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Throw those curtains wide


my favorite song for the past three months. 
my kids love to listen to it on the way to school…LOUD.

driving into the bright rising sun… 
ready for a new day… 
i look back and sean is playing "air violin" 
annie says "this is my favorite part mom"…the violin solo. 
my favorite line is "kiss me like a final meal…"

"it's looking like a beautiful day"

(even if you did have to make two of your kids walk to school for being disrespectful to their mother)

sildenafil citrate 100mg - What pitch is the violin chromatic tuner supposed to be on when I tune my violin?
I’m trying to tune my violin and I don’t know what pitch, I’m supposed to set my chromatic tuner on….. 440, 435, 460. Please advise.

Jen - I’m SO HAPPY to have refound your blog!! I got a new computer and couldn’t remember the web address. Anyhoo, LOVE THAT SONG (and thanks for helping me “refind” that too. Goin on my IPod tomorrow!). I love how everyone looks in the video–normal, talented people, having fun with what they’re doing. Nice.

Jodi - Thanks for introducing me to a new group! Love em. ooxx`jodi

Susan - What a beautiful song!! I’ve never heard of the band but I’m spreading the word now. I love your blog! Thanks for sharing!!

Julia - downloaded it…can now not get it out of my head!!!

patti - ok, i’ve listened to it 3 times in a row and i’m loving it! thank you so much for sharing a new song and introducing me to a new band. gotta go check them out!

pve - Lost track of how many days of rain here, so that song will be played in order to bring on the sun….and make some of the best meals.
love your punishment.

Chad Gifford - Hey, I wanna play a violin solo!
Meg, its Chad and Kay!
How are you?
Your pictures are amazing. We love you guys and really miss you..

Lori Quicke - Love this band! My husband interviewed Guy Garvey, the lead singer, a few years ago for his British music show. If you like this kind of music you should listen to his show –!

sara - what a beautiful song. thanks for sharing it!

Ruth - Hooray for Elbow! Such nice blokes too.

Kelly - This has absolutely nothing to do with this post but after months of visitng your great blog I just noticed your “Our House” album on your sidebar. Oh my word! You have the best house in the world! I am absolutely in love with every single nook & cranny of it. It’s fantastic! I am especially jealous – in the most Christian sense of the word of course πŸ™‚ – of your awesome kitchen. Wow! I’ve always liked the idea of the couch and chair thing in the kitchen. It looks like a great place to grow a family! Thanks for sharing!

Wendy - Meg! I love this! I’ve never heard it before. Thank you. xox

gina entz - never heard it. now i love it.
i like the walk to school idea. if only it wasn’t just a walk through our backyard to get to school. my kids would probably think it was a punishment if i drove them to school. hmmm…now you got me thinking…nope, never mind, there’s no way i’m driving them. that’s too much work!

Susan - I’m so glad I took the time to listen!
Loved it.

MGF - I agree the rain would be perfect. Cloudy here so close.

Ryanne Toland - HI Meg, Found your blog from the Mcclenahans, and I love it. Your photos and posts always make me so happy. Thank you.

Julia - Great song – thanks for the tip. I needed to remind myself about the beautiful day this morning – I was getting grumpy carrying two tote bags, a beach umbrella and a 3 year old across the biggest sand dune ever to get to the beach. I should have been telling myself “it’s a beautiful day. you’re at the beach” but I wasn’t.

Michelle - Too funny that your kids had to walk to school. Good for you.
Great song. Thanks for sharing the video.

Chasity - great song….may have to throw that one onto my playlist.
have a super day.
oops, i mean a beautiful day.

Laura - yes. a beautiful day indeed.

a thorn among roses - i like it…i like it a lot!!! and you know, sometimes having a beautiful day starts with just a simple reminder. πŸ™‚

Joni - BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for posting. I made my kids walk home once for disobeying and quarreling in the car. It’s a memory they still laugh and talk about today, now that they’re all grown up, that is!

Lori Danelle - I didn’t know anyone else listened to Elbow!!!
This is getting scary! I’ve been listening to them since their Asleep In the Back album that came out in 2002.
Love this song!!

Jill Adkins - LOVE that song!!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Off to buy it for the car ride home with the kiddos….
Love the “walk to school”…

mom - Love this. Thanks for the new song.

Mindy Harris - This song is precious; perfect way to start the day.
The first thing I do in the morning (besides brush my teeth) is draw open all the curtains in the main areas (all, as in 2–my house is small!)

Jess - Great song….wishing that it wasn’t raining here.
Walking to school…just had to make the oldest do that the other day, for being late all week! Miss your ride. You must walk. Lucky for her we are a hop, skip and a jump from school! They should be walking anyway!

traci - LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! AND im shocked you made them walk for being disrespecful….I didnt think you did that kind of thing. Thats more my thing and Im alot meaner than you are BY FAR πŸ™‚
Thanks for sharing that song…Im gonna post it on my facebook right now

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field trip

i spent the day on a first grade field trip.

IMG_6464 IMG_6471 

i was in charge of three girls for the day…wandering the zoo.


usually when i take my kids to the zoo we don't stay too long.  
we have member passes so we can go whenever.
we go and see a few things and then go home.
all day was a long time for me to wander the zoo! (boo hoo right?  cue the violins…)

IMG_6492 IMG_6500

i felt like that giraffe.
bad mommy.

we said goodbye at the bus….i drove to hobby lobby for a whirlwind visit.
grabbed a giant sonic happy hour drink…
buzzed back home.

got a HUGE headache at 4:30 that put me to bed at 6:00 for 45 minutes.

i did not feed my kids dinner.
annie came in while i was resting my head and whined about 4 times "i'm hun-gry
(it WAS dinner time)
but instead of being nice and sweet…
i yelled "then go get some food!"  
(she does it all day everyday on her own with out any help from me…)
she started to cry and left the room.
my head was still pounding and i was back asleep within a minute.
later we found her asleep in her bed.
poor annie…probably cried herself to sleep from mean old migraine mommy dearest…with no dinner!

so there it is.
it's over.
good riddance.

alyssa - Thanks for being honest about being grouchy to your kids. Makes me feel better knowing I’m not the only one!

traci - that sucks. i have had 1 migrane. it was terrible. made me puke. i never want another one, ever.

Karina - Oh my, you make me LAUGH! That picture of the giraffe, and that’s how you feel at the zoo – HA! Thank you for making the everyday so much fun, and with gorgeous photos too (I am saving up for a camera like yours!)!

kat - Oh dear, migraines truly are the worst. I suffer from them too, luckily I only get a few a year though. We have all had moments when we have yelled at our children, they get over it quickly. I hope your feeling better!!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You are such a hoot. I have to agree with another commentor up there on the list. I too have been “blog stalking” you. Your blog never fails to make me laugh, smile or cry. I just love the way you write and your photos are absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for being such a big part of my blogging day!!

purejoy - i want that giraffe picture for every time i have a migraine (almost a 3x a week occurance, and usually have some level of a headache every day. sorry you were hurting, and it’s totally understandable to bark at your kids when you want to rip your head from your body. a little mommy love makes it all better.
good luck with the head.

danie - So I have been “blog stalking” you since December and I LOVE your Blog! I check nearly every day. You have taken the place of Martha Stewart in my heart LOL! Today I was having a rather hard mommy day and thought of your blog. And I thought “man if I could just get it together too!” But I knew you couldn’t be perfect and wondered what you struggle with. Then I logged on this evening and low and behold you are normal like the rest of us! I just knew it had to be true! God bless you for sharing your life with us all, it is such an encouragement to craft, decorate, befriend, create and mother!!!

Sarah - I’m sorry you had a bad Monday but I am glad that you were so real about it. We all have days like this!

Carmen - Hope you are feeling better. Our school does the same thing for first and second grade, a trip to the zoo and the parents are the ones that watch the kids. The teachers “supervise” from the picnic tables. I know they work very hard at school but it is so much responsibility to watch 2 or 3 other kids! Last year I had to do it 2 weeks in a row. No trip to the zoo this year!

Cris Marsh - Migraines are the worst….
Love you new blog banner…

Linda - I don’t know you, but you are hilarious! Its so great when a mom is real–it makes all of us feel better for the times when we’ve been mommy migraine. Thanks for making my day a little lighter

Jess - aahhhh! welcome to the club!!! you are one of us….you had us fooled for a while with all of your craftyness,cute dog,and happy rainbow kid! you just made us all feel a little bit more normal! sorry about the headache…thanks for being real! hope today was better!

krystall - thanks for being real

adrienne - hilarity! we all certainly have our moments. try excedrin for the headache- works for me.

adrienneK - this made me feel better…to know that you…scream(too) im not a crazy screaming looney or something but i do loose it from time to time:( hope today is bette<3

Laura - don’t get me started on the zoo (I, too, have posted on a visit to the dreaded place)
When we go, we are lucky to see TWO animals.
My kids want to buy the expensive food
then the ice cream
then we see the alligator
then cry that it is too hot
and we leave.
there ya have it. trip to the zoo.
now, stop reading, and go make Annie dinner….

sandy toe - Field Trip=Headache…it did as a “teacher” and now as a “parent”…
sandy toe

Keri - Ugh…I feel your pain. Migraines suck. And, usually, so do field trips. =)

carissa... brown eyed fox - love your new header… perfection!
and i just have to say… THANK YOU… thank you for being you… and being true… i am NOT alone!
πŸ™‚ the “validation” just brought tears to my eyes!
love to you! and big ‘ol hugs too!

Lori Danelle - I’m so jealous!!!! Wichita has an incredible zoo. We try to make a visit whenever we are in town. But I definitely hear you on the joys of having a membership and short visits! With my 2 year-old we sometimes last a half hour, we sometimes make it 3, but it so nice not to feel like you MUST stay all day to make it worth the money. Everyone enjoys themselves and you get to see different things each visit!

Chasity - here is to a new day!!!

heather h - LOVE your honesty…it was refreshing πŸ˜‰
And I agree with all the above-we all have those days

Victoria - Ugh…migraines are the worst…especially when there are small children involved! Thanks for being real.

Courtney - That gave me a good chuckle… thank you! πŸ™‚

Lisa - Oh Meg,
Don’t feel too bad. We all have a Monday like that once in a while. Annie knows you love her. I would have cried too if you deprived me of your fantastic cooking πŸ™‚
Take care,

Trish - Life is like that. I just yelled at my daughter for not focusing while getting dressed. The mean part about that is she has a REALLY difficult time doing it… she has CP. Why do we take things out on our kids? We always feel horrible afterwards, and it never gets us anywhere? Somedays I want to pray for more patience, but then I realize to get more patience you have to go through more things that try your patience. This rain doesn’t help me. Hope you headache goes away. Glad you keep it real for all!

Lyndsey - My Chicken Blanch looks like she had a twin on your field trip! Check her out on my blog…

Wendy - All day at a zoo with kids? Wow, that’s just asking for a headache…

Jeana - hi! I’ve been lurking your AMAZING blog too, and GOSH you’re mean lol. I just wanted to stop in and and say thank you too….for keeping it real. I often feel like this with 3 little boys and one is special needs. Mine happen all too often I’m sure, but I’m learning to grasp this life God has given me and really enjoy it more often! I hope today is a happier one for you and little Annie =]

Christina - Yes, hoping your day is better today-and what I have to say is at least you can blame your behavior on a wicked headache and not just your personality (which some other people I know-um, myself-are just stinky at parenthood and have those moments more frequently). My husband makes up for my wacky tendencies with lots of love, understanding, and wisdom for my kids!
And great pictures, by the way.

traci - I remember a fieldtrip that just ZAPPED me. I somehow made it thru the day (even road a loud, bouncy bus back), fell into bed and slept for about 2 hours with a HORRIBLE headache!! Teachers who do it daily are amazing. I teach 3 times a week and it zaps me….by the way…..great pics and Im sure Annie will

Angela Conklin - I miss my kids being little. I do not miss field trips.

Tracy - Aww…. Meg – I hope you have a much better day today and that migraine is gone so poor little Annie doesn’t get mistreated again and sent to bed with no food – LOL – you KNOW I am JUST kidding – right?! I actually THREATENED my kids (who are both 15) with sending them to bed the other night with no dinner and they laughed at me! They said that was child abuse! LOL Sooo… I feel your pain and I am sorry that the zoo day was a bad day all the way around – however, on an upside – you got some GREAT pictures, as usual! Have a great day, Meg! {{{BIG HUGS}}} Trac~ :o)

Vera - Ha! One time I had a migraine and my 3 year old wouldn’t stop playing in my closet pulling clothes off hangers, but I was in too much pain to close the door or give her something else to do, so I told her there was a giant spider in my closet. It worked. I’m going to have to show her that picture of the giraffe – it’s awesome, and those are her favorite animals!

lorel - Perhaps the mildewy rainforest and muddy barnyard induced your migraine?
I haven’t been on any of Macy’s field trips. I figure the other parents can do that – I see the kids every day! AFter reading your post, it is probably a fair trade. Hope today is better.

Ruth - Oh bless your heart! Field trips did me in everytime! But now I miss them. What’s a mom to do??

amy (not corey) - So we have 3 more field trips yet before school is out. How many can I put you down for??? πŸ™‚ I just wrote in Talby’s planner, “Thanks again for coming with us yesterday! I hope you enjoyed it!” I guess I know the answer to that, huh? You were probably really hating GB and I yesterday. I think it was the best field trip I’ve ever been on! πŸ™‚
Take a nap today. And a bath.

Becky - meg, i nearly squealed with delight when i saw your comment. the only thing that made me cover my mouth was my sleeping 10 month old. i mean, i’m not ready to walk out the door yet, so why wake her, right? i have those days too. and i have NO idea why i haven’t commented yet. i’m usually pretty good at making myself at home. to borrow a word from erika and darby, i would love to snorgle the face of that cute waffle.

Kat - You are the meanest!
Poor Sam and Stone have seen me like this a few times.
Hope today is better!

Katy Durec - I’ve recently started lurking on your blog, and I appreciate your honesty in this story! I can resonate with it all too well, and I only have one small child! πŸ™‚ BTW – Your house is amazing!

Brooke - ooohh lady…i call this “mean mommy mode” unfortunately my girls know the term all too well…thank goodness kids seem to have quicker reset/forgive/forget buttons than adults do! i am sure you and annie will have an awesome tuesday…at least that is what i am hoping for you this a.m.!

katherine - oh boy… what a day… it’s good to know that I’m not the only one that suffers bleck Mondays! Lucky me… I’m going to miss my son’s pre K zoo trip. I’ll be out of town with the baby! My dear mil is stepping in. phew.

kasey - you can join me in the mom of the year award! lol.
{come join me today on my photo challenge girl}

Aby - WOW!! You ARE real!!!! You mean you’re not the constantly perfect, constantly creative, constantly attentive, constantly cool mom I’ve been thinking you are all this time!??! You have no idea the pressure you just took off of me!!!! LOL!!! Hope you’re feeling better… Annie too!!

Jess - Yes, thanks for keeping it real. I have been guilty of doing the same. Today is a new day! Smiles and hugs!!!

Christy Lewis - I LOVE your blog! Everyday I tune in to see what super hero mom act you are doing for that day……… I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you don’t hide anything! Glad to see that I am not the only mommy who gets migrain so bad that I have to hide in my bed and pray that no one finds me (some how they always do)! Hope you have a better Tuesday!

Julia - In my book the first mistake was going to the zoo. Friday I just DROPPED OFF my daughter, 4 of her classmates and her teacher and yelled “see you at 12:30” as I was speeding away. I don’t do zoos. My kids can blame me as much as they want for their lack of zoo time. I’m not buying it.
I do wish I was there for the Sonic run. When the kids and I go to Walmart (right next door) we try to time it to get there at happy hour. Once I had them scattered all over the store getting groceries so we could get there by 4. Serious business.

Mary Elizabeth - i hope your tuesday is more pleasant and no headaches .. those can just end any good times … for everyone involved. so hip hip hooray for tuesday today!!! have fun, hug annie 10 times extra today for her crying and all will be well again!!! πŸ™‚

Lorelei - Thanks Meg for keepin’ it real!!

Sara - here’s a big hug for you! I leave today for a 3 day (overnight) 8th grade field trip to Huntsville Alabama (space camp)and I am NOT very excited about it. I’m sure I will feel like the Giraffe…

Sandy - We’ve all been there. Knowing the great mom you are, you and Annie will both feel all better today. Here’s to a happy Tuesday!

ElizabethE - I hate field trips — honestly, haven’t our kids done enough?

dellie - You are such a classic – I know exactly how that feels. I stayed up late last night and my son decided to wake me at 6:30, which to some may seem late but for him is really very early …and I was not a happy camper!

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we will transcend

this video will make you grateful for every girlfriend you have.
i cried both times.
i love ALL the women in my life…so dearly.

(i found this at the starnes family…
i couldn't find you first name on your blog anywhere…btw…on purpose maybe?)

don't you LOVE that video?
i wish i could hug every girlfriend i have….right now!

Amy - I loved the video. It is so true and so sweet. Friendships are amazing!!!

FiveCamels - I got all teary reading that and sent it to my best girlfriend. Thank you! I needed that!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You made me cry!! I’m so putting that on my blog…if I can figure out how. Thank you:)

Jenn - I cried. As usual for me. Never knew I was such a sap until recently, but this is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

Denise - Dear Meg,
Thank you, thank you for sending that video out on your blog today. I just signed up again to do the Breast cancer 3-day and the picture with all the sneakers held up is from the closing ceremony. It confirmed that even though it is hard to walk 60+ miles, it is sssoooo worth it. I want to watch this over and over and write it all out so I don’t forget…ever. And, I cried too. a sad but good cry
thanks again

Jeanne - What an incredible tribute to true friendships and for many of use….the road that is still to come.

Laura - I have seen this before, and there are tears every time. Women are AMAZING. We need to remember that…that we are in this “thing” together…who cares if you breast feed or bottle feed, stay at home or go to work, are fat or thin, rich or poor…WOMEN need to support WOMEN. We need to replace judgement with prayer. We are such a beautiful tribe, and could not survive with out the love and support of one another.
women rock.

katherine - I love this! So perfect.

Mindy Harris - Thank you for posting.
I realize I’m a tad lonely and longing for that community. It will come!

Shannan - I was fine until the last 40 seconds…Love this.

Tess S. - amazing. thanks so much for posting that video. kelly is an inspiring writer.

Yard Sale Mama - beautiful…. and just when i was missing a girlfriend terribly.
have a happy day!

Starnes Fam - Hey, Meg! No, no mystery or purpose here…’s Casey from The Starnes Family. I’m so glad you enjoyed the video. I have watched it many times and still cry.

MGF - I have seen this several times and love it more every time I see it.
Her book the Middle place is really good.
I wish I could be so great with words

kitchendoor - That was amazing. Sent it on. Thanks so much πŸ™‚

Jill Adkins - Thank you for the Blessing!- I didn’t realize how much I needed it!- perfect timing!
Many Blessings!

erica - oh i love it! thanks for posting. makes me miss my friends and be sooo grateful for the ones i have!

Kyleigh - I cried too… beautiful beautiful words. Thank you from southern England (High School Musical soundtrack playing here too, somewhere in the distance from the kids’ bedroom!)

kristin - yes, i have seen this.

Tecla - Wow! What thanks for posting that! Definitely going to be sharing it with the women in my life. Love your blog! (I’ve been lurking for a while.)

sandy toe - so sweet~
sandy toe

Heather - Loved, loved, loved this video. With oh so much going on in life (especially a woman’s life) this is so…true. *sigh* Thanks much for sharing with us! <3

Jess - Wow, thanks so much for sharing! What a blessing. Sending hugs to you…

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Tommy Boy – It's AliveThe best home videos are here

this is one of my favorite movie clips…EVER.

Gini - Meg – catching up on your blog – been away from it for too long. Whenever I got to this post…I just started giggling. I LOVE THIS CLIP!!!!!!!!!!!!! My brother watched this movie a hundred times and find this part the best part ever…each and every time. Too funny.

Jill Jones - Oh man… that is some good stuff! Thanks for the laugh… it’s one of our favorites too!

dawn - I loved that part — and the gas station scene with the door falling off… One of the best movies EVER — no doubt. Chris Farley rocked.

Sara - A classic, for sure. My husband and I just pulled that DVD out last weekend! Can’t beat it for a great laugh.

Ashley Ann - Just saw your comment on my blog and had to say you can totally pull off the pink hair. Who cares what they think?! Go for it, just send me some pictures if you do!

amy boliba - This is totally unrelated but am having a hard time finding your shop on etsy-can you help me out?

gina entz - our two older kids love that scene.
they quote from it often.
kid #3, whose 4 years old, was singing “fat guy in a little coat” as I was getting his and his brother’s bath ready this morning.
not sure how it relates to a bath.
and equally not sure how he knew that line to begin with.

Deputy's Wife - I feel a kindred spirit with you now. That scene is one of my favorite scenes of all time. The entire movie is in my top five favorites.
I love it!

valerie @ Robots and Candy - I love that movie. My fiance hadn’t seen it until a few months ago and now he understands why when I’m shopping and things are too small I dance around singing “Fat guy in a little coat!”

Kasey - My husband has a rotation of about 7 movies he watches (and quotes) regularly. Tommy Boy is one of them. Thank goodness he and I have the same sense of humor.

chas at the wild raspberry - that’s so funny…my favorite line in the movie is when tommy knocked the door off the car at the gas station and when he gets in to drive away…the door comes off and tommy says “What did you do!?” hilarious movie!
thanks for the laughs.

Laurel - My husband and I love this movie – I think I can quote the whole thing!

CherryTreeLane - I could watch this movie 100 times a week. Love.

Heidi Jo the Artist - I love Tommy Boy! We watched it a few weeks ago after not seeing it for at least a couple of years. It is great when you need a good laugh.
Thanks for posting the Bible verse yesterday too. I think it is a great verse and I passed it along onto my Facebook friends and it helped inspire more. πŸ™‚
Have an awesome day! Ahhh, I love the word awesome! Great use of it in Tommy Boy!
Heidi Jo the Artist
Come Check Out ~ Swirls of Creativity’s Purple Thursday ~ Every Thursday!

Brooke - Love, love, LOVE me some C.F. I still remember the day he died, I was in the car and heard it on the radio. No one can make me laugh to tears like Chris did! The “In a van down by the river” SNL skit…classic!!

Lanny Stanard - Oh yes miss Megan we love that movie those two were good together! have a good hump day πŸ™‚

purejoy - pretty much best movie made. . . ever.
well, that would have to take a back seat (pun intended) during the holidays, to Elf, my all time favorite movie.
but i’ll give you Tommy Boy the rest of the year.
soooo flippin’ hilarious that i almost want to go watch it right now.
but that would interrupt my blog stalking (lol)
have an amazing day, and i pretty much adore your blog.

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the oscars

i haven't watched them yet.
i haven't seen any of the movies.  
it's on the dvr so while i sew i may have it on in the background.
but this is what i like to see on my oscars.

"del tacooooo!"

and this is funny too.

looking forward to seeing what was funny tonight.


My First Kitchen - I just watched my DVR’d Oscars yesterday. REEEEALLY good. Surprisingly. And, yes, they cut to Brad and Angelina when Jennifer Aniston presents an award. TWICE.

Hannah Devries - Your blog is fabulous. I am going through major blog envy right now. I hope one day I can be as cool as you.
My friend showed me your site. We love it.

vicki - That’s some good funny right there! Thanks!

amy bell - hey girlie…
i have lots of vintage rick rack, some fabric scraps and some sewing odds and ends to donate for your new shop. i would love to help with the fund raising to honor sweet cora.

Laura Phelps - I was at the Oscars!!!! It was fantastic! Go and watch!

Lazy Mom Leslie - Too bad it’s not always that funny!

Kelly O. - thanks for a laugh! we don’t have cable, so I miss out on this stuff!

carly - i just wanted to let you know, i was at old navy this weekend, and there is a red and white polka dotted hooddie there with your name on it! you cannot be 19.50!

Julia - That’s why I didn’t bother with watching the Oscars – how can I get excited for a movie if I haven’t seen it? Once they come out on DVD then I’ll be excited for them!

Suzanne - just got through commenting on MY blog about what i thought was funny on the oscars…they were really good this year, even though i hadn’t seen any of the movies either…come share whether you & i thought the same thing:)

Kim - Likewise – I haven’t seen any of the movies and I rarely get to watch the Oscars. I’ll catch up on what everyone wore by looking at the Today Show! - I love love love your blog. it’s so colorful and warm, and always brings a smile to my face. you make me want to be more crafty and spontaneous than I actually am… and I have the urge to have many more children… I think that’s a good thing too!:-) thanks for sharing.

Wendy - Okay, those were really funny clips… Why can’t the Oscars always be so fun?

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poor david…i feel ya.

especially to the screaming part.

i feel like that today.
in honor of cora's life…
if you want to look back at sweet baby cora's photo shoot
keep praying for them.
it's going to be a very hard day.
and will continue to be….

they are precious.
the proceeds will go to build the Cora Playground.
this is SO COOL!
go get one in honor of cora.

what a beautiful way to honor her life…
bringing joy those around them.

Stacy - Are you aware that they are going to be showing David’s video on Inside Edition today?

bobbie - David’s video is on cnn and on’s homepage. wow. It’s funny.

Patti - love the headbands – they are beautiful. on a side note: i’ll be thinking of a little girl i never knew as we raise money again for the annual st. baldrick’s event. my husband is shaving his head again this year to raise awareness for children’s cancer research.

melissa @ the inspired room - so sad about baby cora…what a sweet girl.
my daughter put that video of david on my facebook. so funny!!! loved the screaming!! hilarious.

Mindy Harris - Cora and her family have been on my heart ever since I found out she was diagnosed with cancer. I know she is dancing with Jesus now, but I am so sad for her family who is left behind. Those headbands are darling. Can grownups wear them? πŸ™‚
On another note, I LOVE your blog. Your house is beautiful! Just curious, how do you do give-aways? I was thinking of doing one for my blog, but I don’t know how (like if there’s a random winner picker tool or something?)

adrienne - After several days of murky and wet weather, the sun is finally shining! It kind of put a bounce in my step this morning and that made pancakes seem possible! So, I tried out the blender pancakes. I added a little bit of ripe banana since I had one and got a big thumbs up from my kids! Best of all, it wasn’t a big deal to clean up. Thanks for the great idea!

Lindsey - That video was absolutely hilarious-the hardest I have laughed all day. I would never have had the forethought to have a camcorder in that situation, but if any of my children ever have anesthesia, I will now be prepared with camera rolling.
Thanks also for sharing about Cora and pleading for prayers for her and her family.
Recently found your blog and am loving it.

Alice Nakles - did you see that video on the “soup”. it was so funny.
that awesome of the playground for Cora. my prayers on with that family.

Staci - I was thinking about you today…thinking about Cora and Jess and Joel…thinking how incredibly priceless those pictures you took of her back in September must be to them. God bless.

Ashley - Meg,
I am so sick about Cora, we have been praying and praying for her family. There are just simply no words.
David’s video is truly one of the funniest things I have ever seen! I called my kids into watch it too and they laughed until they cried! So so funny!
Love your blog!

chris - Meg ,
I hope you are doing ok today getting through this awful process , I can’t stop thinking about Cora and her family and you too , there is no more painful loss than that of a child , and seeing someone lose their child is life altering and physically painful .
It is hard to understand how this can happen , it is all too much .
I gave to Cora’s playground it is the least we can all do, I wish I could do more , something.
You all are in my thoughts.

Liz - I am so so sad for Cora’s parents. Somedays it would be nice to understand these kinds of things. It’s hard when we dont know the ‘why’ of it all.

3 Peas in a Pod - Cora’s passing has shaken me so much. How terrible. I can’t find the right words other than I’m sick over it and I’m so sorry for their loss.
Much love from NJ,

jessica - i can’t figure out where to email you, so i’ll leave a comment. please please leave one at my blog or send it to my address. . .
i would LOVE to know the paint color in your foyer. the green?
can you tell me where you bought some of the fabrics on the pillows in your reading/playroom?
thank you so much!
god bless you!
jessica πŸ˜‰

Suzanne - still just in shock & disbelief and i don’t even know them, but can’t keep my mind off of them…especially today!
thinking of you all…
really taking in & cherishing all the little things…laughter is good medicine!

Abby - Megan,
I have been following your blog for a couple of weeks now, came over from Joel and Jessica’s blog. Thanks for the video, good to get a laugh in today. Like everyone else my heart is so heavy, praying for Cora’s family and her church family as they go through this time of sorrow. I have been listening to Natalie Grant’s song Held on repeat and praying for you all during the service hour.
Abby in FL – where today the wind is howling (feels like I am back home in KS)

Lauren - Hi Meg! Just wanted to share a few lyrics from Jeremy Camp’s new song. Definitely something to hold on to !
There Will Be A Day
I try to hold onto this world
With everything I have
But I feel the weight of what it brings
And the hurt that tries to grab
The many trials that seem to never end
His word declares this truth
That we will enter in this rest
With wonders anew
But I hold onto this hope
And the promise that He brings
That there will be a place with no more suffering
There will be a day with no more tears
No more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day
When the burdens of this place
Will be no more
We’ll see Jesus face to face
But until that day
We’ll hold onto You always
I know the journey seems so long
You feel you’re walking on your own
But there has never been a step
That you’ve walked out all alone
Troubled soul don’t lose your heart
Cause joy and peace He brings
And the beauty that’s in store
Outweighs the hurt of life’s sting
But I hold onto this hope
And the promise that He brings
That there will be a place with no more suffering
There will be a day with no more tears
No more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day
When the burdens of this place
Will be no more
We’ll see Jesus face to face
But until that day
We’ll hold onto You always
I can’t wait until that day
Where the very one I’ve lived for always
Will wipe away the sorrow that I’ve faced
There will be a day
He’ll wipe away the stains
He’ll wipe away the tears
He’ll wipe away the tears
There will be a day

Jen - my β™₯ is with Cora’s family. Thank you for bringing this story to my attention. ALthough I do not know them, they are really inspiring to me.

Ashley Ann - Thanks for the link to the shop, I just bought a pin and am going to put up a link on my site tomorrow. I have had the extreme honor of photographing little ones that are now are in heaven – the gift you gave Cora’s parents is something that they will treasure from here to eternity. It is a humbling experience to be able to give parent’s a gift like that. Your pictures of Cora beautifully capture a spirited baby girl and her adoring parents…

Aubrey - That video makes me wish I would have taken our video camera when my daughter had a cavity filled a couple of summers ago. It was so funny. Sad, but funny.
I’m so sad about little Cora. Poor baby. Poor parents. I can’t imagine having anything like this ever happening to me, and I hope it never does. I think the worst for them is that it was their first baby and they have no other kids to console them. Heart-breaking. I read their post Sunday morning before church and was bawling in the shower, hoping my family wouldn’t hear me getting hysterical over a stranger’s baby. It just made me so stinking sad. At least we have Annie and David to cheer us up. Maybe you could lend Annie to Cora’s parents.

Gini - Meg – I posted links to your blog and Cora’s family and wrote a quick little tribute post for them. I hope that’s ok, since we are strangers, really. But all of my “people” are praying and praying hard. Thank you for bringing this to the forefront of our minds. We seem to forget how precious life is and take it for granted within all of our busy-ness.

niftythriftygirl - Thank you so much for posting the link to Julie’s shop. Just purchased a headband…what a magnificent way to honor such a sweet baby girl. My daughter will wear it and cherish it as the headband has such a special meaning. My thoughts and prayers are with Cora’s family.

Rachel - I just heard this awful news on another blog; I had forgotten that you had taken pictures of beautiful Cora not to long ago; it just shows you how we are all connected here in blogland.
I wish them strength during this time. These are beautiful pictures and so wonderful that you caputured her beautiful smiles.

duchess.of.reel - I’m a complete stranger who couldn’t help but be taken in by Cora Paige’s story. I’m SO sorry for all who were close to her. We’ll never understand why some leave us before others. Not for us to understand I suppose. I will continue to pray for all of you in the days ahead. As Moms, our hearts are breaking…
The David video was a nice way to smile for the day! Sometimes my husband has 4 eyes too. Hee. My favorite part was of course the scream (totally feel like doing that on wash/laundry days) and then the question, “Is this forever?” Too funny!

kristen - thanks for the link to julie’s shop. it is amazing. i bought a pin for Cora. what a beautiful way to remember her.

Jenn - that video is hilarious! – had me rolling…

Shannan - Just picked up a headband and a pin. They are lovely and we will remember her life when we wear them. Isn’t it amazing how God can impact our lives through people we have never even met? Still praying for everyone…

Wendy - What a great video! And a smart dad for capturing that moment.

Kate - that is such a neat idea to help remember Cora. if i had any good creative talent i’d put it to use too, but unfortunately i’lll just have to buy a headband to contribute.

Linda@ Restyled Home - Meg, my heart goes out to you and Cora’s family.
It makes no sense…none.

traci - Funny video.
I read on another blog that the time span of Cora’s family finding out she had cancer and her death was 3 WEEKS!!! I struggle with that as a stranger…how do they as mommy and daddy? My heart truly aches for them!!!! I remember CLEARLY seeing your photo shoot with Cora and just thinking she was my kinda of baby πŸ™‚

Juliann - Just read the update on Cora; I feel sick and sad. What a blessing to them to have you in their lives, and I am sure the photo shoot is a treasure to them now. Give them a hug for me today; I’ll be praying during the funeral.

danyele - oh my goodness…it is so sad and yet, so funny at the same time! hilarious! when paige got the goofy juice before surgery, she did the “2 fingers” thing too!
i’m so saddened by cora’s passing. i am honoring her this week by doing a gift drop at our local NICU where our daughter was born and had her NICU stay. we are taking up dinner for the families and gift bags for the siblings. thank you for sharing your beautiful pics of cora again! those cheeks!

Alyssa - oops, wrong link. here it is

Alyssa - haha that video is too funny. did you see the remix? his dad made it into a rap song. it was funny too! check it out

Ashley - haha! That video is the FUNNEST thing I have ever seen! Bless his heart:) My favorite part is, “Dad…. you have four eyes.” ha! too cute!

Lazy Mom Leslie - Still praying for Cora and her family. Thanks for sharing hte video, very funny!

traci - too funny.
i continue to have little cora and her family in my prayers. i am so sorry. that poor family. she was a beautiful little angel!

Sandy - OH MY GOSH! David’s video is HILARIOUS! I’m sure he’ll get a kick out of watching himself today. πŸ™‚
I’m so sorry about baby Cora. Life isn’t fair sometimes. πŸ™

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you may not find this as funny as craig and i did…

Michelle - Hilarious!
I just found your blog and this got me giggling. Very, very funny.
Have you watched Dr. Horrible yet? Here’s the link. It is laugh-out-loud funny.

jennifer - that was hilarious! oh, i miss doogie. i thought he was so cute!

Jill Jones - YES! Loved this! Thanks for posting it so I could laugh again and again! Good stuff!

Patti - This was the best. My husband and I couldn’t stop rewinding the TIVO!

Patti - This was the best. My husband and I couldn’t stop rewinding the TIVO!

carissa - oh btw my friend… your letter… HOW i loved that… thank you… SO! πŸ™‚

carissa - omg… just watche dthis clip over on FB!
that doogie… how we do love him!

Lisa - hello my name is lisa and i am new to your blog. i love it here and plan to visit often!
the doogie video is priceless!

Ashlie - Hi! I saw this on Jenna’s “These are the days” blog and it is so hilarious! I watched that show a lot when I was younger!

Ali - Neil Patrick Harris is the best. Do you watch How I Met Your Mother? I love him in that.

Evan - we thought it was funny too! and that tear at the end…

Amanda Jo - LOVE. IT.
love it

PamperingBeki - I saw that this weekend and thought it was hilarious!

Lisa - That is hillarious.

Trac-;o) - Hey Meg! Thanks for sharing! I’ve been home in bed sick with the flu for the last week and this just brightened my day and gave me a big laugh. I loved Doogie back in the day – he was so funny and is just as good now on How I Met Your Mother. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Trac-:o)

deb meyers - FUNNY! Thanks for the treat.
Remember Doogie’s [now awkward] PC? How cool was that?
deb meyers

Christine G - Hello,
I hope this isn’t too odd. I’m not really much of a blogger except one that I update every now and then. I’m an 18 year old college student from New Jersey. Your blog came to me through stumbleupon with your amazing idea for remolding old broken crayons. Looking at your photography, the pictures of your beautiful house, special occasions, and everyday moments made me see life with new eyes. A year ago my boyfriend died and things have been so…empty. Sometime before christmas was when I first saw your blog, and realized how you seem to balance, holidays, your husband, religion, 5 kids, mantain a wonderful home and still seem happy and I just…felt happy again. I rushed around the house helping my parents with christmas and being excited about school again, I felt alive once more and I wanted to thank you for opening my eyes. I really really hope I won’t sound like a total weirdo, I just wanted to let you know what you had indirectly done for me. Thank you.
-Christine G

Kelley - FREAK-ING HILARIOUS!!! I SOOOO needed that laugh. I love Doogie on HIMYM!!! I think I need to go watch that again.

Wendy - Okay, that was funny… Oh, Doogie, why did you have to go and grow up?

MGF - Being a nurse I really appreciate all the lab coat and my husband won’t mind if I wore a version of the nurse uniform- at hoe of course

Allikayes Mama - My hubby and I enjoyed that too! We rewound it and watched it again! I was happy that this SNL seemed to be getting funny again!

Katrine Judd - That was the best!

Rosemarie - Oh my gosh – I have to run to the ladies room now before I pee my pants from laughing. (TMI?)

Shana - YEs…we too thought it was fantastic.

danyele - i saw this…and i died laughing! i was a huge doogie fan back in the day. he did a great job on the whole show…fab!

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