i have been wanting to share my workouts and health stuff i have been doing this summer.
but at the same time… feeling nervous to share.
because who am i to talk about health and diet?
what do i really know?
but it was put on my heart this morning during my run that it was time to talk.
because everyone has to start somewhere when it comes to getting healthy.
you may be super tiny & fit and run 20 miles a week and if that is you… you won’t get much from this post.
but chances are… many of you are not and you wish you were.
wishing you were stronger.
wishing you were lighter.
wishing you had more energy.
wishing for control over what you eat.
i am just going to share some of what i have been thinking about and doing for me & you can take it or leave it.
and that goes for anything i have ever said on this blog.
i am not your boss.
OK… back in april when i ran the half marathon… it was really great.
i mean yes i got super sick right afterrds, spending a lot of time in the bathroom.
BUT it was still an truly awesome experience!
i felt so empowered that i really did that.
i really finished!
but then i saw all the pictures & i couldn’t get over that the person i saw in the photos did not match how i felt.
it really bugged me.
i trained and trained for that dang half marathon and i gained weight!
it was not muscle.
don’t give me the old “muscle weighs more than fat” response.
i know that statement is true but this wasn’t case here.
i was eating whatever the heck i wanted…. and running.
so it wasn’t doing anything as far as getting lighter.
and that sucks!
because that was really hard training for that.
i didn’t feel strong physically.
and i felt unable to make any good food choices…. just so stuck in my habits.
then i saw how Rachel was working so hard on her health.
WOW!! i was inspired.
i was following along and wondering what was she doing that was working so well.
#1 she was eating VERY well and #2 she was working with her brother Jonathon who is a personal trainer.
so i emailed him.
and we have worked together all summer via email.
he has told me what kinds of foods i should be eating and how often and how much, etc.
and then how to workout.
and guess what?
it has been working!!
i have lost 10 pounds since May.
it’s not a huge amount but it’s not nothin’ either… it’s a clothing size for sure.
i have really enjoyed the accountability of having the emails with him and discussing what to change.
i needed that to keep going.
he has been a great help to me! Super encouraging. Easy to talk with.
but there is no secret magic thing in what he told me.
you already KNOW what he told me…. EAT RIGHT and EXERCISE.
but seriously i had no idea what to eat before.
i just ate anything.
bottom line: there is no magic… you have to decide if you want it or not.
then when you decide you do want that healthier body then YOU do the work.
and it is HARD!
no one else can do it for you.
you are the only one.
Rachel said something that stuck with me all summer.
she said that getting healthy & staying healthy had become a “Non-Negotiable” to her now.
things that are important to us will be non-negotiables.
if we want a strong marriage we have to fight hard for it.
if we want to have kids that aren’t complete brats… we have to do the hard work of parenting well.
anything worth keeping requires HARD work.
so getting healthy…. is NON-NEGOTIABLE.
God gives us one body.
and i want to take care of mine that best i can.
believe me… i fail often.
i eat the cupcake (and then a few more later)
but i am doing that much much less than i used to.
i am still fighting to knock out that voice calling me to sweets practically all the time.
i feel a slave to sugar some days.
(this is the longest post ever)
SO… i have been working at making the healthy choices all day long.
the first thing to change was to be drinking a ton of water.
A GALLON of water every day.
not kidding.

that is a lot of water!
i have stuck with that all summer long.
at least 5 of those big giant water cups a day.
so that is my BiGGEST tip for you this week.
drink water… a LOT of water.
there is no room for soda and pop if you have to drink a gallon of water a day.
i thought that since i didn’t know how to eat prepare healthy foods… maybe some of you don’t either?
so as often as i can i am going to share a new recipe i find and try.
my favorite snacks & drinks too.
this is my first snack tip…

of course this isn’t practical to buy all the time. ($$ it’s cheaper than a fast food meal though!)
but i am a busy lady and a somewhat poor planner at times.
so this snack tray of veggies at my Dillon’s stores is a great way to eat my veggies without having planned ahead.
and a fat free dressing would be preferred but it’s not an option so i just don’t eat much of the dip.
just a little.
but hey…. before this health kick… i had never bought a veggie tray unless i was having a party.
and now i eat a whole veggie tray for a snack!
(and it fits exactly in the console of my Suburban so obviously it was meant to be)
and last tip for the week…
get moving.
ANYTHING is better than nothing.
go for a walk. or a jog. or do both.
go for a bike ride.
run up and down your stairs.
alone or with friends… or your kids.
don’t be so hard on yourself.
it is O K to not run fast…. it is O K to take your time…. but just get out there.
who cares who sees you! Go GO Go!
and if you can….
listen to a good sermon while you are out moving around.
today i listened to North Point Ministries message called Follow: Fearless. (#19)
i thought it was great.
i was crying… God is so cool. He has such awesome plans for us. He knows everything about us.
it was such a great run because of what i was listening to!
i am going to try to challenge myself to find great sermons to share with you often!
(feel free to share great speakers in the comments)
SO…. sorry that took so long.
see why i haven’t written it out?
i really don’t feel qualified to be giving health advice…. but we all have to start somewhere.
taking care of ourselves is a NON-NEGOTIABLE.
“God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body.”
1 Corinthians 6:20 (The Message)
what do you think?
what do you struggle with the most?
what do you want to change?
Jennifer - Thanks for all of the information that you shared.
Charisse - Do you know if anyone sells just the The Portion Fix Eating Guide Book?
I have the containers but no guide to go off of. The containers were a gift and the person didn’t know I would need the book to know how to use them.
Kelly Callahan - I just ordered this 2 days ago. Recent 35-lbs weight loss and have been stuck there for a month! Have another 35 lbs to go! I’m excited about starting program.
Sophie - Great review!! Funny and true!! I am on Day 3 and loving it so far. The meal plan is where I struggle as well. I can work out all day long but I loooooove my cheese and carbs! LOL. But I do feel like I get little treats with the containers. Planning on sticking with it and hoping for great results!
Jennie - I’m on day 4 of the 21 Day Fix. Would you mind sharing the spreadsheet that you made for tracking your meals? I need something like that and I’m not so great with excel. 🙂
Tess - I am already wheat free (I am a Celiac) so that part would be easy for me.
I am not a big dairy drinker myself…but I really could not go without yogurt at all… ever. I eat it several times a week. I am surprised a healthy plan like this doesn’t allow yogurt though. What kind of creamer / lightener can you use in your coffee? Can’t go without my coffee either 😉 but I could probably be more flexible about my creamer than the yogurt thing!
Trying to figure out if this is a plan for me. This was a nice review, you take nice photos!
Glenda Jordan - I’ve been reading and would like to try this plan to see if it will work for me.
I tried so many different plans, non seem to work.
Rachel - I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for this review! I’ve been trying to look up what the 21 day fix is all about and you’ve really gone through it step by step for everyone! I can’t wait to look at a few more of your posts 🙂
sandy - Thanks for your review. I am excited to start, and am sad to have to wait 4 weeks for it to be shipped. I am in the meantime trying to acclimate beforehand. I am confused about the orange, yellow and blue containers- do you have a list of approved foods that you can share? Thanks!!
Megan - LOVE the spread sheet you made!! I would love if you could share the file? That would help me SO much!!
candice - thanks for sharing
Betty - Do they ship the program internationally? how can i get it in Dubai?
Vicki - Love your blog!
Lauren @ Focused To Be Fit - Just finding your blog – I love it! Wondering how you ended up doing with the fix. I’m on day 4. 🙂
Colette - hi, i am starting the 21 day fix and was wondering if you made your own meal plan yourself or if there is a template you know of that i could use too.
i like the idea of having it all planned out too and the tally sheets they give you arent quite looking like enough for me.
Erica - I am interested in doing this! How did it end up? How were your results? I am getting married in 85 days and I have ZERO motivation!! AND I NEED TO GET SOME!
Meredith - I’m starting my 21-day fix program on Monday. I’m reading up on it and making menu/grocery list. I love your meal plan chart for the week. Where can I get that?
Colleen Westphal - Can You show the pages of the other containers and what Goes in them?
For example peanut butter is it 2 spoons for à serving?
I ordered the basic pack and its on backorder Im not looking for
Container sizes but i would like to “practice”.
My keyboard is set at à different language sorry
For some of the weird formatting.
Thank you,
Rebekah - I just finished week 3 of P90X3. I hate, hate, hate excersizing and I dread those 30 minutes pretty much every day, but I’m never sorry afterward that I did it. I am trying to stick to the nutrition plan that goes along with it, and for the most part my daily calorie count is okay, but I feel like I could be doing a lot better as far as the quality of what I’m eating goes. I love the idea of a container system. Too bad BeachBody doesn’t sell that meal plan separately. I’d be all over it.
kris - You go girl! I’m rooting for you (and me)
Kristen - Good luck honey!!! Ive been on Shakeology for a year, and I have to say…it sucks they gave you Vanilla for your flavor. The chocolate is amazing..Vanilla is the one everyone I know sends back. Its like they are setting you up to fail =((. If you dont like the vanilla…try the chocolate. I only do the Chocolate vegan…sooo addicting! If you stay with vanilla..try adding fruit…I did watermelon with coconut milk. You probably can add cacoa nibs (no sugar). I REALLY commend you for doing this 21 day fix! I was hopeful I could do it, but when I saw your blog and saw the actual meal plan, I know I dont have enough willpower. Yet! Im so excited to see how it works for you. Also…I think you will like what the shakeology does for you healthwise. It does help curve sweet cravings, it does improve your gut incredibly well, you have more energy…its the ONLY thing thats given me energy to deal with my 5 kids (thats saying something(!), and my cholesteral and triglycerides etc were MUCH better after doing shakeology. Ive tried going off it, but it helps me soo much…my husband just put it in our food budget as a must for me. I love Beachbodys yoga, but hurt my knee really bad on Turbo Fire (but I have a genetically messed up knee…my fault for not knowing and trying all those twists and turns on my knees). Id love to hear your opinion and experience on the workout videos! Im going to Vegas in June for the BeachBody summit. If you have a success story, you should think about it!
Kate - I am on Day 3 – wish we were in the same group!! I am doing well. Feel VERY sore, but am able to complete the workouts – though I do need to follow the modified version here and there. I am doing ok on the eating plan – first night at bedtime I was RAVENOUS, too hungry to sleep well. So the next day I tweaked things and saved a blue box for before bed. I think it takes a few days of practice to get it right for your own lifestyle. We can do this! I have already dropped a few pounds and I am excited to see my body start to tone up. What do you thnk you will do after the 21 days?
Mindy - I have never heard of this program (I don’t get out much… haha) but it sounds so interesting and a great way to keep me on track. Hmmm…thanks for sharing. You have sparked my interest. PS: I share your workout thoughts of taking breaks and then starting up and wondering why I quit because I feel so much better!
Connie - Meg,
What sight did you order this through? It looks like its sold out everywhere. It looks like a plan I could stick to
Tiffany - Good luck Meg! Rooting you on from PA, even the smallest changes can make a big effect. I personally started eating a salad with my lunch every work day, and especially if we go out to dinner. Salad first, salad first, salad first. I have lost 2 pounds so far this year. No, not a lot but every little bit helps. I’m hoping for 10-15 pounds by the end of the year along with a new healthy habit that includes more veggies on my plate. You can do this!!!
Lisa - Sooooo…. I need this. Bad. I’ve never been in such a yucky place with my eating. I did start working out again. But man, the food is out of control. I love myself sweets, and carbs, and meat and just food in general. You are helping motivate me to just try. I’m always afraid of failing. Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing this.
Flower Patch Farmgirl - You’re doing this thing!!
Super proud of you.
Sending you lots of virtual greens.
Necole@seriosulsyassymama - I have heard that it takes a person 21 days to truly get themselves on track with a routine.
Good Luck!
Michelle Whitlow - Good luck!!!I think my biggest problem (or 2) is that I love my Coke (but I’ve cut back to 1 a day…still BAD) and I do not like too many fruits & veggies. Seriously, not many. Makes dieting very hard and NO fun! I just emailed Marta and I’m thinking of getting in on her March group since it’s too late for February. Of course, then I’m gonna go totally off the wagon when I come to craft weekend in April!!
Allison - Wow that’s an impressive plan. I’m a terrible meal planner, I need to do better. Can’t wait to see how you like this plan!
Mary - Meg, I have never commented on your blog before, but have been a loyal follower for a couple of years. I, too have started the 21 Day Fix program with Marta (not in your group… bummer) after reading about it on your blog. I have been on the food plan for 6 days now and can honestly say I haven’t been hungry! In fact, I’m having trouble getting in all the proteins everyday. So glad you posted your meal plan as I’m off wheat and dairy as well. I thought that part would be more difficult than it’s been, the only thing I miss is the greek yogurt :). By far the workouts will be my biggest struggle. The 1st Cardio Fix really showed me how out of shape I am, but eager to see improvement. Good luck to you and I hope you continue to blog about it!
Kristin F. - You are going to ROCK it!! You’ll be so surprised at how much better you feel in a few days. My family isn’t dairy free, but my husband & I do try to eat wheat-free most of the time. I made brownies on Valentine’s Day made out of black beans and they were actually really good. Go figure?!
We love the chocolate Shakeology — our go-to recipe is 8 oz of unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 banana, 1 TB of almond butter and a scoop of ShakeO. SO GOOD.
Sara - I love and appreciate how honest you are Meg! How refreshing! I have to plan out every. single. thing. for myself or I can justify eating something bad every single time, thinking I “deserve” it. I’ve been eating oatmeal and egg for breakfast, smoothie and fruit at lunch, and a healthy dinner. And lots of water and some coffee. Plus running 3 miles a day. And the fun part-a few treats a week (just not every day). I have a one-year old and two-year old and admit, I feel better (healthier) now than I did in my 20’s. It is so much hard work though! But worth it.
Liz M - You inspired me to join the 21 Day Challenge. Yay! Autumn is very peppy.
And oh my– “woke up” a few muscles yesterday that had been lying dormant. I like your chart== makes it look so easy. I guess when you plan and break it down, it is. All going well…except for the 10 boxes of girl scout cookies that got delivered yesterday. Those got packed off to the college kids pronto!
Kirsten J - You go! I’m feeling motivated, and interested in the no wheat/dairy thing. My son’s dr just recommended he avoid wheat like the plague. He said we all should, really. Good to see an entire meal plan without it. But here’s my thing: smoothies or shakes make me gag. I just cannot stand them. Even a vanilla shake or frappuccino. I guess I could just eat the ingredients separately….but I’d sooner starve than eat oatmeal or a sweet potato, too. Hmmm. I’ll have to explore further.
Regina - This looks amazing, and I can’t wait to read further reviews from you over the coming days. How do I purchase a kit? I’ve searched and can’t find a site to order one now…only the Beachbody site where I’m asked to submit my name to be informed of when it’ll be available. HELP! 🙂
Jen - So excited!!
I just wanted to say thank you for your encouragement. A couple of weeks ago I was looking in the mirror and just wasn’t happy anymore and thought ” something has got to change”. I went online to start looking up anything, a groupon for a gym, a deal on WW anything that would start the ball rolling. But of course I procrastinated that little bit more and decided to check my feedly first, and what I found was exactly what I needed! It was your first post saying you were signing up for the program:) I immediately emailed marta, signed up, and bought my kit before I could chicken out. I’m loving it so far and I just wanted to say a big thank you for sharing and getting me started too! I’ll be rooting for you!
Kelly - I’ve been doing Beachbody programs, including Shakeology, for almost a year. I’m in the middle of P90X3 so I’m not doing Fix21 yet which means I don’t know exactly what you can have but if you can add frozen fruit to your Shakeology it will make it like a milkshake and it’s so good! This is what I have every single day – 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1 scoop Strawberry Shakeology, half a banana and about 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries & peaches (total, not each) Blended together it tastes like a strawberry milkshake. Seriously.
I’m excited to see how this works out for you! I’m really leaning towards doing this program next!
Laura - God Bless you Meg, because this gives me a head ache!
what works for one, doesn’t mean it works for the other.
I always tell Nick, who has tried every diet out there…just eat healthy, and work out!
easy for me, but not for him.
so while this looks like a lot of work for me…and that shake kind of scares me…I will pray for great results!
you know, i happen to think you are beautiful and awesome just the way you are…
and i have seen you in person, so i am not lying…
you are beautiful.
even when your teenager yells at you.
(why do they yell at us??????? WHY?????????? make them stop!!!)
but i know that desire to feel good…to feel strong and healthy and in control…
i am excited to see your results!
this looks like something you can totally do!
if only it guaranteed thin thighs AND no yelling teen.
I would drink a shake a day if it meant my teen didn’t yell at me.
and i hope you can still have your moms margaritas…that counts as a yellow or green fruit, right???
Betc - I’m a mom of 4. 9,7,5,&3. I need to do this because I’m not eating right. I’m not working out. And… I just don’t feel good. And meal planning, forget it. I’m terrible.
Jessica R - One of things I have loved about your blog is that you don’t hesitate to share (and are honest about the hard, daily parts of being a mom) so I enjoyed reading about your plan for the next 20 days. I’m doing my second 30 Day Challenge with Adie (one of Marta’s sisters) and it’s inspiring to see you challenge yourself for 21 days. You’ve got this!!
Kimberly - Looks like a great plan! Good luck with it… I’ve kind of fallen off the WW wagon since Christmas, but since I KNOW it works, it’s just a head game. Maybe I’ll borrow your motivation!