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yeah…. i can't find my car keys.
so i am stuck at home.
i had plumbers waiting on me at the Craft House and had to call and say "um… i can't come…i am stuck at home"


i hate when i do things like that.

H A T E.

craig and i switched cars saturday – monday so can't even begin to know where they are.
i haven't had them since friday!!!

this morning at 6:45 i hear annie crying in the bathroom (which is right next to the wall by my bed..3 feet apart)
i get up out of bed and say "annie what is wrong?"  ( i am assuming it's about a hairdo)


i say all kinds of really helpful things like "why did you lock it?" or "just turn it"
nothing helps. 
several minutes go by…
she is stuck and i am sitting in the hallway, criss cross legs… cup of coffee….so tired.
i said "annie…i cannot do this for you.  there is no way to get this door open honey. you have to stop crying and try harder.  otherwise you are stuck in there and will miss the bus"
i am beginning to think HOW will i fix this? HOW LONG till i call the police? what will we do?
she is bawling…sobbing…super drama.
i am on edge.
it's very very early. 
i said "annie…keep wiggling it and maybe it will just unlock"

and then i said "have you turned it both ways? turn it left and then turn it right"


door opens.
and her face covered with tears
and then she starts laughing really hard out of embarassment.


early morning crying makes me want to poke my eyes out.


since i am stuck here in a MESSY house…i thought i would get a few things done.
i painted some chalkboards for the dining room here at the farm.

i will go put away my laundry.

i will clean up the hallway.

i could plan dinner.

maybe i will sew up my rainbow curtains i have been waiting months to do.

or maybe i will fall asleep right here on the couch.

that sounds like a really good plan…
a power nap.

don't judge. 


Hens - We have the same doorknobs– Ours always get kind of loosey, and both my husband and I have been stuck inside a room with a doorknob in the hand! Beautiful doorknobs, but not so keen on the functionality!! 🙂 Just in case, we keep tools to remove the door in each room!

colleen sullivan - When i even “think” about taking a nap, and hear the “i can’t do that’ voice that automatically follows in my head, I now think of you which allows me to at least “consider” it! Sounds like you’ve helped other moms do the same which is a significant contribution to the mental health of stay at home moms.I hope that makes you feel better about the keys.

recruitment cash flow tips - I love it. I wanna see the curtains.

Mary@FindingHealthyHope - oh, dear!
poor annie! 🙂
i would NEVER judge your nap. EVER. 😉

Tanya - BIG oy on the early morning crying… :S
I find it’s more common than not around here with a 3y.o. drama-mama.
Sometimes I go to be at 9 just so I can deal with it in the morning!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - No judgement here Miss Meg! Your story is so funny. I think that thought alot…”when do I call for help”? Reminds me of when my son was 5 and he got his head stuck in between the bannister on our staircase. Know wonder we are so tired 😉

Sue Linse - Hey Meg! Love this post. I had early morning meltdown today due to knots in the hair. And Josh locked himself in the bathroom when he was two and I was 9 months pregnant with Megan. I had to have the neighbor come and saw through the lock! At least Annie will now know how to get out of the bathroom. Hope you enjoyed your nap. Miss you…

ira lee - i need a power nap too!!!!! those are always a good idea, espically after a morning of chaos!

jackie grandy - Oh Meg! As moms, we can all totally relate. I’m ok in the morning when it comes to meltdowns because that is when I have the energy to deal, but come nighttime, forget it, I’m tired and cranky. It just reminds you that when we get nervous or stressed we tend to not see the way out of things, (like Annie in the bathroom) but when we get calm the solution shows itself. As far as the key thing goes, I was on my way to the acupuncturist yesterday and on my way I was frantically thinking of all the things I needed to get done and then all of the sudden, I forgot where I was going. Seriously, I was in the car driving on the same route I always do that leads me to everyplace I go, when I couldn’t remember for like 10 seconds what appt I was going to. It was scary!! When I got there my acupuncturist told me my pulse was stressed, no duhhh! I guess I need to slow down a bit myself and know that it will all get done and what doesn’t get done, is OK! I hope you ended up enjoying your day in recluse yesterday. Somedays God gives us those quiet days when we won’t take them for ourselves.

elissa - no judgement at all. early morning crying (or yelling or arguing or whining for that matter) makes me want to poke my eyes out too 🙂

Rach - LOL. I’ve actually fallen asleep in the middle of the playroom amongst the Legos trying really hard to listen to what the kids are saying to me. No judgement here.

Kate - I hope you had the Best. Nap. Ever.
This one time, Julia closed the bathroom door (she was 3) and then opened the drawer next to the door. There was no way to open the door, because the drawer was blocking it.
I was supposed to have my first my first outing after Nate was born – going all the way to the Chick-a-fil. It didn’t happen 🙂 Can you believe I still remember that?!

lauren - annie is adorable. always take the nap. always.
i have had a kid locked in the bathroom. had to leave kindergarten orientation early to go home and climb through bathroom window to rescue two year old.
i have lost my keys (like, really lost my keys) more times than i can count.
but all i want to know right now is this….can you paint that chalkboard paint on what looks like plywood without priming??

Sharyn Seim - My 5 year old daughter locked herself in our bathroom(in our 75 yr old house). All I could hear was her crying and saying over and over “I want to LIVE! I want to LIVE!” Ahh, motherhood…

tiffany gardner - You always make me feel so normal. I’m not sure what that says about either of us but I’m so grateful to check your blog daily. Thanks. xo.

ann - Hi Meg – we have an old bathroom door like that…and I’ve had to coach my 6 year old out of it! On a sidenote, I recently got stuck in an AIRPORT stall… with literally a foot under the bottom of the door that I had to sleuthly slide under to get out…you should’ve seen the people looking at me!! (I know, gross..a bathroom floor in an airport!) but you do what you gotta do! Hugs from Chicagoland!

Mindy - Oh the doorknob! Glad the tears turned to laughter and that bad mornings can turn in to better evenings. As for the keys I hope they turn up soon. I left mine hanging on the hook of the bathroom a week or so ago – in Target no less! I was in a panic but checked at the counter to see if someone had turned them in. The clerk asked me to describe them and then brought them back to me. Relief. I told her I was so embarassed but she said, oh it happens all the time. In fact that had three other sets. I guess we all have one of “those” days from time to time!

Kim - Can I say that I love reading your blog because you are the most real person on the internet? That is what I would have done – taken a nap.

jacki - oh my gosh, this is just do darn relative to a mother’s day! ya never know what your gonna get, and what pickles come our way. you held your patience with that locked door, i think I might have lost it just a tad! hope you got lots done with being stuck-hope it turned out to be happy housebound!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Judging? Never! I totally hear you. My kids had off from school today, but I (and 1 kid) still had to get up early because Brynn had some type of 4 hour leadership training for swim. I dropped her off and went to vote and realized that I was really tired and still not dealing with the early darkness very well. A nap sounds perfect!

Elisa - I can totally picture you in the hall trying to get her to open the door. I would be doing the same, although I may have layed down.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I had a rough day at school today. Seemed like the kids were all calling for my attention at the same time until I wanted to yank my hair out. Ive never had a day like this before.
I soooo wish I could take a power nap about now. But alas we have a Rotary pancake dinner/voting to still fit in.

Jenn - All I can do is smile and say….I hear ya, I’ve been there and I’m so glad to know you! Its truely amazing how many of us that live in all corners of this country experience the exact same things. Morning tears are the absolute worse….EVER!

Leadia Jarvis - Early morning crying/whining and key loss – two of my real “spirit killers”. They both happen far too frequently over here.

Dianne - I’m so glad that I’m not the only one who HATES early morning crying…and love that you’re not embarrased to say that it makes you want to poke your eyes out. Gotta keep it real 🙂

kate - i love the knobs on your doors!!! - Those old doors can be tricky, huh? We have similar hardware, thankfully the skeleton keys have long been lost so no one can lock them, ha. Although it’s be really to cool to have the original skeleton keys. Hope you find your keys by Friday so I can meet you at Craft Weekend! Yay!

Sara Torbett - Hope you find your keys! I hate losing things like this. Normally dear husband wants me to keep up with his and mine too, which makes it worse! I hope you got to sew your rainbow curtains, can’t wait to see them in all their happiness. 🙂 Do you have a favorite chalkboard paint?

Linda - Oh OH please tell me how you are making the chalkboards! I need to do that!
And there is no judging here! SOunds like a wonderful well deserved day. ENjoy the nap!

S. - I’ve been a total blog stalker for a while now, yours among others. Somehow, we feel like we know you, (us stalkers), through reading your blogs. I also know that you most likely want to keep certain parts of your life private, and I totally get that. Maybe you have answered this in previous posts and I just missed it somehow, but I’m not sure. I also know that you don’t always answer questions people ask, but…I’m very curious as to your living arrangements. I just adore your now “craft house” and wonder why you decided to move? Is this a permanent move for your family? Is your old home only for guests and craft weekends? Haven’t seen many photos of the country house, are you making it your own? I really don’t mean to sound rude, invasive or nosey, but like I mentioned, you do seem like a friend almost. I was very curious and a tad bit jealous, (for lack of a better word), that you could have 2 homes. 🙂
I absolutely adore you and your amazing blog, oh and Waffle!

Iris Brown - You are so refreshing. :)You had me a chuckle. Motherhood is so full of its challenges & rewards.

Maria - No judging here…I’ve been on a super laundry marathon for the last four days…settling in now and about to start my own little power nap…

roganne - oh my gosh. i have totally been in annie’s shoes and locking yourself in the bathroom when you are 7 (me) is a horrific experience. i will NEVER forget that day. on a side note, i can’t wait to see your rainbow curtains 🙂

Katy - I hope that you won’t let your lack of car keys keep you from voting today! Have your husband take you this evening if you still can’t find them- it’s a really important responsibility!

Cari - “Early morning crying makes me want to poke my eyes out.” AMEN!! Happy power napping! 🙂

Kelly - Can’t wait to see the curtains….

Terrie - ANnddddddd…there is no Parenthood tonight. That is a bad day!
Enjoy your nap…
I have no vehicle this afternoon, otherwise I’d bring you some cinnamon rolls & peanut butter twists.
Since, I’m stuck at home…
think I’ll sew or knit another Christmas stocking.
Hope the end of your day is better than the beginning!

Sonja - Judge you? I ENVY you. My kids are at an age that is pretty much incompatible with Mama napping. Tell you what – you go ahead and sleep 20 minutes for me on top of your own nap. 🙂

the domestic fringe - I thought I was the only one who had days like this. My son called to me from his room about two weeks ago. He couldn’t get out. The door knob came off on the inside. Thankfully the outside knob was still on. Sometimes I hate old houses, but then I remember I love them and it’s generally all ok.
But mornings are the worst. I am terrible in the morning. Cannot deal with crying before 10 am. True story.

Lori Austin - Poor Annie. Btw, LOVE that doorknob.
Poor keys.
Enjoy your quiet. 🙂

Angela Atkins - Definitely sounds like a day for a power nap. Go vote if you find your keys though. I just saw Contented Sparrow Megan’s list for Craft Weekend and can’t wait to see what you guys make!

Jenn - You have inspired me to curl up on the couch and watch the DVR’s of Hallmark Christmas shows. Yay!

Wendy - couch + ‘who’s got mail’ = 🙂

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have i told this story before?

a few summers ago….i walked to our downtown shops with my three youngest.

annie was 4ish.
still little…..but out of diapers.

they always like to go to the store that gives out free samples of fudge.
it's very yummy.
i like to go too.
so on this HOT hot summer day we walk in and i gave the mom talk "look with your eyes not with your hands"
we wander through the store and then make it to the counter for the yummy fudge.

the counter was too high for annie so i pick her up and set her on my hip.
she had on a sweet little pink halter sundress (it had been talby's and i loved it so much)

the woman working at the store comes to the counter and immediately i feel a judgmental vibe.

you know that feeling don't ya, moms?!
it's a look that is recognizable.
we get them.
we give them.
and it was obvious.

i remember thinking "geez lady if you don't want to give us free samples then don't put a big sign that says free samples in front of your store!"

so my kids each say what flavor they want….
the sales woman passes them out.

we say thank you.
i feel like i have done something wrong but more so i think to myself "boy that lady has got a real problem!"

we go to leave the store and i move my hand to shift the weight of annie on my hip….
and i that is when i feel it.

and by it…. i mean i feel nothing but skin.

a bare bottom.

she was not wearing any undies!

so i had just mooned that poor woman at the free fudge counter with my sweaty little kid.
probably touched that bare bottom ON the sneeze guard glass…. OH MY GOODNESS!

"ohhhhhh…..THAT'S WHY SHE LOOKED LIKE THAT!!!"  i thought.

we quickly left the store and walked back home cracking up the whole time.

ha ha haaaaaa.



my dad loves that story.


i feel a little worn down with the weight of parenting today so this story was a funny memory to make you smile in case you feel that way too.

they grow out of the no-undies-at-the-fudge-counter stage all too quickly.
and maybe someday i will laugh about the junk they are doing now….maybe.


(if i have told that story before….sorry….it's worth repeating.)

Jennifer - I feel your pain!! Last Easter after Sunday school, my 3 yr old daughter’s teacher came to me laughing to say that my daughter laid down on the carpet and threw her legs up in the air. Her yellow gingham/daisy covered Easter dress flipped back to reveal…EVERYTHING. She apparently went to the bathroom before we made it out to the van that morning and left her underwear in the floor. I felt like a GREAT mom!

Joy Foster - do not know me..but i “know” you and think of you daily.
You are so REAL and encouraging. I am so thankful for you! For your honesty. For your LOVE for our mighty GOD.for your heart for that amazing family of yours..and your love for all things rainbow and crafty.. I am sure people tell you that all the time..i see stuff and i think..”Meg would like this” like “my friend Meg”…well..this notie is starting to sound a little stalky..but i thought you should know the love you are freely willing to share with others has creeped into this little corner of my home in South Carolina.. and I thought you should know how Loved you are!
Joyfully His!

Annika - Ha-ha! My head would have probably exploded from the level of blood that would have come rushing to my face! Thanks for sharing that memory. Something to tell at Annie’s wedding! Or maybe not… :o) Hope your week got better from here!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Ha ha! You know my daughter dresses herself so I have found out that she will not put undies on sometimes, but I’m lucky in the fact that I taught her to wear shorts, leggings, jeans (a four year old looks cute no matter what they put on) under skirts/dresses. My sister wasn’t so lucky and had a similar experience at the doctor’s office with her little girl…
Hope your week has gotten better. My Monday was your Tuesday and I was definitely worn down. 🙁

Christina - Thanks for the laugh! I’m having a tough week and not enjoying staying at home with my kids as much as I could be.

Ali - Thanks for the GREAT BIG LAUGH!
I totally needed a good laugh! How did you know!?!
Thanks for sharing that super funny story! Motherhood is exhausting and hilarious all at the same time!
Love ya,
~ Ali

Andrea - 🙂 I went to the pet store with three in no undies yesterday b/c we were on a mission to save newly discovered baby fish. Love this! Mothering is exhausting!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - What a great story…those are the stories to remember when we go through the other parenting “junk”. Hope it goes better soon. Hugs and I’ll send a prayer too.

beki - Thanks for the giggle! I’ve been having some rough mama days adjusting to the normal routine now that we’re a family of 6. It’s all worth it!!

Lauren - My middle son is 18. Three years ago he was invited on a cruise with the family of a friend. A cruise. For free. I”ve never been on a cruise. On the last night, my son and his friend were taken into ship custody for throwing plates off of the side of the ship like frisbees. I was horrified. He came home and was immediately grounded for 3 weeks. His crowning glory was his hair. The morning after he came home we got it all cut off. I share all of this to tell you that, last week, I smiled as I told someone the story. At the time, you never could have convinced me I’d laugh about it…ever. He’s done other ridiculous stuff that I’m not laughing about yet….but I have hope.
God bless you Meg!

Lisa - YES! That is awesome. I can’t count the times I’ve been sitting and watching one of my girls in a swimming lesson and realized there were soggy underwear sticking out from under the swimsuit. It’s confusing knowing just when to put those suckers on! LOL.

AnnMarie - Meg i loved that story! Thanks for sharing! This week has been a pretty hard week for me as a mom too and I needed a story like that to pick me up and remind me that this too shall pass!

Jenn D - Too funny! We once flew all way across the country with my oldest (who was probably 4 as well at the time) in a dress with no panties on! It was due to a family emergency and we just raced to the airport and jumped on the first plane. Super stressful just me and my 4 year old and 3 month old. I remember at every little airport we stopped trying to find SOMETHING for her to wear under that dress. Still makes me cringe…..

Cindy - hahahhahahahhahahhah!

Missy - What a cute story! Thanks for the smile this morning – and the reminder how fast time goes by. One of my favorite parts of the story was the “walked back home cracking up the whole time”. A perfect way to end the story.

kat - Hahahahahahahaha! No butts on the sneeze guard! My friend’s little girl went commando during an Easter Egg hunt and a trip to Target. Yep. She mooned lots of people too. Hilarious!

amy - Oh Meg.. I just spit coffee all over the computer screen! I love it!! Hang in there!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i haven’t heard that story before….so funny.
i am worn down with parenting as well…sigh. last night my husband and i were discussing two of our children and the not-at-all fun stages that they are in right now. it is wearing and tiring and overwhelming. and i don’t feel like reading a parenting book about it right now…i just want them to act right. because i am tired!!
anyhow, thanks for the camaraderie.
happy wednesday….sara

Sandy - That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing. 😀

Shar - Too Funny! But, wait til they are really adults and they sit there and say, ” hey sis, remember that time we almost burned down the house?” Yeah, some things are better off not known!! Hope your hard parenting days are few and far between!

4FabFranklins - Oh Meg…that’s a great story. thanks for sharing. My husband and I are having a bad parenting week….er ugh month. My daughter is 14. Need I say more? I’m going to dig up some of our good time memories just as you did.
This too shall pass.
Enjoy your day! =)

Lindsey - So funny! Years ago, my dad once forgot to put undies/diaper on my little sister when we went to church. Nobody noticed until we stood to sing the first hymn and she was bare! I just remember the horrified expression on my mom’s face when she looked over and saw the bare hienie! Lotsa love to you, Meg!

tiffany gardner - Today…more than you know…I needed to laugh. Thank you

Lee Ann - Thanks for the good laugh Meg! That is a great story to remember when things aren’t so funny.
I also just want to tell you how much I appreciate your blog, you, and the way you write on your blog. I have two blogs I read every day. Yours and “clover Lane”. I feel like you’re both real mom’s. In real marriages in real relationships with your kids. But honestly, what I love most, is that you don’t share it all. That you leave so much UNTOLD. I respect that so much. Every mom resonates with you not having much fun parenting right now, but we certainly don’t need to know the details.
Thanks again for making my morning 🙂

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - LOL…so funny. thank you so much for sharing….I needed that too!

Mollie - Meg- I just have to chuckle at that. Having a 5 year old myself, I can definitely relate! lol Last summer I found her swimming in the small dog pool with nothing on but her rain boots!

colleen from Alabama - Thanks for the reminder that there is something to laugh about at any stage. I definitely feel the “tired and worn out mama thing”. I am dealing with stuff that is just too big for me! If I’m not talking to someone, I’m praying. I am so wretched and God is so good. If not for His precious grace I would miss those laughable moments! I’m now looking for them with my 11 yr old girl and 9 yr old boy today! Thanks for being real Meg. You have encouraged me today!

Jill - Oh, I needed that! So cute!
May I say parenting sucks sometimes!???? (excuse my un-couth word)

Dianne - No shoes, no undies, no free fudge?! Thanks for “keepin it real” Meg. You made my morning!

Tiffany - YIIIIIIIKES! Kids love to hear these stories every now and then. Hope you have a better day today, music always helps (well that and booze).

Kim - Too funny! I’m glad you can remember the funny stories in the midst of troubles. We’ve had some hard parenting days here too. I was never a baby person, but it makes me long for the preschool years at times. Today the sun is shining and I am soaking it up.

Elizabeth - LOL love the story.

tara pollard pakosta - too funny! she should have just said, “no bare bums on the counter” lol!

elisa - Oh man- what an awesome story. I know exactly what you mean by the judgmental stare and when people are rude I usually say something. I can’t imagine if I did that and then noticed the booty hanging out. Soooo funny. That’s seriously classic. Can you imagine what she was thinking? lots of kid, free fudge, bare ass…..hahaha.

Heather R. - Ha! That is good…

happygirl - Hilarious story. It made me remember the day my son peed by the parking meeter before entering the Air and Space museum. See what happens when you grow up in the country. Embarrassing.

Sample Letters - Thanks for this so funny one. It is fantastic just.

Courtney - Thank you. I’m entrenched in the no-undies-at-the-fudge-counter stage right now and after dealing with sick kid and sick husband all week, I needed a laugh and a bit of hope that it does at least change.

Lisa - There is a verse in Isaiah that is talking about God as the shepherd. Part of the verse says, “He gently leads those wtih young.” I don’t know why I love this verse so much but it felt like it was written personally to me as a mom. It makes me think that God is so gentle with us parents cause he knows how hard it can be! Plus he is the Father of all of us humans who mess up and disobey him constantly! He really understands! Hang in there and keep making the tough parenting choices. You will be glad you did! And so will they… later in life, but they will recognize how much you loved and protected them! 🙂

lacey poag - so so so glad you shared this considering my little 2 yr old girl wore no undies to church last week –her sweet nursery pastor let me know–
today after a loud hit, i gave in to her wearing her brothers toy story undies all. day. long.
thanks for the reminder that these days will just be memories soon… 🙂 & 🙁

Jenny Joy - Thank you for that story. I needed it in the worst way today.

beth davis - I love your comment: “i feel a little worn down with the weight of parenting today so this story was a funny memory to make you smile in case you feel that way too.
they grow out of the no-undies-at-the-fudge-counter stage all too quickly.
and maybe someday i will laugh about the junk they are doing now….maybe.”
Thank you for saying that. I, too, have had a day that made me feel the same and it gave me GREAT comfort to read sentences above.
BTW – my husband just went on a Starbucks run at 10:25pm – yep, it was that kind of a day!

Jenny B. - hilarious! 🙂

elma - Love the story!! Parenting is so hard:( I have three teenagers and it is hard. I am just praying thr last four will be easier than the first four.

Katherine @ Grass Stains - I’ve been reading your blog for years, and I don’t remember that one. Thanks for sharing! It’s been a long day, and I needed the laugh. And laugh I did. 🙂

flowerpowermomma - funny story. it’s my first time to hear it.
fyi, you’re doing a great job parenting. I know many times it seems to be a thankless job, and I’m sorry for those days.
Hope you get a chance for a break this evening to recharge yourself.

Amy G - You just made me laugh OUT LOUD! Hilarious!
You’re such a good momma! Thanks you for the encouragement!

Kristin - just what i needed this evening. thanks for sharing! 🙂

Amy @ - Love it! I have those days ALL the time…being a stay at home mama you’re bound to feel down sometimes. It makes me smile though that you choose to find something happy to focus on instead. Just today my three year old told me “Mom, if I blink my eyes too hard, my brain stops growing!” Don’t you hate when that happens? 😉

Laura Phelps - IN the car
not SIN the car
there was no sin
just shame 🙂

Laura Phelps - ever tell you about the time all the guys at the grocery store were smiling at me?
one man even came over to help put my groceries sin the car
yeah, well…my blouse was unbuttoned
I shopped for 40 minutes in my bra

lisa - Ok, I am not joking, that exact same thing happened to me when I dropped my 4 year old off at preschool a few weeks ago! Naturally, my 2 year old insists on wearing dresses everywhere. Well I had my her on my hip, was holding my infant car seat in the other arm, and was getting these weird looks in the hallway. I had no idea until I put the carrier down and wrapped my other arm around her. OMG. I swear that little bit of “I still have everything together” went out the window when baby #3 was born.

Leah - Love the story! And I understand how you feel. Some days it’s just dang hard! Hang in there, Meg!

AshleyAnn - Totally worth repeating…though I don’t remember it. I have to say, when you said no diapers and fudge counter…my mind thought you were going somewhere else with the story. Glad it was a bare booty on your hip and not something that looked like fudge!

Kelly - Ha ha ha that’s great!
She is going to loooooove that you shared that with all of the internet when she’s 14!

Miranda - Bahahhahaa! Yes funny!

Maggie - Too funny, totally a mom moment, hope you are feeling better, we all have days like that:)
Hey, I made a print that reminds me of you, check it out

Tanya - That was a good, happy, funny story for a Monday 😀
My aunt and uncle lived in a very small town in Kansas when I was little and we always loved going to visit them and going downtown. Memories….I think we always wore our underwear though 😉

Kimberly Dial - LOL … Oh Meg, thank you for sharing that story … too precious for words 🙂

christy - 🙂 I think I started following your blog when Annie was about 3 & I don’t ever remember reading it. That is hilarious. Too funny & yes I think we have all had those moments!

Eva - I’m having a bad parenting day too 🙁 I am also in the midst of a hard core studying frenzy that the litle time I did spend with my girl today I felt I was so stressed, she felt it too i’ sure. Than daddy put her to bed while I was out studying, I feel guilty, about everything.
Needed a good read like this.. helps put life in perception again 🙂 My girls in the bare bum no undies stage hahaha love me her bare bum 🙂

Jacci - Oh, somehow I *knew* you were going to say that. Poor you!

jayne Barbour - Love it. That is just good stuff. Little kids buns are so cute!
I have a story that makes me snort out loud on occasion when I think about it. Last summer, in the midst of potty training, I took my children through the drive-through for a Frosty. My 2 year old had on a dress with only pajama shorts underneath since we had rushed out the door (and probably used every single pair of underwear in the house!) Not thinking straight, due to mommy brain, I took my three daughters (6, 4, and 2) into the Goodwill to burn some time before dinner. While in the back of the store looking at books I noticed my youngest was in a crouched position, looking at a book. When she stood up, you guessed it!-there was a nice *large* surprise on the floor-that had rolled out of her shorts!!! I panicked! I looked around and saw other shoppers in every direction. I wasn’t sure what to do and couldn’t bear the thought of someone seeing it-or worse-stepping in it! So I did what any exhaust ed mother would do. I grabbed it like a javelin and ran to the bathroom while commanding my children to follow me! Of course they were full of loud questions about what I was doing. I washed my hands for a good 10 minutes and we ran out of the store. Not my proudest mothering moment-and I’ve thought of lots of other solutions to it since then-but I thought it might give a laugh to another exhausted/potty training mom tonight:)
Thanks for sharing your story. It made my night!

Anna Baer - Love it! Reminded my of when my sister was about 2 (and she was already potty trained). We were in church and I kept telling her to sit down, and she wouldn’t. the finally she just yells out at me “I’m not wearing any underwear!” It was pretty embarrassing, but oh so funny!

Casey - Hey, Meg. It could have your bottom, right? I think you’re doing just fine! Love this old story.
– ps – Don’t think I’ve shared my new business with you. I’m (simply put), a mom’s assistant……teacher gifts, subway art, blog headers, bake sale goods, etc. Everything that busy moms want to provide, but can’t find the time or interest to do….I will do!
Thought you might enjoy!
xo, Casey (used to live in KC… San Diego)

Michelle - Perfect timing: we’re dealing with our 18-month-old’s first stomach bug. YIKES! Thanks Meg. xo

DebZorn - I sent your post to my daughter. She has a son who will be fourteen on Friday. He’s a great kid but he challenges her patience,every once in a while.:) Any one who is a parent knows these challenges with kids, especially teenagers. (My daughter says she was perfect at 14. I beg to differ.) Thanks for sharing.

Seriously Sassy Mama - That was funny. I remember when my oldest who is 8 now went to school one day without panties on in Kindergarten. The one day I do not help her. She told me it was because she saw me not wear any panties. This is what I get for going commando most of my adult life.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Hahah! Perfect story for a bad day! I love it 🙂 I am actually looking forward to having stories like that. And, just to cheer you up, my 7mo old learned how to get out of her bouncer today and flipped it while I was in the shower. I jumped out to see if she was ok (she was fine!) and picked her up all the while covering my bathroom floor, her bouncer, and her with soapy shampoo water. We just stood in the bathroom and laughed. What are ya gonna do?

Rebecca W - bahaha! thanks…
rough day here too…teething…AND a cold…snot everywhere, sad little person 🙁
hope tomorrow is better for ya!

Cheryl E. - Nope. Haven’t heard that one before but sooooooo glad you shared it with us! I’m having one of those days (actually, weeks) too. We’ve all been there and we’ll be back there again and again. BUT, one of these days, these kiddos of ours won’t be around and we’ll miss them – – – bad days and all!

Debbie Hargadon - Oh Meg. It must be a bad day as you posted the same thing twice w/in 1 minute of each other. Not sure that is what you meant by have i told this before 🙂
So glad to hear you get worn down by the kiddos too. It is a hard job. Know you are not alone.

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the conversation went like this…..

in my defense….
i had been sick and up all night the night before….literally ALL night.
and i had a headache and it was 100 degrees.
AND i was in the car with ALL my kids who were talking non stop.

so this is what went down:

ME:   So i was watching Jon Daily and Chris Rock was on and Jon said "You sent me that email and it was full of all this computer talk and i thought HE'S A NERD ROCKSTAR!"

CRAIG: nothing.

ME: and then Jon asked Chris  "if you could just have one part of the music what would it be….the soundboard and computers?  the stage?"  and chris says "a guitar and a camp fire"  and then Jon said "SO YOU"RE A HIPPY?!!!"

CRAIG: what? 

ME:  what? you don't think it's funny?  OH WAIT…..not CHRIS Rock….KID ROCK!!!  ha ha ha

CRAIG: Kid Rock was talking to Jon Daily?  the golfer?

ME: what? NO?! Jon Daily! the Daily Show!!!  

Craig: that's Jon Stewart!

ME:  oh….well…..whatever…..never mind!!!!!


i think it's time for me to get the mom translator………….


today is the last day for the Degree Get Into the Move $100 Visa Card giveaway.  
you have until 5:00 PM PST…..go enter to win.


AND my friend Kerry....with the dairy farm….remember her?
she entered her daughter in the cutest baby contest with a photo i took…..



if you would take 10 seconds and CLICK HERE and vote for BABY 147 my friend Kerry could win $1000!
it's today only (july 18th)   

Kyler is pretty darn cute!

go vote for that sweet pea.
it only takes 10 seconds….i promise.

happy monday.
i hope i don't embarrass myself much more this week…..

joe geronimo.




Jennifer S. - Lol. This post had me ROTFL!! Oh the tears of laughter. I know it was funny, but for some reason it brought about pure, tear producing, laughter! I guess I can just relate to it so much. Thank you very much for sharing that. Still giggling….:)

the whyte house - i knew exactly what you were talking about cause i flipped the channel as stewart was talking to him and caught the whole hippy part. kid rock definitely made himself sound smarter than i’d ever peg him to be. lol.

tori nelson - Haha! The funny part is that I totally understood what you were trying to say. Ah! The glories of Mom Speak!

Sarah - The whole time you were calling him Jon Daily I picture Jon Stewart. Hilarious!

Laura Phelps - the amazing thing is that I knew exactly who you meant 🙂

Catherine - it’s sad that I knew what you were saying to Craig! It’s not a new problem, when the movie Jungle Fever came out my mom kept talking abut Skip Lee…WHO??? Oh, Spike Lee! Mom, how many black guys do you know named Skip? Then when Magic Johnson announced he was HIV positive…she asked if I had heard about Magic JORDAN…what?? It’s what happens to us, we lose cool points as we age

May - I related your story to my hubs yesterday and he thought *I* was the one who was telling the story wrong (mixing up Jon Stewart and John Daly). And then when I finished, he tells me “That sounds like a May-joke, getting everything wrong.”

danielle - Nice. I do not think my husband would have been able to follow that if I got all the names right! He does not really know who those people are. I never get to talk about celebs…so deprived.

Beth - Love the video!

Jen - I voted. And just so you know, as I was reading the conversation with your husband, I was following along, understanding exactly what you were saying, and thought your husband and mine,MUST be related somehow. Too much funny!

Beth - Not sure if this is a good thing for me to admit or not, but I knew exactly who you were talking about from your first sentence!

Elizabeth Ann - That is so funny! I need the mom translator too :). Love your blog btw! I am a new reader/ blogger and am so inspired and encouraged by you.

Diana - What?

Julie - That is hilarious!!!

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - Oh my goodness, hilarious! Sounds like something I would do! Ha, love it! As long as we can laugh at ourselves its all good, right? Thought of you today as I splurged (at Target!) and bought myself two new dresses and 3 cardigans! What would we do without Target? Happy Monday!

Kimberly Dial - Sounds like many conversations here in The Dial Home between the hubs & myself … too funny! I sure could’ve used a mom-translator when my boys were teenagers 😉 I voted for your friend’s cutie-pa-tootie. Hope she wins!

Kimberly Dial - Sounds like many conversations here in The Dial Home between the hubs & myself … too funny! I sure could’ve used a mom-translator when my boys were teenagers 😉 I voted for your friend’s cutie-pa-tootie. Hope she wins!

Joanna - So hilarious!

Whitni - So this is completely and utterly off topic, but Michael’s craft store is carrying a line of French Bull party supplies. I saw them and instantly thought of the time you posted about them because I LOVED all the colorful dinnerware. If you have a Michael’s you should go check it out. I don’t remember it being too expensive and you could stock up 🙂

Victoria - I voted…she really was the cutest baby!
Love your dress and shoes you wore out the other night.
You and your blog are always a breath of fresh air and a pick me up. 🙂

Amanda - Right there with you. Awesome!

Cyndi Hamilton - So funny!! I do that too and my teenagers correct me all the time. They just roll their eyes and say “Mom, really?”

tara - glad I’m not the only one that needs a mom translator.
i voted for sweet pea….it took less than 10 seconds….and she really is the cutest in that bunch and the picture really is the most eye-catching!
just saying 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - HA HA HAhahahaha…I could use a mom translator too. Very funny and I voted for your friend’s cutie pie!

shelly - Ha! So glad that I’m not the only one (and joe geronimo is a hottie!) I just asked my husband if he needed me to take the check to the bank’s house today….yes..I..did…but it’s hot, I have headache and I was thinking about swinging past my parents’ house in the same trip….

Holly - Ha,ha… I know Craig was workin hard to keep up with you, girl 🙂
I found this boy on You Tube that plays all kinds of theme songs and oldies music and he is fabulous! He has a U2 song and I thought of you. Don’t just listen to it, find another one you like and listen… he is an amazing Korean guitarist.

ashley jensen - Hahaha! I knew you were talking about Jon Stewart and I have even called him Jon Daily while talking to my husband. He politely corrects me, and then laughs at me.

kathy b - The sad fact is because most of my interactions with my spouse and now like that. The older I get the more names I get mixed up. I kept calling my father-in-law’s mini stroke a T M I, when I should have said a T I A. Oh well to much information.
Kathy b

Kerri - Oh LAWD – sadly, I was following that convo right along with you…I need the translator< too!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Hahaha! The conversation between you and Craig was priceless! 🙂
I voted for that sweet, sweet baby. Hope she wins!!

Penny - I laughed so hard at this, it is exactly like something I would say. I read it to my daughter, Ryann, and she laughed and said, “yeah, you would say that!” And add me to all the others who knew exactly who you were talking about! Thanks Meg.

Kristin Hayne - That is how I roll 6 out of 7 days a week girl… no worries.
And voted…. was easy because I think she IS the cutest baby ever!! (aside from mine) 😉

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Hilrious!!! Love the “mom-translater” too. 🙂 Just voted! Let us know if she wins.

happygirl - Jon Daily. hahaha. I can’t stand that guy, so I LOVE this. Thank you so much.

georgia - I had one of them moments the other day at work. I’m 24 and like to think I’m quite up to date with music current affairs etc..
I said ‘I really like that song with JLO and bulldog’
Que the laughter and mickey taking.
Its apparently JLO and pitbull. I knew it was somekind of dog! Haha

emily horton - okay, I was automatically picturing the Jon Stewart Daily show when I read the first line… probably b/c I’ve never heard of Jon Daily, the golfer! Pretty funny!

Secret Mom Thoughts - Love the conversation. LOL. I voted for your friend. She is a cutie.

Jen - I knew right away you were talking about Jon Stewart. I’m a mom too!

kat - Okay, that is totally hiliarious!!! I voted for your friend’s pic!

Angie - Seriously laughed until I had tears streaming down my face! Funniest thing ever…because it’s soooo true.

Tracie - I was the same way, I knew exactly what you meant before the translation. You have a lot of kindred spirits. So funny.

meghan - i just have to comment because this made me laugh out loud. i knew EXACTLY what you meant even before the translation. crack up!

Christi Hoffman - I knew who you were talking about. lmbo! I LOVE to watch The Daily Show. I voted for the cutie! Hope she wins. 🙂

mary - I knew what you meant. Ha ha.

danielle burkleo - you make me laugh. i don’t know anyone’s real name either.

Lisa - Oh my goodness, this made me laugh!! I’ve had those moments too 🙂 And i voted for your friend. That’d be cool if she won!

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soooooo tired.

i stayed up until 4 AM talking with chicago jen last night.
and until 2:45 the night before.

i love my nights with jen.

but i am tired today.
VERY tired.

the men golfed one day 18 holes.
so jen and i decided to take some time without kids too…just moms…when the dads were back.

we went to get pedicures.
and jenny's was good.
mine was…….not.

here is jen's.
we started at the same time.

here is mine at the exact time as hers.

notice how the chair is empty?

it had already been empty about 10 minutes at this point.
my feet were on a cold wet rag.

jenny's girl put on her shoes….gave her the toe seperators….massaged her legs with warm lotion…..
did all the things she was supposed to do.
she was pampered (and i am happy for her)

i got….my toenails painted.

and it's not because my feet were in such good shape that they didn't need work.
my last pedi was in july.

it was just a really bad pedicure.
she never came back either….she just talked to her friend in the back and then started on a girl who came in for a manicure.

something to laugh about.
it was ridiculously funny.
i kept thinking i was getting filmed to see how i would react. 
it was CRAZY!

ok……..i need a nap.


my ETSY SHOP will open on MONDAY.

for real this time.
i promise.
cross my heart.

MONDAY at noon.


need sleepy.


elisa - I’m sorry about your pedi but your right, it IS pretty funny. I think I would have started saying stuff really loud. Like ask how Jen’s feet feel, because yours are kinda cold. Of course I probably would have sat there in shock instead.

Carol S - And another thing…this one’s for Jenny in Chicago…if she’s anywhere near Schaumburg, IL get over to FOOT FINESSE for a $28 ONE HOUR “foot massage” which is actually a full head, shoulder, foot and body massage, you’re fully clothed, and in a lazy boy type reclining chair. BEST value in the world! They don’t paint your toenails, but it is a very solid relaxing experience.

Carol S - Awww, at least your were a gracious hostess and gave your guest the good pedicure! I really dislike those wet towels…and have ALMOST said something, like, any chance I could get a dry rag to rest my feet on, please? lol. I can relate though, these are my kind of problems!

Peggy - The bad pedi was almost worth the good story……wasn’t it?
See you Monday.

katie - oh, i hate that! that’s happened to me before!

Alice H - I hope you didn’t have to pay as much as Jenny did!!

Myriah Mae - I soo have a pedicure story very similar to this… except me and 2 friends went and we all had BAD I MEAN BAD pedicures….they painted all over our skin and didnt try to fix it and they were mean….but like you said wenow laugh our butts off about the weird pedicure situation we found ourselves in.

CK - Sooooo want your whatever print:) I need it for our new home for the next 2 years. Can’t wait until you open!!

Jenny - If you’re ever in Greenville SC, you should stop by the spa I work in for an awesome mani/pedi. It takes about an hour (per service) to be soaked, scrubbed, masked, massaged and given wine or mimosas (your choice). Then, maybe you could drop by to see me for a massage or facial. You would love it :)! Waiting patiently (well, not exactly) for your shop to open!!! Woo hoo!

karen - If you have not already seen it look up Anjelah Johnson on You Tube and hear her mani/pedi routine. It is so funny!!!!

Sugar Mama - Sorry about the toes BUT I’m SOOOO happy about the shop opening! I’m eyeing a pillow or two and if anyone even tries to buy them before me I’ll start throwing elbows. Kidding. Maybe.

Gemma - Hi Meg!
Love the nail colour : ) Looking forward to your shop opening
Gemma x

Janelle - Why do I feel like I’m standing in front of a department store at 3am on Black Friday waiting for the doors to open?! Can’t wait for Monday at noon – is it possible to push and shove online? I want a rainbow t or hoodie, darn it!

Astrid - It’s so disappointing to get a lousy pedicure, isn’t it? Sadly, I only manage to get a pedicure once a year (my nasty feet could use one more often than that!) and the one I had last year was similar to your experience. The lady was just plain rude and did such a lousy job.
Thankfully, I got an AWESOME pedicure on my recent Hawaii vacation….so at least I won’t give up on getting pedicures.
Cute feet! (my toesies are bright blue. hee hee)

Katy Stone - bummer. i’m counting down the days until i get a pedicure. after a year in africa, my feet are baaaaaad.
reminds me of when i got my nails one on my wedding day- the lady used the cuticle clippers and went to town on my FINGER. (and it was on my left hand… the one that would be in pictures later that day!?) i was bleeding so bad and kept telling her to stop and she’d just say “it ok, it ok”. i left there with a wad of cotton on my finger… and she got no tip.
excited about your shop! 🙂

Erin - I gotta laugh at the lame pedi story. Been there! I am so anxious for your shop to open, my daughter NEEDS a rainbow hoodie. Where we live (Lithuania) it rains constantly, a little rainbow hoodie action to go with her rainbow rainboots are just what we need this spring!
Love this blog. Great photos, great colors, Godly inspiration. 🙂

Mind Movies Review - What a very tiring nights indeed! You toenails are stunning!

hannah - ha!! sadly, i can relate! today though, i actually had a surprisingly perfect, pampering pedicure. holla! hope you can have one soon;)
i’m ready to SHOP your shop!! xo

Valerie - Meg, you crack me up. Glad you can find the humor in your pedi 🙂

Michelle from Australia - By my estimate, Kansas is 15 hours behind Australia. Which means your shop will open at 3am on Tuesday morning, Australian time. Do you think I would get divorced if I set the alarm to get up and log on in the hope of snagging a rainbow t-shirt and jacket for my daughter? Probably but for the hope of a double rainbow, it just might be worth it 🙂 3am Tuesday, here I come!

Greatfun4kids - Hey Meg
Just wanted to wave and say from Auckland New Zealnd… I am long-time blog-freinds with Laura from Piece of Cake; I know you are one of her favourites so i thought I’d come by and see what she loves… I’ve put you in my blogroll so i remember to read your updates… (I remember reading your post about when she came to stay on their road trip cross country)
So, Hi!

Short, Sweet Season - Oh my gosh, bad pedis are the worst. In college, my BF and I went to get pedis after I had a horrible date with a very rude man. On the drive over, we talked about how we didn’t want to see any men that night and we were just going to have a fun girls’ night. After I chose my polish color and sat in the chair, guess who walks over to give me the pedi. A MAN! BOO!

because love is a lifestyle - That sucks! Hope you get the rest you need! Thanks for writing your blog, you do an awesome job. I love it!

jennifer - Lame pedi’s are such a huge disappointment. And you must be so stinkin’ exhausted! Worth it I’m sure though. Great friends are a rare thing.

Kristine - ha ha i HATE when that happens. and don’t they know you guys are there together and they should be on the same pace?! annoying. at least they look cute but sorry you weren’t more pampered. maybe you can go back to the *good* girl before july?? 🙂

amy cloud - SO HILARIOUS!!!! not that you got a bad pedi but the situation. Life is a wonderful adventure and you can either laugh about it or be miserable. I love your response!!!!!! Coffee soon! AMy klaassen cloud

Mindy Harris - i am excited for your shop to open. i am crossing my fingers for a bunting for story’s 1 year b-day partay!
sorry about your pedi–that’s a REAL BUMMER.
most of the time they do a great job…hmmm…

karen - cold wet rag doesn’t sound good!
yay for monday!

Lisa utu - Ahhhh…. Good friends! I don’t think everyone can say they have good friends like that. I feel lucky to have such deep, real, honest friends that I want to stay up all nite just to catch up! 🙂

Homeowner Insurance - Your blog makes me smile, you have cute nails!

Kimberly Dial - Awwww, it’s a shame about your pedicure but hey, your toes still look great! Glad Chicago Jen got a good one! You are so funny! Love reading your blog!

Kimberly Dial - Awwww, it’s a shame about your pedicure but hey, your toes still look great! Glad Chicago Jen got a good one! You are so funny! Love reading your blog!

happygirl - I don’t know what to add to all that has been said about the pedi. I’d be looking for a new nail shop. Glad you had fun with your Chi’town friend.

Sarah - At least you have pretty nails

Kelly (kelly is inspired) - Reading that made me so mad for you grrr.

Margo - You were so robbed!!! Glad you are having fun with Chicago Jen!!!

Jeddie - I can’t wait for the shop! The only downfall is we will be on spring break in Florida Monday, I don’t want to miss out! I am hoping for an adorable pillow.:)

Tami Veer - i have had some super crappy pedicures/manicures there too! i don’t bother going there anymore.

mary beth - You was robbed!! I think I would have been tempted to complain to the shop manager and I don’t blame you for not wanting to be the mean customer..I am a wimp about these things! You at least got a cool color!

Christy - That stinks & I would have been upset too. Glad Jen’s was nice though. 🙂 I have only had a pedi like 3 times, #2 was enough for me to never want to do it again, but #3 was a girls day out, so I obliged.
I have your shop opening on my outlook calendar!

april - girl u crazy….you should have said something….you should have got snot on her leggings! hahahaha

Kacey - So yours was half the price of Jen’s, right?! What a bummer!

aubrey - I love your color–you did NOT leave a tip right? She so did not earn it.
ou’re opening at noon your time, right? I don’t want to miss it. 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I will be 31 next month and, believe it or not, have never had a pedicure. But if this would’ve happened to me, she wouldnt have been getting a tip, I can tell you that! What a bum!(Just kidding but she should’ve worked on you longer).
Cant wait for Monday. You’re killing me!

angela - That pedicure thing has SOOOOOOO happened to me. UGH!

Sarah@this farm family's life - Oh no! I would have been very upset.
Can’t wait for the shop to open.

lauren - mmmm.. not cool. i think i might have said something. unless i was afraid jon quiones or whatever that guy’s name is from what would you do was sneaking around the corner. then i probably wouldn’t have wanted to be the jerk lady. so good call. 🙂 my mom always wrangled me into giving her a foot massage so maybe there’s still hope for you.. promise a big tip! 😉

Leah - I would have complained big time and asked for a refund. That’s how I roll. … Noon your time?

kat - That is crazy. I can’t believe she just left you there… so unprofessional. On another note, I am SUPER excited about the Etsy shop opening!!! Yeehaw!!!!!!!

Georgia - I have n-e-v-e-r had a pedi…
I think you should have coimplained, i know i would have! lol
Toes are a pretty colour though 🙂

Deb - Hope you didn’t give her a good tip!

Jodi - sorry you didn’t get your pedicure! I would say, why didn’t you go over to her and say: “Excuse me, but you’re not done are you?”… but I can’t tell you to say that b/c I wouldn’t have… ;o)

alyssa - the only time I get a pedicure is usually with my mother and sisters -in-law. I am always the last one to sit down and the first one to be done. I get gypped every time! It never fails. It pisses me off! but I’m not bitter…

Shannon - Sux about your pedicure especially when it’s something you look forward to for some relaxation! It’s happened to us all though 🙂
I’m glad I know what I will be doing Monday @ noon!

Su@The Intentional Home - I am there. . Monday at noon 🙂 Your blog makes me smile.

Jenny Joy - What a bummer about the pedicure! Although, I will say that your toes look pretty darn cute. 🙂

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i want you to know…

that i don't have it all together.
or get it all done.

i keep getting comments or emails asking "how do you do it all?"  
"how can you handle everything?"

you say you feel exhausted.
and overwhelmed.


i got another one of those emails yesterday.
i looked up from my computer and shook my head.

i picked up my camera and made sure i showed you the reality of my home.

i did not touch one thing in these rooms.
this is exactly what they looked like at 10 AM yesterday.








i am not proud of this.
but this is reality.
we do clean it up….but it never stays clean.

my kids have lots of chores but yet it always is a big ol' mess in here!

i get really discouraged when i clean it up or we all clean up and by bedtime….. 
it looks just as dirty as before.
it is a vicious cycle.

so now you know….i do not have it all together.

i'm sure you knew this was real life but i think in blogland we often forget.

we see the pretty all the time and think "why can't i be that way?"

"how can SHE get all of that done?"

"what is wrong with ME?!"


the pretty-pretty is not real life.

over flowing toilets
kids throwing up all night
disgruntled teenagers
finger prints
piles of shoes
sticky floors
smelly dogs
hurt feelings
full schedules
bad grades
good grades
talking back
spilled milk
running late

that is real….but not fun to look at.

cut yourself some slack today.
i am trying my best to be a great mom and i bet you are too. 
that is all we can do!

now i have to hang christmas decorations.


Cathy - Thank You… I feel right at home..

Kelly - Thank goodness! I feel so much better. ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic

Danny - “The pretty-pretty is not real life.” What a perfect way to sum it all up. Thanks.

LauraZarrin - Thanks for posting the real! It’s my reality, too. It helps to know that it’s the same for you. I can stop beating myself up. Thank you!

H-Mama @ Family Team - ‘Real’ posts are the best posts. Love this! 🙂

Rebecca A - Thanks for being real and really cute at the same time. My sister and I love reading your blog. We too struggle with being perfect. I have given up but have to repeat it to myself to remember. Have a merry Christmas and keep up the fun!

Josie - Your art projects are so very cool. Your house is beautiful, as is your family and this blog. With this post of actual life YOU are the BEST and you are now book marked on my computer to check in to aww what fun things you have created. BRAVO. You are awesome!

Leslie @farm fresh fun - Oh come on, even your messes are pretty! Those pics, those pics… I want you to shoot our messy house n family of crazies and make it all look that pretty! <3

Melissa - I just found your blog… And THANK YOU for this post! It makes me feel NORMAL! 🙂

Heather - Thank you so much for posting this! I have three teenage boys and their rooms always look like that! I’m so glad I’m not the only one.
I came over from 320 Sycamore blog and I’m so glad she posted about you. I can’t wait to read more of your blog.

katie - Thank you! Thank you! My house looks very similar to this and I always wonder how everyone else keeps such a well kept house. Awww a breath of fresh air!

Rebecca - Thanks so much for this post. I needed it! I struggle with being unorganized and my husband is one that thinks since I stay home things shouldn’t get so messy and I feel guilty alot about this. Thanks for reminding me that real life is busy and messy and it’s okay! 🙂

Cheryl - What a great post! I just found you as I was browsing Blogland. Thank you so much for being REAL. It’s true. It’s easy to get caught up in the pretty, pottery barn style photos that I see and sometimes I do think,”geez, what’s wrong with me that I can’t pull of that style?” So thank you. Have a Merry Christmas. Peace and health to you and yours.

erica - i needed to see that today…thank you for the reminder.

Kristen @ More Than Mulberries - This is my first time visiting your blog and I already love you. I’ll keep coming back for sure. Thank you for posting this, a well lived in house is true perfection really. What’s the saying, “Women who have a clean house are boring.” Ha!

TulipGirl - Even your mess looks clean and cute! *L*

Angela - I just found your blog and luvah it!!! Reading this post I knew this was the blog for me!!! I just finished tackling the 52 millionth dirty dish and putting the trillionth load of clothes in the dryer. Real life and the chaos that goes with it, albeit frustrating at times, is the true diamond in the rough, it is not the perfectly mounted diamond ring!! 🙂 I can’t wait to go thru the posts, etc, consider me a new and will be a long time follower. Take care 🙂 Angela

Michelle - You have no idea how many people you helped with this. Blogland is wonderful but it shiny and is not altogether real. Thank you, thank you, thank you Meg, for a making a corner that is real. Love you!

Tara @ Tara Being Tara - I just found your blog from 320 Sycamore, and I’m already hooked. Isn’t it amazing how we all worry about what our homes look like, when in reality, they look like everyone else’s? I hate our floors – they are old, cheap laminate that are chipped in a hundred places. We get more compliments on how lovely the floors are than anything else. I’m your newest follower!!

Wylie - This is awesome! It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by the messes and overlook the blessings. I have four (all grown now), and my house looked like yours constantly. Now I have one daughter home, while she is looking for an apartment, and her room looks like the teenager’s in your house. I just keep the door shut. 🙂

Sarah - I love this post. I’m always amazed when I go over to people’s houses and they are perfect. And I run around like crazy trying to make my house presentable when someone is coming over. I guess they probably do the same thing. But sometimes it feels like i’m the most disorganized, gross person in the world when I look around me. *sigh*

Mary Anna - This is my first visit, and it’s love at first sight!
I have a friend who makes remarks like “Doesn’t it just drive you crazy when the Legos are all over the living room floor?” (as she’s sitting in my living room!) I respond that I’ve become really good at stepping over them!
I look at it this way – when my boys are men, will they remember that my house was sparkling clean and they weren’t allowed to play or will they remember impromptu light saber fights in the living room, the Jedi Ballerina (battle arena, aka the foyer), the formal dining room exploding with craftiness at their fingertips)?

aubrey - My favorite post. I’m relieved. I’m not the only one with the same problem. I thought something was wrong with me. I thought it was because I have four kids and we live in 1000 sq. feet. I guess it happens in big houses too. Of course, your messes are more colorful and have a much prettier background–or underground. whatever. And I’m so painting our big filing cabinet red. That’s awesome–except that I though I actually had an original idea to use ours as a dresser too. 🙂 Messy or not, I love seeing pictures of your house. Old houses are the best. (On the surface right? Ours is oldish too–but only 50 years.)

Bella - Oh wow, had to come see what all this was about,my first time here, and what do I see, the same thing I see everyday at my place too, he he. I just smiled the whole way thru, it was so nice to see, someone else put it all out there. My VERY FIRST blog post, was a tour of my messy home, and then I cleaned it A BIT, for a quick before and after. I was hooked to blogging, and I think that was also the LAST Time my house got cleaned all at once, lol. This was back in eary August, lol.
I love your blog, and am so happy I found you, oh and LOVE your hair, in your profile pic. So cute. 🙂
Bella 🙂

Kim - I actually stopped reading your blog for a while because as much as I loved it, I just felt so inadequate afterwards. 🙂 I was just sitting here and decided to come visit you again and saw this post. You really are real! You’ve made a believer outta me again! Thank you!!!!! You’re even more awesome than before!

Bored Housewife - I love you.

Maggie B - It is so seriously, refreshingly welcome to see a little honesty out there! I just adore ooohhing and aaahing at all the beautiful, retouched and drool-worthy photos on all these gorgeous blogs I enjoy reading, but it is so nice to know that at least someone out there also has a bunch of messy kids, laundry, dishes piling up and the wherewithall to realize that this is what life is all about! Make the most of it, dirt and all! Thank you for the beautiful post!

Laura - I LOVE it when you show us your house – clean or messy. It’s always beautiful – lived in and loved in. Thanks for the encouragement today Meg! I needed it!

loniann - Thank you Thank you for posting this side of life. Too often, I beat myself up about not having that model looking home.
I love your blog. Read it often. Keep it up!

Gretch-A-Sketch@ishootnouns - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! I am so glad I am NOT alone!!!!

Farmers Wifey - THIS is what I love about blogging..the reality of it all. I love that you did makes you more loved and more human..and it makes me feel Normal.

Amanda Elton - ha ha! I didn’t realize we lived at the same house! 😉 I have 4 boys so double your mess times two and add lots of stinkiness for my house!! Thanks for posting that. You are not alone. 🙂

Richelle - Meg – I have been reading your blog for a while now and have always loved it. This is my first comment. Tears are streaming down my face as I read this post. Thank you. I really needed it today. I am feeling overwhelmed and insignificant and just not good enough at anything. I love my Lord and Savior and I know I am His precious child – which is enough. But you are right – you read blogs, people’s facebook status updates, Christmas card letters, etc. and you start to look at the lives of others and measure yours on the two dimensional view you have of theirs. I can’t thank you enough. I think we all need to be more real in our lives – it does more for others than we could ever imagine. Blessings to you and your family.
In the words of my 9 year old – You ROCK!

Grace - Can’t thank you enough for your honesty in sharing this with us. We’re all in these trenches together, aren’t we?

crystal - These are the prettiest picture ever!!! Am I sick to say that they make my heart feel happy???

Christy - I just found this link from another blog. I really needed this today. Thank you!

Lori - Makes me like you even more!!

Brandi - Thank you for your honesty! I love LOVE mom blogs for inspiration, crafty fun ideas, etc. but sometimes I do leave feeling a little inadequate like why aren’t my kids in smocked dresses neatly crafting while Xmas music plays in the background?!? So thank you thank you a BIG thank you for keeping it real! 😉 As long as your house is functioning for all the fun stuff you’re doing with your family, then that’s perfectly good enough.

Sarah - Meg, this is awesome. You really have a way of making us all feel that we’re in the same boat.

Lee Ann - You have no idea how much this post means to me – to stop comparing myself and home to others, life is messy – you are so right. It is okay to have a mess. Home is where you live.

elisa - Thanks for this 🙂

NSB MOM - that is great!

Jeannie - …but with humility comes wisdom.(Prov 11:2b) And from where I am sitting, you are truly wise. Thank you for your humility and your words of wisdom and encouragement each day. It is a blessing looking into your world each day, no matter a perfect or messy scene. All your pictures just give a glimpse of how much love you shower on your family! A messy home is a cozy home–at least that is the excuse I use! So, off I go to clean up a house that looks like yours right now, but at least I can smile and not feel alone:)

Janna - I don’t even know you …BUT I LOVE YOU MAN!!! That’s all too common around this house. You are awesome to show us we are not alone. I tell my sister if you want to have a hobby, you have to make the time to do it…the mess will ALWAYS be there! Thank you again, so glad I started following you not long ago;)

Amber - Thank you. Simply because now I don’t feel quite so overwhelmed and incompetent with my own home.

Tanya @ Life in 3D - As I scrolled down my heart leapt and burst with happiness…
I feel SO NORMAL now.
THANKS for keepin’ it real…truth?…I don’t feel like a big mess in this moment because of this post.
Betcha didn’t think Littlest Pet Shop world could do that for someone did ya?!?!

Carol - Hahaha! Now, you’re going to get emails asking you what you do all day since obviously you’re not cleaning the house! Thanks for keeping it real!

Tracy Fisher - This is why I love reading your blog!!!!
Thanks for keeping it real. Tracy (

Karen Gerstenberger - This is one of MANY reasons that I love you & your blog: reality & fun. Real life is MESSY, but it’s totally worth it.
I love a tidy house, but a bit of PERSPECTIVE: now we are empty-nesters (since David is away at college and Katie is in Heaven – she would have been a sophomore this year), and believe me, I would love to have a bit of mess, if I could have my girl back! Thank you for keeping it honest.

krystall - I love you even more after reading this or should I say seeing this,

Julie - I heart your messy house!!!

Kat - I LOVE that you share and that you always, always keep it real!!!
This is what makes me love your blog and you even more Meg.
I can totally relate to the overflowing drawers, my 8 year old daughter is like this.
We also live in a small house, which makes it look even messier quicker.
HOW do these other blog people get their homes looking so picture perfect? It really does make us normal people feel inadequate.
After being up at 3.30am with a vomiting two year old, having a messy house and a manic Monday trying to get two older kids to school and deal with a difficult four year old, I feel soooo much better from reading this post.
You rock!!

Quinn - Don’t worry too much about not being able to keep up with all the work pouring over you; it is what makes your house, your house. No one’s house looks like the perfect house we think everyone else has, and yet we are all striving for the perfection we see in magazines. I swear it is just the media and commercialism coming over us. Almost like a vicious cycle… Your house shows creativity, the fact of real life. So please don’t fuss over the small things, as much as we all love a clean house!

stacia - HA! Love love love it!!! My DOWNSTAIRS was picked up for an event recently. The upstairs was OFF limits and even then the “clean” lasted 1 day 🙂 Yup…life is a bit messy!!! Thank you SO much!!!!

Leslie - I just let out a big sigh of relief . . . thank you! I think I’m cutting myself some slack today knowing my life is just as REAL as others out there.

aimee - HAHAHAHA i love you meg! 🙂

Monica Huete - Thanks for the shots !!! I have got three children and … it is not easy !!! You spent the whole day trying to clean and organize things and in only “FIVE” minutes kids arrive and the “mess” is there again, hehe. I just decided to take it easy, there are more important things to live for than a fabulous cleaned and organized home.
Thanks again for sharing your experiences !!! … ^__^

Aimee @ In THIS Life - THANK YOU!!!!!

Cassy - That’s why I love you… You are awesome AND you are real. Thank you.

Wendy @ Living Creatively - THANK YOU!!! I was just here debating about what to do– paint, scrub floors & do laundry & dishes & other housework until I crash… grade papers… and I was wondering what on earth is WRONG with me. How do other women do it all?! How do they keep up? How are they *perfect* and i’m always falling apart.
THANK YOU. You have a new follower!

Melanie - What a fabulous post. I never think that blogland is perfect. I know that some of the girls that are doing projects and blogging all the time have let something go in their lives. I know that if I go off every day, my house gets a little messy. (I only have one son and he is 16) The girls in blogland are letting the laundry go, the closets go, etc. It is not perfect. I have always told you that you are a great mom. A fun mom that does things with the kids. Lets them do crafts etc. I am not that mom. I have to have a clean and organized house and that is what Caden will remember when he leaves the house. We just have to be ourselves and not try to be something we are not. I am orderly and neat and I can’t change that to be something different. Praise yourself for being a good mom, a Christian, a testimony to others. You have a lot of wonderful qualities.

Allie - I read your blog every day. This very well may be my favorite post. I was feeling overwhelmed and now I don’t feel so alone. Your house is still gorgeous. Somehow, your mess looks charming 🙂

Michele - Thank you.

Amy R. - I feel better now about leaving the dishes in my sink for another night. Thanks for your honesty. It is a great reminder that we don’t have to have it all together and no one really does! I am going to start cuddling with my kids more and stop worrying about the house so much.

Rebecca - Thank You. You don’t know how much this means.

amy jupin - i knew, while reading this, that it was going to be one of those posts with LOTS of comments. as moms, sisters, friends, daughters, etc. we sure put a lot of pressure on ourselves–and our homes suffer greatly at times, don’t they?! my home looks exactly like these pictures, especially the kitchen sink! i truly appreciate this post, meg!

susan - I love you Meg!!!!! thanks for keeping it real!!!
god bless

colleen - Thanks for being real. As I read i thought this probably resonates with soooo many women… confirmed by the 242 comments on this post. I hate that we put so much pressure on ourselves by comparison to something that rarely exists – the perfect mom. That i am not. i am a needy sinner delighted that God never made a commandment against a messy house! Thankful that the grace of Jesus is always lavish and amazing! Thanks again.

Jennifer - I agree that you are even more awesome for showing reality. Thank you. You do appear to have it completely together, and it’s not that I feel better about myself for your short comings….that’s not it at all. It’s good to know you are human as well! x0x0x0
My living room is Littlest Pet Shop hell as well. 🙁

Heather - It is funny….even your messes are colorful and seem to be happy! I actually don’t have a messy house, but I am IN my home all day with my girls (we homeschool) and everyone has cleaning chores to do to keep the house picked up. I need it clean to concentrate on schooling or I’d constantly be thinking about how I need to clean up! If we all had to bolt out the door in the morning for school/work I’m sure my home would look the same – only not quite so “chipper.” 🙂

Jen R - Oh my…THANK YOU so much for this! Sometimes I sit with coffee in hand reading the blogs I adore – every one gorgeous & perfect. Then walk into my family room where it looks like a bomb went off – immediate shame. 🙂 Thank you, Thank you for being a REAL person. I love your Blog – the pretty & not so pretty! 🙂

Jessica Johnson - I’ve been following for a little while, yet to comment. But just had to on this one because I LOVE it! 🙂 I think this encouraged me more than all the blogs I’ve ever read COMBINED. I’m not alone in the craziness!

katie - i want this post framed in my house.

adrienne - o lol girl!!! i feel right at home 🙂

andrea - and….that is why i love reading your blog

Michelle - I love you.
Thanks for helping me to remember that I’m not alone.
Parenthood is hard and houses are messy–that’s life.
And it’s okay.

Lisa - You are so awesome for sharing these photos, and so BRAVE! I would never want to post the pictures of what my house look like MOST of the time! Good to put things in perspective once in a while, but of course who wants to look at messy pictures all the time, we like living in our little fantasy world that everything looks good 24/7!! lol Plus, it we take pictures when it’s all clean and neat, we can freeze it just like that!
Now…off to decorate and CLEAN!

Andrea from Orlando - Wow! That is messy, hehehe:) Thanks for sharing. That’s my house too.

Ana - Thank you. so. much.

Dee - Thanks for this!

Heather - I have more respect for you now than ever before! One more reason to adore you and your blog. You have made me feel so much better about myself. I am constantly struggling with the feeling that I just don’t measure up to the “superwomen” I see on other blogs. Now I realize that we all have our dirty little secrets- aka laundry piles- laying around! 🙂
Thank You Meg!

Julie - THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!!!!!

the whyte house - i always love the “keepin’ it real” posts. 🙂 it looks like everything is unpacked from your trip, though! takes us like 3 weeks to do that! 🙂

Patty - Thank you.

April Driggers - I love you man! Thanks for keepin it real!
Now.. clean that $hit up! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha! (just kidding)

Kelly - Blog hopping this morning and stumbled upon your blog. I LOVE IT!!! what a refreshing post this is. As a mom of 3, a full time student, full time wife, part time employee I am full time crazy and feel like I am going to burst at times ~ ESPECIALLY when others think I “have it all together”… HAHAHA what a laugh.
BTW..I LOVE LOVE the sink shot!!! it is one of my pet peeves, but somehow my sink looks the same!

Beth @ Dirty Laundry - Instead of Littlest Pets in the Foyer, it is Matchbox cars parked on the foyer rug, because there are lines on the rug and they are, apparently, perfect parking spaces. Also, the sun shines in the front door in the morning and it is warm and sunny and the best place to play and park your 500 Matchbox cars (and sometimes army guys). And I am always frustrated by it, stepping all over those cars. But you are right! You made me feel better about them, and someday I will miss those cars. Thanks, Meg.

mary - Forget the mess ~ I LOVE the Pet Shop world. In our house it was Fisher Price world but looked the same and was always right in the middle of the living room. Enjoy every minute ~ it goes SO fast.

danielle - amen, sister. my life everrryyday. and i only have two!

jennibell - THANK YOU for this. You know how to keep it “real”. And inspire. I *love* the filing cabinets repurposed as drawers — ingenious!!! And the other thing I saw in these pictures? Love. Not a mom nagging all the time to “pick up, clean up” (that would be me since we have the house on the market right now). . .it looks like your kids have time to PLAY and that is awesome.
Have a great weekend!

Karen Lehmann - you have NO IDEA how much better i feel after seeing those photos. thank you.

carols - YAY! I can match those messy kids rooms and bathrooms! I will not be judged by my kids rooms, nope, no way, not doing it. Bigger fish to fry over here. My heart and head are clean, and so are my kids, and I’ll take that any day over the alternative. The craft room got an out loud laugh from me…that would be my home office. Next time…open a few closet doors for our entertainment, will ya? You’re a doll.

Alexandra/The Empress - oh, well, of course you have 218 comments on this post.
Of course you do…your home’s loveliness still shines through.
Thanks to Dana, I’m here.
My house is a true mess. yours is a pretty mess.

Beth Ann - Thanks for sharing!!! I do my best to keep my main level clean, but upstairs – FORGET IT. I joke that our master bedroom looks like a good (or bad?) episode of hoarders. Laundry piles, stuff to put away/find a home, anything random, treadmill in the corner, throw pillows – thrown about.

Andrea - Amazing. I see the same “just stepped out of” pants on the floor of our bathroom every night. I see the same piles of clothes, open drawers, dishes (mine are not as cute) every day. This is why I want to be you: because you are so real, yet so inspiring.

Liz @ Perfect Chaos - As if it’s even possible, I love you even more now that I feel like I can REALLY relate to you. Thank you for this post. Not because you’re not perfect, but because you’re real!

Mother, oh Mother,
come shake out your cloth,
empty the dustpan,
poison the moth,
hang out the washing
and butter the bread,
sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house
is so shocking?
She’s up in the nursery,
blissfully rocking.
Oh, I’ve grown shiftless as Little
Boy Blue (lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping’s not done
and there’s nothing for stew
and out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo
but I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren’t her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
The cleaning and scrubbing
will wait till tomorrow,
for Children grow up,
as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs.
Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep……
~Author Unknown ~
a beautifull life

Anita - I NEEDED THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
We often blog and think we are the only ones who do not have it all together. I have been sick and my house is a wreck, laundry is not done and no decorations are out and I have been giving myself a HARD time. THANKS!!!

Dina - Thank you for being so real! This is why I love your blog. I have a HUGE phobia of people ‘popping in’. My tiny house which includes 5 humans and 1 dog, is ALWAYS a disaster and I’m a SAHM! I beat myself up everyday that I’m really sucking at this current profession… but the reality is, those people that ‘pop’ in could care less about my mess. They seem un-comfortable if they happen to see everything in a perfect state.
Why do we do this to ourselves? REAL is the way to go… thank you:-)

Julie - you are even cooler than i knew! thank you for being so real.

jaz - Oh my gosh, 210 comments – that kind of sums it right up there.

Holly - Ah LOVED this!!! Pure, TRUE, and completely honest!!! and yet, you are always an inspiration! Thanks for sharing and making us mamas feel normal 😉 whatever that is, right? Hee…hee..

Alice - In the craft room picture, what is all over the “M”? I have an “a” and I am not sure what to do with it and I love yours.Thanks

Dawn - Thank you from the deepest part of my heart for sharing this – I’ve been looking at all the pretty online and beating myself up over all the messy in my own life. It’s good to come back to reality and know that everyone has both in their lives 🙂

September - This just what I needed to hear today! Thanks!

Heather - I love you. I love this. It’s so easy to forget when we see such gorgeous shots on peoples blogs that they likely cleaned up specifically to take those pics. Or had just finished a huge clean and thought hey, I should take a pic now.

Amy - I absolutely love this. It’s nice to see that someone else has an imperfect house like mine. And I don’t want to spend every day trying to make my house perfect. I want to try and enjoy every minute with our 4 kids while they are still kids!! (oh, and just curious….what program do you use to put the text boxes on your pics like that? They are super cute!!)

Daniela - THANK YOU!!!

Lora - Thanks… i feel better.

sharron - your mess is even colorful just like you!
thanks for sharing it with us!

Rach - My favorite is “the teenager’s room.” It reminds me of when I left home and my mother had to figure out what to do with all of the road signs I had “acquired” on some rowdy weekend adventures.

Stacia - I love love love this post. Thanks for taking the time to post it.
I love the filing cabinet in the boys’ room. Is it a dresser? Or actually a filing cabinet?
Your craft room looks exactly like mine. If my entire house is clean…that means you can’t walk in the craft room.

Kristin S - I absolutely love this post.
Any woman who would let her kids’ feet hit her head for 30 hours is a hero in my book.
And honestly, I think most of us have messes. While I don’t want to end up on “Hoarders”, I’m OK with some mess and clutter but still get frustrated that I wonder what others will think. Thank you for giving me the freedom to LIVE in my home.

Kathy - This is awesome! Thanks for sharing- your blog is fabulous!

julia - Simpletruths - *sigh*
Thank you. This is just the motivation I need to do two very important things
1 – clean a little something
2 – not think I’m a bad person because only half of the dining table is visible at any one time 🙂
Cathi I love that quote “A clean house is a sign of a misspent life”

mbt - Thanks so much for being so real and for sharing.

Christine Ishmael - Hey Meg…love this post…I’m in the same boat as you with 6 kids! The one question I have is why do the kids NEVER close the drawers of their dressers?? How hard is that??? And I JUST got home from Costco and the box of 50 chips has already been halfway eaten….aaaagggghhhhh!!! This is why Moms drink so much diet coke and shop for hours and hours on end…see? I just justified the shopping I’m about to do…

karen - tears…thanks meg!

Kimmie - Thank you! 🙂

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - Meg, I love ya girl and this post is why….I spent today…instead of working as I should have been….I work from home 95% of the time…I spent the day picking up my house…I couldn’t even clean because there is so much just to pick up! Geesh….and laundry….well…the pile is high…very high. thanks for reminding us that we all are just doing the best we can……including you…….
By the way..I need at least one waffle picture per week…that guy makes me SMILE! Happy Friday!

Sandy - Thanks for being so real Meg!!

Crystal @ Ordinary Days - Sounds like you might be tired of hearing this but…get ready for it…You’re STILL “so great”. This post my dear is one of the reasons you are “so great”. Sorry. Had to tell you even if you don’t want to hear it today. 🙂 I love a real, genuine, authentic person. And WHY can’t the kids shut the drawers??? For the life of me, I can’t figure it out. lol

steph - thanks… i needed this today. knowing others are in the same boat, makes me feel less alone. now i need to go clean! ha ha!

Terri Upton - Thank you so much for that post! I thought my teenage daughter was the only one who could destroy her room, her bathroom and practically every room she is in. At least I only have one at home. My son is in college and he was home for Thanksgiving I found out he is a neat freak. What????? Anyway, thanks for sharing.

Aimee - Thank you for this post. Thank you for making me feel better about my messy house and reminding me that I am not the only one!

Regina - i love that you posted pictures! thanks so much for that encouragement b/c although i’ve never commented on that in particular, i have often wondered! i stayed home all day in my jammers to clean up piles that look very similar to yours. i stll have more to go though.

jodi - And this is why you are my favorite blogger. We are all in this together- You are always “keepin it real”!

Sarah - This seriously made my day. Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this! It’s so easy to get down on yourself for not being perfect, and it’s hard to remember that no one is. Aaaah, sigh of relief! 🙂

barb c - you rock!

carolyn - love this post. but, somehow, even your messy is cute…

Kori - OK. This is rad! I love your house even more now. Everything looks as it should and does make me feel less together. Every post I read makes me wish more and more that we were neighbors and friends!! Is that weird??
I hope not.
P.S. I CANNOT let my son see the pics of your boys’ room!! I am forever on his case about his books and magazines littering his floor and his clothes not being put away properly! He’d NEVER pick anything up if I let him see other boys rooms looking like he likes his to look!!!!!

dawn - Thank you. And you can come over to my house any day — you’ll feel right at home. 🙂

Belinda - Relief floods the blogosphere. Mothers cheer aloud infront of their computers. We are not alone! xx

jody - Whew.
I am relieved to see this.
Keep keepin’ on Mama!
Thanks for sharing.
Mom of 4 boys under 5 (my messes are only going to get BIGGER.) :))
And I wouldn’t have it any other way (and neither would you or any other Mama…)

Courtney Walsh - Yep. Here too. Not proud, but it’s reality.
I’ll have a clean house when they’re all married…but I’ll miss them more than anything.

Trina McNeilly - I love you..ha…seriously i love this about you and you’re blog. You’re blog is always my fresh of breath air blog.
So here is my question…so any advice for living with a bit of a mess? And not freaking out about it. I think looking at blogs all the time has def made me feel way less adequate about my home. And like I can’t quite keep up.

Stephanie - Thanks for keeping it real! I have a sign in my kitchen that says
“A CLEAN HOUSE IS A SIGN OF A MISSPENT LIFE” and I truly believe this! We’re all in the same boat!

Darcy - I love you for showing us your real house. We’re all in the same boat!

Laura Phelps - love the daisy bowl in the sink
lets start a weekly posting in blogland
“real life at 10 am on Friday”
take a picture
post it
everyone feels better
love you
mess and all

Michelle - From the bottom of my heart….THANK YOU!

Suzette - You ROCK! And so do I!

Suesan Kennard - Thank you for sharing!
I have a similar situation at my house, although my youngest are now teenagers. I grew up in a house like this, and now that we are all grown, my Mom has the cleanest house on the block.
I will live with the occasional messes if it means I get to enjoy my kids for awhile. I do not possess the ability to stress over a clean sink, but that said, I’m much happier when my sink is clean! Go figure.
I’m a new follower.

Ana Hogan - Thank you for this post. 🙂 I have to admit, I walked around my house this morning and thought about you and your house! I thought, “why can’t I get it together like Meg?”. I still think you’re an amazing woman and I’m happy to know that it’s normal for a house to look like this…especially when people are actually living in it!

jessica kiehn - THANK YOU! I am so tired of every blog mom trying to come across as perfect. Posting their only perfect pictures, only telling their perfect stories…it’s disgusting.
Thank you for truth. It doesn’t mean we have to air our dirty laundry and whine and gripe, but the truth is always more encouraging and empowering to hear from someone than fake, magazine life crap.
Thank you for posting this, because you have so many readers, and they falsely look up to you like you are some Mother God to worship, haha! You are real! So are they! We are all just doing our best in this thing!
Again…love the post:)

Jacci - Meg – this is good stuff. GOOD stuff! I *know* you honored God with this transparency because your post was a word written according to the need of the moment. You gave grace to those “hearing” you 🙂
Praise God He’s sufficient, because *none* of us are!
~Jacci in Ohio

Alyssa - Where is the LOVE IT button….Cause it made me smile today…I only have 3 kids…But the almost 3 yr old is with me all day and anything I accompish in one room is counteracted by the mess she makes in another room…
Today the Phone man is coming and I am in almost in tears trying to “clean” My house looks like your house…
Love the filing cabinet dresser that idea ROCKS>
Kiss kiss

Kellie - Oh, I love you! Your are real. You make every mom out there feel ok. Thank you!!!!!

sue - I think this is the best post yet.I was only thinking about you the other day and ‘How does Meg do it all with that big house ” I guess you don’t after all.Thanks for the honesty.

Jen - This made me want to cry. Not kidding. Thank you.

elma riedstra - Oh Meg:) Whatever works for you:) I know I am just one that can”t function in a mess:) I do, like you a ton of laundry a day which I love to do. I wash and fold and my kids have to put their wash away.They also have to make up their beds when they wake up. Even our little ones they keep up their rooms. With eight kids I just expect them to put wash away and keep the bedroooms clean:) Have a wonderful weekend:)

Danielle - Awesome! I love this post, this is real life! I have six kiddos and my house looks exactly the same way all the time. I must admit though I’m a little disappointed in that I thought it got better as they got older, but apparently not as you have teenagers. My oldest is nine so I guess I should just give up:)lol Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your life with us, your blog has always been an encouragement to me. You live life and you live it to the fullest, you are truly blessed. And I love that you honor
God through it all:)

Lucylu ~ - wowza!

Amber P - What I see is a woman who is SO present with her kids and that is WAY more important than having a put together home. To me, your home is full of warmth, love, joy, and FUN! I am reading The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson. Sally states “But it’s the way I respond to my children in everyday moments that gives me the best chance of winning their hearts. If I have integrity and patience in the small moments of heart, then I have a far better chance of influencing them in the larger and more critical issues of life.” We cannot do it all. Something has to give somewhere. Time invested in our kids is more important than having a gorgeous, organized home. I admit that I struggle with this very thing – being present for my kids, being a slave to ‘getting things done’. In reality, it doesnt’ matter if my home is clean & beautiful or if I have all the laundry done. (Which I never do!) But I can let go of the guilt of not having it done! I really admire you Meg ~ for the kind of mother that you are.

Els - Ha ha ha! love it!

midwestmom - this is why your blog is my favorite. my first click of my day. everyday. thank you so much for this post day!

Anna - Awesome!
A few housecleaning quotes
– I am thankful for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home…. I am thankful for the piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby. ~Nancie J. Carmody
– Thank God for dirty dishes,
they have a tale to tell;
while others may go hungry,
we’re eating very well.
~Author Unknown

karen - Thank you so much for posting this. There are so many blogs out there that only show the airbrushed pictures of…well, everything in their life. I stopped reading them because I was starting to feel inferior about…well, everything in my life. But my sister e-mailed me this link and simply wrote, “Good post.”
I couldn’t agree more. Thank you.

Linda - Thanks for the reality check. Not just yours but mine too. We forget sometimes that blogland is usually everyone’s best foot forward. I think with the holidays we all get ourselves bogged down. When really we just need to enjoy the simplicity of life. Enjoy our families and our friends.

Megan - Kimberlee and I have had this conversation before–about blogland and deceiving perfection. When I walk into someone’s house I always feel more at home if I can relate to them…and sometimes it’s seeing real life and not a neat and clean house! LOVE this post…and my house looks likes this too 99% of the time…

Ellen - Thank you.

Karen - Posts like this are why you are so loved!

Donna - Thanks for bringing some of us back to reality. I have read your blog for quite a while now and marvel at “Craft Thursday” and the fun that you have with your family, friends and one of the dream jobs that I would love…which is not sitting at a desk in a corporation. My comment doesn’t help you to get your house clean, but it does help me to know that mine isn’t the only one that is “lived in”!

Brook - Thank you for this post!! Life is messy. So are houses. I have 4 kids and it’s IMPOSSIBLE to have my house clean all at the same time or for any length of time. It always makes me laugh when someone comes over for a party where I spent hours cleaning and thinks it looks like that all the time. Hilarious and impossible. Thanks for keeping it real.

Adrienne S - Ok..I love that you did this! I read blogs mostly for the pictures and I love yours, but I always wonder how it looks so clean. I am so glad to see you keep it real like the rest of us!

Janelle - Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are so many times that I just ask myself “WHY CAN’T I KEEP THIS HOUSE CLEAN??

a pocket full of posies - YOU just TOTALLY and COMPLETELY ROCK!!!!- thanks for sharing your “real” world, so that we ALL can feel better about our “real” worlds!!
Many Blessings!

linda - love ya meg!! thanks for keeping it real!! your house shows how comfortable you live…where your priorities are…and that your house is filled with love…and thanks for the pep talk!! 🙂

Melissa Hermon - thanks for sharing! Not sure why someone else’s mess makes us feel better about our own, but it does! I have been trying to focus more on the kids than the mess- but it’s tough to juggle it all. Thanks again for your honesty

Mary Craig - This just made me love you EVEN MORE!

you just made my dang day!

taniawillis - oh meg…….how i love you.

melissa*320 sycamore - *love* it. things in blogworld look a little too perfect sometimes..thank you for being real! 🙂

Jeannine - I think you’re amazing!

Jodi - Cleaning can always be put off to tomorrow. :o)

Cris - Oh my Meg…
Thanks for “keeping it real”. This is why I LOVE your blog. No one wants to read about a perfect wife, a perfect house, and perfect kids. We want to read about someone who is normal, just like us. The other stuff just isn’t reality.

Talysa - ha! overflowing toilets….we just had one this week! And my child just jumped in the shower in disbelief and didn’t say anything! I walk by and think they are running bath water. Not pretty. But oh so real. Thanks for being real. Thanks for taking that “virtual” weight off our shoulders.
This time of year it is especially easy for me to feel like I’m not measuring up when all these gorgeous Christmas trees and Tours of Homes are popping up here in blogland.
I consider it an accomplishment just to have a tree up…that stays up. 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Meg, if I could I would high five you right now! That is how my house looks, well 90% of the time. Thank you for letting us know you are one of us! Yea!!!

Dar - Love you even more after this post:)

Diana Thompson - I love it!!! I have been following your blog for awhile now, and I don’t think that I have ever commented. I truly admire the mom that you are, you are awesome and that is what is important!! Who cares if the laundry is not done, or dishes in the sink? Your kids are loved and that is what matters!! I think you are such a great gal and this post just reitterated that to me!!!! LOVE your realness!!! (is that a word??)

Ellen Patton - Great post. 🙂

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - You’re so right – no one has it all together! Thank goodness we’re all in the same boat! My house looks the same – and I only have 3 of your 5. 🙂
And on those days I’m feeling the most grossed out by my house I try to tell myself that I’m doing my best and I know someday they’ll be gone and I’ll miss the mess. Thanks for being fabulous – and real – all at the same time. Win. 🙂

Charlene@Adventures-In-Mommy-Land - I just did a post about this not that long ago, because people kept asking me the same thing. “How can you have 6 kids and do all that you do….” etc. etc. In reality my house is completely destroyed LOL! That’s life! Right now, I’m sitting on the couch with the laptop looking at about 5 over flowing laundry baskets filled with clothes that need to be folded and put away hahaha. And there’s more overflowing on the floor in the laundry room waiting to be washed.
I need to drag out our Christmas stuff too. I only have a small portion of it done and no tree yet. On a good note, I’m done Christmas shopping for 2 out of 6 kids.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - great keepin’ it real post Meg!

april - all i can say is thank you….sometimes I do look at your blog and think it is all perfect….but of course you are going to want to put the “best” pics on your blog…I do the same thing…but a dose of your reality makes me feel like we are so the same….love it!!!

MGF - breathe taking to know that everyone is not perfect.

Laura Rizzi - A short comment…because I must go clean…but after reading your post I will go clean with a smile. Thank you for sharing your reality with us, knowing others are the same position can always help change our perspective. Thank you MEG!!

Kristin Hayne - THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!
I am turning to you daily to get inspiration and truth!! 🙂 I know a lot of people look up to you and admire you… thanks for showing us the pretty things in life and also the UGLY little things in life. What I truly see when I look at your pictures is a lived in HOME!!! It is frustrating to constantly try to keep up with it all but the daily reminders (though a bit much at times)really make my heart happy. I love seeing a messy house… that means there are busy little, happy people that live there. Thanks for sharing the the cold hard truth!! You are a gem!!

allison - Thanks Meg. I so needed this today. A reminder of real life. I so get sucked into the pretty pretty thing on blogs so much so sometimes, that it paralyzes me to do anything. I mean, why bother? I’m never going to acheive that perfection anyway, right? Sometimes I just want to cry, I am so exhausted and can’t figure out why with just one almost 15 month old baby I can’t get it all done?? Big sigh. PMS doesn’t help my attitude today either…lol.
Love your blog:)

Kim McCoy - The BEST post I’ve seen in blog land in a while. Makes me feel normal. Thanks for sharing and being honest.

Denise - I liked you before this post, but now I love you. 🙂

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - i love honesty!! i hate messes, though! 🙂 and my house is a great big huge mess, but having three kids I’ve learned to let that go. we have laundry piles, dish piles, little people piles, barbie piles, wii game piles, lego piles, shoe piles….

Stephanie - THANK YOU for sharing this! I don’t know why, but as you say, when I see all the pretty, shiny, crafty goodness in blog-land, I somehow internalize it and think my life should not be so mess. And you are absolutely right, it is discouraging to clean and have it messed up in minutes, if not hours! (That’s why I hate cleaning the kitchen especially!) I appreciate the glimpse into your ‘real’ life, it has reminded me of where things really stand!

Shauna - i really heart you.
you are loving and brave.
i am smiling at you, right now.

Karen - Take heart! My house used to look much like yours (and everyone else who had young families)! There WILL come a time when you clean it and it stays clean. But that comes with a high price-no messy little ones or even disgruntled teenagers living with you to clean up after. I love my grown-up children and am fortunate to see them often but I sure miss those days and would do it all over in a snap, given the opportunity. So do your best, close your eyes to the rest and give each one of those sweet babies an extra hug today!

Stephanie@Geezees - Oh how i LOVE this post! It’s good know that i am not alone with the laundry and dishes that never end! Thank you Meg for posting this!!

Jane Mc - You rock Meg!

Esther - Oh Meg….in all honestly I could not survive at your house…lol. I can’t deny the connection of an orderly house and an orderly mind, when all is clean and free, I think more clearly, get more done. I had 3 kids at home and ran a business from home so I do know….my concern is for the kids, I believe that being organized is a very important skill for their future. I run a very large corporation now and my #1 problem with the younger employees is that they are so messy- and have problems finding things, and their paper trails are always at lost, which in the business I am in it is extremely important.
I am just saying’…..

Jill - Oh thank Heaven! 🙂

Jessica - Love this post! Thanks for keeping it real…

connie libby - Thanks for that. Looking around my house this morning as I sit here at the computer sipping coffee, I am feeling guilty for not having a cleaner house. Reality check, I’m not alone! I’m thankful for the grace this post extended me, you rock! (My house looks just about the same, if not worse! :))

kathleen - I just wanted to tell you how much I have been loving your blog, I just look forward to it. My friends told me about it a couple of months ago and I loved it right off. As everyone else does!! It takes time and lots of heart to faithfully blog, especially the good, meaningful stuff, and I so appreciate it. Thanks so much!

Kirsten - I love this. My house looks the SAME! Thanks for being real. 🙂

Holly - I live the same battle too. Funny thing though. I actually woke up this morning and there was not a single dirty dish in the house! That never happens!

The Fairy's Apprentice - Oh, Megan, I love you even more! Your house is alive and you too! Our home looks exactly like yours :)). We clean up, of course, but in about 15 minutes after we finish looks exactly like before we started.
Love you! Camelia

Tanya H - And this, Meg, is why we love you. 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Seriously.
You are loved. and amazing. and loved!

jennifer delossantos - That looks like my upstairs. The main level stays pretty picked up because I have a home day care and so people are walking through everyday. Everyone assumes that the whole house is that way. WRONG. The upstairs has clothes everywhere, the beds are never made, the dresser drawers are always open. Kate throws everything out of her dresser, daily. Life is messy. But we are all happy. Oh, and Kate has the same polka dot sheets as your little girls!

Danielle H. - Thank you – I’m a mom with a full-time job and my house is the area that gets sacrified the most as I can’t do it all. Makes me feel like I’m not such a failure 🙂

Chiot's Run - No worries, you need to remember all those studies that say dirt is good for kids, keeps them from getting asthma & allergies, so you’re really doing it for your kid’s health 🙂
Those kids are getting old enough to start doing some chores. When was in 4th grade my mom taught me how to do laundry and I’ve been doing my own every since.

Sugar Mama - I wrote a post yesterday about laundry. I thought to myself “what a boring post” but it’s my every day.
You know what I see when I look at these pictures? I see a house that kids can be kids, where a family can be a family, and people LIVE.

Mindy W - This is just plain really good.

Cathi - Thank you for this post! Have you heard the quote , “a clean house is a sign of a misspent life”? I think of that often when I get overwhelmed by all I feel needs to be done in my house. The fact that your house is “lived in” shows your priorities are where they should be- on the people in your family and living life. When your kids are all grown up and on their own you can have a house that will stay clean for more than a few minutes. Thank you for showing your home and your life on this blog! - Pokadots still make your house look cheerful! Maybe I don’t need to clean just throw in more polka dots!

jennifer - This post right here is exactly why I keep reading your blog. You keep it real in the middle of all the pretty. Thanks for you honesty. It’s my favorite thing about you. Oh, and the mutual love for polka dots too! 🙂

Debbie Smallie - Just what I needed this morning. Thanks for keeping it real!

kristin - You are so awesome… inspiring and keeping it real, all at the same time.

Brianna - thank you for this. I don’t feel so alone anymore!

alamama - thanks! i am so glad you put the real photos out there too. sometimes i get the keeping up with the bloggers (jones) feeling.

bobbie - The pictures of your kids clothes on top of the dresser instead of in it and all over the floor is my life. It drives me crazy but I just shut the door and walk away.
Someone once told me there will be a time in my life to have a clean houst (when the kids are all gone) but this just isn’t my time and I need to learn to enjoy it.
Thanks for sharing!

Kimberly - You’re so full of “amazingness,” Meg. These are the reasons why I love reading your blog every day: you try to make a more meaningful life for you as a woman, a Christian, a wife, a mom, a friend, and everything else to everyone else. You fail sometimes, but you are so full of win most of the time. As much as I like how you’re talented, fun, caring, and crafty, I also like that you’re cranky, moody, and messy.
I stop reading blogs that only show happy-happy-pefect all the time. It’s so exhausting and not inspirational at all.
You, you invigorate me. As a former bread winner and now a stay-at-home mom, I always feel less lost after reading your blog. I encourage you to continue to be real and to live in the moment and to continue to hope the way that you do.
P.S.–I loath doing laundry, too!

Routhie - Thank you. It’s easy to forget what is important, esp when the house is a mess and you’re overwhelmed. I feel like I am drowning in laundry, clutter, and to-do lists, but so is everyone else. Now, I am going to ignore my housework, shower, and help make Christmas cards at my daughter’s school, which I know has made this week pretty awesome for her and her class. Thanks again for keepin’ it real. 🙂 <3

Ali - Thank you Meg!

Michelle Whitlow - thank you for sharing!!! Boy, you’re brave!! I never try to be perfect on my blog but man my house looks like a tornado most days!! My husband comes home from work and gives me ‘that look’. Ugh…

Tracie - I sometimes feel buried under junk too, but I let go of some of my type A clean-freak tendencies when I had my kids. We try to straighten up the house before bed, but I only make them straighten their rooms when I have to vacuum. Hey, look at it this way, someday they’ll be gone and the mess won’t be so bad and you’ll miss it!

Shana - If it helps…I have a friend who’s house is spotless – however…her kids can’t sit on the furniture, walk through with food, eat certain things (like food), or have shoes on inside.
I think you are living LIFE – which means too busy to worry about the trivial stuff – laundry, dishes, etc. Play, have fun, and enjoy!
Love you

rosie at 3 rosebuds - What I love about your blog is that you “get” it-the kids are only little once. They only want to hang out with you for so long and then they have their own lives, they get jobs, they go away to school and there will still be laundry and dusting to do but there won’t be those little ones to hug and squeeze and drop everything to spend time with. Here’s to real life!!

Amy - Thanks Meg. That’s why I love you. You are so humble and can tell the truth even when it’s not pretty. And my house looks at least that bad or worse most days. I have 3 under 5 and it is tornado city. I get discouraged and feel like a gross pig. But then I put up the Christmas tree instead of clean. So I know a lot of it is just my personality. I would rather have fun than clean. Anyway, thanks for being honest. Love ya Meg!

elizabeth of course - Hahaha! I love you! I love that you’re a real person. And I don’t care if you house is a mess, you’re hair is always great! hahaha!

Maria - Thank you!!!!! I’m a mom of three who works one full time job and MULTIPLE part time jobs and I can NOT keep up with the house. Your pictures made me feel normal again! My house may not be clean, but my life is pretty darn good, otherwise!!! So no complaints from me!!

Dori - Thanks! You’re awesome!

Karen H. - I didn’t think it was possible to love you any more than I already did – and then you posted these pictures!!! Some days I think “What is WRONG with US???” because our house can’t stay clean!!! And I love the Littlest Pet Shop town in your foyer… I have the same thing!!!

Melissa - Thanks for sharing! I would go insane but I would imagine you just have to learn to deal with it. Makes me feel better about not always having everything perfectly picked up at home.

julie - Thank you for posting these. As a home school mom to 4 girlies I have recently started to feel like an absolute housekeeping failure. Even thought about writing a blog post about it today but hopped on over here instead. So glad I did. I am not alone:) BTW…L.O.V.E. your blog, your photos, your craft Thursdays, your decorating style……this just might be my favorite blog!

Susan - As a mom of 6 kids under the age of 8 who can’t seem to keep anything cleaned in her house, you don’t know how much I needed to read this today. Thanks so much for showing your readers that you are just as “normal” as the rest of us! Thanks again, Susan

Toni :O) - Whoa….I love the honesty but I think I’m a neat freak in my own house and I’ve created two more after seeing your photos…sigh…my kids never have clothes on their floor…laying other places instead I guess. What I’m not good at is trying to keep everything clean, I’ve given up trying to dust, vacuum and mop as often…working 45-50 hours a week outside the home just doesn’t give me the time to keep up on it all. I’m glad to see we’re all in this mess called life together! Keep being real, keep smiling and keep those colors coming, cause it’s a breath of fresh air to see your posts every.single.time! Especially cute Waffle…love your dog almost as much as my own!

Niki - I just love you, Meg! You bring a smile to all of our faces and remind us to strive for the best and accept that we’re never going to be perfect! That’s why we have our Father! Thanks, Sister!

Jen - Thank you! I do not feel alone.

kristy - God bless you for this. I feel like I clean all day and it still looks TRASHED at the end of the day. I’m all for being real with people…. but its still a hard thing to do myself.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - You rule the school.

Carla - Thank you for being real.

Nicole - Thank you so much for this! I have 5 kids myself and with activities and just everyday “things” I can’t seem to get it all done! I know, I should stay off of the computer! haha! I needed this today as I look at the breakfast dishes on the table, trash ready to go out and a downstairs bathroom that seriously needs a good scrubbing with 4 boys in the house! Thanks for a great blog! You rock!

Marcia - It is all about balance, I guess … and your post today certainly puts it into perspective for me. I took a “personal day” from work and dreamed of sewing, decorating, reading, relaxing – even napping. But the floors need to be mopped, the laundry done, the dead mums yanked, the list goes on. Catching up with your blog feeds one need for me: to sit down with a cup of coffee and refocus on getting the balance. Thank you so much and God bless you today.

Julie M - I can soo relate! - Ha! I love this! Thank you for sharing. We have been trying to clean so we can put up the Christmas tree. Think it will happen?

Janelle - I’m reading your blog instead of cleaning up my house. I have my Daisy troop here this afternoon and I am supposed to clean up the house for them! Its like inviting a heard of elephants into your living room! Thanks for keeping it real!

Jaime @ Queen of the Creek - 1) Totally understand about the Littlest Pet Shop thing! lol
2) Love the red filing cabinet drawers in the boys room.
3) With the size of your family and ALL THAT YOU DO, I think you’d be weird if your house was super de-duper clean all the time. You LIVE in your house.
I agree with Katie – I enjoying playing hostess every once in a while – it’s when my house is the cleanest. And we just moved from a 3 bedroom apartment to a 5 bedroom, 3800sq house. I have a WHOLE lot more cleaning then I ever had. And seriously… what would the kids and I ever talk about if I am not constantly reminding (nagging) them to clean up after themselves! 😛
Big hugs! =)

Mindi Slone - Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.
You just validated my home’s existence today. I might have to share this with my hubby!

Staci - This is why I love you!!! We all just need to live life…dirty, ugly, pretty, doesn’t matter…LIVE AND LOVE OUR LIVES!!!! Thanks Megan!!!

Jessica - Inspired by you, I posted pictures of MY messy house on my blog!

Jennifer Andersen - Thank you. I needed this. Makes me feel better.

Christie - Thank you for this! I found you not that long ago and am hooked. You feel like a long lost friend in the way you are in your life and I love that. I’m a full time working mom of 2 little girls and all day I read about these so called “perfect, have it all together” moms who blog, do so many things I want to do with my girls, decorate their house, thrift shop, cook and bake, and most of all craft. So thank you for showing us that you don’t have it all together and you do what you can do to what you love and sometimes the house looks like a tornado. So what, right? That’s what I try to do with my family each night and weekend, put aside the crazy mess and do what we love. So thank you for this honest post.

Katie - I was just looking around my house yesterday and thought to myself…we need to have people over to get this place cleaned up…company is the best medicine. Seriously though we have a 6 year old , 4yo, 2yo and 5 month old baby and my husband works in the transportation industry which means he is “bringing christmas to america” and very busy right now. I have to come to terms with the mess and find joy in Jesus…

Vanessa - Love it! I’m not the only one!!! Thanks for sharing your “imperfect” life with us 🙂

Stephanie - I needed this. today. My heart has been heavy with guilt over a house I can never make look like the magazines or blogs I browse. thank you. For letting me see your reality so that I can learn to let that guilt go and know that we are all just doing our best.

Annie - Thank you, thank you, thank you. As a young married sans children, I read a lot of blogging moms (like yourself) who have such pretty homes, great kids, time to craft and cook like Martha, and I look around my little apartment and think: NO. WAY. I am struggling with just one other person to take care of! What a relief to know it’s a struggle even for those with years of experience. Your blog is always such a fun, honest place to visit, and today was no exception. Thank you for letting us know that while life is beautiful, the little messes do exist, and that’s okay.

Kacey - Ah, Meg…you’re the coolest! Thanks for sharing the messy stuff. It makes me feel better.

Mary - Thank you for this!! Often when I see things in blogland I think “gahh! My house will never be that cute/perfect/awesome!” You are right, I WILL cut myself some slack today.
Oh, and I personally think you are doing a fantastic job!!! 🙂

Jessica - Thank you for your honesty!
Maybe we mom bloggers should make the 3rd of every month blog post all about how our houses REALLY look like–take pictures of dirty/messy rooms or the laundry pile or dirty dishes.
That will be a great reminder to ourselves and others that no one is perfect!

Roberta - Opps, don’t know what a carobon copy is. Meant to type carbon 😉

Roberta - I appreciate you posting this! I only have 3 kids but my house is pretty much a carobon copy of yours. Everything is clean underneath but, oh the clutter. Noone knows how to put anything away but me and I can’t keep up with 5 peoples messes. I love your honesty. That is why I’ve stopped reading so many blogs. They seemed too fake. I like reading something I can relate to.

jenn - Love it! But I must insist that you refrain from posting any further pictures of MY kitchen without my express wrtten permission! 😉

Vicki - Megan, thank you!! 🙂

stacie - Thank you. I have five kids also and there is no way a house can stay put together all the time. I don’t have a craft room and I craft so you know what my dinning room looks like and I homeschool to boot. I’m showing my husband these pics when he gets home. Just so he knows its not just us. Thank you agian 🙂 stacie from rockentot

nicki - I have 5 kids too (similar age spread) and I live this post almost daily. Thank you for sharing the REAL of life with us.

KTG - Thank you for this. My least favorite thing to do is putting away laundry for 4 people it’s never ending.

Lisa - LOVE this post – and your home is such a sign of a house filled with family and life being well lived!

Kasey - It’s good to see what ‘real life’ is like, especially when most of us bloggers share the same thing. -I clean my house top to bottom… I spend the entire weekend [I work full time] cleaning and than by Monday night it is all a mess again. I totally understand what it’s like but ive gotten to the point where I will get to it when I can get to it. -I’m not going to make it a point to have my house super spotless just so I can show it off on my ‘Blog’. That’s not what life [and my blog] is about.
Thanks for ‘keeping it real’! 🙂

Tara - you are refreshing.
thanks for showing us real life at your house….

megan - Megan-
Love the reality check! i agree…reality sucks so sometimes it is nice to escape it…even if it is only momentary.
glad you keep it all in perspective.
still wishing you were my neighbor though…i would have some great laughs with you.
megan (in maine)

Ali - Hey, who’s been taking photos at my house?!!

Kerri - This is my house, too!!! THANK YOU!!! I feel like such a loser sometimes…

Kimberlee J. - Right on…keep it real.
I love that about you.
Clean today because tomorrow there will be none of that!

christy - I could just give you a big hug right now! It is so refreshing to see messes in blogland! I’m so tired of picture perfect, because my house is not!! I have to boys 5 & 6 and they are MESSY!

Micah - LOL that is MY craft room except you’d need to add dirty laundry, a sewing machine, serger, bits of fabric and thread pieces everywhere, a pile of fabric, pet food, kitty litter, construction dirt from my husband’s workboots, sawdust from the garage, a goodwill giveaway bag, everyone’s icky play shoes. It looks SO nice when I clean it up… but it never stays clean for long!
Thanks for sharing your real life pics.

Penny - I love your foyer! That built in bench (I think) is beautiful! Toys just add to the beauty. My two oldest are out of the house. Just a 16 year old here now. Her room looks much like Lauren’s room. And just the other day I was looking for my glue gun in the craft room. Never found it and was pretty disgusted with myself for the mess in there! Thanks for making me see it isn’t just me!

sara @ it's good to be queen - thank. you. this is so good. that is my house right now. we are moving tomorrow actually so it is even worse. we came home from thanksgiving and i didn’t feel the need to unpack since we were moving in a week. so we have laundry spilling out of suitcases all over the house. isn’t laundry such a stinkin’ pain?!
thanks so much…i needed this today. 🙂

Samantha Lee - You are as refreshing as ever . . . even with the mess! Thank you for honesty.

jenny - you have no idea how much i needed this today. :0)

Jen@thecottagenest - I love that you did this. It’s good for us to tell each other that it’s okay to not be perfect. Thanks for this today and during this season when I put so much pressure on myself!

donna - even your messes look happy!!!

BULLYMAMA3 - Thank you so much for your honesty…we all need more of that!! We live in a world (or at least a country) where everything is supposed to be perfect or it isn’t worth anything. I don’t know how you do it but you always seem to post things that really strike a chord with me at just the right time (maybe that is part of your purpose w/God??) In a way you really do have it all together because you are giving your kids a wonderfully fufilling life by doing all the great things you do with them and you are an inspiration to many women that really need it (among a lot of other things!) but those are the things that should be in the “having it all together list” not an immaculate house that doesn’t let anyone have an ounce of creativity. Thanks again for making my day (AGAIN!)

Natalie - so encouraging!

Ann R. - I just left a comment, but was laughing when I scrolled back to the pics (think I am going to share with hubby). I think sometimes HE thinks I am the only one…they don’t really know…but I had to laugh at the craft room – looks like mine with the target bags for christmas gifts right?

Lori - Hahahahaha! GREAT post and so true! Whew! I feel so much better now.

Julie - Thanks for keeping it real, Meg. I must say, tho, I now have kitchen sink envy ~ here’s mine ~ ~ and I won’t miss it one bit when we move! Oh, and mine would look like yours if it could hold that much! We’re a family of seven too. 😉

Ann R. - Meg – we still love you, that is why we love you – you are REAL! Have been following you over a year and have sent comments and emails, have sent vitamins, did the operation christmas child and thank you SO MUCH for all of it! Again, my girlfriends and I are also REAL, no fake here, all reality. We are all meeting for breakfast this morning and we will discuss the things we all have in common – messy homes, blessed families, overwhelmingness of the holiday and the peacefulness of the holiday, sickness and health. This is all part of life, and if we all find a balance with it, we are all good, and I think that is how we stay grounded is thru each other. So thank you Meg – I love the REALNESS *is that even a word?* Your beautiful blog, your colorful home, crafty Thursdays, messy rooms and all most importantly your HEART! So glad you posted that cause last night I totally cleaned my kitchen and felt great about it, till the hubby came home and we made a huge mess getting out all the Christmas stuff – oh well, tis the season. Hey – saw a craft you might want to do – the GRATEFUL frame/poster – it is totally up your alley! You would love it – let me know if your interested! Happy Friday! - Oh wow, so this is how it looks like in a real life! I love it, it is so relaxing and comforting to see that I am not the only one…
Thank you for that!

jennifer wood - Thank you Meg, love you:)

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Thanks for showing me that we are not so different. It’s easy to think that everyone else is doing life perfectly and I am the only one that can’t seem to get it together.
Oh how I wish I had space for a “family closet” right in or next to the laundry room. Then there would be no more hauling clothes to every end of the house only for it all to end up right back there. It’s the never ending battle that is so difficult to get a hold of. Most every day we are rifling through the clean-clothes-that-just-need-to-be-folded-and-put-away-piles anyway. Off to find my husband a clean towel before he gets out of the shower…I know there’s one somewhere.

Chantel - Thank you!! I’m a SAHM, my husband works from home, my daughter is homeschooled, my son is in public school, we run a home-based animal rescue and it seems like I can never keep up! Dishes and laundry multiply like Tribbles, Legos and dolls and crayons and paper are everywhere and I’ve finally decided that clutter is just part of our lives. My home is a happy one and that’s all that matters to me.
I love your home and your style and your family and how absolutely real you are. You’re so normal and approachable and I think that’s why we all love you so much. You’re all of us!

lena - AMEN!
i know this season will soon pass and i will one day long for it to return. i pray to find the JOY in it all.
pax Christi – lena

Sophie - This looks a lot like my house on a day to day basis!
Though we don’t have little kids in our house anymore so we don’t have toys lying around. (:

se7en - I am speaking from vast tombs of personal experience here: If I were you I would head straight out the door and get some fresh air!!! There is nothing else more important to be done!!! - I may love you even more now.

Meredith - Snap. Just like my house! Thanks for this Meg…I was starting to think it was just me. I’ll consider this post an early Christmas present from Blogland:) Meredy xo

amanda - My favorite post I’ve read in a long time! Especially this time of year when you see so much pretty and perfect decorating around blog land. This is reality – and a good one! 🙂

Kirsten J - Godluvya for being real – my house looks much the same 🙂

Lacey - you are such an amazing woman, almost everytime i am having a bad day, your blog posts seem to be just for me! i love it. you are truely a very lovely person! I hope to read your blog for years! thanks for being an inspiration to me, and letting all of us know that it is ok to be real!

Staisha - Thanks you for being so honest.

Christy C - Great post!! This looks alot like my house…I thought I was the only one. Thank goodness I am not!! But when you look beyond the mess you see something beautiful…a house that looks lived in and loved in and that’s all that matters!!

Ingrid - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for posting this! it is nice to know i’m not the only mum that isn’t on top of the cleaning every minute of the day!

Niki - Meg you crack me up.
I am on a full on Spring Cleaning mission after our house looked similar to yours ALL winter here in Oz.
Truly. ALL Winter. Can you imagine.
I have 4 boys, 2 dogs, 1 cat & chickens & life is full, messy, fun & straight out hard work.
But I love it & try so very hard to manage it all successfully.
Mess can wait, loving on the love of my life 4 year old can NOT.
He needs a big cuddle NOW. Because before I know it, he will be like my nearly 15 year old & cringe when I cuddle him. Sigh.

Christina - I feel like writing posts like this…just to show what’s real. 🙂 I don’t have the following you do, and no one thinks I have it all together! haha Your transparency is great. And I feel your laundry pain. I might have to show my husband this post! teehee
I actually just wrote about something similar…the chaos that is life, that roars so loud that anything beautiful gets lost. But, then God brings beauty to light.
Love your blog. 🙂

mel - Great post! Your home is still beautiful even if it is a a little messy…you have 5 kids, cut yourself some slack 🙂 Can’t wait to see your Christmas decorations!

beth eacott - Oh wow, that is awesome! I have been following your blog for months, and love, love, love it! The color, creativity, warmth, care, and down-to-earthness (is that even a word? – somehow don’t think so) of it continue to inspire and delight me! It’s my favorite way to start the day, a good cup of coffee and some whatever (while refereeing my 2 kids grade one and two while they take way……..too long to finish their breakfasts, we’re going to miss the bus again!…..blah, blah, blah) Have never posted a comment on a blog before, not once, not ever, but I just HAD to applaud your home, BLESS THIS MESS!!! From Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, warmest wishes, beth

Amnah - So I’m not the only one that ALWAYS has a pile of clothes stacked on my daughters’ dresser. My goodness they have a never ending pile of clothes that need to be washed/folded/put away.
Glad to know you’re just as normal as the rest of us.

Trish - Aww how sweet of you to show your house to all of us! You are such a sweetie and I just adore your take on life and how you write about it!

karen - Thanks. I just left a party at a perfect house with labels on everything and all the Christmas decorations up…..came home to dirty dishes on the stove and in the sink. My little dachshund got lost yesterday in my 13yo daughter’s closet. I could not find her for 30 minutes…too many clothes on the floor 🙂
thanks for the reality check but I still think you are awesome

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I think the one room that drives me the most insane is “my” little girl’s room. They have drawers in their beds and they are always open and overflowing. We can barely keep them shut. I saw your girls room with the overflowing drawers and just sat here and smiled. We never do see anyone else’s mess… in blogland or in real life. We think we are the only ones.
Thank you.
I can go to sleep tonight knowing Megan has a messy house too. And for some strange reason, that makes me happy.
: )

Cat - LOVE this post…and thank you for sharing. I have four kids. I find that the house can’t stay cleaned for more than a couple hours tops! It can drive me insane at times, but I’m really trying to let it roll. Life….it’s messy.

michelle - love this!
you’re even more awesome after seeing this! 🙂

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not so good.

it was the kind of night you just want to end.

rushing out the door just as craig got home.

parent teacher conferences….back to back to back.

one ran so late with the family before us that we missed our last one.

kids in three different places….one hit in the face with a soccer ball…one calling in the middle of a conference….one yelling at the other when we walk in the door….us feeling guilty for missing the others game.

burned dinner because of the late running (45 minutes!!) conference.
i had dinner in the oven…planned ahead…so we could eat together.

food that is only for school lunches eaten after school…out of boredom.

angry parents.

angry kids.

tired parents.

tired kids.

hot bath.

cold beer.

the end.

here's to a better tomorrow….. 

watch this…it's funny.

everybody loves JT….especially me.

***craig says i have been writing a lot about my feelings recently.****************************** 
i said something rude back to him.
then said "i've got a lot of feelings!!!"

you don't mind me talking about my feelings….do you?  
and i guess if you do….i can't really do much about it.

i gotta be me…. 

christine - Meg, I haven’t visited in a little while and I’ve been reading back seeing what you’ve been up to. I paused and watched this little video (headphones on). I was giggling so much that the hubs had me play it back again so he could listen too. Ah, what a much needed laugh we both got.
Again, I’ve not been visiting lately…and haven’t read back too far, but I’ll just say this – share your feelings, sister. Be open, real and transparent, just like you always are. It’s refreshing and encouraging, and sometimes it’s nice knowing that other people go through the same ups and downs, ins and outs.

Michelle @ Faith, Trust, and a Little Pixie Dust - That was such a fun video. Thanks for making me smile!
Warmly, Michelle

Suzanne - love that you share your feelings…wish everyone would be so honest and real in every day life.
love you Meg.

Julie - thank you for sharing your feelings, and for posting that video. it made my day!

carols - What, and no pictures of you when you took out the burned food?! I still laugh when I think of the one day you were a tad grumpy and undergroomed…and shared the pic with all of us. Been there, done that, and thanks for sharing. I’m sure it’s a bit uncomfortable for Craig (and Nick and a few other blog dads) that so much life is hanging out there. They’ve gotta know it comes with the territory of having such a fabulous lady as their spouse. Double posting here…your fashion finds are fab, gotta go copy them quick. Smile.

Dina - Jimmy Fallon will be my next husband… yes, he will.

Karen Gerstenberger - It’s YOUR blog- you can talk about anything you want to! No one has to read it if they don’t want to…and I do want to. I love your blog. God bless you. The men don’t have to understand everything.

Cori - I like your feelings. They feel an awful lot like mine on any given day. Thanks!
I don’t think I’ve ever commented before but I’m Cori and I lurk around here terribly. 🙂

Christina - Goodness gracious. What else is a woman going to write about? Not to be awful…but, that’s what there is. haha
We’ve had some pretty terrible days here lately. I wish I could turn back the clock (sometimes 10 years, ha!), but like you say, here’s to a better tomorrow.
Although, that’s what I said yesterday, and I’m pretty sure today was worse. Oh well.
You write what you want…it’s your blog. We all love it. You are for real, you know? It’s not always all rainbows and sunshine. Except for your banner. There it is always rainbows and sunshine. But that is as it should be. 🙂

Betsey - That video was pure awesome-ness! Put a smile on my face and my husband loved it too! Thanks for sharing!!!!!! Not only the video, but sharing your honesty is the best. I appreciate you!

Amy Petz - I love that clip! Thanks so much for sharing and please continue to share your feelings. It is nice to know that it is possible to be awesome and real.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Awesome! I giggled and shook my booty. Rock on.

dani - This is Hilarious! As I am reading about your burnt dinner, I am burning ours! It is so funny that my kids totally know what to do- calmly they turn on the stove fan, open all the windows,
and then continue on with whatever they were doing. It happens all the time here obviously 😉

peta - talk away. a problem shared is a problem halved.
hope today is better!

Leigh - you write about anything you want. We wouldn’t click here daily if we didn’t like being here! You are very real…

Kate B. - When I was a kid it was Michael Jackson. Now it’s Justin Timberlake. Thanks for sharing!

betsy - I knew it! We would totally be friends in the real world 🙂
I’ve been watching this video all week of my boyfriends, Jimmy & J Timbo. Who DOESN’T love Justin?
Sorry it was a crummy day … just so you know, teachers hate conferences that run that long, too! I actually started to run a timer at my conferences to avoid that situation!

Maria - sorry you had such a yuck day…hopefully the rest of the week is better.
Love that Jimmy and JT video…I just tweeted and facebooked it out just the other day!
Speaking of twitter….are you on there somewhere?

Sarah - That video is AWESOME! I love me some JT too. 🙂 It’s funny, my husband said something like Craig said to you yesterday also. I think it is great to express what you’re feeling. As far as I can tell, honest is better than hidden and miserable.

ashley - Aaaaw! Bad days stink. I have one so far, and I feel hectic. I sometimes don’t know how you do it. I hope it all starts looking up for you!
And as for feelings, thanks for being honest. It makes the peanut gallery feel normal. 🙂

Stacia - Love your blog and that you share your feelings. 🙂

Lisa - I hate days like that! Always wishing it would just end so we can start all over. I also hate when I end up being grumpy at my husband cause of having a bad day. Hoping the rest of the week is much better.

Routhie - I love hearing about your feelings. Makes me feel normal.

Jennifer - Honesty…a great virtue and one of the many reasons so many of your followers keep coming back to your blog. You are a voice for so many mothers out there who put their heart and soul into this thing we call motherhood. It is not an easy job and there are days that are just downright icky, awful and stressful! Thanks for keeping it real, Meg.
I can feel your pain though on the husband’s remark…my hubby often tells me he thinks I put “TMI” on my blog. I think it’s just a guy thing! 😉

Kimberly - Today is just one of those days I would like to curl up in my favorite chair with my favorite pajamas with a cup of tea and weep. Weep for things that have been so hard lately. Weep for the loss of my Uncle. Weep for hard lessons. Weep for grown children who no longer sit on my lap. Weep for weepings sake. And I sooooo appreciate you being honest and real and making me feel that I am not alone. - You are soooo normal and I love that you write about it!

Courtney Walsh - been there.
and i love that JT/JF video. we watched it the other day and it made me fall in love with Jimmy Fallon all over again. I mean, I knew Justin could do that but was kinda clueless Jimmy could add “Rapper” to his list of talents. 🙂

Jennie - hate stinky days like that. love your vulnerability and authenticity on here – and really love that you ended the day with a cold one. hope today is better!

Kimberly - I wrote an eerily similar blog this morning… and I L O V E Jimmy and Justin :))

Tara - your honesty is why I keep coming back.
love it.
don’t change.
glad God made you!
you make the world sweeter.

Diana - It’s YOUR blog, YOU write what YOU want. You do NOT have to apologize for anything that YOU put on YOUR blog.
{big hugs} for a better day ♥

aimee - don’t days like that just SUCK! way to top it off with a cold beer!

BULLYMAMA3 - Thanks for keeping it real…and for that awesome J.T. video…a bright spot in an otherwise dreary day!!

Gina in Louisville - i like your feelings

crystal - I LOVE it when you talk about your feelings. Those are definitely my favourite posts. They just make me feel normal (because I have the same kinds of days)!

elisa - right there with ya sister. Feel better 🙂

purejoy - someone didn’t say when it rains, it pours for nothing!
life can be chaotic. it’s okay. and if you want to pour out your heart… it’s okay. that is what we’re here for (not to listen to a steady stream… but we support each other, that’s what i meant). i think my husband’s greatest fear is i’ll pour my heart out for the whole world to see (yep. all four of my readers) and he’ll look bad or something.
he’s not a fan of blogging/myblog/facebook. can you tell? haha

Julie - Bring on the feelings. I have a couple of empty barstools that are open for therapy and some brown sugar in the pantry.
Stuffed feelings and the guise of a perfect life can only do one thing… make one CRAZY!!!!
I love the mess. The real, messy, mess.

Cris - Thanks for posting the video! It made my day!
I figure if people don’t like feelings they can go elsewhere. Thanks for “keeping it real”.

Courtney - Love your feelings 🙂
Love the video! Thanks for sharing!

jen - well, that video just made my whole week!
ill be hijakcing that for my own blog soon.
and… feelings are a good thing.
glad you do share them!

merlin - We are trying to make talking about feelings a priority in our family. Without judgement. Culturally we aren’t supposed to show our feelings, it seems more socially acceptable to bury feelings in alcohol or drugs and then find and get help for that secondary “problem”. So,I try to be grateful for the show and communication of emotions, especially the uncomfortable ones….at least they are being expressed. Blindly I hope that this will be enough that none of us will be or become a statistic of addiction or violence.
You have a big supporter of communicating feelings from this reader.

Elissa - i only have three kids, but a lot of nights feel like your post. it’s good to share 🙂

Mindy W - I hope to be encouraging. Some days just end up going down the toilet but if you can still give glory to God in the end that’s what matters.
Don’t mind us readers’ comments. We either just had a day like yours, am currently having a LIFE (me) like your day, will have a day like yours or must be dead since who does not have a day once in a while(?!). Hang in there and be encouraged!

Tam - Oh sister, who hasn’t had days like that?!? I appreciate you for keeping it real! You are my favorite daily read, I look forward to your posts….and JT and Jimmy? PERFECTION! Thanks for sharing!

Laura - Hooray for not having it all together every day! There is no “normal”.

Suzanne - Thx for the video clip! Looooove it!

Janice Freeding - You are always complaining about something. WHy don’t you thank God for everything you have.

BriBedell - 1.I am NOT looking forward to when my chidren will have parent/teacher confrences…*shakes in fear*
2.Let it out. All those feelings. Husbands don’t get it, if you have good people to tell them to. Better them, than him. Am I right 🙂 (well certain feelings of course)lol
3. I could watch that video all day long!

Kerry Wiebe - I’m just so glad you are normal!!!

april@gingerbreadgirlblog - But guess what??? You made my night yesterday by being the first person to leave a comment on my blog!!! I was so happy!!! Thank You!!! Feelings are OK….my husband would have said the same thing…lols….Im a teacher and parent conferences always suck…so if you’ve gone this long without a night like last night you’re doing REALLY GOOD!!! Hope today is better….

Tracy - So sorry you had a bad day, take comfort in knowing though that we ALL have bad days and if we didn’t then, well, we wouldn’t be human. Bad days keep us real. I love how you are so honest on your blog, it keeps you real.
Hope you have a great day (or at least a better day than yesterday) today!

tasha roe - JT is the best! Did you see him with Andy Sandberg on SNL? It was only like a minute long, but still very, very funny!

niki - I LOVE JT!! Thanks, that made my morning.

karenjean - Meg,
We all have those days. As for writing about your feelings, I have to say that that is one of the reasons that I enjoy your blog. You are so real about you life. I find that and you inspiring. I am not sure how you do it but keep it up!

patti - yesterday was hard for us too. and I’m embracing today as a new day. oh, and by the way, I heart JT too and I laughed so hard at that the first time and again and again. 🙂

Phoenix_Rising - I like when you blog about the occasional bad day or huge stress in your life. NOT that I like you have those things, but you make me feel normal and you make motherhood into a universal condition… if that makes sense. Please don’t stop blogging. Our blogs are where we can release our inner thoughts and workings.

MGF - Thank you
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You
I really realy needed a GREAT laugh this am.

virginia - i don’t mind! it helps me realize that i am not alone in my crazy :0)

Jennifer Tracy - Your true feelings combined with your sense of humor are awesome to read! I have 6 kids and I can relate.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - C.r.a.c..k.e.d me up, when you mentioned Craig’s comment. They try to be so helpful, at oh-the-so-wrong moments. I laughed because the conversation could have been in my house. Love your feelings! Especially when they come with your wonderful photos.

annie - meg, i’m a friend of a friend of a friend…who has been reading your blogs! thanks for posting your feelings-i am so there, right with you! it’s good for mom’s to share!

Krista - Well, it can only get better from there, right?
Thanks for the awesome clip, I have shared it, too funny! I can never stay up that late and miss his show.
The blog is free therapy for sure, so share away, you know we’re all in the same boat together!

Suzanne - I think you should be commended for trying to attend that many parent teacher conferences on one night! Sorry about the dinner…that would be a bummer! I’m hoping that today is a better day! And for the feelings…it was your birthday…I think that makes people think and evaluate their life. But, my husband would say the same thing as Craig…and I would probably say something rude back to him!

Keri @ Keri's Korner - I hope that video made you smile cause it sure brightened my day and made me laugh.

shauna - i am grouchy this morning.
now i am smiling.
really, who could not think JT is so cute and funny?
i loved that clip.
maybe i WILL feed the children now 🙂
instead of just giving them gruel.

Sugar Mama - Those kind of evenings make me become the type of mother/wife I do NOT like to be. I’m a control freak and I hate when things seem out of whack. I seriously start coming undone when my family is all over the place.
About the feelings, I’m assuming mostly women read your blog, and we all GET it. It helps us all feel normal and relate to one another.

Leigh - This is your blog, not Craig’s. When you share your feelings, I feel much less alone. I’m so sorry you had a disappointing evening, but there is a comfort in knowing I’m not the only one who has similar experiences and responses to those situations.
You are a blessing. I appreciate you.
Leigh in Virginia

shelly - Meg–it must be a girl thing to get! We all have a lot of feelings and sometimes its nice to know we’re not alone in this messed up, running late, burnt dinner world—and its ok to take a bath, have a beer and call it a day! (That was me last wednesday by the way!)

Judy - thanks, I can’t stay up late enough on the east coast to watch Jimmy.

Karen Lehmann - how did they remember all that? my three year old and i LOVED watching that!

Meredith - It’s your blog and you can talk about feelings any time you want. I’ve had days like that when the best part is going to bed and ending it. Hang in there!!

Lisa - I like it when you think out loud 🙂

jennifer - That clip was awesome! And so are you. The fact that you’re honest about how you feel is what keeps you real and that is why I enjoy your blog so much. Maybe today you could cash in that raincheck for the martini lunch. 🙂

regina - I think you are awesome!! LOVE how real you are! Wish we were neighbors:)

Amy - It’s awesome that you can get past the icky day. JT and Jimmy Fallon were greatness!

Christy - OMG!! totally rockin out to that JT clip, I luv it

Adrienne S - I like hearing that other families are just the same as ours! Sometimes I think I am the only one who has a crappy day like that.

Staci - I love you and your feeling Megan!!!! And I do hope you have a much smoother day today!!!! Love ya Bloggy Friend 🙂

Kimberlee J. - I vote for feelings.
No surprise there.
Sorry about your yucky day.

kat - Oh, days like that are exhausting!!! Good thing today is a new day! Love that clip, it’s so hilarious!

Meredith - Tell Craig that you could always stop talking about your feelings on your blog and instead just talk exclusively to him….all the time….about everything….because men love that! Hope you had a good night’s sleep and wake up to a new, fresh, happy day. Meredy xo.

vanessa - It’s your blog, and you can cry if you want to 🙂 Of course you can atlk about your feelings! And if it makes you feel any better, we have those days at our house too!

pam - Reminds me of “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day”.

Julia - Chica-consider this free therapy. - I love that video, my husband showed it to me a few days ago and it made me laugh out loud. Our parent/teacher meetings are in French and I always leave more confused and than informed. Here’s to beer and wine. Cheers!

Melanie - Sorry that you had such a terrible day. Some days you do just want to go back to bed.
Here’s to a new day!

Heather R. - Why we read you…you have good and bad days, too…
The video made me smile. Thanks.

Grace - It’s disappointing when a day doesn’t go well.
But it’s doubly disappointing when you put a lot of effort into coordinating something, and it still doesn’t go well. Sorry that happened. It’s frustrating.
The only good thing about a bad day is that it comes to an end, and you can say, “Tommorow will definitely be better!”

Tyler - Thanks for keepin it real! The clip is great!! It made me smile!

Kat - One of those ARGH days!! We all have them.
I love that you talk about your feelings and that you are REAL!
It makes me feel better about all the feelings I need to get out.
I hope tomorrow is a better day.’
Go do something nice for yourself tomorrow.

tara - keep the feelings coming!

Ashley - Awwww Meg, I have had those days too. Hopefully tomorrow you will wake up to a BIG cup of coffee and a great day!! LOVE your blog… and your feelings!!

Lisa - Bummer about the burnt dinner, and the crazy evening. Dont you just hate those times when everything works against you and the stress is through the roof.
I say let the feelings flow girl, its your prerogative.

Tracy - Awww.. I hate those kind of days – they are the pits! I hope today is a much better day for you all. Big hugs, Meg! :o)

Erin - In a world where people are taught to hide their feelings and pretend like everything is always ok, I think your honesty is refreshing. Hope today is better for you.

Selina - What a horrible day! I hope tomorrow is better for you! I love hearing about your feelings. At least they are real.

michelle - you are SO AWESOME Megan! your realness is a treat in this superficial world. you make me ache for you but then you turn around and make me laugh my head off. all in the same post!
today will be better. it’s wednesday!

Susan - I am sending you the Biggest Hug and i know tomorrow will be better.Off to bed now…Night Night!

Jenni Carlisle - sorry for the sad day, love the feelings, and hilarious. love jimmy fallon!

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God knows.

just when i reach the end of my rope….my patience is gone….i am acting a little crazy…a lot angry…
God uses people in my life to encourage and uplift me.

i posted that funny video and 30 minutes later the mail came.

there were three gifts in my mail box.
out of the blue.
from kind women….giving to give.
and i don't know any of them in real life.                                            

IMG_4302 IMG_4304

thank you ladies for lifting me up when i was feeling very down.
i love each one so much! 
i felt so special.
did that change my mood though?  you would think so but unfortunately….no.
i spent my evening griping at everyone….complaining….avoiding my family…
and them avoiding me for fear of my reaction.
craig even tried to cheer me up with a milkshake…it worked for a few minutes.
then i took a hot bath and did some reading.
and look what God gave me to read:
   "We all want to be good examples for our kids – but how often do we stop and consider what
it really entails?
In addition to changing diapers and running carpools, and helping with
science problems, godly women are supposed to be wise, resourceful, hospitable,
encouraging, diligent, creative , generous, faithful, watchful, vigorous, strong and cheerful –
and that's just for starters!  If you think I am making this up, take a look at Proverbs 31.
    Reading this passage used to discourage me.  I'd start by checking off the verses I had
"covered" – things like sewing curtains and dust ruffles, or keeping my lamp burning late in
the night as I made endless "To Do lists.  But no matter how hard I tried,  I  never got much
farther than that.  I was always, as my friend Kenzie likes to put it, "the Proverbs 32 woman".
    But that's where Jesus comes in.  By myself I will never measure up.  No matter how hard I 
try to do everything "right," there will always be times when I let my children down.  Unlike
the Proverbs 31 mother, I will probably never know what it feels like to have my kids get out 
of bed in the morning and call me "blessed!"  But I have learned that the less I rely on my
own abilities and the more I rely on Christ – and the more I let my children see me
depending on him for wisdom, guidance, and strength – the more I will be able to set an
example that's worth following.  Instead of saying "Look at me," I'll be able to say
"Look at Jesus."

(pg. 190 of Praying the Scriptures for your Children)

good stuff.
God is so good.
He is the only true happiness and hope and way out from those dark places.

i think i will be fine for tuesday.

side note: it's 12:44 AM….my entire house has been asleep for an hour.
i am typing in the dark in my bed.
annie just appeared at my bedside….with her sleepy bed head and only her my little pony undies on…
hugged my arm tight and then walked back out of the room.
i love being a mama.


side side note:  do i sound like a psycho?  
one post saying i want to do so many things the last three days of summer….
the next post saying i am going crazy like a hormonal wolf man with bleeped out swear words….
then talking about how much i love and need jesus and love my kids????
i think i do sound a little bit off.
it's the adjustments….they are coming this week whether i am ready or not.
my baby will be gone….my mornings start so early….and my washing machine is still broken…etc. etc. etc.
i hope to be back to my normal self soon. 


Melissa - Thanks for your post. I have been struggling with these same feelings. I have not been the wife or mom God has called me to be lately. My oldest started kindergarten and I am adjusting to a new stage of life. I love the Proverbs 32 women- that’s so me! Hang in there- I hope your week has gotten better.

deb meyers - your struggle encourages me in mine. I wish I was brave enough to repost the crazy wolfman on my FB, but I’m not. that’ why God brings me your blog!
deb meyers

Kelly - Megan, thanks for being real. Being a mom is hard and I’m only four months in but thank you also for sharing the sweet things like annie coming in that make it so great. God has not given us more than we can bear! Kelly

Lori - Meg,
Thank you for being so open, honest and REAL! Your post reminded me that I am not alone in my own struggles as a mother and a wife. You have encouraged me tonight. Thank you.

Suzanne - thanks for the honesty Meg. You are not alone (see above!) or any different from most moms. Oh how I wish we would all be so honest in real life. Remember that this life is not all there is too, Meg. I take comfort in that a LOT. My children are all grown, but my unsaved husband is an alcoholic, so I struggle with loving him one minute and hating him the next AND I am supposed to be a Christian who overcomes it all. I feel like I am going crazy at times until I get my eyes off myself and onto Jesus.
Sending love your way…be encouraged that you are not alone in this struggle.

Lori - Oh we ALL have those days…How lucky and loved are you to receive 3 random gifts on the same day? 🙂 Will you email or post where the 2 came from? I’m guessing these ladies have Etsy shops…?

Jonelle - You are not psycho!!! I think every mother has felt these feelings, and it’s a shame we don’t share this more often with each other. Instead, we all go along feeling like we are alone and slowly losing our minds. Thank you for your vulnerability and honesty in talking about your feelings and struggles. Our pastor has been talking a lot about this lately – about exposing ourselves and not living with a facade that everything’s “fine.” As Christians, we struggle and make mistakes, but the great thing is we have a God who continues to love us and grant us His mercy. This is our testimony to others – not that we are perfect but that we are saved.

karen - your side notes made me laugh!!
For some reason I read them in a whispered voice?!?!

Kate - I’m quite sure we have all been there. I have yet to meet a woman or a mom who hasn’t. As women we are loving and passionate and creative and smart. We aren’t perfect. That’s God’s thing. And it’s important to let our kids see that we can be wonderful and still have bad days. Hope your day is better.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Sweetest Meg, hang in there. All I can say is that I am so thankful for your honesty. I am so glad I am not alone.

adrienne - hang in there 🙂

patti - oh, and p.s. here is a link to her stuff:

patti - oh, you are so loved! i’ve been a huge fan of michelle’s artwork for years. her stuff is so amazing. i love the little wooden blocks. what a lovely day for you – revel in it!

Juli - If you’re crazy, I am far more so! Personally, I think you sound much more like a frazzled Mom than a psycho.

Melissa - oh how i love to read your blog. you are so real!

laurenjean - This makes me feel normal. I want so many different things all the time. one second I am envying Michell Duggar and her 19 kids, the next I am wondering if I will make it to nap time without locking myself in the closet and crying.
You’re real.
I like that.

Darcie L. - As a 30-year old child, 🙂 I am now realizing how wonderful my parents are, and what a great job they did. So, maybe your kids will come back to you in 10-15 years, spend the night in your home for Christmas or some other holiday, and then rise and call you “blessed.” I know I am recognizing that in my mom now more than ever. I just didn’t see it back then. 🙂

Emily B. - Not to say to that your struggle with swerving levels of motivation and conviction please me (I’m sorry to hear of your difficulty)… but I am blessed to know I am not alone in feeling similarly. Your vulnerability and honesty about the ups, downs and in-betweens helps me realize more and more that we are all in the same boat. This makes me want to grow in authenticity. Because if I try to cover up my struggles and weaknesses and look like I have it all together, than my friends, family and I will feel more alone/isolated in struggles. I think that’s just what the enemy wants, for us to be alone (with our doubts and lies) in our troubles.
Whoa, you hit a nerve, huh?! 🙂

Heather - Great post, just what I needed today 🙂

Courtney Walsh - Having a pretty rough day here…took my kids to their first day at their new school in a new state and there were lots of tears. Broke my heart. Thank you for this reminder.
Sweet gifts from sweet women. 🙂 Your reminder that you are loved…

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - i. hear. you. oh man girl, i have been straight up psychotic lately. i don’t think my boys or my husband knows what the heck to do with me. seriously, i’m like a maniac. i keep praying that getting back into a routine will help…but i so need some alone time with Jesus i think . you don’t sound psychotic at all, by the way. you sound so normal, so thanks. misery does love company. 😉

rosemarie - meg you are so real and many women feel like you..moms don’t think their kids are listening to them and it’s all just a waste of time and energy(trying to be mom), but kids are listening and when their mothers are not around and they do the right thing, and when they grow up and turn into adults we are proud of them. we taught them well…

doe - Could you please share who gave you those painted signs/pictures? Love them!

Holly - Meg your post was just what I needed to read. I had a night like yours last night.

amandadod - This made me smile because your post sounded like most all of us feel. Being a mom is such a blessing and such a burden. But we aren’t expected to do it alone – God is big and He walks beside us … usually doing the heavy lifting. 🙂

kat - I hope you are feeling better today. From one frazzled mama to another, I know how you feel. Thanks for the encouragement and lifting me up. Hope today is wonderful for you! (Otherwise, just get yourself a hat…) Just kidding, seriously though, I hope today is a better day, my friend!

Gevay - Oh by the way Martha Peace has a book called Damsels in Distress about how to handle the emotions that all women have in a God honoring way.

Gevay - Meg this post strikes a cord with me. In our humanness we are never going to cut it. I often feel like you do, all over the place. I get angry then think “How does that look to my kids?” or “How am I reflecting Jesus?”. I think that excerpt you put in your post is right on. Less us and more of Him! Gevay

evan - my world feels very much the same right now: end of summer… approaching school routine again… not really sure how it will all go… trying to finish up a HUGE project and can’t because i’m literally sick. with something that feels like the flu.
thank God for Jesus, grace, mercy & husbands, right?
this too shall pass…

blu - as mamas we are a little crazy sometimes but as so many of the comments suggest and as mine will suggest also, you are not alone. keep being honest and we’ll keep responding and encouraging you and one another. our hope is in Him and as long as we know that, then there is joy waiting for us in the morning 🙂 be blessed Meg!

Tanya H - Nope you sound completely normal.
Having righteous desires to enjoy our children and spend time with them and build memories with them, but then still being human and feeling overwhelmed and being TIRED of the fighting and really needing a break. And then catching yourself and finding yourself right where you need to be.
Or maybe that’s me….that’s my week too. and I have seven more days for my oldest to go back to school and 14 for my younger one.

Christy - This is perfect timing for me. I just scolded my son last night because his glasses were missing & then I found them, high on a shelf to where only I would have put them. 🙁 What a reality check.

nicky - this is just what i needed to read this morning. thank you so much. my husband left for business and being by myself for 4 days creates so much anxiety in me. our 2 year old daughter has special needs and uncontrolled seizures so needless to say there are moments in every day when i am simply scared. and not having him near makes it even harder. sometimes i feel like i can’t do this but having encouraging words and reminders like you posted help more than you can imagine.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m making Your/Craig’s bbq meatballs for Calvin’s First Day of School dinner tonight. Why should that make you feel better? I have no idea. But I hope it does. But just in case it still doesn’t, I’m also making homemade mashed potatoes and PEAS (C’s fave) and Ginger Peach cake that is actually more of a pie-ish sort of thing.

miss r - Not crazy at all. In fact, it is comforting to know that I’m not the only one with what feels like schizophrenia at times. It always happens when I’m relying on my own understanding and abilities instead of His.

Trina McNeilly - well than i am a crazy hormonal wolf woman too. Sometimes it is just so refreshing to know you are not the only one floating around in crazy mom land. Wanting to be a good mom and a proverbs 31 woman and failing miserably at it and then waking up to start it all over again. I love that excerpt though. How true that we won’t be perfect but trying again, asking God for help and relying on HIM because we will never be good enough is the right example. Love it. And love your blog and your total realness!
Hope today is just briliant! xoxoxoxoox
ps-having a fun giveaway ….stop by!

Kathy T - Thank you. I thought it was just me. Even a diet busting ice cream cone and drive by myself couldn’t lift my horrible mood. On top of that, I know I’m letting my kids down by being so crabby. But like everything else in life, we’ll all endure. Tomorrow is another day. With any luck, it will be a better one. Or at least less crabby! 🙂

Taylor-Ann - Part fo the mom definition is crazy…and if not, it should be. We all have our moments and yours was yesterday and mine today. :o)
Hope your Tuesday is better than yesterday.
God is Awesome and works is wonderful ways!

Shannon - Meg,
I do not know you in real life. I love to follow you on your blog because you are such an inspiration to me. You are so brutally honest about life, being a wife, being a mother and just by being a woman that so many of us try to acknowledge. Or at least I try not to myself. I desire so much to be that Proverbs 31 woman myself and fall short by miles each and every day. I love the exerpt you wrote today…I may need to get that book and read it myself because it was very uplifting. I want to say thank you for continuing to have your blog and being honest with cyber world so that we all can see too that we are not the only women out there feeling the way you do much of the time and that you are someone most of us can relate to!

Lora - God IS good and thank goodness for that because us moms get a little crazy at times. Thanks for always speaking the truth …

Charity - Nope, not crazy at all, just real. I totally relate, and while I hate those times when I’m the crazy, angry, mom, I think they help push me in the right direction. They’re like a signal that something’s gotta give, or change, or be adjusted, you know?

Stacia - You’re amazing. Hope today goes better 🙂

Amanda - Thanks for the laugh! That video was a riot and I howled with laughter while watching. (while my husband said what? I didn’t get it…) LOL-yes, I made him watch him again.
With the school year approaching I find myself wavering between each of those moods minute by minute thruout the day-I feel totally psycho too. Missing them already and guilty for wishing them away-feeling selfish- but needing some alone time as well so badly I can taste it. You are not alone.

Lee Ann - I think you sound just like the rest of us! 🙂 That’s why I love checking your blog first thing in the morning.
Love that people blessed you right when you needed it. And that painting of Michelle’s…..sometimes I think that’s how we women are. The colors are cheerful, but the face is a little “off”. Hmmmm….
Love the quote about Proverb’s 31. It’s all Jesus!!!!

tara pollard pakosta - That’s women for ya!
full of emotion, thinking from one
thing to the next! no worries, you are NOT alone in this!

Deputy's Wife - Your side notes is what keeps it real. We are all in there with you honey.
Thank you for posting what you read, I needed that today. Really. May I ask what you were reading? I think I would like to read some more.

Christine Ishmael - Grab a girlfriend and go see “Eat, Pray, Love” with Julia Roberts AND grab the book to read…it changed my attitude and gave me a “big girl pill” at the same time…I’ve been a much nicer mom/wife this week because of the message…hopefully it will last…love ya Meg and your not crazy girl, we all feel these things…I wish my brain would slow down sometimes and just shut off…but I better be careful what I wish for! ha ha

Tracey Garcia - You don’t sound crazy at all! I have those days too. My kids go back to school on Monday and I am so not ready and blue about it. Especially since my baby is starting kindergarten and I will be going back to preschool (to teach) without him.
And the Annie hug—doesn’t that make it better? I know when one of my kids gives an unexpected hug, kiss or I love you it can soothe my heart. Except when I am totally aggravated and they say “mom?” and I respond when with a frutrated “WHAT!!?” and they say “I love you”—-then I feel like that horrible mother who deserves to be locked up—but don’t we all have those moments? Maybe that is God tapping us on the shoulder and showing us what really matters. 🙂

charity palmer - thanks for sharing and being so real on your blog! It’s helpful to a future mama to see the “real” side of things that can so often be left out. Proverbs 3:5-6…that says it all 🙂

Andrea - Thank you so mch for posting this and for being so real. I love that you’re vulnerable and allow your readers to go along on the journey with you. I feel the exact same way! Some days I’m teary because summer is over, then the next minute I’m frustrated with my kids and can’t wait to have a little more space during the day! I have thought the same thing with my blog…that I must sound like I have split personalities sometimes. The reality is, that it’s the journey that allows us the ups and downs. It’s the ebb and flow of our human-fleshy side and the spiritual-loving Jesus side. I pray, like many moms do (I think!), that the Jesus side wins over more than the fleshy side and rest in the fact that God has more grace for us than we give ourselves. You seem like a great (and really fun!) mom! Keep up the good work 😉

jill - Are you pms-ing like me????? I.FEEL.EXACTLY.THE.SAME.WAY! My gas tank is empty, as they say. This too shall pass…

Susan - Meg, thanks for sharing. I struggle with being a Proverbs 31 woman as well as the fruits of the spirit. I was once told if I couldn’t identify all of the fruits of the spirit in my life that maybe I didn’t really have Jesus in my heart! That messed with me for a long time but I’m learning that it is a process just like you are. I told my daughter last week while I was so busy getting ready for vacation and preparing the house for remodel that is taking place while we are gone that I was ready to take her to the nearest fire station and leave her! She’s 10 and the light of my life and the closest thing to Jesus with skin in my life but sometimes…It’s just being overwhelmed. I only have the 1 daughter and you must be 5 times as overwhelmed as I am. Thanks for sharing your very normal life and helping the rest of us feel like we are not alone!

Lora - You had the same evening as me last night! Sigh…….thanks for sharing.

Susan - Hi Meg!
I have been reading your blog(obsessively) for a long time! I first loved you for your beautiful house, but continued to read because of your honesty, your eye for beauty and your “momness.” I enjoy you. Thank you for encouraging me! (I still love, love your beautiful house!)

Denise - sunday was my melt down. I was so hard on everyone and said some pretty harsh words. then sure enough, joyce meyer talked about our words yesterday and how powerful they are. let’s just say I was deeply convicted. thankfully, i am forgiven.

Emily - I appreciate your blog so much… it’s real… it’s how I feel so often and it’s nice to know I’m not alone… thanks for bringing inspiration, family love, the love for GOD and so much more to my life!

Samantha Lee - Crazy or not, this post inspired me.

Laura - the washing machine is STILL BROKEN???????????????????????????? I was there when it got fixed!!!!!!

laura - that gospel truth is exactly what you (&me!) need. so glad you heard it in that book & were encouraged!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - I can relate – that’s exactly why I started my blog.
The Proverbs 31 woman (I refer to her as wonder woman) is who I WANT to be, but I know I’ll never fully be at all times in every circumstance. I can only pursue that model (by HIS Grace) knowing I need to rely on His strength every step of the way and be satisfied with being who he created individual me to be.
So glad you were blessed today – God does know, thank goodness for that.
Your side notes gave me a giggle – We’re all in a perpetual state of prThat mogress and our minds are so feeble, aren’t they? That’s exactly why I’ve been dwelling on Romans 12:2 for some time now…

Angie - Meg,
I don’t know you, but I love your blog..I just want to encourage you that you are not alone and you don’t sound psycho! I can relate to everything you wrote. My kids started school last Wed and yesterday we had Epic Homework Battle #1 that involved a highly disrespectful teenager and a worn out mom who wondered “why am I doing this anyway?” I felt like such a failure! But, later, there were apologies and everything turned out OK. God is good…all the time and He loves us (and our kids) with an everlasting love. Thanks for your honesty.

elisa - Right there with you.

Kimberlee J. - I needed this badly this morning. Yesterday late was a wreck for me too. Here’s to the One who can improve any situation when we recognize Him in it. Love you.

Emily@remodelingthislife - What a blessing!!

Jennifer - Megan,
You don’t sound like a crazy woman, you sound like a REAL woman. Thanks for keeping it real. You’re always a breath of fresh air! And I am so thankful to know I am not the only one jumping from the optimistic and fun to do lists to feeling grumpy, etc. THNAK YOU for being vulnerable! YOu’re a blessing to me. Praying for you today.

Lori - Meg, thanks for being honest and sharing your life, the ups and downs too. You aren’t crazy, rather you are normal. My son doesn’t start school until 9/7, but we take my daughter to college for her first year a week from today…so I am up and down, between YES YES YES and NOOOOOOOO. A bittersweet time that includes lots of nostalgia for sweet hugs from my kids. Hugs!

Amy Lynne - Sounds like life! There are ups and downs, great days and days we wish for a “do over” button! It’s all the pieces that make us appreciate what we have even when we have to take a deep breath and pray for peace in our hearts to make the situation better! I’ve been taking a lot of those breaths lately, but I think it’s the time of year that has everyone a little squirrel-ly! Good luck sweetie, things will settle down and you will have better days!

Tara - just beautiful.
such truth.
such realness.
it’s a beautiful moment when any of us recognize that we can’t do it but He can.
his strength is made perfect in our weakness.
thanks for sharing your moment of seeing His bigness/your smallness.

Vicki Esh - I just discovered your blog recently (how did I not know about you until now??). I am in love with your blog because you’re so honest. . .Thanks for keepin’ it real!

Katy Stone - This was encouraging to read. Thanks for being so real. Praying now that Christ will restore you as you sleep and you will wake up refreshed in His spirit!

Tracy - Awww… sending big big hugs your way my friend that today is a much better day for you. No matter how hard of a good mom, friend, sister, wife we all try to be – there are just those days that get to us and break us down. I think you are a fantastic mom and can’t imagine you ever getting angry – LOL On the flip side – I think it was SO SWEET that Annie came and gave you an “arm” hug – she must have known you really needed it and God sent her to bless you at that very moment. :o) I hope that today is a much better day for you and I look forward to seeing the new back to school photos of your beautiful family. xoxoxo

edie - Yes! Christ lived a perfect sinless life in our place.
We trust in His perfect obedience completely because we will never measure up.
And we learn to live in repentance, before God and our little ‘neighbors’.
Redemption is beautiful.
And so are you.
lots of love,

Julie - Meg, I think so many of us can relate to this and I think it really comes down to expectations. We, as mothers, expect so much of ourselves (especially ourselves), our kids, our husbands, and we really do want our lives to be picture-perfect even though we know they aren’t and never will be; not that there’s anything wrong with expectations, even very high expectations. Expectations are good ~ they give us something to live UP to. But sometimes we have to bring them down to our real life experience. I’ve learned to expect from Christ and He (alone) lives up to those expectations ~ He never fails. Thanks for sharing the devotional ~ very good, very encouraging. Hope you are feeling better soon! 🙂

Christina - Meg, I think this post is just perfect. I struggle so. I struggle with being a Christian and having depression and OCD. How does it work? Why isn’t Jesus enough? But really, do I even give him a chance to be? Those are such powerful words that you shared. I love that…Proverbs 32 woman. How that rings true! ha I can lie in bed feeling so angry and resentful because my littlest one won’t let me sleep and get so furious and hateful in my head that I don’t even go to church. My husband is on staff! Talk about not setting the right examples. I don’t really know what I’m trying to say. Thanks for sharing your honest days.

Gemma - Hope you’re feeling refreshed soon!
Gemma x

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Megan,
Well I think you are writing about the stuff many of us feel. But unlike you, we gloss over it, afraid to write about our crazy days for fear that maybe…we might sound crazy. I am writing this comment to you at 2:40 am instead of sleeping. Take some time for yourself, eat some chocolate, and tomorrow will be a much better day.

Angela - I really relate to your side-side note. It’s to hard for me to be all things to everyone………..sometimes I’m resentful, then I feel guilty. Being a mother is a wonderful blessing but darn it’s hard sometimes.
My kids started school last week and I do miss them but I really miss not having to get up at 5am so everyone gets fed and to school on time.
I just have to remind myself I’m human and sometimes I will fail but it’s ok.
I hope the rest of your week goes well! I’ll keep you in my prayers.

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