a 2 yr old} and romance doesn’t happen now because we’re EXHAUSTED… but you’re right. it just needs to be made. maybe tonight…… πŸ™‚ thanks for sharing

Donna - Well the romance happens during the day at our house too, but we only have 3 kids knocking on the door! Sometimes we like to put a movie on for them and that keeps them entertained:)
I can’t wait to see the new things in your shop!!

amy - Loved the randomness of the post – hilarious. Random side note: I have the same alarm clock. $5 at Walmart or something? πŸ™‚ Enjoy your day!

jen smith - I love ‘oh happy day’!!! have you seen sister act 2? one of my favorite renditions of the song.

georgia - Hi meg, when will you post about laurens 16th birthday! What special present did u get her for her sweet 16 πŸ™‚

Suzette - Romance! Made me think of the recent Modern Family episode. At least you have a lock!

Jana - That’s Right! Gotta keep the romance ALIVE!!

Emily - This was funny, talk about keeping it real… : ) I am glad things worked out in the end…
Enjoy your cozy time in bed with the Bible, sounds lovely!

Staci - I am sitting at my computer…eating leftover guacamole and chips from the SB and LOVING the fact that my boys are BACK IN SCHOOL TODAY!!!! Getting stocked up and ready to go for snowstorm #2 on Wednesday!!! CRAZEE!!! BUT…with kids sleeping in late…there was a llitttle time for some romance πŸ˜€ heeheee πŸ˜‰ Have a great day!!!

the whyte house - lol. love this post. i am a t.m.i. person and i don’t care! πŸ™‚

Katie - Did you see the nice shout out to you and Ashley on Nester? Love the love!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hello Chatty Kathy or Chatty Meg, I am actually in bed reading blogs as well. I can’t use the excuse because it’s warm, just that it’s comfy and the kids are off to school and no one will know that I’m back in bed πŸ™‚ and soon I will get up and hit the ground with my feet running, so for now I’m enjoying my blog reading in bed. Have a great rest of your day.

Londen @ Sixty-Fifth Avenue - Love the song, I’m listening to it right now. I’m a lover of old music for the 70s. I’m thinking a lock on our door is something we need to buy asap. It’s been a long time since we have had some afternoon romance.

Shannon - I didn’t watch the game Sunday either, the girls and I played outside and baked. I did eat all the snacks though πŸ™‚
LOL at your TMI. I can’t even shut my bedroom door to take a shower without the knocking wanting to know what I’m doing they have to be with me 24/7 and there is only 2 of them!

Sheri @ Design Pop Interiors - I can’t think of a better way to start the day than with “Oh Happy Day”. Maybe I’ll listen to it first thing every morning – I bet it’ll be a great week. Thanks, Meg!

Tracy - LOL about the “romance” and knocking on the door by your children. I would LOVE to know your secret because I have yet to figure out how to “ignore and tune-out” my two 17 year olds when we are trying to make time for “romance”. HA! HELP! πŸ™‚

bobbie - Have you heard O Happy Day by Kim Walker / Jesus Culture? It’s my favorite song ever. We played it right after our last baby was born because it was a happy day. Here’s a link in case you haven’t because you need to!
Also, our bedroom door does not close. Our house shifted and it just won’t close now. We’re going to try and fix it this weekend!

Nicole - I cannot wait to see the pennants! The fabrics are so cute!

Barbara @MadreMinutes - So glad to see someone else’s desk looks like mine…..Love your shop and look forward to learning more from you.
You can find me @MadreMinutes on MomTv and MingleMediaTv
Take care
Kindest regards,
Barbara Collins

Jamie - One time back when my now 9 year old was about 3, my husband and I were trying to be romantic in our locked room. Found out after the romance was over that our 3 year old was under the bed the whole time snooping for Christmas presents. Oooooops. He never asked and we never mentioned it. LOL

Tanya H - Eh, tmi is okay. makes me feel normal. we have a challenging time having a conversation without an audience. some things just cannot be discussed in front of kids. but the minute the door closes, they take that as a cue to either fight or neeeeed us.
I like your chatty morning. πŸ™‚

Layla - I. Must. Have. That. BUNTING!!!!!!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go start hitting refresh on your etsy store ALL DAY! πŸ˜€

Sue - Hey Megan,
I wish you still lived here on Henry. I wish we could hang out…like the thousands of other women who read your blog. But I at least know you :). Happy belated birthday to Lauren! Sweet sixteen…Josh’s is next week…but he’s not so sweet. Enjoy your morning in bed!

Trish - πŸ™‚ you are chatty this morning….
can’t wait to meet you in 17 days. AHHHHHH!

Laura - Romance MUST be made, you are right. And in our house I do not keep it a big secret from my children that romance is important. I don’t share with them details, but I let them know that their father and I need time alone. They don’t bother us because they do NOT want to know the details. LOL!

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i am convinced that the writers for Parenthood have hidden cameras in my home
and they are recording everything that goes on and they are making our life into a show.

it simply must be!

it is too real NOT to be the only answer.

i can't even show you a clip because it's too obvious what is so similar. 



i promised cinnamon rolls over the weekend….it didn't happen.

i finally decided to make them on sunday night.
craig ran to put gas in my car and i asked him to get the whole milk i needed.
he came home and sat in the kitchen with me while i was making them.
i poured in the first three ingredients.
then realized i had no flour.

9 cups is kind of a lot to ask your neighbor for….at 9 PM.  :)

so i FINALLY made them on wednesday.


they are PW's recipe of course.  

she makes me feel like i can make anything.
she makes me feel like wonder woman in my own kitchen!
i love her.
i wish she was my friend.
the end.


i have vacuumed a total of 25 hours over the past two weeks…give or take.
my vacuum broke in october.
i got another one
(eureka smart boss…i just looked around amazon and clicked buy and that was that…i'm not a researcher….) 
and now i have been vacuuming everything that was neglected for so long.

it's so gratifying to suck up all the dirt!

IMG_7132 IMG_7149

we have a day off of school today because of ice.
my husband said it's totally fine out there on the roads….so that means that it's all for nothing.

but i did get to sleep until 9:00….that rocks.
talby and i are cuddled up in our super soft robes.
and i made a FULL pot of coffee today and i am gearing up for….shall i say….a loooong day.

they are currently watching Meerkat Manor on Netflix.


elisa had this on her blog.
this song is always on our Coldplay/Kings of Leon/Mumford & Sons station we made on Pandora.
(HOW did we LIVE before PANDORA!????)

i love it.
and now i love it even more that i can picture this adorable little girl singing with her daddy. (i assume)

and lastly….
i am going to pretend i am not sad i am not attending ALT Summit.
i just want to be there to see what it's like….and listen…and be invisible….so i could take it all in with CONFIDENCE!


that is the truth.
if i was there i would be so nervous and feel so out of place…..but i want to be there.


and by the way….lots of you asked me if i felt scared about the blue lily workshop….OF COURSE!!
i am always nervous to be somewhere that i feel unqualified.
or to be around people i don't know.
or to be far away from my family.
or or or…..

but if fear is holding you back from blue lily…DON'T LET IT!!
if you come to san diego…i will be there with you.
there is nothing to fear about me.
i promise.
i will fill the room with nervous laughter and hold your hand.

or you will hold mine.

ok….MORE coffee please.

wish me luck today.
five against one. 
not really a fair fight. 

Debbie - Hi Meg, I’m over here peaking around your blog. Hi, I’m Debbie. I’ve been here for years actually. No you don’t know me because I’m shy that way. Anyway, I decided to come back to this post and thank you.
Yes, thank you MEG for posting this back in January. Since I love your photos, blog and respect your recommendations…I ended up signing up for this class the very day you posted this and introduced me to blue lily. I’m so impressed with blue lily blog and find them to be such a burst of sunshine and laughter.
Thanks again, I’m so excited and finding it hard to contain my joy. I look forward meeting you too.
Blessings – Debbie

Heidi Jo the Artist - Just got Meerkat Manor for the kids yesterday, they love it! Thanks for writing what’s on your mind, fun to get new ideas for me/the kiddos. πŸ˜‰

Brooke - Love your new header! And my hubby and I watched this video together and it is so cute!! In fact, I might go watch it again! I love it!

alyssa - my heart goes pitter patter for parenthood. I LOVE that show. It is pretty much the only thing I watch anymore. so good.

Jennie - oh PW. her shredded pork might be the best thing i ever ate. i haven’t made the cinnamon rolls yet, but they are next on my list.

Colleen/And Baby Makes Five - Parenthood ROCKS!
And if you’d love a delicious cinnamon roll recipe with a little less work, here’s our favorite (made with the aid of the bread machine):

Jen - I agree with the others, I wish you were my friend. πŸ™‚ Love your blog

stacie - i’m a quiet reader of you blog. you are my favorite though!! i don’t ever think i’ll be a professional photographer but i wanted to sign up for the blue lilly weekend just to meet you, and hang with you and learn with you and laugh with you. i love that you are so real. you write straight from your heart … i’m learning to travel from my head to my heart more often.
it’s four to one at my house today. oh my!

nicole i - ok. i don’t really know you but i sure do like you. wait that sounds stalker crazy like but it’s not. you say things i think but don’t say….and you like parenthood, madmen, kids, Jesus, africa and so on.

karen - I made your ‘lunch’ for dinner tonight. My husband and son loved it! Thanks!! I love your recipies!

Renae - I think you feel about PW the way I feel about you! I’ve not been reading for too long but you’re me, I can tell. I don’t know what that says for you unfortunately! πŸ˜‰ I love me some Parenthood, Pandora (I have a Jack Johnson station), and my 6 year old son and I just made PW’s cinnamon rolls a couple of weekends ago and I hear you. I seriously have been telling everyone I know that my rolls turned out so great…so proud of myself. Thanks for the daily laughs! Hugs, Renae

Emily - I am new to your blog, I have loved being part of your world. I have to say that this crazy post was really funny! I could tell by the end of the blog post you were more than one cup of coffee in…hehe. I hope you had a great day, and your kidos surprised you! BTW, love the red coffee cup! : )


nOT SURE why i was in caps.
Also, parenthood rocks.

elma riedstra - Lov love LOVE the video!!! The little girl is sooo cute. We have no school tomorrow so it is be withthe seven:) have a wonderful day!!!

Kristin S - You want to be friends with PDub like we want to be friends with you.
Seriously, your random posts are my fave.

Leigh - Now I’m totally curious about your Parenthood similarities! I love that show.

Tonya - We LOVE Parenthood too! I love that the show can make you laugh like crazy and bawl your eyes out all in the same episode.

Tara - LOVE parenthood.
my husband and I laughed so hard last night that we nearly cried.

Maria - PW cinnamon rolls are the best! I never have whole milk, but always have skim and half and half. I just fill up the cup almost all the way with skim, then top it off with half and in a pinch if you’re ever stuck. I cannot tell the difference.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Hi! I LOVE this video… especially when she kinda yawns at the endish (I think)…
Hope your snow day was good. πŸ™‚

Margo - Mr. Duerksen was right – the roads were fine. I left town 45 minutes earlier than normal to make sure I had plenty of time to get to Wichita. I got there so early! Lucky for my department I was feeling kind and I stopped at Lamars for donuts and still got to work 30 minutes early! Hope you enjoyed your day at home with the kids!

Jessica J - I love PW and just made her cinnamon bread the other night! So YUM!
If my vacuum broke down it would be 24 hours before we were walking through animal hair ankle deep (we have 4 cats and 2 dogs!) so thank you Dyson for making an amazing animal hair vacuum.
I love your blog and have been a long time lurker — so, Hi! πŸ™‚

Jennifer - ahah! Wish I could feel more sorry for you but I am a teacher and LOVE snow days more than my students do. Now a snow day without my kids….??? that would be insane wonderful. I can’t remember the last time I was in my house alone for even an hour.
I absolutely adore Parenthood. Such a great snow.

andrea -

meg, please consider putting a link for joannes blog, she needs our prayers.

candace - Parenthood – I watched every episode of Season 2 last week on OnDemand. Then, I ordered the first season from Netflix – DVD 1 came today. I just told my husband I haven’t enjoyed t.v. this much in a very long time. Yay for maternity leave time to watch all of it!
If you need more dirt to suck up, you are free to follow that snow/ice and come vacuum my house to your heart’s content!

heather - Love Parenthood.. love cinnamon rolls…need a new vacuum…love that song. perhaps I should move in?
fav part of that video? “one day i’m gonna whistle?” too cute!

Carol S. - super cute video, can’t say I know the band but I definitely know and like the song. Good luck today…it’s almost over. I’m bummed, everyone is having snow days but Chicago!!

kristine - LOVE that video. for as many times as we’ve played that song at our house i’m surprised my daughter can’t sing it herself! we saw edward sharpe and the magnetic zeroes last summer. made me want to be a hippy real bad πŸ™‚
also LOVE those cinnamon rolls. wish i could come over and help you devour them. so craving a sweet now!

Laura Phelps - if you were my neighbor I would TOTALLY give you 9 cups of flour
Nick and I once asked our neighbor for two glasses of WINE
I am laughing remembering this…
we had already had a bottle
but wanted a little more
and we were drunk enough to go and knock on our neighbors door!!!!
they gave us a bottle πŸ™‚
I miss you

Alisa - i wish pioneer woman was my friend too…. see, that is the sad thing about blogs… you get so close to people that you’ve never met. i love your thoughts…always refreshing.

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - love mumford and sons! pandora is the best.

melissa - every post. it’s like we were seperated at birth…only you inherited all the style.
my vacuum is currently broken. how does a family of 6 (mine) live without a vacuum??? i guess i need to head over to amazon myslef. i’m not a researcher either…except for on price. i want cheap but, it needs to work!

Amanda - I’m pretty sure I started watching Parenthood because of you – thank you! I love it! But now I’m gonna have a hard time watching it and not SEEING your family in it. HA!
And why on EARTH did they call a snow day today??! Well, I’m glad for my teacher friends, because I remember when I was a teacher and I longed for snow days and we never got them. But seriously, how dumb to call it TODAY and not last week! Go figure.
Hope you survived the day.

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh i hear you. we are having a snow day here too….sigh….

RLG - I think Parenthood is the BEST show on tv.
Why isn’t it nominated at the Emmys???

angela - you know what i love most about blogland – that it is truly much smaller than it appears – after reading your blog as i ate my lunch today, i called my dad b/c he is a teacher at the high school there, and i just wanted to see if he was really off today (not that i didn’t believe you, but this can all seem a bit surreal) – a lo and behold, he was home! so – because i read your blog – i got to have a wonderful conversation with my dad (i’m in buffalo, ny now and continue to marvel at all the snow days i read about and we just have to keep plodding along because we have things like snow plows here)AND over the course of the conversation i found out that my dad is lauren’s geometry teacher! see – small world!! hope your day was tolerable and know that you brought a smile to another 2 faces today!!

Amanda - Those cinnamon rolls look awesome-maybe I’ll be brave enough to try her recipe now…
I’ve been looking for a new funky robe and I’m all about black w/ white polka dots!! Where did you find that? It’s so cute!!
Try to stay sane today…;)

Kelley - Then there will be two of us nervously laughing as we are surrounded by no one we know next month at this workshop.
I LOVE the closeness between that little girl and her dad while they’re singing and her arm is draped over his or the guitar. Too sweet.

stacie jameson - I’m sitting in ICU with my son Noah and this video put a smile on my face today Thanks its just what I needed.

Kimberly - Fear…yes it does get to us one way or another. I am stepping more boldly out of the shadows and just beginning to comment on your blog and others that I follow. I have been scared to do even that. Scared that nobody will visit my blog. Scared that I don’t have a good enough camera. Scared that it isn’t as full or fancy as other blogs. 2011 is going to be about believing that we all have something authentic to offer…including me! Thanks for always sharing the truth as you see it…it is so comforting and sooo inspiring.

Gemma - Love your little random posts : )

elisa - Did you see them on Ellen yesterday?? She was a-dorable!!

Kirsten P - I couldn’t quite catch all the lyrics on the song by Alexa and Jorge so I googled them. In case some of you didn’t either, here’s the link:
Thanks for posting the video, Meg.

dawn - I pretty much have the same thing to say as Trish (a couple posts ^^^^ up there)… I love your blog, you really do make me smile. And yesterday I was soooo super duper grumpy — so this is a great way to start the day. Thank you. πŸ™‚

amy jupin - parenthood rocks me deeply. and i have to say, i think of you quite often when i see the teenage drama stuff. that is so HARD.
i love that song, home, by the way. everytime i hear it, i STOMP around like a little kid and it feels great! πŸ™‚
we were out of school for the ENTIRE week last week. and monday too for the holiday. i was going crazy. but i made it, i survived. you will too.

Trish - You make me smile. the end.

Heather R. - We are in Leavenworth…living the snowday dream, too. Love the video you shared. So sweet. Coffee mug, clink.

Janelle - Parenthood is just delightful. Didn’t you just love Craig T. Nelson when they were talking about who wears the pants in the family and then he said how that sounds awful or something like that? Just cracked me up.

Alli - Oh my word…I have the same vacuum as a famous person :-).

Amanda - Parenthood is soooo good! On so many levels. totally afraid to be the parent of teenagers one day.

tinycandi - I would definitely go if I could afford it! I hope you have a great time! I’m jealous! πŸ™‚

annie - i manage to get a little teary-eyed during every episode of Parenthood. Love it, and the music? Perfection!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - Oh how I heart PARENTHOOD – such a great show!
Wouldn’t it be great if ALL us bloggers could be real life friends even just for a day? πŸ™‚
Hope your day flies by without too much drama, mama!

Kori - O.M.Gosh. That video is just about the cutest thing I’ve seen!! I love when she comments about herself whistling one day….

Stacia - πŸ™‚
I love Parenthood too.
I was just thinking yesterday that I could maybe be okay with the kids growing up a little bit (and sleeping!) and having conversations with them.
Then I watched that episode (a day late) and I am back to “Please stop growing up!” I dread having a situation like Hattie’s w/ my daughter. Just dread it.
I too (like another commenter) wish it was longer every week.
I wish you were friends with PW in real life too. And then I would be friends with you (in a dream world) and you could introduce us. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
And MommaH’s comment is awesome!

merlin - Could you do a review of the vacuum? Bag/bagless, effectiveness on dog hair both on the floor and on the furniture, and then the usual stuff, comfort and ease of use blah blah. I NEED something that WORKS, that is not going to bankrupt me with fancy bags, or exhaust me as I drag attachments and heavy equipment around.
OK, that would be much appreciated. Maybe you could persuade the Eureka company to offer up a give away….that is how sad my life is, I would LOVE to win a vacuum πŸ™‚

elisabeth (bovagoods) - LOVE parenthood. i have always wanted to make those cinnamon rolls. they look soooo good. lots of colorful rainbow goodness on my blog the past two days. totally thought of you as i wrote them. πŸ˜‰ can not wait to hear all about blue lily. so fun!

becky - i was thinking about you & your sweet family while i watched parenthood with my hubby on tuesday… because you’ve said before it’s very REAL. i loved when hattie said “i don’t get why you’re taking my door off – i didn’t do anything wrong” right after she LIED to her parents multiple times.
i looked at the hubbs {MY high school sweetheart} and said, ‘does she NOT realize why they don’t trust her?’
he replied ‘we did the EXACT same thing’.
too bad he’s right. ugh. i hate it when that happens.

Melanie - I love Parenthood. I am so thankful that I have a 16 yr. old BOY and not a girl:)

Candy - Your awesome! I feel like YOU have cameras hidden at my house! We have a snow day today as well, and I have made those cinnamon rolls and done the exact thing, but it was sugar for me, the sugar is pretty important. I too, wish you were my friend!

Heather - You must have a big fan base in Olathe! I came across your blog at The Lettered Cottage a few weeks ago, so I was tickled to see where you live (I grew up in Hutch). Anyway, the video is too cute!

Pamela - Love Mumford and Sons. Love Pandora. Love those cinn. rolls. Enjoy your ice day!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - You have a gift… I feel as though I just sat down and had a chat with a good friend. As does every single person who will comment here today. You have what PW’s got. A je ne said quoi, I’m sure you two would be fast friends. The coolness in the room would be tangible.
I really like MommH too : )

lauren - You rock.
I wish you were my friend.

Kate - Sometimes Parenthood stresses me out. I get so tense about Hattie and Alex and Adam and the thought of my 6 and 2 year old girls! Eeek! Everytime it is over I say, “I wish it was a bit longer.” It is starting to make my husband insane. πŸ™‚

MommaH - Megan, I just have to tell you right here and now: YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BE NERVOUS ABOUT!!! Take it from a woman older than your mother (probably),who always felt out of place and self conscious everywhere, at your age – there is really nothing to be all uptight about. Nobody else has it together either.
I see you young Mothers at church who are 25 – 45 and older, and I think, “I don’t think I was ever that cool when I was that age.”
When I see YOU at church you always look so cute, as do your kids, and even if Annie and Sean are fighting over a chair, and you are exasperated, you are fine. NORMAL.
I see what you create on your blog – with your house, your fabrics and your camera and I am awestruck. You are incredibly talented, and you don’t need to be afraid or back up from anyone!
There. That is my mommy sermon for the day.
You are loved, dear Meg. By people you don’t even know for sure. Be blessed!

Alicia - Hi Meg! Parenthood is also one of my favorites. I am often surprised how many times I get teary-eyed while watching…signs of a great show!
My 12 yr. old is not quite there but I see signs of future sassiness! I hope your day goes smooth and school is back to normal tomorrow…we moms need all the days we can get!

Penny - Love Parenthood. Glad I am not the only one who cries during the show. And I did cry during Alex and Adam’s conversation. It is very real.

shannon - I love pandora too but we hardly listen to it anymore since we have sirius. We are home today because of snow though and probably tomorrow b/c it will probably freeze tonight…not good. I am supposed to go to a concert tomorrow and my momma is flying in from arizona on saturday….not cool. (no pun intended). Anywho…got any craft ideas for our long day at home too for children 4 and under? πŸ˜€

Deb Meyers - hey…that is an adorable little girl! On Youtube there is a link to an Alexa T=shirt @, apparently to help a college fund.

Teresa - I am not married, nor do I have children but I cry at some point during every single episode of Parenthood. Every single one. This past week it was during Alex and Adam’s conversation. Love that show!

Heather - I am a regular reader, never really a commenter, but I had to say that your last line about the 5 against 1 not being a fair fight was so cute, clever, and hilarious. I so enjoy your attitude and blog.

Casey - I have never seen parenthood but have heard such good things about it. I guess I need to start watching it!
I promised my kids cinnamon rolls too but STILL haven’t made them. I have to clean the kitchen first. Boo.
How adorable and sweet is that video! I loved it!

Toni - I LOVE parenthood!! That show is so realistic. Seriously, Tuesday night is my favorite night of the week!

Amber - You will be amazing at the photo conference. I’m so happy for you

Jodi - Pandora Rocks… enough said… not sure if this guy is on Pandora yet or not, but you must google Jadon Lavick. simply.amazing.
Enjoy your day!! :o)

Karen - Hey Meg~
We are snowed in in Olathe today too; 6 inches and I need to clear a path from the garage to the street to get the trash out.
I laughed out loud at your Parenthood comment! I am with you there on that one. My 18 year old daughter and I watch it together and for the last episode I just kept looking at her and asking “is that what daddy and I sound like”? What about Modern Family; do you watch it? Last nights eposide was hilarious! Thankfully that “situation” hasn’t happened to us, but just the thought of it gives me hives!!!
Enjoy the coffee and your kiddos today!

Traci - i love parenthood.

Alisa - I’m not liking the news that your kids are off due to ice today. My 17year old is traveling from KC to Wichita today on a big tour bus for a thespian conference….eeek! I hate bad weather, especially when someone else is in charge of the driving.
Iβ™₯Parenthood too. It does seem a bit too real sometimes when I’m watching it.
I love that video too, watched it this morning on Miz Booshay’s blog and it just made me smile.
Blessings for a happy day~

Michelle - GOOD luck with all of the kids today!

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is it bad that….

i saw glitter in my coffee this morning and i drank it anyway?


that i ran to the grocery store for a Red Box movie for a sick kiddo at my house and left the grocery store with no movie….and 3 cans of hot cocoa, two boxes of dark chocolate cookie mix and box of little debbie brownies?  
is that bad??

that i think about the characters from Mad Men all day long?  i hear don draper everywhere!


that while i was on a vacuum rampage and pulled my bed out from the wall, i realized it had never been moved or cleaned behind….since craig bought it for me….five years ago????


that i saw this photo of angelina and it said she was 35 years old…just like me and i said a swear word out loud???


how can we be the same age?  I thought she was way older than me!  
so that means…
1. i look way WAY older than i thought.
2. it is possible to look like that at 35….if effort was put in place.


(that was not the word i used…..)


steph - oh my gosh… NO, NO, NOOOOO! angelina is not hot. she is WAY too skinny. blech! no curves… just bones, bones, bones. and the thing that makes her the most unattractive? her horrible scowl on her face at all times. i swear she has no teeth b/c she never ever smiles. not lovely… not ever. she is not real. i think she’s an alien. honestly. ha ha ha!
you are BEAUTIFUL and real and honest and lovely… inside and definitely out. cheer up, my friend! you know WE all love you more than brangelina! πŸ˜‰ xo

Sara - Thank you for this fantastically funny and refreshing boost to my utterly uninspired day! πŸ™‚ You are fun, fun, fun.

julia - Simpletruths - Ok – first I’ve got to say that Angelina may be thin, but no one should aspire to that level of skinny. More than once during The Tourist my husband mumbled “I need that woman to eat a pork chop and an ice cream sundae…”
Plus when they’re not all glitzed and glamored up most of those folks look pretty regular.
My 2 year old son likes to stand on our bed and check to see if his play fork is still on the floor. He dropped it behind the headboard about a year ago….

Jenny Joy - Meg, I lurve you. πŸ™‚

sandy toe - OKay…love the glitter in the coffee…I probaly would of drank it too! Whats a little glitter-
sandy toe

Sarah - Hey Meg! I don’t think I’ve commented before, but I couldn’t resist the Angelina comment. I *think* I remember reading somewhere that between the two of them for one of the Salt premieres, she and Brad Pitt spent (or the studio spent) around $200,000 to make them look like that. For one night.
So, it’s not real:) Love your blog.

Holly - Hi Meg!
Loooove your blog. I think you are an amazing mama.
Ask yourself this: Do you think Saint Angelina runs out to Red Box for one of her sick kiddos? Nope. And it is highly doubtful the team of nannies are running to Red Box, as well.
So there.
Meg: One
Angie: ZIP…Zero…Nada
Bring it, Angie!

karen - yah sure..AJ is a stunner…and looks great…but most of us would be like that if we had millions.. no wait..billions!
And her legs to ME…are too boney and skinney. And that’s coming from a fairly skinney gal.
Oh and you look like your just stairing your 30’s…with a husband, 5 kids and a dog to top it off!!

Jill - She is WAY too skinny! Seriously!

Darcie L. - Angelina probably also has the $$ for a personal trainer and/or a nanny to watch the kids while she works out. And she gets paid millions to look like that for movies, so cut yourself some slack. (I do!) If you got paid a salary to have nice legs, maybe you’d look like her! I think you’re cute just like that.

Mrs. Edberg - You are right on target with where I envision myself some years from now with (hopefully) kids in the picture. There’s nothing you can do about it, and I think you look better then jolie – with all the help she no doubt gets, you think someone could get her to put some meat on those bones!

karen - If I lived in the Waldorf Astoria for 100K a month, I could look like that too….
Right…tell me I am right…….BTW I love Little Debbies shaped like hearts!!!!

nic - ha, this post made my morning! or my afternoon. (ohmy, where did the day go…i’d best get my rear in gear.)
ps i’m pretty sure angelina is a cyborg. no worries there.

Paula Montalvo - Angelina has an eating disorder!! She would never eat Little Debbies. She has a staff of people who train her, raise her kids, do her makeup, buy her clothing, and clean her house! You are a wonderful wife and Mother! Super Cute to Boot! You are a REAL person……….and thank heaven for that! Could you imagine all the pressure that woman feels??? We all pressure ourselves enough……..imagine if photographers were following you everywhere??? THE HORROR! Your colorful home is full of love and creativity! Glittery coffee is the BEST! Blessings Paula <3

simply stork - mmmmmm glittery coffee… my favorite :o)

angie - Right there with you on all of it!
The Jolie has a personal trainer, personal chef, and it is her career to be skinny!
You are just as beautiful as she is, you just don’t realize it!

Stacy Kearney - I love that you drank glitter.

Elizabeth C. - I think glitter may actually have a little nutritional benefit…

tasha roe - you are hysterical.
soo….you need to come visit stl because john hamm is a native and does a bunch of blues hockey commercials on the radio. it’s delish!!! i gasped when i heard the first one and hubby thought he was going to hit something. lol

Laura - You look awesome. Seriously. I’m not just saying that to make you feel better. If I didn’t mean it I just wouldn’t say anything at all. ;o)
Hope the sick kiddo gets to feeling better!

joana - I just see a skinny girl with lots of money to keep up with the look! The pressure must be horrible!
I prefer the real world! love the way you just say it out loud!

Lisa - No judgement here! Especially when chocolate is involved! 35…. Really ?

Kristen@JLS - i think i need to start watching this mad men series. angelina needs a big mac. with fries. super-sized.

Rachel Giles - I think those are disgusting legs, WAY too skinny!!

Tara @ Tara Being Tara - Haha you just made me laugh out loud. Forget Angelina!! I think she’s an alien.

Allison Trammell - if we all had as much money and people fussing over us like angelina does, we would look like that too!! πŸ™‚

Iris Brown - I read quite a few blogs and what’s refreshing on your blog is that NONE of your post (which you amazingly do almost everyday) seem forced. πŸ™‚ However, you probably have a barrels of “material” to post from your 5 kids & dog. Your so funny and real and encouraging, and quite clever in capturing the mundane everyday, yet its poetic when you do it and reminds me to relish my moments with my kids.
I have a couple questions forgive me if you answered this in a previous post:
Are you talkative amongst your girlfriends?
Do praise from readers (like me) get old or redundant?
Just wondering. Have a good evening!

mary beth - Glitter = fiber! That AJ does not look normal in any way. I think the surgeons took her leg tissue and put it on her lips and it does not look normal. There. I got that off my chest! I’m 58 and I hate it when my husband sees someone on tv and they say her age is 59 or 60 and he hollers, “she is how old?” and looks over at me… It’s a joy ride for sure! chocolate = breakfast of champions is what I say!

ain't for city gals - It’s ALL good…lol..whatever is my favorite word!

Tracie - I would also look that good if I had someone to take care of my children and cook for me! I’m 35 too and I don’t look like that either.

Nicole Q. - Love the header pic.
You made me laugh with this post! :))

merlin - You couldn’t pay me to be her or have her legs/body. I’ll take my cankles and life’s problems any day over her’s.
Now, I might consider walking in your shoes for a day….but what would I choose to do: a long soak in your fabulous tub?, game night?, being crafty? taking great photos? Yep, in a heart beat, even to do the laundry….your life seems worth living.
But truly, I am so grateful for my own, lumps and all.

Camille - So, if I am 29 and don’t look a thing like that… it’s worse. Much worse. Ugh.
Oh well, happy healthy kids and no nanny or nutritionist on staff makes for a slightly different shape!

Kristin S - I’m not buttering you up. YOU look much younger than 35 and she looks much older.
For real.

Lisa - Hmmm… I’m thinking Angelina needs to eat a few of those Little Debbies brownies.

Leigh - Angelina has housekeepers, nannies, assistants, trainers, and probably many more other people that allow her to look that good. If we all had that kind of money and help, we’d be causing other people to swear:)

midwestmom - Sorry, just have to say that Angelina Jolie does not look hot in that picture, or ever! She looks starved!! JMO!

Lisa - Love this post! We moved once and I realized I had never vacuumed under our bed… for 5 yrs too! And her legs… too skinny for me! Celebrities are not normal people… I’m sorry but they aren’t! But they can make me feel bad about myself sometimes. Ok, gotta go eat some more rice krispe treats! πŸ˜‰

Cathy - Uh… who cares about Angelina? She’s not real…..she’s the product of plastic surgeons, extreme pampering, make-up artists, and hairdressers. You look exactly your age, and better yet….you are REAL! Besides….your a better mama than her. You can bet she ain’t having craft days or game nights with her kids- the nannies are. Love you, Meg…. embrace who you are.
P.S. Her legs look like toohpicks. She’s a plucked chicken…. so there!

Michele Renee - Wait — has no one yet mentioned AJ’s plastic surgery? And the Botox? And yes, I agree her legs are like sticks. And she has at least one nanny for every kid.
P.S. I wish I were 35.

Heather - If it helps, I was born the same year as Kate Middleton, Anne Hathaway, and Jessica Biel. They don’t have kids yet and neither do I, but I still look nothing like them! I sincerely doubt my SKELETON is even a size 0. πŸ™‚
Seriously though- I’m sure being physically beautiful in a mainstream way is great, but I am finally becoming comfortable in my own skin. I’m still working to be in better shape, but mostly because it makes me feel good, and is good for me. I will be watching the Golden Globes tonight and admiring the pretty gowns, but in reality, I’m soooo glad I don’t have a job that requires me to constantly make public appearances looking flawless. And to have to employ a staff of people to make that happen! That would get old FAST.

the domestic fringe - Ha! If it makes you feel any better, I just thought a bad word after seeing that picture. I too am 35.
Let’s change the subject…your grocery store items sound delightful!

Rebekah - Jon Hamm IS everywhere! He and John Slattery do the voice-overs for every single commercial on television.

Sonia - Silly girl! Wouldn’t it be so easy if we all had someone to cook healthy meals for us, someone to show us all the right workout moves for 3 hours a day and someone at home watching our children while we worked out? Don’t forget photoshop. Besides, Angelina is too skinny. Speaking of skinny, just read an article about the ANTM winner that her waist is 18″!!!! What? That is like my thigh!!

lindsey - you’re awesome

Cari - Not bad at all. Just human. And that’s what keeps your faithful blog readers coming back for more!
(Btw…I went to Target last night and my family was with me. There were clearance items on every row, but I had two nine year olds and one husband stuck to me like velcro. Not enjoyable in the least. And no popcorn combo either. I will be going back to Target on Tuesday — ALONE!!!) πŸ™‚

Rachel @ Pencil Shavings - Well, Angelina looks that way because she is a MANEATER!
I cannot believe she is only 5 years older than me. I would have thought she’s in her 40s. She has GOT to be fudging somewhere.

The Fairy's Apprentice - you look so great, you don’t have to worry about that!
the glitter in the cup of coffee made me laugh, I do exactly the same! and I cannot say that about me 5 years ago, what’s wrong with us??? πŸ™‚

Michelle - love the sparkles in your coffee cup.

Kerri - If it is bad…then I’m right there with ya!

kristine - you’re way hotter than angelina. and i’m being serious. you LOOK like you love life and she looks miserable. and fake. and she looks old because she’s so skinny. am i being mean? she might get to travel all over and be skinny BUT you’re nice to your fans πŸ™‚

Gemma - Hi Meg!!
Heehee….you probably just needed a chocolate fix.
These celebrities get so much help to achieve their ‘look’…Remember she probably hasn’t pushed 5 kids out of her vagina! HA!
Gemma x

Melanie - You don’t have 10 nannies to care for your kids and you don’t have make up artist to fix you up…..don’t you worry about her, girlfriend.
You look great just the way you are:)

Krista - this is one of my favorite blog posts from anyone that i’ve read in awhile…it made me smile and laugh out loud. thanks πŸ™‚
enjoy your chocolate—yum!

Michele - Not bad at all! Love your random post. I’m getting off the computer now because I promised my 4-yr-old computer time…is that bad? Maybe so πŸ™‚

Wendi - My thought about Angelina is that she spends waaaaayyyyy more time on looking good and someone else is raising her kids. I mean, there are only 24 hours in a day, and looking that good takes time for any thirty something woman. Your kids are blessed AND you are beautiful!

Sara - awesome post. i am so glad to hear that there are others out there with the Don Draper obsession. i could think about him 24/7. i also love the fact that you point out the same thoughts and insecurities we all have. Angelina makes me feel super special too.

Heather - I used to work with a guy who went to college with Brad Pitt. He HATED Brad because he “stole” the co-worker’s girlfriend while they were at the University of Missouri, long before Brad was famous. I wanted to tell him, “Boo-freakin’-hoo! So you lost your girlfriend to Brad Pitt? Who can blame her?”

Megan - If it makes you feel better, I don’t even want to know what is behind / under my bed. And Angelina may have great legs, but her arm veins sick me out. Hope that makes you feel better.

Lisa Currie-Gurney - MEG, YOU CRACK ME UP!!!

Micah - Maybe that is a WAX statue of Angelina! lol
Genes… i think it just comes down to genes.
That’s my thought and I’m stickin’ to it! LOL

Staci - None of it bad at all πŸ™‚ Annnnd, we’d allll look like that if we had people making us salads on a whim…whenever we wanted…and healthy food….at our beckoned call πŸ™‚ But yea….dannng, those legs πŸ˜€ We won’t eeeeven talk about, k? Cause I am coming up on 39!!!!! YIKES!!

Juli - How bad is it that I was so pathetically skinny in high school (not so much anymore!) that I look at Angelina’s legs and am repulsed & think “skinny little chicken legs”?

Janelle - I turn 32 next month…does that mean I have 3 more years to look that good? That’s how it works, right?

Beth Ann - You know – if you drink glitter it has to come out, that is something to look forward to?!?! Perhaps?!? Perhaps not?
Enjoy your chocolate! I am going to make these today – Better than crack brownies, not that I am able to compare the 2, but I would imagine that they are good.

Lorie - You crack me up lady! How do you stay sane during the day?

Amy - No offense to you Meg but I think Angelina and Brad both look like skanks. No amount of money can hide that. I always tell my husband they look like they escaped a trailer park. lol.
You on the other have beauty inside and out. You have beautiful eyes and a womanly, real body (that obviously your husband finds attractive πŸ˜‰ ). You are beautiful. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Too funny about the bed. I move furniture all the time. But I know I’m weird in that way.

Routhie - Just before I read this, I moved my kitchen island, bought about 3 years ago, and realized 2 things. 1: I had never cleaned under it, and 2: not only has the long-haired cat been hanging out under there, she has also shredded a cardboard box.
Don’t look at photos and compare yourself to celebrities. Angelina Jolie lacks in every way you count. She will not have all the wonderful memories of her children that you will have when your own are grown.

Jacqui - too funny. thanks for making me laugh out loud this morning!! and wow 35, she makes me old!!

Nichole - I would agree with you, those fixed up photos of Jolie make her look great. I bet she looks a little ragged in photos that aren’t edited to make her look better, though. πŸ™‚

RLG - Meg, you are MUCH more attractive than Angelina Jolie.
She is just GROSS. Really. very. gross.

Shelly DeBoer - Laugh out loud funny… you made my Sunday morning!

Tasha - may i just say…all i see when i see angelina is skinny…and that doesn’t make anyone beautiful. just sayin’

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - i’ve found glitter in my coffee and i’ve drank it anyways, it’s true.
and i’m not even going to think of angelina…i tell myself if i had a tons of money to pay for nannies to watch the kids while i train, and if i could pay a trainer, and had millions of people hoping to catch cellulite on my legs, then i’d have legs like that to. πŸ™‚

Carol S. - Just wait. It was probably around your age I started to be aware of tv moms, advertisement moms, and thinking they were casting way too young. I’m 48 now and feel 35 inside. I probably look about 47ish. I keep thinking of all the things I CAN’T control in life, the one thing I CAN control is my temple (my body)…yet I somehow choose to be curvy and 15-20 lbs. away from hot body. It is a choice somehow. Sitting here instead of treadmilling. Loved this post, fun to dream on about Don Draper.

Lorilee - I haven’t vacuumed in 2 weeks. My excuse is that my SEBO canister vacuum is in desperate need of new filters and a bag. I am waiting for them to arrive from Germany I think! They don’t keep the filter packs in stock here. It makes a great excuse. I have been swiffering though.

Katie - good genes and airbrushing…tons of money, personal trainer, the pressure of having to look nice to make money and stay popular…this is what I attribute the looks to. I would rather have the freedom to eat chocolate!

Janelle - Hee hee. Thanks for the Sunday morning chuckle πŸ™‚

sarah - Glitter in coffee…..that will make your insides all shiny and new! The gift that keeps giving:)

Tara - this post has started my sunday morning off….just right.
the post and this extra large mug of coffee. (with no glitter)
none of those things are bad…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
and, about angelina. hummmmmmmmmm. i would have said a bad word, too.

jeannett - honestly, i think she’s way too skinny. look at her knock knees. like a little kid. with baby oil slathered on. except i bet it’s some $800 per ounce oil that she bought in dubai or something. but in general…yeah. i’m 30 and i don’t look a thing like i should. but here’s what i always say (and i’m actually being serious): if i had a personal chef and a personal trainer and someone who tailored all of my clothes specifically to my body, i’d look pretty fabulous too. we all would. and angelina…without those things would still be beautiful, but doubtful she would look like THAT.
brad on the other hand…oh. my. my heart stops sometimes. if i were married to him, we’d never leave the house. true story.
is that bad?

Ruth - she’s creepy. you’re not. rest easy!

Shayne - She may be 35, but it’s quite clear that she never gets to eat brownies or hot cocoa or anything in the chocolate family. I may cease to exist without chocolate.
Enjoy Sunday with your family. πŸ™‚

happygirl - Meg…So funny. I can’t get past all AJ’s tattoos, so she does not threaten me. Oh yeah, and I’m WAAAAY older than you both. And you know she’s been hungry for all 35 of her years. As far as drinking glittery coffee, BRING IT. Thanks so much for sharing and encouraging me in this wonderful adventure at a time of my life when I was beginning to feel useless. There is so much encouragement out here in blogland. I know there is always the opportunity for the negative, but there does seem to be SO much positive encouragement. I LOVE IT. *oh yeah, I want to be Joan on Mad Men*

angela - Going to vacuum under/behind my bed. Wish me luck…it’s been lots of years.

Michelle from Australia - I decided long ago that Angelina is not human. I’m sure she belongs to some kind of super skinny alien like form that are put on earth to torture all exercise hating, chocolate loving Mothers. Me included. p.s. Hope the sick kiddo is on the improve!

Trisha - Oh my. Chocolate has been on the top of my list lately. I decided to try the sugar fast you did last year. Because I can. Because I am addicted. Anyways I caved in on day 3 I am an idiot.

Janie Fox - Angelina isn’t real, she has been engineered in a lab. I have proof, well I say I do. You’re supposed to vacuum behind beds? Dang… not the word I used!

Angela - For real?! Did you just hijack my life? I’m older than you but I SO feel your pain!! What kind of Moms would we be if we didn’t come home with Little Debbies?
Have you seen The Town yet? It’s kind of a dude flick but it’s good. Watch it!

Carla - Ha, angelina’s twins were born just before my DS and I remember crying at her Hello Magazine perfect photo shoot. Where was the 40lb of left behind pregnancy weight??? She looked perfect. And I still have 20lb of pregnancy weight left behind, even though the product of the pregnancy is just about running around. She’s half french, that’s my excuse.
I need to start watching Mad Men!
I vacuumed behind my bed two weeks ago. Great feeling. I bet Angelina doesn’t know that feeling. Poor her πŸ˜‰

Leslie P. - you are hilarious meg. and you’re killing me with that new header! what delicious fabrics just begging to be brought to life!

melissa stover - oh and also marketing. i think about marketing a lot now. do you?

melissa stover - i think about the mad men characters quite a bit too. i didn’t have a thing for don draper until i started watching from the first season. i started at season 4 and just now got caught up. oh my, i love him in the first 3 seasons.

Marisa - This post was hilarious. Cracked. Me. Up. I can SO relate…with everything you mentioned. Thanks for brightening my Saturday night. πŸ™‚

Karen Gerstenberger - Time + money + staff + genes = those legs, etc. Oh, and she hasn’t been pregnant and given birth five times!
Please, please cut yourself YARDS of slack here. You are a full-time mother. She is a grown-up whose job is to pretend to be other people, and she gets paid millions of dollars to do so. Who do I admire? YOU.

Jennifer Williams - I can so relate to this post!
I went to the store to day for baking soda and vinegar to declog a drain and left with stuff to bake a cake, hot chocolate and a magazine.
I see so many stars that I could swear are years older than me but then I find out they are actually younger. I could have sworn Angelina was in her forties.

sarah - the most important thing about us is not how we look!
i know its cliche but sometimes it is important to say it out loud and remind ourselves.

nicole i - no, no, no, no, no.
i think ms jolie has a entourage of people helping her vacuum behind the bed her husband gave her, someone cleaning up glitter and making coffee, renting movies and grocery shopping for her.

Lisa - Yep its bad.
Ha but I love all of it! the choc cravings, the lack of vaccuming, the swearing over angelina… we all do it.

sue - P.S. She is 35.

sue - Oh Meg! You crack me up!!!!!

Bobbie - I moves my bed to vacuum behind it this week too and I broke it. Oops. We just don’t discuss it.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Chocolate seemed to be on your mind? I can relate whole heartedly. I just watched my first Mad Men episode last night. I can’t stop thinking about all of them. And the time, and how women were treated. I am h.o.o.k.e.d. Megan, come on? Those legs aren’t real. Steee… retched my friend. And tonnes of smooothing. At least thats what I tell myself. Now go and look at a picture of Meryl Streep, or Joan Cusack and have a cup of hot chocolate along with one of those brownies. Life is just too short!

Holly - Oh Meg! You look great! I bet she isnt nearly as funa nd creative as you are! πŸ˜‰

Leonie - she cannot be our age she has to be 25 for sure!!!!

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answers two.

what are your favorite blogs?

here are a few of my faves in NO particular order:

julie     ashley   PW   shauna    kimberlee    nic     michelle    laura   *e*     tara    jasmine  kelle  wendy
sarah      carissa    megan    jess     elizabeth    crystal     melissa     edie    jeanne     elisa   amy
julie   heather    amy     karen     aimee    jenny      kristin    courtney     heather    marylea    emily   

how is that for a list?! 

how long have you lived in that house?

6 years.
we moved here when annie was 2 weeks old.
it was planned for months.
we chose to leave the "city" life (chicago-land area) and move back to small town kansas.
just 25 minutes from where both craig and i grew up.
it was one of the best decisions we ever made for our family.
we haven't regretted it once.  

this house was a real project.
K13 our living room.

K10  the playroom/guest room.

K3 our kitchen.

K12 talby and annie's room.

the yard had no grass.  the walls were all wallpapered.  and it was not pretty.
but craig and i could see the potential and it had GREAT bones. 
and we've been working on it ever since.

who gave you the Meg quilt?


my super fabulous friend PAM who took me all the way to africa.
she was so excited to give it to me shouting "IT"S THE NAME OFF YOUR BLOG!!!"
i loved that by making it she got some time to be creative for HER.  
that made me as happy as the gift itself…to know that she enjoyed her sewing time while making it.
it's so cool.
pam you are an artist!

how did you find time to be creative when your kids were little?
i just did it.
i had scrapbook stuff out everywhere all the time.
i painted a dresser in the middle of my living room.
i sewed on the dining room table.
i just did it.
i couldn't NOT do it….i have to make stuff.
(this was in 2008 with my scrapbooking girls)

go away with friends for a craft weekend…or have one at your house.
that was so good for my creativity and social needs when i had little ones at home.
find a retreat house near you or a rental and GO!

and sometimes…you don't even need to bring crafts. 

when did you get to start sleeping through the night?

we finally got to sleep through the night on a regular basis about 2 years ago.
when annie turned four…everyone else was older and we realized we finally felt rested.
it was a 13 year stretch of rarely sleeping all night.
and we survived.
i think my bed is my favorite spot in my whole house!

i love to sleep….is that bad?
what does that say about me? 

what kind of lens do you use….and camera…auto or manual?

i have a Canon 50D with a 24-105 lens.  
i also have an 85mm lens but it's hard for me to use.  i feel i have to be VERY far away when i use it.
like shouting to the families i am shooting…but it's a good lens. 

i am ready for a new lens….if i can save my money long enough!

i had a 50 mm lens but i sold it to lauren when i sold her my Canon Rebel in April.

i used a canon rebel since i started this blog until this past april….it's a great camera!

i shoot in auto focus but will be switching to manual more this year….when i can….i hope.

can you tell us your birth stories?

here we go… was 1995…..on a dark and stormy night….

just kidding.

check out these lovely photos….
IMG_6764 IMG_6768

newborn lauren in the purple hat.

<— 1998 pregnant with scott.

my birth stories are more funny than anything else.

i had epidurals with all my girls and not with my boys.
i chose to have the epidurals because it hurt more than i could handle.

newborn scott.

sean just born.

2000 – 10 days before sean was born.                                          talby just born.
IMG_6773 IMG_6786

my boys' labors were quick…both 5 hours total.
talby's was long (for me) and lauren and annie were induced….meaning longer HARD contractions.

i had no c-sections or horror stories of 30 hour labors or morning sickness.

i learned how to breath….on my 5th baby.  
i never knew i was holding my breath during contractions.
but i was.
i never took a lamaze class….or had help from a lactation consultant…because i thought i knew it all.
and believe me….i did NOT.
chicago jen's mom was my labor and delivery nurse who taught me how to breath.  i love her.

we barely made it to the hospital with sean….that was crazy.
craig had to lie down….on the delivery room floor.
it was all just too much…happening too fast…he was light headed…and then BOOM…there was SEAN!

craig and talby.

one of my most favorite photos…
talby liked to be held after her naps….this day we were cuddling on the porch swing…..with baby annie crowding in on our space!

2004 – my friends lisa and chicago jen were at annie's birth…..that was AWESOME!

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talby and annie                                                                                newborn annie.

with scott and with talby i went into the hospital before i was in real labor and came back home.

i wish i would've nursed longer but i had a crazy deep down reaction after a few weeks in with all of them
that i needed some breathing room!  
i just couldn't nurse any longer.  
i felt smothered.  
but it didn't feel that way feeding them a bottle.  
the shortest i lasted nursing was 2 weeks and the longest was 6 weeks.  
i always wished i was one that could have made it a long time….but i wasn't. 

are you going to stay home now that your kids are in school?

i sure hope so.
i have my photography business and this blog and the etsy shop to provide income so YES i will be staying home….if you can even call that staying home….because really….that is a lot of work!

what does craig do for a living?

he is a commercial banker.
and he looks good in a suit.  

do you have any advice on raising teenagers?

stay consistent.
try not to yell or engage in arguments.
find a close friend to share your feelings, frustrations and fears with…don't hold back.
talking about things you are dealing with out loud makes a HUGE difference in how you feel.
with a trusted friend you can share ideas, get advice or let them show you a new angle of parenting.
it's safe.

that is all i have learned so far….. 

was your house in a magazine?

not pictures but linda featured me as a Blogger in Flea Market Style in 2010.
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and there was a blurb in Country Living in 2009 called My Country Life
Photo 1763

do you have a kindle….do you like to read….what is your favorite book?

we got sean a kindle for christmas but i don't have one.
nor would i want one.
i am not a reader.
i wish i was….
my dad and my sister are crazy about books.
sean, lauren and talby are in love with reading.
i don't have the ability to concentrate that long.  
i did read "A Long Way Gone" last year before going to africa and it was fascinating.


and so sad….and traumatic.
i think it was made so much more real because i went to that exact place the next week.
and met boys who would have been that same age.
it was a life changing book to me.

and of course….Crazy Love.  


why do you workout in an assisted living facility?
i live in a small town.  
i drive to a different really small town to workout because the gym there is nicer….and less expensive.
you can buy a membership there because it's the only place in that community as far as i know.

i like it because i am the youngest…it's REALLY quiet…and it's almost always nearly empty.
the machines have tv sound with headphones and i can watch will & grace on lifetime and no one cares.
or regis and kelly!

(this is not at my gym…this is a stock photo from google images…and these people look way more active than at my gym πŸ™‚

if you want to feel strong and fast and young….workout at a retirement center! 
seriously…it's helpful mentally.

WOW that was a really long post!

Angelo - I honestly can say i hate apple. i gueartne its a bunch of old dudes that just don’t understand.who ever buys this thing is mentally challenged. Its a bigge i touch. THATS IT.a few more gonna say though, congratz on the iphone. but your next 10 products don’t need to be the exact same shit. its old. for fucks sake -.-

ann foster - have you read the blog
she seems like someone you might enjoy. i do.
love yours!!!everytime i read it.

ellen patton - Thanks for sharing some favorite blogs. I already read some of them but am happy to add a few more good ones to my reader.

Stephanie Howell - I just want to say i adore you. And you are fabulous. That is all.

amy d - ahh thanks neighbor…
you could’ve put all you kids baby pictures up with no names and i could still be able to tell which ones are which…they all look so much like their baby pics. i love all the different hair do’s through the years!

Shannon - That pic of Lauren was the same one you sent right after she was born. I can remember thinking she was so beautiful and I couldn’t wait to have my own.

Liz - Aw Meg! I’m so flattered to be listed w/ your favorite blogs. Seriously! What a treat first thing in the morning! And congrats for having your playroom shown on Lettered Cottage, you deserve it! I’m trying really hard to use that pic as a jumping off point for the nursery. πŸ™‚

Linda - Great post! Love the before pictures! I would love to see like an old blueprint of your house. I have always just been in love with old Victorian styled homes. Thanks for the home tour! Awesome!

Sarah - Thank you thank you thank you. I am flattered seriously. And I loved seeing your pregnancy pictures. You look so cute.

Lorri - I have a sweet little Annie, too! Loved reading your blog tonight.

rebecca - these are my favorite blog posts that you do!! because everyone’s life is so interesting and different… i hope you don’t ever feel like the posts are too long, boring or self-focused. because i love them!!

Julie - I will never be able to fully appreciate the awesome awfulness that once was totally matching wallpaper and fabric in the guest/playroom. When the curtains were closed… it must have looked like a windowless make believe funhouse. To think that was chosen on purpose. For lots of money. That the owner was excited. Wow. Just wow. The good old days!!!!! Can’t believe how much you guys have done in six years. That is crazytown!!!

Jaime - Love your honesty in all your posts and I got teary eyed looking at all your “baby” pics. Beautiful. What a blessing it is to be a mom, and it goes too quickly.

Emily - thank you for your blog… you inspire me…

Brooke - It is so weird to read about someones life for over two years….everyday….and not know them. But to be honest, meg, if I saw you on the street, I think you would be so concerned. Because I would walk up to you and talk to you about talby and annie and sean and lauren….we would talk about craig and how he reminds me of my hubby (minus the banker), how I hope to stay home with my kids and continue blogging, create an etsy and continue to pursue photography, etc,etc,etc.
SO, here’s hoping to you never seeing me on the streets, since I live in Georgia. I love the dining room. It looks SUPER cute!

Elizabeth - I loved this post and never comment but had to on this one because I enjoyed it so much:) I’m so impressed with the transformations you have made on the house – SO Lovely! You wrote you “chose to leave the “city” life (chicago-land area) and move back to small town kansas” and we are currently seeking to do this same thing! We live in the Philadelphia area and are anxious to relocate near southwestern PA to be close to my husbands family and where he grew up. We’re having a heck of a time getting considered for jobs though since we are out of the area. Any tips on how you made the move happen?!? Would LOVE to hear them! I hope by the time my son starts school (he’s 2 1/2 now) to be near family in a permanent home:)

andrea - Love the q and a!
Do share more house pictures! I love seeing before and after and I get so much inspiration from you!! Love this blog, Meg!

Carol S. - Love the porch picture with Talby, sooooo sweet. Miss those snuggles! Great answers.

No.17 CherryTreeLane - the pictures of you pregnant and of the babies made me tear up. time moves so fast….

Mallory - I love what little I saw of your scrapbooks! Do you think you could post a couple layouts? I am always looking for inspiration. Love your blog!

HEATHER R. - I think I can see where you look like that Dixie Chick near Annie’s birthday. I love the pics of the house. I bet you know the best way to take down wallpaper, huh? πŸ™‚

Sarah - love these answer posts! Fun fun! Great pics! Can we still ask questions??? LOL If so, have you ever posted pics of your chicago house? And, any plans for the awesome upstairs room??? That room is “BEAST”. HA!

amy jupin - meg, your birth stories and pictures are adorable. you look so young (and freckled and sun-kissed) and so in love with each of your babies. i couldn’t stop smiling and giggling, looking at you all preggo and the sweet newborn pics.
and my, oh my, how your home has changed! i never really knew how much work you guys did to change it. the house seemed so dark and chopped up before. now it looks so bright and spacious–what a transformation!
i loved this post. i’m thinking others did too. thank you for taking the time to do this. you have a generous, giving heart. πŸ™‚

shauna reed - i love these answering questions posts….you might think they are dumb, but they aren’t. they are fun. makes me feel like i really know you in real, non internet life.

Kristin S - Loved this answers post too!
I work out at a “wellness center”. Today we are waiting for a snow/ice storm to roll in so I’m working from home. Anticipating closing of the gym early, I decided to head over around 10am to exercise. Totally forgot that cardiac rehab was going on. I was the youngest there by 30 years this morning. Since I normally go after work or late in the evening, this was a whole new world!
But at least it isn’t a meat market.
Love your stories Meg. AND you look younger now than 1995!

princess lasertron - cool answers πŸ™‚ your babies are so adorable.

Shar - Great post. You are so pretty and photogenic. Even in pregnancy! Thanks for sharing…

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I’ve already checked out some of your fav blogs even before reading the post. Thanks a bunch. I think I will also check out my Nana’s retirement home. Your last bit of advice made me smile. I need to start hanging around seniors more for sure.

Heather - Oh,your pregnancy and newborn pictures made me cry! Thanks for sharing pieces of your life πŸ™‚

Kari - wow! sometimes i read your blog and i feel like i’m reading a lot about myself…. i have the same haircut, felt the same way about nursing my kids, just recently we sold our FR furniture and put in a 3-in-1 table and a foos ball table. i just wish i could get my husband to work on our 70s house like your husband works on yours πŸ™‚ he does fix cars though – he can do brakes and everything – just doesn’t like home projects so much. oh well! snow day here in nebraska – enjoy your day!

Ashlyn@pinecone - I really love what you have done with your house. Seeing the before to now is pretty amazing.
Have a fab day,

crystal beutler - Cool post. Man, you worked magic with your house. I would never know by looking that those pictures it was the same house in your blog. You guys must have worked like dogs!!! Dogs!!!! Thanks for the shout out friend. I have to say “right back at you!” You are one of my favorites too. I always end up inspired when a stop here. πŸ™‚
x0 crystal
p.s. I’m counting on your for Spark. I’ll give you a heads up when I hear about registration.

RLG - You look fourteen (in the picture at the hospital with Annie)!
Fun post, Meg. xoxo

Maine Mummy - Wow. “i needed some breathing room! i just couldn’t nurse any longer. i felt smothered.” My baby is 16 months old and I have never been able to appropriately sum up what I felt – maybe for fear of being judged. Thank you. Knowing that someone else felt that is amazingly liberating!

Shana - I knew Pam made that! It was screaming of her.
Forgot how much work the house has been.
Don’t think I’ve ever heard any birthing stories.

Carla G. - Wow! I’ve missed these two days and really enjoyed catching up!! As I sit here in my quiet house, thinking about what I want to do today, it was delightful to get to know you better!! Thanks so much for everything!!

michelle - Your explanation for working out at the assisted living facility is HILARIOUS! Great blog!

Anna - WOW! I’ve never seen such beautiful “I just gave birth” photos EVER. So beautiful. I was bloated and had multiple chins after I gave birth to my babies (and I was never brave enough to post them!)
Congratulations on your beautiful family and beautiful home.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg!
Wow looking at the transformation on your home is AMAZING! The pictures just look so stressful but your home now looks so welcoming : )
It’s great that you’ve got your own business type thing..inspiring!!
Gemma x

Kori - Thank you for answering our questions…it’s very cool of you. You seem like a fun chick and I feel like getting to ‘know’ you this way is better than not getting to know you at all.
Does that make sense?? Hope so.

Jeanne - You are the sweetest!!! Thank you for including me. One of my friends just told me. I LOVED seeing the photos of you and your babies…YOU looked like a baby too!!!!

Michele - Thank you for sharing! Your advice about raising teenagers was so wonderful and helpful for me to read. Thank you!

Amy - You are a beautiful woman, Meg. You have lovely eyes.
It is really fun reading all your answers. I LOVE your home, before and after. You have/had great vision to get it to where you are today.
LOVE the pregnancy and baby pictures. Makes me wish I were pregnant again. Then again, I’m enjoying having my body to myself for the first time in 6 years. lol.
Can’t wait to read the rest of your answers.

Allison - Thanks for answering all these questions. And wow, you looked fabulous right after having your babies!

Jenny B. - Meg, you are so fun! πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to check out all your favorite blogs. And you look amazing in all your hospital pics!

bobbie - I love all the baby pictures, so sweet.
I blogged about why God gave women creativity today and then I read your post and it just confirmed it to me that I need to keep making time to be creative. thanks πŸ˜‰

jessicakiehn - this is great! You guys are totally made for each other to be on the same page and tackle that house together. And look what’s come of it! That’s a beautiful thing.
LOVE your maternity pics from the scrapbooks. You’re like me, you’re belly gets HUGE! None of this “can’t even tell you’re pregnant” going on.
And the picture of you and Talby on the porch swing, pregnant with Annie is literally one of the most beautiful pictures I’ve ever seen. I deeply love motherhood and pregnancy and this so beautifully captures both.

joni - I’m loving these posts!
I’m a new reader and was wondering is Lauren not your biological daughter?

Libby - Thank you, thank you for your refreshing honesty! Your sense of humor and zest for life make for some fun reading. And what a good reminder – if I want to tackle some projects NOW, even while the kids are little – I just need to do it. Enough already! πŸ™‚

Joyce - wow- you are gorgeously big with your babies! I got belly on my knees big with #3- wondering what this one will be- although Im tiny so far!
Thank for sharing your answers πŸ™‚

Ryanne - I soooo needed this post for several reasons. Especially about sleep, raising young ones and needing time for yourself. I absolutely loved that photo of you and Talby on the porch swing, it made me want to cry. Too sweet. Would you ever come to KC to do photos? How far is Newton from KC?

emily anderson - so, i feel like when i start a comment here, i need to always either begin it, or end it with “whatever”…
so, thanks for putting me on your bloggy list. whatever.
(oh, and i love your prego pics πŸ™‚ )

Risa - Megan,
My mom said she talked to you at Amy’s wedding and that you said I should comment sometime. So here I am. I ADORE your blog . . . I think it’s all the house pictures I love best, so I extra-loved this post with the pre-reno shots =) And I’m loving these “answers” installments!

Jess - Love the old family pictures. “Little Talby” is so cute. That picture of the two of you on the porch swing is just perfect.

hayley - 1. you look absolutely beautiful in the pics right after having those babes.
2.i have been up forever watching HIMYM. it’s 4:30am here in germany. i haven’t slept. hilarious, and addicting.
3. thanks for posting up those blog chicas. i love kelle. i’ll have to creep the others tomorrow.
thanks for always having such great posts πŸ™‚

Holly - I have a stack of photos from when we first bought our house that I need to scan. We have been here for almost 5 years and like yours we saw its potential. It also has good bones!

Heidi Hentze - Hi Megan, Thanks so much for sharing! It’s always such a treat to read about your life because of the spirit, energy and goodwill you bring to all you do. I stop by most everyday to experience a little of your world. Your photos tell such a story, you have a gift for capturing all the small moments that constitute the goodness that life can be; and is. I think it is very generous of you to spread the joy; thanks:)

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. I love sleep.
2. I LOVE Courtney. So happy to see her on your list!
3. Those wallpaper stripping photos make me cringe. That has been the story of my residential life.

sara@augustfields - that was a long post! it was GREAT! thanks for the fun read and encouragement πŸ™‚

Colleen - I just listed your blog as one of my favorite blogs on MY blog! Lol!

sarah w. - that picture of you on the swing pregnant with annie, holding talby is beautiful. Perfect. Heart melting.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I love sleep, too πŸ™‚ It makes me happy. Bri gave me a one hour nap today AND did some work for me. It was the best thing he could have done ever. I love sleep. Amen.

kendal - had no idea one could work out at a retirement facility. and i read a long way gone recently. loved it. (i’m a reader, so i read numerous books on africa recently when i moved from 8th grade to 7th to teach social studies.) your blog is fun!

Michele - I really liked learning more about you. I like your everyday posts, but I enjoy the Q&A, too. I’ve been wondering about your camera and lenses and now I know. I think it’s too funny that you work out with the geriatrics. So great! Thanks for sharing!

sue - Well Meg ,you have done it again. A great blog to read and I think you answered my question on what camera and lens do you use. Thankyou.

Vera - I’ve been stepping away from my computer a little lately to spend more time with the kids, so that means skimming blogs on Google Reader instead of opening them… BUT I had to come here and tell you that you look SO amazingly beautiful and radiant is every single one of those after-birth pictures!

Sandy - I love what you’ve done to your home and hadn’t realized it’s all been within the past 6 years. You’ve done an amazing job!

melissa @ the inspired room - Oh I just love seeing all your pictures of your house when you first bought it. It makes me feel like a less insane person for the last house we owned, you just had to have vision! Your house is so gorgeous, it just needed your magic touch to bring that out.
And your pregnant photos! LOL! I don’t think I’ll be sharing mine any time soon. You are a brave woman, and so darn adorable.
Ok so seriously, if you hadn’t put me in your list of favorite blogs you’d have been in trouble. πŸ˜‰ Thank you Meg.
Happy night!

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first thing…..

apparently the awesome quote came from the show How I Met Your Mother.
i have only seen that show twice so i googled it.
here it is.

i want to say that i know OF COURSE it's not easy to just overcome being sad.
and i wasn't sad.
just feeling BLAH.

it's january.
that is what i do.

but i do really like the idea of BEING AWESOME.
i mean just say it out loud  "today i will be awesome"
you will feel it.
it's helpful.
i dare you to try it.

great questions girls…i love to answer questions.

question one:
what is your favorite NON-disney movie?

i have a bunch.   
i will share by category:
suspense – Signs 
                The Fugitive 

drama –  i can't think of any!!! i am blank.

chick flick – Julie & Julia.

i love so much about this movie.
i love the blogging.
i love the acting….meryl streep is just….amazing.
what i love the most….the love between paul and julia.  it's beautiful.
"it was julia.  it was julia all along"
makes me tear up.

i also love...You've Got Mail 
                  Sleepless in Seattle 

romance –  The Holiday
                 The Family Man
                 anything where i get to look at Mr. Clooney 

comedy –  Parenthood is a CLASSIC.
               The Money Pit also a CLASSIC. 
               and to me….anything with Vince Vaughn or Will Ferrell…

action – Bourne Identity…Bourne Supremecy….Bourne Ultimatum
             Mr and Mrs. smith….they are both just so easy on the EYES!!!

question two:
what's going on in the dining room?!! 

well whenever i take pictures i don't like them much….so i have been waiting.
but i am just going to show you.
the light is funky until like 20 minutes before sunset and then i'm making dinner.
so these are from this morning. 


print is from the wheat field….matte is micheal miller fabric.


print from studio mela….matte is an old map.

all my frames are from the thrift shop or antique store….i have been collecting for years.
the yellow lamps were silver from a garage sale 10 years ago.

now the red box is across the room and i asked sean to display his lego space shuttle in that space.  :)
it's perfect size and pretty safe from being knocked over and it's in view instead of in a box.

pool table….from a friend's garage.  foos ball table…from a friend.  and now a ping pong (dining room) table for $10.

dining room twice a year….game room the other 363 days.

that caricature is of lauren when she was little made at Six Flags.  i found it again…i love it.
also her octopus art made in first grade.

the chandelier is from the kane county flea market in may of 2010.

bird canvas is from Pier One….in a antique store frame.
craig's chairs are from craigslist.  
now his friends can sit down inbetween turns playing pool.  :)


my sister painted this for me for my birthday.  
i told you i love cow paintings…..and this…..i LOVE.
also in an identical frame from the antique store. 

the paint color on the walls is antique white.
the trim is done in Kilz primer first then Ultra Bright Behr semi-gloss paint. 

question three:

does your hairstyle have a name for me to tell my stylist?

i am pretty sure it's called a wedge haircut….amy please speak up if i am wrong.
Images-1 Images-3 Images-2





question four:
where in the world would you like to visit?

i think anywhere tropical is where i would want to spend time with craig…all alone for a long time.
this was in google images….don't you just feel GOOD when you look at it?
i can practically smell the ocean.
mr. duerksen…..are you looking?  can you feel it???

but i also really want to see more of Africa.
all over Africa.
i want to see it…experience it….meet people….open my eyes…help where i can….love who i can….

i want to have africa in my heart forever.

question five:
when did you decide to start charging for photography?
when people started asking me to take their family pictures.
they encouraged me and built up my confidence with compliments and telling their friends about me.
i charged a small amount at first so i could get experience and decide if i even enjoyed it as work.
when i realized i did then i just went for it.
it was scary.  and vulnerable.
but worth it.

question six:
what do you do all day with the kids in school?
enjoy a quiet house.
i spend a lot of time on the computer….blogging, answering email and reading blogs.
i do laundry, i pick up the house (a little), i go to the grocery store (UGH…this is so old to me….i am over it).
i workout a few times a week.
i edit photos from may – november and then hopefully sew from january – april for my etsy shop.
i read my bible study stuff or a book to help me cope for that given day
(Crazy Love….Praying the Sriptures for your Children…Love and Logic…5 Love Languages….)
i make dinner.  
if i am tired i take a nap.
this next few weeks i will be purging all the closets and rooms of all the JUNK.
bags and bags i am sure.
i am not a schedule kind of girl.
i am the opposite.  
so i just do what i need to for that day…and what i feel like doing….schedules make me crazy.
and i like to go to lunch if my friend asks or run to target in wichita on a whim.

question seven:
where do you find inspriation?
blogs are so cool.
anything you could want….it's there!  

occasionally i go to B&N and get a BIG pile of books and magazines i want to look at…a coffee…and i sit.

but knowing i will sound like an old lady….
it's usually too loud in there.
the music is ok but someone is ALWAYS blabbing away on their cell phone.
i cannot stand that.
and with my ADD brain i can't focus on anything but that person on the phone…driving me crazy.
i bring my iPod now and try my very best to tune them out.

question eight:
how do you take indoor pictures with out a flash?

i usually shoot in P because years ago Karen Russell said that is what she shoots in (or did at the time).
and i change my ISO to a higher number because you need more light in when you're inside.
i also change my White Balance to whichever setting we are using….Sun symbol if it's lit well from the windows…
or AWB it's just overheard lighting.
i honestly do not like my inside photos…but if you do….that is how i get them.
i feel i need to learn a LOT about my camera still….every day.
indoor pictures are hard for everyone….i think. 

our house has lots of big windows so in the day we have good light but i think you were asking about at night?
this is at night.
all the lights are on…chandliers and recessed lighting…brightly lit…my ISO was probably 1600…on AWB.
did i answer your question?

question nine:
what do you use to edit your pictures?

every photo that has been on this blog has been edited in iPhoto or Picnik.
i did buy Photoshop but STILL haven't loaded it.
who has time for this?!!
i need to do it but i just feel overwhelmed and don't want to fail.

question ten:

what kind of make-up do you use?
in june 2010 my friend Kimberlee took me for a MAC-over. 

it was fabulous.
i was hooked.
i love using grown up make-up….i feel pretty (oh so pretty…i feel pretty and witty and…ok i will stop now).
i want to do a whole post about it sometime….with video.  :)    
would you like that?
but my mascara that was asked about specifically….Maybeline Great Lash.
cheapy in the green and pink package.
love it.
use it everyday. 

ok…more questions to be answered tomorrow.
THANKS for asking.  
now i will return to my cleaning binge.

Cliff Spears - Watching “How I Met Your Mother” makes me laugh a lot, due to their approach on making people laugh, especially whenever Barney’s there to entertain. Even his words of wisdom apply in the real world, just like taking negativity away, and being awesome instead. I dunno if this is just me, but every time I suit up and pick between purple ties or my red tie, I always remember him doing his pose, like it was etched in my brain.

Michelle - I have a question and a suggestion:
Question- What was it like for you being a young mom? I had my first child when I was 20 and my biggest challenge was probably connecting to the other moms of kids in his class because they were all at least 15 years older than me. He’s almost 16 and sometimes I still feel a little out of the loop with his friends’ parents. I’ve found everything to be easier this time around (my second child is 6).
Suggestion- You are already obviously a talented photographer, but to take it to the next level, I would really look into the workshops over at . I was able to start shooting solely in manual mode (and trust me, that was a miracle!) and they also have Photoshop classes. Their classes run for a month and they have weekly assignments and tons of feedback from the instructor. They’re not cheap, but worth every penny. I’m not affiliated with them at all, but I just could not believe how much I learned from their “Rock Your Camera” class.
Love your blog! We made your snowman ornaments over Christmas vacation and I will treasure those messy little handprints forever.

A - CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME Where your family picture canvas is from, the one on your mantle?

Emily - This is a little off subject but I know Africa has a place in your heart. it is a blog of a woman who is in her early 20 who moved to africa a adopted 14 girls who were abandoned and uncared for. Her jurney speaks of Gods will and it a true testiment to what he can do in times of need. Whenever I need hope I turn to her blog.

dotsie (aka podso) - You know, there is a saying that says something like this, “Once you have drunk from the rivers of Africa you must return to drink again.”

jennibell - My MIL had the pool table in her dining room for YEARS and hated it. . .but we all loved not having to go into the basement to play pool and “be away” from everyone else. It’s since been moved back down and it’s too bad. . .I know the kids don’t play nearly as much now.
I’m always inspired by your house and style. And honesty. I would have a hard time listing the things you do each day when the kids are at school and not feeling guilty about it. I always feel I should be “doing” something — although, yes, I know laundry and grocery shopping and making dinner are important – ha! Maybe I’ll just keep coming to you for counseling πŸ™‚
We don’t have television service and rely on videos for our entertainment — How I Met Your Mother is one of the few series we DO watch — you should take Mel up on her offer to borrow them. . .and thanks, too, for all the movie suggestions from you and other readers — I’m making a list!!! We watched Shrek Ever After yesterday and I was surprised how much I liked it — great family message!!

Mary - Thanks for the insight into your “hectic” and “adventurous” life!

Tara M. - My living room USED to have a pool table, life sized Chewbacha cutout, and a huge American flag on the wall. I like your dining room so much more! I loved Julie and Julia. I need to watch it again!

emily - You are fun. Thanks for being honest and just yourself. You are delightful.

asibtroy - reset my camera and am trying out with the ISO and AWB! THX!
My husband challenged me to do the picture a day thing on my blog this year and I find I’m taking most of the photos in the dark…

Meredith - I’d love to see a list of what blogs you read regularly too! Love this post πŸ™‚

Kari - Fun post! ‘How I Met Your Mother’ is one of my very favorite shows. I love your Dining/Game Room, especially the vintage maps. Very cool thanks for sharing!

Holly - The haircut is called an inverted bob….atleast that’s what my stylist (and bff) calls it. I had that cut for years! I’m growing it out now!

Crystal Paine - Have you ever posted a list of all the blogs you read? I know on some blogs it will show who they are following, but I haven’t been able to find that on yours, maybe because it’s in typepad? Anyway, I’d love to see what blogs you read cause I’m sure I’d love them! This was a great post, would love to see the MAC video, I wear MAC too, my friend & I had the Mac-over done in November, although I’d already been wearing it for a few years, but it was fun! I love your house, and the pictures that you post. You take great pictures & I’d love to see photography tips. I made the snowman handprint ornaments with my kids, those were fun & turned out super cute! My daughter got a purse for Christmas from her grandparents, it says Whatever on it & has little rainbows & other lil’ pics. I thought of you when I saw it! I’ll try to send you a pic of it someday! Do you watch Big Bang Theory? My husband & I love it, it’s my favorite “funny” show!

DaisyDuke - Question 3, Inverted Bob or Pob (Posh Bob)

DevremΓΌlk - Nice post. I love it. Waiting your new posts. Thank you…

Julie - Awesome post Meg! πŸ™‚
Speaking of awesome, have you seen this this TED talk? I think you’d like it.
The dining room looks GREAT!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Hey Megan,
I too only use my iPhoto and Picnik, and while that works fine, sometimes I want to be able to do so much more. Just thought I would let you know there is a free mini e-course for photoshop. I haven’t even bought photoshop yet and will just download the free trial for the course, to see if it’s worth it for me. It starts tomorrow and lasts until the 21st~ I think. I found out about it on a blog where the edits are just beautiful. I asked the blogger how she had learned to use photoshop and she sent me to KimKlassenCafe. I’m really excited to see what she has to offer, and since it’s free I figure I have nothing to lose.

Jenna - I don’t know if your question about the makeup was rhetorical or not, but yes, I would love it!

Jaimie - i love when you do these : )

Laura - Wow.. it’s crazy how much we have in common!!! But the thing that stood out the most was the “add brain” inside of bookstores. I am very much the same and can not concentrate with all of the people milling about.
And the Bourne movies…. my family has seen each of them at LEAST 10 times. I want to see a face off between Jason Bourne and Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie’s character in the movie “Salt”)
I adore your house even more now that I know you have your dining/living space as a game room. Awesome.

Gemma - I really enjoy these posts!! Loving the dinning room : )
Gemma x

Jen@thecottagenest - Meg, I absolutely *LOVE* what you have done with your dining room. I love not using a room as it is intended but instead using it in a way that works for your family. Bold and inspiring. That’s what you are.

elisa - Holy crap I love that cow painting!!! Will she sell me one??

mandy falgout - wow, love this post. thanks for being you and being real. i just got a friend to try mac makeup and she loves it. i have heaps of it, but don’t wear anything at the moment since moving to phnom penh, cambodia. i sweat so much here it seems like a waste, so i go au natural all the time. kind of liberating. weird. i seriously think we could be twins from different mommas. you and i have many similar tastes, likes and loves of things.
keep rockin’ it!

Steffie - Would love to know where you got the map art above the buffet and the collection of globes? I’m sure you’ll saying something fun like thrift stores or a flea market…. I wish our little island had the same offerings as the mainland, sigh! Have a great weekend Meg!

Miss Tiff - Hi Meg. I’m new here. I read two posts in the past month that linked here and now I’m stuck on u too.
A few things, you are not afraid to use to color. I’m a wimp. 90% of my closet is solids, but I’m turning it up a notch, yo. The spare room is my inspiration.
Fav Movie. I like a few of your choices, but you have to promise to try and watch WAITRESS. It is my new favorite. It’s definitely a chic flic but u will laugh and maybe cry a tear too. My new fav, I watch it whenever I feel blue.
Last thing, Your blog is an awesome read, it has a tone of wit, reality and luv. Best Reality blog award goes to you. Happy New Year!!

angela - Sitting here this Saturday morning in front of my gas logs reminds me of a cold Saturday a year ago when I found your blog. I never took my pj’s off that day. i read EVERY SINGLE entry of yours….and was hooked! I love that Lauren is a normal teenager with trials and an attitude! I love the name Talby. I love that you have a craft day for your kids. I adore your craft room and your big, old house. I love that you went down the slip and slide and even showed us! I love the rainbow cake and the shots of your mudroom and that you show us mountains of laundry. Yours remains one of my favorite *real* blogs! Thanks for sharing! Happy 2011. This is going to be a great year! God bless you and your family!

LouBoo - Hello…I haven’t stopped by for a while (do you ever get that where you end up following so many blogs that it becomes impossible to look at all of them and then I have guilt about unfollowing people to make life simpler – that is sooo not what blogging is all about!). Anyway – reading this reminded me why I like your blog. Utter honesty! And your movie pics – like me you sound like a girl who has a soft spot for the 80s but doesn’t mind when it’s up to date either! Lots of my faves are on your list. Plus I like the description of your day at home. I do the same…and taking a nap – I do that too although I probably would not admit it to everyone! But honestly – what better thing is there than taking a nap in the daytime? That so reminds me of pre-children life. Anyway – I am glad I popped by and had this ‘chat’!! Lou xx

meghan - the globes and canvas are my favs. love your blog. always will. tgif!

Kendra - You could totally have Africa in your heart forever if you adopted….just sayin πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Megan - I used to use Picnik also and when I finally got around to using PS it went SO MUCH faster when editing pics. You will wish you would have done way sooner! BTW Kimberlee and friends introduced me to MAC as well…I’ll come video for you guys! πŸ™‚

sara@augustfields - you’re a doll. love your candidness….so refreshing πŸ™‚ cute setup on the dresser!

Kristin S - I think these posts are some of my favorite. When I saw you ask for any questions I was exhausted reading through all the questions. Well done responding/answering.
Very, very fun.
I wonder why we are so intrigued by everyone’s normal lives. It is refreshing to know that we all do laundry. Grocery shop. Normal stuff.
Thanks for sharing!

Rachel / cREaTe - i love it when you do this smorgasbord of question answering. πŸ™‚ so fun & i get new ideas … and reminded of things like that i need to rent julie & julia! forgot that was on my “list”. love your theory on why you have a game room instead of just a dining room. that’s our theory on why we’ve never really had a guest room … and instead do an office or craft studio – with a lil’ futon over on the side [sorry guests]. πŸ™‚

shannon - I LOVE this post! LOVE LOVE LOVE! I also LOVE the collection of cameras….where did they all come from? Yes MAC video would be awesome!

Kimberlee J. - The video MAC over is so on.

Sharry Sullivan - What a wonderful blogpost! Thank you…

Elizabeth - What program/how did you nake your 35 before 35 list?

Karla - I too have to ask – Kane County, IL?!?!? The county in which I live? And I missed your coming?? Drat.

elma riedstra - Oh I love your dinning room:) Oh I would love your sister to paint me a cow:) Love this post!!

hannah - Please do a makeup video πŸ˜€ You’re totally awesome!
And I LOVE your house! Seriously, I want it. Have you seen a tumblr blog called this pretty space? Lots of awesome pictures in your kind of style πŸ˜€

Amber - I have really enjoyed reading your blog for a while now and agree with you that blog surfing is fantastic! : ) My husband thinks I am crazy for looking in on people I dont even know, but the blogs I follow, I follow for a reason. I feel that if I actually met any of these people, we would be great friends! Also, just want to say I love the Julia and Julia movie too! Have you listened to My Life In France? It’s a memoir of Julia Childs’ life. Great Book! God Bless you, and keep typing hon, as you are a virtual friend and I love hearing about what you do!

se7en - Ooooh So much to love here… love the window into your life… Come over and visit Cape Town – it’s in Africa after all and we would love to meet you all!!!

Tiffany - Oh.My.Word – that dining room is AWESOME!!! Love it!
I am still reading the archives and perhaps you have covered it – but I would like to know if you are planning on doing a little photography workshop. You take great pics – and I always love to learn new tips and tricks from others.
BTW…in my mind I always hear “whatever” in that “80’s valley girl” style… Do you do that? πŸ˜€

Jenny B. - Fun! I had to chuckle when I read this: “craig’s chairs are from craigslist.” Hee-hee. πŸ™‚
Oh, and if you love cow paintings, you should check out the new shop a couple of my friends just opened: Red Hill Gallery in Fayetteville, AR. If you live in/near Wichita, it would only be about a 4-hr. drive (I think). Weekend getaway? Anywho… here is their new blog:
And their individual etsy shops:
and Cari’s:
I love all your photos. I think my favorite thing about your house is that it looks fresh and modern (well, because vintage is the new modern? maybe? yes?). Anyway, it’s “in style,” yet colorful (not all white and neutrals). πŸ™‚

happygirl - Loved this post. LOVED IT! I’m new to blogging and so happy if I have 1/2 an hour to blog. I don’t take pictures, but I’d love to learn. Love the movie Julie and Julia too. LOVE IT! I can watch the movie Mother with Debbie Reynolds and Albert Brooks over and over (my husband HATES it) And, I think I’d love the beach more if I didn’t look so horrible in a bathing suit.

Katie Adams - I love you. Your blog is so fun to read. Check out my recent cow purchase on my blog. I love her, too. Have you named your cow? I think they need names.

Cari - Fun post! I’m sitting in my living room and it opens up to my kitchen and dining room. And compared to what I just saw of your dining room… it is so BLAH!!! Note to self… never let my girls see your house. They’ll totally give you cool mom of the year award. πŸ˜‰ Oh, and the links for the wheat field and studio mela both route back to studio mela. Just thought you’d like to know! Have a great, blah-free weekend! πŸ™‚

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - i think that cut is also called an angled bob – i’ve sported one on and off since college and am back with it now-a-days, only with a new color:
take a peek, if you like…
your dining room looks great to me!!
and, I’d join you for a movie night anytime – i can’t claim a favorite either – but love all the ones you listed. have you seen ‘the curious case of benjamin button’? that’s one of my favorite dramas.

Julie - I love “Julie & Julia” as well. I love Julia Child. So much so, I threw a dinner party in her honor.

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - Kane County Flea Market? The one in Illinois, 20 minutes from my door? If so, I LOVE that place. I love spending the morning there with my girlfriends. So many great treasures.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Love most all of your movies. The firm is a good drama. Salt and Bourne for action. The Holiday, 50 first dates, You’ve Got Mail for romance. I use MAC too and believe it or not Maybeline Great Lash for mascara. It’s creepy how much we have in common. Cute cow;)

Georgia - Thanks for the indoor w/out flash lighting tip!! i didnt think to do that with my Canon. Im practising now indoors! :o)
I would love to see more videos of your family and you doing general ‘Meg’ stuff.
I Love the way you have put together the dining room, its fab.
Also… one place in Africa i would 100% recommend is Egypt, its totally amazing, seriously i was so over whelmed at the amazing places there i wanted to cry. My boyfriend thought i was crazy… we did a cruise down the Nile and i stayed in the cabin and just watched people from the window, swimming, playing and washing in it… it was a moving experience πŸ™‚

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - I love the posts when you show your house the best! Your dining room looks great! Love all the white, globes, and family photos. Very much my style too!

Beth - love these type post…heck i enjoy all your post
hey i would love to get some tips on makeup and what to do
live in small town with no makeup artist around to share the true aspects of makeup do’s and don’t

crystal beutler - Love all your answers !! We are so kindred spirits. If you come to So. Cal this year, you have to call me!!!!!!!! You do.
Glad to see you got your cow picture. If you haven’t learned photo shop yet I am so impressed that you get such great photographs!!! I rely heavily on photo shop. Go to if you want to learn how to use it. I’ve loved that site. And I’ve loved using the Actions created by the Pioneer Woman. You will understand more about actions when you take the Photo shop tutorials πŸ™‚
I love your house. It’s just way too cool. I need to come shopping in your neck of the woods, and you need to come shopping in mine. We have some junk/antique stores here.
P.S. Let me know when you want to do a giveaway. πŸ™‚

pam - We just discovered How I Met Your Mother….my husband still can’t believe that I love it. We need to start over from the beginning. I’m with you on a tropical location…blue water….someday.

Toni :O) - You are beautiful inside and out…thanks for sharing all the tidbits…your blog is definitely one of my FAVORITES!!! So, here’s my question…what do you love MOST about your hubby? Have a fabulous weekend!!!

Heather - Howdy! Just wanted to pass along a great resource for learning photoshop — because you’re right, who has time?! πŸ™‚ has great video tutorials and in a matter of a few hours, you’ll feel like a pro. You pay a monthly fee but could learn all you really want to in a weekend or two.
love your blog. A regular stop each morning with my coffee:)

Dayna - The haircuts that you featured on this post are usually called an inverted bob. A wedge shares a lot of the same characteristics but if you’re specifically looking for the stacked back and longer sides, you’ll want to ask your stylist for an inverted bob and then have a very specific conversation about lengths and the grade of that stacking because it varies pretty wildly.

sarah - thank you for letting us pick your brain! and YES to the mac video! i loved the video of craft day with the kids…it felt like an insider’s scoop. :]

Kristen @ JLS - How fun to read this post!! Do you ever watch the television show Parenthood, on NBC Tues. It’s great, I recommend tuning in for sure!

shauna reed - you are so generous with yourself meg.
i love the way you displayed your family photo shoot!
i have been trying to figure out how to use a bunch of the ones we had done, this is INSPIRING!
you are awesome!

mel - This was SO fun to read! I love learning about you, we would have fun if we ever met πŸ™‚
How I met your Mother is one of our favorite shows! We own all the seasons on DVD…you can borrow them if you want. Let me know & I can mail them to you πŸ™‚
Have a great weekend, Meg!

Shana - “How I Met Your Mother” just took my top spot for funny TV – beating out The Office & Will and Grace.
I love every character – except Robin, I find her boring.
Barnie is the best – and I’m not talkin’ bout no dinosaur.

Laura - My mom sent me this when I needed a pick me up! I am a mom of 3 little ones all under the age of 3 so I watch this ALOT! Hope you enjoy it! πŸ™‚
I’d like you to meet your new life coach:

Sonia - If you haven’t already, you should watch Date Night!! We are going to watch Dinner For Schmucks tonight! I love Steve Carell!!
Do all the cameras on your shelf work?

Trina McNeilly - Fun post. I love the cow painting you’re sister did…..soo cool. I love the Kane County Flea Market. I was just thinking of how I ned to go soon!
x Trina

sara @ it's good to be queen - wow that was awesome, love these kind of posts. πŸ™‚ and yes, do a mac video.

sandy toe - Great movies…have you seen “while You were Sleeping”…love that movie!
sandy toe

virginia - i love that cow painting!

Ali - Wait! I didn’t get my question in!
I love the name Talby and I wanted to know how you came up with it considering your four other children all have traditional names. (have you answered this question already?)

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