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as i drove my kids to school yesterday i realized my day was not going to go as planned.
i was supposed to spend the day with my friend…going to bible study…then lunch…then target.
there was a blizzard in front of me.
and i was so cold.

i ran into walmart for my few groceries i needed and white thread and pom pom trim.
the man at the cutting counter said "you want 10 yards of this snowball trim?!" then gave me the weirdest look.
he had to be thinking "she came here in a blizzard….for this??"
yes i did.
i could barely get my cart to my car by the time i came out.

the SNOW!

i came home and planted myself at the sewing machine only stopping once for an email & cocoa pebbles break.

it was a lovely day even if my plans were completely different.
i had a front row seat to the snow coming down.





thank you mom….my machine went nuts officially so i am using the "new" one now.
it's nice.
much nicer than my old one.






it took me 55 minutes to pick up all my kids from school.
that is a long time.
and i slid into a curb….hard.

craig had the kids shovel snow with him…i was in charge of hot cocoa and marshmallows.

my children are off of school today.

do you think they will notice if i just stay up in the craft room and sew all day again?????

Trysha - Love the snow! I am not ready for Spring. I want more snow and hot chocolate days.
(I’ve been reading your blog for a while and it’s the first one I put out there when someone asks but I’ve never commented. I’m weird like that.)

danielle - love the snow, LOVE the pin your wearing and your pretty face!!

Andrea - Oh – good idea about the heater by your feet! My feet get cold in my craft room too. (pleasures of an old house) They probably are on sale by now too…..

crystal beutler - I’m dying to know what you are making with all that cute fabric!!! Man, we would have so much fun if we lived near each other. I looooove to sew.

Melanie - You are wearing Lisa Leonard necklaces! I love her stuff. 😉

Danielle Albini - I love the flower on your shirt Meg! Did you make that? If so, how?!:)

elisa - I am so over winter- but I am snuggling with the pillow you made for me- with white snowball pom pom trim 🙂

BeckyB - I just loved this peek into your day! Loved it. And I smiled as I thought of you thinking about capturing it for your blog. You did an amazing job – I felt like I was in your house with a chair pulled right up to your sewing machine, cocoa in hand. Thanks so much!

Kimberly Dial - I loved this post. Made me feel warm inside … which is great because it’s anything but warm here in WV. You inspire me to get my machine fixed and then LEARN how to do something wonderful with it 😉 Thanks for sharing!

Kimberly Dial - I loved this post. Made me feel warm inside … which is great because it’s anything but warm here in WV. You inspire me to get my machine fixed and then LEARN how to do something wonderful with it 😉 Thanks for sharing!

Tara - i just love this post Meg.
my sewing machine is in the shop…it was my mother’s and she got it when she was married…so it is old. but I love it on so many levels. when I get it back I am going to make stuff just like you. I might even use the snow ball trim if that is OK:)

Nicole - I got that same sewing machine for Christmas! Now I have hope that I can create some beautiful things with it like yours 🙂 I am still learning, but I have high hopes!

bobbie - I’ve never seen snow like that in my life! I’ve only seen snow enough times to count on one hand it it was all under a few inches. The joys of living in TX. We had ice today and we all thought the few icicles were miraculous!
Now I’m going to burrow under covers until it’s back into the 70’s on saturday.

Jessie - Just wanted to say THANKS for leaving up all your Happy Things. I LoVE them and peeking through them for inspiration!

imoomie - I always say if your going to be surrounded by snow…make sure you have enough snowball trim on hand :)…Enjoy!

Rach - Amidst the boring 75 degree sunny weather we are having out here in LA, it was a wonderful sight to see your picture of snow. Ahhhhhhhh how I envy the snow bound states.

becky - my hubby had to run to the fabric store FOR me last week when we were snowed in. i’m too chicken with the littles in tow!! happy sewing!!

Emily Zimmerman - I just love you!!! You had me laughing out loud!!! Then I had to explain to the husband why I was laughing and your little grocery/fabric run even got a chuckle out of him. Pretty impressive if you can get the husbands laughing 🙂 Love you and keep the great stories coming!!!

No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane - I’m jealous of your snow day….
and I can’t wait to see what hits the shop!

Amy R. - A girl after my own heart! I would do the same if I was going to be stuck inside all day. You do bring a smile to my face and your blog is such a blessing to read!
Thanks for sharing your days…

Tonya - I heard your area got pounded w/snow…crazy!!!

eliz. - found out today that our walmart is no longer carrying any sewing products/ fabric. The worker told me that they are enlarging electronics. Guess they are going where the $$ is. I am so sad to see it go. It was so nice to be able to pick something up there as I was grocery shopping. She thought it was going to happen at all walmarts across the country. I am in ohio

Sharley McMullen - OOOHHH COLD and SNOWY!! I’m here is warm sunny So.Cal and was looking for you “Mom’s Margarita” recipe?? It wasn’t in your sidebar – could you share please:)
ps I’m Don Beverlin’s cousin

sue - Your post made me giggle.We never have snow like that here in the Mohave desert.I would like one day of it though.Ha Ha.You say your house is cold.Do you have a working fireplace that you could light up with wood and keep warm.?

Meredith Salmon - Reading your post just reminded me that I need white thread tonight too to finish my boys Valentine’s Day shirts. I may even do one for myself this year. Enjoy the snow!!!

sarah - self-portrait=adorable.
we’re so sunny out here on the west coast, it is hard to imagine the blizzard! enjoy being cozy and warm.

Lindsay - I love reading your blog! It is super sweet! Thanks. And your love of color is so inspiring! Where do you find such amazing fabric?

Taryn Smith - Loved Annie’s red cheeks and cute picture of you!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You are so fun…I wish I had a snow day. I’m here in Southern California where it’s 73 degrees today. I’m wearing flip flops and the sun is shining. I love that, but I would love to experience what a snow day would be like when I would HAVE to stay in and have hot cocoa and marshmallows. Although I could miss out on the hitting the curb and taking 50 minutes to pick up kids…not fun.

Courtney Walsh - Seriously the best way to spend a blizzardy day!! And I’ve been known to spend more than one day in a row doing artsy things so I say go for it! 🙂

debbie - Love your necklaces and that pin is AWESOME! Your craft room looks so cozy! Love that it isn’t all magazine perfect and that you actually use it!

Amy - Do tell….what are the snowball for??

Erin McCall - Wow!! That is crazy! My kiddos are off too, but for ice. No pretty snow! Stay warm.

Courtney - can not wait to see what you are making!!! Stay warm!

Renee - Isn’t a beautiful life, isn’t it??

Beth - your day sounds wonderful. and I love that pom pom trim….i’m so bummed our walmart got rid of their fabric dept. Now they only have a handful of really generic craft things. enjoy your snow day!

Ryanne - Love the picture of the snow falling down on the trees and road.

Susan - Staying in the craft room sounds like a good idea to me. I schlepped out this morning in -3 degree temps to take the kiddos to school, not fun, accidents all over the place, idiots on the road. I say we just shut it all down and wait for spring.

Leslie - you are so cute!!! I want your messy, crazy, colorful craftroom. 🙂 Love your blog, keep it up! It makes me smile a lot!

Leah - I love seeing that beautiful photo of the snow. I want snow! Of course, this is easy for me to say because it’s sunny and in the 70s here in San Diego. Just think, you’ll be here in a few weeks. I’ll keep the sun for you!

Jennifer - What an adorable picture of you! I can’t wait to see what you are making. We had the snow in CO yesterday too, but it wasn’t that pretty, didn’t amount to much. And this morning when I took the girls to school it was -6. 🙁

crystal - Funny your kids are still going to school in the snow… in Oklahoma they will have been out for 2 full weeks if they miss thurs & fri this week, which with the foot of snow we’re getting again today, looks very likely. I should have used my time off to catch up on some scrapbooking but I didn’t. I didn’t do anything. Now I wish I had. Oh well, maybe by the time we have another Oklahoma Blizzard I will be more prepared & organized to scrap. For now, I’ll just read your blog & call it a day! I’m fine with that!

Heather - that photo of you is so stinking cute.

Stacia - I loved this post! I am looking forward to snow days like that someday…my babies are not in school yet. I really, really loved how messy you craft. Is that insulting? I don’t mean it that way at ALL. My craft room looks exactly like that when I am working on stuff. Enjoy having your kids home, hope they let you get something done:)

Anne @ Baking Me - What a wonderful way to spend a snow day!

Sarah - Your blizzard just hit us here in Tulsa. Cold weather and harsh winds do not make for good “go to work” weather. Looks like I might be pulling out my sewing machine also!

Heather - I’m a little east of you in Olathe. Hubby came home last night and announced we could get as much as 6 inches…on top of the 11 we had last week. I was quite relieved to find only 2 inches on the driveway this morning!

Staci - Myyyy bets arrrre….if they can find you out in the bedroom….they will find you out in your craft room….just sayin’???!!! heeeheee 🙂 Good luck though! My boys are off of school too today….I think we will be making days up until July 🙁 ah well! They are STILL asleep! I love it! and I also love that picture of Annie!!!!!!!! Hope you can get some crafting in!!!! Stay warm!

Lisa - Love Annie’s sweet, red rosy cheeks!! 🙂

AshleyAnn - love the pic of you. I bet your kids won’t notice you missing…mine never do on snow days!

Julie Weaver - I love waking up and seeing that you have posted. It makes me so happy. Your honesty and happiness make me appreciate my life even more.
Thank you.
And btw I bought that school days writing fabric because i love it up in your blog banner. I searched and your post about it was the first thing to pop up. Yay!

Drea - Your sewing area looks cozy! I went to walmart yesterday just to find wipe cases so I could make some custom wipe case covers for friends having babies… ended up spending like $100 some how on food and such.. how weird… oh and the wipe cases were SOLD OUT – how is that possible?
O well 🙂

monica - I love reading your blog every day. You are such a positive, fun person, with such a nice family. Monica

Edie Steinmann - The idea of pushing a cart through the Wal-Mart parking lot in the snow is so foreign to me that I had to giggle while imagining it! I’ve seen snow flurries here in south Georgia twice this winter and that’s unusual! Sounds like an awesome day!

Michelle - I wished it snowed here! I am embarrassed to say I have never seen snow in my life! I live in California and the coldest it has gotten here is maybe in the low 20’s, guess we shouldn’t complain!

Meredith - Nice post! Makes me long for a snow day, hot cocoa, no children, and a list of fun projects.

Jodi - what I would give for a chance to sew all day… being a newbie sewer, I need all the practice I can get! But… I don’t want the snow… so…

Jaimie - I really needed a post from you this morning and this one was perfect. Gotta love a little pom pom trim. : )

shannon - Happy crafting Meg! I say you stay in your craft room all day! I would do that too except my kiddos are still under the age of 5…they still have to have me! We have snow here and my oldest is in preschool but they cancel school here for even one snowflake! grrrr….I LOVE your blog! I follow you every single day and I look forward to reading it every single morning with my cup o joe! I have a weird question though, the other day you were talking about being in bed b/c it was warm…..and your bible study….my question is what do you study? I find myself stumped if I don’t have study material in front of me. Something to read and study along with my bible. do you buy your own studies? I am part of a bible study but we only meet once a month….kinda hard to study daily about it, I think.

Amanda - Sewing in the craft room sounds like such a nice cozy day. I love the picture of the snow. I can’t get over how much (I’m typing this from Florida)snow!!! I wouldn’t last a week in the snow – I’m a lizard!!!!! Stay warm. BTW….does Waffle go out in the snow?

Jamie - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. It always makes me SMILE!!
Can I just say I love your necklace…I think you have blogged about it before, but just for simplicity…could you tell me how I can get my own? I think I want one…maybe as a valentiney or anniversary present.
Thanks so much…for being you…and I am so glad that you think God is AWESOME…I DO TOO!!!

Heather - Okay, how cute are you? Love your two necklaces together. Love your sweater and shirt underneath! I’m buried in snow here in Toronto and am just about to shoot holes in my freezer. LOL Perhaps some crafts would melt my soul.
Now…where’d you buy that sweater? And the long sleeved tee? If you say Target I can’t be your friend anymore. 😛

Katie - Of course you need pom poms before the storm:) I ran out once earlier this winter and bought $12 worth of felt…that was a lot of felt! We have below zero temps this week and my husband is on a business trip:( We will survive! Happy Crafting!

Tara - can not stinkin wait to see what you are sewing up with that trim…..saw a glimpse of the fabric and love it.
as long as you’re letting the kids do what they want {within reason}….they could probably care less that you are in that craft room. :))))

Tess S. - looking good, meg! i’m hoping to get my hands on one of those pom-pom trimmed pillows of yours!

ashley jensen - I have only gone to work the 3 out of the last 8 days because of the snow! I am so not complaining though. I would rather be home. From the sounds of how your “romantic evening in the bedroom” went the other night, I doubt they will forget where you are.

Astrid - I think I can one-up-you…during a recent snow storm I went and bought…..
(we’re going on vacation to Hawaii soon and it was on my to-buy list…just picked an interesting day to buy it!)
I NEED to get crafty. Just having motivation/inspiration trouble.

happygirl - You are one dedicated crafter, meg. Good for you and stay safe out there.

Micah - ehhh so what if the dirty dishes reach the ceiling and noone has clean underwear. I say SEW! LOL

Ang - You make it sound like so much fun being cooped up. I’m suffering from cabin fever. I’m adoring your blog, btw!

Janie Fox - We had that last weekend and had to move our daughter in it. It was pretty but inconvenient. I love the pom pom fringe! Our Walmart has no sewing stuff in it….little town. But at least we have a Walmart. It is 0 degrees here today. I don’t want to leave the house. Sadly, I have no pom pom fringe either. And no cocoa pebbles.. now I think I have to leave.

Maegan - I’d say that is a perfectly wonderful way to spend the day.

Hoosier at Heart - Your Target sells sewing stuff? That’s awesome! My days rarely go as planned. I am a list-maker. I am also a Type-A and if I don’t get everything crossed off my list I feel kinda “let down”. Maybe if I only put 3 things on my list I could be happier. That is if my list only said, 1) Eat Peanut M&M’s while watching HGTV, 2) Spend 2 hours searching blogs, and 3) Go to bed early. Hope it warms up there soon. Have a great day!

leonieke - what are you making?

erin - I have days like that a lot. I am very type A too so they drive me nuts! Boo. At least something pretty looks like its coming out of it. You will show us what you made with that trim right?! Love the zebra too!

Wendy - That snowy tree picture is rad!

Kat - Wow that snow is amazing! What a beautiful shot.
I love how you capture little shots of your day. You inspire me with your photos and the little details Meg.
Seem so strange to see snow when we are in summer here in Aus and spent the afternoon at the beach!

~Debra - My vote is that you need to sew until your heart’s content. You deserve it!

Heather - awww, I love Annie’s sweet rosy face. 🙂 Sounds like you had a perfect day after all!

princess lasertron - that snow is so beautiful.

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christmas craft #2

this craft was quiet and calm.
when the kids were at school i cut the felt into small squares….about 1 square inch.
i just bought the rainbow of colors and a few extra of red and green.
using a rotary cutter would have been easier….but mine is BURIED under fabric and christmas.

the sheets of felt were 4 for $1.00.
so this craft is really cheap!

i strung large needles (18 Darners is what the package says….) with DMC floss.
i tied a knot at one end.
then we strung the thread with felt squares.


annie kept pulling her string off the needle so this was our solution.
i held the needle and she filled it up.
team work!

talby made several.

when they are about this size we stopped.
when you could bend it into a good sized circle….

then i tied the two ends together….and hot glued it too….

we added ribbon and voila!
a tiny christmas wreath!
IMG_5877 IMG_5881

or a rainbow wreath…..

or a KU wreath…


if i would change anything about this craft i would make the squares a little smaller.
i did try using wire but it was hard to get through the felt and the needle was not.

they would be really cute in all green and adding red beads or jingle bells too!

New Coach Bags - Hear this idea, DengHua DE repeatedly said: “grateful fans, but I can’t talk about the question, of course, I want to thank them care.” This night, no matter how cross-examine, DengHua DE reporter refused to evaluate foreign aid performance.

Kelli - I thought for sure you were making a garland for the tree! The ornaments are so cute! A garland would be fabulous too but lots more work! Maybe a year round project. 😉 (Like anyone needs another one of those.) Thanks for sharing all your craft projects. It inspires me just to see your consistency. When my boys are older we can do more of these crafts. I’m not ready to give my oldest (3 1/2 yrs.) a needle yet. Nor glitter and rarely a glue stick. Yikes.

Tracy - Just made these with Reese’s 1st grade class for their Christmas Party….so fun and all the kids liked making them…cute and easy. I used my rotary cutter and it took no time at all to cut all those squares. Thanks for the great idea!

Catherine - so much fun!!! thank you for this, and for all of the tips! i cut our squares a little smaller, used hot glue and knew exactly what kind of needle to use and string {DMC floss is embroidery floss for the reader that asked!} I also really appreciated your comment about the rotary cutter. I have wanted one and this was a great excuse to get one. Plus! I found a 50% off coupon for Michaels craft store, so I got the nicer one for less than the cheaper one is regularly priced! Yay!!! It held the attention of my 3 1/2 year old boy for awhile, but I didn’t mind finishing… it was secretly for me anyway. Thanks Megan!!!

Lucylu ~ - Ooooooooh nice we (Alex and I) Strung popcorn

kristine - super cute! i love that you give reviews about what works and what doesn’t. thanks!! love this!

kristin - oh. my.
just 2 days ago i cut up an old indian fabric blanket for this project.
it did not work.
felt would have been perfect.
next time.
merry christmas, friend.

Janna - So cute;) But I’m commenting for a totally off the wall reason:) I notice you have the same denim furniture we do. I got it 2nd hand so have no idea where its originally from (I’d LOVE to find a slipcover for it) and it so super comfy I don’t want to get rid of it. But I can’t get it clean. Do you have the same problem? I’d love love it if you have a min to email me back, if its after Christmas that is JUST fine, don’t expect you to worry about me before;) I’m wondering if you have found something that works on the denim? I’ve had it professionally cleaned too and it didn’t make one bit of difference:( Thanks! And I LOVE your blog, so inspiring!!

kat - Those are adorable!!! Garland would be super fun too!

Jenn Thomas - london love her wreath she made the other night – it is hanging on the from door knob – she has to show it to everyone that comes overs

Ellen J - I love love this craft!! I’m storing it away to pull out next year for my class to do at Christmas! 🙂
Thanks for sharing!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - So very cute!
Love them!
I also love the star lights in the kitchen… want to show us what they look like from outside at night?!?!
I bet they are darling!

Rhonda Roo - please adopt me. STAT. xoxoxo

Michelle - love these. . .i think i made them at school when i was little (like 20 years ago. . .wow)

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - So pretty and easy. I bet my kiddos would love this! My favorite was the red and green. The polka dot ribbon made it though:)

Heather (Lorel's *other* college roomie!!) - Adorable — definitely making next year when my oldest is five!
One tip that I’ve learned the hard way with our crafting sessions — if you double the thread on the needle and knot both ends at the bottom (so it’s a loop) then the needle can’t come off! 🙂

Holly - very cute!

meaghan - this is AWESOME!!!! i’m def doing this. i mean, not with the kids, but i’m still doing it!

AshleyAnn - Your Christmas crafts are killing me…so cute. Maybe I’ll make them next year. Though if I can convince myself to go to Target to ornaments I really want to do those handprint ones…such a great idea.

Natasha - Super easy and way cute! Thanks!!

amy cloud - We did the snowmen yesterday and my girls are very excited to do the wreaths today. Many Thanks!

Joni - I am always looking for easy, safe, low mess crafts with four little ones 7 and under….so this looks FABULOUS!
Thank you for all the great craft ideas:)

danielle - love these!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i LOVE this. oh how i love a quiet craft. 😉 and they turned out so pretty!

Tara - such great ideas for ornaments!
we buy ornaments for our kids this year…
I think we’re making them…all thanks to you!

Grace - Meg, these are fantastic! And they fit three perfect categories: adorable, easy for little hands, and inexpensive. Thank you for the idea. 🙂

Cynthia - So cute, I can’t wait to try these, but what is DMC floss?

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - Very cute, and even better than buying felt I can use up little scraps!

Kelly - Super cute! It would be really fun to leave it straight as a garland too!

Mindy Harris - too too cute. i love your crafts. wilder and i did a snowman tonite and i put away my control freak tendencies and just let him do what he wanted.

Debbie Smallie - Keep the crafts coming. We have a 17 day break and I need time-fillers!!!

Sonia - as usual, LOVE IT!!

tania willis - my 8 year old, looking over my shoulder just said, “oh my gosh, i wanna make one!” SO cute meg! thanks for sharing the idea. this is perfect for keeping little hands busy during the winter break from school.

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the will power it is taking….

to not eat this for breakfast is almost more than i can take!!!

Michelle - Hi Meg,
Just wanted you to know that “Canada’s National Newspaper” is reporting that rainbow food is the new trend! You’re so cool! lol!

France - oops, maybe it was just 5 colours, and not 7! I’ll have to see if my dad still has pics!! 🙂 love your blog, it’s soothing.

France - Oh Gosh! I made a cake like that for my brother and sister’s birthday (their 10th I seem to remember, they are in their 40s now!)… baked 7 cakes, cut them each in two, one had a cake with the rainbow one way, the other had the rainbow the other way (boy/girl twin)… what great memories this brought back…

pambuller - yummmmmmm. did you eat it? i would have. 🙂

Melissa - Please tell me where you get the gel food coloring. Please.

Jules - That is almost too pretty to eat! Love it…but it looks hard to make, no?

Martina - I love your blog Meg. This cake is sooo cute!

Amy - I’m sitting next to a pan of brownies…I hear ya! 🙂

krystall - I’d gladly eat it all up!!!!!!!!!!!

Gemma - Soo pretty and yummy 🙂 I couldn’t resist eating it for breakfast lol
Gemma X

Molly - YUM! That looks delicious!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I’m gonna have to make one of those someday. You can do it Meg!!!

lovethosecupcakes - Oh well, in that case, I’ll have to eat it.

tami reed - Thats looks so colorful and delightful! lol

jaz - but, but, it’s so pretty!!

Christy - That is too fun and cheerful…I love it! I think I found next season’s color palette for

Suzanne - cake and coffee for breakfast is my favorite, I figure you then have all day to burn it off, so it is practically calorie free 🙂

MommaH - Well, WHY did the fam leave ONE piece? Just to torture Mom some more, or what?

sandy toe - My kids saw this and want a piece-
sandy toe

angela - This one looks even better than the one you showed before. I think you have perfected it nicely! I hope you DID eat it for breakfast! - I LOVE your rainbow cake- I’ve made it myself once before but it didn’t turn out as awesome and fluffy lookin as yours… maybe it was the cake mix I used.
Anyway… the icing looks SOOOOO good. If you can resist you are a better woman than I am! Ha!

Morg - jusssst eat it!!!!

Mrs. - What happened? No purple?

Tricia - Eggs. flour. excessive food coloring. honey, that IS breakfast! 😉

LibraryGirl62 - Do it~Do it~Do it~ 🙂

DreamGirlLisa - I don’t know how you’re doing it! lol, I can taste it now w/ a cup of coffee….yummo!

Janie Fox - Looks great! Remember how much running it takes to burn off that cake and how bad sugar can make you feel. Ha I’d probably cave! 😉

nora - one of the perks of being a grown-up is cake for breakfast! just enjoy it quietly in a secret area so the kids don’t know – like the bathroom or something. 🙂
it looks great!

Bec - I made cake for a birthday party a couple weeks ago and the leftovers were my breakfast for a good 3 days. Totally worth it.

Staci - Oh man….wouldn’t be able to have it 🙁 I’d just eat it 🙂

leslie - ohhhhhh…girl….why you gotta post this?! lol dang. it. great shot though. 🙂

Jeannine - Uh.. YUM!
I probably wouldn’t be able to resist =)

Jennifer - Oh girl…I don’t know how you are doing it! You have greater will-power than me…

Courtney Walsh - It’s 11:30 here and I have just decided the gluten free strawberry rhubarb crisp with homemade whipped cream will be the perfect breakfast/lunch. if I eat it for two meals, it doesn’t count, right?
That cake is so cute! 🙂


Tara - please tell me that you have eaten a piece by now.

Tess S. - it’s nearly noon. that’s considered lunch time in my book.

Susan - We love the cake too! My cousin and I made it last July for my daughter’s birthday. Ha! We didn’t do it right because we did only 2 full layers per mix and ended up with such a tall cake…Hysterical! But yummy…I have an awesome buttercream frosting that I have posted along with a photo of said cake!

Marisa@make happy - It looks great! But I could definitely not eat it for breakfast. I made a rainbow cake for my daughter’s birthday recently, and each tiny piece was almost more sugar than I could stand. So much frosting! (Mine also had marshmallow fondant on top…)

A pocket full of posies... - Oh my!!! I would NEVER be able to refrain! 🙂

Elise - Your rainbow cakes are just so darn fun! I would want to eat it for breakfast too.

Julie - Well, if you can resist you really DO have will power! I could not resist!

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the last week

this has been my last week with just annie and i home together…no siblings.
today is our last day.
and we are very busy with unrelated things.
oh well.

we went to the zoo yesterday….that counts towards good memories.

on monday we did some painting.
on a box in the driveway…because she wanted to.
she had plans to fill it with "gifts" and mail it to eliza.
i figured she would forget…..and she has.
but we did paint the whole box.

it was quiet and calm.

i could feel my heart swelling up in me…things are going to change.
she talked non stop while she painted.
i painted very slowly so she could do the majority of her project.
i tried to take in every second of it.
i was burning it into my soul…don't forget this moment…don't rush…don't leave…just sit and BE.


i ate cereal with milk…she ate cereal without.
i wore my slippers.

why do sweet baby toes have to grow up and go to kindergarten?
not fair.
today the school year ends.
as of monday our summer begins.
meals all day, kids all day, fighting all day, hanging out, making messes, inside/outside/inside/outside

but i think it's going to be a good summer.
i was dreading it last year.
for some reason….i am not this year.

i will let you know if i feel the same on monday night.

now…i need to start on my rainbow cake.   

alyssa - i wish i could have a piece of that cake!!!!

kristine - hmm favorite line:
why do sweet baby toes have to grow up and go to kindergarten?
not easy.

Mindi - I totally agree! Kindergarten sucks!! I just signed my son up for fall and seriously cried while filling the paper work out. It’s silly I know. they have to grow up, right?
The funny thing is this is not the first time or the last that I have been saddened by a major milestone.
It will get easier won’t it?

Amy R. - I am so with you on this one! My sweet and only girl starts kindergarten this year too! My heart is breaking. At least I will have another little one at home still, but my daughter and I are just kindred spirits.
Hope your summer is sweet and calm in it’s own way…

Molly - Aww this post made me tear up 🙂

Corry - Thank you, Meg, for saying “what you say” Love you and your blog! You make all of us “Moms” who are trying to “do it all” relax and realize what is important- our FAMILIES, of course!!!!

Rachael Ensom - This is such a precious post:)

Lin - Why do sweet baby toes have to grow up, graduate kindergarten, and move on to first grade? My daughter will be six next week, and the week after is her last of kindergarten. Then she will be a “big school ager”. What am I going to do without my baby?! Sorry…my self-pity just got out of control for a second.

Courtney Walsh - I don’t know what I’m going to do when Sam goes to school. I am so glad he has a late birthday. It gives me an extra year with him. He makes my days so happy. I imagine your Annie does the same.
Hard to let them go…

A pocket full of posies... - Precious, sweet, priceless moment!! (and delightfully filled with color too!)
Happy Summer Break!

krystall - I wish I could make your rainbow cake, I tried and failed. Any hints????
I wish you were my BBF, I love your life and LOVE your house. You seem to have it all together I’m sure you don’t think so but reading your blog daily inspires me to be a more “in the moment” mommy.
“see” ya tomorrow,

Christina - Poignant.
Her toes are adorable. I love baby toes. My two-yr-old still has those sweet little beautiful feet. My seven-yr-old (son) had the prettiest baby feet ever…and now they are big boy feet! I still took a picture of them when he had them crossed under his bottom in the sand recently. They were still cute, after all. 🙂 My oldest? Her feet are going to look like her dad’s! haha Long and thin.
You are such a good mama.

tara pollard pakosta - she’s so CUTE>
love that you just sat and watched her paint.
i did that and still do with my girls,
and I LOVE IT. it’s so neat, to just sit and
see what they create.
I LOVE your blog!

Mary P. - I’ve shed many tears w/ you this week. My 6 yr. old tender boy started kindergarten this year and it almost killed me, so your post about Annie and her preschool had me re-living last year. I also have a 4 yr. old who is finishing up her 1st year of preschool this week. The time we spend together at home I’m trying to be very “present” for. It’s been hard since I’m due w/ #3 in 2 weeks. I wish sometimes life could just stop so I could soak everything up.
I read something yesterday that really hit home w/ me and thought you might like as well. “the ordinary is just the extraordinary that’s happened over and over again.” Isn’t that true for us “at home” moms? I forget that WAY too often. May God grant us the grace of a normal day everyday.
FYI: I LOVE your blog.

AshleyAnn - Those are some sweet moments…for you and her.
You are a really great mom. A really great mom.

JJ - You are making me cry! Next week is my last week with my youngest- after 11 years of being home. My heart aches along with yours!
What a great memory you made with the painting project.

Tanya - Empty boxes should always be painted with love

Pamela duMont - Is that cookie crisp? Man you are a cool mom. My kids get cheerios. What is my problem? I would kill for a bowl of cookie crisp right now.

Kelly - yea for cookie crisp!

nora - wah, this is how i felt my last few days of maternity leave… if you find yourself too upset to eat your slice, feel free to send it to Jersey 🙂

Melanie - I hope that you have a great summer. I will be thankful for the ONE child that I have:)
Have a good weekend.

Jaime Melcher - You’re so sweet! I just bought all the stuff to make rainbow cupcakes for my 3rd graders end of the school year party next Friday! Can’t wait! I hope you have a FABULOUS weekend!

Debbie S. - I feel your pain with the inside/outside/inside/outside and meals all day. I have to do MAJOR grocery shopping before summer kick-off Monday.

Julie - for whatever reason this blog made me cry. I have 4 more years until my last is in kindergarten….still to treasure the moments. Hope you have a great summer. look forward to reading about it! We have a whole month before our summer!

Elizabeth - I love your blog and how real you are, just beautiful. I found your blog because of your rainbow cake from last summer. I made it for my 5 year old’s birthday in Jan and have been reading your blog just about everyday since then. You have inspired me as a mom. Enjoy your summer with your children! -E

linda lou - sweet photos of annie and painting the box what a neat idea (: to mail. blessings.

Heidi Jo the Artist - I’m so glad you are not dreading spending the summer with the kids this year. I remember that last year and it saddened me to hear that. Sure, I have days that the kids get on my nerves too, but I pray to appreciate those days too, as crazy as that sounds; because I know people (one being my sister) that have had their children die and so I would rather have fighting then silence.
I just showed my son the photos of Annie painting the box, and guess what he wants to do!! I love all your (and your kids) creative ideas. It always gives us something new to try. 🙂
Cheers to a great summer! 🙂
P.S. Rainbow cake here I come, I have planned a Rainbow Brite birthday party for our daughter who just turned three. Just so I could make the SUPER COOL rainbow cake of yours. I will have to let you know how it goes!

Staci - We are not out until next Friday…but today is our last day because we are Disney bound!!! I have a ton of stuff to do before getting ready for this trip…and I am reading blogs 🙁 I hope you have a terrific Summer !!!!!! Can’t wait to see it all in your fabulous pics 🙂

Courtney - the rainbow cake! one of my favorite “things” i learned from you!


Nicole Q. - I’m with ya . . . all week I kept thinking this was IT with the twins!! Next year they have to grow up. SNIFF SNIFF! HOpe to see ya at the grad party tomorrow, we’ve got a couple parties to make it too, it will be a busy day.

Lisa - OH. I can’t take anymore. I do NOT heart kindergarten. Last day of preschool at our house and I’ve been on the verge of tears all day. Way to soak up sweet memories with Annie!

amy d - you forgot the best part….SLEEPING IN!!!!! …almost as good as rainbow cake!

Jennifer - You will soon have a new type of normal to enjoy. It will be fun-this one will come home from kindergarten, talking your ear off telling you every little thing that happened. My oldest is like this and I hope it NEVER changes! Our summer starts next Friday-for right now at least, I can’t wait! 🙂

Sarah@Clover Lane - yes, repost the rainbow cake! and i am SO looking forward to summer this year too…and last year i wasn’t either. i can’t wait for it all…the good and the bad.

Jaime - I love your pictures of Annie… =D
Summer starts the following week for us. I am going to sit down with the kids this weekend and create our summer “to do” list – the one you made last summer with your sweeties!?! It was such a great idea!

Karen Gerstenberger - My heart is with yours – and you are so right to savor every moment that you are “awake” and noticing the blessing of just BEING. Just being, and being with the ones you love, in peace. There are many hard, sad, frustrating, annoying moments, too, and those beautiful ones are pure gifts. So glad that you took time to reflect and to share with us…now we are awake to those moments, too.

sarah - I’ve been struggling with Kenzie not being my ‘baby’ anymore. She changes everyday, and sometimes I feel like I can’t hold on to the moments tight enough.
I agree why do ‘baby feet’ have to grow up. tear.
I want some rainbow cake.

Katie - Can you post your recipe for the rainbow cake? I can’t find it anywhere. I love reading your blog (and looking at)and smile everytime I come to it. I also like to link to your happy things. I even thought of you this morning when I made a smoothie.

Janine - Wow. I must be reading your blog for a year now. I think I started around the time of the last rainbow cake. Enjoy your summer. “summer” doesn’t start around here till mid/end of June.

Kirsten - Oh the rainbow cake! Makes me smile…I must make one. We still have 4 weels of school, but my baby is in 4th grade. I know this: we have an option for all-day kindy, or 1/2 day, and 1/2 day is so much less popular (why???) because many mom’s can’t wait to “get rid of their kids”. Me? No way, I was selfish and wanted my girlie to come home at lunchtime everyday and to have her to myself for that bit of the afternoon before her brother came home. I savored that last year.

Anna Marie - That is what I was going to ask. Haha! Gonna make that infamous rainbow cake like last year? Gosh, it seems like that was just yesterday. Have a great weekend, Megan!

Rebekah - Is that Cookie Crisp? I love that stuff. I haven’t had it since I was a kid. My mom never bought it, but my grandmother did. 🙂
On a more serious note, this post makes my heart ache a little. I have a couple of years left before Ginny starts school, but I can see that day coming and I know that once it gets here every thing will change. I should be soaking up every minute of this precious time alone with her. Already I’m amazed at much she can do without my help. And I’m going to stop thinking about it now, before I cry. :}

tami reed - Funny how mom and daughters relate. My daughter and I have alot of friction but i love her soo much. She is soo different from me. My son and I have a great relationship and he is so funny. He is the jokester in the family lol.

Sandy - Was that Cookie Crisp in Annie’s bowl?! That was my favorite when I was a kid! I could still eat it.
So sad Annie’s little toes are growing up and going to kindergarten in the fall. I bet she’s excited though. 🙂

Nancy - The rainbow cake… I just love that! My five year old has cereal with out milk as well. Must be a getting ready for Kindergarten thing. Enjoy your day.

elma - I so heart your blog. Enjoy your last day together:) Summer starts for us on june 2. Now that Adrian is five I am going to try to do some fun day trips and take the littles to Chicago for a couple of days I hope I survive. Love all the pictures!! You are such a FABULOUS mom!!!!!

Queen Bee - Oh you about brought me to tears.
My darling Kiddo goes to kindergarten this fall as well, and I had the very same internal *moment* as you last night, as I watched her brush her teeth.
All by herself.
No help necessary in turning on the water, getting the cap off the toothpaste, no step stool needed. I just watched her, mesmerized, thinking, “Remember this. Take this in and commit it to memory. This will be gone in the blink of an eye and never return.”

Jimina Anderson - Why do you have to be so perfect? Darling box idea! I’ll keep it in mind.

Vicki - You have tapped into one of life’s greatest secretes…..when all else fails….when the ship is going down…when nothing makes sense anymore…BAKE!!! Have a happy day!

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gettin’ crafty outside

its so much easier to let the kids be messy….outside.
the pressure is off…spills are ok…hardly any clean up involved.
i envisioned this activity to be with my five children outside in the sunshine having a family time.
one kid went to a friends, one kid was too cool, one kid was doing who-knows-what and
two other children were at our house to play.
so i dyed eggs with talby and annie and their friends.
it was just as fun as what i had planned out….go with the flow…no big deal.

i have been a mother for 15 years and this was my first time to dye eggs with my kids by myself.

that is nuts.

and i had to google….how to hard boil eggs.

i am such a dork.

so i hard boiled 36 eggs…flawlessy i might add…because thanks to google…i am a pro now.

and filled cups with dye from the packs at the grocery store….

and made memories with my kids…and their two friends.

loving the bright colors.
i could have a really good time by myself doing this!  

i was dipping my egg in the pink
and talby's friend looked at me funny and i said "what?"
she said "your egg is my drink."
yes…i put my egg in her pink lemonade.


this one was a happy accident.  
they called it the spider web egg.

talby is probably saying "can you believe my mom stuck her egg in your drink?!"

and i forgot to say "don't get your fingers in the dye" so now my girls will 
have red and green hands for easter day.

and i am getting really wild and making deviled eggs for easter lunch!

look out world…meg knows how to hard boil things now.
who knows what i might do next!

chris - mom of five for almost 29 years, and NEVER did it! before you have me beheaded, i always had a sweet neighbor (sans kids) who loved to do it! bliss! i babysit a darling little korean girl who grew up loving to gut the pumpkins at halloween~kept her busy and me happy for many years! i thought all of these photos were wonderful, but the one that really cracked me up was where you could see the dog looking longingly out the screen door!

Courtney Walsh - oh my gosh. i forgot to dye eggs this year!! how did that happen??? these look perfect! i love the really bright ones! 🙂

JustMommer - Hint for next year, for younger kids, slip the boiled egg inside a wisk and they can hold the handle and dip into the dye.

Julie - I could come steal that daisy bowl.
I make my mom dye eggs with the kids.
I can’t do it. Just can’t.
You are rad.
The end.

Holly - Oh Meg, you crack me up!! I love reading your post 🙂 And dying the eggs outside…. totally brilliant!! Why didn’t I think of that?!

Michele Renee - OK, I must be weird because I have made egg salad about a thousand million times since I was a teenager.

johnnie - I have to pull out my Red/White checkered Betty Crocker cookbook to look up the directions each time too!
I always loose half the eggs while boiling due to cracking open. Im at a 2:1 ratio on survivors!

kristine - i had to google how to hardboil too! i remember watching a rachael ray show when she was joking with a guest about, “oh but i’m sure you can at least hard boil an egg!” and i was thinking how glad i was that i wasn’t the guest b/c i would have had to say “actually….” and i thought for sure she would just give the two step directions but she didn’t!
the lcd screen on my camera broke last week! boo! fortunately i bought the accidental warranty so i don’t have to pay BUT they kept it for three weeks! so no easter pics. i KNEW you’d have great ones of eggs on here! i love all the colors!

adrianne - I love your daisy bowl.
(I also love the picture with Waffle in the house looking out at all the fun…forlorn…)

brooke - don’t feel so bad…the first time i tried to hard boil eggs for my daughter i boiled all the water and then carefully dropped the cold eggs into the boiling water…went back to check 5 minutes later and had a pot full of shells and boiled egg guts…ha!
but as we speak i am googling a recipe for egg salad as i have way too many hard boiled eggs for a party of three!!
having a seven year old too i laughed out loud at your putting your egg in talby’s friend’s drink and then snickering about it…love these little mishaps as it will be what is remembered the most about that day…

Susie - My favorite picture is the one with Waffle in the door in the background!

susan - it’s fun to let the kids make a mess! we love doing our eggs too! hope you had a beautiful Easter!

Jessie Westfall - Found your blog through my friend Jody and I must tell you that I too had to google hard boiling my first time. I LOVE dying eggs and I even buy the clearanced out dye so we can do it anytime we want. It makes for great colorful healthy snacks for the kids. Glad it all went well for you.

Tiffany Feger - you make a regular thing look so inviting! i took pics of my kids outside too, but not like that.

amanda fuentes - Ha ha, I recently had to google how to hard boil eggs too! We did our eggs last night – out of a dozen only 8 made it after dropping and cracking while boiling!

tami reed - Happy Easter looks like you guys are having a great time! My kids decorated eggs too lol.

Kirsten - Ah!!! Love Waffle peeking out the door – gosh, that looks so perfect…we were inside, with pouring rain and 30mph winds howling. Pink lemonade, to boot…like a picture postcard. With dyed fingers 🙂

Willy Van Os - Happy Easter!

bobbie - I did it by myself with my two girls and our baby tonight. I was so nervous but it went great! I gave the baby a lollipop (ha!) to keep her happy in her high chair and the girls and I just went to work. It was the cleanest and funnest egg dye I’ve ever done. I used gel food dye colors mixed with vinegar and water and we got the best colors! Even better than pink lemonade! 🙂

Christy - Too funny, because here I sit at nearly 9pm to google how long to cook the eggs. Hoping to dye with my munchkin tomorrow b/f our family comes for dinner. 🙂 Looks like you created everlatsing memories & lots of eggs! Happy Esater!

Christina - The lemonade story is priceless.
About hard boiling eggs…first of all, a couple of days ago my oldest wanted hard boiled eggs so I put the water on to boil, it came to a boil, and then I remembered you are supposed to put it all in together and bring to a boil. I cracked one egg putting it in, from the heat, and the other I think cooked in three seconds.
Then yesterday I made some new, the right way, and when they were done I changed the hot water for cold and set them on the stove to cool. I was going to put them in the fridge for another time. Way to plan ahead! I left the house with the kids for six hours, and came back to find them still sitting on the stove. Nice.
You are still the coolest mom around.

julia - I used to have to have things a certain way…then I had my third…I’m learning to go with the flow too.

karen - Oh Waffle…i bet you would have loved to be out there and make a mess out of it all!!

kathy b - One year, as a preschool director, I hard boiled over 300 eggs. I learned the hard way that the same rules don’t apply for cooking eggs at that volume. They dyed just fine but one child dropped an egg out of his basket on the way out the door and we discovered they were not cooked but still runny.We had to quickly put a warning sign up for the rest of the parents,” eggs are not to be eaten, just decorative”. Everyone has an egg story.
Kathy b

Amy - I have been hard boiling eggs for years and just when I think they are perfect I crack them open and they are either raw or the shell won’t come off! (not to make you paranoid or anything) I put my eggs on to boil today, began talking college choices with my daughter and burned them. They look alright but I’m sure they aren’t inside! ah well, the dogs will have a happy easter!

Tanya H - confession: I have been a mother for nearly 8 years and this is the first time I have dyed eggs with my kids by myself. I had to call my mom to find out how to hard-boil eggs. Fabulous. 😀

Sharley McMullen - Next year try dyeing brown eggs, Our Western magazine called Sunset showed a picture, so my grandchildren and I tried it the eggs come out a deep rich jewel tones, do have to leave them in the dye a bit longer. Glad you learned to boil eggs!!
I assume you brought them to a boil, cover and turn off and let sit for 14mins and then submerge in an ice bath till cold?

Laurie, from Maryland - I’ve got a few cool kids of my own (20, 17, and 11), who frequently don’t feel like doing what I’ve planned. I try to enjoy whoever shows up, without being mad at those who don’t. Not always easy. I’ve noticed that when my oldest is home from college, she seems more eager to do things with the family, though. I guess there’s hope!

Kate - Hi! Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment!
If you have a mom egg dyeing party – I am so there!

`Kelly - Congratulations on learning to hard boil eggs! 🙂
I have two handy egg decorating tips that I learned this year and just have to share. Tip #1 – If you use a whisk to hold your egg instead of a spoon or those little dipper things that come in the box, hands stay clean and eggs are less likely to break. It does mess up your whisk a little but I decided I’m going to stock up on good wire whisks from thrift stores this year and stick them with our Easter stuff to use next year. It worked wonderfully. Tip #2 – use mason jars instead of cups. It just looks really cool 🙂

linda lou - meg you should of called i would of decorated eggs with you girls! (: they are beautiful…
happy easter to you and your family.

Diana - p.s. LOVE Waffle looking out the door… TOO cute! LOL!

Diana - no way! really?!?! i never woulda guessed you hadn’t done this. but remember, you do so much OTHER stuff with them. and now you have done THIS, and had so much FUN, right? {get out your craft stuff… glitter, bits of fabric, buttons, ribbon, all those neat things, and let them fancy their eggs up… regular glue works, or tacky glue, or your hot glue gun thingy… my grandkids LOVE doing that}
gonna google the deviled eggs recipe, too? {i have a good one if you need it… i make deviled eggs all the time… you let me know, i can send it tonight when we get back from family bbq}

meaghan - i totally googled it too…

anna. - I’m a stalker and former super-mean-to-my-mom teenager. I sure hope that kid isn’t being too hard on you. I could just kick myself when I look back at my nasty attitude. Too cool is something we all regret. Wishing you love and kindness for your holiday weekend.

amy j. - I did the same thing. Thank goodness for Google.

a-m - We’re just about to do the same thing now! We’re going to try rolling the eggs in a mixture of olive oil and food colouring after their first dunking this year. If it works I’ll post the results, if not well I’ll try and show willing!
a-m x

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - You are not the only egg Googler out there…I had to do the same thing yesterday. 🙂
Poor Waffle looked like he wanted in on the action. He would look cute dyed a nice shade of Easter egg pink. 🙂

Lori - Am I the only one that noticed Waffle in the background of the one picture? I bet he was wishing he could join in the fun! 🙂 Too cute!

Michelle B. - Toooo funny about putting your egg in her lemonade! That really makes me laugh! Your egg pictures turned out fantastic!

Julie - I can’t stop laughing (out loud, mind you) about the pink lemonade… and then the picture of the afterwards. Oh, HOW FUNNY! And that’s not good, considering I had the stomach flu two days ago and my ribs HURT. But I laugh anyways, because that is soooo funny! I can totally see myself doing that.
And eggs… I only boil them once a year–for Easter. So I have to google it EVERY year. At least you are considering yourself a pro now!
PS: I am making baked french toast for brunch tomorrow. CAN’T WAIT. My husband is so excited (so am I). It’s been too long. I am going to try to tweak it a bit, since my youngest son is allergic to eggs. Apparently you can make french toast with bananas instead of eggs. Who knew! I googled that, too. Sounds yummy enough, but man, I am going to miss the real thing. My youngest is 3 now, so he’s at an age where we can’t just always serve him something “special”–he’s starting to feel really left out.

Christine - I have been reading your blog for a few months now and just love it so much! Thanks for sharing your beautiful images and thoughts. It is funny as I was dying eggs yesterday with my boys I thought about you because of the rainbow of bright colors – I thought: I bet she LOVES this! So I had to laugh when you said it was your first time to do it with the kids. LOVE that you put the egg in the lemonade. LOL Funny how things don’t turn out like how we have them in our heads, but they always turn out, don’t they?

jeanne - All I have are brown eggs…how do you think they will turn out:-) I love that you dipped your egg in her drink…so me.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I can’t believe you’d never hard boiled an egg! You are so funny. Those were great pics. We do ours tonight. It’s one of my fav things to do. I did it every year growing up and it’s just one of my best memories. Happy Easter to ya Meg:)

Tanya - In her lemonade! Ah that is TOO funny! Happy Easter!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - C is 5 and has never dyed eggs before. It always gets away from me. But this year, I took the plan one step further and bought the dye tablets and an extra dozen eggs! Except…tomorrow is the Big Day and the eggs are still white.
Also – are you Meg or Megan? I feel so strange not knowing for sure. I definitely want to say the right name in my head when I talk to myself about you.
(Kinda creepy, I know.)

Dianne - Looks like you had a lovely time 😉

holly - i have to look up how to hard boil eggs EVERY single time I make them! 🙂 I love the picture of the dog looking out the window at you & the kids dying eggs. so sweet.
my mom is here visiting for a few days…. we had a great time catching up yesterday. She confided to me that she accidentally put desitin on her toothbrush (thinking it was toothpaste) & put it in her mouth. HYSTERICAL. I almost peed in my pants I was laughing so hard.
have a happy Easter!

Susan - Love the eggs but I am most impressed with your hard boiling skills! I am 50 and I have been hard boiling eggs for 40 of those years and I have never had a perfect batch…EVER! I am off to google this right now. Have a happy Easter!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - I woke up this morning wondering whether we were going to empty the eggs or boil them. Mine always crack. So now I know I can google it and the decision is made. Thanks. Wish it were warm enough here to do it outside. Still snow in the backyard. The Easter Bunny always has such a hard time of it.

callie grayson - awesome!!!
The smile on Talby’s face is the greatest!! Your kids will remember all the fun you do with them.
Let us know how the deviled eggs tun out!!

gina - oh yeah we dyed 7 packs of eggs yesterday and we all have colored hands. 🙂 Have a VERY happy Easter!!

candace - Fun stuff I miss dying eggs – we did it almost every year growing up. And in the south you learn to hard boil eggs as a youngster – I think that deviled eggs are the admission ticket to potlucks.
Have a happy Easter!

kristi rediske - Love all the Easter egg decorating pictures-I did that with my kids for years-they are grown now and I miss it. I especially love the picture where the dog is in the doorway looking out-to cute. What a great family you have-God has blessed you!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - this is just funny stuff. love it.

shelly - I couldn’t hard boil eggs until last week either! How nuts! We just never needed them…if we did my mom always made them.
It looks like everyone had a blast 🙂 the dyed fingers should be faded by Sunday…when my oldest was little, he had to sing at church with crazy egg dye fingers-Lovely-mother of the year for sure!

Kirsten - my family will only eat eggs if they are scrambled, so i have to google how to hard-boil eggs every easter, too. so you’re not the only dork! and every year, my mom cracks a few and i do not. i’m so glad i learned how to boil eggs from google and not my mom.
looks like a blast! i love it that you dipped one in the lemonade. that is awesome! (and something i would totally do).

Jill - So cute! That looks like a lot of fun for the kids that were there. 🙂

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nice and normal….

reading in my favorite spot.
that couch is the exact length of me…my feet touch the other end…i can nap perfectly here.
(from World Market…4 years ago)

assist annie in making cupcakes.
i told her several times how much i loved her outfit choice for the day…happy happy happy.

a little painting while the cupcakes bake.
(this painting is for you ms. kristin…as well as every other piece of art she ever makes at home! 🙂 

and a little painting by mama…

frosting and sprinkles….joy!

confession:  i ate one BIG bite of annie's….and i licked the frosting spatula.   

quality time with Mr. Mac. 
we are glued at the hip.
nearly inseparable.
sad when we can't be together…miss him when we are apart…total bff's
it's pretty true. 

we had music cranked up in the kitchen while we played.
i saw annie's head bobbing to the music while she painted.
this was our playlist for the afternoon:

 1. One Day Like This…………….Elbow
 2. 1234……………..Feist
 3. So Nice So Smart………..Kimya Dawson
 4. Be OK……..Ingrid Michaelson
 5. Dream……….Priscilla Ahn
 6. Grand Theft Autumn…..String Quartet Trib. to Fall Out Boy
 7. Far Far……………Yael Naim
 8. i Know i'll go Crazy …………U2
 9. Clocks……………Coldplay
10. Stronger………..Delirious
11. Dancing Queen……………ABBA
12. Let's Groove………….Earth, wind and fire
13. Please Don't Leave Me…………Pink
14. You are the Best thing…..Ray LaMontagne
15. If I Needed You……….Christina Kulukundis
16. The Underdog………..Spoon
17. Something Good This Way comes……jakob dylan
18. Use Somebody…………Kings Of Leon
19. All These things that i've done………the Killers
20. click click click click…………bishop allen
21. silver lining…………rilo kiley
22. sunny sunday………….Leona Naess
it's friday!!!
that is enough to make me smile.
fridays mean i get more time with craiggers.
i just can't get enough of him.


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Rach - Oh I so agree with the Friday comment. I love our daughter, but on Saturday and Sunday mornings, I don’t mind getting up early with my husband and daughter because that is just that much more time with the both of them.

AshleyAnn - The top picture makes me laugh….only because I imagine you setting the camera on a table on self-timer, then running to jump on the couch with the book and look all relaxed and rested. That’s how I’d have to take it…
Fun post!

Sarah @ Clover Lane - I love the way Annie dresses.
And the way she sprinkles cupcakes.
Sort of the same?
All out with everything she’s got.

Kate - I LOVE Elbow… Thank you for posting your playlist! Lots of new songs to listen to!!

thea - Meg… your pics! The one of you sock ,boots,etc…LOVE!! But please I want to see the WHOLE outfit!!! It looks so adorable!!!!!

candace - oh, i am reading forgotten God now. hoping to finish this week on spring break. wow!
normal is nice. love the boots and socks!

Jaimie - you’re so cute.

katy - Nice and Normal is SOOOOOOO lovely! I hear ya on the couch, I have one that is perfect for me as well. Have a great weekend with your family and I’ll do the same.

Nancy - All of the colors just make me happy. So fun. So chill. cupcakes do wonders, don’t they?

Chalk Inscriptions - I just want to tell you what a great eye you have for making the normal look spectacular! Always enjoy your pictures! And I really love that couch – it looks way comfortable! On my blog I have this fun art site: Deep Space Sparkles…maybe you know it…if not, go check it out. It’s lots of fun!

Katie Holeman - I am reading that book right now! It is great, I am so enjoying it.

Kacey - What a perfect “normal” day. Cupcakes, happy music, books, and creating!
🙂 Kacey

kelly@the blue muse - You just made me SO hungry for cupcakes….

Christina - Wonderful capture of your day. It looked sooo happy.
I love how Annie covers her entire paper. I keep thinking she’s a lot like you in many ways. 🙂

Kristin S - I think I have those boots! And never once have I thought of wearing them with a denim skirt and striped knee socks. I’m totally inspired. Love it!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - OK. I have got to get me some boots, knee socks and….well my skirt would have to be down to my cankles, I mean ankles. I need to start fighting the forties frumps. Thanks for a little kick in the pants. Have a great weekend. Hey, and at least you are working at the no sugar thing, I’m just reading about others doing it. I suppose therein lies the correlation to the cankles : )

Staci Danford - With a day like that….your weekend has got to be fabulous… Loved the boots and the socks best of all… CUTE and fun… can’t beat that combo.

Leigh - Great playlist!

Heather - LOVE your playlist!! Hope you enjoy your Craig time. 🙂

Staci - Okay….TOTALLLLLY just went back of the play list…how did I MISS Dancing Queen??????? Okay, now I know they (Jake and Annie) are soul mates 😉 heeee heeeee 🙂

Staci - I’m lovin’ those socks of yours!!! And I have been fighting the sugar craving HARD this week!!!! I wanted to LICK my computer screen when I saw your cupcakes 😉 And wow! You look so philosophical laying there reading…I only read magazines ;( I’m trying though….and might I recommend a little ABBA on your playlist….I can sooooo hear Annie singing Dancing Queen 🙂 It’s my Jake’s FAVORITE. When he gets home from pre-k….he asks to watch “that movie about the dancing queen!!!” Happy weekending with your sweet family 🙂

Melanie - I feel the same way about my hubby. After 19 yrs. together I still greet him at the door every evening and dip his supper for him.
Have a great weekend.

Natalie - Love your playlist! Some of my favorite songs made it 🙂
And I agree: her outfit is so bright and Springy!
P.S. Be sure to enter my first GIVEAWAY!

Sarah - Love the playlist.

courtney - I never comment (even though I should!), but your taste in music is awesome. 🙂

sherry - What a great day. Great playlist as well:)…Thanks for being my favorite.

sarah - Be Ok, is one of my favorites! Love your playlist.
And all your pretty photos. Especially the cupcakes, because cupcakes make me ridiculously happy!

Jennifer Brown - I am in love with your playlist!

Marie - Nice socks Mrs. M.

megan - so, can i just come and hang out at your house for the day?
thanks for cheering me up!

Laura - Meg, you are SERIOUSLY the COOLEST! I LOVE your blog! You make ordinary days/moments so fun and memorable for your kids – I wanna be like YOU! I’m adding some of your tunes to my playlist. Your post has turned my BLEK morning into HAPPINESS! Have a FABULOUS weekend!

Betsy - I’m sure the iTunes division of Apple will be sending you a thank you card soon. I just spent a small fortune on songs thanks to your wonderful suggestions!
A happy Friday, indeed! Hoping this sunny kind of Kansas Spring day decides to stick around for a long time!

Anne - I am reading that book right now and LOVE it! Francis Chan is amazing. Also – thanks for the playlist – I am going to have to check some of those out.

Gemma - Sounds like a fun day. HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE :D. Hope you all have a great weekend…
Gemma X - I love that playlist! Very similar to a mix CD I made for friend. This was a great blog to read for a little cheer after looking at the local news. Thanks for all the vivacious pictures! =)

Cate O'Malley - Sounds like the perfect end to an awesome week … cupcakes, color, music and family!

Tara - thanks for making ME smile too Meg…
it’s been a rough week so this was a
great post…
craiggers is a lucky man! enjoy (him) your weekend!!!

susan - sounds like a good day to me! i too look forward to our weekends together 🙂 take care, susan

angela - I love how you make ordinary things look fabulous! Happy Friday to you too!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I dig your socks. And Calvin asked “Who’s that?” so I finally got to tell him all about Annie and how she doesn’t mix up all of her watercolors into a big puddle of brown. 😉

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - Pretty pics as always. Judging by that playlist, you must have been an XRT fan when you lived in Chicago!
Happy Friday!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Sweet pics Meg. Love your funky socks. Have a great weekend.

Carrie K - will you be my mom?? youre the coolest!!
love the first pic and the last pic…and cupcakes of course 🙂
have a fantastic friday…

Jeanne - Enjoy your day with your boyfriend:-)

paige - i need to get francis chan’s new book…thanks for that reminder
love that doggy of yours
will go check out some of your tunes
rockin’ boots my dear
oh yes,i have been swamped lately & feeling way behind in my own little world but near the top of my list of ‘must get dones’ is to read up about your trip….you inspire me miss meg xo

kimberly - i think that’s a great book! i’m still in the process of reading crazy love.
and i agree with the above comment – waffle makes me want YOUR dog 🙂

Megan - Happy Friday is RIGHT!! I want to see YOUR painting and your boots rock!

Megan - That is so funny…my husband is Craig and my entire family calls him Craiggers.
Have a great weekend!

Courtney Walsh - Fridays are definitely the best! I am already loving it! Love Annie’s outfit too…and those cupcakes look REALLY good. 🙂
Waffle makes me want a dog.

Trasie - I am so glad it is Friday too! Happy Day to you and many many blessings!

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craft week

well…i did it!

at first the kids were bummed to be torn away from the tv and computer.
but on wednesday morning while getting dressed out of her jammies annie asked excitedly
"what's our craft today mama?"
that made me so happy.

it was very low key…very laid back…small crafts….took very little time.
and they really did like it. 
and i did too.

scott informed me he "wasn't into crafting" so he would not be participating…at all.
bummer….that time has come.  i missed him.


popsicle stick christmas trees

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we made them into ornaments.
i let them use the glue gun…i thought they would like that…turns out they don't….HA.
at one point i looked over and sean was playing in the glitter making it like snow.

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***edited to add…we used green craft sticks that come pre-colored and i cut them with big scissors to get the different sizes.  don't use good scissors for this…and watch out…the pieces fly everywhere!

pompom ornament

cottage cheese break.

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it's simple as can be.  
push stick pins through pom poms and stick them into the Styrofoam. 

and even a big kid sat down and made two ornaments herself…
these were easy and fun.
felt gingerbread men

i googled "gingerbread man shape" and printed out an image to make a pattern.
we cut them out, picked out buttons, strung our (huge blunt) needles, 
sewed the face and belly buttons first…then sewed the back and front together with a big stitch.
just before we closed up the last few stitches (10-15 of them….)
we stuffed it with just a few cotton balls for plumpness.

this was a hard craft.
but rewarding.
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annie was tired and playing barbies ALONE-DON"T-BOTHER-ME-GO-AWAY so we let her be.
lauren was studying.
scott was playing ball.
so the just three of us sat on the couch and sewed gingerbread men.
talby said many times "this is fun…i didn't know i could sew!"  
made me feel a little guilty.
but now she knows.  
and sean liked it too…he made one for his friend with his initials on the back…sweet.


sugar cookies (used this recipe from REAL SIMPLE)
i almost gave up.
i was tired and they were spastic.
but i just plowed through…and i only yelled twice.
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****edited to add:  in case you weren't aware…you need TONS of flour on your counter, rolling pin
and hands when working with sugar cookie dough.  it's very sticky.  i don't want you to give up because
you thought you were doing it wrong.  the flour was why i was yelling…SO MESSY!!!****

we only baked them…the  frosting part was way more than i could handle.
i was on my own with kids all night.
i was tired.
did i tell you that already?
because i had already been baking all day…
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yes…i made the peppermint swirled cupcakes.
so good.
i think i will have another one right now!

i also made the chocolate mint brownies that IS christmas tradition for me. (left sidebar for recipe)



gingerbread house.

it deserves it's own post…when (and IF) i do it! 
i have paid my friend to bake it the past two years but this year on my 35 things list (right sidebar)
i said i wanted to make one myself…what was i thinking?
i have all day today to figure out how to bake one.  
yuck…i get weird about having to learn something new.  change is hard.

are you feeling crafty now?

here is a collage of the arts and crafts i was inspired by and wishing i could make all of them.
maybe i could still…over winter break.
1. cafe mom  
2. clover lane  3. nini makes  4.
  5. parents  6. sarah's art house  7. the joy of today 
8. no time for flash cards 9. just for fun  10. parents 11. zakka life  12. elise blaha 13. sara's art house  
14. martha stewart  15. crafty crow  16. oh so happy together

although i linked everyone individually i found almost all of them through THE CRAFTY CROW.
i love that site.  i check it all the time!

are YOU going to craft with your kids this week?
no pressure from me.
but tell me if you do…..i want to know.
i hope my kids still want to do it next week also.   

erin - Wow. Looks like fun! Can you tell me what kind of dog that is?

Dawn Pefley - Found this post on Pinterest. I def thought it was cool to do with my kids, and then I read where you said “I only yelled twice”, now I’m in love!
If I can get through a single one of these crafts with my 4 kids on any given weekend, you’ll be my forever hero! Thanks for sharing! - love the round pom pom ornaments, what did you use to attach them pom poms to the foam ball??

Karen - where did you get all of those buttons? 🙂

Wendy - What a colorful collection of crafts! Brava!

adrienne - i love them all! …making such precious memories for your family. thanks for the great ideas 🙂

Andrea - I love all of the crafts you did with your kids. I have 2 and I think next year they will be a the perfect ages to maybe try 1 or 2 of these crafts. Also I have been buying ornaments for the kids each year but love the idea of putting them in a special box to give to them later. I am gong to start that this year. Thanks for the great ideas.

Meg - Oh, did we ever! We made homemade crayons for 2 year old cousin and we made clay pinch pots for the grandmas. We made clear glass swirly painted ornaments for the aunties and tomorrow is granola making for the uncles! And then there’s the baking……

Wendy - Inspirational as usual! Love the crafts and will have to do some more this week. My little girls and I made the snowmen ornaments that look like smores for teacher gifts. it took about 3 hours but we made 13 ornaments that were all individual and cute. then after baking the clay they wrote their names and the year on the bottom. I am going to try the pom pom snowball ornaments for sure! Thanks!

Amy F. - So fun! I can’t wait until my daughter is old enough to do that kind of stuff! One note about the sugar cookies…while you do need a lot of flour I reccommend putting the dough in the fridge for 30 or so minutes before you work with it and it makes the process a whole lot easier. Also, after I cut out the cookies and put them on the baking sheet I place the whole baking sheet in the fridge for a few minutes as it helps the cutouts to keep their shape and cook more even!

Nina - you are such a great mom! Loved all of the crafts…..

Mary - How did my dog get in your pictures??! What kind of dog do you have- she looks exactly like our goldendoodle, Sally!

linda@LimeintheCoconut - Love love love all of the beautiful crafts…and PIctures!
My kids crafted this week too…Not so pretty (just posted about it) I think I’ll stay on your page for awhile instead. oy!

Alicia - Thanks for the inspiration Meg…my kiddos loved your ideas and since we have 2 1/2 weeks to fill…you helped a lot!
With love from CO and Merry Christmas!!

Lisa - Love all of your crafts, and how honest you are (you only yelled twice 🙂 ) I noticed that someone mentioned rolling the dough between wax paper, I have used saran wrap for my sugar cookie and gingerbread dough for years and I have never had a problem. Try it next time you have the energy to bake sugar cookies again. Have a Merry Christmas!!

Kelly - Meg, the art teacher at my school does those plastic cup “snowglobes” with the kids every year and they turn out adorably! There are usually some white packing peanuts involved in some of the kids’ too for snow in the bottom. Fun.
Your projects look great and I was greatly anticipating the report on craft week! So fun! One day . . . Kelly

Heather Giustino - What a fun week you guys had!! I’m thinking of maybe trying the pom pom ornaments sometime next week with my daughter, who’s not quite three.
Thanks for the inspiration!!

jeanne - I just love all of your projects!!! You are now one of my daily stops…I am so glad we met…you bring a smile to my face everytime I visit!!! Your oldest daughter is so gorgeous!!! I will miss seeing this week but can’t wait until it works out. Merry, Merry Christmas!!!! You are such a good mom…truly!!!

Erin Goodman - I love love love your craft week! The tree- adorable how they individualized them! I saw the pompom ornament linked to your blog and love to see that you guys made them. That looks like a sure thing! The gingerbread men..super duper cute. I love felt!
PS thank you for posting the bracelet I sent on your blog… you didn’t have to do that! Thanks bunches!!!

nichole shinners - Oh man I love your craft ideas and post. Hoping to be brave and try again. For now though I get a big FAIL stamp on my forehead for the glitter craft I did with my four year old yesterday. I think I managed to yell at her only 3 times before the final blow out and she was then put in a time out. Honestly, I always thought I would be awesome at craft time. Not so much.

your cool friend Cheryl - My 2 yr old just mastered scissors, so he looks forward to his brother’s nap every day when we can make crafts together.
Naturally, they all involve cutting paper…

Miranda - this is so fantastic! your kids will remember this forever. i really love how not all of your kids had to participate in all of the crafts too. what a magical way to celebrate the season.

Christina - You are so great for posting this!! I haven’t done much this week at all (and now I have a laundry Kilimanjaro to show for it) since my youngest has been a little sick. These will definitely be on my list of things to prepare and do because I will have two big kids at home next week. Ahhh! 🙂
Except the sugar cookies…make cookies has to be on my top 10 list of things I hate to do. It is just too much. I do have a cute cake pan, though, so maybe we’ll do some mini-cakes. Much easier…and I like to eat them better, too!

Rach - I am so hopeful that I can be this creative when my child gets to this stage. Thank you for your constant inspiration and ideas!

sarah - ok meg…now you definately need to make candy sushi with your kids! It’s so much fun…(I’d advise only this project 🙂
Check it out on our blog!
they’re SOOO delicious!

Jennifer Dawn - It looks like craft week went great. I love the pom-pom ornament. My little one is still a too young for this, but just wait until she gets older… We will craft like crazy!

Emily@remodelingthislife - I love crafting with my kids and I am so glad to see you making it look so fun. Love your crafts – so cute!

holly b - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me where I can find those twinkly pom poms in time for Christmas Eve day…I can’t find them anywhere and NEED them to make those ornaments with my kids and neices and nephews! I need to stay the COOL auntie…LOL!!!

kasey - nope. i won’t be crafting with the kids…but i will live vicariously thru you.

Krista - Hi Megan!
I took some of your inspiration and crafted many things with my girls, although I did copy some of your ideas, I confess. I am making up the cocoa & marshmallow packets that I saw in your archives for teacher gifts. I’ll be including some snowman ornaments that we made from kits that I got at the craft store. AND, we attempted a gingerbread house made from a kit, which turned out better than I thought it would. I think by now my girls are sick of crafting! Thanks for all of the good ideas, looks like you were busy as well! Love the crafts you picked for your kiddos. Any time away from the TV is a success as far as I am concerned!

Beth - Megan, That is SO COOL that you did that with your kids. I love the pompom ornaments. Gonna try that with my kids. And the gingerbread house . . we got one of those ceramic molds from Pampered chef one year that makes all the house parts. It’s pretty cool although we don’t do it every year — big endeavor. We got a kit this year (thanks to grandma 🙂

Betsy - It looks like Waffle wanted in on the Crafty Action 🙂
I love the pompom ornaments! I might try them next year. NOT this year, because I spent most of my winter making button trees:
Oh, and I TOTALLY want to make that ribbon tree, too! I’ll add it to my list. Seems simple enough & I already have the trees & pins from button tree project!
Thanks for sharing 🙂

susie whyte - i think your thursday was better than mine. i did see your craig when we visited santa, though. i wanted to say hi and introduce myself, but i don’t think he would’ve liked it as much. 🙂 the crafts look excellent!!! and i love lauren’s hair…mine never stayed curled when it was long. hope you guys have a wonderful christmas break!

alyssa - We did our gingerbread house yesterday. I yelled too! Glad I’m not alone. My little one poked a hole in the roof!!! I was not happy, but then I remembered it wasn’t for me, right?! Anyway, he eventually got banned from the gingerbread decorating. He was only eating the candy…there’s always next year for him. The other two had fun.
Once I get through this crazy birthday weekend, we will be crafting at our house next week too. Thanks for the ideas!
That was a really long comment. sorry. I need to get back to my cake decorating. Good job on the crafting.

Stacy - I love your blog. I found it a few weeks ago and cant stop looking at it! I love your ideas for this week, so thank you! Have a Merry Christmas!

tara pollard pakosta - I think we will do craft week next week and take it right into christmas! thanks for inspiring! I know we are doing the cookies tomorrow! did you try to refrigerate your dough for a few hours? that seems to cut down on the stickiness factor for me! and refrigerate in between batches again too if need be!
Love the pom pom ornaments! all are way cooL!
thanks for sharing! you are officially the WAY COOL MOM & a favorite on my blog list! tara

jenjen - I love craft week! What great projects! It’s hard when the older kids get social lives and are not interested. I heard that your kids and mine are very similar ages (my sister told me – she is a huge fan, as am I now). I have a 15 year old boy, 13 year old girl, 10 year old girl and 5 year old girl.
Have a wonderful Christmas with your cute family. I hope you get to everything on your list!

Kat - You did some really great crafts! I love the little gingerbread men. I made knitted trees with gold stars on top this year and sent them to all my family members. Next year I might make gingerbread men.

carly - oh i am completely and totally overwhelmed with the ideas! as if i weren’t already with my own projects!! (weren’t or wasn’t? not sure, but you know what i’m saying’.) overwelmed and in love!! especially the pompom ornament. adorable!
anyway, i’ll have to come back to visit this post sometime in october and november 2010!! thanks for the inspiration 12 months in advance. and i wish i could have a craft marathon week, but there’s no extra time or energy.
PS: i’ve asked santa to bring me some “time in a bottle” for christmas. when i get mine, i’ll send you one, too! ha!

amber - Super fun! Im inspired to craft it up this week! Thank you.
ps the kiddos ( who are sitting on my lap… ya all three of them) are asking if we can come do crafts at your house… i don’t balme ’em. lol

Candace - Ah, the gingerbread men are too cute! Moms are superwomen. You are a champ for baking all of that in ONE day!
And I will be adding the mint brownies to my recipe list for this weekend. You can never go wrong with mint and chocolate. Thanks!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Girl you inspire me so! I love the pompom ornament. So going to do that one. I just love that you take the time and do fun stuff like this with your kids. You rock! Your oldest daughter is gor-ge-ous…wowza:) Now I’m off to check out that site.
Meg have a wonderful Christmas with your family. We are off to Illinois on Sun. – long drive- some stress involved. NEXT YEAR we stay home!!

patti - thanks for all the awesome ideas! i’ll be stealing some of these for next week, thankyouverymuch!
i’ve already got one day scheduled with cookie decorating. now i just need to “cowboy up” and figure out which other mess i feel like dealing with. merry christmas!

melissa @ the inspired room - What a completely fun week, thanks for sharing all the great crafts you did. Love all the different ages of your kids, so reminds me of my house.
Merry Christmas to you, Meg. Always a joy to come to your blog and so glad to call you a friend in blogland. Maybe someday we’ll have coffee together in real life? Maybe? You could bring me a brownie or cupcake too.
blessings & xxoxo

Meredith - Thanks Meg…these crafts are like a ray of Christmas sunshine. Glad that Sean was so enthusiastic and Lauren joined in. Hope you have some really great coffee in the coming week. Meredith xo.
p.s. I’d forgotten about your mint brownies, I think I’ll give them a go today.

cori barney - I was crusing blogland today and came upon this awesome cookie and thought of you.
I love your blog. Thanks for always keeping it real!

se7en - Oh we are doing this too!!! But I find it hard to take the first step… it is so much easier to read a story!!! But look at those little faces it is so worth it to make the effort!!!

Susan - I just had to come out of Lurkerdom to let you know how much I enjoyed this post. I love that your kiddos leaped out of bed wanting to know what the day’s craft was. I’m wondering if I can get my teens to play with me next week as school will be out.
I do have a great hint for you with the cookies. Make sure the dough is well chilled and roll it between two sheets of wax paper. No flour, not much mess! Try it! I just did this with 32 preschoolers (8 at a time) with no hassle. So much fun!

julia - I love your crafts…maybe my friend and I will do some of them next week with the kids…the picture of your oldest is wonderful…she’s beautiful.

Mindy Harris - that looks like a blast! I’m going to do snowglobes tonight and will post pictures. there’s a “to-do” on martha stewart’s site.
also, my friend likes all things vintage, and I posted some pics from her house (I took my camera to a lunch playdate; it’s hard not to!)–you may like them.
last thing: we LOVE the pics of Wilder/us and have them smacked all over printed mugs for the grandparents. cocoa to tuck inside. so excited!

Kelly - We are big crafties over here! We made some super easy yet time consuming (read: kept them busy for awhile!) wreaths similar to the ones I saw here:
You shared a lot of great ideas that I’m sure we’ll be making next week as we try to survive the carzy week before the big day! Thanks!

Melissa - Ohhhh – you go girl.
I do feel “crafty”, and a little sleepy after seeing all the work you did. But boy does that look like some fun. I love your idea of a craft week!

Jenn Thomas - Good ideas! It looks like fun and I should of sent London down to join you 🙂 Maybe we can accomplish a few of those.

mel - LOVE this post. LOVE it.
I am a teacher & my Christmas break starts today!
All next week, when Claire is napping, I have a bunch of crafting/baking/cooking planned with Kate.
I can’t wait.
I am going to add the pom pom ornaments to our list of things to do.
And, the candy cane cupcakes? Yes please. we will be making those also!
Have a wonderful Christmas!

adrienneK - so fun!! looks about like our life lol yay for kids art !!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I love the pom pom things and the popsicle stick trees. The trees are definitely pre-school-proof. Great ideas! And yes, we’ll be crafting. And baking. And decorating a pre-made gingerbread house from Ikea. 🙂

sara's art house - Oh my word! Thanks for linking to me!!! You want to know what is HILARIOUS- that post that Ashley Ann did about you- she showed your initial bead ornaments –that is where I got the idea for the wire + bead ornaments (I couldn’t find any small beads….)
I am going straight to Wal-Mart to get balls to pin pom poms into!!!!! SOOO CUTE.

Courtney - fun! thanks for sharing. and thanks for being real, too…that not all the kids were there..or happy…and that you yelled! makes me feel “normal” and willing to try it knowing it doesn’t have to go perfectly.

Tara @ the cinnamon post - thank you Meg…my kids thank you too

Laura Phelps - I just bought the pom poms! Did I see this ornament on your blog???? Hmm…I love Annie’s pink pom poms…looks like a puff of cotton candy. I may scratch the cookie decorating on my craft a day next week, and add the sewing felt ginger bread men…less mess and calories-thanks for the idea!
And I have the same red ribbon with white stitch through I am cool like you…at least, I like to THINK I am cool like you (I would have yelled WAY more than twice)
merry Christmas awesome crafty mama!

Trasie Bressler - Ok easy craft………And let out some stress too!
I did this for a second grade Christmas party today at school.
Large Balloons
Small can of play dough
Take the Balloon and stretch the top of it out roll the playdough out in to a snake and stick it in the top of the balloon. Squeeze to get all of the air out….Tie a knot in the top close to the playdough, cut off the top of the tie and decorate markers.
Super easy and the kids love love love it. I wasn’t sure they would but they had a blast with them thought that they were fun to sit and play with. Kept my 5 year old quiet for 30 minutes!

Lisa K in FL - Thank you so much for this inspiring and honest post! I want to craft with my kids, but I’m afraid of stupid stuff, like the mess it will create. I hate that, because I want my kids to have these experiences and memories. I think I’ll bite the bullet and do a craft day next week. But I might yell more than twice.

jennifer - No mom-led crafting going on here. We’re packing to move in the middle of everything else that’s going on, so no Christmas decorations have been pulled out and the house is a chaotic mess with boxes everywhere. It’s quite a depressing sight! My seven year old son over the last two days has made assorted Christmas decorations and hung them on the wall in our entry way. Last night he told me it’s the hall of Christmas. Too cute and just what I needed!
I love the penguins in the plastic cup. That is super cute!

Elisa - Ok first of all Lauren is so freakin gorgeous. Seriously.
And second, I am so gonna make those pompom ball ornaments. I think my boys would do it. *I think*.
Thanks for the push to get moving and do something fun.
Well until the start to fight and poke each other.

Trina McNeilly - You are super amazing…. these crafts look like so much fun.. I’ll have to keep them in mind for next year!!!! I’m just hoping to get to sugar cookies… but I’m like you the icing is the killer… I’m hoping to maybe, make and bake and then do the icing a whole other day? Everything sounds like a good idea right now but doesn’t mean I can get it done… ha!
xx Trina

Mindy - We’re going to do some crafts next week. My kids are way younger than most of yours. Tip for gingerbread: Last year we had a gingerbread party and invited some friends. I made a little house for each kid and the 2 moms. I hot glued graham cracker to cardboard in the shape of a little house. Then just made some frosting and set out little bowls of candy and cereal and whaever to decorate them. They eat as they decorate and we use our houses for decorations and then after christmas set outside and watch the squirrels eat them.
Here’s a link to it on my blog:

Brittany - My son and I made the pom pom ornaments this week too 🙂 I’m so excited to do more crafts next week…you’ve given me some additional ideas! I love the button wreath and ribbon tree! Thanks for sharing this with us…you’re AWESOME!

Ruth - i found your blog last christmas and it makes me so happy to see all these fun festive things here again! you’re such a fun mum… i especially love the pom-pom ornaments. and i still wish i had even half of lauren’s cuteness 🙂

Jennifer - My girls finish school today, and we have been so busy with dance and school, that we have had no time for fun. They have 2 parties to attend this weekend (bdays), then the fun starts for us. I have big crafting/baking plans for next week-can’t wait!
PS, what did you use for the tree parts of the popsicle stick trees? They are so cute!
PPS, I love doing sugar cookies….my nemesis is the gingerbread house-UGH! I was so thrilled to discover last year that they were old enough to do it by themselves…then I got sad about that.

sarah - I want to do all of them with Kenzie, but I ‘m pretty sure we’re going to have to do most next year instead. 🙂

sherry - I love this. My kids are still pretty little-but I think they would love to give it a shot:). Loving the pom-pom ornament…so, so cute. Have I told you yet that you are my favorite? It’s true, you are.

Kelly O. - awesome crafts! thanks for the links!

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Whoa – you deserve some kind of award for all of that crafting! We did the beaded stars from Sara’s Art House this week, and are going to attempt the half-eaten felt gingerbread man ornaments. Doing the gingerbread house tomorrow…but it’s the pre-baked kind from Wal-Mart. The only way to go! 🙂
(LOVE the Crafty Crow too, btw. Too much fun.)

Carrie - Reason #1000 I want to come live with the Duerksens. This looks like so much fun!

TRACI - I AM feeling crafty now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrea - We are doing birdie ornaments that I found on Little Birdie Secrets here:
She found them on Living the Swell Life here:
It is taking us a long time, but the kids are having fun.
For me the biggest problem is that most of the gifts from our house are handmade this year and I’m waaaayyyyy behind. I’m supposed to mail some off today. Not happening. So unfortunately I haven’t had tons of time to sit down and craft with my kids. I’m planning on teaching them how to use the sewing machine I bought them LAST CHRISTMAS in between Christmas & New Year’s. Then it’s back to school for all of us.

Lazy Mom Leslie - Thank you so much Meg for taking the time to put this together for us. I have been thinking about your craft week all week and couldn’t wait to see what you did, so I could copy you! I see pom pom ornaments and snow man pops in my future! Have a great Christmas!

Stephanie Carroll - I don’t have kids, so no, but I act like one (see my post today).
I love Lauren’s hair. Please tell her.
I tried to make the Real Simple sugar cookies and it stuck to my counter like white on rice. I think it’s because I used light cooking butter. I need to buck up and use the real deal.
Again I’ll say, you make me want to be an awesome mom like you…whenever that day comes (ahem like 5 years).

Kate - Thank you, thank you!
I am going to be a COMPLETE copycat ~ You are the best!

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