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Category Archives: etsy goodness

greetings from the craft room…


moving right along.
watching shows on the dvr to keep me company.
i have watched 2 weeks of desperate housewives…
one brothers & sisters with 3 more to go…
two grey's anatomys…
one ER…

it's been fabulous.

and i have one of my weaknesses right next to me.

robin's eggs minis.
i just love these yummy little guys.
it's okay…..because they only make them at easter…that's my rationale.

(if that's not true don't tell me because i don't want to know. 
i like thinking they only sell them in march.)

back to work.

Emily in CLT - Robin’s Eggs are my fave!!! I’m on bag #4 in three weeks! I SO want some cute things for my girl! When will you post it all on ETSY? I can’t see your button – are you closed up for now?

Rach - OMG, Robin’s Eggs… YUM!!

Aubrey - Oh my soul! I love robin’s egg minis. And, like you, I pig out on them for six weeks solid and shrug it off by saying they are only an Easter delight!
And I love me some Brothers & Sisters, too. 😉

carissa... brown eyed fox - anyone who was lucky enough to snag one of your creations… lucky indeed!
too fun & FULL of love!!!!!!!!
peanut butter eggs ADORE my thighs in March !

Wendy - A fun craft room AND Robin’s Eggs? Some girls have just got it made! Now, did you bring enough Robin’s Eggs for everyone?

Beth - I can’t even begin to tell you how jealous I am of your craft room. I know you’re not supposed to covet your neighbor’s wife, but is it ok if I covet my neighbor’s craft room? I want it!

Sandy - Robin’s eggs – yum! I found out today my co-worker has a jar of them in her office. After I found out, I couldn’t walk past without stopping in to say hi (and get a handful, of course!). Enjoy the crafts, the dvr, the shows, AND the eggs! You deserve them!

adrienneK - oh happy craft room scene!:)

Sara - yeah, I love it when you eat so many of those eggs that the roof of your mouth is like sandpaper. Thats when I know have consumed like 12,000 calories worth. ha ha.

Niki - Those little eggs are evil, you cannot eat just a few. Once that bag is open look out…thank goodness it is only once a year or I would be as big as a house.

sandy toe - Oh Robin Eggs….oh yum~
sandy toe

julie - Cadbury Mini Eggs. Send me over the edge. Could eat them nonstop, bag after bag after bag. Dangerous!!!
Love the happy stacks of fabric, the rainbows… want your craft room bad.
More than I want Mini Eggs.

Laura - candy corn. don’t make me share.

Lanny Stanard - Megan I just want to come in sit right in the middle of your craft room you don’t even have to feed me! I just want to sit there!

Laurel - I have kept those Robin Eggs out of my home so far this season. I can’t control myself!

Sue - Hi Meg!
I received the hoodie today in the mail and I love it! Thank you. Cora’s picture is gorgeous!!!
I love those mini robin’s eggs too. I’ve used your same rationale about indulging at Easter time as that’s the only time they sell them.
Much love from NJ,

Trina - Those are going to be so cute!!!!! I have to admit I am a desperate housewives fan too.. it is just a guilty pleasure.. a nice escape from reality!

Lee Ann - It’s SO true! In fact, it’s so true that I’m going to tell myself that and go buy a bag!

Jenn Thomas - Meg – do you think if I brought my projects to your craft room that they may magically finish themselves? Your craft room puts out a lot of finished products. 🙂

jennifer - Even your snacks are colorful!
Love it!

Trish - those fabric colors are so yummy 🙂 just ordered a bunch of new fabric for some new goodies for my shop too. can’t wait 🙂

Lisa - Wow Meg, I have the exact same line up of shows on my PVR to watch. Hmmmm I need a TV and PVR box in my craft room…lol
Take Care,

Jill Adkins - How much fun!- I keep dark chocolate m&m’s beside me while I “craft”- and of coarse in the color of the season…am loving the pastel easter ones right now!

Stephanie Howell - that’s like me and cadbury mini eggs. i have a SERIOUS addiction. i’m a new blog reader, and i’m in love w/ your blog and your beautiful home. Thanks for sharing so much inspiration. xo

Lori - That’s how I feel about candy corn! I eat them once a year at Halloween. Usually in one sitting, until I actually feel sick, then no more til next year!

sara's art house - AHHHH- heaven! To craft and watch and eat 🙂

Kasey - Did you watch Nacho Libre?

kristin - i am so sorry not to give you even more peace and quiet this afternoon…eliza just told me, “how can my outside be cold and my inside hot?”

Julia - how about sweethearts? Thank goodness they take them off the shelves after Valentine’s.

danyele - i love those stinking candies!!!!

Jen N. - I love stopping by to read your blog. You seem like such a happy, cheerful and interesting person. And if you are not, I don’t want to know 🙂 Oh and I love Robin’s Eggs. Thanks for brining them up, I need to put them on my list right now. 🙂

Angela Conklin - Oh My. robin’s eggs and Reese’s peanut butter eggs. Oh La La

Liz - Ok. Just looking at those mini-eggs is making me gain weight. I cannot stop with those. Or those chocolate covered marshmallow easter bunnies. Love those. 🙂
Thank you for your sweet comment yesterday, I really apprecaited it.

Cary - Oh, those are my favorite!!! Sounds like you’re having fun, can I come craft with you?

Suzanne - love those robin eggs too!! ooh…catchin’ up on all my favs…i think i’m all caught up, but was bummed that d.h. and bro/sis won’t have any new shows till april 19th!! so, you may wanna slow down, or you’ll run out:)
hoping you got my e-mail yesterday??? let me know what else i can do!
thanks, meg!!

sarah - yum.
I love those!

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