well…. how awesome are you?
i was not sure i could meet my goal of 50 stoves…$1000.
and as of NOW we have raised $4230 and sponsored 211 stoves.
let's keep this momentum going!
we have five more days…. let's hit $5000!!!!! i bet we can!!
thank you to everyone who gave so far!
the adventure project thinks you are so cool.
this fake commercial was on Saturday Night Live last week.
i thought it was very funny….
also The Lumineers were on!!!!
they were so so SO goooooooood!
did you see it?
you should go over here and watch and then watch this one too!
they are pretty dreamy to listen to.
i meant to have my craft weekend post up and ready today.
but it's not gonna happen.
i have been so busy….very happily busy… all good stuff.
how about some instagrams from the past week-ish?

annie loves to go to the thrift store with me.
i told her she could pick one thing only….. i wish she would have chosen that couch!
instead we came home with that valentines bear from 2006.
i know it's 2006 because that is what is on the bear's foot.

my favorite mug.

kimberlee's coffee cake….it was totally delicious.

many monrings look like this over here.

i went back to the mall last week and the gold shoes
that were completely covered in gold glitter were 70% off!

annie shouted "MOM pleeeeeease can i get one of these?! They are only $39.99!!"

ran five miles by myself…. well, me and the avett brothers and mumford & sons.

they are so nice on the eyes.

talby found these in the bathroom and wanted to know WHY?
Why do we have them? Whose are they? What are they for? Where did they come from?
(they are a mold of craig's teeth…fascinating right?)

a vase of dr.seussy flowers were sunny and nice during this FREEZING week we have had.

so cold.
going running in this cold weather is quite something.
frozen thighs no matter how far we go.
but the reward will be endurance when the weather improves…. right?
i hope so.

i love this breakfast.
cutie…greek yogurt… granola… coffee with LOTS of half & half.

cleaning at the craft house is always pretty decent because it's all so pretty to see.

i steal my husband's socks for cold running…. they are just better.

on friday we did our run and then gathered at my friend's house and helped her prepare 25 meals for her freezer as a birthday gift to her. :)
the gift was helping it get accomplished.
she is super organized so we did what we were told and it all worked out great!
that is my favorite way to cook… "just tell me what to do"

i chopped and chopped and chopped.

then i put together calzones.
it was a lot of work but so worth it! it's a GENIUS way to cook meals.

saturday morning i snuck in some time under a blanket with coffee and my book.
the sun came up and became too much for me sit there anymore.
but i will take that sunshine anytime!

i took sean to his basketball tournament for the day… just the two of us.
he had three games and i really enjoyed it all.
it has been SO MUCH fun to watch my kids improve in their sports this year.

after sean's three games we went to scott's game at our old high school gym!
it was very surreal to be there as a grown up… as a parent… of a HIGH SCHOOLER?!
so weird.
and lots of the same people sitting or standing in the same place they did when i was in high school?!!

i am reading The Ragamuffin Gospel: Good News for the Bedraggled, Beat-Up, and Burnt Out
it's wordy but so far it's reeeeeally good.
"for grace proclaims the awesome truth that all is gift"

sunday night swimming…. yes please.
craig and sean spent almost the whole time wrestling.
why do boys do that so much?

talby organized all annie's babies for her so annie had to feed them all before going to bed herself.

and this morning…. we ran 6.17 miles in 17 degrees.
it was HARD.
but it's done. THANK GOODNESS!

then we met AGAIN but this time at the craft house and we made freezer to crock pot meals!
we made 6 recipes all together and bagged them in freezer ziploc bags!

touching all that raw meat all day was kinda gross but i think we will all happily eat it.
i will definitely blog the recipes we tried and show more pics of that soon!
i honestly can't wait to do it again!
and now i am stinkin' tired.
i am going to bed.
thanks again for the stove sponsors!!!

you are RAD!
if you haven't given yet and you want to… CLICK HERE and it will tell you how.
it couldn't be easier.
Laurie - You make me smile!! Thanks for the inspiration! I love new feeds to inspire me to create
Alisa Workman - We follow some of the same accounts. It’s always great to have color in your life.
Heather - Love these! I love colorful pictures in my instagram feed, thanks for sharing! Do you follow @studiodiy? I feel like you would love it / it fits in with all these other ones!
Lorri - Such sunny goodness – thank you for sharing! They will be a definite lift, just like your IG feed is. 🙂