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BIG….and i don’t like it.


something clicked with annie this weekend.
she said "let's try my bike mom"  
i have been asking her for a year to try riding her bike….she was finally ready.
and of course she could do it almost right away.

showing me that she is six.

technically…..I taught her how to ride.
craig was gone with scott at basketball all day and i was home with the 3 youngest.
and i ran up and down the block.
i aired up the tires.
i fixed the seat.
but no one takes pictures of me doing that.
honestly though…..what is hotter than a man teaching his kid to ride a bike?
it is hot.
plain and simple.
mr. duerksen you are steamy.

this bike is old.

i think it was talby's first bike.
maybe….but it does the job.
the training wheels came off and it was time to go!

she kept falling and was getting frustrated.

she whined tearfully  "I KEEP MESSING UP!"  

and i said "well….maybe it's because it's your first day and you aren't quite awesome yet ok?"

to which she shouted at me very loudly "I AM AWESOME!!!"

i giggled and said "ok! then go be it!  don't waste your time whining about falling!"
so funny.
by day two she was a pro.
she wore her soccer shin guards under her pants to feel safe.
there is a parking lot a block away and we spent a lot of time there this weekend….riding in circles.
and only one bike wreck.  :)

we went to the store for helmets and then annie found the bell.

i think of "the family man" every time i hear it.  (that's my bell.  she took my bell.)

sean is so silly.
we tried to make him laugh and he made his OWN joke and cracked up at that instead.

IMG_0856-8 IMG_0869-10

while at the store i let talby pick out a bike.
hers got stolen last year and she has never asked for us to buy her another one.
she is sweet like that….she knows they are expensive and didn't want to ask.
so i said "which one do you want babe?"  
i liked her choice…pink bike but a not-too-girly dirt bike….she was thrilled.

i could kiss that face forever.

and they all think it's just fine to grow up and be big.

it's not.
their mom misses her babies.
their mom liked when they fit on the back of her bike.
their mom liked the tiny bike helmets with dora or dinosaurs.

doesn't anybody care about the mom????

i miss that stuff.

but.….this new stuff is pretty good too.
in the kind of way that makes you want to bawl your eyes out.

time is a mean…..thing.          

(i almost said a bad word there)

Carol S - Sweet post Meg. A real milestone…the last one riding a bike. We’ve got no choice but to roll with this! Mine are 12 and almost 17 and I’m loving every stage. Looking at colleges with my high school junior, which is exciting and bittersweet, but if we do it right, they grow up good and ready to leave us and be independent. I can handle this concept now, with the leaving part over a year away. Not sure how I’ll feel a year from now when it is a “year of lasts”. Gotta believe we can do this! Happy Easter!

Crystal - Oh Meg, Meg, Meg. You know what I love about you? You get it. You get how AWFUL (yet wonderful) it is to watch your kids get bigger. It Breaks.My.Heart. Birthdays kill me. They make me sad. Pictures of my little girls when they were babies make me so sad. Why is it so heartbreaking? Most people I know don’t go through this. I truly try to hang on as hard as I can but just can’t make the time stop. πŸ™

cam - 2 things.
1) I dig the shin guards. Always good protection when learning to pedal a bike. Last thing you need is the pedals smashing your shins.
(Presumably this was taken either before/after soccer, but y’know… )
2) The Basket kicks ass… what better way to carry mom & dad’s beers while you bike around the neighborhood?!

mel @ the larson lingo - I love that she wore her soccer shinguards to feel safe!!! That is AWESOME!!

Karen - The important thing is that you are realizing it Meg. You aren’t one who looks back and never took it in, in the first place. Then when your children are grown, and you are getting tired, and the grandchildren come along—there are no regrets. Just satisfaction that you did your best. YOU are awesome too!

Lanny - our little Annie …

Jennifer - My girls had that bike too! And I think I have the same bike that Talby just bought (I’m short so I got a kids). I have a lovely picture of my husband running down the street with our youngest teaching her how to ride a bike….with a beer in his hand. Haaaaaaaaaay baybeeeeeeeeeeeee. We’re classy like that.

Sarah - I love how happy your kids are. One day they will look back and remember all of the fun/normal/everyday things you do. This is a good reminder to enjoy the day-to-days time and make the most of ii because another stage is just around the corner.

Savvy - This post made me teary eyed….my lil man is 4 going on 24 I swear.
Having only one has made me more aware of time.
Love your post and pics. Thanks

kari - love this, meg.
and the shin guards…absolutely classic!

Kristin S - She looks SO happy in the pic with Craig. Nothing like a daddy and his girl. I’ll refrain from commenting on your comments in that section! πŸ™‚ I love how you love your man.

Terrie - Okay…I started my morning reading this post…made me cry. My ‘baby’ turned 20—TWENTY! I thought about that…and cried again. So glad no one was home to see that! I feel your pain!
Just checked out the doodle eggs…you will be great at that! Did you check out her watercolor eggs post? Fabulous! I think I’ll head out and buy some watercolor pencils tomorrow! πŸ™‚

Tracie K - Darn you! You made me cry πŸ™‚

Dawn Eshnaur - I agree about wanting to say bad words! My 6’5″ “Baby” is about to graduate! Where did all my boys go? I have been crying every time I turn around these days. How could they all be grown? So very sad……:(

jennibell - Great! I actually liked it once my kids all got big enough to ride their bikes. . .and take out the trash. . .and take their own showers. But every stage is special. I see Annie’s tooth is already growing in — wow! It was *really* ready to come out!!! Hope the weather stays nice so you can have more days on bikes πŸ™‚

AshleyAnn - The Littlest Pet Shop helmet with the front tooth barely poking out…priceless. That is a picture you will do nothing but smile at in the future. Sweet nature that Talby has…

carissa... brown eyed fox - it IS all about the bell ya know! :O)
i had a moment with riley this week too!!!!!!!!
those moments sneak up us… the tough/crazy part… it’s because they are growing up!
all too fast!
all good but…
make it stop! :O)
i love their smiles… yall all have the best smiles!

Staci - Agree…time can be mean…buttt, I try to think of new great things we’ll encounter….and then, having alllll the time you want for Mr. Steamy πŸ™‚ But yes, I do love this time….which reminds me to get the bike back out and have my little guy give it a try πŸ˜€ Annnnd, I’m just wondering how many people are going to ask you about that house next door for sale….heeeheee….you know everyone wants to be your neighbor πŸ˜‰

Lolli - I agree, my husband too…. so hot while teaching our son to ride. I coulda watched that all night. πŸ™‚ Wanna see a picture?

mkpoggie - 1: Totally agree on the hotness of dads. Our daughter is still in utero, but my husband, who is tired of the stereotype that girls aren’t good at math, is already super excited to teach her to love it. I imagine this will make my heart explode.
2: Anybody else want to know Sean’s joke? I do.
3: People that steal bikes make me want to cry. Especially when the victim is a sweet little girl.

Tracy Fisher - oh yeah.. forgot to tell you my bike story…
Brooke took a month of scardy cat screams on “grass only” to learn to ride a bike as I exhaustingly watched and tried to help. Mason learned to ride in 30 minutes when I was at the grocery store because Greg offered him $20 cash if he could ride without training wheels before mom got home! haha

Tracy Fisher - I have tears in my eyes. I get it!
Meg, I have a Father’s Day gift idea for you (if you are interrested). I posted the story of “I Love You” frames on my blog. It made me think of Craig when I went to your blog today.
Happy Tuesday… hope it’s sunny so you can all go ride your bikes.
Tracy (

April M - “I AM AWESOME!”
and I’m going to quit whining about the stumbles πŸ™‚
thanks for that!

Courtney Walsh - wooohooo! Go Annie! πŸ™‚
Ethan was six before he was ready to ride alone…now we just tackled the big bike (it’s a size bigger than the one he learned to ride on) and seriously he was ecstatic. It never gets old, does it? Watching them do something new!? πŸ™‚

Erin - love this whole family! i think you should take another michigan vacation so that the michigan meg fans can have a big party!

se7en - You have the cutest kids… really, enjoy every second of them!!!

Alisa - Gretchen you are so right about the taking off the pedals thing – that way kids really learn to balance first and then pedal. We live in Germany and here most kids have a no-pedal bike made from wood when they are 2 – and then ride bikes at the age of 3-4. It is also common here to never ever even have training wheels – they are considered dangerous on curbs and they keep kids from balancing on their own. Kids also tend to be more fearless at 3. At the age of 6 they are more afraid and falls off of bikes are from a higher distance. Of course then you end up having lots of different sized bikes by the time kids grow up. But we ride a lot here and a bike is cheap compared to the price of gas!

Amber - I love everything about this post EXCEPT that the two older kids are not wearing helmets Yikes!!

Jennifer Evans - must be something in the air- my six year old learned to ride her bike without training wheels this week also! I know how you feel- breaks a mama’s heart!

Julia - I walked past the baby section at Target this morning and got all sad. Then I slapped myself upside the head and went to the beach…alone.

Laura Phelps - dang it
I changed my profile back
it is me

Laura Phelps who should go to bed and not be reading blogs this late at night - Craig IS hot
and the bell in The Family Man…oh man, I cry thinking about it
my favorite movie
and I am with you on the BIG
not a fan
I have been stalking babies
Jack looked at me at the mall today..I was playing peek a boo with a baby
he rolled his eyes, and said, “come on Mom…”
we went to GAME STOP
no babies there
but BIG is OK I guess
I know
Let’s have margaritas to make ourselves feel better….

Jen G - I love how much you love your husband!:) And you are so right, nothing is hotter than your husband spending time and teaching your kids how to do something! I also loved the “I AM AWESOME” quote from Annie – I think I may use that when my children are mad at me about something or don’t like what I make for dinner.

julie - awww your post made ME want to bawl my eyes out! my youngest is 8 (almost 9!) months old. i know that sounds really young, but it’s not. she’s growing so fast. i tell her every day to stay little, but she just doesn’t listen. she’s stubborn, like all three of her big brothers. and her dad, too. i refuse to say i’m stubborn. ha!

Gretchen - Love it, Meg! My daughter just learned to ride sans training wheels too! And get this — it was in less than two total hours (spread over two days). I asked another mom how her little one (maybe 3?) was already zooming around on a bike with no training wheels and she shared with me the most amazing secret — and I have NO IDEA why it’s still a secret! (And incidentally, she learned it by asking someone she saw at the park.)
So I’m officially spreading the word here:
Take off the training wheels (yeah, a no brainer) AND take off the pedals. Yep. I said pedals.
Have them sit on the seat, make sure their feet touch the ground enough that they can push off the ground with their feet. Then lift the feet into the air and coast. Small coasts at first, but they get longer and longer. They learn to balance soooo much faster this way. I guess they’re not distracted with balance and pedaling. I dunno. Anyway, we found a spot at a park with a slight decline (nothing crazy at all) and then when she pushed with her feet she coasted a good long while! Her face lit up. It was like we were sledding — she just kept wanting to go back to that incline. Push the bike up, ride it down.
The pedals were back on that evening when we got home and …. she took off. Un-friggin-believable!
I remember all that dad time running alongside me as a kid, too.
I know what you mean — it’s bittersweet. So sad to see her not need the training wheels. But so huge to see her have her “girl power” — I’m guessing that’s her version of your “I am awesome!”
You go girls!
(And seriously folks. Try it. Take the pedals off. Make it a push bike. Takes less than a day. The balance clicks. Put the pedals on and off they go.)
Then you can sob. πŸ˜‰

Sarah - Oh say the bad word…I think the same thing!!!

Lisa - Love this post! My youngest is 2 but is already so independent. I have baby fever. But I try to focus on the positives of my kids getting bigger… like no diapers, no toddler to keep busy while trying to watch my older kids activities, vacations being easier (they do get easier right?!) etc. its hard having them grow up for sure. btw I love that you let your kids dress themselves. I sometimes feel like I’m the only one whose kids are mismatched and not perfectly dressed! πŸ™‚

danielle - go annie!
i love all these pictures.
come to new york and you can have a baby fix.
seriously. come to new york.

Necole - My almost three year old just let me know she was ready for school. This means I will not have any of my babies home two days a week. My seven year old already wants “to be left alone” so she can relax in her room. What is that?

elisa - Ha- Cole did the same thing while learning to ride- shin guards, roller-blade pads, etc. SO funny.

kat - Sweetness! This post totally made me tear up. It’s amazing how fast they grow up!!!

alaina - Dangit Meg….you made me cry!! The comment that dropped me was “I could kiss that face forever”. I have 3 of those faces, one who is 10, and he still lets me sort of, and 2 who are in college. Life is awesome at this stage and I am so proud of the godly men they are and are becoming, but I can barely look at those photos from their childhood without getting that “I miss you so much” feeling in the pit of my stomach. I remember telling my husband on their graduation day, could I have just 1 day back in time to hug and kiss and snuggle my baby boys? It goes quickly…but it is all good. Off to grab another box kleenex – thanks Meg!

Michelle B - I have a six year old that we need to work with getting those training wheels off – can you drive to Iowa to teach him? Because you do a great job! And here you are sad your babies are growing and I am knee deep in sleepless nights and dirty diapers and maybe wishing to get past this stage. I was just crying to my mom last night that how hard it is with a 6 year old, 4 year old and 8 month which she reminded me that it is tough…but I will miss it. someday I will miss it. I guess I will. But sleeping all night and riding bikes sounds good too. πŸ™‚

Andrea - Oh, and I also LOVE how much you are still in love with your husband and are not afraid to tell everyone how sexy you think he is! I love a man in a t-shirt and ballcap. Good thing – that is about all my husband wears when he is not in his firefighter uniform (talk about looking HOT!).

mandy friend - love your girl’s confidense. my daughter taught herself to ride a 2 wheeler…i felt like a totally crappy mom for not doing it. she just ran iun one day and said”mom, aiden took off my training wheels and i’m riding my bike”

purejoy - pretty sure your daughter gets her awesomeness from you. and yes, your hubs is hawt.
with a 19 {almost 20-year-old} and one that’s 21… my “babying” days are far behind. but not my mothering days. thank goodness. celebrating all their accomplishments… it’s a great thing. even getting big. hugs, mom!

Andrea - I love that my youngest, also 6, still wants me to cuddle with him every day after kindergarten. I remember pushing my oldest to walk, talk and do things – excited for each new step. Now I just hold on, hold on, hold on. I squeeze my little boy each night and tell him he is not allowed to get any bigger – he just giggles at me and says “you can’t stop it!” πŸ˜‰

tara pollard pakosta - awwwww I hate that they have to grow up!
My daughter just learned how to ride a 2 -wheeler last year, at almost 9 years old! I was fine with that though!
hugs mama!

heather - my baby turns 7 today.
7!!! how in the world did that even happen?
time IS a mean, mean…thing. πŸ˜‰

Ashlyn - I am with you. I have loved every age and stage they have been…but ooooohhh it is hard to watch my babies grow up.
I had one home sick yesterday, so I got to do some babying…which I love!
Great pictures!

leonieke - yeah,.sure. new things are good too. But I so understand your feelings about the time they were babys! those little shoes, little clothes, all the hugs in the world, and especially the thing that they think there mother knows everything.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - So cute! I really like Talbys bike : )
Gemma x

Shannon - Everytime I read one of your posts you make me want to have another baby! Everybody keeps telling me I can’t just have more and more because I want babies and I don’t get why they have to grow up then!!! Sorry all your kids are getting big, it really isn’t fair at all πŸ™

Daniele Valois - I love how you always talk about your husband being so hot! It’s so fun, and lovey! I do it too, and embarrass people, and my kids!

robin - The look of glee on Annie’s face in the pic with Craig is priceless. It brought a tear, thinking about how all of our kids are growing up.

Judy @Considering the Options - Time does go by so quickly! Our boys are 13, 15, and 17 and I feel like life is a NASCAR race. New phases coming at me at break-neck speeds. And I’m busy trying to capture the moments – if not with my camera, at least in my heart. Savoring every moment!
Thanks for sharing and reminding us to enjoy life!

Darcy - I agree, Meg. My youngest is turning 7 today and I am so sad. (happy for him, but sad for me).

Kim - Love “I AM AWESOME!!!” and your comeback “ok! then go be it! don’t waste your time whining about falling!”
My youngest will soon be eight. He is cool and querky and says the most amazing, funny things. I want to freeze this part of his life.

Katrina - Time IS a meanie. I totally agree. My oldest will be 13 in two short short months. I keep thinking about your oldest hiding from the camera. I don’t want my baby hiding too. We do have some amazing kids though. We just need to try to grab some of those little moments (like teaching the little one to ride a bike) and hold them tight inside. Best wishes.

Tiffany - Mr Duerksen you are steamy, crack me up! He def has the whole shoulder thing going on, in a your husband is kinda hunky kinda way. Kudos to you too Mom, you hit the nail on the head, with no one takes pictures of me doing that…But they do, in their heads and they will remember in their hearts. Holla!

alyssa - time is a mean thing. they get so big so fast.

Jessi - “and honestly what is hotter than a man teaching his kid to ride a bike?”
I can’t wait for this in my family πŸ™‚

Kimberly Dial - I agree … ‘time is mean’ …. I remember when my boys learned to ride .. yeah, back when they were boys & not men (31 and 28 sniff, sniff)… your children are adorable … enjoy!

Kimberly Dial - I agree … ‘time is mean’ …. I remember when my boys learned to ride .. yeah, back when they were boys & not men (31 and 28 sniff, sniff)… your children are adorable … enjoy!

JulianneB - Such fun memories. I taught both our boys, now 18 and 15 how to ride bikes. We didn’t have sidewalks on our street so it took a while. Naomi, our seven year old, basically taught herself. Over a year ago, she came in and asked for us to take her training wheels off. We did and warned her that it might take awhile to get the hang of it…it didn’t she went right out and rode by herself. The next day our neighbor girl, same age, saw Naomi riding and asked her Dad to take her training wheels off and same thing happened. From then on they have ruled the sidewalks of the ‘hood with their bikes.

Emily - I just love your blog! It’s the first thing I look at every morning and it makes me smile everytime πŸ™‚ Thank you for doing what you do!!

sarah - I HATE that time passes so quickly.
Kenzie has been riding her tricycle, I will probably cry when she gets a big girl bike.
A man being a Father is so hot. πŸ™‚
Kenzie saw the close up picture of Annie with her helmet on, and said “She’s pretty!”

Stephanie - Have you seen the hysterical bike helmets at Target? So darn funny! Shaped like different animals with ears and things sticking up from the top. I want one!

brooke - meg- i have two babies…16 months and 20 months thanks to the joy of adoption. anyway…it’s been a hard couple days with two tantrum throwing teethers. thanks for the encouragement to enjoy this stage…even though it’s tough.
your little girl is too much fun! and yes, she is AWESOME πŸ™‚

Alicia @ La Famille - mine are getting too big too πŸ™ almost makes me want to have another…almost πŸ™‚

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - super, super sweet. :o)

Zizette - We need to take the training wheels off my baby’s bike as well. I agree boo to growing up too.

Sarah@this farm family's life - Cute. We are trying to teach our 5 yr. old how to ride a bike and she keeps saying when she is 6 she will do it without training wheels, but not right now. Maybe she is right….

melissa rice - Amen. I once heard at a conference the speaker said “men if you want to turn on your wives, play with their kids”!!! so true.
It goes by so fast… I wish they came with a pause button

happygirl - I can’t even remember when I didn’t want my son to grow up. I love hearing it from you. I enjoy your blog so much. I love hearing how your children are breaking into each new stage of life. Love it.

Ryanne - Good post. I try to remember the “growing up” part and time whenever I am frustrated with 3 under five. Thank you for the reminder and perspective.

Tess S - “I AM AWESOME” this will be my quote for the day. The Family Man is one of my all time top fav movies. (Maybe not all-time…)

Chaos-Jamie - I feel ya, Megs. Baby fever like you would not believe over here.

Rebecca - They DEFINITELY shouldn’t be allowed to grow up. I LOVE the movie Family Man! Nicholas Cage is so good! I love the little girl with a lisp, knowing it’s not her daddy when he’s changing the diaper and then knowing he’s “come back” at the end!!! Genius!
Have a great Tuesday! XOXO

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - This spring will be my latest attempt to get my SEVEN year old on her brand new bike. She hated it last year. We had taken her to a big open parking lot to teach her in a wide open space and she had a really bad fall. Maybe if I wrap her up in bubble wrap she’ll feel more safe. Ya think?:)
Love the pics. They document this step of her life so well. And I totally know whatcha mean about babies growing up. Mine will be off to 1st grade in the fall and I cry every time I think about it.
You always hear “treasure these moments. They’ll be gone all too soon.” but you dont believe it until you’re THERE and by then its too late.
Have a great day!

Dianne - She looks SO MUCH like Talby in that first picture! She is getting big! My oldest will be in kindergarten next year…and quite frankly…I’m in denial πŸ˜‰

Sandy - I still have the cute little bubble (looking) helmet my son wore as he rode on the back of my bike 14 years ago. So sad…he’s 17 1/2 and over 6′ tall now. In some ways that’s not a bad thing, but I sure miss my babies too!
So sweet of you to surprise Talby with a new bike! I’m sure she was thrilled.

Heather R. - Cute. My hubby taught our girls to ride. He was so proud of himself. πŸ™‚ I love the one tooth missin’ and the shin guard idea…sweet.

Ana M - You are truly and deeply AMAZING and AWESOME !!! I love to read your posts… Always funny and full of truth in every word… Tomorrow my youngest will turn 7 !!! She is the last child of the family and I’m already missing these days of childhood and innocence…bummer…but life goes on…We must cherish every single moment of theis lifes and enjoy just being with them…

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spring break 11… 2

going to the zoo and mini golf was the choice for fun on monday
with a Sonic treat in between.

why can kids run and run and jump on a trampoline or play a a soccer game 
but when you ask them to walk around at the zoo they act like you are torturing them?
"i'm soooo tired"

IMG_0053-4 IMG_0052-3
talby brought bunches of quarters to be able to feed the animals.
i never have change.
she is smart to have brought it along.
annie was nervous….recalling being nibbled on last time.

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jake got a few pictures of every single animal in the zoo.
dave joked that since lauren was asleep when we left for the zoo she could just sit down with jake 
and he could give her a slide show of all the fun she missed.


annie didn't remember having ever been to the mini golf course.
she has….but she was a little(r).

(oh my goodness it is so much fun to go back and look at those old pictures!!!!)


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every one really had a good time.


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there were also go-karts rides.
talby got her own because she was finally tall enough!
she was so excited.  
she said "you were right….it IS good to be tall!"

the weather cooperated so well….so warm!

dave is good at organizing games.
we played our first all family basketball game.
even me.
what a riot.

i miss them.



WINNER OF the GiRLs WorLd book???

How cute! I love it! πŸ™‚

Posted by: Erica Y | March 26, 2011 at 09:57 PM

Erica Y sent me your information!  :)

Amnah - Yay for spring break!

karen - flip flops!

Jemm - Hey, I’ve got to say a big thank you to you for adding a link to my blog on your sidebar. I’ve had tons of visits today from that link. Thank you!!

Short, Sweet Season - A random comment: I love the pictures of Annie’s outfits on your blog! Color and sparkle…so precious!

Erica Y - what? I won the book? How do I get my info to you??? HOW COOL!!!

Tanya - can’t believe it’s flip flop weather there…boohoohoo

taralee - thanks for sharing!
have you seen this rainbow garden??
basically everything rainbow makes me think of you — “rainbow meg”!

Anne @ Baking Me - What a fun spring break, lots of activities. I can’t even remember the last time I went miniature golfing, looks like a blast πŸ™‚

steph - diggin’ that last pic with the toews #19 tshirt.
jonathan is from my hometown… and he’s also our friend’s cousin.
go blackhawks!!! πŸ˜‰
glad you had a ton of fun.
and yeah, what’s with the zoo? “i’m TIIIIIIRED!!!”
why does it do that every time?!

danielle - since when did you start calling me erica?

Tanya H - I love that you said Annie was little(r). My daughter is her age and is constantly telling me about “when she was a little girl”. what the heck is she today?! LOL!

Leah - Wow, I’m impressed you did the zoo AND mini-golf in one day. In my house it’s one activity like that per day. Maybe when my daughter gets a little older she can do it. Not sure about me though.

Marla Rae - SO, I can’t believe you have never watched American Idol!! Watch tonight in hopes of seeing Joy and you will be hooked…hook line and sinker. LOVE.IT. This is the best year ever so now is a good time to start watching. I Love your blog and Joy’s too. I am a Grandma from North Dakota – your lives are so exciting!!

happygirl - Too cold here for the attire I see in the pics. Kansas is looking better every day. LOVE mini golf. Thanks for not having the Sonic pics. I’m on a 3 day fruit “feast” and I’m HUNGRY all the time.

deborah@applesinwonderland - flip flops and shorts? c’mon. you’re torturing me. who knew the animals at the petting farm ate change? πŸ˜‰ too fun!!!!

Sarah@this farm family's life - love all the pix!

Kristi - I am so jealous that you are wearing flip flops. still tons of snow up here.
you are the best mom!

Jenny Joy - What fun!!! The zoo AND mini golf? Awesome sauce!!!

Heather - Flip flops? I don’t know that I can call you my favourite blogger anymore. πŸ˜›

pam - Flip flops…warmth…we’re still having snow and we’re really not that much further north than you. Embrace the warmth for the rest of us.

Amy - I think I saw one of your kiddos outside lastnight playing basketball! No, I don’t stalk you. ; )
I have to drive past to pick my son up from his after school group that is a few blocks away.


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spring break 11

um…thank you for buying (pretty much) everything in my shop.
you ladies are UNBELIEVABLE.
i love you.
i'm sorry for you that there were only so many of each thing and it went so fast.
i'm sorry that it gets crazy.
but it's fun too isn't it?  like black friday without the uncomfortable eye contact.

there are two matching quilty striped pillows left….and some prints.
i restocked the prints a bunch of times yesterday.
the two pillows are really cute….i was surprised they were left.
i think they are perfect for a boys room….blues, greens and browns.

so again….THANK YOU.
it was really fun to watch it all disappear!

now i will ship and ship and ship.

PLEASE go and double check that you paid and you completed your payment.
it's a bummer for me to have to track you down later.

now….here is my REAL post. 


my friends kerry & dan have 5 kids of their own and they run a dairy farm.

i went to visit this farm in january and it was… eye opener.

i have seen pigs and horses but never a cow close up.
not like this.
and i was not prepared.
i thought we were going out there for dinner.
i had no idea we'd go into the barn to touch the cows and be all up in their space.
i was wearing cloth leopard shoes.
i think it's safe to say i may have been the dorkiest person they have had out at the farm yet.
i tried to walk into the barn a bit and see the baby cow but i was so squeemish that i chickened out.

i blame the shoes.

but it was fascinating.
i said "i will be back…with my camera…..and my cowgirl boots….this MUST be on the blog!"

so when my city friend chicago Jen brought her family to town i knew it was the perfect time!

while our men golfed in the ridiculous kansas wind…..we went to the farm with the kids.


kerry had warm cinnamon rolls in the kitchen, coffee for jen and i and fresh milk for the kids.
it was an all american scene.
my kids were loving every second!


scotty was loving on baby kyler…..melts my heart!
kyler is so darn cute!  
i got to be at her birth…a home birth….it was so cool. 
annie loves to watch kyler's every move.
i like to cuddle her when she is sleeping.  :)

IMG_9821-19 IMG_9826-20

after our coffee we put on our boots and braved the barn.
poor jenny….we don't have the same size feet so she couldn't wear my extra boots.
i gave her some of our snow boots.
when we got out to the farm we realized they were both right feet!
she did just fine in her two right boots.  HA!
it was very funny.

i wasn't nervous….but i was being…..cautious.
i am such a baby.

everyone peeked into the milk tank.
it was ALOT of milk.


no fear from the kids though….kisses for cows?  well of course!


we got to bottle feed a one week old calf.
seriously….i could have picked her up and taken her home.
if only they stayed that size.
except for all the snot…..that was a little gross.

IMG_9893-32 IMG_9904-1


IMG_9883-30 IMG_9856-23
oh how i love this kid.
he is just enough to make me crazy but when he is having a good day it's a great day for all of us.
and THIS was a great day.
i was so happy he was with us.

(excuse me but when did my boys think it was acceptable to grow up and be as tall as me??)

aren't we a fabulous farm group?
we fit right in.
don't look out of place one bit.

dairy cows are HUGE.
i couldn't get over how big they were……GiNORMOUS.


our gracious hosts.
seriously…..dan & kerry you were so good to us.
you spoiled us.
thank you thank you thank you.
sorry i was spazzy to the kids about the rules before we went in the barn.
i just wanted them to be good.
i am sure it was the joke of the day for you.  :)
i live to entertain. 

and just when the kids thought it couldn't get any better……TRACTOR RIDES!!!
it just went up and down but it was better than an amusement park for sure.

i love when my kansas friends get to meet my jenny!!

(kerry…..doesn't jen have the best laugh ever?!)

kerry's 10 year old son built this tree house.
by himself.
he is 100 times cooler than ty pennington in my opinion.

see how cool it is to live in kansas!?

the farm rocked.
i loved it.
jen loved it.
the kids loved it.


there is no one nicer in the world than my friend kerry.
she calls me Megs.
when i tell annie we are going to see her she says "which kerry?"
i answer "annie poo-pie kerry" because that is annie's nickname from Kerry.
and annie gets so excited!

kerry has a blog!
i want you all to mozy on over and give her some love right now!

those are farm words for "get going"


Mrinal - Hi Tamara,Both Mike and I are well impressed with the couarge you showed by bringing your story into the open. The main theme in your story is your strong will and it shows your journey through life by applying that strong will in different ways. The fact that you have definitely found the way to use it in a very positive way currently, plus that you have the couarge to open up, makes you an only STRONGER and MORE inspirational role model as far as we are concerned!Mike and Saskia

Trysha - Whoops…that’s Annie, isn’t it?

Trysha - Love that photo of Talby getting ready to kiss the cow! Adorable!!!

Carol S - Awww, what a great day. Enjoyed all the pics of the day on the farm. Yes, your boys are getting bigger and bigger…it’s sort of cool and sort of scary, isn’t it? They only grow in one direction, and I’m getting ok with that (no option!) Have a happy Sunday.

Jenna Mitchell - the 2 right boots for Jenny made me laugh out loud!!!! And then when you posted the group picture I was drawn to Jenny’s feet…and laughed even harder. πŸ™‚

Jenny B. - So fun! I agree, though… big cows are a little scary up close.

happygirl - I love a dairy farm. I think dairy farmers are the hardest working farmers out there. Do they sell the milk? Do they make ice cream? I love a dairy farm.

EllenVR - I spy an OU shirt! Boomer Sooner!!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I love. Lu-hu-huv Chicago Jenny’s boots. (Are they snow boots?) I hope so.

Tiffany @ The Domestic Fox - Love love love moo cows – but Jerseys are my favorite! Can you tell I miss our cows?? πŸ™

april - ok ok meg…Im totally convinced….kansas IS cool!!!
april from california

Katy - Okay, when I first read that everyone peeked into the milk tank I thought it said that “everyone peed in the milk tank”! I had to reread that one. πŸ™‚ Looks like fun!

Amy - ..I guess I should have said does she live close to the town we both live in. I re-read that and it sounded kind of confusing. : )

Amy - Does your friend Kerry live close to the same town as we do Megan? I am trying to meet other local mom’s who have home birthed and would love to talk to her if she is willing.

Kelly - You Kansas people are all so fun! I am about to move to CO. Why do Kansas and CO have to be so big?! It would be so fun if we were only an hour or two away and could all play together! Kelly

tiffany - can kerry come to craft day? i wanna nickname too. sweet post.

Tracy Fisher - That was so awesome. I love the simple life…for a day or two every now and then. And I loved the snow boots!

Jenna - Kansas is the best! I recently moved away after living there all my life, but I remain very proud to be from there πŸ™‚ Looks like fun times at the farm!

Jennifer - What a fun post! I can appreciate the cows. I grew up in the country in a small town in northeast texas. We lived on 28 acres and my granddad kept his cows on our land. It was great for my dad because he never had to worry about mowing the pasture…the cows kept it looking all nice with all their grazing. We had an electric fence to keep them in, but it never failed, one or two would always escape every once in a while. It usually happened when my dad was at work and so mom had to deal with it. I can remember how she (a born and bred big city girl who moved to the country because of my dad)…she would park our big ‘ole 80’s van at the end of the driveway to block the cows from escaping down the oil road and honk the horn to keep them in until my granddad could get out there to chase them back in behind that electric fence. Good memories your post drudged up…
Last thought…love your hair, Meg!! It makes me want to cut mine short again. πŸ™‚

hannah - what a fun friendship! i’ve always loved visiting farmer friends, such a treat to taste their beautiful lives! thanks for sharing, love all your photos:)

Erin - what a cool all-american experience! i live overseas and before moving abroad i was a city girl but i am jonesing for the country (hubs grew up on a farm/in a farming family in iowa). yes, it was still fun to try to buy your stuff…better luck next year. πŸ˜‰

Heather - I had a crazy hectic deadline day yesterday and was so sad that I missed out on all of the fun pillows in the shop, but your pictures today cheered me right up! I think it’s just in my blood to love farms. πŸ™‚ Also, I need to know where you got your boots- they’re cute!!

sarah - work those cowgirl boots, lady! - That is SOOOO COOOL MEG! I’m a city girl. Born and raised in the LA area and I want to move to Kansas! I just might be your neighbor one day πŸ™‚

kristine - scott holding kyler is one of my faves so far from 2011. he looks so proud and his smile is CHAR-MING!
that tractor ride is AWESOME and the tree house!??!?! holy cow! he could grow up and have his own show like ty! πŸ™‚
so bummed to miss out on a hoodie yesterday. by the time i’d click to see what size the listing was and have to click back, they’d be gone. i’m SO proud of you. what did craig say!?

pam - I think that’s one of the cleanest barn floors I’ve ever seen. Always good to expose ourselves to different ways of life….it will amaze us what people do to provide that daily glass of milk or that slice of bread. I miss the wheat fields of Kansas….they are so gorgeous in the summer.

Vonda - The cows made me smile! We had a dairy farm for 10 years. Lots of work! I used to be in charge of feeding the calves, until the boys got big enough to do it! Then I would go work with my Mom and sister at our flower shop. That smelled a lot better!:) We live in a town with lots of dairy farms, so we’ll be driving along and my daughter will go “ew, what’s that smell?!” Then I have to remind her that she used to live on a farm! We moved when she was 2 so she doesn’t remember it at all. Dairy farmers are special people-always on call!

virginia - now THAT is country living!
the tractor ride picture is so cool, i like all that it conveys

Jennifer - That tree house is amazing! My boys wouldn’t even know where to begin doing something like that. Very cool!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Wow what an amazing experience…those cows are HUGE!
Gemma x

Lori Danelle - I LOVE Kerry!! (Although, it’s been such a long time since I’ve seen her, I’m not sure she’d remember be any more!) Excited to start reading her blog. I watched Footloose for the very first time at her house while hanging out with her sister Jenny & friend Kristy as they got ready for Berean’s Jr./Sr. Banquet WAY back in high school. (Fitting, eh?) Needless to say, we had a bit of fun!
And I love being from KS. DEFINITELY NOT a country girl, but I do love the country. I got to experience the best of bothβ€”not that Wichita was exactly a booming city when I was growing up, but I suppose it sort of counts. πŸ™‚ One weekend we’d be running around Wichita doing whatever crazy teenagers do, and the next we’d be roasting marshmallows over a fire in the middle of a field and playing hide-and-go-seek amongst the hay bales.
LOVE it.

Jennie brewer - I’m sitting at the salon under the dryer that magically makes me a blonde. I just laughed out loud at your comment about wearing cloth leopard shoes. People are staring, but I’m just gonna keep on enjoying my day with no kids, my starbucks, a new haircut, and your hilariousness. Thanks Meg!

Amy T-Y - Yes, it is AWESOME to live in Kansas! I’ve lived here all my life, both in Kansas City & in a small town called Basehor (about 30 min. east of Lawrence). My dad has 60 acres, a barn, cows, 4-wheelers. The whole she-bang. (Did I just say she-bang??). And he lives on a gravel road with rusty, dusty pick-up trucks. The midwest is awesome. Did you let the cows lick you? They have seriously thick & scratchy tongues! And if you ever get a chance, you should definitely take your kids to Shatto milk farm (an hour outside KC) where they produce the hugely popular organic milk (you even get to sample the root beer, orangesicle & coffee flavors!). Also visit Deanna Rose Farmstead (in S Overland Park), it’s free even! Ya know, just come up for Worlds of Fun & make a weekend (or week!) of it. & feel free to take my family’s pics while you’re in town . . . just sayin.’

Andrea - We had milk goats when I was growing up. When I went to Ohio State Univ., I worked at their dairy farm. It took me awhile to get used to how BIG the cows are! But milk cows are pretty complacent – until they come into heat! The OSU dairy had Jersey cows too. They were the best! More personality and beautiful big brown eyes. I had to start work at 4:30 am…but got to watch the sun rise over downtown Columbus. (Also, could fit in the classes I needed but that is besides the point.)

Sandy - I hope Talby hasn’t taken over the starring role in let’s find the teenager. Looks like great fun! Your family is so blessed!

Christy - Love these pix, looks like you guys had a good time. I love how fierce Annie looks in the group shot…lol

karen - wow..look at the size of the cows head compared to yours!!
That looked like so much fun! My 3 year old son would have loved that tractor ride…now that’s a tractor ride!!

Samantha - I loved this post! I am from a small town and my uncle was a diary farmer! It’s awesome your kids get to experience that when so many don’t anymore!

Jodi - You.are.brave.
I grew up with cows all around me and never have I ever petted one (unless they were in the stall about to get their meds and they couldn’t go anywhere)… I was always too nervous around them…
then again, my granddaddy raised his for meat… not milk… so maybe milk cows are happier??
looks like a wonderful day was had by all!

steph - ha! i’m diggin’ chicago jen’s boots in that group pic!
LOL! that is awesome!
and i love the pic of the kids on the tractor.
so fun and cool!
FWIW, i would have been kinda nervous around the cows too.
i’m pretty freaked of larger animals.
scared they’d bite my finger off or something. ewww!
glad you guys had a great time!
are you convincing jen to move to kansas yet?!?!?!? πŸ˜‰

Heather - Very cool! We went to friend’s dad’s farm where he still HAND MILKS one of his cows twice a day! My girls got to milk the cow! My 6 yo can seriously squeeze some udders! Did you try any FRESH milk? It’s hot. Like steamin’ hot. Would’ve been OK with some Hershey’s, without – not so much! Livin’ in Kansas can totally rock, when you know some cows, that is. πŸ™‚ Looks like you showed Chicago Jen a boot scootin’ good time!

shelly - I remember my Dad doing the same thing with me and a loader when we lived on the farm! Oh, the memories!!! There’s nothing better than those huge calf eyes and the smell of milk replacer (yes, even with the slime!). πŸ™‚

Heather R. - Cool farm! I love the fact she had the milkman’s kids…ha! The cows are huge. And I love the tree house. πŸ™‚

crystal - if you think dairy cows here are huge…you should see them in holland. they were like giants there and SO beautiful! πŸ™‚

Jemm - Cows ARE huge. When we moved out to the ranch it was amazing to me how big they are. Huge and gentle, it’s amazing. Glad you and the kids were able to experience that. I think that’s really important for kids to see were our food comes from. What great friends you’ve got!

julia - Things I would have wanted to ask…is this skim milk?…is it pasturized?…..where are the cows that make chocolate milk?
Love the poses of the little girls in the group picture!

Holly - that looks like a lot of fun for sure!

Sarah@this farm family's life - Yum! farm fresh milk…that’s all we drink here. glad you had a good time experiencing the farm life!

Kimberly Dial - Tractor rides … how fun was that? Looked like lots to me! Thanks for sharing your eclectic adventures ‘Megs’ — I love it! Have a great day!

Kimberly Dial - Tractor rides … how fun was that? Looked like lots to me! Thanks for sharing your eclectic adventures ‘Megs’ — I love it! Have a great day!

georgia - Awwww i love cows!!! there so cute!
(you google ‘Dexter’ cows that breed is SO cute!!)
Love the farm photo’s! but where is talby??

se7en - Thanks for the morning chuckle!!! I especially love the photo of you all fitting in so well!!! And Annie kissing the cow is just the best!!!

fm - Meg that looks so fun!! Your kids are real lucky to have you πŸ™‚
But… where’s talbyyyy?? hehehe sorry Talby for being stalkerish!!

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our craft thursday this week has March Madness theme to it.

i found these big paper mache letters at Joann's for $3.00 each on sale.

(how great is the NEW joann's in wichita?! awesome.)

i grabbed the KU paint colors and we had the glitter at home already.
my kids get excited about new sponge brushes too.



sean and talby painted the K.
annie and i painted the U.



it took a few coats to get it covered fully.
then when it was dry we painted the front side with glue.



then covered it in glitter.



we also made posters for our windows (just like when i was a cheerleader!)
we made signs to hold during the games.
and we filled out our brackets.
according to our scoring annie is winning so far.

tonight we are going to watch the game together as a family.

i will fight my urge to get up and do other things while it's on….it's hard to sit still and just watch.
but i will do it.

i think.

ROCK —————————————–
CHALK —————————————
JAYHAWK ———————————–





vintage pearl gift certificate WINNER!!!

I would get the angel wing with my husband's name on it. Sadly, he passed away a year ago, and I know he is watching over my son and I. He is forever in my heart, and I know God put him in my life for a reason. I know I will see him again, and it will be a sweet reunion.

Posted by: Gretchen P | 03/22/2011 at 07:58 PM


gretchen…….send me your info and i will pass it onto erin at the vintage pearl!



Kelly - I have a small cheer girl with big cheer dreams. KU is on her radar which delights me as it is just close enough to be away from home. She would love to know about your cheer experience. ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic

Dawn - Great craft. Now we are Iowa Hawk fans but I loved your craft. Good idea.

Brooke - I am so sorry that you haven’t even had a chance to talk about your sad jayhawk loss. I am wondering if I could borrow your letters and turn them into UK for the Wildcats πŸ™‚ My sweetest friends are Jayhawks…and we always joke because they live in LExington, KY….home of UK. We always talk about how their letters are confused. But through the years, they have turned me into a jayhawk lover (behind the cats)….so I was so sad to see them go out of the tournament to VCU. Hope your kids are not too bummed!
I am SO BUMMED, I missed your store opening, like so many others, I am sure. I am so sad :). I had my eye on a heather bailey/polka dot pillow for so long!! Maybe next time! Happy week to you!

christine - Hubby and I were just in San Antonio for our 10th anniversary & the KU people were everywhere! There was a section of the Riverwalk that was sectioned off with large KU Alumni Association welcome banners and all that. It was fun, festive and reminded me of you πŸ™‚

Kirsten P - So glad you and your family got to enjoy the cool glittery KU letters with a win on Friday!! So sad they lost today.

Candy - Love those! I need to make some of those before the game tomorrow! ROCK CHALK!!

Lisa - Super cute! I bought a couple of those letters awhile back. Love them!

Staci - I love this so much πŸ™‚

Elizabeth - Adorable, but we would need U N C — go Tar Heels! πŸ™‚

the whyte house - the kids and i were out east this week and noticed they had opened the new joann’s. i told my husband that the store looked huge and he said, “greeeeattt”. haha.

Courtney Walsh - These turned out so cute!!! πŸ™‚

Kat - Gretchen sounds like a very deserving winner! Enjoy Gretchen!

Teresa - Goooo Jayhawks!!! Love the letters!

Jamie - That looks so pretty on the computer, but I REALLY Want to know if it looks like that for real?

Sally - That is awesome that Gretchen won!

Kelly - Those letters look GREAT! Kelly

marta - i am so doing this. i love glitter. i love letters. i love getting crafty. thank you. p.s. i appreciate the guest post so much. you are a new and likely forever favorite. xo.

Allison - Rock Chalk!
(And April, or anyone else who is wondering, “Rock Chalk Jayhawk!” is a cheer for KU. “Rock chalk” refers to the particular limestone that is prevalent in western and central Kansas… if you drive through Kansas, you’ll see limestone post rock fences lining the fields.)

sherry - Love this. I am also a Kansas native, living in Seattle, I think I need to represent :). Rock Chalk!! Looking good so far!!

Stephanie - Here in Tucson we are U of A fans all the way… maybe our teams will meet up for the championship game!!! Love the letters though:)
Can’t wait for your etsy shop to open so I can order that cute rainbow shirt that Annie is wearing (or the jacket) LOVE IT!!

Heather - Rooooock….Chaaaaaalk….Jay….Haaaaawk…K……U…..!
Rock Chalk JayHawk – KU!
Love. Love. Love. The letters! Awesome! I have glitter envy.

Margo - I saw all of your posters in the windows this week – they are great! I love your KU glitter letters as well – ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK!!!

Danielle - Love Annie’s shirt!

Molly - ROOOOOOOOOOOCKKKKKKKK CHALLLLLLLKKKK JAYYYYYYHAWWWWWWKKKK! I might just have to make letters like that, but I really want a glitter covered Jayhawk!

Amanda - seriously??? are you TRYING to dare me to stop reading your blog?!??! Because I can’t handle this kind of stuff. I tried so hard not to hear you actually saying that chant as it was typed out – but it was SOOOO hard, and SOOOO annoying!!!
I guess you may be awesome enough I can look past this.

Tracy Fisher - First, your winner was so meant to be! What a touching story. And second, Go Jayhawks! They are on my bracket too. I figured that if I can’t win (the tv remote, that is)… then I should join them (yes, I had my 10 yr old help me out with my picks and I am beating the whole family).
Tracy Fisher

karen - i love glitter!! love the letters!
it makes me cringe a bit when i see it being poured like that. i know it’s weird…when my 3 year old uses it…i keep saying ‘don’t waste it’!
I know I know…i got to get over it!

Tricia - This Mizzou alum will be rooting for Kansas tonight! Just don’t tell anyone! πŸ™‚

Sarah@this farm family's life - LOVE IT! I’ll be watching tonight also.

Sharla - I agree with Catie πŸ™‚ – but this KSU fan will be watching tonight’s game with my brother, who is a big KU fan. . . .

Mindy Harris - gretchen’s comment is making me cry!!
i’m a k-state alum but i still read your blog. πŸ™‚

Brianna - KU is playing U of R! This city of Richmond is going nuts with two of our hometown teams in the Sweet 16! Go Spiders! Sounds like so much fun to be watching the game together πŸ™‚

deedrap - Hey Meg- a friend of mine sent this to me…thought the Duerksen’s might enjoy it!!! Rock Chalk!!!

Molly - Very cute!!! We are hopeing KU wins…but only because we cheer for the Big 12 when our team is out (….and they have been out for awhile). We are hopeful they get back into the big dance real soon! We are {huge} Iowa State fans:) Have a great night!!

MommaH - As the one other KU fan couple at church: ROCK CHALK!!!

Terrie Galle - Dear Megan…I’ve LoVeD all of your posts..up til now…bet you can’t guess why! I still love ya though!! Sincerely…a kSu fan πŸ™‚ You’re laughing right?! Cause…I like to keep you laughing! It’s what I do best πŸ™‚

Jemm - I was so bummed I didn’t win, then I read Gretchen’s comment and felt like a dork. So glad she won and God bless.
As far as THE game goes…stinkin’ Jayhawks. But I’ll be cheering for them tonight anyway. I’m just still smarting over the Wildcat’s loss, I’m an Wildcat alum after all! Cute letters πŸ˜‰

pam - Love the letters….Rock Chalk Jayhawks! One of my roommates in college was the baby Jay mascot. I used to go into a storage room at the arena to help her get into her outfit. I still remember the size 20 something men’s B-ball shoes laying around in there. Thankfully when I was in college in the 70’s it was not as hard to get tickets for the games and we won a lot then too. I can never walk away from our boys when they’re on….they do some amazing passes and slam dunks….just don’t want to miss any of it.

emily anderson - rock chalk! i have a hard time watching the games though—i get all funky and nervous.

Kate - LOVE IT! Rock Chalk!

Nancy - Love the sparkle and the team spirit. I lived in Witchita from 1999-2000. A brief stint but I loved it none the less. So glad there is a new rockin’ Joann’s. Congrats.

ashley jensen - Hmmm…I noticed a shirt change on Annie in the pictures. We only watch the Superbowl. The letters would be cute for anything though!

april - they are sparkly!!! But what in the heck is rock chalk jayhawk??? I dont get it??? Please help!

Tonya - I’m so glad Gretchen won the vintage pearl gc!
We’ll be watching the Hawks tonight…you just might hear us cheering! ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK…KU!!!

Kimberlee J. - Love the KU letters so much I’m thinking of doing some for myself….KJ.
Too much?
Yay for Gretchen!

heather - yay for gretchen!!
God loves you and your son Gretchen. He loves you both so very much.

Jodi - Fancy letters for sure!
We are not BBall fans… Soccer is our sport! :o)

Dana Banana - Lovin that you made signs to hold up during the game!

catie - the letters sure are cute, but i’d rather add an S and paint them purple and white! GO CATS! πŸ™‚
and, YES, the new joann’s is FANTASTIC!! i’m going there after work tonight!

Beth - Love those letters…ok I am going do this with Lexi and will share one day..not sure when we will but we are…this looks like lots of fun for the both of us! We will have to have a “U” in ours also…UGA Rocks!
Oh so happy that Gretchen won! I don’t even know who she is but oh so happy!
Have a great weekend!

Karen Gerstenberger - Those letters turned out great! Since Gonzaga (the men’s team) is no longer in the running, I will root for your team.

Leah - Can your kids to SDSU for my Aztecs? I know they lost yesterday, but those letters are awesome!

Jenny Joy - I can’t think of a better way to commemorate Gretchen’s husband! πŸ™‚
And ROCK CHALK! We’ll be watching, too.

Courtney - so great i totally need these!!!

sara @ it's good to be queen - love it! so fun. you’re a good mama. my husband hasn’t lived in kansas in 14 years but he is a through and through jayhawk fan. he puts them to win on his bracket every. single. year.

tasha roe - love me some KU and some “fancy letters”
glitter makes everything better!

Meredith Salmon - So glad that Gretchen won. She deserves it. God bless to Gretchen and her son.

Amanda - LOVE IT! πŸ™‚ Rock chalk!

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i got snot on my leggings.


i fed a one week old calf yesterday.

and she snotted on me.

but i got to wear my boots.





Seamingly Sarah - Ah – this totally makes me want to go home and see my family’s farm. I grew up on a dairy farm and there’s nothing cuter than a hungry calf – there’s also nothing more annoying as they head butt you for food in the process! Thanks for posting this and making me feel nostalgic.

Valerie - You’re so funny. P.S. Love the bracelet!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Yee haw cowgirl! x

sandy toe - Okay…I can’t handle that w.o.r.d.
Hee hee…sandy toe

kaylee@life chasers - so cute!
i grew up on a dairy farm and i miss the baby calves.
the snot is totally worth it πŸ™‚

crystal beutler - Now that I mention it . . . one of those houses is Wendy & Tylers!!! I guess that was a good trade. Baby lambs in exchange for Blue Lily. πŸ™‚

crystal beutler - Love that photo! And I know how much you love cows! Don’t you just love baby animals! I am so missing the flocks of sheep that used to visit the pasture that was once in our neighborhood when we first moved here. It was so cool to see all the little lambs in the springtime. Now we just have rows and rows of houses — and they all look the same. πŸ™

Amy - I can’t say that I have been snotted on today, but I was puked and pooped on : )

carissa... brown eyed fox - cute snot face! :O)
and i have been meaning to say…
you look SO great!

hannah - sounds fun;)
super cool boots!

Daniele Valois - AWESOME!!!

linda@limein the coconut - …actually, you got leggings on his snot.
just sayin’.

Lauren - Calves are so cute, my sister lives on a farm and I love to look at them. But just looking at the end of their noses is enough to keep my hands away, I just can’t bear the thought of cow snot! Maybe I need to wear cuter shoes to distract myself.

Sarah@this farm family's life - I grew up on a dairy farm, so I love holstein calves.

Jenny Joy - My computer browser is really “short”. All I saw was your post title. And while I was scrolling down, I kept thinking, “Man… I wonder if it’s HER snot on her leggings.” I’m just glad you’re not sick or something. πŸ™‚

Tracy Fisher - Boots are cool. I wish there was more “country” in our world. By the way… I love, love, love your bracelet.

Tanya - One day I was reading the Pioneer Woman and she talked about how she feeds her dog calf-“nuts”. I scrolled down, asssuming there was NO WAY she’d actually post a pic of it… as the post revealed a pic of a “nut” being dropped into her dogs mouth. I almost barfed.
I’m really really happy you didn’t show the snot. You’re aces πŸ™‚

Jennifer - great title…cow snot is definitely an experience! i think we should all wear our cowgirl boots more often. πŸ™‚

Jessica Johnson - me too. but not from a cow. i actually wish it was a cow. motherhood can be so gross.

amanda - This title made me laugh, I nearly snotted in my coffee!

Patricia - I tentatively hit the down arrow waiting to see the “snot shot” ;o)
You crack me up! Hope you’re having a great time with your friends!

deborah@applesinwonderland - thanks for not posting the snot shot. there are some things that cannot be un-seen. cute boots, though. πŸ™‚

Janie Fox - I have been snotted many times. We have lots of them in the Spring. Cute boots!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Ewwwww. I will say though that Im thankful there wasnt a big blown up pic of the snotted up leggings. Thank you for that:)

Vicki - teehee! This made me miss our cows. My dad is getting sheep for his farm now instead. *sigh* i love cows.

Necole - I love those boots, and I love reading your blog!

georgia - Awww i love Mooo cows!
My fiance works in Agricultural engineering so many a time he has had to help delivery a calf, or had baby cows coming over to say hello or inspect his work, there so cute!

Anne @ Baking Me - I don’t do well with snot, it makes me gag. Cute cow though, I do just fine with cows as long as they don’t snot on me πŸ™‚

jennifer - Love the boots!
And why is it that the thought of calf snot is not that bad but full grown cow snot is disgusting?!

becky@oursweetpeas - Totally worth it. What’s a little snot to a Mom? I am currently in the stage where if it’s not snot its spit-up.
Ahhh, the glamorous life we lead as Mama’s….again, totally worth it!

Beth - cute boots, always nice to have a reason to wear cowboy (girl?) boots πŸ™‚

carolyn - yee haw is right!
omg, so cute! did you want to take her home?

Jodi - cute boots!! a must have when trekking through cow territory…
calf snot = yuck! but worth getting that photo for sure. :o)

Holly - crack me up! Very cute boots!

happygirl - Cute boots. Thanks for not showing the snot. *snort*

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girls day.

i took four of my kids to visit my parents.

my dad took sean to the bookstore and the car wash.
sean got to wash the whole car by himself!
and then they went to subway and sean said it was "one of his top four favorite restaurants".
he thought it was awesome.

all the girls went for pizza and a little shopping.




my sister and her girls were with us too.


my mom let annie pick something at the toy store….she chose a brown baby boy.
she named him ethan.


talby got to chose a treat….fingerless animal gloves from urban outfitters.

annie found this little beauty too…it was at her eye level and she could not avoid it.
we did not buy it.
snooki's bobble head says "i'm not that trashy…except when i've been drinking."
oh snooki…you never disappoint.


after shopping we stopped at the natural history museum.
they have been there so many times they were just running around but….it kept them busy.




fun girls days.

later my mom watched all the kids so my sister and i could go out for her birthday.
i wore a cardigan.
i looked very mom-ish.
it was my joke all night "could you watch my cardigan?"  "oh…i better button up my cardigan"

we met up with our cousin and partied like rock stars.
(or like 30 somethings who finally got to go out together and not have to be back for a sitter)

like as in……i was out for last call!


my legs are sore from dancing.

i wish i could do that every weekend!   

Denise - your eldest daughter is stunning; she should be a model! I have great sisters, too; they’re such a blessing!

lindsey patrick - Wow, Lauren looks just like your sister!

Jennifer - I don’t think I have ever left a comment….but I adore your blog. This post cracks me up….loved what your girls picked out. I have one sister and she is my best friend. I could just imagine us doing the same thing you did with your sis. Memories that will last forever. Thanks for always uplifting me with your posts…they are the best!

Kayla - I am glad you were able to resist the siren call of Snooki! It sounds like my kind of girls day – time spent with the “little girls” and alone with with the “big girls”!
BY the way, I awarded you the Stylish Blogger award on my site.

Michelle - The last time I was out ’till last call was two nights past my baby’s due date. He still didn’t show up for another 48-hours. (My darling husband and I love live music. Maybe we should have gone dancing instead?) Baby is seven months now and totally delish. P.S. Lauren’s beautiful and cardigans RULE!

Katie - I think my cardigan is my security blanket…not bold enough to wear an outfit without it…4 kids under 6 years old…not the same body. I too had a mom’s night out Friday night…I drank so much Cherry Coke that I couldn’t fall asleep…LAME!!!!

Gray - Looks like a fun girls’ weekend! I’ve never seen a Snooki bobble-head doll before, but then again for the first couple of months that Snooki’s name was in the news I didn’t know if Snooki was a male or female. We don’t have cable TV, so I’d never seen her picture. I laugh when I think back to those few months of wondering about the gender of this “Snooki” person! Then I recently saw that Saturday Night Live impersonates Snooki with a male actor–ha!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
Sounds like a great day in my books : )
Lauren is beautiful !
Gemma x

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I just had to say your picture of your little cutey patooty under the polar bear is my favorite. Love that you had a girls night and a girls day.

Kerri - Last call? Haven’t been there in 5 years (my oldest is 5). I can’t even stand up well after 8:30pm – you give me hope! LOL πŸ˜‰

Kara Lloyd - I’m sure you rocked your cardi! πŸ™‚ So fun. I’m heading out for a girls weekend away (bliss! is it too early to start packing??) this weekend…and I’m sure I’ll be chuckling while I pack my cardigans, sweaters, and leggings. Ah, momwear.
I LOVE the “rap” from the poster “Flower Patch Farmgirl”–and we don’t give a **bleep** cause it’s yo birthday! So funny!
Glad you had a great time visiting your mom!

Kat - Love having a sister, love going dancing (doesn’t happen very often) and hanging with family for a girls weekend.
It all sounds like such fun!

Valerie Page - My daughter, Leila would love those gloves! I am SO JEALOUS of you getting to go dancing. I live in Las Vegas and I never get to go dancing anymore. It’s hard to find a group of other moms to go dancing with. I used to go dancing all the time before I had kids. Now I have 3 daughters that keep me and my hubby so busy. My mom can’t stay up past like 10:00 pm to watch my girls. So now I just dance Wii at home:)

Flower Patch Farmgirl - We gonna party like it’s yo birthday.
We gonna wear a cardi like it’s yo birthday.

Molly - I love that you went out with your sister and cousin! My sister and my cousins are my best friends! We are going out in 2 weeks….actually we are going to a concert…Nelly…it’s crazy…does a mother of two really do these things:) So fun!

Michelle from Australia - My son is Ethan. Well done on the doll naming Annie!

Lisa - The fact that you went dancing just made me like you that much more! πŸ™‚

Emily Zimmerman - Sounds like you had a great time! I have to comment on your “cardigan story”. I went out with my friend this weekend and we saw the movie “Just Go with It”. Jennifer Aniston plays the receptionist at Adam Sandler’s plastic surgery office. Anyway he takes her out shopping to glam her up. Her “frumpy” outfit she wore shopping was the same one I had on!! Jeans, flats, top and the same purple cardigan!!! And to think I got DRESSED UP to go have lunch and hang out with a friend! And I’m THIRTY! Ugh! That’s what staying at home with two sick kids all week will do to you!! I’m so out of touch with fashion! πŸ™‚

Whitney - Papa Keno’s! THAT is one of my top four favorite restaurants. πŸ™‚ What a beautiful Sunday to be in Lawrence!

Rach - Do you realize how much your eldest and your sister look alike? It’s so cool to see.
The whole blog makes me wish my family lived a bit closer. How fun!!

happygirl - Dancing until last call. Gee, I can’t remember the last time I did that. Sisters with sisters and mom’s with sisters. I always envy those sister relationships. I only had brothers. Love the day out with girls. Thanks

danielle - jealous of your dancing times i wish i joined in! and snooki bobble head bahhaha i have no words. happy monday, pretty lady!

Tara - laughed at this post…the part about your cardigan
AND the part about you being out until last call.
oh lord. when was the last time i was out until last call?

betsy - Papa Keno’s … YUM! I haven’t been to Lawrence in a few years. I need to go and just walk up & down Mass Street. What’s better than that? Not much πŸ™‚
Where did you girls party like rock stars?

Georgia - I love the photo of Annie and the HUGE polar bear!! her face is brilliant! haha
is this really sad, but for a 23 yr old i should be saying my legs hurt from partying like a rockstar, but mine hurt from 2 hours of cleaning yesturday! haha
Party Party! wooo

nicole pope - A group of my girlfriends went out for a Girl’s Night Out and seriously,6 out of the 7 of us had on cardigans!
We started referring to them as our “Clubbing Cardigans”

Ashley - So glad you had such a great time!! Annie’s little face is the ABSOLUTE CUTEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN! You better show that one at her graduation AND wedding πŸ™‚ It made my day!

AshleyAnn - And that is how frogs should be.

Jenn - Does Lauren realize how beautiful she is?

Tracey @7294cottageway.blogspot - Fun times!

stodd - Yummy… Papa Keno’s… it’s my kids’ favorite. I need to make a little trip there and to Sarah’s… I miss it.

Lydia S - Meg! I’m so happy I got to meet you at U.O.! Such an awesome surprise! I’m glad you all had so much fun this weekend.

pam - Wow, your oldest daughter looks so grown up in that last picture….beautiful. And I SO DO NOT GET the whole Jersey Shore thing…. Now that our nest is empty we talk about going out to dance and think about last call….but then we’re so tired just thinking about it that we’ve never done it. We’ve also thought it would be fun to have a place for 40-60 year olds ONLY….who can still remember what it felt like to dance and have fun when they were 20….

Staci - Glad you got a girl’s night out with your sister πŸ˜‰ FUN!!!! 2 of my 3 sister’s birthdays are coming up (as is mine πŸ™‚ and I am hoping to have a little fun soon too!!!! Talby looks really old in that last pic of her ;( Getting big πŸ™ booooo

Lina - Meg, out of curiosity when are you putting stuff for sale in your etsy shop….dying to see and maybe get some of your gorgeous pillows….One more question, in your guest room the one with the READ letters, did you make those pillows??? or where did you get them…..Greetings from Florida, I hope you all are staying a bit warm….LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!! Lina πŸ˜‰

Erin Leigh - I know, I hate to say it meg, but talby looks… older. like growning out of her little girl self older. i loved that you said being a mom is hard because it is and it makes me feel better to hear other people say that it is hard too.

deborah@applesinwonderland - but if you did it every weekend, snookie should let you borrow her *bump-it*. my boys also number their favorites–like superbowl sunday is my oldest’s 5th favorite day of the year–if it was held in the summer it would be moved to his 3rd favorite. i get it. have a wonderful week.:)

Jennifer - I will be giggling about the “cardigan’….all day. “Can you watch my cardigan….” We should be friends. πŸ˜‰

Molly Pearce - Oh that sounds like a fun fun weekend! I haven’t been dancing in like 7 years, ha ha! Love the bobble heads my sister would want Snookie’s ha a hahahahah! Hope your having a great Monday friend!
~Molly P

Maggie - When I first found your blog I loved it for your colorfulness, as I have gotten to know you through your blog I love that you are authentic and real. I read your love story and was touched….things do not always go as we plan but we are comforted with knowing that things happen just as God has intended for his purpose. Know that you are an inspiration to many of us, we are thankful for your story.

Heather - Girls day and babysitters are the best, you throw a Snooki bobble head in and it is a triple threat!

Sarah - Love girls weekends. I especially love Annie’s face with the polar bear. too cute!

Trina McNeilly - Looks like you guys had a great time!!!!!! And why didn’t you buy that awesome snooki bobble head.. hahah!

Jodi - The last time I was out late enough for last call was… ummm… at least over 10yrs ago… :o)
I’m lovin Annie’s expression w/ the polar bear!
Looks like a fun, much needed girls day and girls night out! lucky!

becky - i didn’t get to comment earlier… but a. i loved that you shared your perfectly imperfect love story. it’s absolutely beautiful. b. thank you SO much for being honest about mommyhood. i’m glad i’m not the only one that thinks this job bugs sometimes. {and i only have two!!} c. you are so fun. and awesome. and i just wanted to share.
happy monday, meg!

Bailey - Girls nights out are such fun – I’m jealous. Love that picture of Annie and the polar bear!

debbie - Talby’s animal mitts are so cute!!! Cardigans are for us cool mamas! I haven’t been out dancing since 1991….sounds FUN!

ashley jensen - Um it all depends on how you wear the cardigan. You are a mom so rock the cardigan like a hot stylish mom and not a grandma.

Bethany {3SonsPlus1} - Sounds like fun! I bet you looked like rock stars. πŸ™‚

Beth - Funny that you mentioned going out in your cardigan. My friends still tease me because I wore a cardigan to a bar one night. To be fair it’s a restaurant that turns into a bar after hours. We were just stopping by to visit friends. I didn’t realize we’d be “clubbing” (he he, I love that word!). On our way out of the bar that night, my friend bumped into a lady that had had way too much to drink and she mouthed off at us. We stood up to her (and then got out of there as fast as we could). We still laugh about getting into a bar fight (okay, not really) while wearing a cardigan. I bet the drunk lady was scared of us mommies! Cardigans rule!

Jill - having been wearing a sweatshirt at home for the past week with sick family, a cardigan sounds fawncy! πŸ™‚
i love the picture of annie and the bear! too cute!

Sarah - Papa Keno’s?? So yummy…..

Laura Phelps - TALBY! She looks…(OK, I know you don’t want to hear this) but she looks..BIGGER (sorry!)
Love her gloves..she reminds me so much of my Belle
and tell Annie that I have a brown baby too
I bought bitty baby twins at AG before me moved
and I picked one white and one brown
I felt very” Angelina Jolie”
and I run around asking the kids “where is my brown baby???”
I love him
his name is Max
it is helping with my baby cravings…
a little

Peggy in TN - How fun for everyone! You need to take Sean out more if he considers Subway in his top 4. πŸ™‚ Rock on!

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i cleaned for hours.
many many hours.
and again today….but this time my friend kimberlee came and helped me.
isn't that a sign of true friend?
they will sweep your floor while you follow them and mop?

and you get to talk while you clean?

love it.

there is only one thing left on my list to clean.

the stinky dog.

i enjoy paying someone else to do that but it's just so expensive for something i know i can do myself. 

here are a couple of pics from christmas.
craig and his sisters.

i used my cheesy photographer tricks.
"ok…now…everyone look at craig…."   ha ha ha.
i had everyone look at sherri and shannon too but eyes were closed or moving arms, etc.

then the classic….
"ok….everybody run to me"


these make me smile.

such funny people in my life.


ok….i need to make raviloli (frozen) and then get that dog in the tub.


Gail Connick - Oh I must say that building maintenance (St. Paul, Minnesota is where I live) around the house could be so tiring, but it gives me a fulfilling kind of feeling after all the work. I’m planning to change some of the cleaning routines, so I’m searching for ideas. Initially, I list down all the areas where cleaning is badly needed. Usually, bathrooms are the first priority. There are janitorial services (St. Paul) in our townhouse community, though. I call them when I need help with the most daunting chores.
The photos look so fun!

coffee and daisies - i wish you lived close by. You’d be the best person “on the block” to get to know. πŸ™‚
Like everything you put out there.
God bless you today.

Erin Leigh - um, is kimberlee for sale? I don’t ever think I’ve cleaned with a friend. shopped? drank coffee? organized? yes. but that is a true friend. hold her with both hands!

Rebekah - Did you make Annie’s shirt? I love it. (I’m new here… know some of your other readers…. Love the site. I’ve been visiting everyday now!)

Kate S. - Off subject, but I was just browsing online, saw this, and immediately thought of you (well, not the shot glass, part, but wouldn’t it make a cute bud vase?):

Elizabeth - I love those pictures! Annie looks like Alvin and the chipmunks in that shirt!

Sara - sometimes I want to quit my day job so I can clean. Wierd? But then I’d probably just paint and make a bigger mess…ha ha.

Maggie - I love that big ‘A’ shirt Annie is wearing! Is that a homemade thing? It almost looks like patchwork or quilted. If there’s a how-to with that one, let me know! So cute!

kat - Meg, do you have a stand up shower in your house with one of those long shower nozzles? Those things are the best for washing big doggies. We have a boxer who is not a big fan of baths so we just step in the shower with him, close the door and work fast.

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - Man, I need a friend like that!

Jen - Cleaning?!? What’s that again? I am supposed to be doing it right now.. the fact I’m reading this is a sign of how much I’m achieving. It’s too overwhelming that I don’t even know where to start. Anyway, thanks for the inspiration πŸ™‚

Shayne - Did you make Annie’s shirt? Love the giant letter A!
Cleaning is my agenda for this morning. I’m really feeling the need to clean because my mom & I are escaping for a weekend with my aunts and cousin—and I know Todd would be a lot happier if the house was in some semblance of order.
Glad you only have one job left!

Katrina - Good job Meg! Cleaning sucks but I know how much better it feels when it’s all done. May as well have run a marathon and come in first. Just wanted to say that I am grateful that you share your (and your family’s) daily adventures with us. We haven’t met (yet, you never know) but you and your family are part of my daily rountine and I am so happy you’ve included me. Have a great day and enjoy that nice clean house.

Deanna - I help my friend clean and organize on a regular basis. However, I have issues in letting friends help me. Maybe cause I’m too anal, maybe it’s pride. I do enjoy having friends sit in my kitchen and sip coffee and chat while I do dishes or laundry though. πŸ™‚
Oh and Amy Jupin, I’m in AL (northern) and I rent myself out pretty cheap….lol

Judy Johnson - I LOVE friends that come over and cheer me on when there is HARD work to be done. However, I never take their picture. Thanks for sharing during the work. And, thanks for reminding me what good friends do for each other.

Holly - ok well I am a little jealous that I still have half of my house to clean. However I did put a guilt trip on the kids and they cleaned every room upstairs for me!

Gemma - That’s so sweet! What a nice friend you’ve got!
Good luck trying to get the dog in the tub : )
Gemma x

Kimberlee J. - Cleaning a friends house is so much more inviting than cleaning your own. Do they sell those Kimberlee things at Wal-Mart? πŸ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - One of my dearest friends came and cleaned my house for me after we lost our sweet baby boy. That was such a blessing and even though it was 15 years ago, I still remember how touched I was that she would do that for me. Thankfully this was a fun day for you and your friend, but nonetheless a special time with an obvious special friend. Love that you share the randomness in your life.

Debby Graber - Man, what is it, Megan? I’ve been in a cleaning mode too, the last couple of days. I cleaned out all the kitchen drawers and shelves and today even cleaned out my recipe box!

Rachel / cREaTe - super cute. siblings & sibling-in-laws are the best! at least … if you’re lucky they’re ‘the best’! πŸ™‚ ha

Gretchen - A true friend is definitely someone who will help you clean. I just had a friend who offered to help me clean out my mom’s house. Mom passed away in December and my friend’s help was invaluable. We traveled 3000 miles to clean the house out. While she focused on cleaning and packing, I was able to focus on decisions and taking care of business. I don’t know how I could’ve done it without her. She’s definitely a true friend!

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - I’m at the point where I think I need
to pay someone to come clean the DOG.
I saw one of those mobile dog grooming vans recently…
I think I’m sold.
Where do you bathe Waffle?
The only place I could really wash our dog
is my shower.
And the thought of cleaning my shower afterward
grosses me out.
It’s a vicious, dirty cycle. πŸ™‚

Sarah - Ooooh, sounds fun…wish I could have helped too!

Tara - love the funny pictures…
you have really worked hard this week…go Meg!!!
nothing better than going into a weekend with a clean and organized house…and a clean smelling dog!

Staci - You are so good πŸ™‚ I didn’t clean today AND I paid someone to trim up and bathe my little pup πŸ™‚ AH well, maybe tomorrow I’ll clean πŸ™‚ But at least the dog is smelling good πŸ™‚

Melanie - Cute!

amy jupin - i sure need to find me a kimberlee here in alabama!
she sounds awesome!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - awww, sweet kimberlee!

Sandy - Craig & his sister in the Nike shirt look a lot alike.

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