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a different halloween.

for the first time in 16 years craig was gone on halloween.
for the first time in 16 years i had to take my kids trick or treating.
it was always Daddy's job.
i stayed home and passed out candy and kept warm. 


i didn't really know how far to go….
how long…..


side note:  do you remember UnderRoos?

i was wonder woman when i was in first grade too!  
i wore my UnderRoos over cable knit tights and a turtleneck!


but we figured it out.
it was just me and the little girls.
scott and sean were with their friends.
lauren went up to take a nap after school and didn't wake up until 9:30.


afterwards i grabbed a pizza for them for dinner and they ate candy for dessert.

ots of candy.
and we all survived the halloween with out Dad.
we definitely missed him very much.

and i scavenged their bags for any York peppermint patties.
and butterfingers.
my two faves.

i miss the days of the little kids…baby costumes….toddlers trying to say trick or treat.

here are some halloween pics from the past…

2010    2009     2008   2007  




come read about my experience on the Jenny Craig program and enter to win a $100 visa gift card.


i got to review Mary Kay products.  Come read about it and enter to win a Mary Kay gift basket.



Christina - I don’t remember a whole lot about my growing up years, but one thing I do remember is my Wonder Woman underoos. I got them for my birthday, ran straight away to put them on, and came back out with them on AT MY PARTY. 🙂
Your girls are so cute…Annie looks so very big and Talby looks grown up!

Amy - I am new to the blogging world, and I had a friend tell me about your blog! I was shocked when I read the name for your blog because it is so brilliant!! And I love that you give all the glory to God!! He is a good God and deserves it, but not very many people give him the glory. And I love all your photos and really everything! I just really got into blogging a few months ago. I am still working on my style and stuff. But yours is very inspiring that is for sure!! God bless ya=)

Kiki Craig - I had Wonder Woman Under Roos. I wore them EVERY Sunday because as soon as we got home from church, Wonder Woman would be starting on tv. I would run into the house, and spin around just like Linda Carter and try to strip down to my Roos. Ahhh, the memories.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I know what you mean about Daddy taking them trick or treating…My hubby is a firefighter so there were times when mine were little that I’d be in charge. I wasn’t good at that so my sweet brother in law would usually come over and all the cousins would go together and that started a great Halloween tradition. Now they are too old to trick or treat…boo….but we all still get together. Your underroos are too funny!

christine - york peppermint patties is what we gave out this year. it was the first time my boys had them and now… they’re in LOVE ;o)
ps: love your blog!

Rach - OMG UnderRoos. I seriously got a flashback from seeing that picture of them.
We did our first trick or treating Halloween with our 2 1/2 year old and 6 month old. So much fun. I know I will love looking back over the years when my kids are the age your girls are now.
And BTW, 9:30?? Really?? Wow. Oh to be a teenager again.

Jill - Love the first picture of Annie…so cute!
My best friend and I wore our Wonder Woman Underoos all the time when we were little. I have a picture of us when we were 5 and 7 wearing them. She hates the picture, I love it. So I bring it out every chance I get to torture her with it. 🙂 I think I’ll go dig it out now…good times.

Janie Fox - I was so glad when my kids were too big to go trick or treating. We live in the country so everywhere we went was in and out of the car. Mostly strung out family members houses. That is the houses were strung out all over town, the family members were not strung out! haha.

crystal beutler - How in the world did you get out of trick-or-treating for 16 years? You lucky you. Love the pics. So darling. Funny, I was just talking about under-roos last weekend at a costume party. We were thinking we need to get a petition going around to bring them back. They were awesome. So were Granimals. I think they need to make those for men.
I love Peppermint Patties too. And Jr. Mints.

Lena K. - I loved my Wonder Woman Underoos. I would put foil on my wrists and deflect bullets left and right!
Daddy was gone on Halloween over here, too – it was exhausting!

Jennifer - Too cute!

Kacey @ Refreshed Decor - Ahhh…Underoos were so cool! They are so cute in their costumes.

Heather G. - Love their costumes!

Georgia - The 1st photo of Annie is by far the coolest photo ever.
Something im sure she will treasure when shes an adult!

kathy - i have that ikea chandelier you showed in 2008 in the pink room. Just want to tell you something to watch out for:
Mine is in my loungeroom and actually what happened is it collapsed from the ceiling (and was left dangling by its cord) because the attachment that comes with it thats attaches it to the ceiling decomposed, its plastic and it breaks down or something?> Anyway ended up getting an electrician to fit a really good quality one. So its back up and all good now. I love that light so much.
So just watch that , because i went into a boutique around the same time and they had several of the same chandeliers hanging, and the same thing had happened to them too.

jennie w. - I wanted Underoos in the worst way but my mom thought they were too frivolous. So I was super thrilled that my daughter wanted to be Wonder Woman this year. I was too lame to buy a costume ahead of time so I was left to sew one the day before. When will I ever learn?
(Did you have tons of people think your daughter was Supergirl? We did. What a bunch of dummies!)

Kerry - good grief meg, I took a look at your previous year’s posts and cant BELIEVE that was a year ago that Annie had those precious little red shoes on!!!
I also dig for the sweets I love. Then I hide them. So mean 🙂
Happy Halloween to you and yours xx

Kit - That Talby. She is such a stunner. Love the look in her eyes in these pics!

Jenn - Totally remember UnderRoos! Were they not the coolest thing or what?! ~Jenn

Annette - Great pics!
I was wondering if you’d be interested in sharing your articles with other like-minded parent bloggers? If yes, please email me at with Parents in the subject line.

Jen Brandt - Totally wore UnderRoos – had Wonder Woman, Daisy Duke, and maybe one other set. Loved them! That first picture of Annie is awesome!

Talysa - At first I was like, “I would not want to mess with that Wonderwoman.” {she looked very into the role} Then, she smiled and I was like, “She’s too cute to zap me.” 🙂
I dig for Baby Ruth and Snickers…which there is a shortage of if you ask me. 😉

beth - My friends and I just had the EXACT same conversation about wonder woman and under roos while we warmed the front porch and the daddies walked the kids around. I had WW’s under roos but I love Annie’s costume–where did you find it??? We saw lots of super girl’s this year, but no WW. Awesomness.

Karen Gerstenberger - Adorable costumes. And congratulations to Lauren and the team on the State Volleyball Championships!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - This was our gal’s very first Halloween, so my hubby and I both went. The weather was actually nice for the first time in my entire life. If it’s always like that, I might go. Otherwise, I’m with you. Staying warm!

Jen - Underoos story.. My sister and I each had Wonder Woman Underoos well she thought with them on she could really fly, so off the couch she went, only she didn’t fly but instead landed on her head on the coffee table, stitches were needed and my mom threw our Underoos away…

4FabFranklins - oooomygosh! Yes! I remember underoos…and garanimals too. Big Daddy and I had the discussion on Halloween that it must be the dads job to take the kids trick or treating. A lot of them wanted to be home before kick-off. =)

Karen U. - I was alone for the first time this year too – hubby out of town! It was very different, but we survived. Glad you did too.

Jeanne - Underoos rocked!!! I was used to jump off the couch with my Wonder Woman Underoos on. We should try those on now:-)

Nancy - We are the opposite this year. I had to stay home and hand out candy. It was ok. Except for the Christmas commercial I saw on Halloween night. Really? Those pics are rad.Your girls are just darling. Underoos. I wanted those so bad and Days of The Week underwear. Someday maybe????

Seriously Sassy Mama - My 6 year old was a pink bat man this year. She was a superhero last year also. I love Halloween.

Leslie @topofthepage - i was totally wonder woman at that age too. my brother was superman that year of course. my mom made our costumes, but i’m certain i had the underoos too. gosh talby is getting so grown up. she has your very beautiful eyes. glad you got to experience the trick or treating. i love it. though i do miss having littles in fluffy animal costumes.

happygirl - I always used to steal the butterfingers. They were bigger back when my son trick or treated. 🙂

TinaM. - I didn’t know kids knew Wonder Woman these days. Good to know 🙂

Joanna W - Yikes Meg! It’s CRAZY to see how much your kids have changed over the last few years. They were and are so precious!

Nikki - Wonderwoman!! how cool! I used to love my Wonderwoman Underoo’s back in the day.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg,
Halloween looks like so much fun in America. We only do it on a tiny scale here in the UK compared to you guys!
Gemma x

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it’s the great pumpkin…..

talby had a rough day on thursday.
she was really down.
and when that happens…. because it's so rare…  it is hard to watch. 
i just feel so bad for her.
as her mom i just want to give her a hug and make things ok.
or at least try to!

well we were dropping off her brother at a friends and drove past the nursery.
i remembered an email that morning saying ALL PUMPKINS 70% off.
i thought "hmmmm…. i wonder if this would cheer her up?"

we pulled in and i said "let's get the biggest pumpkins we can find!"


"YES.  I really am serious!"  

big smiles all around.

i even channeled my inner home school mom and we did the math per pumpkin to figure out 
the cost at 70% off.


that top pumpkin is HUGE.
it took me and sean together to carry it.
it was a STEAL.
don't you love a bargain?  i do.


the painted pumpkins are still making everyone happy as they enter our home.


so cheerful!

can yo believe it just over a week till Halloween??
how does time fly so fast?

do you have your kids costumes figured out yet? 

we do but there are alterations to be made…. meaning i have to dig my way into and out of the craft romm…..


Hillaryscorner - Super cute!! I’m so doing this for fall -Thanks for the great idea!

Vogel3412 - Megan, came across this blog while on Pinterest. Looked at the first photo and instantly knew it was yours. Your daughter is a “mini-me” of you when you hung out at our house when Meg was born. Hear you have grown up to be a lovely young woman and mother. Joanne

Dottie - These are so cute! Love the polka dot one! We’d love if you’d join up to our Countdown to Fall link party! Hope to see you there! Happy weekend! 🙂

קומיקס - Beautiful pumpkin collection. I like it too much. I feel fairly strong about this collection. I have collection of different types of mangoes.

D - thank you so much for a great idea. what kind of paint did you use?

Gretchen - your painted pumpkins are on pinterest. everyone loves them!

Chelsea - What kind of paint did you use?

Sharla - Love the painted pumpkins! They are so bright and cheerful!

Rach - No costumes for us this year. I have a 2 1/2 year old with very strong opinions about what she wants to wear and a costume is not one of those things. 🙂

TessSmith - I meant to say something on the painted pumpkin post. That chevron pumpkin reminds me of nacho libretto. I have npclue why but it is so awesome!

Annika - I really love your pumpking arrangement. It’s just the prettiest. And your photos are, too!

Danielle - WE ARE TOTALLY PAINTING PUMPKINS THIS YEAR!!! I am never let down when I come to your blog. I always leave with a smile on my face. Thank you for continuing to inspire me and make me want to be that fun mommy that often gets hidden away by all the demands and pressures of life. The Lord is using you Meg in ways you don’t even realize:)

tiffany m gardner - Love those pumpkins too. Next year there will be painted pumpkins at my house! Thanks! Thinking of your sweet daughter…whatever the issue. Speaking of channeling your home schooling self….ever thought about that? I am struggling with the school where my kids are here in OKC. Actually struggling with public school in general. Never in a million years thought I would homeschool….probably why the Lord will make me sometime in the near future. Happy thoughts to you and your family.

Darcie L. - Handmade Wizard of Oz costumes at our house this year. We are finally a family of four, so we can pull it off! More pics to come after our dress-up event, but I’ve posted the “making of” photos on my blog. Can’t wait to see what you guys end up doing!

Liz - The painted ones are totally cheerful!!! Love them.

Jami - Oh the painted pumpkins are the best! I love it.Soooo not ready for Halloween.

TinaM. - can’t wait to show my daughter the green polk a dot one. They are here favorite colors !

Angie G. - I have a very honest question: Isn´t it wrong to celebrate Halloween? I mean being Christians, isn´t Halloween against what we believe and the Bible teaches us? I really think it´s not a good idea…..I don´t participate in this “holiday” with my kids at all. I still decorate my house for Thanksgiving and Fall though.

PrairieJenn - Love the giant pumpkin and so glad to see it cheered Talby up:) I just love a sale…70% off is awesome, but so is channeling your inner home school mom to calculate the prices together!!!

leonieke - what a great idea to paint the pumkins!! i’m just back from our holiday to new york, and we loved everything about it, but especially all the halloween items and decorations. Here in holland we don’t celebrate halloween ( but we do have st.maarten ) so it was great fun to witness it in america.

jennyonthespot - Meg… You make me smile… your pumpkins make me smile… You choice to spend that time with your girl… clearly made her smile. Go, mom, go. xoxo.

Kacey @ Refreshed Decor - The bumpy ones are the best! And your rainbow pumpkins just make me happy! What a sweet way to cheer up your girl.

lindsey - love it!! a fresh reminder that it’s the “small” things 🙂 have a great week!

Tiffany - I love that something so small could cheer her up 🙂 channeling all my happy thoughts to you (well Talby). Do people tell you she looks like you, I think so. Ok back to channelin all my happy thoughts….for a better week

Jenna@CallHerHappy - the pumpkins look particularly great with the chippy paint! i hope it helped bring halloween cheer to your gal!

Alicia @ La Famille - love your pumpkins! hope that cheered her up. that would cheer me up for sure! i could be more cheerful if i could find ANY pumpkins for less than 10bucks. they’re so expensive here! holy moly! your porch is adorable, ms meg 🙂

Lindsay - This really makes we want to paint the pumpkins we bought a few weeks ago. Whether I will get up the motivation, that is a different story…

amy jupin - pumpkins always make me happy too.
hope miss talby has a better week this week.
loving the painted pumpkins.
we are so copying.
and btw, your latest family pics are my absolute faves.
kimberlee’s was so gorgeous.
and the last few too.
really, really great, meg.
i think it’s time to increase your session fees. 🙂

Lisa - aw! Talby! I hope you are doing better today! Huge hugs from my house (full of girls) to you!

Ani G W - Ooooh, I love HUGE pumpkins, but never feel like they are worth the $$, but at 70% off! That’s awesome!
You’re such a good mom. I hate to see my littles have bad days too. It’s so hard being a mom, but making their lemons into lemonade is what makes a good day for everyone! Way to go, Meg! LOVE all the pumpkins!

Mel - Your pumpkins are so beautiful! I wanted to paint some as a craft at my kids Halloween morning tea party but they are like $25 each! Sorry kids, we may have to paint & glitter styrofoam balls instead!!
Hope you guys in the States aren’t paying that much 🙂

Terrie G - Love all your pumpkins!
It’s so hard when we come to the day when we can’t solve all of our kids’ hurts.
Have had a hard few days watching my little girl in labor and dealing with a c-section…but oh the joy of seeing her with my grandson. So, watching the hurts continues never really ends… - Don’t you just love pumpkins? They scream happy to me! Glad your little Talby is happier too.

Holly - we are decorating pumpkins today. The kids can choose to paint or carve. Glad you were able to cheer Talby up!

Leigh - Okay I have seen so many pictures of painted pumpkins, I am going to do one tomorrow! Glitter will be involved…

sarah - I love you pumpkin display (and all the pretty painted furniture).
I’m way behind on the costume thing. The littlest has to wear the hand-me-down dragon, he’s less than enthused. I bought a Wonder Woman – too small and there were tears. The oldest is waiting until the very last minute to decide what to be, thereby requiring the hardest to find items. I think it’s all just to torture me.
That said, I absolutely love every second of Halloween. The pumpkins, the makeup, the candy and how excited they are about every little thing!

Ali - SERIOUSLY the very BEST assortment of pumpkins, painted and natural, that I have see. EVER!!!!! Smiling over here in CA 🙂

Katie Beth - Your children are precious. Love these pics of the girls…and your pumpkins are pretty sweet too. There is nothing like a bargain on something you love!

Lisa - I’m crazy for pumpkins, so I appreciate this post, glad it cheered her up too! The painted pumpkins are darling too…I miss the Halloweens of past when the kids got so excited and I spend hours sewing costumes ( I don’t really miss that part THAT much!)

Susan - I love this time of year! My daughter and I (11) were just talking about painting the pumpkins we got at the pumpkin patch a few weeks ago. She is going to be a zebra…costume from Party City. When she was little I worked full time outside of the home and so all costumes were purchased. Now that I stay home and can make them, she doesn’t want me too. I guess I need to prove to her my mad skilz!

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - C is weraing a Target costume this year but I spent yesterday sewing “E”s costume. : )
I’ve re-named Satin “satan” after trying to sew with it all afternoon — so. very. slippery. ugh.
We bought our pumpkins at the beginning of the month and two of them have rotted and collapsed on themselves, we’re down to one very sad little white, lonely pumpkin. Trying to decide if we can swing the cost of going out and buying more at this point. Wonder if our local places have pumpkins on clearance? : )
Love all those colorful pumpkins – hugs to Talby, hope they helped to cheer her up!

Tricia - I”m glad that the pumpkins made Talby feel better! I’m having a bit of a freak out this morning because we have no costume and my son needs one by Friday. Ummm…October? Where did you go?

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - One of my girls internalizes everything, which scared the socks off of me when I first noticed it happening. Then hubby said “well, who do you think she gets that from?” Ouch(me). Its hard to watch them struggle. Love that this cheered her up.
We bought some small punkins yesterday to do the painting on. The girls cant wait:)

happygirl - I cannot believe how fast October is flying by. Your pumpkins are so cute. If you have the opportunity, please give Talby a hug from Happygirl. 🙂

angela - I love it when they are still made happy by those LITTLE things! (Can you imagine making Lauren happy with a pumpkin?)LOL!!! Talby is at such a precious age…..LOVE that head shot of her…PRECIOUS!
Oh, and I want to sit on your porch! I’m like Talby….those pumpkins make me happy!

Kat - Aww you are a sweet Mum and Talby has your gorgeous green eyes.
I bet she is a sweet girl too.
Love your pumpkins.
Everything you do looks fantastic, even an arrangement of pumpkins!!

Four Flights - Very, very cool pumpkins, especially that brown bumpy one. I’m so bummed though about our painted pumpkins, they’re rotting 🙁 The ones we didn’t paint are just fine so I’m thinking it’s gotta be the paint that’s making them go bad quicker. Yours are just fine though? I painted mine all black…wonder if that has something to do with it?

april - isn’t it funny how such a simple thing can turn around your day…loves that.

Leah - I love the fact that buying awesome pumpkins cheered up Talby. That is so sweet. I can only imagine how tough it is as a mom to see your little girl upset. I know there will be many days like that in my future. I just hope pumpkins cheer her up too.

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my two dorks.









love these two.
a whole bunch.

annie was just eating a ham sandwich and shouted "MY TOOTH FELL OUT!!!"  
ha ha ha
she is hoping for a thousand dollars from the tooth fairy….
the dreams big.



Diana Dickert - They’re one good couple! LOL! Your dorks are adorable. And it’s funny that she shouted that her tooth fell out. Hahaha!

kids T shirts - Love your pictures,I miss my doggilie it’s my dog’s name.Since I work in the city I need to left him in my mother’s house.Miss my doggilie so much.

Connie - Ok, I am in love with your dog. Yes, I have a wonderful dog of my own… but there is just something about Waffle that makes me want to let him lick my face, something I never let Spooky do! =)

Jill - LOVE her brown eyes! DREAMY!
Waffle is adorable too.
Ummmm, think I would PULL one of my teeth for $1000!! Okay…NOT really…

Denissa - Cutest dorks ever! 🙂

Julie - Something about Annie reminds me of Ramona Quimby. Remember that Beverly Cleary book? She just seems like she has a lot of spunk 🙂

deborah@applesinwonderland - FYI, “dork” means whale penis. I still use that world everyday– and I’m not a marine biologist. Just useless information that is taking up way too much room in my brains. 🙂

Anna Marie - She is really starting to look like Talby 🙂

Sugar Mama - awww… they are like my labradoodle and daughter together 😉 So cute, sweet, playful and funny… a perfect pair!

jamie - i {heart} waffle. he has such personality.

Leah - Tell the Tooth Fairy to stop here if she’s giving out $1,000. And my dogs are looking at this blog post, so jealous of Waffle right now. They can’t understand how he gets candy corns and they don’t. - Love the pictures of two very adorable dorks!

Tracey - awww what cute dorks!

leslie @ topofthepage - i’m glad to see someone else uses the word “dork” as a term of endearment too. they are both super cute.

brian - what a cute pic a girl who loves her dog!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - She does dream big! Yay Annie!

Mindy Harris - i love seeing your globes in the background. i have 7 now!

Anita - Is it weird that I LOVE Waffle? just saying

Brandi - Wandering if her pants are from Naartije? You need to check out their girl stuff, it’s dreamy. Oak Park in KC has a store. Great pics.

Heather - You don’t want to hear this, I know. But…..Annie is looking older. Something about her face is changing. So adorable!

happygirl - Wow, my kid is 24 and for that kind of loot, I’m afraid he’d get a pliers and start yanking. 🙂

BriBedell - Seriously. The cuteness! Btw, do you have instagram??

Shannon - they are so cute! i need to show our doodle Maverick, these pictures. seriously, these two might be siblings! 🙂

karla @ bluegrass jewelrydesigns - I’ll definitely be pulling some teeth for $1000.

TinaM. - Once my daughter lost 2 teeth at the same time and I told {I mean asked} the “toothfairy” to leave $5.00. “She” left $ 5.00 per tooth !!! Yikes. p.s. we have a new mini goldendoodle.. you should check him out 🙂

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Crossing my fingers for Annie 😉 My uncle once left money under my cousin’s pillow in a sleepy moment. My cousin ran downstairs yelling the next morning, “The tooth fairy left me 20 bucks!” oops.

Kimberly - What wonderful dorks you have!

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - cutest dorks ever!
$1000?? If that happens, let me know.. . I’ll pull a tooth and be right over!! ;o)

denise - ah, I just posted pictures of my dog too.

Mary Susan McConnell - Soo cute! Love these pictures!

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we had a rainy rainy weekend over here.




annie saw our neighbors playing in the puddles and asked to join them.  :)
oh they had so much fun getting soaked.

there was more volleyball, soccer and football this weekend too.


i was planning on going to sean's football game but it was raining.
i just dropped him off at the field and said
"honey…i love you but i can't sit in the rain and watch football….because…. i am a girl."
craig went.
but i did not.

i like this gum.

a lot.
it was on sale at our grocery store….so i just bought it all.
because it's the thing i have to have to feel ready to go somewhere…..
i think " keys? check. coffee? check.  gum? what no gum? oh no. oh no. oh no."

also deoderant.
i am a total spaz about smells.
always paranoid about B.O.
i have deodorant in my purse.



umm….i started the Jenny Craig program….for reals.
come over here and read about it.  :) 



April R - The puddle pictures were so awesome made me wish it would rain!
(I have deodorant and gum for on the go as well)

Jenny - I have deoderant in my purse too! and my desk drawer! You just never know.

kristin - oh, sweet annie. she looks more and more like talby all the time!!

Mel - LOLs Meg…you are such a funny lady 🙂

Wendy Hagen - Great pics! And glad your breath always has the opportunity for freshness.

crystal buetler - You are getting the most fabulous shots!!!! Love all of these, especially the rain photos. Glad to know someone else is a freak about certain things. Mine is Carmex. I buy tons of it, and can’t leave home without it. 🙂

Carla V. - Great picks of playing in the rain. I’m also weird about B.O. and other smells. Especially in my home. I also cary deodorant because living in AZ, you always need it. Thanks for sharing those lovely family photos.

Hannah - These photos are LOVELY!
And I’m a freak about BO, too…like unnecessarily paranoid. And when I read that you kept it in your purse my first thought was: “Good idea!”

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Is that the gum with the “juice” inside? if so, I love that stuff! And Im the exact same way-deodrant and gum all the way. In fact, Ive carried my toothbrush and travel sized paste around with me before. Theres just nothing worse than bad body stink. 🙂

Tracy Fisher - Looks like you live in WA state..haha. Love the rain for about 1 week (to water my lawn and watch the kids play in it), then it gets old. Cute photos. One day I want you to photograph my kids. You seem to bring out their personalities unlike me as their mom yelling “come on.. smile at the camera..just one more time.. i promise… come on… do it now… now i’m getting mad…”. haha
tracy fisher

Teresa Marie - I have a friend who keeps deodorant in her purse, I keep it in the glove compartment of my car.
I love the line you said to your son, that’s totally going to be me when my boys get bigger. Sorry, I can’t I’m a girl.

Michelle - That is Ramona Quimby FOR SURE in the top photo!!

Kirtley Adams - I love the pictures! We just moved to Kanas this weekend while it was raining.

Kerry - wahahha! love how you just bought it all … i do that. if I’m shopping and I’m cold, I just go buy a jacket. pfffttt!
love the pics of laurens volleyball. awesome-o. xx

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - I’m a freak when it comes to smells too, especially how I smell 🙂 I have to say, never heard of anyone keeping deoderant in their purse….hmmmmm!!!! I might have to try that!

amber - I have a friend who can’t leave the house without her toothbrush & toothpaste. Makes me laugh:). Also, the pics of Annie are so fun, & Lauren looks like a serious volleyball player. Awesome.

kelly - Kids and puddles…it’s a magnetic force.

Heather G. - Those puddle-jumping pictures are amazing! And I’ve never seen that gum before – now I’ll be on the hunt for it. Best of luck with Jenny Craig!

stephanie - I carry deodorant in my purse too! 😛

Kristin S - My fave gum too!

Lori Austin - Gum is a must!
Fun puddle pics.
Good luck with Jenny. So wish that weight wasn’t an issue all the time, but it sure is. I’ve lost some this year, but not nearly what I was hoping for. I keep trying, doing my best….that’s I can do. I mentioned in the other comments that my BIG hangup is emotional eating. BIG problem! Can’t wait to read about your journey. I’ll keep trying right along with you 🙂

Andrea@KnittyBitties - I feel the when I don’t have a drink with me. Not like a hard drink, LOL, but my iced tea or water when I go to jump in the car.
And my sister carries deodorant in her purse too ;). Looks like you’re pretty normal!
Happy Day!

mary - That is not weird about the deodorant. I do it too. Except mine usually ends up falling out of my purse and onto the floor in my car and then melting because I live in Texas. So I am always buying deodorant. I wish more people did it too!

Emily - I also have deodorant in my purse. And in my desk at work. Deson’t everyone? Ha!

Heather - Stinker – you got all the rain they kept promising us in Topeka that NEVER showed. Poo! We REALLY need it!

Susan - I absolutely can’t function without my gum. Deoderant in your purse? You are a genius!

CathyC - I have deodorant in my bag too!!!! HA! and I can not live without Chapstick. So basically, if I was stranded on an island, 2 of my must have items would be deodorant and Chapstick.

happygirl - I love the way you catch the water droplets as they fly in the air. Ethereal.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Love the volleyball pics. I just took my baby over to a volleyball game. Totally forgot how loud they are. She FREAKED! Poor baby. My bad.

Tracey - Meg, where do you get your super cute fabric?

Kacey - I love the puddle photos! Makes me want to go jump in one! Every time it rains here in AZ, my kids get excited about jumping in puddles. Sadly, most of the time it “rains” for 5 minutes and then stops, leaving no puddles. Bummer!

Holly - Im the same about diet coke and chap stick. they are my gotta haves but I am working on the diet coke habit… could get ugly:)

Terrie G - Love those puddle pictures!! Ahhhh, how I miss Saturday volleyball tournaments!
Totally don’t blame you on not wanting to sit in the rain for the football game, but I did it on Saturday for the KSU game…so worth it since we beat Missouri! HaPpY MoNdAy!!

seriouslysassymama - I loved all the rain this weekend! Splashing in the puddles is a must. My 8 year old is crazy weird about smells. I have to have lipstick before I leave the house. That and mu iPhone. It is like another organ to me.
Good Luck with Jenny Craig

Sandy - Great picture of Lauren hitting the ball over the net. Were you afraid of getting your camera wet taking the pictures of Annie & friends?

Jill Franklin - Love Love Love the puddle pictures! LOVE!
awww shucks! The rain mised us.

gina f. - these are the best pics ever of Annie, and there’s been some good ones!!

Amy Griffin - You take the most amazing pictures. Love Annie in the first picture. Priceless

Jack - Love the photos of the girls splashing in the puddles!

FeFe - I can’t leave the house without lip balm and sunglasses…ever!

Tami - That’s funny about the smells because I am the same way. I keep deodorant in my car in the console. And I always keep some kind of mints and never leave without the mint lip gloss from bath and body.

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how did this happen?

my computer is acting up.
as in….BLACK SCREEN and nothing else.
it's getting looked at today.
i am pretty sure it is just the battery but….i know about 1% of computer stuff so who knows what the problem really is.

so i sit here on the desktop computer that the rest of my family uses and i looked through iPhoto on here.

and i think i may cry.

i found the pictures from when we potty trained annie.
when she was officially "trained" i took her to the store to pick out anything she wanted.
she chose a box of marbles.


i love that she chose that….it's so her.



and then there was talby…on her teeny pink bike….and her sweet baby face.
where does that go?


oh i miss that little munkin.

i loved my hair that way.
it was a great cut!
maybe soeday again……

look at my babies!!!
so long ago already.

it physically aches me to look at this.

he has muscles now.
and man sized feet.
and a low voice.

wiping away the tears…..


 oh wait….i do remember something that i don't miss so much.
the bang-your-head-on-the-floor-scream-for-a-day-for-no-apparent-reason-other-than-being-three-years-old
kind of tantrums.

but i would do it again in a heart beat.

i just can't believe how fast it changes.

i miss my babies being babies.
i really do.

let's all hope my computer gets fixed really quick because how many posts like this can a heart take???



Kara - I am so glad I am not the one who physically aches when they see pictures of the littles…I do the same (and my kids are only 5 and 4)–but I do miss the baby snuggles, the “need” for mom, and even potty training (a little). love it.

Tiffany - *sigh* This actually made me cry a little. I’m going through that bang your head on the floor and cry stage. =) I love my babies to pieces, but sometimes they can be emotionally exhausting. And you just put it all in perspective for me. And now I just want to stay right here in this stage when they’ll still crawl on my lap and into my bed for cuddles and snuggles. And give me big huge bear hugs and butterfly kisses.
Your kids are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing these!

ana {bluebirdkisses} - Old pictures make me cry too, and baby J is only 7 mos old! But I feel like one day I blinked and he was instantly older. I wish I could slow down time just a little bit.

Sarah - I can’t look at old pictures. I have albums and albums and scrapbooks and all of that, and I can’t even look at them because I just get in an awful teary funk. Darn those kids for growing up!

Corey J - I am in LOVE with to fix my mac. It’s so much cheaper than the apple store and they do a great job. My husband stepped on my laptop and they fixed the screen for HALF THE PRICE.
Good luck with your computer!

julia - I will accept that shirt as a hand-me-down.
Surprised the 5 year old at school with lunch. COMPLETE melt down because I didn’t bring cupcakes or cookies for the class (she thought it was her birthday). Assistant principal and two or three teachers talked to her…I had to leave for 10 or 15 minutes. She wouldn’t eat the lunch that I brought. When I picked her up at the end of the day she begged me to come again.

Leslie - I visit often, but don’t comment much. However, I must comment today!
Out of shear exhaustion, I am dying in laughter after reading the “bang your head on the floor tantrum” line. Thank you for that.
I have a three year old.
And it’s been that kind of week. It’s nice to know we aren’t the only ones like that. Thank you , thank you , thank you.
And thanks for reminding me to enjoy these days. With a three year old. 🙂
They are precious.

Lori - I had the same thing with my mac book and I took it to apple. It ended up being a memory card. (Nothing was lost – I don’t understand too much about computers but when I here damaged memory card I think lost info but apparently that’s not the case). They said it just happens – no warning and it cannot be prevented. It took them 15 minutes and it was up and running. Hopefully that’s the same problem with your’s!

Jennie - Thank you for that sweet reminder today, Meg! I have a 19 month old and a 3 year old, and we are certainly in the midst of the three year old tantrums. Yesterday, it involved a fit pitched because “the couch wouldn’t move” to let her by. No lie. I want to pull my hair out on so many days, but this was a good reminder that these days will be gone before I know it. thanks for that.

Kelly - I have the hardest time looking through those old pics myself (my one and only baby just turned 19!!!)…yours made me cry, mine make me weep! The eternal tug at a mother’s heart strings, oh to do it all again. 🙂 sigh..

Ruth Baumgartner - I have been in a bit of a funk since my baby went to Kindergarten a month ago… thanks for brining tears to my eyes, I am not alone in wonderful Motherhood. Now I think, maybe just one-or 2 more?…. What am I thinking! 🙂 Thanks Meg.

Jessica Johnson - ok. you need to stop this right now. and you are right – GREAT cut. definitely NOT 10 years ago. 😉 wish we could have chatted more, too. and we WILL meet again. before you post pictures of your kids from today 4 years from now. kim and i are on the wait list for craft weekend! REALLY, really hoping to make it happen. even in the snow. miss you, new friend! xxoo

TinaM. - I love your hair in the one pic 🙂 I love flipping through old photos. Thanks for sharing.

Lori Austin - Memory lane is hard on the heart, isn’t it?!
I’ve been watching a 20 month old this week and I keep thinking “oh I remember when my little girl did this” or “oh that stage was so fun”. Blah blah blah! Sniff….
Good thing you rec’d that box of tissues for your b-day 🙂

casey - aw! I don’t even know your kids and I felt my heart get all mushy inside!
I do have to say though, I REALLY needed this today! I have a 2 yr old PLUS I was currently watch two little girls in my home who are 1 and 1 1/2 so I have many a times during the day where I feel like I wanna bang my head against the wall!
Thanks for the reminder (c;

lovethosecupcakes - I blinked and find my gorgeous girlie is planning her walk down the aisle next year.

Mrs. - I love Annie’s chubby fist full of marbles. Life is in the details!

Yaz - I have to say I dont usually post anything on your board but I am always reading and enjoying everything you have on your site. BUT this touched me. My son is turning 5 in January and it literally makes my heart hurt knowing he is growing up so fast. I truly with all that is in me try to enjoy every moment with him. Often having mommy guilt for being a working mother but I am always looking for us to do things together after work or on weekends. He is my only son and I will probably not have any more so I am even more sad that I wont see that infant/toddler stage but I at least did once for a couple of years and when my son potty trained he picked a book when I took him to the store! It is so beautiful being a mother and I never even knew it would be like this.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Right?! Julia is about to outgrow me any second and I am seriously not sure what happened!

beth - i am crying with you. my kiddos are 7 & 9. i long for baby/toddler days. they seem so much older than they should be. i am understanding everyday more and more why parents cry at graduation and weddings and births of grandbabies. okay, i’ll stop now.

Kat - Awww so cute!
How old was Annie when you toilet trained her?
I only ask because I am going through this with my 4th and youngest child atm and she is going to be three in Nov. (I think I have just been putting it off!)
Some days when I look at old pics, it really makes me want to have #5.
My #2 is 7 today and the others are 9, almost 5 and almost 3 and I know it is all relative cause that probably sounds so little compared to yours, but I am still sad that it is going so damn fast!!
How wonderful that we make the time to capture these moments in photos.
Parenthood started back here last night in Aus and I so LOVE that show!!!!!!

Stephanie - I know exactly how you feel. My kids are 8 and 6 and I don’t know how we got here! It went so fast. Everyone always tells you to enjoy the time with your kids because it goes so fast. I always thought, “Yeah right. Whatever you say.” But it did, and it does. I miss my babies.

Tonya - Meg…oh how blessed we are to have the gift of seeing our children grow up…I wouldn’t want it any other way. But that doesn’t mean it has to happen so fast! 🙂

karen - your kids are so beautiful. i like to see them grow up…makes me feel good. maybe i feel like that because they are only 4 and 1 1/2…

Kimbery Dial - I agree. It happens way too fast. Sad to report that it happens with the grandbabies too. So very sad. :*( Praying your computer is fixed pronto! 😉

Jenna - I am getting teary-eyed FOR you! So sweet.

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - I totally hear you…makes me sad too!

Aby - I feel your pain! It truly is physically painful sometimes. I have 9 year old twin girls. And that’s it. They’re both going to leave me at once!! Oh my. I dread it already.

Kori - Yes. Please don’t do this again…lol!! 😀 I teared up looking at your pictures thinking of how you must feel knowing I feel the same here about my son. I have a different type of longing also because our first child, a daughter, was stillborn and I always think of what could have been with her. I can never decide which is worse: knowing or wondering.
Is it weird that when I look at pictures of your cute kiddos it sometimes feels like looking at pictures of extended family or someone I actually know….I hope not!! 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I totally get you on the physical pain thing. Every time I go back through photos from our fiels, I end up in tears and just saying to Eric “how did our girls grow up so fast?!” Theyre still young (5 & 7) but seriously…just yesterday I was birthing them. Insert me bawling here…

Linda - I have never commented on any post before, but this took me straight to my heart. I know how you feel. Sometimes I wonder what my purpose is, they don’t need me as much. How I miss those days.

Michelle from Australia - Great post!

Logan - I took one look at that picture of all of you and thought “Meg needs to grow out her hair”! I love it long like that! - Good afternoon… stumbled onto your blog while searching for “bunting” inspiration. I have to tell you this- *I* have a 3 year old who could almost be a twin to your Annie. I did a double-take. So now we ARE in the bang-your-head-against-the-floor-for-no-reason-only-because-I-am-3 stage. But your post made me pause and think… in a few years it will all be different. I do love the cuddles before bed and the innocence and the giggles. I will try not to take them for granted. Even when the next tantrum is about to start, in .. 03…02…01…… :)jody

elisa - I so avoid iPhoto. No way. Or archives on the blog. Sigh.
It goes waaaaaay too fast. And it’s not fair. Boo.

Grandma Ruth - I don’t mean to discourage you, but I’m actually the great-grandma of a darling three-month old…and I STILL tear up at pictures of my own babies and my grandbabies (who have had the audacity to become old enough to go off to college and one to get married.) Maybe that intense love is what keeps us praying for them year after year.

Alicia @ La Famille - oh my gosh…why would you do this to me!?! i’m already an emotional wreck, getting ready to moving across the country and leave all my friends and family…now this!?! 🙂 i think i need to go find my husband…we need more kids 😉

Michelle - Awesome photos! I don’t even know you and those pictures had me tearing up too! I’m right there with you. Every time I look back at the sweet baby faces of my two, it has the same effect!! Glad to know that I’m not the only mom that this happens to. Thanks for sharing!

alyssa - I agree, how much more can we take! Stop it! You need to tuck it all away, otherwise you’ll make us all cry!!!

tara pollard pakosta - precious photos!
keep em’ coming! I LOVE looking at my older photos, but you are right, it does make my heart hurt a little because I want them to be that small again>!
LOVE this post!

shannon - This post even made me sad!!! That picture of you and all your kids, they were all soooo little in that picture 🙁 I wish they stayed small FOREVER!

Southern Gal - Annie and Talby look so much alike! My heart hurts every time I look at my now 22, 20 and 9 year old. And my grandbaby is now 15 months old. What????? Enjoy every single minute of it. It’s gone in a heartbeat.
P.S. I love your hair like that. Love it.

Southern Gal - Annie and Talby look so much alike! I’m dying everytime I look at my “babies” who are now 22, 20 and 9. My grandbaby is now 15 months old. What????? Just enjoy it. Every single minute of it.
P.S. I love your hair like that. Love it.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I think God broke you computer so you would be able to look back at these wonderful memories! So adorable. Now, let’s just hope he fixes it too 😉

Aimee - Awww…
I dreamed last night that I met all your kids at an outdoor cafe, on a beautiful street with cobblestones, right next to a vintage store. They were so sweet, and they were there with an older teenager/young twenties girl, who was watching them for some reason. They gave no indication where you might be, and I was trying very hard not to be rude and ask. 🙂
Our subconciousnesses (huh?) are so funny.

Tiffany - Yeah, this one hit home. Your THEN is my NOW. So, is there one thing…or maybe a few things…that you might have done differently as a mommy when they were little? Or if the “seasoned mama Meg” could go back in time and tell the “new mama Meg” a few pieces of advice, what would they be? Love, A Mommy of Four Little People Who Sometimes Forgets Her Name 🙂

Laura Phelps - the only thing that upsets me more than my kids growing up so fast, is a computer with a black screen.
THAT made me cry.
good luck

Lisa - I was just telling my husband that I can’t really remember the feel of my kids as babies anymore. It makes me sad when I think of that. The thing is we can’t slow it down so I am trying to embrace them getting older and focus on the joy of watching them turn into adults. I’m sure the joy will come AFTER the teen years 😉

Elizabeth Walters - I only have an almost two year old and an 8 week old. I feel like they have grown so fast and they are only babies. I am learning to treasure the now moments because they are gone so fast.

Jen Brandt - Sweet, sweet photos. I miss my little kids, too – and they’re only 4 and 7 now. Seven was a hard one. Just happened two weeks ago. I told my husband that this all needs to slooowwww down.

Tracy Fisher - Isn’t it fun when you find a blessing in your broken computer?

Kerry - oh mommy! even I can see how they have grown and i’ve only been reading your blog for 2 years… they do grow up so fast. Oh my heart, Be Still. xxx

Vonda - Love your pictures! I totally feel the same way. My oldest 2 boys have both moved out now-they are 20 and 22. We still have the 13 year old and the’princess'(who is 11) at home, but the house is so much quieter now! We used to have a houseful all the time! Dinners were awesome:)! I miss the noise!!! Yes I said that! We still get them home for a dinner once in a while, but not always at the same time. They grow up way too fast! So glad I took as many pictures as I did!

Geli - Every mother is like this, we miss our little ones, don’t we? I used to have baby and toddler pictures all over the house and always was commenting how cute she was. Then one day, she got all her guts up and asked me if I don’t like her as an “older” child (she was 14 then), since I only have her kiddie pictures on display and always talk about how adorable she was. I felt so bad, I had no idea how it came across to her when I was reminiscing…..I still do, but in private and all her pictures on display are current ones – of an adorable 16 year old teenager (with attitude *sigh*)

Shauna - Oh, you are breaking my heart. My 3 are still so little, and it makes me ache to think they will grow up and not be these little people anymore…i think I’ll go hug them right now!!! 🙂

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - The first few pictures of Annie made me smile. My daughter Abigail is the SAME way! Just the other day we were at the store and she picked out YARD SALE stickers! That was all she wanted, and she had the biggest smile on her face as we were walking out of the store with them. 🙂
I enjoyed this whole post. Isn’t it crazy how from day to day, you don’t really notice a change in them, but looking at pictures from even a year ago the change is drastic?

amanda - Old photos are so hard to look at (and videos – can’t even go there!) Mine are twelve, ten, and two and growing up too fast.

AshleyAnn - So many great pictures….iPhoto is a vault of oldies on my old computer too. It is has been forever since I dug around in there.
Good luck on the computer. I had to buy a new one a month ago…yuck on the $$$, but wow how did I live with that old slow thing for so long!

happygirl - I know what you mean. Time FLIES by. Hang on, it goes way faster the older we get. I have a theory on this. You can ask me about it some time. 🙂

tiffany m gardner - wow. that made me cry too. i have an 8 year old boy, 5 year old girl and an 8 month old. on my hard days…i try to remind myself that one day they will be grown. i try to remind myself that cleaning and laundry can wait until tomorrow. i try to remind myself to just breathe and try to love the moment that we are in. thank you for reminding me of all of that today. that is what your blog does for me… it lifts me up…just when i needed it.

Mindy Harris - i feel your pain, sister. and my babies are still 3 and 1! i look at their newborn pics and just DIE.

keri ~ forever folding laundry - I’m going to have to ask that you please stop posting these types of pictures immediately. Because for some reason it makes me go back to old pictures of MY kids and then I become a teary mess before I have my second cup of coffee.
I miss my babies, too. And I know when they’re hairy teenagers I’m going to miss my elementary school-aged kids like crazy.
OK, I need more coffee now.

debi meyers - me too, me too, me too. My eldest is 18 in about 6 weeks.
I started reading your blog when Annie was teeny. Thanks for the years of pure pleasure.
deb meyers

Amy Griffin - My heart hurts looking at the pictues with you. Like it was said before, I wish I could appreciate the moments when I was in them, as much as I do when I look back. I think I am gonna go look at some of our old pictures. HAve a good time remembering.

jennifer Wells - Aww, mine are still babies (oldest in Kdg) and I already miss them being babies. My baby is 7 mths old and I hate the thought of no more newborns! I hope when we get to heaven we get to hold our babies again. It’s heaven and that would be heaven to me so who knows!

Kirsten J - Ahhh what a reminder. How does it happen?!?!? I had a little tantrum thrower, too. I used to put her to bed at night and feel the bumps on her head from throwing herself on the ground. And this morning as she rushed out the door to school….yeah, she’s still kinda like that.

hannah singer - meg! i am weeping with you! love all these photos. such sweet memories!! my little guy will be three right after christmas. it feels like last month we were bringing him home from the hospital, adopting him into our family. i pray the lord has more children in our future! letting go of baby and enjoying the growing is such a tug of war!
happy tuesday, make it great! xo

Tricia - Meg: I absolutely love my six-year-old son, but I sure would love to spend some time with the baby he used to be. It’s such a bittersweet experience to look through old photos! Tricia

seriouslysassymama - I still have a three year old, but when I see pictures of my older girls that little I cry. I cry every time. My husband just shakes his head and says. Forget it, your tubes are tied and we are not having any more babies. Oh well. I love to look at the old pics! I could so use that tantrum shirt!

Christie - There’s a Mumford and Sons song (“After the Storm”) with the line: “There will come a time with no more tears and love will not break your heart.” It always makes me think of my kids – how much I love them and how much their growing up and away hurts. I can only hold on to the hope that there is a day and a place in store for us where love won’t make us cry.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Awww Meg! Hope you cheer up a bit 🙂
Gemma x

Kristi - Wow! This post made me choke up. I am the mother of a 2.5 year old and a 5 week old. Sometimes I find myself wishing them older just so I can have some time to myself. Thank you for reminding me to live in moment and enjoy these little ones while they are little.

Rebekah from Simply Rebekah - FIX THAT COMPUTER!!! I am a sucker for things kinds of things. I can’t handle it. My only child just turned 2. I started crying in the hospital about her growing up when she was only 2 DAYS old!!

Sugar Mama - I just took my son to get new basketball shoes… size 10 1/2 is what he needed!!! When did THAT happen? He was my little boy, the one that I had as a young girl… I never dreamed it would go by so fast. His zit covered forehead and deep voice make me angry sometimes.
And my other two, 12 and 8… they just made me realize something. In December they will be 13 and 9 adding another teenager to the house and the LAST year that I’ll have a child in the single digits. Boo hoo hoo hoo!

jackie - Oops!! I meant I have THREE daughters!!!

jackie - I am glad for one thing.. that I am not the ONLY mother that hurts SO much and gets tears in her eyes when I look back at pictures – and I mean HURT. I am a mother of four… I have 2 daughters ages almost 15, 12, 10 and a son who is 7. My daughter started highschool this year, and my Sarah is in middle school – how did this happen so quickly?? My son doesn’t call me Mommy anymore…I am Mom to even him now! I look back at when they were babies or little tikes and it DOES hurt.. it really does… and know I am glad I know that I’m not the only one and sounds like you understand. And when I was in the thick of taking care of them all when they were babes, I didn’t realize HOW much I would miss it!! Don’t get me wrong… it is wonderful to see them grow too…but boy I miss my babies!!!

Sarah Wolfe - My baby just turned 3… and it pains me too to look at pictures when they were younger too. It was an exhausting time, but much simpler… tantrums and all 🙂

colleen from Alabama - My laptop is on the blink too! My husband is good at that sort of stuff though. He has run about a gazillion scans and they all have found something different!!! I’m using his laptop now. I had a moment this morning like your “picture moments”. My nine year old son was lying in bed and for just a mili-second, his face looked like it did when he was three. It took my breath away! Oh how i wish we could just freeze life sometimes. Wonder if that will be what Heaven will be like, frozen perfect moments.

Joy McLaughlin - Over the weekend, I did the same thing – old computer, old photos. I may have shed a tear or two myself! It goes way too fast! I hope your computer gets fixed today!!

Sue K. - all i can say is… I KNOW!!! why oh why cant i really treasure those moments when i am in the thick of them? only when i look back do i really, clearly see the wonder?! maybe thats why grandkids must be so amazing? hug!!!

nancy - I am the same way when I look at the babes from the past. Where did time go? I think it is a good way to be reminded how quickly it speeds by. I need to press pause a little more often to really soak it in! 🙂

Holly - oh gosh Meg! Me too! We met our high school daughters boyfriend the other night and all I could think was wow, were we that goofy at that age!?
Oh and I was sick on the couch yesterday so I started watching Parenthood from season one…..I am so hooked!

Karen Lehmann - oh my gosh. looking at YOUR photos made ME cry! what the heck! off to look at my own “days gone by” {thanks}

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monday monday.


what a full month this has been already so far.
sports for five…..craft weekend….craft fairs…family visits….anniversaries….
and coming this week…BLOG SUGAR.
i am getting excited but nervous.  (i sang a song called nervous but excited…..)

what if i trip?  what if i say the wrong word?
(once my friend said organism instead of organization during a presentation. it could have been worse……)
what if people don't listen?
what if i forget what i was going to say?
what if i cry?   how much will i cry? 

i am wearing some fabulous shoes….

and right now….that is all i know about the entire trip.
don't know what i will wear.
at all.
nothing matches glitter shoes.
tomorrow i WILL find something….right??? tell me i will.  i need to be reassured.

i picked up my barn treasures this weekend that i bought last week at craft weekend…..

a dirty OLD cabinet with glass knobs and doors and RED chippy paint!!!

did your heart just skip a beat?  
red chippy paint does that to me.

so does white chippy paint.  :)


on sunday morning i woke up in my happy place.
after a loooong night of POURiNG rain for hours on end…scary storms…got up in the night to check the weather.
we got to enjoy the pond full of that fresh from rain loveliness.
and go fishing in the morning!
we've never done that.
it was all girls except mike.
teeny baby frogs were so fun to catch.

 "i need mo' woooooms"

talby caught one and macy caught two but neither two made it out of the water….they pulled free just as she was about to lift them out of the water.
no fish for annie or maya.
annie was talking quite loud all morning and one point shouted

so true.

i went to see The Help AGAIN.
loved it as much as the first time.
cried through 6 kleenexes.
that is a good thing….

i had pictures last night.
love this one…..
plain and simple.

hope your monday is fabulous.
i ran this morning and that really helped my day start well.



our hallway is done!
come over and read about how we did it with Glidden paint.

i want to share each of our CRAFT WEEKEND sponsors with you.
come see who i like today!

gatorade is teaching me about being a sports mom…. 🙂
come see how i am doing. 



nicole @ deliajude - i spotted your shoes at kohl’s today and thought of you…and prayed for you. blessings from afar.

ViVO Candles - Everyone needs a bright red chair in their life…it just gives you energy looking at it.

Cindy - Might just be the BEST family photo ever! It speaks volumes and I.Love.IT!!!

Kelly - i loved catching tiny baby frogs in my grandparents yard when I was younger! If they still lived there I would go and catch some. Kelly

Leslie - Love your barn finds…have you seen “Picker Sisters” on Lifetime? Fun show…

hannah singer - BLOG SUGAR!
super looking forward to hearing you speak and meeting your lovely self.
and those shoes are the jam.
your chippy paint treasures are perfect! love! xo

Lisa - I wish I was heading to southern CA… It’s where I grew up. I think you are gonna do great speaking. Anytime you speak from your heart it will be well received! And I’m jealous of your fun chippy paint finds. 🙂

lindalou - love…………………the shoes i would kill myself wearing them 🙁

Marcie Millholland - I’m a little in love with the white chippy paint – I am a chippy paint kind of girl, too.
You will pull off the shoes – of that I am certain. They’d be great with anything. From jeans to a ball gown 🙂
And on the previous post- I love Waffle stories. I have a “Biscuit” and you have a “Waffle” ! And I’m from the South so all I can say about his haircut is… Bless his heart!! Thanks for the great blog. Marcie


Sharon Kindall - As almost everyone else said; glitter shoes go with anything!!!!! I would wear any solid color with them. Meg I love, love , love your blog but what is Blog Sugar? I go up to The Pocono’s for my craft weekends and it’s sooo much fun, but I didn’t know anyone else did them. I’m glad to hear there are others around. sharon

Melissa Bolton - Meg! That family picture is fantastic!!
Not that I’m one who should be giving fashion advice, but I love those shoes!
I’d wear an understated outfit, like great jeans and a black or white shirt. Let the shoes and accessories steal the show.

Maria Bryan - So excited for you and Blogsugar…I live like 10 minutes from the Rose Center…you could stop by and I will style you up….you will be the chic-est one in the entire place…that I can assure! 🙂 Have fun…cant wait to see pictures!!!!

Melissa - That family photo is adorable!!!

janel - I think you need a really great black dress, that is all. Let the shoes “be” the accessory. a sparkly bracelet and earrings and you are good to go! Oh, and a little clutch.
Have fun!

elz - I have glitter shoes almost exactly like that (Mine are the kate spade Charm heels. LOVE). I usually wear mine for evening events. If I were to wear them during the day, I would wear black skinny jeans, a white shirt, a solid shrug or cardigan or a colored scarf. Let the shoes do the talking. You’ll be great!

andrea - Your sunflowers look so happy! I tried to bring some in and they were covered with aphids! I would think glitter shoes would match anything. That family picture at the end is priceless!!!!! Would LOVE to have a photo like that of my family that captures the family dynamics and personalities.

Candy - Are you kidding me? Glitter shoes go with everything! You always look wonderful, you will be amazing!

Kim - You WILL find something to wear! Love your new finds of old-paint-chipiness. So good. And I love the painted hallway.

Emily - Great finds! Especially love the old cabinet and glass knobs!
Would you mind sharing where ‘The Barn’ is or name so that I might find it? I’m planning a day trip from Olathe with friends to come down and check out the antique store and would LOVE to go to the barn as well.
Good luck this weekend! You’ll do (and look) fabulous!
Emily Palmer - i just bought those shoes too … they go with EVERYTHING!!! i asked my friends when i could wear them, they all said, when CAN’T you wear them?? good call. 🙂 have a great time, you’ll be AMAZING!

Emily - Fabulous shoes! With something so sparkly, you can go basic black on the rest of the outfit. Skinny black pants or a simple black wrap dress. Good luck!

karen - can’t go wrong with a very fitted black dress with pencil skirt style and then add a super colourful cardigan with some of your cool accessories.Your shoes are awesome!

danielle burkleo - what you mean….orgasm? THAT would have made people smile.
you are going to do fabulous! i can just see it now… killer little black dress, sparkly shoes, tissue in hand, ready to go!
five days!!!

Alice Nakles - wear a black sexy dress. it will make your beautiful shoes pop!!! post pictures too!!

Molly - I read that all you were going to wear was the shoes. Oops, you said that all you knew was the shoes… big difference!

shauna - that video (nervous but excited) made me laugh.
the shoes make me a little nervous (because i think i might look like a ragamuffin in boots or something)
and that last photo is priceless.
really good job capturing them!
see you soooon!

Mick - Just found your blog. LOVE the shoes. Glitter shoes, go with EVERYTHING!!

amy jupin - it sure is a FULL month for me too!
loving the barn finds.
can’t wait to see where they end up.
those shoes are fab. i can see you with a yellow shirt or a bright blue to bring out your eyes.
maybe with a pencil skirt…so mad men style.
don’t be nervous. really. don’t.
you got this.
just be you.
because you are wonderful just as you are.
and now i have HOME in my head.
maybe i should just buy that dang song too and get it over with.

Danielle Thompson - The shoes are fantastic! You will be AWESOME!

Lori Austin - Love the shoes, love the hallway…
You’ll be great. God knows exactly what you need/want to say and He will help you do just that.

Ellen - think your glitter shoes are fabulous!!!
An idea: wear a cool, moderny black shirt, some awesome girly/sparkly earrings, an awesome chunky bangle, THOSE shoes and you’ve got it made. That’s what goes with glitter shoes 🙂
Can’t wait to see the pics!

Whitney S - Black pants… cute tank in ivory or winter white (like this… or this or this…… with a cute cardigan…and the pretty shoes will pop! Love them! Have fun, can’t wait to hear all about it!

Wendy @ Living Creatively - Love your pictures. LOVE them. And those shoes. Amazing. Are you kidding? *Everything* goes with glitter. You could wear them every day!
You will be amazing.

Morgan - Please tell me where to find these SHOES!! I LOVE them!! I agree, go with black and let the shoes steal the show!

Anne Marie - Everything goes with glitter!

siobhan - bought those shoes at kohls,love them:))))

Ami Davis - Let me echo the sentiment that simply everything goes with fairy princess glitter shoes. That’s the whole point of them!
I am certain the other Blog Sugar girlies will ooo and ahh over them and over you when you drop some knowledge on them.

Naomi - A black dress with those sparkly heels and you are sorted!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Ooooohh you found some great stuff!! I just got a giant sideboard on craigslist that I’m pretty excited about.
I checked your hallway out too…gorg!!

Alicia @ La Famille - my heart nearly STOPPED at your divine treasures! love them…you MUST show where they end up! you sound like a busy busy girl right now. blessings to you in this busy/stressful/full month 🙂

Nicole - Fantastic shoes! Have a wonderful time at Blog Sugar Meg!! You will do great and you will find an outfit for them. :0) I love the treasure you picked up, can’t wait to see what you do with them. I missed the “big” craft fair this year, but I’m so excited for the Hesston Barn Sale coming up. This will be my first one and I’m so nervous I won’t have enough stuff. Have a wonderful time! Wish I could attend Blog Sugar! Maybe, someday.

This Farm Family's Life - My cousin wore those same shoes in a wedding. The dresses were deep purple and they looked awesome!!! So maybe wear a dark purple top???? Love them! You will rock it!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I cant wait to see those shoes in person in just a few days!!! Pray for me: I hate flying:) And I’ll be flying alot to get there.

Jen - The glitter shoes are too much fun to drab out with a black dress…why not try royal blue or hot pink? (knee or tea length).

Laura - Yes to the glitter shoes! Everything goes with glitter shoes! Have fun and wear the shoes!

Laura Phelps - glitter shoes, I would imagine, can be treated like animal print shoes…”because they go with nothing, they go with everything.”
I want to go to blog sugar.
God had other plans for me this month…hate when he does that
miss you

Lisa - I think a black dress would look good with the shoe(slimming too, not that you need it!) :), and maybe some colorful, rainbow-y jewelry? Glitter goes with everything!!

Kerry - oh those shoes…… those shoes!! divine! what a fun, awesome september you are having, and you still managed to fit a run in? wowza! :)) xxx

Allison H. - I consider glitter to be neutral, the new black you could say, it goes with everything. As long as you don’t pair it with something like a hot pink feather boa, you’ll look great!!

happygirl - EVERYTHING goes with glitter shoes. Break a leg. Just be your AWESOME self. 🙂

Vonda - Love your shoes!!! I have a pair that are very similar, just no peep-toes! I think glitter shoes go with anything! I feel like cinderella when I put mine on!:)

crystal - I’m sort of hoping that you have a Freudian Slip and say “orgasim.” I for one would laugh my head off — not at you, with you. Because it would be so funny, and you are someone who could pull it off.
Good luck to you. I covet those sparkly shoes. 🙂

Nikki - Honeygirl, EVEYRTHING goes with glitter shoes! Don’t be afraid of showing off your blogger badself!

amanda - oh…..glitter shoes go with anything!

Heather (One Take On Life) - First love the shoes, those rock! And that cabinet, I heart that cabinet, what an awesome find.

Jenna@MomofManyHats - Annie has so much wisdom! What a girl. My husband has taken me fishing so many times. So far I’ve caught a tree, the dock, some seaweed, a bush and the side of the boat. A fish has to be next, right?
Also, don’t underestimate a LBD with sparkly shoes!

kelley - I love the shoes! wore them as a bridesmaid in a wedding 2 weeks ago! We had solid purple dresses on. Honestly- I think any solid will look great! So what’s your favorite color? go with it! The material we wore was shiny, I think that helps.

Wendy - How bout some fantastic leopard print ensemble to go with those glitter shoes!

Secret Mom Thoughts - Love the shoes! I would go with a little black dress.

Tanya H - Looove the shoes, looove the antiques, looooooooove that family picture. Wow, that really just captures it all! 🙂

kat @ Pretty in Pink and Green - Great furniture finds and those glitter shoes are FAB.U.LOUS darling!!! Love them. You’ll do great!

Sarah B - I love white chipped paint…love love love it.
Also I love those shoes…I think they would go great with anything and everything. And it is a good thing you are a little nervous for Blog means you are human! I am nervous for it and I am just attending it..but yippee, very excited!

Rebecca - I wore shoes almost exactly like that for my wedding. They looked fabulous but felt terrible. I’m just warning you, girl: BREAK THEM IN!!!

Holly - Yes, chippy red paint is awesome! Here’s the plan: if you screw up while giving your presentation at BlogSugar, I will burp really loud and put all the attention on me. I love you that much. Looking forward to meeting you and burping for you this weekend. Now, I seriously need to go find some better shoes.

Karen Gerstenberger - You will find the right thing to wear – glitter shoes will go with “whatever” else you find that you like. It will match because the same creative spirit that inspired you to buy the shoes will inspire your vision for the rest of it.
I wish I could hear you speak.
I love your photos and your fresh perspective, Meg.

seriouslysassymama - Glitter shoes go with EVERYTHING! I love the furniture, and cannot wait to see what you do with it!

Mrs. Edberg - I think almost anything would match glitter shoes. Especially a nice pair of black slacks or a cute black skirt. Keep the bottom simple and your sassy shoes will POP big time! So fun!

Holly - I saw the glitter shoes recently and almost bought them, but decided that nothing would go with them! ha! Cant wait to see what you come up with!

Nikki - My heart skipped a beat over those shoes! They are fantastic! I could never wear them though,I’d fall flat on my face!

Tamara - I think black might accentuate those awesome glitter shoes! Just so you know, I was in a bad mood on Saturday…and read through every one of your Waffle, the Wonder Dog posts…and they lifted my spirits. He really is a Wonder Dog!

Melissa - I love that cabinet and all it’s chippy paint charm!
I love those shoes but I could never in a million years wear them!
Am I really the first to comment?!? I rock!

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outdoor movie party….2nd annual


we hosted our second annual outdoor movie party this past sunday night.

we provide the toppings and each family brings their favorite kind of ice cream to share.

it's super fun.


 (blurry but too cute not to share)

there were kids EVERY WHERE! 

the plan was for them to swim but it the weather changed the day before and we even needed blankets!
we could not have had better weather!

as soon as it was dark enough and every one had had their first helping of ice cream
we started the movie.


i passed out blankets when it got chilly.
it was so fun to look out at so many friends watching them cuddled up with their families & laughing together…..
in the dark. 

craig found the screen and projector on
he looked for a full year.
and then this one came along….AWESOME….he was beaming.

we are already excited for next year's party!

or maybe one with a campfire and LOTS of blankets in a month or two!  
sounds cuddly warm to me. 


we are painting the hallway with the help of Glidden Paint.
come and read about it over here and you could
win a $150 walmart gift card!

come here and leave a comment to win a lisa leonard bracelet
and get a coupon code that is good through today.

i am talking about being a "sports mom" over here and not sure i am too good at it
but i am trying!  enter to win a $100 Dicks Sporting Goods card from Gatorade!



75 Parties | a glass of milk - […] tasting//friendsgiving//ugly sweaters//barbecue//pajama//birthdays//half birthday//pizza//ice cream and a movie//potluck//soup//picnic//new year’s eve//cocktails//fondue//s’mores//tapas//beer […]

gap year south africa - Great stuff the children were enjoying very well it looks awesome the parties all are cool and would have a great fun in those parties thanks for the blog to share a lot of things…:)

Axel Booe - Wow, that’s an ice cream party at its best! Those kids surely enjoyed this day. And the place is great too! It definitely made the event livelier. Cheers to this!

sugarbee - cool stuff…you must have a great camera…visit my blog please 🙂

Audrey - Recently discovered your blog and am loving the craft ideas! We do movie night in our drive way 2-3 times every summer (for the last 3 years). It’s is so much fun and the kids LOVE it! We just project onto a big sheet hung on the garage door and it works out quite well but I may have to keep my eye out for one of those screens on craigslist. 🙂
Thanks for all the craft ideas!

Heather G. - Oh my gosh, how fun!!

susan - So fun! What movie did you find to keep all ages happy?

leonieke - hai meg, can i ask you for some advise? my daughter, who turnes 17 this month, wants to go to america to study for one year. Ofcourse there are lots of organisations trying to get us in, and we do orientate us, but i would love to here the experience of guestfamily’s. do you know some?
by the way, you are one of the reasons she wants to go, it looks like your life in america is one big happy party :-))

alicia @ la famille - HOW FUN!! i wanted to do an outdoor movie night, but couldn’t round up a projector. i found a cool old roll up screen at a rummage sale, but no projector 🙁 gonna keep looking tho!

Jen - Me too, Michelle! I’m in melbourne and thankfully my local small IGA sells peanut butter m &ms and a few other US snacks!!

Michelle from Australia - Do you know how many of those scrumptious toppings and ice cream flavours we Australians are deprived of? When we were in Hawaii last November, I loaded up a duffle bag FULL of Reese’s pieces/sauces, Hershey stuff etc at Walmart. Coming back into Australia, the customs officer opened the bag, grinned at me and said ‘I can see you have a sweet tooth. And great taste!’. Oh how I wish the USA were closer to us 🙁

gina - We love the pic of Jobie! Thanks for a super fun evening!

amy jupin - anna’s looking over my shoulder saying,
“that looks fun!”
“i want to do that too.”
“me and annie should be friends, right?”
“i like her hair.”
“i like the polka dot tablecloths.”
ok, i said that last one.

Julie - This looks like so much fun!!!

Rachel - That looks like SO MUCH FUN! I think it’s great that everyone was cuddled under blankets. And Despicable Me is a fantastic movie. I watched it while I was sewing one afternoon – see, not just for kids 😉

Bill - Hi–Stumbled on your blog and posted with an FYI for you or those following you.

I hope, with all the people you had attending, that you acquired a public performance license for the movie(s) you showed. Movie Licensing USA and Motion Picture Licensing Corporation between them hold licensing rights for most of the major studios, and offer either one-time licensing or umbrella/blanket annual licensing for the studios with which they contract. Though it’s not likely that they will investigate local movie parties like this, if they do, they jump on “offenders” with boots on (and posting about a movie night online makes it more likely they will find out).

Looked like lots of fun, and I hope you enjoy many more!

Jes - I love Caribbean Sea!

jill - we just use a sheet, too! our favorite is to watch scary old movies with the grown-ups around halloween. we use lots of blankets!

Kinze Schilling - now that looks like a good time!

Sarah - I have been dying to plan this for my neighborhood in our cul-de-sac. A ‘drive in’ (bikes and trikes) movie so to speak! Cute!

Mindy Harris - that little boy in the osh kosh sweatshirt is so adorable you should’ve eaten him instead of ice cream. precious.

Jenny Wren's - This looks like a blast! I think you should definitely do this in the later Fall months, pick a good Christmas movie for everyone to watch, light a fire, eat popcorn, drink cocoa and just enjoy!

Tina I - We do the same thing and love it! No fancy screen for us, just a sheet tacked up against the screened in porch. Ours is coming up in a couple of weeks, just might have to steal the ice cream pitch in idea!

Kimberly Dial - We have a neighbor who that the same thing a few times every summer … it’s a great way to visit with fellow ‘Fall Creekers’ and the grandgirlies love it!

Kimberly Dial - We have a neighbor who that the same thing a few times every summer … it’s a great way to visit with fellow ‘Fall Creekers’ and the grandgirlies love it!

Casey - We do this often in our backyard with a white sheet clipped to our patio cover. The kids love it!

Holly - Our cousin has a huge inflatable screen that we have used in the past for movie parties. They are so much fun!

seriouslysassymama - That looks like alot of fun!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh how fun! That projector looks amazing!

Christy - That’s what I was thinking, no need to wait another year! Looks like a great time. Hot cocoa & popcorn + blankets & a fire, you would be all set! What a fun time! What a great neighborhood, almost makes me miss the midwest.

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