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Category Archives: friends

i’m here.

this is maple memories. 
it's a great house.
i love old homes so it's the perfect place for me.
this is the upstairs hallway…all those door are little bedrooms filled with twin beds 
to fit as many ladies into one scrapbook weekend as possible.
i love all the old doors and the sound of closing them.
and there are chandeliers here too. 
love that.

this group of women is a bit younger than my usual scrapbooking crowd
and i have noticed a difference…

and sewing machines.
at the scrapbook weekend.
it's fun to see this group of scrapbookers….who are not scrapbooking.  
they are free.
wild women.
sewing at the scrapbook weekend.
making blog books on their lap tops….at the scrapbook weekend.  
making christmas gifts.
these ladies are very crafty.

coasters and notebooks and burp cloths and table runners…

and even a man showed up!
that is a first.
(for ryan's sake…he was being sweet and dropping off something his wife forgot…and he quickly left)


i got all my gifts wrapped.
i have sewn a number t-shirt.

and i have eaten a lot of chocolate.

it's all good.
and it's midnight.  
but i am not going to bed yet.

Melanie - It looks like you are having a great time. I wish I lived close to you and I would go with you. Funny what you said about the younger group with all the laptops:) I fall more into your category but I am even older!

christine - looks like you guys had a great time 😀
and, eeek! how I love seeing that baby bump! can’t wait to “meet” that precious baby!

Kristy - how wonderful that home/house is. love it! love the whole idea of the weekend. love, love, love it!!!

Jana Edwards - I would love to know what site Ashley Ann got her idea from! It looks like you had an awesome time.

Stephanie Howell - um, can i please come next time?

purejoy - i am breathless reading. sounds like so much fun. and your presents look beautiful.
suddenly i need three more months to get ready.

Magchunk - I am totally impressed. Your gifts are wrapped and mine aren’t even purchased/made yet! In fact, we have about three stores to visit with returns before we’ll have the right stuff!
I wish I could find girly creative groups of women in my city. Rather, in my age group. Most other girls in their twenties seen to think girl’s night means holding back each other’s hair while you vomit outside a club. No thank you, I’d take a circle of sewing machines and laptops any day!

traci - wonderful. i love girls crafts/scrapbooking weekends. they are the best. i haven’t even wrapped 1 thing yet.

Laura Phelps - I should have sent my gifts to you to wrap.

linda lou - looks like you were a wrapper instead of a scraper!! way to go. i mentioned to my scrapbooking group friday we need a week end of scraping also… may down the road! love that old house and decorations. happy holidays.
linda w

DreamGirlLisa - That sounds so fun! I love old houses too, and that one looks beautiful, but I still like yours better. That wrapping paper you have is beautiful, maybe you can post where you got it?? Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

DreamGirlLisa - That looks so fun! I love your wrapping paper, it is just gorgeous…I love the house too, but I think I like yours better 🙂 Have fun!

Shannon - It was fun to spend the weekend with you! Hope we can do it next year too! I’ll look forward to more words of wisdom!!

Candace - oh my stars! i am wearing THAT shirt you have on in the last picture, RIGHT NOW! I baked seventy cupcakes in it today. It must boost energy and holiday workability! Ha!
Glad you got all of your wrapping done. Your paper is gorgeous!

Darlene - You accomplished a lot!! Love your blog and I tagged you for Happy 101. I know you’re busy but it would be great to hear the Top 10 things that make you happy. Thanks.

Tonya - what a great place for a getaway! where exactly is it? the girls in my prayer group were just talking yesterday about a getaway weekend.

Becca Parker - Congratulations on getting your wrapping done and completing your to do list. Now take a deep breath and enjoy Christmas with you family. Make memories!
I agree beautiful old house, they have the greatest character!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - The best part always comes post-midnight! When you’re all so tired but you just can’t stop. And I really, really love it when you all give up and turn off the lights, but the silence only lasts about 45 seconds and then the next thing you know, it’s 3 a.m. Fun!

lora - Looks lovely to me. What a fun weekend!

Ashley Ann - How fun! I’m a bit giddy that she was making that craft – for some reason it always shocks me to hear that people actually make something I post! Thanks for posting that…hope you had a great time. I need a craft weekend so I can make some of that stuff!

kat - What a great feeling to have all your gifts wrapped!!! Looks like you had a lovely weekend.

Lisa - Just checked their website. A craft house?! Genius! That just made it to the top of my “must-do” list for 2010!

Lisa - We have the same wrapping paper! Hobby Lobby, no? Looks like a blast!

meaghan - how fun is this!!!! i want to go! what exactly is a blog book? i think i want that!

jody - you seriously do the funnest (it’s a word. promise.) stuff.
the fact that you have presents to wrap, and paper to put on them, and the time to wrap them makes me so jealous. 🙂
Have fun!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Looks like so much fun. Doesn’t it feel great to get stuff done. Love your jammies;) I want to make a blog book. If you have any good information on that please share!

Jaimie - Meg, you are too cute! : ) Looks really fun!
I am planning on doing Ashley Ann’s craft that girl was doing too! Crazy world.

my six in the city - Looks like SO much fun! I am so behind on Christmas this year with our move to NYC.
By the way, it was great meeting you at Silver Bella and thanks for visiting my blog, too!
Merry Christmas!

Lorilee - Wow, that looks like fun, with the fringe benefit of getting things checked off your list! I live for checking things off my LIST!

Jenny - That looks like soooo much fun!

Melissa Gruber - looks like fun…i am wrapping all my gifts right now too, just not in as fun of a place!
wanted to let you know i made the chicken/roll dish the other night…everyone LOVED it…so thanks. i will be looking at more of your yummy stuff to make this winter.

adrienneK - oh love!!!! this so makes me want to get together with friends and craft like crazy!!! oh and meg you can totally come too!!!

Amy - How awesome! Fun stuff! 🙂

Sandy - Can you get us instructions on how to make the picture coasters? I love those! Have fun!!

rachel - Wow that looks sooo much fun, enjoy your weekend 😀

Diana - LOL! You in your cutsie pjs and having fun and everything.
Shake that one big box for me… I wanna know what it sounds like. 😉 Hehehee!

jeanne - What a wonderful and fun time!!! So glad that you got all you packages wrapped…I am not even done shopping.

Christina - One more thing…from your previous post-those lockers are sweet! I know I’m not one of the three people you mentioned, but I wanted to let you know that they are amazing. 🙂 Also, will you post some of (or all!) of your craft ideas with your kids? Or where you get your best ideas? Maybe you come up with them yourself! I never could. I have to copy and borrow!

Christina - Too fun! I love the picture of Ryan. Very funny. I cannot believe you have all your gifts wrapped! We just got a tree tonight! I have so much to do, but it will get done. Right?! Have fun. I love hearing/seeing wild free ladies, doing what they love. 🙂

Kate - Yeah for you!! Have a great evening!!

jennifer - That’s too funny! You’re just a couple blocks away from where my brother lives. And my cousin lives in a loft on Main St.
Anyway… I’m so glad you’re getting so much accomplished! And getting to do it in a fun atmosphere makes it all the better!
Have a great rest of your weekend.

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i have wanted to go to cloverleaf for a long time.
i saw them in country living a few years ago.
i thought the only one was in Ardmore, OK…but kim discovered there were two!
one right in oklahoma city.

"get in here"
there was pink everywhere.

it was a cowboy meets shabby chic boutique…with a little crazy thrown in for fun!

glitter everywhere.
pumpkins covered in glitter…glitter letters…even the floor was gold glitter!

you know if i ever did decide to start decorating the house for halloween…
i think a life size glitter covered skeleton would be where i would start.

look at that display jacket.  
is that from a marching band?  a nashville cowgirl?  i am so curious…it's decoration, not for sale.
but it's so cute!
and a  yellow and turquoise mushroom?

love this stuff.

kim and i kept coming back to these.
we loved them.
beautiful boots embroidered and colorful…made to feel like you've had them forever.
if only i had a spare $438.

i didn't notice that lamp until i was posting these pictures…it's pretty!
i liked the birdhouse art in the background.
and all the pink girlie books.

IMG_1155 IMG_1120

now i want pink poodle statues for my front door.

i seriously want to make this.
i know i could.
but what a fun gift to pick up for the girl who has everything….

kim ended up with gorgeous earrings that look fabulous with her eyes.
i picked a big chunky necklace that said it was "vintage".

if you are close to OK City you need to go to cloverleaf.
and bring $438 and get me a pair of those boots…size 8…please.

and i know that the Ardmore, OK. store is much bigger adn more full even…hard to imagine.
so i want to go there someday too.


Anne - The merchandise is great (Ardmore, OK store) But the ladies who work there are beyond rude! Sorry to be negative after all these positive posts, But if customer service is as important as cute inventory… Visitor beware!

Rachel at Pencil Shavings - OMG! i can’t believe you came to Cloverleaf! I live 2 miles from there, and I have a glitter ADDICTION, so I can’t let myself go in there too often. It’s like waving a martini in front of an alcoholic.
I’ve never made it to the Ardmore location, although I’ve passed it on the interstate at 70 mph many a time on the way to Dallas!

Valerie - Ten years ago I lived in the little yellow house across from Cloverleaf. If only Cloverleaf had already moved in to that OKC location — that would have been a girl’s dream for sure, to have it across the street! I love to visit my brother and sister-in-law in OKC because it always means I get the chance to run over to Cloverleaf for a quick peep. And I have been to the Ardmore store as well, but personally I think I like the OKC one better, although you must see the Ardmore one simply for the fabulous pink bicycles that line the drive.

DreamGirlLisa - Oh what a darling store! How fun! Thanks for your blog Megan, I really love reading it. I like to imagine I am a stay at home mom again and that my prince didn’t really turn out to be a frog…oh well, life happens, right?

Becky - It is so funny that you mention the Cloverleaf in Ardmore. I live in Ardmore. I have been following your blog for awhile now. The Cloverlead is one of my favorite stores. What a surprise when I’m reading your blog and you mention Ardmore.
Becky in Ardmore

emily - seriously . . . that has to be the most fantastic store ever!!!! i want one in new orleans!!!!

Trina McNeilly - Wow this is place looks super fun! I could get really lost in there and I am so with you on the poodle.. I WANT that…. how much was it?

jess - i think they should send you a pair of those beautiful boots for such a great post!!!(and an extra pair for a giveaway!!! a girl can dream…..

Peggy Rice - LOVE the photos. Now I want $438 for a pair of those boots to wear around Paris!

Christina - Whoa! I think I wouldn’t know what to do in there. No picture of your necklace?!

your cool friend Cheryl - How cool! Can I move in?

griswold fun - Thanks for sharing! I have never heard of this but Ardmore is the our Christmas traveling path. I think my husband might protest when he sees the pink exterior, though 🙂

Dawn - I love that Mamalicious T-shirt! And the salt shakers filled with glitter, how cool! I wish there was one of those stores close to me.

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Wow!!! What a great store! I need to find something like this in Minnesota! I really love the pink poodle statue. I bet you could spend all day there and never get bored. 🙂

Lorilee - Wow, that place looks awesome. I love the salt shakers of glitter and the cowboy hat edged with bottlecaps. I also gasped when I saw the locker basket with the Kaspar Wire Works, Shiner, TX label. I live about an hour from Shiner, Texas. I want to go there to tour the Brewery and taste the beer!

Tonya McDaniel - how stinkin’ fun is that store?! i’ve never heard of it, but i’m already in love! thanks for making me slobber on my laptop!

MeBBof3 - I can’t believe you didn’t get a picture of the floor! I love it… I asked how they did it and they painted it with Bass Boat paint and then covered it with Basketball Court sealer- I had to reach down and touch it. I am actuallt from Ardmore and lived in OKC for almost 20 years. The one in Ardmore is very different you got the best of both worlds! I love your Blog it is a fun way to wind down and treat myself…Thanks for the fun!

Mother Runner - Wow! That’s a whole lotta girl in one little shop!

Stephanie Carroll - 1. I love this post even though I don’t really like pink
2. Come to Texas; maybe we can find you some cute cheaper boots!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Wow what a store. Talk about eye candy. That was a perfect photo op for you. Loved the boots. I’d like some too please:)

jennifer - So cool! Loved that lamp!
But seriously, what I’d really like is a picture of Kim so I can take it to my hairdresser and copy her haircut. Mine is very similar, but hers is way better.
Kim, you out there? 🙂

Heather Giustino - Chandeleirs, glitter AND all that pink?!? I wish I was a few states closer!

donna - Oh my goodness….that looks like fun! I used to live in Oklahoma many years ago….I actually had child #1 there – I love that part of the country – so peaceful!!! We lived in Tulsa… make me miss it!

Laura Phelps - OK Meg, let’s talk here.
You put me up for a week. Make me breakfast and pots and pots of coffee in your fabulous kitchen.
Take me shopping.
And I will buy you those boots.
I just have to sell 438 cakes. And then…I will buy you those boots.

carissa... brown eyed fox - i need to go to OK… more specific… Cloverleaf!
looks like sheer happiness… one of those places you can’t stop smiling. your description was perfect too… well… since i’ve never been… i don’t really know… :)… but… cowboy chic… goodness… for sure!
HOW fun!
you’d look SO cute in those boots too!

susie whyte - wow. it’s like a little glittery heaven. 🙂 ha ha. i feel the same way when i go visit country bumpkins(douglas and hillside-wichita). there’s not an abundance of pink and glitter everywhere, but it’s still beautiful(, especially at Christmas! cyndi always has the best stuff in her store. i have to make 2 trips through her store everytime cause i always miss something. 🙂 next time you make a sugar sister’s run, stop in and check it out.
and okc…i will be seeing you soon!:)

Wendy robinson - Looks like a fun place I will have to remember this store next time I go to visit the inlaws.

Karen - Cloverleaf has been one of my favorite stores FOREVER! My mom grew up in Ardmore and I MUST stop there everytime we head that way or even any where near that direction. I LOVE the OKC one too but you must check out the original Cloverleaf someday! SO FABULOUS!!!

sara's art house - What a fun store! Beautiful pics as always.

Fidgeting Gidget - Wow! I love these photos! That store looked like a blast! I’ve been yearning for a pair of cowboy boots for a while, but they’re SO EXPENSIVE!
And that wire glittery contraption reminded me of my junior high gym locker (or should I say, wire basket?) 🙂 Thanks for sharing! Love your blog!

pve - Elvis lives! Looks like a fun spot for a little sparkle!

Beth Ann - That looks like an awesome store.

adrienneK - OMG i am in LOVE!!!!!!!

Staci - Yup! That store is about 20 minutes away from where I live…and it gets me in a little trouble EVERY time I go there 🙂 LOVE those boots too!!! If Craig gets all crazy and wants to know what you want for Christmas (other than water)….just slip him my email and I’ll go pick up a pair for you 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I now have the uncontrollable urge to dump out my salt and pepper shakers and fill them with GLITTER!

Kelly O. - fabulousness!

Abby - Looks like a fun store – the pics reminded me once again to find some locker baskets ASAP!! I like the verse on the side with the licorice background – would make a great print for your etsy shop someday… One last thing, what brand are your jeans in the picture?
ps – Faith’s pictures are amazing, she was so excited to pick them up last night!

purejoy - i want to move in there!! just think with about $900 you could have TWO pair of them boots, honey!!
they law!! if dolly parton ever caught wind of this place we could downright transform dollywood!! looks like all we need is a 5 gallon drum of glitter.

Gratsia - hmm cant link to their site but it looks fun from your pics

Gratsia - Oh wow never heard of the place but it looks awesome im going to google it now.

Amy at The Red Chair Blog - What a fun, funky place! LOVE the pics of those boots in a row!
On an unrelated note, I remembered reading in an earlier post of yours that “meal planning” was on your to do list, so I thought you might like this meal planning magnet tutorial that I posted on my blog today:

Adrian - Oh how cute I was I closer to actually see this place LOVE it!! We’re in Al-dang-bama!! Roll Tide!!

misty - omgosh meg!!! I am in OKC at LEAST TWICE A MONTH & didn’t even know this was there!! I remember seeing a post with a bracelet that says ‘whatever’ and you had the link on here, but when i clicked it the page had changed~ I was wondering where this was! This is one of my FAVORITE posts on your blog & I am emailing it out to everyone I know. I need to convince my mother in law to take me there next weekend while we’re in OKC. PS If I win the lottery, I will buy you a pair of boots since you helped me figure out where this store is! I made a mental note~ (meg: size 8 boots) =)

sarah - WOW so fun. I want some of those boots too.
If I had an extra $876 to spare, I’d buy us both a pair.
I’m going to have to go to the one in Ardmore, it’s just over an hour and a half away from me. I’m gonna have to grab a girlfriend or a few, and head there. ASAP.
Thanks for pointing me in their direction. 🙂

Kimberlee J. - Oh those boots—too bad we don’t wear the same size, we could have split the cost!

A pocket full of posies... - LORD-HAVE-MERCY!!!! I have just died and gone to Heaven!!! I see a road trip in the VERY near future!!!

Jo - I didn’t know you were the close to Oklahoma? 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the store!

missye - Oh man! What a fun place. And too far away from me!:(

Jennifer - What a fun place! I think there might be a ‘girls trip’ in my future!!

mom - Glad you finally got to go – Nancy and I knew you’d love it!

amy d - wow!! i didn’t know there were 2 of them either! didn’t you feel like you couldn’t leave, cause you know there’s no way you could of seen it all, it makes you want to stay for days to take it all in…now i will have to go find this one for sure.

The Persimmon Perch - What a fun store…I’ll have to check it out next time I’m in the city!

CherryTreeLane - I am OBSESSED with this place. Geez…..why aren’t there more cool things like this in California? (complain, complain….whine,whine…)

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happy birthday chicago jenny.

today is her birthday.
she is getting really old.

chicago jenny does not read my blog.

i know!!!!

you read that correctly.  
chicago jenny…my best friend…the woman who helped me birth my babies….who took care of my kids when i was too hungover sick…the friend who has been to see me in kansas 5 times…

does not read my blog.

it's not clear as to why she doesn't read it.

maybe it's because she thinks i am too happy on the blog? 
 (i do complain a lot to my friends in real life)
maybe she misses me so much that reading the blog makes her sad?
maybe she knows that in real life i talk/laugh/joke about s*x (it's true!)
          and it bugs her that i don't on the blog? (my grandma reads this blog jenny…)
maybe she thinks i am so funny in person and the blog is no comparison????
maybe she wants to be mentioned in every blog post? 
maybe her internet can only get facebook and can't open my blog?
maybe she can't read?
maybe she thinks i don't play sequence well enough?
maybe she can't stand the all-lowercase-letters-rule i have here?

maybe she's mad about the photos i posted of her in the gown from thrift store?
maybe she thinks i am boring?
maybe it's because she is a chemist and only likes to read blogs about chemistry?

i guess maybe it's because she works a few different jobs.
and her husband is always making her go go go to all kinds of fun places.
and she is involved in the school and committees
and she has a big extended family that she spends lots of time with.
and she reads books.

and MAYBE it's because we are already best friends without the blog…she just doesn't need it.

but i hope today (after or before her sister's wedding) she will see her
happy birthday blog post so you can all wish her a happy birthday 

and i can tell everyone, including her how much i love her.

happy birthday jenny! 

Rebecca - Happy Birthday! 🙂 My sister and/or best friends doesn’t read my blog either! 🙂

Chicago Jen - Thank you all for your happy birthday wishes. I spent a delicious day in sunny California for my sister’s wedding. My awesome hubby put balloons and streamers in the dining area of the hotel lobby. BTW, I don’t check the blog because when (or IF) she ever calls me, we will have nothing to say since I know it already. Perhaps with my new Itouch, I can keep up with her a little better. love ya meg

pam - happy, happy, happy birthday Chicago Jenny!!! Cheers to BFF’s! 🙂

Jenny - No way!!! I know Chicago Jenny! I am another Chicago Jenny who went to Christian Heritage Academy with YOUR Chicago Jenny. SOOOOOOO weird! What was her maiden name? I’m sure it is the same Jenny…I was Jenny Liace (sounds like Leeachee) back then. You’ve got to let me know…

Tammy - Happy Birthday Chicago Jenny, all the way from SW Ohio!

Kimberlee J. - Hysterical. Laughing through the entire thing.

Mandi - Happy birthday Jenny, all the way from Tennessee!

Mother Runner - Hey. Can you give Jenny a message for me…”HAPPY BIRTHDAY”!

Diana - ROTFL!!
But, honey, she doesn’t NEED to read your blog… she already has you as her best friend in real life!
Happy Birthday, Chicago Jenny!

your cool friend Cheryl - Happy birthday Chicago Jenny! Thanks for sharing your friend with us 🙂
I think it’s funny that the people we know don’t read our blogs. I only know 2 of my readers in real life!
I live in Chicago…does that make me Chicago Cheryl? 😉

Amy at The Red Chair Blog - Cute post. I can relate. Your best friend doesn’t read my blog either 🙂

Jill J - It’s SO true! Only a few of my friends read too. (Hi back Jennifer!!! She started me on your blog) Which is SO depressing. 🙁 Especially because I have a closed blog and only my friends and family can read my blog.
Well, I hope that Chicago Jenny reads your blog today. Because that is so sweet!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Happy Birthday, Jenny!!!

Kate - Oh wow! Me too 🙂 And my best friend – Chicago Jen (weird, huh?!) just became DC Jen… I’m glad it’s not just me… 🙂

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh happy birthday Jenny. I don’t understood why some of my closest friends don’t read my blog either…I mean complete strangers seem to love me, but my friends??? HA! Love your writing style Meg…so fun to read:)

Simies - Happy birthday, Jenny! You are lucky girl to have such a best friend!

jennifer - Oh this is so funny and I’m so glad I’m not alone. I started my blog several months ago when we moved as way to keep in touch with my friends and only one reads it. (Hi Jill!)
Of course I’ve posted nothing new in weeks, but I’m sure that has nothing to do with it. 🙂
Happy Birthday Chicago Jenny! And thanks for sharing Meg with us!

Lorilee - I know what you mean! I have many friends who don’t know what blogging is! I even have some friends who choose not to have computers in their homes.

linda@LimeintheCoconut - Ok…I am not alone. My closest friends don’t read my blog either (although I catch my mother sneaking a peak).
I’m going with answer 7. They can’t read.
Yep. 7
So there Chicago Jenny… and my friends(who probably read YOUR blog…Hey, maybe Chicago J reads mine. I feel better now.)
Happy Day Chicago J!

Staci - Happy Birthday Chicago Jenny!!!!!!!!!! READ MEG’S BLOG 🙂 hee hee!

pve - I know it is a weird phenomena that best friends do not read the blog, but that those we never have met can immediately know that if you did meet you would be instant friends and maybe it makes those friends just a tad jealous. that could be why your friend does not read it, unless, maybe she does not really like you anyway…..ha!
happy birthday to your friend jenny that does not read your blog.

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PW…she rocked.

my friend kim emailed me a few weeks ago and asked "want to go meet PW?"
to which i responded "uh…YES!!!"
we picked a date…arranged our babysitters…she scoped out oklahoma city for shopping…and we did it!

we were way giddy about meeting THE pioneer woman.

we were shopping for clothes and craig called my cell.
c: hi…are you having fun?  where are you?
m: trying on clothes…yes having so much fun.
c: what time is pioneer woman?
m: 6:30…what time is it now?
c: 5:15.  you aren't there already!!?!  are you kidding?  you drove all the way there and you aren't waiting in line yet?
m:  good point….we'll go now.

craig saved the day.

it was across the street at full circle books.  (very quaint bookstore that i would love to spend time in)
we arrived at 5:30 and we were at least #100?  or higher.
what dorks that we didn't go sooner!
that is a sign behind me…i am not wearing a green and yellow bonnet…i promise.
(by the way…how cute is kim?! so cute!) 

we got comfy in line and there we stood…and stood…and stood.
we had nothing to do but talk, good thing i like talking! 
we met the ladies in line with us.

mickie on the left and amy on the right…both from oklahoma…but kansas natives.

this was the line behind us…going on a long long LONG way…

finally at 8:40
yes…3 hours later…we made it to Ree.

it was worth it.

she was just as she appears on her blog…and that was just what i wanted to know.
kind eyes.
super personable.
easy to talk to.
beautiful voice.
just like i thought.


and i didn't even cry!
i was worried that i might…i just never can gauge my emotions…i can't control my crying!
so thankfully i didn't.

she posted her OKC book signing today.
those girls (with the leopard cardigan) were right behind us!
you should have heard them squeal when Marlboro Man appeared in the hall way!  

her family was there…kids, sister & baby, MM and more.
i enjoyed seeing that her boys did exactly what my boys' would've.

it was a great night.
kim…thank you for being so spontaneous and willing to go.
i learned so many cool things about you yesterday.

and i don't know what to cook first!

if you go to see her in your area…
1. get there early.
   (go early & grab a stack of books, a coffee and plant yourself in front of her table.) 
   we heard the first people were there at 4:00…for a 6:30 signing.
2. bring snacks in your purse.
3. don't forget your camera.
4. wear comfy shoes….seriously.
5. get a babysitter.  i was glad to not be one of the moms holding babies all that time.

I LOVE PIONEER WOMAN…could you tell?

the news team (watch it here) set up right beside us to get their shot.
they started filming the long line starting at us…so we aren't shown.
i dared kim to jump right out at the camera man as he was walking for his shot of the crowd.  
she said no.
the girl they interviewed was just in front of us.
i'm glad they didn't chose me…"I loooooove pioneer woman…i just LOOOOVVVVE her…i really love her"
and then i would stare into the camera like a deer in headlights.  

then i would start crying.    

we got home from Oklahoma at 1:00 AM-ish.
24 hours ago.
i am still beaming.  
i have a pioneer woman glow all about me.

i can't wait to try my first recipe. 

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Kvsieuxs - MOSCOW – 1000’s inhabitants converged with Moscow in Saturday for those following enormous antigovernment test in a four weeks,[url=コーチ%5B/url%5D an early on success designed for activists having difficulties in order to forge any first set of of one’s right into a political push perfect for demanding Vladimir VERSUS. Putin’s vitality. The primary these types of display,[url= a couple weeks backwards, ended up being unheard of for Mr. Putin’s tip, together with there have been explanations Saturday’s turnout could have been lower – in particular, wintry weather getaways and also attack in bad wintry.
Rather, people applyed all of day in to a canyon produced by substantial authorities architecture, and also police force get a group within 30, 000, beyond they will known with 12. 10. Coordinators believed it was eventually nearer to 120, 000. Several hours eventually, as the protesters distributed, they will chanted, incrementally: “We will come just as before! Most people will come once again! ”
If for example the move gets it has the concentration, it will modify a span of the actual presidential election inside Next month, when ever Mr. Putin ideas to supply his or her extend since the country’s dominating number a great ultimate 18 years. Others voters were definitely furious within the habits about this month’s parliamentary election, and you will be roused all over again just by Mr. Putin’s campaigning. Also, preserving impetus is mostly a enormous issue, as well as the preliminary giddy feeling has now hard straight into an issue more severe.
The criminal author Boris Akunin, peering away by wire-rimmed a pair of glasses mainly because he or she treated this public originating from a position, reported demonstrators will need to prepare on their own for your long haul.
“We are going to have a greuling time, ” Mr. Akunin stated. “But it’s an appealing year or so. It is all of our calendar year. ”
The actual protests currently have rattled typically the Kremlin, which includes not likely come across extensive politics weight for any times. Mr. Putin at first sneered within the demonstrators, just saying time as soon as to begin with rally how the light frills they already have put into practice being mark was similar to limp condoms, and they participated mainly since they had been settled by just overseas substances wanting to challenge Paris.
However is normally very clear who federal elites tend to be acquiring protesters’ issues like a notification and also struggling in order to venture down an increasingly perilous conflict. In Sunday, regarding to begin with, couple of high-level amounts connected to all the Kremlin happen to be along at the test.
Past Fund Minister Aleksei L. Kudrin, an associate of Mr. Putin’s essential group designed for beyond two decades, took that level expressing this service for the purpose of a number of the protesters’ entails: all the termination of the top of your head for the Core Selection Payment, Vladimir B. Churov; the actual dissolution for Parliament and also different elections; and differences in the selection program code permitting 100 % free competitiveness.
Mr. Kudrin released a story in Sunday throughout Kommersant, a new legitimate daily journal, jotting a large number of laborers of think associations were involved in that routines.
“It appears to me personally people had to assert here: ‘Respected frontrunners! Many of us attended at this point regarding the very first time, perfectly consciously and even altogether on his own. We certainly have one thing to get rid of, and also were for balance,[url= バッグ[/url] ’ ” Mr. Kudrin submitted. “But all the breach of your family recommendations – in addition to this is the manner most people bring the info approximately muscle mass fast falsifications plus violations regarding record patterns – this really excessive. ”
This billionaire Mikhail DEBORAH. Prokhorov, who’s explained she will operate alongside Mr. Putin, seemed to be at the same time inside bunch, however he couldn’t produce a spiel. She or he showed up wthout using safety measures detail, stooping on occasion so that you can respond to concerns and even cause with regard to snap shots by using young women.
Both equally Mr. Kudrin and also Mr. Prokhorov will be viewed skeptically by way of a area of that protesters, what person worry about individuals work for endeavours through the Kremlin to help weaken or even break down a powerful fresh protest electorate.
“Sorry, what precisely rapport really does Kudrin ought to democratic motion? ” has written Vladimir Varfolomeyev, a particular editor from the broadcast train station Ekho Moskvy, via Facebook. “He’s your bureaucrat who have consistently served any strategy regarding 10 quite a few years. ” Once Mr. Kudrin took all the stage, the person seemed to be booed simply by many with the audience and even cheered by simply many people.
However most of demonstrators interviewed mentioned people were expecting and avoid a fabulous thrashing uprising, many placed the prospect installing with the environment just like a notification. Aleksei Navalny, typically the blogger whose enormous attraction collection those protests during activity, ended up being greeted by having a loud roar in the public, which were definitely pestering to find your man just for more than a while.
“I will see we now have adequate people right so that you can grab that Kremlin, ” explained Mr. Navalny, 35, exactly who heard the sooner demonstration about the the airwaves at the same time pouring 15 days with gaol.[url= 財布[/url] “We can be a beautiful make all of which in no way do it now. However should most of these baddies and robbers check out to take cheating all of us, when they keep going telling dependes as well as piracy via usa, you normally takes the things belongs to help usa with this individual hands and wrists. ”.

Nonihinddex - Anyone and everyone should own at least whole LED flashlight. More than anyone, even. You unequivocally need one-liner in every household in crate of a blackout. How would you be navigating your fall down about the power fight or square out of the house to find out if it’s reasonable your house facing this climax or if your neighbors are in the condition too? I from a confederate who methodical keeps one LED flashlight per room in the house. That includes the bedrooms, living flat, cookhouse, storeroom, and unchanging the bathrooms! I be convinced of she has perhaps 10 of such an LED flashlight. Another superior pour down the drain case of an LED flashlight is while you’re traveling. You should always transport an LED flashlight with you in case your hostelry or wherever you are encounters a blackout. What is more, shining the dazzling LED flashlight at one’s desire be clever to pick up people’s attention to criticize to your rescue, wherever you are (unless you’re under d, at which your LED flashlight to all intents won’t be functioning).
So why an LED flashlight and not inseparable of those ordinary torchlights? Fount, lawful like how the transportation lights these days don’t reach faulty as much as in the old times, so purposefulness the lifespan of your LED flashlight. It is known to pattern you spirit longer than the flashlights of the past.
I bought the [url= WF-502B SSC-P7-CSXO 3-Mode 900-Lumen Homage LED Flashlight with Shorten (1*18650/1*17670) from the Ultrafire Lights conditioned by trust in[/url] on, where I regularly do some online shopping. carries scads gadgets and tools that produce everyday elasticity much easier. It foolproof beats booming everywhere the marts and just discovering things at random and buying them about on impulse. At least while I’m doing online shopping at, I can in a wink inspection on the product and the power of it, and even deliver assign to reviews of it in the forefront I make that buying decision. It steady makes me feel like I’m shopping technique smarter than once! Stable my preserve is gleeful because of me that I don’t straight rat on as a service to clothes, but be informed how to buy such usable tools mistaken the internet! It’s technique more convenient, and you don’t have to be super savvy to recognize how to do it. After buying this LED flashlight, I regular bought some birthday gifts instead of friends. The gifts are mostly functional things that they can avail oneself of, and I also bought another LED flashlight an eye to my mom who quiet uses candles during a power outage.
The LED flashlight I bought from [url= allows me to determine from three modes. There’s expensive, little, and strobe. Lofty is for the purpose when I need mountains of daybreak, like during a blackout, for the treatment of instance. Switching it to squat enables me to save batteries or when I don’t call too much light-bulb, like when I need to descry the gas meter, on instance. Strobe is in place of when I constraint some rescuer’s notoriety or to disorient an thief or wild animal.
Decent form month I was stuck in a jammed elevator and stripling was I glad to beget my trusty LED flashlight with me so I didn’t feel so scared. As you can catch sight of from the pictures, the LED flashlight produces a somewhat intense slight, to torch up the region when you most necessary it.

Cori Heffernan - I’ve only been reading your blog for a few weeks and I love it. I saw the post about PW and I said who the heck is PW !! But I loved Little House on the Prairie so I gave her a try and now …I’m all caught up!!In fact I may try and see her when she comes to NY in Dec.(I live in Long Island) My kids think we’re related coz I read through your blogs and they see your kids and keep asking me if they’re cousins!! You are inspiring to a craft challenged person like myself. Keep writing and taking pictures.

Meridith Smith - So I meant to say 3rd pic, not 3rd green sweater. Oooopsie.

Meridith Smith - Great blog! My friend is the girl in the first pic with the 3rd green sweater:) You must’ve been in line with her the whole time. You’re blog is very entertaining! I will be back!

Melissa - Aren’t these the girls that were standing behind you that REE is blogging about???

Jan - I am so very jealous! I loooovvvveeee PW too! It is very strange to have such a strong bond to a woman I have never meet 🙂 I do think it’s funny that you didn’t even get a dead on shot of MM….he is so mysterious 🙂

Louise - Did you see the leopard cardigan group made Pioneer Woman’s blog?? Oh, you should have been louder like them! Jealous of your fun trip!

julie - Pretty much not fair. THis is on my Christmas/ birthday list, which means I have to wait a whole stinking 39 days before I see it. But you have it, and to make it worse you met her. Lucky, lucky lady. Cook me something good and send it my way. Pretty please.

Jilly - I love P-dub too! I pre-ordered my book and I cannot wait to have her sign it, she will be at the Mall of America on November 21st, I am sure she is going to draw a big crowd so thanks for the tips!

Melissa - I’m planning on going to the Nashville signing. My husband thinks I’m nuts! I am so there!

traci - that is so fun meg. glad you had fun. i got her book yesterday and couldn’t wait to sit my butt down last night and start reading it. i don’t know what to cook first either. everything looks so yummy. i love that she made it so personal.

Christina - So funny…this makes me excited to do the same thing!
Love the bonnet comment.
Love your imaginary interview.
I’m a crier too. 🙂

Becca Parker - I’m from Oklahoma City, but living in Northwest Arkansas now, and had just read about Pioneer Woman in this month’s Southern Living. She sounded so interesting, I planned to check out her blog, but I’m going to find it right now. Thanks for your blog, I laugh out loud, smile, and sometime cry too. It’s just Mommer @ Blog Spot.

Valerie - Oh girl — you haven’t tried one of her recipes yet?! They are ALL so good. Every one I have tried has been a blue-ribbon winner. This will be my 3rd annual PW Thanksgiving, in fact. I got to meet her yesterday in Tulsa — so fun! She even cracked jokes to me about her armpits being sweaty. Gotta love that.

Melanie - That is so great. I love her too. I ordered her cookbook from Amazon but they are late getting it to me. I wish she were coming to where I am located.
I feel the same way about Karen Russell as you do PW:) I am Karen’s Florida stalker as she has come to know me by! I am fixing to have to change it Kentucky stalker. I LOVE me some Karen. She was all the things that I thought she would be.
I am glad that you got to go and meet her. I would drive a ways to see her too.

Carol S. - Fun story. Sooooo….did she know who you were or has she checked out your blog? I forget how I found your blog…lol…did she have a link here? She’ll be in Chicago where I live but I wonder what kind of a madhouse it will be? Plus I think it’s a weeknight. We’ll see!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - This has to feel so surreal to her! I would freak out if people screamed when Cory walked into the room! (And yet, I would have done the same thing if I spied MM…) Her punks are so up on those ladders. Love it.
And I love it that you advised bringing snacks in the purse. Wiser words…

Cris - You are so lucky. The closest she will be to me is Chicago, and it is on a night I have college classes…I received my cookbook several days ago, I can’t wait to start cooking from it.

Diana - AWESOME!! What fun!


Erin - Lucky you! My cookbook was on my doorstep this morning. Not sure why I’m on the computer and not reading that! Can’t wait to hear what you make first!!!

Kate - Oh my goodness! I am so jealous! She will be here in Phoenix – next week! And I’ll be in Texas for work 🙁 so sad…. (think my hubby will go stand in line for me? Ha!)

pve - Good for you. I hope I get to stand on line, and have you sign your book for me someday.
I think you deserve a book with your awesome photos. You look amazing too.
(Pioneer Woman rocks)

Gratsia - Oh how fun is that 🙂 Happy by Halloween as well hope you enjoy yourselves!

Jocelyn Stott - I so jealous of you! I live up in Portland, OR and she doesn’t have any book signings scheduled anywhere near here but I hope that changes!!!!

Miranda - very cool. so happy you had such a great time!

Penny - Lucky you!! I don’t believe she is coming anywhere near Michigan. 🙁 I would love to meet her. Love her blog. I would also stand in line to meet you, but only if you brought Waffle!! LOL

Mickie - Great post about our experience and it was so fun to spend it with the 3 of you. I am still basking in the PW glow myself but promised my friends and family I would try to let it go… a little. Something to remember for sure!

Amber - I was watched PW on The Bonnie Hunt Show last week, so cute. I was able to meet my favorite author a few weeks ago (stood in line for hours to meet Diana Gabaldon) and it sounds so lame, but that moment is on the list next to WEDDING and GIVING BIRTH.

lora - You are SO living THE LIFE!

lora - You are SO living THE life!

susie whyte - oh, man. i think i laughed through that ENTIRE post. ha ha. glad you had so much fun.

Lee Ann - When is she coming to Washington? 🙂
Seriously!!! That is the coolest thing! Honestly though, I’d reather meet YOU!!!! So if you come to the PNW (pacific northwest), you let me know! I’ll drive hours and stay up til 1am to see you anytime 🙂 I’m serious!

griswold fun - Thanks for sharing the pictures and the tips for standing in line! Having to wait a month before the Dallas stop!

Vera - This made me SO giddy!!! I’m meeting her a week from Monday and I can’t wait – thanks for the tips. You look so adorable!

Mother Runner - Meg! That looked fun. I’m jealous. ‘Nuf said.

Tiffany - I am so excited to know she’s the same in person. She’s amazing and I have a girl crush on her!! LOVE HER!!

kat - How fun! Wish she was coming to my neck of the woods! Seriously, I am sure many, many people would like to meet you too! Glad you had a fun time!!! I loved your comment about the green and yellow bonnet, because I had to look twice and thought, only you could pull off a green and yellow bonnet and make it look cool.

Trish - yes i cry at almost anything… the weirdest things make me cry and the things you think would make me cry don’t…
how do you know where the PW is going next? i’m curious!

kristi rediske - Sounds like you had a really great day-The Pioneer woman does sound special. My daughter and a friend went to Tulsa and saw her this week-they said she was really neat. She spoke first before the book signing so that was neat-they waited about 4 hours to get their books signed but they had seats so it wasn’t to bad. I ordered her book from wal-mart(it was cheaper to order it) and mine should be here any day-can’t wait-wish mine was signed but thats ok. Have a great week and have fun cooking from the book.

misty - that is so awesome! I didn’t know who PW was until your blog, but I just looked at her site and I enjoyed reading it! I saw that she did a signing in Tulsa literally 10 miles (if that far) from my house. I may have to pick up this cookbook today because I have been trying to cook one new thing each sunday after church. thanks for sharing this!

kelli - verrrry cool megan! so glad craig saved the day!

Liz - And there was me thinking you looked so sweet in your bonnet!

Courtney - She’s coming to. Austin on 12/3 I have yet to find anyone to drive the 1.5 hours north and stand in line forever with me. I may have to do it solo but OMGosh it’d be so worth it! Glad you had fun and she was exactly what you expected.

danyele @ a thorn among roses - how much fun! oh, i just wanted to go and jump in line with you while reading! i love that you guys got to meet her…and that her boy wasn’t perfect! love that…and are you sure you don’t have a green halo?

Kelly - Fun! I would totally stand in that line to meet her. I highly doubt she’s coming all the way to Boise though. 🙂 Did she call MM by his real name by chance?

Carisa - Yes that Kimberlee IS cute. And her make-up looked GREAT in every picture. I’d take good make-up over a leopard print cardigan every day. I’m sure PW noticed that too! Glad you had a great time.

Ashlee Archibald - I’m so jealous!! even in all the pictures, she looks so humble! I would of def. cried.. but I’m a crier. And I think that would of made her cry and that would of been cute 🙂 Maybe she’ll come to seattle one day so I can get a book signed 🙂

Lori - I know exactly how you feel about PW. I was going to ask for her cookbook for Christmas, but my gosh I can’t wait that long! Glad you got to meet her. I don’t think VA was on her book tour, but I will check again. I am feeling some reflected PW glow from you!

se7en - Oh my goodness – this is so exciting!!! Wow….sometimes I wish we lived on a different continent! I will have to get her book I so feel like I know her, just from watching her cute little punks grow up!!! We went to book signing this week a local celebrity chef and lets just say things are done on a much smaller scale out here in Africa!!! But my kids got to climb on their hero “outdoor adventure” chef and get their cook book signed – so on a smaller scale we are just as happy to be alive as you are… I will have to blog our joy later in the week as some of us are far too busy trying out recipes on our fire in the back garden!!!

Lisa Liddell - She is super famous in the states or what????

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Yay for Pioneer Woman!!! So exciting. My book came in the mail yesterday. I want to make EVERYTHING. I bought a copy for my mom for Christmas and ended up giving it to her today. I couldn’t help myself. Post pics of what you make!

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craft retreat


this weekend i am with a group of friends…new and old.
crafting projects all together to sell to raise money for
and i am having a BLAST!!!!




we are eating all of pam's YUMMY food.

fueled by pots of coffee.

5 sewing machines…

10 women…

over 100 projects completed so far…

i am at her house…and she is here…and her….and her…and this girl

don't worry…we will let you know all the really cute stuff you can buy for water….soon.


eryn - I’m sure your cute goods will sell out right away…but I MUST have something with Africa on it. We’re adopting a baby girl from Ethiopia, and we love Charity Water and support it everymonth! Please please, tell us what is available! Eryn

julie - happy tears. i love africa. i love all of you spending time together using your talents and hearts for a cause so much bigger than yourself. i can’t wait to shop and want in on the project. pretty. messy. africa. done.

susie whyte - i sent the ‘craft retreat’ link to my youth minister here in wichita. he loved it!! he’s very into the ‘invisible children’ org. definitely can’t wait to hear more about this!

Jerri - Looks like a fun weekend and all for a most worthy cause!

Jenn N - I must have one of those Africa shirts – actually three would be great. Can’t wait to see when/where we can buy.
Looks like and awesome ladies weekend.

LIz M - wow what a small world….

kasey - how fun.

traci - what a wonderful weekend it must have been. glad you had fun and got lots accomplished for a great cause!!
and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEG!! so sorry that i am late.

Secret Mom Thoughts - Awesome projects. Looks like a fun time too.

Sarah V. - Looks like a lot of fun! I love the idea of a craft retreat.

amy s - hysterical jody.. i was thinking.. is it weird that i miss these girls? and then you said it. 🙂 so now i can too… miss you meg.


Cassie - thanks, meg! what a great weekend. your shirts are going to sell like hot cakes!
and now i’m heading back to my blog to link you. i learned much this weekend about the world of blog!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Fun! Love the idea of a craft retreat…and for a good cause even better:)

jody - would it be weird that I kind of miss you guys? 🙂
So much fun. Thank you. Thank you.
And I will be sure to watch my linking etiquette in order to avoid the wrath of Meg…the glimpse we got was very, very scary. 🙂

Debra Cripps - You are so blessed to have so many friends and creative ones too!
God bless

Lora - You just do the funnest things! Good for you! Looking forward to more info!

amy j. - Sad that I couldn’t join you. Glad you all are having fun and crafting like crazy! 🙂

Kristine Robb - LOVE IT! love crafting in jammies! and for a good cause too! you go girl! looking forward to see what’s available to buy!

abby - I found your blog through Jody’s Blog.
First of all…so jealous of your crafting weekend. It looks like fun!.
Second…I can’t wait til it goes up in the shop. Christmas shopping for the family will be complete as soon as you post it.
Thanks for all your hard work.

Bec - I have a friend from Rwanda and when she told me her story, I immediately had a heart for Africa and would love to someday be able to do a mission trip of some sort there. This would be a neat way to be involved from far away!

Trish - awww, this reminds me of my sissy that is currently living in Africa 🙂 Maybe I’ll have to get her a shirt for Christmas 🙂 What a great idea and a fabulous way to use all of your talents! I am so asking for a coffee pot for Christmas!!! Mine broke and I just haven’t replaced it

duchess.of.reel - Can’t wait to see the finished products! Don’t keep us waiting too long….

DreamGirlLisa - Sounds like a blast!

Jacqui - i am sitting here in 4 degree weather beside the fire in complete envie of you ladies …. craft retreat ….. just the words sound like bliss!

patricia - you all deserve medals!!!

Summer - Love that shirt!

kristi rediske - wow-sounds like a good project for some of us here in Arkansas-what would we need to do to get items for that cause? I think it would be fun and it is such a neat cause. My son supports The Invisible Children-have you heard of that?

Sara @ Queen of the House - Wow, I’m jealous!!! That looks so fun! I’m thinking I need to organize one of those.

Julie - That sounds like a fantastic weekend! I can’t wait to see the results!

Kimberlee J. - Love the long sleeve t. Do you think you can make that in my size? 🙂

Amber - I love how much time you put into doing the things you love but that will benefit others!! God bless you.

simone - Oh wow, I’ve only seen your header and your first post and already I am impressed – and want to join in!!! Wow, your sewing looks amazing!!
Meredith mentioned you on her blog and said such lovely things about you… I came to visit and am glad I did 🙂
Happy Sunday!
London, England 🙂

Heidi Jo the Artist - That’s awesome!
Happy belated birthday too!

Kathy - What a great cause I can’t wait to see what you all made. Have a wonderful weekend.

Keri ~ ForeverFoldingLaundry - Sewing…fun…treats…and a great cause. Happy weekend!!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - SO jealous!! It’s just me & my sewing machine all by our lonesome. Have a blast 🙂

DanaD @ BoysMyJoys - Can’t wait to see what wonderful goodies y’all create! Have a wonderful weekend!

Christina - This looks great! I can’t wait for more info.

carissa... brown eyed fox - what fun AND what a wonderful cause!
blessings & hugs to you all! xo

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in the kitchen

do you love it or hate it when there are lots of people in your kitchen?

i love it.

especially when everyone is cooking alongside me.

we invited jess, her mom kathy and her sister ann over for dinner after the craft fair
to get to know heather, sarah and julie a bit better.

it was an all girls' night!  
craig had taken the boys to a football game so the house was full of girls.
lauren took all of these pictures.


we made chicken enchiladas…using the laptop as a cookbook…how very 2009.

sarah was appointed queen of the cream puff squares.


together we made a YUM-O dinner.  mmmmmmm!
and dessert.

fyi….we did not use syrup for our enchiladas.
while we were cooking annie heated up some left over pancakes and ate that…and had some juice.
and we're fancy…no placemats…paper napkins….the cleaning chore chart still on the chalkboard!
i can't get it all done…thank goodness.  now you know for sure that i am normal…i think.

waffle is always in the middle of a party.

kathy brought some Cora dresses for the etsy girls…they each have little girls at home.

don't you want every one of them?!
i know there are 100's of people waiting for their shop to reopen….patience ladies….patience.



even annie got to choose one….she loved that.

all in one picture.

it was so nice for all of us to get time to talk in real life….not just email.  
that was one room FULL of creativity!
we discussed sewing machines and homes and fabrics and blogs and all kinds of goodness…even martha!

the whole weekend was a bittersweet blessing.
God had it all planned out.  
He knew from the beginning how big these women's hearts are.
how much love there is to give.
there is nothing we can say to make jess feel better or her arms not feel so empty.
but we can support her and show her His love the way Christ calls us to do.

i read this translation of Philippians 4:13 from Kenneth Wuest in our bible study…
"i am strong for all things in the One who constantly infuses strength in me."  
i liked the idea of Christ infusing us with strength.

Viktor - Posted on You know, I had a similar preolbm in reverse. I have two boys and the eldest (age 5) is fascinated with cooking, so me and his Mom wanted to get him an Easy Bake Oven for his birthday last February. However, they only came in pink. We knew he wouldn’t care and I really didn’t think it was a preolbm, but it still gave me pause. We ended up not getting him one for another reason (all of the mixes are made in factories that have peanut exposures and he’s allergic), but it still kinda bugged me that cooking was considered a girls-only activity.

Meredith Salmon - Made the chicken last night and we loved it. Thanks

Renee - Made your enchiladas for Sunday dinner. OMG, so good. I couldn’t stop eating (thankfully they’re relatively healthy)! Thanks for sharing. xoxo

Jennifer Wood - Meg, I have been reading and learning from your blog for about a full year now! I love your house your craft and your sense of humor! Now I know who you remind me of, has anybody ever told you you look just like Carly Simon? Well, You do!

elizabeth holder - Hey Happy Birthday
I don’t know if it is today or yesterday, but I remember you blogging last year, and realized mine was the day after yours and I sent you a birthday email then. Hope your weekend is wonderful.
I would love to be part of something like your dinner someday, I think it would be awesome.
i am a bit jealous {in a good way 😉

Tiffany Morris - Can’t wait to make your enchilada’s! They sound so YUMMY! Love the picture of Jess, her belly and the dresses. So encouraging for her. She seems to be so strong.
Hugs – Tiffany

Angela - Oh, wow. That last picture totally made me cry. Hope, healing. Wow.
And I really want some chicken enchiladas now. Without syrup. 😉

DreamGirlLisa - What a great post, looks like a blast. I checked out Cora’s playground link you posted, what a sad and heartwarming story. I can’t even imagine what they have gone through. Lucky she has you for support and good times 🙂
P.S. I could handle everyone one in my kitchen if mine was as big as yours! 🙂

christine - how amazing! seriously, that picture of jess’s belly in the foreground and the cora dresses in the background brought tears to my eyes. so much is conveyed in that perfect shot. you have an amazing way of capturing the moment and saying so much in an image.
on our way back home from garage sale-ing this morning, we were behind a car from kansas. made me think of you gals 🙂 we would’ve loved to have been there for the dedication, and my daughter (who helped make & sell things for the playground) was disappointed that we could not. your pictures really took us there, though. so, thank you.
may God richly bless you and your sweet family. thank you for inviting us into your home & lives.

the wild raspberry - beautiful words.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I never get tired of your posts. I just love having a peek into your life. What a fun evening…dinner with friends. That’s why we invest in them, so when hard times and good times come we can hold each other high. Thanks so much for sharing.

pve - I love your honesty and your cooking looks good too.
Can hardly wait to see what you do in 2010.

Starnes Fam - So many wonderful things to round out your successful weekend. Happy for you guys. And, I love how Waffle always wants in on the fun.


Diana aka "knzus" - My kitchen isn’t very large, maybe 8×10 of actual moving-around-in-space, but we live with it and make it work. When family come, about half of us will be in the kitchen yacking, never mind that most have to stand. I don’t mind people in my kitchen… unless I’ve been sick and can’t get the dishes done or something. Unfortunately, my kitchen is the next room to walk through from the livingroom. Never have liked that, but oh well. So happy to see Jess healthy and with you guys… she and her family in a lot of prayers! What wonderful time spent all you gals have had. What a blessing it is to me that you share your life online like this. You are such a godly woman and it shows in all you say and do.
P. S. LOVE Waffle… so ADORABLE.

jeanne - What a wonderful night with creative, loving women. I need the Lord’s strength daily. Wonderful post.

Debra Cripps - Wow it looks like such a great time!

Jerri - Meg, this is an awesome post…I gave you an Honest Scrap Award so if you have time, link to my blog and participate. I think your girls night looks awesome! I find myself singing the lyrics…I can do all things, who Christ who gives me strength…but sometimes I wonder what he can do through me??
PS I have said this before but I LOVE Waffle…keep saying when our doggie goes to heaven that I am done but then I see your Waffle and I don’t know…

Michelle - So happy to see the pic of Jess’s growing belly. She’s still in so many prayers.

Erin - I’m OK with most people in my kitchen…..except the MIL. When we moved into our new place she came over and rearranged my kitchen, insisting I had everything in the wrong drawers and cabinets.

Rach - I TOTALLY do the whole laptop on the kitchen counter cook book thing. I am going to kick myself the say I spill something on it too! 🙂

pam - Wow, Meg. What a memorable weekend. You have such a wonderfully big and warm heart that makes your home so welcoming.
Awesome pictures, Lauren!!

Darby - Meg, What an awesome post. I haven’t commented lately but I’m still reading every post! As I read I kept thinking, “man I wish I could have been there!” What an awesome group of women, what a wondeful night… Lauren really captured it and what a wonderful retelling of it!!

Stephanie Carroll - I don’t like people in the kitchen, but mostly because we are in our first apartment and even when my husband is in there with me, I feel like I can’t breathe.
So, here’s to praying we’re blessed enough for our first home to have a big ole kitchen to hold all of my friends and family! I would love that.

Laura Phelps - as soon as I recognized Jess’ face in the pictures, the tears began rolling.
even with the syrup….
I am filled with such love and hope right now after having been “invited” into your kitchen…

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Seems like a most beautiful weekend!
Lauren took great pictures!

Meaghan - What a beautiful post. I loved that visual of Christ “infusing” us with strength. I should memorize that verse.
I discovered your blog a little while ago, and have been hooked ever since, but I have never commented. I want to let you know how much I love all of your creative ideas. I’m a stay-at-home mom (my youngest is an Annie, too!), former art and third grade teacher. I also live in an old house we’re working on, and love to sew, make art, and cook. I’ve tried two of your recipes and both have been hits (stuffed shells and chicken with biscuits). Now I want to try the enchiladas..yum.
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for sharing so much and for being such a “normal” 😉 mom/wife/person who brightens my days and gets my creative juices flowing! You crack me up and sometimes make me tear up. Great combo!

melissa - i forgot to say that lauren is VERY talented!! just like her momma!

melissa - If I had a kitchen like yours I would love to have all my girlfriends helping me cook dinner! But, the military only gives ya so much room….even with 4 kiddos! :o)
As many have said, I would love to be in Newton. You girls seem like so much fun. It obvious you have a genuine love for Christ and others. I just might come visit Beki one day…and then we can all get together. (does that seem stalkerish??? I promise I’m no stalker! LOL)

juliann brenner - really lovely post…. And Lauren is very talented.

Kate - Thank you so much for the beautiful updates about Jess. It’s amazing how you feel like you know someone when you are sisters in Christ.

merlin - The picture of Jess’s baby-belly made me cry. I would add “courage” to your list. Such courage. Thank you for sharing such an emotional photo, it truly says everything that can be said.

Shirley Wood - I want to live in Newton, KS! You all seem to be such awesome people. I read your blogs with tears and a lump in my throat. There is a reason the Macs live there. You surround them with love and comfort food.
Could you blog about your sewing machines? I am shopping for a new one and need some ideas.

Shirley Wood - I want to live in Newton, KS! What awesome people you all seem to be. I read your blogs with tears and a lump in my throat. There is a reason the Macs live there….all of you who surround them with love and comfort food!
Also, could you blog one day about your sewing machines? I am shopping for a new one and need some guidance.

your cool friend Cheryl - My laptop is my cookbook most of the time, too! How glamourous I must be!
Glad you had fun 🙂

Maria in CT - My favorite verse from the Bible…Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. I like your version with Christ “infusing” strength! What a beautiful visualization.

Kristine Robb - wow – lauren’s photography is impressive! great job!
yes, LOVE the dresses. must have one! (or more!)
i like this too: the idea of Christ infusing us with strength. thank you for sharing the visual.
glad you had such great fellowship!

Christina - So heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. It’s so wonderful to see that there is such a strong community of people there who can show her that love, and share it with one another as well.

sarah w - Lauren took some awesome pictures this past weekend!
“Bittersweet Blessing” … truly the only way to describe this weekend.
I loved cooking and eating with everyone (even if I was a bit timid about those creampuffs)
I hope that in the future I’m able to gather amazing women in my kitchen to cook, laugh, love on each other, and eat yummy food.

Emily@remodelingthislife - i think these are your most beautiful photos ever – for just their beauty and for the story they tell

Jess - it’s so great the way God worked it all out. it’s amazing how he puts just the right people in our paths.

Secret Mom Thoughts - Looks like a great time.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I LOVE having my kitchen filled to the brim! Those enchi’s look yum. And I’ve been thinking so much about Cora and her Mama and Daddy lately. My Sister in Law’s best friend just suddenly lost her 6 month old this week to a brain tumor. It all happened w/in a week and it’s just devastating. And yet, we know, God is sovereign. It gets so confusing. I love the thought of God infusing them with strength even today,as they bury their precious Annie.

Dina - what a beautiful post – sounds like an amazing time for all of you.
p.s. I adore having a kitchen full of people helping cook!!

Summer - Beautiful! That verse truely touched me, thank you!

adrienneK - lauren took really good pictures!! those dresses are adorable!

Katie - how awesome that you guys actually got to meet in person!!! Looks like you had a great time!!!

Sandy - Looks like a wonderful time.
I LOVE the picture Lauren took through the window…you’ve trained her well or she’s a self taught natural one of the two.
Thanks for sharing.

mansi - It seems , i missed the party..haha..
I truly look forward for your blogs as they are full of life, joy, colors & excitement.
Nice blog..n..plz keep blogging daily as I miss your blog.

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i had the best entertainment for 3 women coming to visit…  


we spent the night at carolyn's (my happy place) so we could get shopping much quicker in the morning.

it was a gorgeous morning….




we had happy baby janey by our side and we were ready to shop.
our destination was the hillsboro arts & crafts fair…a yearly event the 3rd saturday of september.
rain or shine…thankfully this year it was SHINE!
i love the craft fair booths but i also think the antique stores in town are great too.
we found all kinds of treasures.





all three women bought the locally famous granny's mustard…craig would have been so proud. 

lunch was all kinds of yumminess…funnel cake…tater twisters…noodle soup…homemade pie…mmm!
we had lots of girls shopping and eating together.

and we found some not-so-special treasures.



if you are looking for a birthday gift for julie…she really wanted that angry bear wall hanging.
ha ha ha ha ha

at the end of the craft fair my friend kerry called me and said "you HAVE to come to this barn sale!"and i was so happy my guests wanted to go too.
we followed homemade signs down a gravel road to what i will now call my dream world
it was everything i love and ten times more.















do you see why i was in love?
when i went into the first barn…of the three….i almost cried….i am not kidding.
i have been looking for THIS since i moved to kansas.  
i didn't think it was here.

i felt like i was on a junk buying high.  

buzzed on rust and chippy paint.  :)

here is my take away from a day of craft fair bliss.






kristen - Just curious where is that barn and is it open year around.

Amy R. - Your weekend looked like so much fun! That barn sale was to die for! Wish I lived closer. That metal turquoise stool is awesome. Would love to see what you do with it. I enjoy your blog!

kate b - I also would have cried walking into that barn. AMAZING. I would have died taking pictures there. What a treat! And those Kansas morning shots are amazing!

Kristine Robb - i need me some rusty chairs!

Jen H. - I’m loving that green toolbox. That sale would be my idea of heaven too. I have a favourite antiques barn near me that is like that all the time. I only allow myself to visit it about twice a year!
That antler chair is one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen.

Rachel / cREaTe - WOW! unbelievable stuff! i’m in KC … i’ll have to look up hillsboro. 🙂 i LOVE your finds. those dishes are BEAUTIFUL [the ivory ones] and that wood divider thing ROCKS & i would love to know how you’re going to use it. unfortunately, i almost lost my lunch … my page was stuck loading on the hide & antler photo … *urp* … that kind of stuff doesn’t usually bother me that much, but i guess staring at it for so long, i started to really take it all in. i had to look away. and well … now i might have become a vegetarian. 🙂

Dina - Can I just come and hang with you??? I live in Wichita and feel like I could just stalk you….I’m so joking…that’s kind of creepy..:-)…but I do love your style and also live in an old house.
LOVE every picture you post. I’m so sad I didn’t go to Hillsboro last weekend and soooo jealous of all your finds:-)

Christina - Meg, I love how you are able to see beauty in the not-so-obvious places. That is such a gift. It reminds me of how God looks at us. You are able to look at something that others might see as useless or worthless and find purpose and value.
Your treasures are wonderful and you are a treasure. I’m so glad I can learn from you.

Lisa - How can it be that I live an hour from Hillsboro and have never heard of this sale?! I’m kicking myself. Next year…
I would love to know about the barn too. Great stuff!

Tiffany Morris - Seriously… I think my imagination is stuck in your body! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your style. I wish you could help me with my house. I know what I want, but can’t DO IT for some reason! 🙂
Hugs – Tiffany

Mandi - Okay…I am officially jealous of Kansas!
And, about the crock pot quesadillas…they were as amazing (and easy) as they sound. I made them for my sister and her friend tonight and it was a huge hit. I see these again in my near future!

Annette - Hello, it is Annette I have to know if the barn sale was just a one time thing or is it something that is open to the public? It looks like to much fun

Sara Cameli - OOOOh Meg, loved these. That barn would make an awesome art studio…and I LOVE your picture of the chairs lined up with the beautiful background of farmland – the yellow, green and blue…and the morning shots of hay and mist…so lovely.

Tammy - Wow, I would have loved to tag along too! You really picked up some great treasures!

Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} - And so many people think Kansas has nothing to offer! My heart started beating a little bit faster when I saw your photos. I used to live in Emporia and would drive over for the craft show. Such fun! But that barn sale?! Wow! I’ve never seen one quite like that. Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures with us.

Shannon - I HAVE to visit those barns! Where are they exactly?

Debra Cripps - Ooh lovely things, lucky, lucky girls!!

Ashley - Pure Heaven!
I need the barn and all it’s contents!
So glad you had a wonderful time!

Adrienne Anderson - Wow!! My heart just dropped when I saw the pics of the barn sale. Is it still going on?? I’ll come down from Chicago this weekend!!

Courtney - Oh my GOSH that place rules!!!

Leigh Ann - Ohhh MYYYY!!!! Whay can’t I find a barn sale like that!

Amanda - Wow! I’m from Kansas and now live in Colorado. It’s funny how the things you’ve been searching for are always hiding in plan sight. I so love your blog! You bring a fresh and beautiful perspective to a world that is often times gloomy and somber.
Thank for sharing your life and heart with all of us!

Jodi - Hey Meg –
Can you tell me where the barn is? Is the sale only once a year?

Jenny Wenzel - Meg…it’s Jenny from the garage sale. Can you tell me where those barns are…I NEED to go!!! Or at least the contact info? THANKS – Jenny Wenzel

Jess - You would have to drag me kicking and screaming outta there! The barns look like giant treasure boxes for grown-ups. And how cute is baby Janey?
The blue chair you scored….I remember having a red one at my grandparents house. I would love to find one of those.

Kacey - Oh, what fun! All the color – that must have been incredible. Great finds!

Laura Phelps - I will be honest. I am in a grumpy mood this morning. And the pictures are making ME cry. I saw THREE things that I have been searching for. I am feeling jealous and bitter.

Staci - HOW fun!!!!!!! I’m with Misty…..I only live ONE state away from you in OK….why don’t we have great Barn Places like that??? I guess….we get football 🙂 hee heee (Although…your Jayhawks are gonna give us a run for our money this year!!!! YIKES!)

jennifer - LOVIN’ all the color!

Schrag - Where in the world are those barns?!?! I live close to Hillsboro and could totally find them. Need details – please! 🙂

Tracy - I wondered if that wood piece was yours at Molly’s…I saw it and wanted it, but then it said Megan on it…rats. Where was the barn sale….I want some of those old chairs to put on our deck. Looks like you had a fabulous weekend….what fun!!!

Summer - Loved looking at these pictures….I have to bring myself down out of the clouds now. Thanks for sharing!

Alicia - How do you do it???!! Your pictures always amaze me Meg! I love the shot with the chairs in a row and a beautiful field of KS sunflowers in the background…perfect KS! CO is very nice but I do miss KS sometimes! Happy Day!

Jaime @ Simply Arizona - Lovely!!! Yeah, I’ve been looking for a place like that here in Arizona… After seeing your pictures, makes me want to look harder!! 🙂

Jaime @ Simply Arizona - Lovely!!! Yeah, I’ve been looking for a place like that here in Arizona… After seeing your pictures, makes me want to look harder!! 🙂

cally - Oh my heavens. Where is that barn. I’m in the car.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I think I could cry too! What an amazing place you found there…so jealous. Beautiful eye candy Meg. Thanks for the gorgeous pics.

kasey - I’m so sorry my invite was lost in the mail! I would have had a blast with you guys.

coffeeanddaisies - my heart stopped beating briefly when i saw your pictures….
oh my goodness….
so MUCH goodness…
nice to read that someone else appreciates that historic value of things….
they all have a story don’t they?
i’ve gotta get my butt down to kansas!! 🙂
great pictures. thanks.

Sharla - Great stuff. I wasn’t feeling bad about missing the craft fair this year until I saw your pictures. And like others, tell us more about this barn sale. All the time or was this a one-day thing?! Love those rocks/gems!

kristi rediske - Your pictures are great-I went to the Hillsboro Craft show too-drove to Kansas to take my mom to that and the fair. I wish I would have known about that barn-where is it? Sure would like to go to that next time I am in Newton.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I’ve nearly cried before, too. No one else seems to understand it. LOVE your finds. I would have been drawn to all the same exact stuff, except for the pink polka dotted tub thingy. (sorry)
By the way, did you ever find your chicken feeder/coop thing you were looking for last Summer? I still think of you when I see one out at a flea.

valerie - You got some gorgeous pictures of what looks like a beautiful morning!
And I agree with Julie. I think I need that angry bear. Even if it’s just to hide it in cabinets and scare my husband. 🙂

traci - yep, i think you died and went to junk heaven. that barn is awesome. i would get lost for days in there. great treasures. love the clock!!!

Sue K. - having flashbacks of kane county with you…those were good times!!! i miss them and you :(. looks like you had the BEST time. i especially love the old aluminum chairs…those COLORS…

chris - Love it all what fun , I linked to you today in my post .
Just beachy

Trasie - OH MY GOSH……Tell me more about this barn sale? Is this place open all of the time or was it just a weekend thing? I so want to go there!!!!! Tell me more!

kristin - i. want. one. of. those. bikes.
and that green box you have.
and that clock.
oh, it is all so good.

HomageBlog - That sounds like my ideal Saturday! I need to find something like that around here! Love, K

Holly - Oh MY! I am coming to visit. What, you don’t know me? Sorry about that detail, but we will be BFFs in no time flat!

Julia - WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR??? I gasped, I cried and then I ate breakfast.

Michelle B - oh my! Wonderful! Can I come next time?

Sarah M - I wish I could find places like this in the UK. We only have expensive antique shops near me 🙁 I love those 7up bottles.

Kathy - Great finds…I want to shop there too!OMG I have to come to Kansas! You take the most amazing pictures!

Grace Matthews - I love these pictures. They are awesome. What kind of camera do you have? I just started a photography class and I am so loving it.

Heather - Looks like so much fun! I need to find me some antique/barn yard sales in my neck of the woods. I think it could be a dangerous hobby:)

sarah - It’s really unfair at how much stuff I wanted to bring home, and couldn’t figure out how to get back on the plane with me.
The picture of that bike, is amazing.
I love your EYE!
It was so fun, especially the barn sale!
Thanks for taking us 🙂

pve - i can taste the lead paint….

Jill - OOOOOhhhh, I am dying over the rusty patio chairs!!

CherryTreeLane - Oh my word…I am so jealous of all you took away–what an amazing find! I wish they had something like that in So Cal…..

Kristin - It looks like you had a blast. If you have any specific info on the barn sale. When and where, I would appreciate it. My Sister lives in Hutch and I visit her often, we would love to check it out. : )

Lori - Ooooo, envious. Such fun! Glad you had a good time!

Shealynn Benner - Great shots! Sounds like fun! Julie and I are friends. 🙂 I made the camera strap slipcover she gave you! Hope you like it! 😉

Nicole - I crack up thinking of you 4 girls who have never met walking the streets of Hillsboro!! Seems surreal!! WHAT FUN!!!!!!!!!! I haven’t been to the arts and crafts fair in FOREVER, need to do it now that we closer. I’m excited for all your awesome buys!! I need an old bench for our laundry room, I bet I could have found one at the barn sale!!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - good stuff!

adrienneK - i would DIE at the barn sale sooo much goodness…hmmm kevins family lives in newton…we might need to consider moving lol what lucky ladies you had visiting you!!!

jody - my dreamworld as well.
love those hidden gems in the midwest…so fun to come upon. your finds look delicious!

Sarah - It looks like you girls had so much fun! I am super jealous.

Ashley Ann - I want those outdoor chairs at the Barn Sale…I want a Barn Sale! Next time you hear of one, feel free to send me an email!

dawn - OOOOH. MY. GOSH!!! I need to get to Kansas!!! Seriously, I think there needs to be a road trip next summer. My baby — and a U-Haul! She’ll be five by then — she can even help carry! (As long as we find something fun for her — she’s good to go for hours, bless her heart!)
I totally understand why you had so much fun. Completely and totally understand.

Lori Danelle - You make me want to move back home!!!

Sarah - What great stuff! Those looks like really awesome places to buy fun things at. I love that pink polka dotted bucket! All those old bikes make me swoon! I think I need to visit Kansas sometime!

Trish - Um, yes I can see why you almost cried, cause I was holdin’ back the tears. So jealous right now! Why can’t I find a barn sale like that?

misty - i love it- do you know where i can get the ring that says Birthday girls have more fun?
i wish we had stuff like that in Ok!

DreamGirlLisa - What fun! Those beautiful white plates and that pink polka dot bucket are my favorites, you found some great stuff! I really enjoy your blog, it takes me to a happy, comfy place…kind of weird maybe, but who cares, right?

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