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chrissie grace is selling these handmade trees to help raise money for the Jupin family adoption.

chrissie says:

"This piece is 24" high and 14 " across and reads from Isaiah 9:6.
Each one is hand-painted and will be uniquely made due to the variety of wood panel pieces.

This CHRISTmas tree is a very special product to me.
25% of all the proceeds will go directly to the Jupin family to help offset the financial burdens of a lovely adoption.

It is my prayer and intention that this piece will remain in your family as a special Christmas decoration for many years to come.

I really feel like God gave it to me to help Amy and her family bring Davis home.
Amy, I cannot wait to see the gifts it brings.  I pray Davis feels all the love and positive energy out there, just for him :)"

you can order this piece from Chrissie's shop for the next TEN DAYS ONLY.
the world of adoption processing is nuts.
it can be wonderful and amazing or it can be LONG and painful and completely frustrating.
i think it's safe to say that the Jupin's have experienced the latter for now
but they are HOPEFUL deep down that the wonderful and amazing is still yet to come.
we have been praying for Davis to come home to his forever family for a long time now.
it's heart breaking.

He needs a mama to hold him.
He needs a daddy to tuck him in at night.
God knows this.
He knows what He is doing.
His timing is perfect… He is good.  He loves Davis.  He KNOWS.

You can donate directly to their adoption fund HERE.

You can purchase one of Chrissie's beautiful trees and 25% goes to Davis.

and YOU can pray for Davis to come home soon.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Love this. Every bit.

roganne - beautiful πŸ™‚
sending up prayers.

Tiffany - I don’t know much of the background to this story, but it’s so sad it’s such a difficult process. It breaks my heart to think there are littles out there without a mommy or daddy to hold them. I’ll add him to my prayers.

amy jupin - humbled.
and thankful.

Amy Mak - I really love this. My brother and their wife just got their baby last weekend and our world is forever changed. I’m also praying Davis can have a family soon.

Kate - Meg, thank you so much for sharing this. Your heart is gold and sparkly!

lisa - Wish it was easier for every family that chooses adoption. Praying today that Davis will be home soon.

April R - praying Davis will be home soon…

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passing this onto you….

this email came today from 1Billion Thirsty….the group i went to africa with (partnered with water4christmas)
i looked at the picture in my home of the children i met in Freetown, Sierra Leone.
i thought about the young men and women i met and spoke with.

and prayed for them.

i had to pass this on to you….. 



                                                          DONATE HERE

Lisa - Posting on FB too.

Lisa - Oh I’m so sorry! That must be so hard not being able to know how everyone you met is doing! Praying. Thanks for sharing and giving us the chance to give.

amanda - I felt led. Prayers for Africa and Sierra Leone.

Tracy Fisher - I am praying for those sweet little lives. -Tracy

Lisa - Read this as I sat drinking my Sonic sweet tea. Decided to donate and challenge my FB friends to donate what they spent on coffee/happy hour today. Thanks for continually bringing things like this to our attention!

Sheila P. - Thanks for linking this. Africa has been on my mind. I want to do more.

Kim - Done!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - You’re pretty much one of my favorite people. I adore your heart.

Carrie - So Sad. $20 in. xoxo

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Mercy Project

today i would love to tell you about Mercy Project.

Mercy project

Heather Hendrick of the Mercy Project wrote these words about the group and their mission:

There’s an estimated 7,000 children who work in the Ghana fishing industry. Some of
these children are as young as 5 and 6 years old.  All of these children are slaves.

Today many in our country will take a day off from our jobs to celebrate the social and economic achievements of American workers.  
No matter if we’re celebrating at home or at the beach, we’re entering into a tradition that has largely been shaped by Labor Unions – organizations that are dedicated to protecting workers’ interests and improving their wages, hours, and working conditions.  
Today as we lounge around or hang out with friends and family, we’re not only celebrating hard work, we’re honoring fair, ethical working practices and the laws that prevent discrimination, abuse, and child labor in our country.  
Without these laws in place (and enforced), the most vulnerable members of society suffer.  

Who are the most vulnerable? Children. 


Today as we’re celebrating the systems in our own country that strive to prevent injustices like child trafficking and child labor, we’re mindful of the many child slaves around the world who are unprotected and the organizations, like Mercy Project, who are working to free them.
As a mother, it’s difficult for me to imagine my children working 14 hours a day, 7 days a week.  
I’m unable to wrap my brain around the thought of my children engaged in long, hard days of physical labor, eating one meal a day, and then falling asleep at night on a dirt floor filled with other slave children.  
Yet this is the daily reality for kids who have been trafficked into the fishing industry in Ghana, Africa.  
As with much of Africa, there is a great deal of poverty in Ghana.
Unfortunately, this leaves many mothers in an unimaginable position: sell their children to someone who can take better care of them or watch them starve to death.
Most of the mothers are told their children will be given food, housing, and an education.
Instead, the kids are often taken to Lake Volta where they become child slaves and their mothers never see them again.  
Thankfully, Mercy Project is working to break the cycles of trafficking around Lake Volta by providing alternate, more efficient, sustainable, fishing methods for villagers – ultimately eliminating the need for child slaves.  
Because of the work Mercy Project is doing in Ghana, the first group of children will be freed this month from Lake Volta.

*******please watch this documentary about the issues in Ghana and the HOPE Mercy Project is bringing! *******


Mercy Project is the only NGO working on Lake Volta addressing the injustice of child labor and child trafficking at its root – by strengthening the Ghanaian economy and eliminating the structures that cause the demand for trafficked children.

Whether these ideas of child labor, child trafficking, and modern-day slavery are new to you or you’re aware of these injustices, but need to hear some good news every once in awhile, we invite you to become a part of what Mercy Project is doing in Ghana.  
When Mercy Project frees their first group of children this month, we can all celebrate together.

Mercy project1


thank you Heather….

i don't know about you, but when i hear about another kind of injustice i get to where i think about those children constantly.  
i worry for them.  
i hurt for them.
but i am so excited when i hear about REAL programs that are trying to fix things one step at a time.
one step at a time is better than no steps!

what would you do if this was happening HERE to our children?
these are children just like ours.
no different.
everyone deserves a chance! 

let's support Mercy Project today.
can you donate today?
i would LOVE, love, looooove if ALL of my readers donated something today.
any amount is worth it.
i would love to say "WE support you Mercy Project" 

$5.00 can buy you a fancy coffee or make a difference to a child in Ghana.
that is pretty amazing when you think about the impact your money can have!
you really do count in making a change!

i can't wait to see what can be done through these awesome willing servants!

Mercy Project Facebook and Twitter can you keep you up to date on what's going on daily.


β€œWhen the lives and the rights of children are at stake,
there must be no silent witnesses.” – Carol Bellamy


thanks for joining me.




Mike Cornelia - The Mercy Project sounds like a great organization. I have been reviewing human trafficking statistics and it is truly sickening to see how prevalent it has gotten around the world. I am even more discouraged with the fact that it has reached it’s way into the United States. It is so infuriating that people engage in this practice to make a living. My hope is that, if enough people find out about child trafficking it will slowly be brought to an end.

sara @ it's good to be queen - this is good stuff. thank you so much for sharing. i so needed to get out of my own head and own space today. thank you.

Carla - It’s a noble cause no doubt and it’s heartbreaking to think of these families broken up in such a horrendous way but it would be wrong to think that child slavery only happens in poor countries like Ghana. Check out Human RIghts Watch new campaign against the abuse of child labor (especially migrant child labor) in the US (hope this link works but if not just google migrant child labor US)
So perhaps while you and your readers support the children in Ghana, you would also take time to read about the plight of migrant children in the US, also victims of poor circumstances, whose parents have also had to make unimaginable decisions. It doesnt even merd to cost you a dime, just try to ensure the food you buy is properly and ethically sourced from
Farms that use properly paid workers whose human and legal rights are respected, ttell your politicians this issue matters to you, small actions add up!!

Katy - i found out about mercy project last december when i ran a local half marathon that benefitted them. i’ve been following them closely on Facebook ever since and was so excited to post about the work they are doing today! this is great- thanks for sharing! πŸ™‚

Lisa - I love the day to day stuff you share and what you shared today. God is using you. Through the computer I can see your hearts desire to glorify Him. Some people may not hear about human trafficking and child slavery except from your blog. And others like me who are striving to make a difference needs to be reminded on days like today. Thank you!

Tanya - no silent witnesses…

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god is awesome.


i hunt for sunflowers.
every summer.
i am a sunflower addict.


i mean really….just try to tell me what is happier than that?!!
it is the best site to see.

every detail amazes me.
LOOK at that!
it's about 8 inches across and hasn't even opened yet….it is  B E A U T I F U L !!!

sean held annie up to see a bug inside that one.
they had a blast running around this old farm.



this brings me joy.


{{{{ sigh }}}}

three of my favorite people in one of my favorite places….it's enough to make me cry.




i didn't see that in my lens….or when it uploaded….i noticed it when put it on the blog.
i absolutely LOVE that picture! 


only about half of the flowers were open when we came by.
which made me giddy just thinking about coming back.


my kids asked if we could build a house right here so we could see the flowers and climb that tree.


talby took this picture of the lady bug!




i am not prejudiced….i love dead sunflowers too!

one of the things i love about sunflowers is that they are solid and study.
they have big leaves….they have layers and layers of seeds and petals.
God creates each one so intricitly.
His creation is so detailed.

she found her twinsie in size.

thank you Lord for reminding me of how detailed You are in the world.
every seed.
every petal.
Thank you God for caring about every hair on my head….every tear…every hurt….every joy in my life.

and for showing me that in a field of sunflowers.

God is awesome.


Mary - LOVE all of these pictures(the grasshopper one totally blows me away), and i love even more the fact that God IS so awesome! how humbling to know that He’s all about the details, in each of our lives.
super awesome, great, wonderful post. πŸ™‚

katey - Your grasshopper picture is totally my favorite. I think you could have that published!!!! Love it!!!

elizabeth highsmith - He sure is! Thank you for passing on a beautiful reminder!

Chrissy - Gorgeous pictures (and children!)!
Thankfully, someone pinned something from your blog and I have found you. πŸ™‚

Natalie - the grasshopper… AWESOME!!! Since you love sunflowers, I knew I had to share… The tornado that drove thru the state of Alabama, “April’s Fury 2011” missed my home by about a mile. It was devastating. At least TEN families in my church lost everything. It was life changing, physically and spiritually for our state. Months after as families still tried to make sense of the disaster and families searched, rebuilt… The coolest thing EVER happened~ all over, in the most random spots, popped up the most beautiful SUNFLOWERS! Apparently seed from different bird feeders were scattered EVERYWHERE! To me, it was this great sign of HOPE, growth! IT was BEAUTIFUL! You would have loved it!! GOD IS AWESOME! πŸ˜‰
Enjoy your stories!!! Blessing to you and your family!

Sarah H. - God is awesome! You don’t know me from Adam, but we planted sunflowers in our garden this year and every time I look at them I think of you and your love for sunflowers! My sweet 5 year old daughter and I love our’s too. I love, love that grasshopper. That is print worthy for sure!

Lisa - I’m blessed to drive by a sunflower field every morning as I take my son to day care. A big field of big happy sunflowers, basking in the rising sun, every one of them facing the east like lines of sunflower soldiers. So beautiful. Must remember to take my camera one day soon.

ira lee - i love sunflowers too. i meant to plant some with my kids this spring but i forgot. ive heard they are easy to grow!!!

elisa - These are great! Love πŸ™‚

Melissa - Sean seems like such a great big brother!

Robin - Thank you for this post! Your photography is unbelievable – truly magical – especially the grasshopper – the best photo I have seen! I am always so inspired when I read your blog – it is one of three that I MUST visit EVERY day! That grasshopper picture belongs in National Geographic, or the National Gallery of Art!!!! It is truly spectacular!
What kind of lens do you use? Your pictures are always so clear and vibrant.
Thank you for the joy you bring us every day. Yes, God is amazing.

cath w - Good grief.

Jenn B - I Love this post! Sunflowers bring me joy too. We have one growing in our yard that is taller (by almost a foot) that my husband and he is 6’2″! They are huge and truly God’s amazing work. My favorite picture is the grasshopper one. I love that you didn’t even know you got it. Awesome!

the.mrs - indeeeeed! i feel the same giddy feeling looking at bananas. I know, weird, right?! But next time you open a banana look closely, they’re glittery. πŸ™‚ I mean seriously, God loves glitter as much as I do. And they break into 3 right down the middle. Unless you’re lucky and get one that breaks into 2. God’s creation rocks.

Jessica at Me Sew Crazy - wow. Just wow. Amazing photos, amazing praise, and amazing grasshopper. I am pretty sure you found Jimini Cricket.

Becki - Beautiful!

jeannett - sigh…
love it.
all of it.
missing you.
owen said he needs you to cuddle him.

Lisa - Love everything you said

Heather - “Thank you God for caring about every hair on my head….every tear…every hurt….every joy in my life.
and for showing me that in a field of sunflowers.
God is awesome.”
Thank you for a beautiful post and an important reminder. I needed that today. So Much!

Rachel Spin - Love your pictures. Do you have a flickr account? My fave is the grasshopper photo as well as many above. I also love that the sunlight is composed right at the face of the flower. Awesome light and cute little bug.
God’s creation always inspires me and to grab my camera. His glory surrounds us every day.

rachel - lovely captures! πŸ™‚

karen gerstenberger - God is awesome; I agree. Your grasshopper photo reminds me of the books by Eric Carle, especially “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” Did your kids have that one? It’s adorable, like you and your family.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - That grasshopper pic is the What-What! I fell in love and didn’t notice the grasshopper until I scrolled down. Tricky dude.

Mindy Harris - such a sweet post, megan

nat - what an awesome post. i actually just bought a huge bunch of sunflowers at costco today. they are so happy to me.

roganne - great pictures! God is great and you can see his love shining through your camera πŸ™‚ thank you for today’s post!

kerry - Oh how AWESOME! xx

Lori H - Thanks for sharing these photos. I love sunflowers too, but usually have to find mine in Trader Joe’s πŸ™‚ I love love the photo of the grasshopper…he looks like he is at home in his apartment, looking out!

Angie - Absolutely beautiful photos!
A gentleman down the road used to have a field of sunflowers and I always smiled as I drove by. They are a very cheerful flower!

Suz - great photos! God is a creative GENIUS! And weird to think that we live in a fallen world that is not even perfected yet…really something to look forward to…I can’t even imagine!! xoxo

shannon - Pretty sunflower pics. They are perfect Summer and Fall flowers. Great pic with the three of your cuties standing infront of them.

Kirsten W - I feel the same way as you do about sunflowers! They are really awesome!! And your photos are just fantastic – love, love the one of the grasshopper!

colleen from alabama - I needed that today. I have sunflowers on my table and i need to be reminded that God is in the details… especially the painful ones right now. Thanks for helping me to see things a little differently!

Amanda - I love sunflowers! Your pictures are so beautiful, and you are correct, God is awesome! πŸ™‚

sandee prince - great post meg!

Kristin - just joy!

Carla TV - Amen! Thank you for sharing the beauty. πŸ™‚

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love how you notice and appreciate God’s creation as His expression of love for us. what a gift.

Beth K. - Just the reminder I needed today – God is awesome!! I just lost my job today of 15 years with no forewarning – devastating! Trying to stay positive and find something new to help support our family of six. Thanks for providing this wonderful post for me today! Just what I needed! God Bless You Meg!

Jen Brandt - Beautiful flowers. Beautiful children. Beautiful God.

Jodi - The Grashopper picture is SERIOUSLY AWESOME! Love it!

Cathy - So beautiful! God really is so awesome…always!

Laura - Love the hiding Grasshopper!!! Fabulous pic!

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - Nature makes me feel sorry for all of those who think everything just ‘evolved’ without God. Honestly! This beauty around us just could not ‘appear’ out of no where without our amazing God! Thanks for the reminder!

melodee - I love them, too! your pix are amazing and just ooze summer:) and so true…God IS so awesome!

Robin Canter - Makes me want to bust out singing “I’m walking on sunshine, whoa… and it makes me feel GOOD!”

Dani - Love this post!
This past weekend we were driving home from a conference and I saw a field of sunflowers. Immediately I thought of you! Your pictures are amazing. I felt like I could reach out and touch the flower!

Alisa - With the gift of the little grasshopper peeping out… was kind of like God was saying, “Thank you for enjoying what I have made.” Love.

stephany - Sunflowers are my favorite!
When we got married the florist asked me what I wanted for flowers and I said, “There HAVE to be sunflowers. I don’t care about the rest.”
My husband calls me “Sunny”.

Sarah Syhakhoun - Gorgeous post! Every summer I look forward to your miraculous sunflower photos. They pull at my heart – each and every one of them!
I have to admit that I’m a little creeped out when up close to a sunflower, but they sure are beautiful!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Amen!
We need to name the grasshopper.
He is adorable!

seriously sassy mama - So what I needed to read today. I love sunflowers. I almost changed my whole wedding after seeing sunflowers in a Martha Stewart Wedding mag. I love how earthy and yellow they are.

Ruth Elder - I would love to be able to get a copy of your 7th. picture blown up through that picture-to-canvas service you post about. Is there a way to do that?

Kelly Henderson - Thank you for such wonderful morning inspiration… I’m heading out on a walk with a happy heart (I’ll look for sunflowers;)

Casey - Wow, simply gorgeous. God is, indeed, awesome πŸ™‚ I love that grasshopper shot – how amazing!

Kristin S - Love, love, love!
Also love Annie’s sweet pose in the threesome pic.
Love a sweet big brother giving sister a boost.
Love taking time to enjoy the little (big) things.
Thank you Meg!

Kimberly Dial - Meg, your pics are always awesome, your kiddos adorable & your words inspirational … thank you for sharing! (Sunflowers are pretty wonderful!)

Terrie G - Sunflowers make me weak in the knees!
I hunt for fields of them!
They are one of my favorite things to photograph…
besides the grandson! LOL!!
Well Done!

Niki - Amen and amen!! I am so taken with how deeply God knows His creations…be it flowers or people! I love that He KNOWS me inside and out! I have nothing unknown and He loves me anyway! πŸ™‚

Heather F. - Thank you for the beautiful pictures. I love the surprise grasshopper! That would be a great tree to build a house by. Your kids have a great eye.

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - God is awesome and so is that tree! I want to climb it. πŸ™‚

tara pollard pakosta - BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!
these are just gorgeous!
love them all!

Jen - Amen!! Well said.

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the winner of the Alexander Creative Family Rules poster is…..

Love this! Thanks for the opportunity!!

Posted by: sharon y. | April 20, 2012 at 02:17 PM

send me your info sharon y. and i will hook you up with Ryan Alexander!

now if you didn't win….go get your own!! 

Il_570xN.283198109poppyandpinecone }

so i said yesterday i was missing pam and dreaming about going back to africa.
it's on my mind everyday.
i feel like…. i am in some kind of pull between what i know is right and what i do anyway….like shopping among many other things.
i know that spending money on "things" that mean nothing is not right.
meaning: it's worthless. 
but i like those things….cute clothes….shoes….new jewelry.
but it means NOTHING to God.
and shouldn't i care about what God cares about?
shouldn't i want what HE wants for me?

i know that He does not want my time and thoughts and money to be spent on clothes and nothingness.
even if i do look super cute…i can't take it with me when i die.
going to africa to visit pam doesn't mean i can't go shopping…it's not that.
it means i feel messy in my heart and mind and can't make sense of it yet.
God is the only one who can resolve this issue in me.
and He will keep working on me i am sure of that. 


then i got these books….and i'm done for.
i am on chapter ONE of katie's book and i canNOT stop the tears.
the entire time….every word….crying.
have you read this book?  after only chapter one i would say YOU SHOULD.
and her blog?
it will wreck you. 

and i am scared to read seven.
very scared.

pam and i email each other quite a bit.  
her emails are so special to me.  
i read them over and over.
once i read them out loud over dinner because she and i were coresponding back and forth right then.
i wanted my family to be amazed at what God is doing through them and for them.

her son wrote a book and it's on kindle!  
he is so talented.
we downloaded it on sean's kindle and he loved it!  
sean said "that is so cool that jake wrote it AND it's on kindle!"  
it inspired him.
it's called The War Horn….you can download it here for $2.99
he's using the funds to help raise money for a trip back to the US to go to a writing camp….awesome. 


way to go jake.
i am so proud of you!   


and now….on a completely DIFFERENT subject

i am going to take the year off from taking family photos.
i just can't get it all done.
it makes me sad but coming to that decision has been a relief.
there are things i want to do but haven't because the photo season loomed over my head.
thinking "i won't have time once pictures start up again"

i did do one session.
love them.
levi and griffin are just plain cute in every way.
and tickling works for smiles when the chickens were too distratcing behind me. 


thank jess and joel for being my only clients this year.  


i have a lot of you ask about my lens and camera.
i use a Canon 50D and i only own one lens….canon 24-70 f/2.8
so every picture on this blog for two years now has been with that lens.
unless they are my phone pictures.



tom petty was really good.
his voice sounds exactly the same as it ever has…it was pretty incredible.
he was so gracious "thank you so much!" after every song and sounding like he deeply meant it.
it is so crazy to sit at a concert & look at the performer that wrote a song that i have been singing my whole life.
to watch them sing it!?
it's surreal.
i LOVE that about live music.
he didn't play wildflowers though….my most favorite….bummer.
but it was a great show. 

and i liked being there with mr. duerksen.
he's my my real most favorite.


Lauryn - 1. Never allow a love (photography) to become a burden. It sucks the joy out of it, and there are so few things in life (other than family) that bring true joy. Take the time off and enjoy life. Photographing beautiful families will be there next season πŸ™‚
2. Tom Petty is amazing. I saw him a few years back and was blown away by his sound. I loved his show. Seeing him live was awesome. Glad you enjoyed it πŸ™‚

Sara - You were right that reading Katie’s blog will wreck you. I just read two posts and watched the About Katie video. I might just have to sit on my couch and cry for a few minutes. I have never seen such radiance and joy on such a beautiful face. What an extraordinary young woman, so obedient to the Lord. My heart is quickened and cut with conviction.
Thank you for creating a blog worth returning to over and over.

heather loschiavo - i had to read Seven twice because it hit me right where God has been talking to me for the past few years. and i love the way she writes, its like she’s just talking to you.

Jess - So exciting to hear what God is doing in your heart, Megan…even if you are not quite sure what to make of it yet. Keep sharing. And THANK YOU for taking our pictures. You are the best. I love the one you posted and can’t wait to see the rest.

ira lee - we just talked about being idolators in church. shopping, tv, gadgets, anything that takes our focus away from God is an idol!!!!! agreeing with what you said, its not that shopping, or having tv time is wrong, but if the need, addiction, desire to do or buy those things blurs your dedication to the lord, then that is putting those objects or activities above God, which is idolizing! he just laid it out there and it just really clicks!

Alicia @ La Famille - convicting post especially after i just spent a boatload of $$ at ikea this weekend. i struggle with the “how much is ok” and the “how often is ok” questions…it’s hard because i know me and i’m a person that loves to fluff her nest. that requires shopping…so ya. i’m afraid of both of those books. my friend is reading 7 and its got her all convicted…eek! wise decision with the photo break. you are smart to do that. happy monday, ms. meg πŸ™‚

the whyte house - i took the year off from doing photos, too. granted i only have two and a less hectic schedule, but with my husband deploying…well, you really don’t have to give an explanation after saying that, right? πŸ™‚ i like having less to plan around, too. leaves more room for random trips out of town and such.
i see jess every now and then after her bible study(my son is in pre-k at the church)and i tell myself i’m going to say hi to her and then chicken out. not that i really have any reason to say hi, but sometimes people appreciate it…i hope. πŸ™‚

gayle - I am 69 and live a very blessed full life. I have everything I could desire but I don’t desire worldly goods any more. I wear what I have, I don’t follow trends, I give freely and I feel good! You are good and you will do what is right for you. I don’t think God wants us to deprive ourselves when we have worked hard to achieve money and success. It is a constant thought provoking issue. I am having a conflict now, it seems the more Christian people I know are always unhappy, frustrated and in a state on confusion. Can’t we all be more serene?

tammy kay - But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
I needed to read that this morning. Not sure if you did too.
I’m scared to read 7 too. πŸ˜‰

amy jupin - this is an awesome post–starting with kisses from katie (which i haven’t been able to finish yet because i sob like a newborn baby and can’t get through some parts) and ending with that pic of jess and her adorable fam.
i get each and every part of this post.
i get it.
i am full to the tippy top with these same feelings.
maybe it’s our age…maybe it’s just the point of our lives where we start to realize just how big the world is and how tough parts of it are and how much we desperately want to make it better, and ourselves better in the process.
maybe it’s because we are over the me-me-me-me part of our lives.
and maybe it’s because we know we need to lean on His understanding and not our own.

i love that pic of pam and her family too.
i know you must miss her so much and want to be there in africa too.
did i tell you i worked with a guy that got married last year.
somehow we were talking about africa and he told me that his wife actually went to africa as part of her medical training–in sierra leone!
i just looked at all your pics again so i could spell it right and now i have big fat burning tears in my eyes.
anyway, i just wanted to say, after all this rambling, that i miss you and i understand.
all of it.
i wish, beyond wish really, i pray that one day soon we can sit down and have some coffee and talk.
for hours.
because i think it is exactly what we need.
(and let’s invite kimberlee and laura and chicago jen too!!)

erlfisher - We saw Tom Petty, too! Such a fun concert…and Wildflowers is my favorite as well! If I had known you were going to be there, I would have looked for you – HA!

Jennie - LOVE Katie’s book. She’s from Brentwood, where I live. Pretty amazing what God has done through her!!

Tracy Sheehy - Oh yes I have read both of those book and Seven will also wreck you and kick your tail at the same time!! πŸ™‚

Cindy - I tear up just thinking about Kisses From Katie. I actually got it from the library earlier this year and mentioned it to a friend and she said, “Rats! I was thinking of giving that to you for your birthday.” My response…PLEASE! I can think of nothing I’d like more than my own copy so I can highlight it and write it it, respond to it, take notes in it! I was afraid that when I read it I’d feel so inadequate! How can I compare to giving up everything and moving to Africa? But it completely inspired me…to love like that…right here, right now, even in my own family. Selflessly. As for 7, I’m on the last chapter right now. Can hardly put it down. Another book I want to go through again. More slowly. Truly digest. Change.
As for family photos, so sad (yet happy for you) that you’re taking the year off. Would love to have you capture my family again. But ever so grateful for the photos we got last year!! They are still my favs!! Can’t wait to see all that you’ll do instead! πŸ™‚

Karen F. - Reading 7 right now. Wrecking me. Awesome.
Kisses for Katie has caused me to pray big prayers for our family, especially our daughters. I want to be the kind of parent who says, “I hear God calling us to go to ________. We’re going.” I want to be the kind of parent who hears from her daughter, “God’s calling me to ___________.” and I say, “Let’s go. We’ll get you there.”
Less of me. More of Him. Every single day.

Heidi - FYI. Seven is going to rock your world. Be prepared. It’s good, all good, but be ready. πŸ™‚

Lisa Currie-Gurney - Go for a long walk on your quiet road.
Take a deep breath or two.
Let Him sort through all that is in your head, and on your heart.
Know that you are prayed for friend.
Hugs From My Heart

Julie - Oh my gosh. I bought Kisses for Katie last night in my Kindel. A.MAZ.ING. So inspirational. She is amazing. Thank you for the recommendation. I’m off to tell everyone I know about it.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I have both of those books on my bookshelf.
I LOVE Kisses From Kate because it is a reminder of what happens when we say yes to God.
It is another reminder that God does not put an age limit on when He starts using you. . or when you can hear His voice. . .or when He gives you a “call on your life” (I read the book aloud to my 3 older kids ages 14, 12, and 11.)
And it is another reminder that God can use ordinary people to do extraordinary Kingdom work. (YES!!! I wonder if that is the pull so many of us feel. . we were made for big, extraordinary work!! And when we are not in the midst of it, we feel unsatisfied).
And 7. . .love Jen Hatmaker. I love her blog post After the Airport. You gotta go to her blog and read After the Airport. . that blog post makes me cry (and laugh) everytime I read it.
Jen Hatmaker recently adopted a 5 year old and a 7 year old from Ethiopia. i too (9 months ago) adopted a 7 year old from Ethiopia.
Her post affirmed me and made me feel not alone. Her post also convicted me. I want to love like she describes in the last few paragraphs of this blog post.
You gotta go read After the Airport by Jen Hatmaker, because even if you have not adopted, we all have many realms of life that can be full of that initial euphoria followed by hard, hard work and times that call for dogged perseverance through many difficulties and challenges.
That post is what made me buy 7 and although I do not like the writing style of the book. . I love the heart. And it made me look around to see where I could live woth less so I could give more.
Oh, what a long comment. . .just got so excited about those 2 books you are reading. May God use them to speak to your heart.
My problem is I read those books and get all excited and moved and inspired and then it wears off and I am back to focusing on decorating my home. Ugh.
Oh, I am excited for you! God has big plans for the Duerksen family. Ya’ll 7 were put together for a reason.

Kelly - I found Katie’s blog awhile back… it wrings your heart out. I follow another blog about making knitting and crocheted squares called Knit A Square and I remember once reading about a little orphaned girl and her wish was just to have someone tuck her in bed at night… I think about almost every night when I tuck my kids in bed. I breaks my heart to think that probably millions of kids go to bed every night with just that one wish… so I’m crocheting squares and wondering what God is calling me to also… but you know, God’s timing is perfect and you will know at exactly the right time (just like me, I’m hoping πŸ˜‰ what exactly that calling is about… for me, I know that it’s just not quite here yet… Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, Meg. You don’t have a messy heart, I read your blog and I see a very pure heart God-filled woman… I would say you’re just experiencing a calling…

Jacci - Ditto what Laura Phelps said.
I’m reading a book edited by CJ Mahaney called “Worldiness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World”. Here’s an excerpt on the chapter about things – “This may be confounding to you, but it was far easier being a Christian in the poverty of Uganda than in the affluence of the States. Prosperity tempts my laziness; it lulls me away from dependence on the Lord. The affluence draws me toward passivity. It’s a daily battle for dependence upon God versus dependence upon my own strength.”
One of my favorite things about the book is the last chapter, “How to Love the World”. Because it’s not wrong to praise God for our earthly blessings – that our children have food to eat and warm, dry beds. That we have children and a husband at all. That our land isn’t wracked by war. But, we *are* the rich in the world. Every last one of us reading this blog. And we are CALLED to share and to give generously. What does that look like? How do we do that – glorify God in all things, even dressing cute? Good read.
I’ll pray for you (and me) tonight. To not be lulled, but to be alert and vigilant… and generous.

Lorie - The Africa print is gorgeous! And good for you for making a decision for you and your family, even if it meant temporarily giving up something you love. I am sure when you go back to it next year you will be even more passionate about it!

Debby - Got to see Kate at BrookHills in Birmingham earlier this past year when we went to see Mindy. David Platt, the pastor did an interview kind of thing with her. And as she spoke, she would at times look lovingly down in the audience at a couple of her kids that she brought with her and she would wave her fingers at them. You could just see the love she had for them. So cute! And darn, Meg. Jill and I were talking about when the family would all be together for a family shoot. But I totally understand!! Life can be too hectic and we have to decide what is important. Another year, maybe when the little munchkin will be a little older. I LOVE the photo shot of the girls and it hangs in my livingroom. LOVE, LOVE!! I can’t believe we will have 4 granddaughters and 1 grandson. I’m not that old am I???

JD in KC - First – thank you! Thank you for keeping it real. You find a way in every post to make a connection and I so appreciate it! I read your post and want to DO something – read my Bible, take more pictures, call the people I love, hug my kids and husband or just sit on the porch and enjoy God’s creation. Thank you for inspiring and loving and living out loud!

Mama Zen - I would love to see Tom Petty!

tiffany gardner - once again…. i. love. your. blog. me too… to all of that. the last thing you said about pics… even me too. i have an 8, 6 year old and 15 month old. thinking of starting this photo season makes me uneasy. i’m questioning several things and want to know what God is wanting for my life. thanks for reminding me to keep searching. xoxo

Toni :O) - I LOVE that picture of the Macs…sooo adorable…that family just warms my heart to no end. I’m glad you made the decisions you have, your family will appreciate it I’m sure. You actually inspire me to want a simpler life…some days I hate working and hate having such a busy life…never know what the future holds but someday I hope to have that simpler life. Your heart is joyful, cause it bleeds colors onto this blog…we all get that and I know I feel blessed to read what you have to share. Keep smiling and sharing those bright colors!

Lori H - Oh my. Kisses from Katie rocked my world. My comfortable, safe, suburban world. Months later and I still hear her “voice” in my head. I haven’t read Seven and I am a little afraid to, honestly. Katie is amazing! How many high school girls would go down that path? I think about her, and I feel lazy and not-finding-my-purpose. I felt the same way, to some extent, after reading the fiction book, The Poisonwood Bible. One of the main characters has that same dissonance when she comes from living in Africa for years back to the U.S. I love your honest sharing, Meg. I wish I didn’t live so far from you (VA….Kansas).

Suzanne - Oh Meg, I know the messy heart feeling. I have had it for several weeks now. It is so disconcerting and frustrating. You are not alone, sister! I have heard of Katie’s book, but I haven’t read it yet. It is now on my list, along with Heaven is Here. Have a great weekend!

traci - I never comment but the firt part of your blog is the best thing you have written!!! I think about this OFTEN also! How easy for American Christians to go off to Africa for a short time and come back to their pretty life. I share those feelings so often!!

Tina Jacobsen - Oh Meg!! I read Kisses From Katie a few months ago and I don’t think I ever cried so much!! I follow her blog also and wow she is sooooo awesome!! I too have a constant battle of the wants of this world and what God wants of me! Yup..messy heart girl right here!! I want and need to read 7!!

Jill - Meg, don’t be scared of 7, you will LOVE it. I’ve known Jen for as long as I can remember and she sounds in the book just like she does in real life. It is a safe place…she shares her successes and her failures during each month – which makes her REAL. She shares in such a way that it will make you think and want to take the challenge right along with her, but without the fear of “what if I mess up and don’t do it right” – if you are taking the chance to change your way of thinking like she has done, it will take you amazing places…and you’ll laugh and cry (sometimes at the same time) along the way. Definitely an awesome read. I would also recommend her Interrupted and Ms. Understood. Actually, I’d recommend all of her books, but those are my faves. πŸ™‚ And I LOVE Kisses from Katie…have been following her blog for a few years. I love that girl.

megan@contentedsparrow - reading katie with the kids right now.
and my head and heart are always a mess over the dichotomy over what i want to do and what i do (or don’t do).
joining you in really listening for His leading.
He’s always speaking.
may we have ears to hear
and hearts that trust and obey.

amy cornwell - I’ve followed Katie’s blog for a long time and read her book in January. It’s fantastic. A lot of her blog posts are in the book but it’s neat how they put it together. Definitely makes you think! I haven’t heard of Seven – let us know!

Katie - I am so glad for you, seeing from a distant that God is moving and working and guiding you. I love that you are saying no to one thing for a season and allowing God to doing something different for a season. God is good.
We are selling our house and moving out of state for my husband’s dream job – that is BIG! God is definitely moving…might run into you on the beaches in SW MI cause that is where we will be living!

Terrie G - I so get what you mean by a messy heart…I’m right there with you. I’ve been struggling with it for a little while now. God is slowly allowing me to clean up the mess…but I really wish I was back ‘home’ where I could worship with my girlfriends who ‘get’ me. I miss not having someone I trust to talk to.
Can’t wait to try the book! Been looking for something new to read.
All these pics with one lens…nice work!
It’s my favorite lens too. If you ever want to check out a lens, let me know. I have several different ones! Think I’m taking a photo workshop in ‘N’ town this summer!
And sometimes, you just need to take a break and do what’s right for you & your family.
Good for you! Enjoy whatever endeavor you do next! πŸ™‚

Betsy - Both books… Incredible, prepare to be challenged! 7. Is soooo good!

Sarah @This Farm Family's Life - such a touching post! it’s awesome that you and pam stay in touch and that is so cool for her son! I too am considering taking a year off from taking pictures. It is just too much and I often feel like my family gets put on the back burner. In our little town there is a photographer who has been in business for 30+ years. His wife recently passed away from cancer. I often look to him for advice and he said that he and his wife regret not being present for a lot of things while there kids were little. I don’t want any regrets. Kudos to you for making that decision. I’m sure it’s a huge weight off you shoulders.

Trish - speaking of spending money on things we don’t need. i had told my 6 year old she could take her money and spend it on something she would like at Target. she has a real hard time saving. she just said, “no thanks mom… i shouldn’t be worried about stuff on the world. i should be worried about Heaven. besides i already have jesus!” wow… i have been thinking about that statement for the whole week!

sandi - i asked for her book for christmas… and read it quickly. our seven year old has *always* (you know for like, three years) wanted to be a pediatrician like her aunt brittney. after missions week at school in the fall she came home wanting to be a missionary ~ then she clarified that she would be a doctor who would spend her vacations traveling to other countries to help those in need. as i was reading the book i could so relate to the parents in giving their daughter the freedom to do something so extra-ordinary.

Rachel J - I’ve heard so many things about Kisses From Katie. Life changing things. I’m almost finished with 7, it’s good. Like really good. And I think you will love her candid, wittyness. πŸ™‚
Happy Friday Megalicious! Haha!
Ps. I emailed you for your address, several moons ago. I would like to send you something. A happy package πŸ™‚ Let me know girl! - You have me weeping with just a click & looksee of Katie’s blog. Seriously? My day wasn’t supposed to go there… but God has a special way of jilting people like you, who in turn jilt people like me into another world of amazing grace… amazing. Grace.
Thank you. Oh my heart.

Jennifer@beautyinbloom - Oh Meg. Consider me wrecked. I clicked over to Katie’s blog and instantly teared up at her blog header. I am in trouble. Thank you for sharing. πŸ™‚

MommyKnitsJen - Kisses from Katie was the first book I downloaded when I got my Kindle for Christmas. I sat in the debris that is post Christmas and cried at all we had and all that we took for granted. I really started thinking about what we NEEDED and what we just wanted. I think maybe I need to reread it I’ve been on a declutter and simplify rampage lately and I think I need to focus that energy.

happygirl - I booked marked Kate’s blog. I look forward to following her ministry. I have to say, I smiled a little when you said you were too busy to do family portraits. I am CONSTANTLY amazed at how much you do. When do you sleep?

Laura Phelps - This is my CONSTANT pull
and I do mean CONSTANT
want vs need
empty vs full
and really, what is my purpose?
what does God want me to do?
How does He want me to use my talents?
Am I missing something?
how I spend my time and my money has been a HUGE part of what has been on my mind in the last year
it has been a huge test
a test of will…not MY will..but HIS will
a test of self control
being the person I am created to be
learning not to act on my FEELINGS
doing the right thing
and you are right!
we don’t take ANY THING with us when we die
I remind myself daily to stop worrying about my OUTER APPEARANCE…and focus on the INNER…
I too want to look cute
I love things
but what I want MORE is a clean soul
Oh Meg…you are not in this struggle alone
keep on praying and asking God what you should do
He has all the answers to our BIG questions
then pack your bags and go to Africa…:-)

Lindsey - I found Katie’s blog last week. After reading it and learning her story, I just felt that so much of my life and problems are petty compared to what some people suffer on this earth. Her story is amazing and inspiring. She is my spiritual role-model! What a servant of the Lord! I, too, deeeeeeeply want to go to Africa. It has been in my heart for several years now.

Brianna - I read 7. It’s awesome. And instead of doing everything for a month at a time, I did a version of it doing a week at a time. AND my good friend is visiting Katie from Kisses from Katie RIGHT NOW in Africa. Crazy timing!
Thanks for your thoughts and reminders. You’re great!

Kelly - God is stirring in you! Exciting! Thanks for sharing your journey with us! We can learn so much from each other. It is so good to see into other’s thoughts sometimes. I think it helps us process ours. I have both of those books on my reading list. I’m scared to read both I will admit.
You picked a great family for your one shoot and good for you for picking priorities in how to spend time. It is HARD but one of the biggest ways God can work in us I think. Blessings on you!! Kelly

Dani - I am taking my son to the book store tonight for his b-day. I think I’ll take a look at this book.
Your heart is amazing. God works through you. I am touched each time you write because I see Him. You are an amazing mother, friend, blogger, etc.

Jen - I’m super bummed that I won’t get to see your cute pictures this year but being a photographer myself I completely understand how increadibly time consuming it is. I constantly feel like my passion and my priorities are playing tug of war. Laundry or editing? Uno with the kids or editing? Calling in sick to work to finish editing…Ugh.

seriously sassy mama - For awhile now I have really strived to live a simple life. I am going to add this book to my reading list.

colleen from alabama - I looked at this book today at our church bookstore. I want to read it to my kids this summer. My 12 yr old daughter, who usually rolls her eyes at most of my ideas, said she thought that book would be reaaallly good. Don’t know how my 9 yr old boy will feel. Sometimes i just have to be the mom because they need it! I am praying this book will bring the reality that i know into my children’s hearts. We live in a society that has fed us all the lie that more is always better. Thanks for choosing not to believe the lie. I choose with you. Even when it is painful or seemingly weird. We are living right side up in an upside down world!

Wendi - MY thoughts when reading this…1) I get the debate between having nice things or using $ to help others, but someone like Katie always convinces me to give. 2) YOU don’t need stuff to be cute πŸ™‚ 3)God gives us more blessings than we can buy 4) It is so exciting for me to read about what is stirring in your heart and I am looking forward to see what he does.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Hugs to you. You are precious. And I think your heart isn’t messy. In fact, it is quite beautiful to me.

Kristin - Meg, my daughter is reading Kisses for Katie. She’s a HS Sophomore. She texted me from school, crying. She was definitely convicted! We found her blog and after one read of her beautiful thoughts, it’s changed my ways of working, thinking, BEING.
Crap just doesn’t matter.
You don’t know me.
I feel like i know you.
I’ve been reading you for a while.
Hang in there!!!!

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SNAP…a small recap.

i took no photos of people.
it's probably a nervous thing….right?
all the pictures in this post are of things i saw this weekend and have nothing to do with my words because that is the only option here!

well… as almost all nerve wracking, fear of the unknown situations are….everything was fine.
like all of YOU knew it would be.
it was me who was doubting. 

i really don't like being the new girl.
the one that no one knows….or in this case the one who knows no one else.
i was walking into a weird and new experience for me.
but it was GREAT!
everyone was SUPER nice and kind and friendly.

 (side note:  dont you think this couch could not be more perfect for the craft house????)

i had FUN roommates.
we laughed the entire time.
it was such wonderful girl time for me.
lindsey, jeannett and maggie were even better than i hoped.  



the entire conference was done so well.
we were entertained….spoiled….and taught.
i was so impressed with all of it.
i looooved the Queen Bee Market! 
it was my first time to get to see so many of these handmade products that i love online….in person!


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my session was with jeannett and ethan and moderated by amy.
i felt like it was just right.
i spoke from my heart.  
and as always….i cried.
only in the beginning.
it was a relief to be actually speaking the words i had been going over in my head for weeks…months.
to get them OUT and not have to worry about messing up any more.


speaking them out loud brought my passion alive again.
fanned the flame.
getting to share what is deep in my heart felt awesome…like it was stuck inside and then released!


God sent so many women to give me words of encouragement all weekend.
they were all so kind and gushingly sweet.
it was humbling.
they made me feel so good all day long.


i got to meet blogger friends in real life…
mique, kami,  tauwni, jess, andrea, heather, alissa, patty and kim to name a few.

the sponsors were generous!
our swag bags were extreme.
this was about a quarter of the loot…seriously…they rocked it.


so….my thoughts on what i got out of the conference.

1. it was a wonderful break from the everyday of mommyhood.

2. meeting bloggers is awesome.

3. speaking makes me nervous and yet i really LOVE doing it.

4. girlfriends are such good medicine.

5. i was reminded again of what i am in this corner of the internet….and i like it.
    i first realized it first when i was in Atlanta for the coca-cola social media conference surrounded by big
    bloggers filled with business mindsets and big goals and plans for their blogs.
    at the end of the day….i just want to glorify God.
    in my words, in my photos, in my home, in my relationships and definitely on my blog….every day.
    and that is a work in progress.
    it's a journey.
    i still mess up a lot.  
    i still react poorly sometimes often….i am normal.
    but i am here in to serve God with JOY and do my best every day to let His Light shine through me.


i loved SNAP.
it was awesome to be asked to be a part of it!
they know how to throw a party!

hey….how about if YOU were at SNAP and you took your picture with me….send it to me!
i have no photos of you or me.
it will make a great post.  :)



Brittany Shea - I am in love with this blog. What exactly is SNAP and I need this couch in my life. Does anyone know where I can get in touch with this vendor???

Tauni - This is a bit late, but I love you…That is all. xoxo

Patty Palmer - Nice meeting you in person, Meg! I saw that sofa as well and knew straight away that I don not have nearly enough color in my house. Great photos of Snap!

Kelli @ Lolly Jane - MEG! You rock. Loved chatting with you at SNAP. Our quick convo put things in perspective and made me feel better about saying no to a sponsored trip to NYC. Thanks girl!
ps: See Sandee Prince up there? My sister! She’s your stalker…in a good way. Love her πŸ˜‰

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Soo.. I got an email last night saying that I was randomly chosen to come to Craft Weekend.. I had the same feelings that you were having about SNAP. Nervousness, fear of the unknown.. But you know what? I am COMING to Craft Weekend! And I am so excited!! I know I would have kicked myself, had I not accepted the invite.. See you in August!! πŸ™‚

Christine Ishmael - It was great finally meeting you Meg! I wish I could’ve heard you speak because as soon as you were done, my friend (who was there) texted me and said it was so good, she was bawling! Keep up the good work! Christine of This & That Creations!

Brooke - the red/pink tulip picture is BEAUTIFUL! Do you sell your photos? This picture is the perfect jumping off point for my toddlers new big girl room!

Meagan - Oh my goodness, you NEED that sofa and all it’s pillows for the craft house. Absolutely. It’s perfect. I’m so bummed I missed SNAP this year. It would have been great to see you again.

kami @ NoBiggie - I’m so glad I got to meet you! I just sent you a pic of us.
That lace necklace is so pretty! I wish I had a full day all by myself to take in the Queen Bee Market, so many pretties.

Amy - Well said, Meg! Our sole purpose in life is to bring glory to God. It’s amazing when we strip everything else away and simply see life through that purpose. I needed that reminder today. πŸ™‚

ko. s - You made me tear up! I love that you were speaking at Snap this year! What a source of creative strength you are! I may just have to see if we can fly you out for our Women’s retreat!

Suzanne - First, of course you did wonderfully! Second, couch =! Third, thank you for being who God made you to be! Glorify God and be joyful in your life. What an amazing outlet you have to share in!

Lorie - I barely took pictures of people either! Too much going on and too many great people to meet! I never made it into the Emporium to shop, but that couch is amazing!

Jessica Johnson - i knew you would do great! also, i see you on instagram! kim and i need to fly out for a tutorial.

Stephanie - I was not at snap but I feel the same way that you do about blogging. I want to honor and glorify God with my life. With the thoughts that I think, the actions I do and the words I say or blog. I definitely fail but glorifying God through everything, the good and bad, is the most important thing.
And- completely random but I had a dream that I was at one of your craft weekends! I have seen the pics on your blog and it looks like so much fun! I may have to come one of these days! πŸ™‚
I love your blog!

Lea Carter - ” i am here in to serve God with JOY and do my best every day to let His Light shine through me.” and that, my dear, is what it is all about! Love your blog and your heart!

happygirl - Your images are beautiful. I love turquoise and brown combination. Why is that such a gorgeous combo? You are so brave to go to things like this. I have no courage for meeting new people.

Lori Austin - Love the tulip picks. Glad all went well. I’m sure you looked super cute in those fantastic outfits πŸ™‚

Sarah Wolfe - Would have loved to have been there to hear you speak… What did you talk about? Sounds like a great weekend… πŸ™‚

Jamielyn@iheartnaptime - What beautiful pictures! That couch is to die for! I’m saving up for one of your craft weekends. How fun would that be?! They sounds AMAZING! I really enjoyed meeting you Friday night. You are so sweet and down to earth. Plus your outfits were fabulous! Wish we could of chatted more. Hopefully we’ll be able to keep in touch! XOXO

tyranid - I’m glad that you had a great time with your room mates. You give your house a new color by doing your crafts and share it with others.

Kerry - so happy to hear it all went well meg!! And that COUCH!!! Good grief – its to die for… πŸ™‚
Knew you’d rock your sesh πŸ™‚ Kerry x

Kate B. - Andrea from knittybitties is the one that made the little walllet I sent you a while back! How fun to meet her in person!

Marie - It was so fun to meet you in person!! Bummer I missed your session, sounds like it was a gooooood one!! And great photos, even if there isn’t any of faces!! I loved that handmade market!

Becky - It was so great to meet you and chat at the queen bee market! Now I wish I had asked to take a picture with you. I was too embarrassed to ask πŸ˜‰ you are awesome! Someday I will come to craft weekend… where did you find that couch?!
-Becky Blood

Krissy - So glad you had a good time!! And I totally love your blog, you’re the only one I really read because I feel I can really connect with you! Loves and prayers coming your way! <3

Jenna@CallHerHappy - wow wow wow! what cool pictures! if i was at snap, i would be thinking, “man, meg would love this!” glad you got to go πŸ™‚

sandee prince - you know I will have my little sis send the pic of you and her…. the one she sent me that I made her get with you……a little creepy I know πŸ˜‰ lol She is at the hospital helping her twin push out her baby boy RIGHT NOW!!!
Check LollyJane later today and I am sure there will be a sweet little blessing on there for you to go ga ga over. Can’t wait to meet my newest nephew!

Karen Gerstenberger - I’m glad to hear that it went well and was fun (& re-energizing). Blessings to you!

jen - that is so awesome you go to be a part of it. glad you got something out of it.

Tina Jacobsen - That couch is amazing!! Glad you had a great time!! I love your blog and how you use it to glorify God!! I always smile when typing!!

Kristy Call {DavesWife} - Meeting you was DEFINITELY a highlight for me! I LOVE your little corner of the internet, and how you use it to inspire us on a daily basis. β™₯ DavesWife

Katie - Just keep posting photos and writing something as always and we will keep coming back! God does show through on your blog

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I wish I could have gone. It would have been fun and probably the encouragement I could use. Your words have encouraged me today. I’m kind of in a blogging slump πŸ™ Not really knowing why I’m doing this and then I read your words and I’m feeling better about my little corner of the internet too. You rock Meg! Glad you had a great time. You deserve it!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - People were tweeting quotes from your speech (that seems like the wrong word. whatev.) like mad fools!!!
From what I saw, you nailed it. And I would have cried, too.

Jen Brandt - Beautiful post, Meg. Congratulations! I’m glad it went so well.

Dani - So glad you had a great time.
I saw that couch and immediately started trying to figure out how I could make that and how I could talk my husband into letting me put it in the living room.

Jill - I am so glad you went and had so much fun! It is awesome to be refreshed in the Lord and have our focus renewed isn’t it. You have been a true blessing to me from just reading your blog, in fact, it is one of the few tabs that pop up when I sign online. I don’t expect perfection from you – just honesty and from all that you are – encouragement. Thank You for taking this opportunity for yourself so that you can continue to allow God to use you for folks like me.
Love and prayers!!

Kirsten J - I love how much clarity you have. Your focus is maybe why I adore you and your blog. And, really? You got to spend quality time with that WIWW cutie Lindsey? Happy you got a fresh spark –

Terrie - I heart your heart for God! I’m sure you rocked it!
Glad you had a good weekend!

Heather | Cookie Mondays - I bet you have fabric scraps to start piecing together a slipcover for your couch πŸ™‚

Kimberlee Jost - To God be the Glory great things He has done…and what more will He do?

Jenny Joy - I’m so happy to hear that you got a chance to share your passion with all those amazing people! Sometimes, there is no better medicine in the whole wide world than being surrounded by like minded people who share your vision.
Oh… and we all knew you could do it… the speaking engagement, I mean. Rock on with your bad self!

Jenn - It sounds like you had a great time. I would love to be able to meet other bloggers.
By the way, I love your blog. It’s the first one I check every morning.

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Starting a piggy bank in hopes of attending next year — maybe we could be roomies! : )

Wendy - So many cool things! Do you have any info on the couch? It’s fantastic! πŸ™‚

Kristen Duke Photography - I enjoyed SNAP as well, my sentiments are the same–enjoyed meeting and making new friends that understand this bloggy world. I hadn’t heard of your blog before the conference, and I sadly didn’t get to go to your panel, but now I’ll be checking in. Funny you have non people pics, I have WAY too many in my just published post! I wish I took a few flower pics, those tulips were amazing!

ellen keeton - how fun!!! could’nt agree more about the couch fr the craft house!

Megan - I’m so glad it went well and that you loved it.
I love your honest heart and the way you strive to honor God in all you say and do!

Melissa - Oh, how I wish I could’ve been there to meet you and all those other amazing ladies!!

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girls day

i brought my two littlest girls up to my parents for a short visit.
there was no school and it looked like it might rain again and after that LONG rainy spring break we just had i was done with that…so we packed up and left.

and today we had a girls day.



breakfast at Wheatfields.
biggest french toast i have ever seen.

wheatfields has tiles all over in beautiful colors made into a mural…so so pretty!

trying on glasses.


pretty dress for mommy that did come home with me.

rainboots that i REALLY wanted to come home with me…..badly….the zig zag ones.
but they stayed.


i tried to convince my girls to pick these earrings and they went with milk and cookies earrings instead.


a little shopping at Gap…40% off shirts and leggings!!


visited my MOST favorite fabric shop!!! 
sarah's fabrics has an unbelievible selection of all the beautiful fabrics you want to see in real life…not just online.
camera fabric?!  



lunch was Sylas & Maddy's…local ice cream shop.



ice cream for lunch is perfectly acceptable for girls day.


pretties at urban outfitters….also loved their rugs.
did not love getting asked "can i help you with something SIR?"
excuse me?
never happened to me before….we had quite a laugh about it all evening.
so many comebacks i could've had. 


my mom and i stopped by to see my grandmas.
one was doing great and one wasn't feeling too well.
my girls were quite entertained by the fish tank at the home.



home to my moms….my sister showed up with her girls….we sent the kids off to play and had grown up girls time.
my mom found this wine in south dakota…home of sturgis…..oh my.


yummy dinner and off to the park till it was dark.


so much better than stuck at the farm in the rain.


i hope you have a beautiful Easter weekend.
we'll probably dye eggs today.
then i will head back to the rest of my family today so we can have easter together.
with a starbucks midway home…there is ONE starbucks exactly middle of the road between me and my moms house.
we frequent it…every time.

happy easter.


remember this video?

i still love it.

sunday's coming.


Stephanie - I’m not sure how I stumbled onto your blog, but I’m so glad I did! I’ve been reading for a while now and, while I love your everyday posts, the Kansas-centric ones have my heart. I’m a Lawrence native who has now lived all over the world with my military husband and you give me a dose of mid-America just when I need it. And to see someone else’s view of my AWESOME hometown? Perfect. Thanks for sharing.

Alicia D - wow, what a great day! these photos are aMAZing!! im jealous of your camera… and your eye.

Mary - wow!
that VIDEO! i’ve never seen it!
but i love it! thanks for sharing!
ps. i totally need a girls day. for SURE!

Alicia @ La Famille - was JUST thinking to myself that i need a shopping day! i need new running shoes and some summer stuff. call me next time, k? πŸ™‚ also, I am from sd (currently living in nc, but still) and i’ve been to sturgis during the ralley so i get that whole label and all that craziness. kinda cracks me up you were drinking south dakota wine…how was that anyway?? πŸ™‚ happy day to you!

ko. s - Now that is a fun girls day! I could use one of those! Happy Easter to your sweet family!

Londen - Looks like a perfect girls day! Happy Easter to you and your family Meg.

Connie - Love the rain boots…where did you see them?

happygirl - He is Risen, indeed! Happy Easter, my friend and the girls day looked MAHVALOUS

Jane@Kenwood BM450 - Looks like you all had a fantasic time. Happy Easter to you all, and donΒ΄t eat too many Easter eggs.

Jacci - Care Bears! awesome πŸ™‚
Happy Easter, Meg. Hope you have a joyful day celebrating.

Mary - Starbucks in Emporia, KS!! We stop there everytime we visit from Colorado; inlaws in Salina and my parents in Garnett.

lorel - Had such a nice time with the girls! Just exactly what I needed. Love you – Happy Easter!

Amy Schulz - Prairie Berry Winery! Another wonderful wine is Red Ass RHubarb….. delicious, and again another odd name.
Happy Easter!

Candy - We love Lawrence! Some day I am going to be walking down Mass, and see you and start screaming! So, just a warning, hope I don’t freak you out too much! πŸ™‚

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Looks like a fun couple of days. Have a blessed Easter Sunday with the family tomorrow. Sunday’s comin!!!!! Praise God! πŸ™‚

Heidi DeGroot - I found your blog about a year ago and have been keeping up ever since. I have never commented before, but it really surprised me to see South Dakota on here! I am from Brookings, SD originally and live in Aberdeen, SD currently. I have not tried Prairie Berry wine yet, but I do love the Schade` Vineyard wine. The vineyard is in Volga, SD where I went to high school. Their rhubarb wine is very good. Love all the neat stuff you find on your adventures:) Happy Easter!!

Amy - LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic of you, your Mom,and Grandma…so much joy. Happy Easter!

April R - oh I wish I had a sister and mom to visit with and all that – thanks for sharing!
so thankful that
Sunday is coming
Sunday is coming
Sunday is coming

Melia - I was going to ask if the wine was from Prairie Berry and then the next pic showed the label! I’ve never had that one, but I adore that winery. If you ever have the chance-go! Love “Gold Digger,” “Calamity Jane,” and “Red Ass Rhubarb.”
Long time lurker…love your blog πŸ™‚

Kristy - Love the dress! Where is it from?

Brooke - we’ve been watching that video all week. πŸ™‚ my two year old’s have been saying “it’s Friday…but Sunday is a comin’!”
happy Easter!

Molly - Mmmm… Sylas and Maddie’s. I’ve been wanting to go there…

Kerry Wiebe - I have trained the girls well of course they picked milk and cookie earrings πŸ™‚
Have a great Easter my sister!! See you in church!

Heather B - Oh gosh, I love Sarah’s Fabrics. That store is my grown up candy store! I love shopping on Massachusetts St! And you are so fortunate to get a picture inside Claire’s. My 13 year old daughter and I got thrown out of Claire’s for taking a picture of her wearing some of their glasses! The manager said we could have been stealing creative ideas! We just laughed and went somewhere else.

sullyj - Thank you for the video…a great reminder for us all. Hope you and your family have a great Easter! And I would LOVE to know where you saw those zig zag rainboots! Would love to get them as a birthday gift to myself πŸ™‚

rae - haha, i’m cracking up at the sir. my husband got called ma’am once, and he has a buzz cut…and is 6’2″, and looks nothing like a woman! we still laugh about it!

Jennifer@beautyinbloom - He is Risen, Indeed!
Happy Easter!

Melissa - Thank you for sharing that video, I hadn’t seen it. What a wonderful reminder! Happy Easter to you and yours! It looks like you had a great time on your girls day – I have two kids, both girls and I can’t wait til they get old enough to have eating out/shopping/fun days with me. Right now they are still a bit young, my youngest is 18 months and the older just turned 6. She enjoys a good Mommy & Me day, but the younger one still doesn’t really enjoy leaving the house. Someday! πŸ˜‰

shannon - Shopping, Ice Cream, Wine, Family, Park, Love your girls day, it sounds perfect!
Hope you and your family have an amazing Easter!

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