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Category Archives: faith

my super fabulous weekend & a giveaway.

i spent the weekend talking my head off with Shannan.
i sure do like that girl.
she is the real dealio.
(if you haven’t watched this video on her blog you need to do it right now!)

we were trying to get a selfie on her first smart phone… it was pretty hilarious.
i wish we had video of that!

we tried to thrift shop.
stupid Siri screwed it all up for us.
she took us to closed down businesses THREE times in a row.
we felt defeated.
and i got car sick.
so we settled for TJMaxx, Homegoods & Marshalls.

photo-55photo-56check out these huge baskets?!  i was trying to show how big they are.
the left is from HG and the two right are TJM.
and the galvanized one was too fun to leave there.
i plan on using them for blankets and pillows… because my kids love to sit down on the couch and throw the pillows on the floor.
and when they stand up they just drop the blanket on the floor.
maybe it will help if there is a PLACE for these things?
i know, i know… get real right?!  at least they will be pretty when they are being properly used…by me.
i also got that running skirt. (TJM)

the whale bag is going to be the pool bag this summer. (TJM)
i could NOT believe that swimsuit fit me… i was thrilled.  and shocked.
swimsuit shopping is almost always an all day affair.
but you know how you KNOW your own body?  i saw that suit and thought… that is my kind of suit.
and it was.  (TJM)
and that rug?!! thank you for finding it for me shannan.   (HG)
AND Justin’s pb for super cheap.   i very much like that.    (HG)
photo 1during our time together we talked and talked and talked.
we ate at the same restaurant both nights because “why re-invent the wheel?”
and i even got the exact same meal.
i needed a brief get away from my little world.
and it was absolutely wonderful.

on my way home i listened to an audio book.
Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World
YOU GUYS… i love love LOVED it. 3i loved the book  A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
i was told Bob Goff is a character that is one of my FAVORITE parts of Donald Miller’s book.
at that point i was officially ALL IN.
i listened and smiled and teared up (happy tears) all the way home.
i enjoyed the way he describes the Jesus he knows.
and how we can find him too.
it’s not a churchy book.
it’s a Jesus book.

i am slow to catch on but each chapter starts with the phrase “i used to think _______ but now i know ______”
i think i finally noticed on chapter 18.
some of my favorites were:

“i used to think words spoken about us describe who we are, but now i know they shape who we are”

“i used to think you had to be special for God to use you, but now i know you simply need to say yes”

“i used to think i could shape the circumstances around me, but now i know Jesus uses circumstances to shape me”

“i used to think God was good some of the time, now i know He’s good all of the time”

this book really made me think about how do i love people  (pretty poorly sometimes)
about what kind of life do i want to live?   (adventure over boring? yes please!)
what kind of story am i living?
what does Jesus wants me to be DO-ing?
and remember again how much HE loves me.

Bob Goff… i love you.

afterlight-5this was my view the last hour of my drive.
no words needed.

guess what?!
i bought the book intending to read it… but then realized i could listen to it on my drive so i bought it again on
so…. i have a copy of the book and i want to GIVE IT AWAY to one of you.

in the comments tell me something you used to think but now you know differently.
it can be about God… life… parenting… ndship
maybe a little challenging but i can’t wait to read your responses!

Dreamers - […] *Meg’s giving away a copy of Love Does! You should try to win it. SO GOOD. […]

debbie - I used to think people my age were OLD, but now I know that I may be older, but I am more young-at-heart than I was back then!!

Laura R. - I used to think that good parenting could solve any behavioral issue, now I know that trauma can cause pain that only time, love and the Lord can heal.

Sandy - I used to think I wasn’t smart enough to do hard things.
I now know it is smart to face hard things head on!!

Dana Heaton - I used to think homeschooling families were crazy! But I now homeschool and love it!…. I also used to think that I only wanted one child I now have four and want more! God is good! His plan is best!

Ashley - I used to think that I knew how parents should handle their children until I had my own!! 😉

The lovely one - I used to think I knew what love was, now I know what true love is when I look into the eyes of my babies.

Amber - I used to think not all my gifts could be used for God, but now I know all my gifts were put in me to glorify Him… even the crafty ones!

Southern Gal - I borrowed this book from the library and read it last fall. I loved it, too.

I used to think I had to have it all together all the time, but now I know God loves me no matter what.

Whitney R - I used to think I had to be a better person for God to
use me. But now I think he uses us just as we are, broken, hurt etc.

Abby - I used to think that nonbelievers just didn’t know God. Period. I’ve found that they may know lots about Him, but are just so broken that they can’t cling to anything as TRUTH anymore. But God is bigger, amen?

Kim Z. - I used to think I was too busy and never had any time, but now I know (after having kids) how busy and hectic life really is! A good busy!

Wow! That was so fun to think about what to put in that phrase…I’ve even thought of more! 🙂

Lisa - I used to think God was always angry with me but now I know how deeply he loves me despite all my junk. Glad you had a wknd away. I’m leaving next week to spend 2 days with my sister at a Beth Moore conference. Coming at the perfect time!

Gill - I love this blog and as an atheist I usually just gloss over all the Jesus/god/faith references and I concentrate on the beautiful photos but this post and more so the comments have left me completely alienated. More than that the unified voice of the commenters and the fundamentalist tone makes me anxious and kind of angry. I’m out.

Jennifer - I used to think that it was so important to have my house perfectly clean all the time. Now, I think it’s more important to have a house where we and our guests are comfortable!

Becky Kindel - I used to think that work came first…now I know that family does.

Hannah P - I used to think I could never impact someone’s idea of religion, because I only know “the basics.” So in theological discussions, I keep quiet. Turns out, I was relying on my own knowledge, thinking I was incapable of making a difference, when in reality, I just had to trust that God would give me the right words (which he did!)

Ellen - I used to think I had to be in control of so many things… then I realized that if I release control to God amazing things happen, especially with my kids <3

Valerie Minnich - I used to think that I needed to have grand ambitions & aspirations in order to be “successful”, now I know that what I need to do is my best in each moment as God grants it to me in the place I am now. <3

nancy - I used to think I didn’t matter, that I was not an important person to anyone. Now I know I matter to alot of people, my whole family makes me feel like I matter and that I am important to them.

Ali - I use to think moving sounded exciting but, now I KNOW its a lot of hardwork and exhausting (but, worth it) !!!

robin - I used to think there was really nothing my x-husband could do to make amends for the past, however I was wrong. He has done acts of kindness for me recently and God gave me this word “recompense”. Praise God for healing hearts.

Nancy H - I used to think I was weak and incapable, but after having my husband just walk out and leave our little family to be with another woman, I know that I am so strong.

Vicki - I used to think idle talk (aka, gossip) had its moments of fun. Now I know it hurts everyone, both the gossiper and the gossiped-about.

beth - I used to think I had to try to be perfect, now I know (still learning sometimes) it’s OK to not be and perfection is only Jesus!

grace - i used to think brussel sprouts were gross, but now i can’t have enough of them!! (i eat some every day these days…)

Tanya - I used to think hard roads meant that I was doing something wrong. Now I know that the hard is for the shaping and the growing and the story that will bring glory to the author of it all.

*P.S. I don’t want the book because I have it already and have already passed it on because IT’S THAT GOOD.*

Amber - As a teacher, I used to “know” what it was like to be them. Then, one of “them” stayed with us and told me his family dried off with the shirts they wore and blankets they slept with.

I’ll never “know.”

P.S. Came over from FPFG because she said I needed to add this book to my waiting Amazon cart!

Rita - I used to think that bad things only happened to other people. I now know that anything can happen to anyone, and it’s how much I lean on The Lord during those tough times that’s going to get me through. I’m leaning pretty hard right now.

Mandy - I used to think that raising kids would be simple. All it would take is snuggling, discipline and reading 1400 parenting books so that I would know it all. Now I realize (almost 5 years and 3 boys in) that all it takes is Jesus. Every minute of every day. Thankful for Lamentations 3:22-24

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.

Melissa - I used to think I knew the RIGHT way to parent, but know I know that great parenting looks different every day.

Sarah - I used to think…but now I don’t.

Jen Smith - i used to think i’d be young forever but now i know that growing old isn’t so bad and it certainly beats the alternative.

Beth Davis - I used to think I understood death but after losing my dad. I know that I don’t need to because God”s got it his.

tara - I used to think I had to be good enough to be loved.
I’m learning that I can be loved the way that I am.

pam - I used to think it might be easier to not love someone than to love them and walk through suffering, messiness and hurt. But now I realize the blessing of loving far outweighs the suffering and loss.

I loved that book. I read it on the plane home from South Africa last year.

Lelia - I used to think I knew a lot, now I know that I have a lot to learn!

Laura - I used to think that it was about how good I could be or feel or act or speak. Now I know it is all about Him – all He does shows His character and how He feels about me. We are loved.

Jeannine Spivak - I used to think I chose Christ…now I know He chose me, in spite of me! I’m still trying to get my head around such Grace.

K - I used to think God answered prayers in direct ways…clear ways. Now I know that we sometimes have to LOOK for the answers and we will always find them. 🙂 Thank you for offering this giveaway!

Jennifer C. - I used to think that my husband being called into the ministry as a preacher was the worst possible fate I could have been handed, now I know that it was actually God’s calling on my life to be a preacher’s wife.

PAM WINN - I used to think I was teaching children, but now I know I am loving them.

So much has changed in the 19 years I have been teaching. I have changed- married, had children, divorced, remarried, had another child….. I have grown. I have felt hurt and I have known being scared about life and I have loved and I have lost. All of these things made me a better, more informed teacher. Because of the struggles I have had I am more aware of the struggles of my students. Additionally my students have changed over the past 19 years. I know many of them have great lives, but more and more of them do not. They come from homes where parents cannot help or do not want to help them with their schoolwork. Families lose their jobs. Families are poor. Families are homeless. Families are scared and sometimes the last thing on their mind is school or their child. Please remember what I am describing is not all children and families, but I see more and more families like this each year. I will never know all the burdens in the lives of my young students but I pray every day that them knowing I love them and I care for them and I worry about them- I pray that will lift their burdens just a little.

I used to think I was teaching children, but now I know I am loving them.

kas - Hi!
Please don’t add me to the drawing but I wanted to say BOB GOFF is totally AWESOME!! We saw him speak last year at the Global Leadership Summit and completely fell in love with him. His ideas about the do-ing of Jesus’ work has opened so many paths for us in the past year and we’ve been so happy to support Restore International since becoming acquainted with him. Go Bob Go!!

Jenn - I used to think I was pretty selfless and put others first…then I got married and realized I am way more selfish than I realized. I realized I need Gods grace and my husbands forgiveness daily!

Vicki - I used to think that I had to have my life all in order to be used by God, HA!!! If that was the case none of us would ever be ready!

Andrea - I used to think I had to do everything exactly right to raise “good kids,” now I know I just need to love the stuffing out of them, do my best, and God is in charge. (He’s doing really well!)

Nicole Stone - I used to think that I would never have a healthy, loving relationship with my mom, and now I know that God makes all things new and can redeem even the most broken of relationships.

Debra @ MsMoozys Open House - I used to think I was not good enough to help God in his works but now I know that I am and now I just need to make sure I LISTEN when He is talking.

This would be awesome to win and thank you for sharing with us today. 🙂

Sara - you know? I used to think two funny things: one was that God never listened to me and one day I just forget Him. And the other was that my family was broken for a loooooong time because my biological father left us when I was 3… Then my “real” father appeared and I loved him a lot but he died a few years after so I kept thinking our family wasn’t a family… But now I know that we are a family because we love each other like crazy! 🙂 It’s not a normal family (just my mom, my sister and I) but which one is? And I’ve learned God is always hearing us, loving us and keeping us safe in his arms. Me, my family and all the people I love, because I pray for them.

Just wanted to tell you that I’ve been following your lovely blog for quite a long time now and I’ve learned lots and lots of things and not meaning just craft stuff 🙂

Ramey H - I used to think that having kids wouldn’t change our life very much–HA!!

Terri Upton - I used to think everything had to be perfect but now I know it is better to stop and smell the roses and to enjoy the journey.

Becca - Oh I could write a book (except apparently someone already did ha) of all the things I used to think but now I know differently. Mostly, I used to think I had a lot of the answers, and now I’m realizing I’m only just beginning to learn the questions.

jennifer - I used to think there was one, standard, acceptable way to do things. (My dad’s way.) And since I’ve been married for 10 years, my husband, who is exceedingly smart yet gracious, has shown me that there can be multiple ways to do anything. And all of them could be correct and effective.

Trish - I used to think that my mistakes defined me, now I know that God is a God of second chances and wants to use my mistakes for his purpose.

Crazy thing is you are the third person in two days that has been talking about that book…..

Heather - FFG looks like she has a bob cut in the selfie picture. Shannon get a bob!! You look super chic and down right hip!!!

Tobi - I used to think I could keep everything under control. Now I know that’s not my job!

Tami Sickels - I used to think I had to have the perfect, clean house and total organization for me to be able to minister and serve others in my home now I know God uses even the most unorganized and messiest of houses to show people His love. (It’s a good thing I know this because now I have 5 kids.)

Jane - I used to think that the old testament was about people who lived many many years ago, but last night at bible study I learnt that it teaches us that we all fail in the same way, we worship created things and blessings in our lives rather than the creator and source of all blessing. Gosh God has such abundant patience with me!! I would love to read this book, sounds as though it would be good in continuing this process of shifting my mindset in a number of different ways!

PS I don’t even know you but WOW your legs are fabulous!

Carla - I used to think a Jesus-lover looked a certain way. Now I know there is so much beauty in all of us looking so wonderfully different.

Shannon - I used to think that I knew what was best for my life. Now I know God knows best

Lisa - I used to think I could earn God’s favor, but now I know it’s ALL grace! Good news, for sure!

Janna - I used to think that ignorance was bliss…..not I know it’s just that you are uneducated. Believe me – I wish I could go back to blissful ignorance with my eating and health – but when you get knocked on your butt by health problems you don’t get that choice anymore. I wish ppl without health problems would get educated BEFORE they HAD to so they could save their health!!! Whole foods and no grains baby;) Thanks for the chance to win! And wow you do have nice legs! No, I’m not bein creepy:) You have worked hard for them!

Sara - I used to think my children would never have snotty noses, would always be cutely dressed and would never throw tantrums in public, but now I know better and I love them still. And, even though I am not perfect, I know that God still loves me too!

Megan - I used to think that life was a competition against others that I needed to win, now I think that life is a cooperative journey, each of us doing the best we can.

Amy Woods - I used to think I couldn’t do this or that, or be this or that because of the “hand life had dealt me.” Now I’m learning through God I can live above my circumstances. 🙂

elizabeth H - I used to think “i always fell short. the Father was displeased with something i was doing…i could never do ____ good enough.
I can’t be enough.”
Daily, i look at Him & hear that He says “You are righteous. You don’t have to do ____. I’ve redeemed you. I call you MINE. nothing you can do can make me love you more ~ nothing you DON’T do will cause me to love you less.”


Heidi Henderson - I use to think that my kids would all grow up and live long, I now know that life takes over and we are not promised that and something can happen to your child to shorten there life and you can do nothing.

debi - I used to think taking care of yourself as a mom was selfish but I know now that you need to for yourself as well as your family. Whatever that feeds your soul whether it be reading, crafting, paddle boarding, alone time, girlfriend time etc.

C - I used to think I had the ability to “just be patient,” and other things when parenting… duh, I NEED the Lord’s help BIG time!

Nicole - I used to think that questioning my faith stemmed from spiritual immaturity, but now I know that my inability to understand every facet of Christianity, yet loving Jesus regardless of my comprehension of dogma, is just how my faith looks…imperfect, just like me.

Linda R. - I used to think parenting was fairly simple and easy. Then I had three kids and now I have no idea what I’m doing. 🙂

Jenn - that there isn’t just one way to parent.

Sue - I used to think “things will slow down tomorrow and I will be able to spend quality time with the Lord then”. Now I know that is a lie. God isn’t wanting the perfect Quiet Time but a relationship, and a conversation that goes on all day, throughout the mess and busyness. He doesn’t want perfection, he just wants me.

Wendy C - I used to believe that I was doing my family a disservice by not being there all the time for them, but now I know that I am a better wife, mom, person when I spend some quality alone time (or getaway weekends with a friend) to recharge. Good for you – love all your purchases. You inspired me to hit my Marshall’s this week. I found so many fun finds and felt recharged after a quiet hour to myself!

Shannon - I used to think taking a Sabbath was something outdated. As my kids are growing older and as a working mom I’m learning everyday that taking a Sabbath is needed not just for me but for our family.

becky j - WOW..this book sounds like a MUST read…I used to think certain things didn’t happen to Jesus girls…like miscarriages, root canals and broken dreams…NOW I know the rain falls on us all..BUT Jesus holds our hands through it and weaves it into something gorgeous at the end!! Thanks Meg..xo

staci torgerson - I used to think I was just a plain, unimportant daughter to my earthly parents. Now I know I’m a daughter of the King and He delights in me.

Maryellen - I used to think having many friends was my goal, but now I know one or two great friends is ideal. Would love to read this book!

Tracy L - I used to think I was too weak, and too scared honestly, to get out there and run, now I know I was so very wrong, I can do it annnnd love it at the same time! Bonus– I’ve never felt better!

Laura Williams - I used to think I knew how to pray. There is no wrong way, right? It wasn’t until my Dad was dying that I figured out I was asking for the wrong things. I changed my way of thinking and my prayers were answered. Deep stuff 🙂

Tiffany Gardner - I used to think homeschooling families were CRAZY. Honestly… I kinda still think that…and this August… We will be a homeschooling family. Seriously… in college, I did my applied speech over the top 10 reasons not to homeschool. So funny of God to lead me to do what I said I would never do. It wasn’t that I wasn’t familiar with the idea.. my husband and his siblings were homeschooled. Honestly… I just didn’t understand it. I felt the Lord leading us to do this when my 10 year old went to pre-k. Every year as my kids have gone on to another grade .. I think.. I know, I know… next year, Lord, next year I will do it. Finally… something sparked in me this year to be brave. Listen… I am SCARED to death. I will have a 5th grade boy, a 3rd grade girl and a 3 year old. SCARY. But … I finally told God.. ok. I am ready to try this. I am so grateful the Lord has been patient with me. I just didn’t want to be at my son’s high school graduation and be thinking I wish I would have tried. I wonder what we missed??? So in August… I will be brave. I will be crazy. I will homeschool my kids.

Shar Y - I used to think if I didn’t say bad things like criticism or slander out loud that it was ok. You know, okay, just to think it but don’t say it. But, guess what? God hears me anyway, thinking those bad thoughts or criticizing or cursing, etc. And, I was literally shocked to the core when I realized how often I do that. So, I take it one day at a time and try to redirect my thoughts to nicer things. And, remember, God is listening…

Shawna - I used to think God was good some of the time and now I know God is good all the time.

Meredith W. - I used to think vegetables were gross. Now I know they’re the yummiest food to eat. 🙂

Kim - I used to think my kids had to be perfect (do things), but now I know they are perfect just the way God made them.

Marjie - I used to think God wouldn’t give me more than I could handle…..Now I know he will give me more than I can handle to ensure I rely on him!

Teri - I used to think I had to be all for everyone, now I know better.

Robin Canter - I used to be very judgmental and I know the Bible says I will be judged by the same measure I judge others. Ouch. I’m a work in progress.

Martha - I use to think life was hard, God made it easier

karen - I use to think I needed to fit into a certain mold – act a certain way, look a certain way, be the busiest – work the longest hours. Then I had a health scare that set me on a different course about 6 months ago. Now I find time for me, make time for friends, have date night with my hubby more – and I am so much happier.

Margie Rowles - I use to think that I knew everything…but now I realize that I learn something new almost every day!

Tina - I used to think that I wasn’t for God if I supported my sister’s gay life style. Loving on my sister makes me for God!!

Christine - I used to think God tolerated me, but now I know God is crazy about me.

Rhonda F - I used to think I was too old or not smart enough to get into nursing school. But now I know neither are true! I am an honor student starting nursing school in January! God is Good!

katie p - I used to think that the Lord kept a list of my wrongs, but I know now that he loves me no matter what I do or don’t do and that there’s no list!

Heather - I used to think I had learned to accept myself in my 20s and become comfortable in my skin….until I became a mom at 38…and the battle of insecurity rolled again…

Jenny - I used to think no one should ever let their children wear costumes out shopping, then I became a mommy and quite regularly we are a mix of pirates, superheros, princesses and cowboys complete with capes, masks, feather boas and tutu’s 🙂

Rebekah - I used to think parenting couldn’t be that hard at all….now, well, all of us moms know the truth. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Jenny B. - Mine is totally not spiritual, or even thought-provoking. It’s just what popped into my head… I used to think I wanted to live in Alaska (I blame the TV show “Northern Exposure”), but now I know I really don’t like cold weather. Nope. I don’t. 🙂

Lisa - I used to think I could keep my world tidy and in control. Now I know there is beauty and hilarity in the chaos and messiness of my life!

april R - Wow! these comments are so inspiring – I love Dara and Gretchen’s.
I used to think that I had all the time in the world…that I would accomplish those dreams “someday”…but now I see that there’s today and I shouldn’t put things off for “someday”
(thanks Meg, really, thanks)

Christy - I used to think my girls would remember every wrong thing I’ve done while parenting themt, now I know/continue to hope that they will see that the decisions I’ve made (no matter how they turned out) were rooted in a fierce love for them.

Sarah Moske - I used to think that I wasnt strong….but now I know I am 🙂

Christy S - I used to think parenting was somewhat easy and then I had kids.

s - I used to think you had to travel and do big,cool things to have a wonderful, meaningful, worthwhile life..and now I know that a life worth living can be one lived right here at home as long as it is filled with love, kindness, giving, hard work and lots and lots of laughter.

Melissa - I used to think I wanted the kids to grow and now I just want time to stop.

Laura - I used to think that people who are really close to God did not make terrible mistakes, now I know that (like David) we are still human.

Jamie - I used to think that guacamole was this weird green stuff but now I know it’s actually awesomely yummy! I have heard great things about this book and it’s on my ‘to read’ list. 🙂

Erin - I used to think I was never going to get the chance to be a mother, now I know God was just waiting for the perfect baby to be placed with me.

Jaime - I used to think guacamole was this weird green stuff but now I know it’s awesomely yummy and my new favorite food! 🙂 I have heard great things about this book! Now, I need to read it.

Mary Elizabeth Brown - I use to THINK that God’s grace was conditional, but now I KNOW God’s grace is given in all conditions.

Tonya Upton - I used to think that God (and others) loved me because of all the things I do for them, now I know they love me in spite of the things I do to them.

Rae - I used to think life would be easy when my kids reached xx age. Now I know it’s just different.

Julie - i used to think that good parenting produced good children. now i know that’s not how it works. humans are sinful, humans make choices, humans reject right teaching, our hearts are bent on doing evil. sad thoughts, but it is truth. also takes a *tiny* bit of pressure off as a parent.

Marla - I used to think I should be in control….now I believe its best that God’s in control

Jill Helman - I used to think my worth came from what others thought of me or what I was doing but now I know that I am worthy because God loves me and created me.

Brenna - I used to think that my past defined me, but now I know that God doesn’t even have a record of those mistakes. What a life-giving blessing.

jennibell - I used to think I could “do it all” (wife, mom, teacher, daughter, sister, aunt, coach, etc.) but now know that it’s impossible and I have to look to Him for His direction in my life. And then DO it well (instead of *everything*).

Amy - I used to think I’d NEVER let my kids watch tv. Then I had kids…and needed to get one or two things DONE in my day. A half hour or hour of Elmo isn’t going to kill them.

Momma Bug - I used to think that wanting to do “big” things for God was a noble aspiration. Now I know that faithfully doing the small insignificant things over and over just because I love Jesus and He wants my friendship every day… is what it’s all about.

Meg, I have so enjoyed your blog over the years and loved your vibrant use of color, your lovely photos, your sincere heart…
Thank you.


Jan - I used to think my house needed to be perfect before inviting people in; now I know that hospitality is really an attitude that is more about the people than the place.

Barbara (WA) - I used to think that my emotions needed to be smooshed and never shared, never. Stiff upper lip stuff. I have found great freedom embracing all my emotions – none of them are wrong. They are human!

Heather F - I used to think that I had to keep changing things about myself to live a better life, but now I believe that I am fine just the way I am. Why change when I’m already so awesome! 🙂

Heather S. - I used to think I had to have all the answers before God could use me. Now I know that all I have to do is make myself available and God will give me the answers I need when I need them.

Seamingly Sarah - I used to think my children wouldn’t see my bad habits (temper) but now I know they are true unrelenting reflections of me and I need to shape up and start reflecting a more patient and loving heart.

Tracey Garcia - What nice legs you have!

Heidi Durant - Thinking differently: talking to s trangers. You know that old rule we were taught as children? ! While yes, I still tell my children NOT to talk to strangers, I myself do talk. I have really gone out of my comfort zone to do so. I don’t consider myself shy, once you get to know me. But now, I jump into conversations with strangers ALL the time. It is so fun. New friends. Awkward looks. And laughs had by all.

tonya - i used to think i’d never allow myself to slack off on my end of my relationship with Jesus, but now i know slacking off has pushed me further away from the most important thing, Jesus…and he’s still there just waiting for me to get my crap together.

btw…you’re totally rockin’ that running skirt, sister!

Jennifer R. - I use to think that the saying was “nip it in the butt”. My BFF (when we met just 7 yrs ago) corrected me. I now know it’s “nip it in the bud”. I am, however, still trying to figure out “buck naked” or “butt naked”! Anyone?

Jenn - I used to think that the days with my babies were long, but now I know that the years were too short. Savor the time with your wee ones!!

Chelsea - I used to think that my kids were the only ones who threw the couch pillows on the floor and left their blankets strewn all over when they were done with them. I’ve just had a light bulb moment…. I’m going to arrange all the pillows beautifully on the floor and see if they notice, maybe they will even pick them up and put them back on the couch. Parenting is just one experiment after another 🙂

Katie - One more thing- could you share the source for your kitchen island pendant lights? They are great! Better yet- please come style my home!

Amy S. - I used to think I had to go to another country to do mission work but I know I can do it here in the states too!

Katie - Love the bathing suit! Just bought the same one at TJ a few weeks ago. I used to think you needed the perfect way to tell people about Jesus and how his loves changes us. Now know it can come out of you in so many ways and you don’t need the perfect words or story. You just need to be yourself and ask God to work though you.

Amber - I used to think God cared for me from lofty heights above, now I know that He cares deeply for me right here. : )

Leslie Leon - I use to think I had to do everything, say yes, and be involved in everything to be a good parent/wife/friend now I know I need to spend time being more intentional and connecting with friends and family.

momoftwo - I used to think I had to do it all myself but now I know that I can lean on God and others.

Shannon - I used to think that how I reacted to life wasn’t my choice, but now that I choose positive attitudes I am so much happier with the life God has given me!

Joy - I used to think that I had to have “it” altogether, but now I know that my imperfections are quirky and beautiful and sharing mine give others freedom to be okay with theirs.

Sheila - I used to think eveyone was looking at me, now I know they don’t even see me.

Sandy - I used to thing going to church on Sunday was the norm now I know that Sabbath, like the 4th Commandment, is on Saturday!

Sara Torbett - I used to think I was weird or out of place for loving art and photography so much. Now I know it’s exactly who God made me to be and I’m proud of that.

Katie Merrill - I used to think life just happened to me, but now I know that I can make life happen.

Laura Oyler - I used to think that Jesus loves other people more than He loves me, now I know that He loves me just as much as everybody else!

Amanda - I used to consume myself with having “good kids”. I read this quote this week: “Don’t let yourself be so concerned with raising a good kid that you forget you already have one”
After reading that I knew it was such a true statement. 🙂
I’ve heard great stories about this book!

Wendy - I used to think if I put a BIG hamper in the bathroom it would matter, but now I know it’s useless.

Kathi - I used to think monsters lived under my bed, but now I know it’s just bunnies 🙂

debbie - I used to think I was a bad person (or wife, or mother), if I had a bad (aka..grumpy) day. Now I know I am human, and God does not love me any less when I have those days.

Ruth Umney - I used to think that I was not good enough, now I know that God has an amazing purpose just for me, and He is working it ALL out in His timing, not mine!!!
I do so love your blog!!! xxx

chrissi - i used to think things would change but now i know that i had to change. made all the difference.

stephanie - I used to think I had all the answers, but now I know only God does.

Cassie Spencer - Money makes you happy. Not true! After my hubby lost his job a few years ago a well paying one and our life was turned upside down. Almost losing our house and having to downsize everything. He is now back to making more than he was before. Going through the tight times made me much more thankful for all we do have and my little family. And to focus on moments and people not things.

Erin - I used to think that my identity is something I had to create. Now I know my identity is found in Christ!

kelly s - I already have the book and LOVED IT beyond words. I laughed OUT LOUD, loud, many many times. I just loved it. And it backs up with I already know to be true. LOVE DOES. It is a VERB. An action word, and I want to love verbally (I made up that word)….I LOVED this book. I want more just like this.

Laura - I used to think I needed to follow all of God’s rules, but now I know he loves me and others regardless and he desires a relationship.

layla bb solms - I used to think that “things and stuff” would make me happy, but now I know (and remind myself daily) that only Jesus’ love and grace can do that.

just for fun …

I used to think I liked sweetened, syrupy, lattes, but now I know that the best drink of all is the Café (con) Miel from The Abbey Coffee.

Janice H - I used to think loving on people, volunteering and helping others benefited the people receiving. After a month long mission trip to a kids camp in Albania, now I know that it is far more beneficial for me. What you learn from people who are living totally different from yourself is astonishing and totally enlightening. 🙂

Sarah - I used to think my mom knew everything about being a mother, now (being a mama) I know that she was just really good at hiding her uncertainty!

Jessy - For me, I used to think being a mother wasn’t enough for the kingdom. How was I supposed to be used by God if I’m home all day everyday with my children. I now know without a shadow of doubt that my children are my calling. My four year old and I have many discussions about who Christ is and what he asks of us.

Sabrina - Before I had children, I had all the answers on how to raise them the “right” way. And then I had children… Everything is turned upside down from what I thought was the right way. Each child is so different and there is no one right way for raising them.

Maegan C - I used to think I always needed a plan for life to be successful, now I know I just need faith and a good attitude!

Kelli - I used to think that I was alone and not part of a community until the last 3-4 months that I found a new church which is now my family. I have friends and family as well as a living God who love me beyond words.

Sarah{Handbags*and*Pigtails} - I was raised to believe(“used to think”) that hospitality meant that every square inch of your home HAD TO look magazine perfect before anyone could be invited in. Growing up with that kind of “stress” makes you realize you dont want to be like that when you have your own home. So Ive had to “re-learn” that hospitality is no such thing-its about the other person/people…inviting them in(no matter what the house looks like) and being real with them…and in turn allowing them to be real with you…in your authentic space. I just realized Id really changed my mentality about all this a few weeks ago- we were expecting guests from Virginia(we’re in NY) for a week and they’d emailed a certain time they would arrive. I hadn’t showered or changed(or even put my bra on) all morning bc I was doing last minute things. Well, long story short, they showed up EARLY and there I was in my bathrobe, no bra…and the only thing I could say to them was “well, at least I brushed my teeth! Come on in!” What a humbling moment! If I told my mother that story she’d probably die. But Ive learned to say “oh well! Come on in!”

Stephanie C - I used to think I wasn’t good at ANYTHING. Now I know God is working to show me the gifts he gave me.

mandy - I used to think I’d be a sweet, patient mom, with sweet, obedient kids…then I became a mom 😉

Jennifer P - Sounds like a perfect weekend!

I used to think I had to meet other people’s (and my own, yikes!) expectations, but now I know that God says I am already enough

🙂 I learned this recently and it has CHANGED my LIFE!

Michelle Whitlow - I used to think I couldn’t control how people treat me but now I know it’s my actions & choices in life have a big impact on how I allow others to treat me.

Btw, LOVE that swimsuit!!! I’ve been looking for one like that. I hate swimsuit shopping. Just bought one at Target and it’s going back 🙁

Jennifer B. - Love the baskets and the cute swimsuit! Isn’t it nice to get away AND have a retail therapy trip? I did that with a friend last week, and I felt SOOO great afterward! I loved the “Million Miles” book. This one sounds interesting too. “I used to think life would get easier as you got older but now I know that you’re thrown challenges no matter what age you are!”

martha - I used to think that I was to old (50+) to “start over” but with Jesus in my life I know it’s never too late to change! He’s right here with me…I couldn’t do it without Him!

Lee Johnson - Hmmmmm, that book looks and sounds familiar! Yep! it is in my pile of books to read . . . . I had the privilege of hearing him speak and had to have his book. It will go on the top of the pile. I used to think that Grandmothers were OLD but now that I am one, they aren’t! My necklace that I got at the Craft Weekend says, “Act old later.”

Kristin S - Look at your gorgeous legs!!!!

Love that swimsuit too. Totally adorable yet age-appropriate.

Cathy - I used to think of my self as less, now I think of my self less

Sarah M - I used to think I had to have all my crap together and be supermom in order to have value, I now know having Jesus be my focus makes those other things moot.

Mickie - I loved everything about this post including the baskets and swimsuit! And, the idea of taking a little break from our regular life. I could use one of those too… And I love books like this so here goes: I used to think I would be in control and teach everything to my son. I now know that God is in control and being Jackson’s mom is teaching me way more about myself than I ever thought possible. Sometimes those lessons are hard and as I say “it’s not for sissies” but I now know this is part of God’s way bigger plan for me than I could have ever imagined for myself.

Rachel S - This book sounds great and I’m glad you had so much fun with a friend. I used to think that I would be in those diaper-changing, busy toddler days forever. Now I know that in a blink of an eye, those little toddlers grow up and the first one is soon to graduate. I’m so thankful that God blessed me to be able to stay home with my kids those early years and I’m so thankful for the wonderful grown-up kids they have turned out to be. God bless!

Julie A - God has been telling me lately that He has it all figured out. That I can lean on Him, and trust His timing, even though it’s soooo hard. He’s provided those little bits of encouragement, just when I need them! BTW, I love your running skirt, too. 🙂

Molly B - I used to think my life was hard but now i think with Jesus I can do anything.

Jessica - I used to think that God wouldn’t give me more than I could handle. I even used to say this to people who were facing a trial :/. Now I know that He doesn’t give me more than he can see me through. I totally CAN’T handle it. HE can.

Gina - I used to think the word “s*#t” displeased God, now I know it doesn’t. How silly, right? I don’t know why I thought of that first. Guess it was the funny story my son told me. 😛

Sandra K - This is a funny one:
I used to think that if I ever had a daughter, her hair would always be perfectly styled, neat and tidy and she’d look like she walked out of GapKids everyday…
but now I know that days get busy, hair gets messy and sometimes she wants to express her style and own creativity through her clothes. 🙂

GB Jost - I used to think God waited in heaven watching and waiting for me to screw up. Now I understand he loves me and just wants me to be willing–not perfect.

Amber Treat - I used to think that if something was hard, it meant I shouldn’t do it. Now I know that sometimes doing a hard thing brings out the best in me.

Candice - I used to think that if my life was problem-free I was in God’s favor, if it was problem-ful I was out of God’s favor; now I know that he uses it all for good and my life circumstances will never change how he loves me.

Melissa - Where did you get that suit? LOve it have a similar one from last year but that color is soooo pretty! I also love your running skirt and super cute Shannon

Marlie B - I used to think I was nobody but now I know I am somebody because I am a child of God!

Leslie - I used to think that once my kids were past the baby stage I wouldn’t worry so much, but now I see that the older they get the more things there are you just can’t control. But with Jesus I’m trying to replace worry with prayers and faith. I’m sure this book would be an awesome read.

Alexis K - I used to think it was about making the most money, now I know it’s instead about His gifts that don’t cost a thing. Just love, faith and obedience.

Julie W - I used to think I couldn’t do scary things by myself; like drive over 400 miles to a place I’ve never been, to spend a weekend with a bunch of ladies I’ve never met. But now I know, even though I was nervous, scared to death, and my hands were ice cold and sweaty at the same time, I can…and did…and had the time of my life…with you, Meg, and Kimberlee, and Ashley Ann, and Megan, and a whole bunch of other amazing ladies! I’d do it again in a heartbeat!

Tricia - I used to think I was a pretty good role model for my children, but now I know they behave the way they do because I do the same behaviors…now that I’ve looked in the mirror. I need to do a 180 if I want to see some changes. I need to asap…

Michelle - I used to think being a good parent meant raising perfect children. Now I know that being a good parent means celebrating the perfectly imperfect children that you raise.

Molly - I used to think i had the perfect plan for my life, now i know that god’s plan is way better.

Marcia - I have been looking for baskets JUST LIKE those for our “Florida Room” … as a busy full-time working mama I am wondering if you can tell me where you got them – TJ Maxx or Home Goods … I would love to hit ONE place not both. Thanks so much! 🙂

Tracy - I used to think i could “train” my kids to put their stuff away…and put the pillows back on the couch….and fold the blankets….haha!!

Jenn - All good stuff! I wish we had a Homegoods….one day!

Not that long ago I use to think I had to do everything for my kids, home (keeping it clean) and school (volunteering too much), now I’m not saying I still don’t think that I should from time to time, but I now know that I don’t have to. They will not remember that I volunteered to do the yearbook, or the decorations at the carnival. They will remember that I was there and that doesn’t mean I have to kill myself volunteering for everything. They won’t remember the house wasn’t spotless, they will remember going to the park or getting snow-cones. Its hard and there are many more things that I’m sure I can think of if given the time. But that’s what’s great about getting older and experiencing life. You learn not to think so much and to just know its going to be ok. And I’m ok with that.

Gretchen N. - I used to think that loving & following God meant I had to give up things, but now I know it’s really about everything I gain!

Maureen S - I used to think that 40 was old…now I know when you’re 40 you feel like you’re 30. Age is only a state of mind. I do like that time has given me the advantage of knowing myself better. I dont mind telling people my age…I’ve earned it:)

Toni :O) - I used to think I lived in a safe area but now I know that is untrue since having my home broken into a few months ago. It’s very unsettling, I hope to get that settled feeling back someday.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I used to think it was possible to eat too many red beet salads. Now I know there is NO LIMIT!

ps- I meant to tell you that I’ve always thought you had the best legs. But that seemed…creepy. But it’s true and your picture reminded me. Bye.

Dara Miller - I used to think that I was not good enough.. now I KNOW that I am beautifully and wonderfully made. Praise GOD!

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random again.

have you seen this kid?
oh that mama… she must be so tired every night.
pretty funny little guy.


last week i made this for dinner.

Crockpot Sweet Potato Chicken Chili.
my husband LOVED it.  i did too.  and two of my kids were brave and tried it.
and they said almost convincingly “i like it.”
i don’t believe them but they tried it and ate it too.
things are coming along… last year there is no way they would have tried it.


i have been listening to sermons again.
i REALLY enjoyed this series by Andy Stanley called Just Ask It.
i love how he can speak to anyone… whether you have been a christian a long time, brand new or if you don’t believe in jesus at all.
he is relatable.
he makes you think.
i think he’s cool.
if you have time driving in your car… out for a run or at the gym.. or just cooking dinner in your kitchen… throw this sermon series on and you will like it.   😉



ummm…. how rad is that shower???
i don’t think i would have the guts to do it but i do love it.
it looks fancy.
doesn’t this look so crazy good?!!!
i found the picture on pinterest with a dumb tumbler link to no where.
BUT i am going to imagine that there is a waffle truck somewhere in the world that makes stuffed waffle sandwiches.
doesn’t that sound dreamy?
i would love for someone to drive a waffle truck in to my driveway and bring me one.

and lastly….

i would like to sit and make this.
because it looks so relaxing.
i know i probably wouldn’t DO anything with these painted leaves… but creating is sometimes just for the sake of being creative.
not about WHAT you make… or what you will do with it.
it’s sitting down… stopping the busy around you… and creating.
in that moment.
i hope i can sometime soon-ish.


what is going on with you today?
are you making crafty projects?  taking a nap?  cooking dinner?  reading a book?
please share.  🙂






Grace - Long time reader, first time commenter, but I couldn’t resist. I’m glad you are enjoying Andy’s series. You’ll have to listen to the current one he is doing. Been on staff at North Point for 9 years now, and he still nails it. Every. Time. Anyways, if you are interested in any of the other sermons, mom resources, or small group content, let me know! I’d be happy to send some your way. Thanks for sharing your tidbits of life with us. Encouraged often.

phyllis - You’ve got me on a internet-wide waffle hunt!
I think I found yours at B.Street Waffles in San Francisco: annnd, apparently,
you can have them sent to your door 😀

Candice McLean - YUM! The stuffed waffles looks delicious. Those painted leaves look dynamite… a great idea for a kiddo (and parent) fun project. Thanks for sharing!

tricia - My girls make the leaf casts every year in art class. i have a whole collection at this point. and no, i never really know where to put them. but i love them so. 🙂

Jane - At 50 I have gone back to college! Never finished and I am so lucky I can now. I have to finish a paper and a book. Learning is amazing..

Will try the recipe!! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day!

amy - That little guy’s antics may be cute now, but that mama is unknowingly teaching her kiddo how to argue, bargain and be in control. I wanted to find that little guy a naughty stool – and fast!

April R - i like random 🙂
and waffles
and fancy bathrooms
and crafting for creativities sake
And I listened to Andy Stanley on the way to my Aunt’s house today. Title was “Follow” – specifically “Follow Wear” – really really good. I was planning on listening to his sermon “Nick and Joe Save Easter” again soon – if you haven’t checked that one out it’s really great as well. I’ll have to check out “Ask It”
Thanks for encouraging others to listen to good teaching and to be crafty and find all kinds of random things to enjoy in life

Elizabeth - I made the chili for dinner tonight and my family loved it. Thank you so much for sharing healthy recipes. It’s always good to have new recipes.

Cindy - The boy needs a few pow-pows! He would drive me insane.

Sara - Oh my have you never head waffles and ice cream!?! Our county fair has them every year! So worth the calories just once a year! 🙂

Stephanie C - Love these posts!
I am…..
trying to finish my last classes before earning my bachelor’s degree
finishing up lunch for the kids
looking up homeschooling curriculum for the next school year (we start over again in the summer when it’s too hot in FL to do anything else)
Missing my husband who is away for a month who also caught shingles in MD and cannot fly home even though he can’t work
Trying to figure out how to not go crazy with my seven kids and I in this house indefinitely waiting on dad to come home…someday. So thankful for FL’s early springs so I can see lots of life in the garden already.

Cara Kuester - I have a question about your 21 day fix challenge. I feel like although I don’t know you I can relate completely with your health journey. I have four kids at home-a picky eater husband and I just want to enjoy foods but lose about 15 pounds. I exercise regularly but can’t seem to stay on a health eating plan. Can you give any advice or encouragement. Thanks! I appreciate your honesty and openness to share your story and life with all us strangers.

Krystle - Sitting in my favorite leather chair checking in on your blog, dreaming about renovating my kitchen someday, and avoiding the laundry pile on the floor next to me.

Beth Ann - Megan, you have in part help to inspire me. For about 5 years I have exercised regularly – 3-5 times a week, but decided to get serious about it and the nutrition part. I joined a local ‘9 week challenge’ place to kick it up a few exercise notches and to get nutrition guidance. I am only 1 week in, but it feels good. I thought I would share my favorite snack/meal:

No fun things planned today, although it is early out for my kids from school. I would like to think of something fun to do with them after I get off work and they get out of school…..

Ari @ Ari's Menu - So glad you enjoyed the chili! Also, you could totally make your own stuffed waffles and then you get to put whatever you want in them like…NUTELLA! 🙂

Tiffany Gardner - OKC has awesome stuffed waffles. Waffle Champion used to be a food truck and now… they have a restaurant! Next time you are in OKC… stop by.. it is awesome!

Michelle from Australia - I’m in Upstate New York today. About to get on a plane to fly to Seattle.

Nicole - Had to comment about the waffles, as they brought back a wonderful memory. Whenever my brother and I would spend the night at my Poppy’s (Grandpa’s) house, he would make us waffle sandwiches as a treat. Two waffles with strawberry ice cream for the filling. YUMMMM… so good!

Rachel - So lets see…. yesterday I re-roofed the back yard awning in preparation for a “rain storm” that lasted all of 1 hour and was in the middle of the night. Today after helping sort 5000 items of clothing for our annual MOMS Club clothing swap benefiting the Mother To Mother Fund charity, I thought it would be a good idea to hang a new gutter where the previous owners of our home had decided never needed a gutter (they were wrong) in preparation for the next rain storm. And now I sit here waiting for this next supposed “storm” and wondering if maybe I should have just played dragons with the kids instead. After all, its LA. It never rains here. Only the ground shakes here.

Sandra - Love your ‘Random’ posts!
I’m on spring break enjoying Florida sunshine with my family. It’s been delightful. 🙂

Kristin S - That kid is going to be a famous attorney someday.

Jfryer -

Flavour Spot-Check out their menu 🙂

We were just introduced to one of these food carts in Portland, OR. So fun and yummy!

tasha roe - that chili looks divine!
cleaning and organizing after an ikea and target run.
our pastor, robert morris at Gateway will knock your socks off! Texas has some awesome churches!!

Carrie - Have you tried waffatopia?

I am not an affiliate for them, we just live in their area and they are yummy waffles.

My two girls go back and forth with trying new foods. My youngest will eat literally all day and then when she sees meat on her plate she just can not take it. She is not super into new items lately which was a problem with my oldest a few months ago, they just can not get on the same page!! Luckily as far as veggie eaters go, I lucked out. They both get giddy over salads, one will eat ANY veggie and the other prefers most veggies raw which is fine.

Our Lent study is Adam Hamilton’s The Way. I like it and my oldest is doing the children’s version in her Sunday School class. It is nice to be doing the same thing.

Linda - we are on spring break! kids are home and i’m painting my bedroom this week!!! Love your random posts!

Julie - Right now I am putting off doing the vacuuming by reading my fave blogs. I have been to the bank and sorted out our mortgage, and I am hoping to play with some fabrics in my sewing room later today.

Enjoy your day.

Lisa - It’s snowing today (I think it’s a big fat April fool’s joke from God! ha!) and I had a ton of errands to do. Hate having to run errands in slushy snow. But I did exercise and am now home so that’s good. Hoping to take a nap this afternoon after school pick ups! Enjoy your day!

laura oyler - oh those waffle sandwiches…..can I have nutella on mine??

kathleen grace - Thank you for the link. I LOVE Andy Stanley, the man is a super genius:>) I’m listening to it right now as I type!

Necole@seriouslysassymama - I have a kid home sick today, so we went shopping, and I bought a pretty necklace. Taco soup is in the crock pot, and I am watching a movie while folding laundry. I started reading Me Before You, and I am already awaiting a gut wrenching ending. I have already cried twice. You should really listen to some pod casts from Matt Chandler at The Village Church here in Texas. He is awesome.

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world water day


i can’t believe World Water Day has come around already AGAIN.
i realize in saying that how much i take for granted having clean water every where i go.
and i haven’t thought about Diana and her dream nearly enough.

today is World Water Day.
The Adventure Project is partnering with One Day’s Wages in fundraising for training well mechanics.
One Day’s Wages is matching every donation up to $75,000! 
that is so awesome.

i started a fundraiser page and it is so easy to give.

i also made a pretty big goal to reach but i know that YOU KNOW we are so fortunate.
how can we NOT give to women like Diana who are trying so hard to change things for their community?!
she saw what needed to change and she stepped up and is she is changing it!


she is a brave and amazing leader.

i hope you will give today to help Diana train people in her community to fix the broken wells.

clean water is the way to bring change.
it brings health and opportunity.
it changes lives.
Give any amount you want… it gets matched!
there is NO AMOUNT too small  (or too big either)
$1 for $1

  • $20 helps one person gain access to clean water.
  • $100 helps a whole family.
  • $1,500 helps an entire community– with the match!

i would LOVE to see us help THREE communities!


water photo large with logo

Today is an AWESOME day to do something amazing!

this is a great post by the leader of One Day’s Wages… please read!

and i LOVE this page on the The Adventure Project’s site that has so many stories of those who are already trained well mechanics!  We raised money for that last year!
it might make you tear up when you see their faces… i did.

bottom line… we have the ability to help…. so we should!

were going to get a latte today?
give $5 to ODW instead and brew your own coffee.

were you going to stop by Target for a few “necessities”?
give $25 to ODW instead because we all have enough stuff already.  😉

were you going out to dinner and a movie tonight?
give $50 to ODW instead and grab a redbox and pop some popcorn at home.


CLICK HERE to make your donation to One Day’s Wages and The Adventure Project.


Heather S. - Thanks for posting about this Meg! My husband and I just returned yesterday from leading a 21 person group in Honduras putting in two clean water wells with Living Water International. It was an amazing experience and I can not even begin to explain the joy and the overwhelming tears of the community in the village as my husband and the village elder pumped the first clean water out of the well together! Clean water is SO important!

Se7en's Fabulous Friday Fun #215 And a Lesley Pearce GiveAway... - se7en - […] It is World Water Day and you can read all about it on Whatever… […]

Tanya - I shared your campaign on my FB page Meg, hope that’s cool ;D
The truth is – I think many people just need some directions on how to get involved and then they’re more than willing to do something. Thanks for providing that.

Lisa - I love your challenges at the end. A small sacrifice on our end can change someone’s whole life. Thanks for sharing this opportunity so we can help!

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10 minutes.

God and i were talking this morning and it basically went like this:

i feel like crap.
i want to sleep for days.
why do i have to be awake?
why do i have to work?
why do i have clean up?
i don’t want to.
why do i have to exercise?
it’s cold. ugh it’s raining! on halloween!
oh this is the worst.
i want to eat cookies.  it is so unfair that i can’t eat cookies all day long.

how about you work on your bible study lesson.  you seem like you are grumpy.

well of course i am grumpy!
everyone is so lame and hurts my feelings and makes me mad.
and i am tired.
and hormonal.
and there is so much to do because life is full AND it’s halloween!!!!
we never carved the pumpkins that i bought.  what a waste of money!
how will i possibly not eat all that candy tonight!???
and i didn’t buy the boots that annie wanted for her costume.
and i have to miss scott’s football game.
and talby needs her headband made.

start your lesson.

i am cold.
i need another cup of coffee.
and a blanket.
and my sweater and slippers.

15 minutes later….

why don’t you start on that lesson now?

oh alright!!!!

and of course it was awesome and perfect and a great attitude adjustor.
then as i finished the questions the light changes in the room & the cloudy gross weather is suddenly BRIGHT!
it got SO shiny and bright where i was sitting and i immediately felt the need to capture it.
that feeling i try not to ignore.
the push to create something… or appreciate something in front of me.
and so often now just try to get a quick capture on my phone camera.
that is lazy!  it is easy and helpful but also lazy.
but my phone was on 7% battery this morning (oops i forgot to plug it in last night)
so i got out the big mama camera, threw on talby’s shoes by the door & went out to catch the light.

i felt great… there is something so rad that happens when i use that creativity inside me!
when i plug into that part of me.
the crappy stuff just falls away.
the feelings, the tiredness, the self pity, the schedule, the stress…
for a few moments it is not there.
and then if  it does come back around… it’s more bearable after spending some time creating.
spending time focusing on Jesus helps me to SEE what matters around me.

i came back in the house, 10 minutes and 200 pictures later and sat down in the same spot.
within a minute the clouds came back in and that sun was gone.
dark and cloudy again outside.
what a gift that 10 minutes was to my heart today.
my cloudy gray heart was FULL of that shiny light i had just soaked in.

my problems aren’t fixed but i don’t have to be heavy about it.
i have Jesus.
it’s all good…  everything is in His control.
nothing on my complaint list was a surprise to Him.
(even though i really have nothing to complain about… nor should i be complaining in the first place)
He knows all of it.
i just need to put it all before Him and leave it there.
i am confident that He will change my heart.  heal my wounds.  lift my spirit.  guide my thoughts.

“And how bold and free we then become in his presence, freely asking according to his will, sure that he’s listening. And if we’re confident that he’s listening, we know that what we’ve asked for is as good as ours.”
1 John 5:14-15


what are you hearing today?
do you do that with God too… argue and complain to him?
i hope i am not the only one.

and now… time to exercise and make a headband!

Mindy - Beautiful pictures and beautiful post. Our “theme” at our church this past year has been “What 15 minutes can do” – just like your post, giving God just 15 minutes and our whole world can change. Think of what could happen if we (me…) gave Him more?

ira lee - thank you for sharing!!!!! why are we so stubborn? i don’t want to put any energy into having a positive attitde, i want everything to go right and me not have to work on it! lol but once a day or attitude turns around, it is so much better, right?

tracy fisher - oh boy… are we ever alike! i just had that same conversation with God. happy monday. -tracy

Jaime - AAAAmen.

Liz Hurst - Meg,
Somehow I stumbled onto your blog a few months ago and I love reading it. You are so inspiring and this post is so right on!
Thank you for knowing what I needed to hear today – God is so good!

Jenny B. - Absolutely love it!! What Bible study are you doing? I need a new one.

kensie - How great is our God

Flower Patch Farmgirl - YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!
I’m so glad I read this tonight.
I’m so happy you grabbed those 10 minutes.
I’m so glad I’ve got you!

tara - that whole conversation seems eerily familiar to me. 🙂
grateful for your 10 minutes and 200 pictures.
God is so kind to us…over and over and over.

thanks for keeping it real, Meg.

Lori - I love this! 🙂
Thanks for always honestly sharing with us.
God blessed me with a great night’s sleep last night so that
pile of dishes and laundry this morning feels so much more do-able

Karen Gerstenberger - Thank you, Meg.

Kristin S - Every day and He’s beyond patient with me.

Meredith - Beautiful & Touching. Praise God that we can give it all to him! Love the 10 minutes you got, just for you!

Tiffany - Beautiful words and pictures! Hugs to you!

Tiffany Gardner - This made me cry. I needed this post. Thanks for sharing your heart and touching mine. Jesus does rock!

Kerry - Ahhhhhh yes. Just yes : )

Lisa - All those colors you captured remind me of our God’s creativity. What a beautiful time of year. And yes I totally grumble to God at times. Sometimes I think He must get sick of me. 😉 I have tried to get better at being quiet and trying to just listen to Him. Thanks for sharing this today!

Heather - Which Bible study are you using???

Christy - How did you do that? How did you crawl into my head and hear my conversation with God? I made a conscious decision not too long ago to choose joy. I’m constantly reminding myself of that choice…joy when my hormonal sixth grade daughter bites off the head of whomever is in her path, joy when there is WAY too much on my plate and I don’t know what to do with it all, joy when my car breaks down and I have to wait in the dark for two hours for the wrecker because my husband is out of town (thank goodness for my mama who got the kids and took them to a nearby neighborhood to trick or treat while I waited.)

Thanks for the reminder. 🙂

jen - Needed this today. Thanks for sharing it/you with us.

Kit - Oh Megan! This is a real encouragement!! Thanks for being so real and for letting us in on God’s beauty. I argue and complain all the time. So glad He met you…He is so gracious with His grumpy children, isn’t He?!?

Cassandra - Oh this warmed my heart! Thanks for sharing everything the pictures (gorgeous!), the talk w/ God & the verse. I’ve been in a similar place mentally & emotionally this week so thank you for reminding me where I need to be – in his Word!

Diane - This post was just what I needed today! I often feel this way…until I am reminded of all the GOOD in my life and my grumpiness is gone. I am also doing BSF & sometimes am stressed about getting “homework” done…how selfish of me to think of it as a chore, when I am blessed each and every time I spend time in His word!! Thank you for sharing – I LOVE your photo’s and honesty!!

Linda - Beautiful post and a beautiful, much needed message. Thank you again for inspiring me.

Jen - I love everything about this post. I appreciate your openness and willingness to share. I too have been having pity parties lately and have been feeling left out. Life really is wonderful and I don’t know where my self doubt has come from all of a sudden. Let go. Let God.

Terrie G - WoW! Like…you could be me or I could be You!
I can’t tell you how down I’ve been lately…and mad, frustrated and hurt…
soooo hurt.
I went to the local nature center and shot some fall colors…
best photo therapy!!
I felt so much better having a little God time in nature doing what I love!

Kathy - WOW! This is so right where I’m at lately … and life has been so busy that I’ve put off my quiet time ALL too often lately. Thank you for such a wonderful encouragement today!

jaxcheryl - Would you consider making the 5th one from the bottom – the gorgeous red leaves (swoon) a screen saver or a poster to purchase from your shop? I live in FL, grew up in Michigan, and miss the beautiful fall colors so much!

Kristen - Meg- I just love your heart. Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to share your heart, what God’s putting on it, and those amazing pictures. I usually love fall so much…but lately it’s felt more like “pre-Christmas”, full of deadlines and costumes and gifts to make and tooooo many things to put on the calendar. Too many folks to try and make happy. My creative energy often gets used up with ‘making things for stuff’ that feels like a chore, and not an outlet or gift. But, as it often is, PERSPECTIVE and SCRIPTURE and AWESOME SISTERS IN CHRIST are the balm that soothes my whiny soul – and you are the perfect messenger! Thank you for the reminder that God gives us this creative drive, and that we can praise him with our creations. I think I’ll do a little crafting-for-my-soul today…right after I do my devotions! 🙂

CathyC - Yes! I do that too! So glad it worked out perfectly in the end 🙂 Today I am hearing I do need to go to weight class, but afterwards I can sit and read on my comfy couch with my awesome granny square blanket I thrifted. That’s why He let me have those.

Bethany - What a comfort that we can come as we are-whining, complaining, having a pity party-and he’s always ready to listen. And if we’re willing, he’ll change it all up. Not necessarily by changing our circumstances or fixing everything, but by changing our perspective. Thanks for sharing this. It’s a good reminder about the benefits of spending time in God’s word.

Jennifer - I just love this post – in and of itself its creative!!!

You’re fall photos are amazing. Is there any chance that you’d sell the full-sized jpgs files? I live in Perth, Western Australia (I’m American, though) and we see about 1 red leaf a year, we don’t have fall the way I did growing up in WI. The thought of using your amazing photos to make canvases to hang in my home pretty much makes my soul fill with joy. Seriously, name a price!

Sadie - Where can I get these study lessons? Are they online? I’d love to try!

JulianneB - Oh, Meg thanks so much for sharing…so where I have been lately…a raging case of pinkeye, sore throat, sick daughter, sick son, hubs busy taking care of us and ministry…and no we haven’t painted our pumpkins either…and yet I know God is good and He loves me big. He can bear it all and my burdens aren’t really that overwhelming in the big picture.

kate@stillroomtogrow - wow Meg, awesome post. love your honesty and your heart. thanks for making me feel like I am not the only one who wakes up with these feelings too. thanks for sharing and what beautiful pictures.

Heather S. - It never fails. When I fight Him I always discover He is full of abundant love and blessings, just waiting to pour them out to me when I am obedient. Your sunshine moment was a hug from your Daddy, your Abba Father reminding you just how very much you are loved….

Tiffany - Hi Meg. LOVED your post today. What bible study are you working on, I think I need some of that! 🙂 Thanks for inspiring me on a daily basis with 3 teens at home – one of which graduated last year.

HappyGirl - Galatians 2:20-21
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness[a] were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.

This is my verse of conviction this week. If Christ gave all for me. I shall give all for Christ.

Kerrin - Amen Sister! Thank you for the reminder of the power or our great God. Especially when we are fighting it. Thank you for the reminder of the power of slowing down and touching base with God. And as for those un-carved pumpkins….screw it……they are beautiful the way they are. And besides, there are countless blog followers that are copying your lovely pumpkins from Halloweens past..oh yeah I’m talking about the year you all painted a bunch of them. They were RAD and totally inspired me. So you may not have done anything with the pumpkins you have but you sure had a hand in decorating and carving pumpkins throughout blog land!

Marcia - I am so glad that I took 5 minutes to read your post today so that I can focus on all the good in front of me, too.
Thank you for the reminder: God is with us every moment of every day – sunny or cloudy.

Carol Myers - Thank you, Meg, for allowing God to use you to encourage my heart today, AND for making me smile. Your transparency is an encouragement and speaks volumes.

Mari - Your blog is always so uplifting. Thanks for sharing this post. After reading it, I reminded myself “it’s all good… everything is in His control” and instantly my day just got brighter.

Gina - I love this Meg!! You had me at, “i want to eat cookies. it is so unfair that i can’t eat cookies all day long.” 😉 And, YES, I dialog with God like this sometimes too. 🙁

Tanya - It’s 100% chance of rain during the trick-treating hours tonight here, and we can’t hit up the church Glow party instead because my little guy developed pink eye over night 🙁
Lots of ammo for silly complaining here today too…but I’m learning right along with you Meg, that God is a hearing and loving Father who doesn’t grow weary of our human trials but as we talk to Him He also continues to challenge us to see things through the eyes of Heaven. xo

Sarah M - How good is God that he has given you the perfect words this morning. I needed to read this and dwell on that verse from I John. Our life is a mess with a lawsuit and a business on hold but none of it is a surprise to Jesus. Thank for the bright light.

Lora - I love your conversation with God. It kinda sounds like the ones I have. I feel a little far from Himlately. Well, maybe not far, just that I’m not doing anything to Glorify Him. I don’t know WHAT to do to Glorify Him. I thank Him for the good things in my life and ask for His help with the bad things in my life, but I feel like I need to DO something. I guess I’ll just ask Him what I should do and he’ll show me 🙂 … thanks for the post today. I needed it. Have a great rest of the day and Happy Halloween!

Gabby - What a great post! Especially your conversation with God. 🙂

Dena - What a great post! I needed that reminder, thank you. PS. My pumpkins didn’t get carved either…….and I have to learn to be ok with that.

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life is good… don’t ya think?


somedays i just feel so full of joy in the everyday little things of life.
i am super busy… you are super busy.
but looking around at the everyday stuff is when the busy-ness falls away and you can SEE the goodness.
the stuff that brings a peaceful and content heart.

some pictures from this last week….  starting with scott’s first high school football game.
he didn’t play last year.   i am SO happy he is playing this year.
he is #6 on the sidelines.


this view… it doesn’t get much better on a friday night at 10:30.


getting up early to run on the weekend has made for great weekend DAYS for me.
i am not as tired as before… i spend my morning waking up with God and this beauty all around me
instead of people talking to me right away and hearing sponge bob in the background… and cranky kids.

i dare you to try it.
it took me 37 years to figure it out…. but i am loving it.

as soon as i took that corn picture… it started to rain.
what can you do when you are out for a run at 7 AM on a sunday in the rain?
in the rain.

annie made chocolate chip cookies on her own.  🙂
my friend and i ran a different route last week and i really loved it… i think i loved the shade!

we tried to see if cows like watermelon.   they are so skittish that they took off running… big dorks.
this is one of my most favorite snacks:  greek non-fat vanilla yogurt (high protein & no fat), blueberries and just a little bit of low fat granola

these are two very spoiled kitties.
if chickens would poop about 1/3 of the amount that they do… they would even more awesome.
on IG i asked what song she might be singing in that picture on the right.  SO MANY funny responses!  i loved it.

“you wouldn’t believe what i heard Libby say about Oreo just now….”
“Oh no she didn’t”
it appears that our chicks are quite the gossipers.
best mornings.

this is so worth getting out of bed for!
oh kansas…. you don’t know how much i love you.



are you singing now?

i have been belting it out all morning alone in my house.


i continued on in the series of sermons i listened to last week.
i am going to check into the pastors you shared with me.
i have already downloaded several!

how was your weekend?



Country Mouse vs. City Mouse | The Blue Tulip - […] And so when I get nostalgic about country living, I just hang out with these online friends.  Ree and Myquillyn and Meg. […]

Amber Campbell Hibbs - Yay for morning runs and for Kansas. And I think you should add that picture of the sunrise and the road to your canvas prints. I know i would buy one. 🙂

Carolyn Ruth - I appreciate everything you share with us! And I wanted to share another podcast with you of one of my favorite pastors to listen to.

Kathy - Hey there! I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now, maybe a little longer. I never realized you were in Kansas until you said in this last post how much you love Kansas. I am in Kansas also. Serving a mission for 18 months, in Dodge City. HI CUTE NEIGHBOR!

katie - As a girl from Kansas that has been permanently transplanted to Texas I would love to have that corn picture on a canvas. Reminds me of my Dad and growing up on the farm outside of Lawrence. Anyway you could make that happen?


elizabeth - Maybe I am a scaredy cat but I don’t know about running at 7am on a long deserted road. Abduction comes to my head…but the scenery is beautiful none the less.

tara - love these pictures…so much to smile about.
life is good.

i need to get out and capture some of the beauty around me…it’s been a little too long.

Lee Ann - Beautiful morning pictures on your runs. And don’t EVER forget – “Once you’re wet, you’re wet.” Even in the rain – just keep running 🙂

Samantha - Such a great week! If God wasn’t so amazing ehat on earth would we do with ourselves? Glad you had a wonderful week! Thank you for the reminder to be grateful and cheerful in our gladness! Lioking forward to more weeks ahead!

Emily - I love this picture! How do you get the web to show up so well? It’s amazing!

Tere - Hello Meg! My favorite picture is your 10:30pm outside, love, love it. And then there is the cows. But tell me, dumb question, what happens with all those sunflowers? Are they harvested for bouquets or seeds or ??

Jenny B. - Beautiful! Your face is looking skinny, too! Not that it hasn’t always… Do you feel weird when you compliment someone on their weight? Like, what if they’re actually offended? Anywho… 🙂

I missed the post about listening to sermons. My husband keeps telling me I need to listen to a recent sermon I missed about the Trinity by our Sunday night pastor (He’s actually our collegiate minister, and is really good.). Here’s the link:

To hear the one on The Trinity, you have to scroll down to 7/21/13. Maybe I’ll finally go listen to it now too! 🙂

Sarah H. - I often feel overwhelmed with gratitude about the mundane daily things of my life. It’s not that my life is so fabulous, but it really is, you know? Compared to what it could be, I am so thankful. Love your pictures.

Mj - You want to hear powerful sermons? Check out the podcasts from Venture Christian Church on iTunes. Pastor Chip Ingram and Pastor Tim Lundy. Both are down to earth and preach truth like no other Pastor I’ve ever heard.

Tiffany - Love your positive attitude! I should have read it earlier today. My kids got me cranky this evening. Tomorrow is a new day. Also, I wish we had sunflowers like that in MN! Stunning!

Mary - Your pictures make me miss Kansas so much! Born and raised there, for 23 years. Now have lived in Colorado for 22 years, beautiful here, however Kansas is still home…

amy jupin - you have such a gift…to see and capture the stunning beauty all around us.
you inspire me!
just thought you might want to know that!

Tanya - I love reading about people figuring things out. It makes me feel like I’m not the only mid-30’s gal still figuring things out. I love this post. Life is good indeed 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - I love this post. And I agree. Life is sweet, and I always need reminders to turn my mind to the things that are good and sweet and lovely. And to turn my mind off of ALL the clutter!

Julie {CalleLillyCafe} - Wow!! Those sunflowers! I would HAVE to walk or ride my bike past those beauties every day! #notarunner =)

Mindi - What are you listening to on your runs? I would love to change it up!

happygirl - You running girls are amazing. I just want to become a walking girl again. You are GREAT!!

Lori H - Life IS good! But I wish I lived where there are sunflower fields!

beth larson - morning Meg!
so, as always I loveddddddd your photos…the one of you close up- you look 14 in. : ) the last one of the sky is simply AMAZING!

(I may have asked you this before- but are most of these pics from your phone? when I try upload my camera pics to my blog they have to be super small or they are blurry) : (

Would love to know how you do it!
thanks and have a blessed day,

Necole@seriosulysassymama - I prefer music when I exercise. I am already talking in my head, so someone else talking would just make things crowded. I love Texas like you love Kansas.

Southern Gal - Morning runs are the best. I love clearing my mind and then focusing on what God has for me. It’s a lovely way to start the day. Now if you ask me to run in the afternoons I’m toast. Can’t hit a lick with a stick in the afternoons. Love your chickens. My daughter’s family has goats, chickens and honeybees. We love visiting and watching the three-year-old boss all the animals around, except for the bees. 😉

Alicia @ La Famille - this IS a whole lotta happy stuff right here. love that you’re getting up early. I LOVE getting up early before my kids…it just doesn’t happen right now and I hate that. yuck. you make me want to run.

Tracy - I’m almost 10 years ahead of you on early mornings….I have been loving them for several years now. Bliss.

We had our 10th grader’s first football game last week, too. Like Scott, he didn’t play last year and we are so so glad he decided to play. He’s trying to be like his older varsity playing 12th grade brother 🙂 His bro is a good role model, thank goodness!!

Terrie - I loved all the answers on your instagram photo too!
Sooooo funny!!
The hubs was wondering what I was laughing at…
Great pics!
I Love living in Kansas…so much beauty.
And I’m wishing we had some sunflowers close to us…
looks like I need to go stalk some country roads!
Love taking sunflower pics!

Amanda - These posts always make me miss Kansas something fierce! I was born and raised there but am a Georgia transplant now. I always say I have half my heart in Georgia and half in Kansas! I love them both! But miss my beautiful home state. Thanks for the pictures!

stephany - life IS good.
have a great week, Meg!

Melissa - Jealous of those sunflower fields. Gorgeous

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mid may is the best


       one of the Lord's best creations…. Peonies.
















and they are all gone.
it goes so fast.

i can't wait for mid May next year.

craft weekend 16 begins today!
we are prepping and cleaning and chopping and stirring and folding and photographing everything to get ready.
it's always so much fun.
we can't wait for everyone to get here already.
have a fabulous weekend everybody!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Amazing photos! Just took photos of some the other day (maybe, just maybe I will get them up on my blog that has been sorely neglected!!)and I agree one of the best of God’s creations!

{sue} - I cried a few years ago when my husband came in after doing yard work and said “There were these flower buds that were all infested with ants, so I just cut them all back.”
Peonies are my favorite.

Lee Hatcher - I’m glad at least one other person mentioned the ants, and I’m glad your beautiful pictures showed one or two. I love peonies and hate when I don’t remember to shake them off real good before bringing them in the house.

Amy Collett - Oh how I love peonies too! Here is Alberta,Canada, the weather is a little cooler and so I am anxiously awaiting their arrival in mid-June! Your pictures are positively lovely – maybe a few of those in your store would sell quickly…like, maybe to me…:o) God is good and He shows himself in every lovely detail of creation – but especially in peonies! Good luck with C.W. and have fun!

Michelle - absolutely love peonies too. just sad that the season for them is so very short. (a wind/storm took out most of mine this year) so love seeing your pictures.

Karolina - i love peonies, luckily in Poland they are just starting to blossom 🙂

tara - I’m going to plant them for next year!!!
I can’t wait.
I just bought Dahlia bulbs today….can’t wait!
Y’all have fun this weekend……..

Katey - My peonies have been great this year too. I love them. I wish they lasted longer. So wonderful!! Have a blessed weekend.

Cathy - Thanks funny, cause I went out last night a took a bunch of pictures of ours..with ants.. I just haven’t got them off the camera yet..

tinaehb3 - beautiful!!

Lisa - The ladybug on the unopened bloom is my favorite! Beautiful!

Mindy - Gorgeous ~ God does good work!

Julie - Fabulous peony photos. I can’t grow them where I live in New Zealand, cos our winters don’t get cold enough. I do see them in shops at an exorbitant price – so i have to live vicariously and enjoy them through photos like yours.
Looking forward to seeing your craft weekend photos.

ali moll - GORGEOUS! Love peonies! And Craft Weekend! Enjoy!

TAB - Beautiful!

Bethany - It’s the same with irises. I returned from the holiday weekend to see my irises in full bloom. Now they’re already on their way out.
Peonies always bring back memories of my childhood home. We had two huge peony bushes on either side of our back sidewalk. My parents would bring in bouquets when they were blooming-love that scent! I have two new peony plants just starting out at my house. Not sure that they will have any blooms this year, but I’m hopeful for next year.
Have a great Craft Weekend!!!

mae - Ha! This story made me laugh out loud 🙂

Sara Torbett - Thanks for sharing God’s beauty! Aren’t you thankful He made everything so colorful?! I always say…He could have left everything black and white, but decided to splash our world in rainbow colors instead. I’m so glad. 🙂
Enjoy Craft Weekend!!!!!

Liesl - My favorite!!!! After transplanting about 7 peony plants last year I was very excited to see them all budding this year! - Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! My neighbor growing up had tons and tons of peonies….all I can think of is ants, ants, and more ants every time I see a peony!

Tracy - Ahhhh! I love peonies so so much! They remind me of being a little girl because we had a long row of them in our backyard.
I would love to see some of those prints in your shop!
Good luck with craft weekend! 16 is my lucky number 😉

Emily - So beautiful! Would you consider adding these as prints to your shop?

Whitney - Yes yes yes! There was a bouquet if peonies next to me on the counter while I had my coffee at Wheatfields this morning. So fragrant and lusciously frilly. What a nice treat on a rainy morning.

CathyC - Have fun today!!!
Our peonies have not yet bloomed–I can’t wait!
I remember last year you said only one Craft Weekend group gets peonies in the kitchen vase–today’s group is lucky!

Jen - Beautiful, Meg! Thank you for posting!

Blanca - Gorgeous!

Jessica - This reminds me of one of my favorite stories about my dad when he was a little boy. He walked into his Granny’s kitchen and announced that he had “cut all the buds off that bush in the yard because they were covered in ants” 🙂 He was “helping”.

*Just Fran* - I couldn’t agree more about peonies…and can’t wait for mine to open. Here in SD, it is more like June before we see the blossoms, and possibly later this year due to excessively cold weather hanging on. I have buds, though and am anxiously waiting.

kim - oh to have a peony plant.
trader joes had them, and i snatched them up two weeks in a row. hoping there will be a few more tonight.
the unopened bloom with the ladybug, perfection.

Linda - beautiful!!

Kerstie Pederson - Can’t wait till these photos are prints in your shop. 😉

rebeca - What I love the very most about you, is that you give all the glory to God!

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the monday after….


Craft Weekend #14 

this was a pretty awesome group of women.
and they are late nighters!


my kids just got on the bus and i am headed back to bed to sleep the rest of the day.
i will tell you all about our weekend soon.
but right now i can barely keep my eyes open.




i wanted to share with you a beautiful piece of art that Lori Danelle made for me.


it is cut paper!

every detail is so delicate and perfect.
i love seeing how each line is connected… SO creative.

she hand cuts all of this!!



she made this for me based on this post i wrote back in september.
i had had a very bad day related to parenting and this verse was the hope i was clinging to.

isn't Lori's work absolutely stunning?
can you even imagine how long this would take her?!
it is AMAZING.

Love never fails.

Go see Lori's great talent at her shop and read her blog.

i really think that i need this print at my house.
and the craft house.
who doesn't need that cheerful reminder daily?

thank you Lori for blessing me with such an awesome reminder of the gift God gave me… LOVE.





Tiffany - What a talented lady! That sure is stunning! Excited to hear all about your weekend!

chandu - Meg ! Lady ! You definetely know your it the pink sparkly converse or those silver flats you are wearing.Love your choice of footware and that brings me to my question…mind telling where you got those sandals, thats exactly what I am looking for.PLEASE !

ashley @ little miss momma - I love learning how small this world is when I find out I am connected to someone I have never met. Hopefully I will get to meet you one day when I’m out visiting Bens family. Are you still it the same ward?
xoxo, ashley

sarah katherine - on the listing in her blog it says they are all laser cut, not hand cut

Claire - That paper cut is amazing. I tried to hand cut some (much less intricate that those) before and they turned out so disappointing. That blue she uses is so happy!!

Lori Danelle - So glad you like it! It was my pleasure. 🙂
Looks like you had an amazing group at CW! So much fun!!!

Gina - Phenomenal paper cutting!! That is my favorite Bible verse and I have a different print of the verse that hangs in my bathroom. I read it often! But I think I need the papercut version. Thanks for sharing and have a good recovery from Craft Weekend 🙂

Katey Deasy - THAT is amazing. What a gift of love. WOW! So inspiring. Thanks for sharing and can’t wait to hear about the weekend. Hope the Kanas storms miss you guys.

Mique - Still feels like a dream. The pic turned out great! And I love that design from Lori Danielle.
So grateful that I was able to come this weekend. You and Kimberlee are the best hosts!! xo

SV - Wow! So pretty! There are so many talented people in the world. Looks like another great weekend! I don’t know LMM personally(we attended church with her husband before we were all married and know her in-laws) but, from the looks of her blog, she seems like such a nice and fun person…as I imagine you to be, too. 🙂

happygirl - That is gorgeous. You rest well.

colette - This group of gals got an extra bonus… Little Miss Momma in their group! That’s awesome!! Looking forward to hearing more about it!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I actually saw an entire storefront display that was paper cut this past weekend! Hubby and the girls and I were walking through a town we hadn’t visited in awhile and I stopped and just stood there in awe staring at it. I love how art has so many different forms.
And I spy two familiar faces in the CW photo-Mique and Ashley. Can’t wait to hear about the newest weekend.

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