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monday monday.


don't you wish we could go and GIVE them their stoves?
smile so big and say THIS IS FOR YOU! and give them a hug?!!

what a fabulous thought.

THANK YOU to every one of you that gave a stove.
we helped 103 women so far his week in a BIG huge way!!!

that makes me want to cry tears of joy.

together we can change things!
thank you. 

the fundraiser is open through january 31….so no reason to stop now.  :) 


i have some pics of my craft room.
i was sewing some curtains in there today….finally able to move with out knocking something over! 











it's not big….that's it….wall to wall.
it's packed FULL of everything i would need to craft my heart out.
it's mix matched of lots of well worn furniture and crazy storage and color.
it's not finished being painted….and probably never will be.
but oh my goodness i love that room so much.

and for now….it's cleaned up.

i have to practice all my craft weekend crafts and get them all decided and work out the details.
and now i have some room to do that.


JustKraft - WOW!! This is great craft room. I wish I could also one such room!!

Sara - I love it! It’s so happy and bright and light-filled (like its occupant!). So fun! Where do you get your wire baskets? They’re so cool. I love the little red lockers too!

ginny - i love your craft room. and i love your wire baskets that are full of fabric. i’m curious what you paid for them. i saw one today in a shop that was pretty big. it was $22. is that high, do you think? and it seems a tad rusty too. your craft room is so colorful and fun!!

Lyna - do you pinterest?

Yby5 - Awesome idea…I can’t wait to try it too…oh, I wonder if I’ll get the same satisfaction when tearing the fabric-ha :)Love it!!

Leslie @topofthepage - I guess Ashley Ann and I will be sharing a space because I’m buying a plane ticket and moving in too. My kids will visit on occasion but they aren’t that much trouble. It looks really really fun in there.

Amy @ - Have I told you how much I LOVE your craft room? Oh, I have? Well, I still can’t get enough. All that color makes me swoon. πŸ™‚

Sylwia - I just got back from vacation in Punat Cana. The temperature in Chicago today is 70 degrees lower than there and I wish I could go back! But, I saw your post and just donated to help out.
I love your blog!

Lisa McCracken - That room is awesome! So colorful!

kate - Beautiful. Loving the bright sunlight and wishing I had a dedicated crafting space (dining room table for now). Thanks for sharing and brightening my day!

Amber Pamper - It’s like a cool treat to see your photos. πŸ˜€

This Farm Family's Life - I just saw your picture in Popular Photography for Mpix!!!!!!!! So cool.

Selina - It’s gone up again! $2440!! Legendary!
Love that craft room. x

Alyssa - Precious craft room. You did an awesome job on it!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - So cute! I love all your happy! Great job on all your water and stuff πŸ™‚

Hippyfrog - Love your cute craft room!! I can only dream of having one of my own someday!! πŸ˜€

Tonya Blais - thank you for adding color to my winter day!

shauna - love the yellow wire basket organizer thing and all the storage stuff really. your love for color make me happy.

Cindy - OH! The chippy white/turquoise cupboard~ my heart skipped a beat.

Hallie @ Betty Beguiles - I love this room! It’s so pretty and happy and creative!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Im so excited: today was the first day of the professional cleaners being here to cleanup from the fire we had TWO FLIPPIN WEEKS AGO. Can you tell I was ready to have a clean house again? I havent been able to cook(since the fire was in the kitchen and ruined part of our stove) and the girls are finally living back home with us now.
It was like a dream to come home and see people cleaning my craft room. I feel like I can finally get back to normal again. And these pictures totally inspired me to do just that. I love your huge letter M, by the way:)

Krissy - I love the colors!! And the comfy chair!! Looks perfect to curl up with a book in! :o)

cailan - Such a delightful room! Wondered if you would share about your Singer Simple? Give a little review – I’m on the verge of getting my first machine – would love some advice!

sonya - lil'soak and friends - Great craft room are those built in tables? That’s pretty awesome
. I’m wondering where you got you little red locker shelves? I’m a sucker for those things and those would be useful on my desk space.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I wish I had a craft room all to myself for all my fun goodies. You are so lucky. I have plans in my head for my oldest daughter’s room but I don’t think she’s going anywhere too soon. Which is good and bad cuz that room could be really amazing for all my stuff. I might have to arm wrestly my hubby for it though πŸ˜‰ I think he wants a man cave…yuck!

Lisa - Yay for lots of stoves! And my 5 yr old saw a picture of your craft room and said, “Now THAT is what I want my room to look like!” Haha!

dusti - that is one happy craft room! LOVE!

Becky - i LOVE this room!!! can i just come hang out in there some time? love it! brightens my cold winter day right up! thank you!!

Lorie Yoder - I totally know what you’re making with that ripped fabric and lampshades. I made one at a craft weekend. Your ladies will love it.

Jen Brandt - LOVE your craft room. So happy and bright! Hope you’re having a good week!

Sharon Kindall - Hi Meg,
I just got my craft room cleaned up after Christmas and all the presents that were being stored in it were out! I’m a scrapbooker and a papercrafter, but you have inspired me to make some pretty cushions for my crafting chairs, even though I’m not good at sewing. The chairs are a flea market find painted a buttery yellow. Maybe turquoise and chocolate brown fabric??? I love your blog so much! sharon

Elizabeth Walters - YAY for raising that much money! I am certian that those women will be forever grateful… along with their children who will recieve warm food from those stoves. Awesome!
I LOVE that craft room. L.O.V.E.

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh i love. it. so happy and fun.

BON JOVI - I am going to post pictures of my craft room too!
oh wait…
I don’t have a craft room
I have a craft kitchen cabinet
and it is a mess
and is small…..I pictured it huge…isn’t that funny??? Like the Tonight Show stage…I got to go to NBC years ago and see Johnny Carson…and the blue curtain that looks so big on TV was TINY!
but your craft room is FABULOUS
creative perfection
like you!
have a great monday
we have a 90 min delay due to snow….
second pot of coffee almost done brewing…:-)

Lori Austin - Don’t you just love the feel of a freshly cleaned space (even if it doesn’t stay that way πŸ˜‰

Pat allen - Dear Meg, I see I’m not the only one who wants to live in your craft room!

Lisa Biedebach - I love it! I hope it’s never painted. It just says meg to me.

Judy@Considering the Options - The thing I love the most about your craft room is the light! Mine is in the basement and I’m very thankful to have a space in our small house. But there is nothing like natural light when you are crafting:)!
Happy Day to you!

Kimberly Dial - Your craft room is fantastic. I just know that I could be creative in a room like that! πŸ˜‰

amy - oh my that room is so awesome, i just love it. and the stoves? love, love, love it. i am going to have the kids do work/chores/good deeds around the house to earn money to donate for a stove. i think they will love it–but i sure wish we really could deliver it : )

Lisa - I love that room so much!! I just want to curl up in there and craft my heart out, not sure how you ever leave it! lol

Alicia - I love all the colors! It would definitely make me happy too! Doesn’t always feel so good to get cleaned up…then its fun to make a mess again? Happy crafting!

Sheri - ahhhhh I want that room! Awesome. Have a blessed day!

Saks2Salvation - I agree with all previous comments. Your sewing room is an inspiration. I see why you are able to create greatness in a room like that!

Alisa - I love all the colour in that room….

Pip - I love your craft room! It inspires me to start sewing πŸ™‚

Leah - Can I live in your craft room? It looks so happy and full of color!

meg schmidt - THis is an absolutely charming space. makes me smile. blessings on you girl!

Kim Bernhardt - What a happy place! Makes me want to recreate my craft space…. and find time to spend in it!

AshleyAnn - I’m moving in…after we go deliver some stoves…if I disappear next weekend you’ll know where to find me πŸ™‚

Julie - What a great craft room! So bright and cheery!

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c o l o r



school supplies ROCK.



which color is your favorite?

mine is yellow green and wild strawberry.


Heidi Jo the Artist - It is so hard to pick one favorite, isn’t it!?! I lean towards the purples and blues, and like the Wisteria a lot until you get it on paper, too light! And then I would probably go for violet, indigo, or turquoise blue if I was going to color something. I gravitate towards the cool colors.
When I was a kid, the sea green always stuck out to me for some reason. I really love the whole rainbow of crayons and once I get my hands on some fresh ones, I don’t think I’ll be able to resist taking pictures of them either!!

Lisa - I love these pictures…oh how I love crayons! I think it’s something we never outgrow! Orchid, Green Yellow, Carnation Pink….I could go on and on!

April M - Cerulian, Indigo, and Pacific Blue πŸ™‚ Love the colors – made me smile!

Kelly - NICELY DONE! Kelly

Kerry - Meg, just read through all the comments… PUH-LEASE could you put as a print in your Etsy Shop? πŸ™‚ xx

Laurie - Never mind my favourite colour; I could SMELL those crayons just looking at your pictures! Its been a while since my kids used crayons and your photos just brought my sense of smell to life remembering the days they did!
Anyone else?

Su@TheIntentionalHome - you gotta check out these 2 canvases made with crayons and a glue gun. . I just pinned them on my pinterest page. . .but this post with your pictures of crayons reminded me of them.
I think they will make you smile. .perhaps an idea for craft Thursday

Emily - Spring Green!

Gina in Louisville - cornflower blue and melon green….I love that I knew that without looking or thinking.

Denise - orchid & magenta πŸ™‚

Lynne @ Our Happy Home - Macaroni and Cheese
Tickle Me Pink

John - A+ on the ROYGBIV

Life with Kaishon - I just love new crayons. This year my son didn’t even need them : ( Middle school. I got some any way though. I mean, that smell is divine. And those fresh points…what is not to love.
I think my favorite color is basic green. I love reading all of their names. I LOVE your pictures of the colors. So pretty.

Barbara - This is definitely a post that made me smile.

robin - love your pics…. πŸ™‚
i haven’t gotten a huge box of crayons since i was little (like 25 years ago!)…. but back then, my favorites, together, were spring green and midnight blue! πŸ™‚
hey Meg…can you and Annie (and your other kids, too, if they want :)) sing that birthday song and post it? it’s the one that goes something along the lines of “when you were born the angels sang………..” or something like that? i see posts about it and am really dying to hear the tune πŸ™‚ pleaseeee???? πŸ™‚

Jeanie Rhoades - These are GREAT photographs! Smile-bringers!

Kristin - orange and robin’s egg blue! fun photos. πŸ™‚

Stacy - I used to organize my crayons when I was little. Wait I still do! LOL

Jen Brandt - Cornflower!

Lori Austin - All those beautiful colors make me smile.
Have loved periwinkle since I was a kid.
Magenta is a favorite also. I have many, but those are at the top
of the list. πŸ™‚

Niki - Soory put my blog name in wrong. Opps

Niki - sea green & cornflower.
Drop in and “see” me sometime if ya want, I can tell ya, I know what it is to have 15-16 year old in the house with little ones also *wink*
It is all kinds a fun. Ha.
Love your blog & your kids, Niki

Juli - For me, it’s always been Periwinkle and Seafoam Green.

Elizabeth Gleason - Periwinkle all the way

Laura Phelps - losing my mind magenta
i made that one up

se7en - Oh you can’t beat a freshly cracked box of crayola’s. Hmmm forest green, red plum … oh so many I could go on!!! Lovely post!!!!

Carly Winborne - i need prints of these pics for my sewing/craft/homeschool room. these are amazing!!! i don’t know who would like them more, my children or me!

Wendy - I love it! When I smell a box of crayon, I can remember back to that first day of school. Granted, those were the days when your school supply list consisted of a pencil, a box of crayons and a cardboard pencil box ( I dread getting that list these days). I still to this day love to color and I’m ashamed to say I have my very own box of 64 that my kids can’t touch. Bad mommy! πŸ™‚

Kerry - you guys get Macaroni & Cheese Crayola???!!! My life is complete!! MUST FIND SOME. I like Robin Egg Blue & Mauvelous too. OH I love that they all have names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Katie - Nothing is better than new crayons!!

erlfisher - Who doesn’t love new crayons? (oh, the perfect-pointy ends!) And as I tell my kids – please don’t make me choose a color – they are all so beautiful!

lala - cerulean. love, love, love those photos! there is nothing better than a new box of crayola crayons!

alicia @ la famille - school supplies are the best. i could look at ’em and smell ’em all day long.
and turquoise blue and dandelion…they should get married. they’re perfect for each other.

Tam - right now my favorites are turqouise blue and dandelion. I just posted last night about loving the rainbow in every crayola box and the perfectly sharpened tips πŸ™‚ We still have 3 weeks of summer before school starts.

Jill - I’m going to go with Orange and Wisteria today…loving the names of some of the others.

Holly - Spring Green and Mac and Cheese! I love the smell of a newly opened box of crayons.

kat - Oooooooooooh, I love school supplies! I have an entire board dedicated to school supplies on Pinterest.

carolyn - I just have to tell you how much this post made me smile. What is it that’s so magical about a box of crayons? My youngest is heading off to college in 3 weeks so no new crayons in this house … unless I just happen to pick some up for MYSELF! Oh, and I’ll take the turquoise blue please.

Mindy Harris - wow that is a long picture. howd you do that? my fave remains cerluean.

Lori Danelle - Robin’s Egg blue & Dandelion πŸ™‚

Maria - Dandelion and periwinkle….Those were the days!

Carrie K - out of all your gorgeous photos…this one made me SWOON…wow…really really amazing…i keep just scrolling through this happy picture πŸ™‚
i cant pick a favorite…the other ones will be mad at me πŸ™‚

Chantelle - Today? Orchid and Robin’s Egg Blue. Tomorrow? Who knows. πŸ™‚

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - Turqoise Blue and Yellow Green all the way….but really it’s RAINBOW! : )

Brenda - I Love Dandelion! Also love new boxes of crayons! My kiddos know not to touch my crayon box!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Periwinkle and Salmon ~ Love!

Laura - Wild Strawberry is great! Good choice! I also like dandelion and sky blue.

Danielle H. - I love wild strawberry and robin’s egg blue! I also LOVE the smell of crayons – reminds me of school starting and new beginnings. I also have to keep my crayon tips sharp – no yucky peeled back wrappers for me!

Elizabeth - Palo de rose. LOVE THOSE SHOTS MEG.

julia - not olive green

Kimberlee - Well, how fun are you today?!
I’ll take Turquoise Blue.


Lisa McCracken - Hi Meg! New to your blog and I found you through Matthew Mead’s “Summer with Maatthew Mead”. I love your blog and I love your pics even more:) Can you tell me…what lens do you use/favorite lens for your camera?

happygirl - LOVE the photo. And my favorite color is RED.

lorel - i love all the colors but scarlet and lavendar are looking good right now. Happy back to school – its our first day back with the kids (writing on lunch break) and all is going well so far! Yay!

Sarai - I like orchid and salmon πŸ˜‰

valerie - oohhh, Sea Grean and Periwinkle were always my favorites when I was little. And bronze, of course. πŸ™‚

Meg Carter - I wish my screen had a scratch and sniff… nothing says the start of school like the smell of crayons.

Michelle Webster - Wild Strawberry has been my favorite has been my favorite since I was a kid!! =)

Tammy - Magenta.
Which, for years as a child I pronounced: “Magneta” πŸ˜‰

Patricia - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the photos! Awesomeness!!
My favorites are Robin’s Egg Blue and Tickle Me Pink.
But truth be told, I love all crayons!

Terrie G - Is there anything better than a new box of crayons?! I haven’t had one of those in years…yellow green & plum…favorites! I just got off the phone with the teacher I work with. I get to go to school on Friday to meet the new kids and write their names on all their brand new crayons! πŸ™‚

Natalie - I love new crayons!! :0)

Nikki - Robin’s Egg Blue and Melon!!!!!!! Great pics!!!!! (I’m riding a caffeine high right now, can you tell?)

Jenni Bailey - Sea Green all the way. Followed somewhere down the line by Salmon.

Leah - You should sell that as a print on Etsy! So pretty! I could see framing it and putting it in our arts supply area.

Linda - Oh and i love robin egg’s blue!

Linda - Oh My gosh! I Love that photo. You need to make a print because I have to get it for my sister!

katie phillips - I was practically drooling! :D—
I LOVE Yellow Green, Wisteria, & Dandelion.

Molly Pearce - Oh these pictures made my day! My two fave colors are sea green and orchid! Even though I don’t have children yet me and my husband always get a few new *office* supplies this time of year. New Sharpies, high lighters, pens, pencils and construction paper for me πŸ™‚ Happy Wednesday Meg!

Chantelle - cerulean. hands down. and school supplies TOTALLY ROCK!!! I hyperventilate whenever i walk into the department stores this time of year…

Wendy C. - Wisteria and Goldenrod are my favorites and Yes, I’m that Mom smelling the new boxes of Crayons in the school supply aisle. Nothing better!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - I love apricot!
Gemma x

Jen - NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, better than a box of fresh Crayolas! Enjoy your peace and quiet! My kids don’t start until after Labor Day!!
Oh-and I am totally a periwinkle girl!

Holly - I totally opened my kids crayons and took pictures the other day!

Jen - love school supplies. even though I am not a teacher and don’t have any school age children. it is what makes my Target bills so high half the time. πŸ™‚ Turquoise blue is prob my fave. THEY HAVE A MAC & CHEESE COLOR NOW??? wow.

Erin - love the photos! I have an obsession with crayons. My favorites are: Cerulean, Wild Strawberry, jungle green (used to be a bright green) and Purple Mountains Majesty.

Michelle - melon. I love the melon crayon. πŸ˜‰

bonnie - oh brand new crayons make me so happy… i dont comment often but i love reading your blog and seeing your beautiful photos. happy back to school days.

Jessi - Blue green, for certain.

deb meyers - cornflower … i always check for the cornflower.
Also…a fresh sharp new black.

Jodi L - A brand new box of crayons……LOVE IT!!! The smell of new crayons too just SCREAMS back to school!!
I will have to go with Robin’s Egg Blue as my fav!
Fun post! πŸ™‚

Alice H - very neat photos! I like Orchid, Sea Green, and Melon!!

Dawn - Is there anything better than a brand new box of crayons to start off the school year? I think not! Sometimes I buy a brand new box just for me, and keep it hidden so my kids can’t use them.

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chalk paint…check it off the list.

i love when my kids surprise me.
i thought all summer that most of my kids were too big to care about chalk paint.
i was wrong.
sean and annie had friends over.



i finally whipped some up while they wereΒ Β fightingΒ swimming.





it’s so easy.

the recipe is equal amounts of cornstarch and water.
and food coloring.
that’s it.

it’s thick to stir up at first but easily doable with a whisk.
i tried using my mixer and it worked better with a whisk and muscle.


IMG_3272-1Β IMG_3280-19

i took a moment to admire my tiny patch of garden that did not FRY up on vacation….
the zinnias make me happy.
i should just plant them everywhere and not worry about anything else. Β πŸ™‚






i took it outside thinking “they won’t even care but whatever”
and they came out of the pool and painted until it was all gone.
it looks clear at first and dries REALLY bright.


this is my favorite picture…his masterpiece of splatter paint.


kids jumped in the pool and they were clean.


and this morning it rained….and it’s all gone.
simple as that.


our summer list had 45 things on it.
we have done 27.
school starts tuesday…..we’ll see what happens.



Bethany - Ok so I wanted to add to my previous comment! I learned that either a lot of rain OR just waiting until it dries πŸ˜‰ will make it come off completely clean. This is seriously one of my favorite activities with my baby! I just love creating things with him and your blog is such a great source for ideas. I hope I can be a mom like you.

Bethany - We did this chalk paint and my drive way is stained blue now!! Any tips to clean it off? Just more water or does it need
Soap or something?

s - I bought some cheap cornstarch last night and one of the boys and I just mixed up this paint and all the kids are outside happily painting! Figured we’d take advantage of a nice sunny day…and kids who desperately need to be distracted from TV!

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - We have made that paint for the last couple of years…trust me it NEVER gets old. Even my older kids love painting with it. We use sponge brushes to paint with…way better than the little brushes, try it next time.

elisa - awesome idea- I love it when the older kids still get into stuff like that. Always surprises me too πŸ™‚

Kimberly Dial - You’re the funnest mom! πŸ™‚ PS: Zinnias make me happy too!

Kimberly Dial - You’re the funnest mom! πŸ™‚ PS: Zinnias make me happy too!

Kari - I checked out a book this week with my daughter and it made me think of you, “My Heart is Like a Zoo.” The animals are all made out of different size hearts. Perfect for a craft day. πŸ™‚

Tammy - We did this last summer and my kids still talk about how pretty it was. Should whip some out soon since we have a clear forcast for a few days. We have 12 things left on our list. I know some won’t get done, but that’s what next year is for right?! We are having our “sleepover in the living room” tonight, and built a fort out of sheets to go with it. They are in heaven. I’m wondering if I can sneak up to my bed in a couple hours!

Theresa - that looks so cool!

Jacci - Awesome! I know my kids would love that!!! πŸ™‚
Thanks for the update on your list. We took the plunge and did a Summer List for the first time this summer. We started pretty late in the summer – 3rd week of June, I think, but we have until Labor Day to wrap it up (we homeschool, so I pick when we start the school year). We have a little over half of our list done so far. Yikes! We need to get on it! We busted our 3 items in one night tonight, though πŸ™‚ Shaving cream (thanks so much for that!), water balloon fight, and a trip to the drive-in Root Beer Stande for dinner. It wasn’t without it’s tears (water balloon inequality) but it was still an AWESOME family night. YOU inspired it, Meg πŸ™‚ I hope that encourages you. My kids have another memory tucked into their Childhood Memory Bank – thank you πŸ™‚

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - You can do it! Soak up every last bit of summer that you can!!!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Fun, fun, fun…you’re a fun mom!

Lisa - We have done 23 of 29 on our list but I say summer isn’t over until it’s cold! (Besides, this mama wouldn’t camp until September πŸ™‚ I love that Talby always has a look of pure concentration in your photos – the girl can focus! Looks like a fun time.

Linda - I always love the glimpses into your life. Thanks for sharing.

Cyndi Hamilton - We have gotten 25 out of 43 done on our list. Not to bad. We are going to do a few things after school starts. It is hard to do some of the outdoor stuff when it is 100 degrees outside.
I am going to do a list for fall and holiday too. Love the sidewalk chalk, I will have to try it.
Thanks for sharing,

Alicia @ la famille - Awesome! Way to go mama πŸ™‚

Nicole Q. - So fun – I just might have to make this happen yet this summer!!

Secret Mom Thoughts - I love this idea. Definitely adding it to our list. We have 18 days till school starts. Not that I’m counting.

Angela Atkins - You need to check out Chrissie Grace’s new print, if you haven’t seen it already.

colleen from alabama - Our school started this past wednesday… bummer and happy all at the same time. We didn’t finish our list either but for me the point of a list is to be intentional. Even if we only did 5, or 10, thats probably more than if we didn’t have list at all. AND we might be able to squeeze a few more in even though school started back.. just sayin.

Laura Phelps - I love it
I am a chalk lover
I am weary of people who don’t enjoy chalk πŸ™‚
totally doing this
we left the chalk out in the rain…and I went outside alone and drew with it…love relaxing
good luck with the list..
can you roll it over to next summer like cell phone minutes?

Donna - Ahh, we are checking things off our list, too. Such fun to create so many fun memories as a family. The ones that don’t get checked, oh well, we’ll just include them next year. One item was “a day with no crying.” It must be about the 60th day of summer by now, and we just checked it off yesterday πŸ™‚ (That was for a certain 5 year old, and he was pretty proud of himself!)

Katie - One thing on our list that I am sure we will not due is pick blueberries. Maybe next year. Otherwise we are making our way down the list!

Ashley - looks like fun :), and 27? that is a pretty good number.

Courtney - That is awesome! But summer isn’t over yet, right?

Melissa - Love. I think I make some up for when the kids get out of school today!
We had 28 on our list and have completed 18. My kids have already started school…I’m going to go til the officially end of summer.

DWall - new to this blog! Love all the color! any chance you will share your photo editing strategy for us newbies? πŸ™‚

Heidi - So nice to know it washes away! I was scared to let the kids do it and be stuck with food coloring marks on the concrete! πŸ™‚
And thank you for sharing that your summer list may/may not get completed. Because I was kind of feeling like a failure when I looked at our list last night and realized we just don’t have enough time left to accomplish everything. Next year, I will be more realistic about how much time I spend working. πŸ™‚ Kinda hard to do things out of the house when you’re stuck at the computer 3 out of the 5 days!

Jennifer - How fun! Your zinnias are beautiful…

Courtney Walsh - So fun, Megan! Looks like a total blast!
I am so sad school is starting for us Tuesday too. πŸ™ I’m just not ready for early mornings and homework and charts and not having my kids voices in the house and yard.
I’m such a baby.

Kimberlee - I love these pictures.
And I love Zinnias.
I just realized that I didn’t plant ANY this year.

Tanya H - THAT is cool!! TFS!
I hear ya! We write up a summer list thanks to you πŸ™‚ …we’ve done 6 out of 18. We have one more week. HMM.

Brianna - long time reader, first time commenter…Love your blog, and your family! Have a great weekend!

Judy @Considering the Options - I kind of want to mix some up and see if my teenagers will play with it. I miss the days of sidewalk chalk and driveway art…

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, that looks great! I love it!

Kerry - aaah wow Meg! looks like such fun! Talby is looking so summery, gorgeous girl πŸ™‚ Enjoy your last few days of summer hols xx

Lindsay - Looks like fun! We will have to give it a try today!

Terrie - Here’s to a busy 4 days!! πŸ™‚

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i wanted to show you some happiness.

i asked craig if i could do the back stairway like this….he said yes….i think i might have cried a little.
i bet he doesn't remember saying yes.  :)

i am not a big fan of mouth piercings….but i love the hair!  
can you imagine if i had this hair???  
do you think kids would still come to my sunday school class?



happy room.


love this….makes me want to make stuff.

and this too!  
i really want to get messy with paint!



really yummy.


i want to go to a rainbow party.
i want to have a rainbow party….for me!

and that is all i've got today.
i am sleepy.
and busy.
and have grumpy kids that are making me a little cranky.


Lexi - Love this! I want to come!
xox Lexi
Glitter & Pearls

Leslie - I love this post! Rainbows are just so happy and pretty! What a great theme for your blog! Your BLOG makes me happy! πŸ™‚

Su@The Intentional Home - check out my I LOVE COLOR board on pinterest. . I just got on a few weeks ago and am loving it. But check it out here for some rainbow inspiration:

jennie - a whole rainbow house, have you seen it?

Karen - hahahahahahahhahahahaaaa oh my, I don’t think you want to go to a rainbow party
(type in rainbow party in urban dictionary)

amy d - if you ask for that hair color, i quit πŸ™‚ (and then i will go buy you a wig!)

crystal beutler - What is it about bright colors that makes me so happy? Love those stairs! And the cake!!! And the alphabet. I just want a room with bright. Rainbow colors remind me of you meg. Full of light, and full of happiness.

Sarah - I LOVE all of the color! How can you not be happy looking at all of those pictures?!

Christie-Childhood 101 - The staircase is gorgeous, how could you not feel happy walking up those stairs?!?

Ani - I love the stairs and the short hair!! They are all great, but those two are my favorites! πŸ™‚
Do you have a facebook for your blog….if you don’t you NEED To get one and facebook every time you update! πŸ™‚

crystal - i want my future studio to look like that kids bedroom. how could i not be productive in there?

Jenny Joy - I needed this. THANK YOU for the rainbows!

danielle - please dye your hair rainbow AND paint your stairs rainbow.
and please have a rainbow party… only if i can come though πŸ™‚

ashley jensen - Love the rainbow stairs! Maybe that would encourage you to run up and down them over and over again and before you knew it you just did 20 minutes worth of stair stepping! And you were so giddy with excitement and hysterically giggling over the cheerfulness of the stairs you didn’t even realize you were exercizing! Score! Oh and that rainbow party isn’t just any party its a SUPER EPIC rainbow party! Even better!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - oh wow. . this makes post makes me smile. I want the stairs and the hair. thanks for positng all these pics for us!!!

elissa - painting rainbow stairs would be AWESOME>
my 4 year old just saw the long, rainbow hair and said “ooh! what famulous hair!!”

kristin - oh. my.
all of it.

Gemma - Love love love the ABC… picture…so fun!
Hope you get to paint your stairs : )
Gemma x

leonieke - i did that rainbowcake! (took me a day!!) but it was spectaculair. tell me you are not gonna make all that art, paint your stairs and take care of 5 grumpy kids.. goss, i can hardly manage 3!

Lisa - I think your sunday school kids would think you were the coolest teacher ever if you had rainbow hair! Their parents on the other hand…. πŸ™‚

Lillian - LOVE THIS!! I have a whole colorful/rainbow section in my pinterest ust for when I want to smiles:)

Stephanie - Please, please please get on pinterest. I am dying to follow you. Dying. Seriously. Well… Not seriously dying, you know what I mean… πŸ™‚

the.mrs - I think you’re hilarious.. love your little side comments and made up words. I bet you write how you speak, which makes your blog super to read. Love the photos too! Makes me want to get my paints out as well!! πŸ™‚

Terrie - If you did your hair like that…you may have twice the number of kids in Sunday School!
LOVE the rainbow steps! Let’s throw a rainbow party!! Everything rainbows…I want to make rainbow jello!
Did you watch Parenthood…favorite part…I NEED SOME DRUGS!!!!!!!
Happy Easter…go doodle some eggs!

Amanda - I don’t think they whined, I think it was just a reminder that people work hard on their work and should get credit. And they did say Do unto others, so that’s ALWAYS a good reminder to all of us!

Laura Phelps - west hollywood has an awesome rainbow party…it is called gay pride
wanna be my date?

Sara - Feeling your pain on the sleepy thing. I took a sick day yesterday and slept all day. No kids were at home, it was amazing. But deep down I felt like I should be getting something done. Glad I didn’t, I feel a bit better now. Sometimes we run ourselves ragged…

Maria - If you have a rainbow party I want to come…and you have to have this playing:

Kylie - Love the photos! Pure Happiness! Can’t belive someone complained about not sourcing them though…it’s your blog, you have the right to post what you want, when you want and to be lazy and not source it if you want!! (Just my opinion)

Kristi - I bet more kids would come to your sunday school class if your hair was like that!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - oh, i’ve been dealing with some cranked out kids too….one VERY ‘spirited’ toddler to be specific. such a bummer that attitudes are so contagious i tell ya!
thanks for the pretties. πŸ™‚

The BabbyMama - Those stairs are making my hyperventilate in the best possible way!
We did a rainbow theme for the Babby’s second birthday and it was awesome!

Janie Fox - I love those stairs. I have that dog. I want that hair.

Julia - I love the “somewhere over the rainbow” party idea!

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - Come to my house and I’ll host a rainbow party for you! : )
Love the photos, I was thinking about doing a spectrum with the stair spindles but I think my hubby would think my mind was gone for good!
xoxo ML

alyssa - (that’s funny)

Heather R. - Love your blog. I’d come to your rainbow party.

karen - Come to my daughter’s ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow” first birthday party meg!! Please come! all 8 of you!!
You are the rainbow queen meg…because of you i decided on a rainbow theme party…just when she was a few weeks old. And now she will wear your fabulous rainbow shirt! I will post a pic on Etsy!

Bri @ Mod Memento - I don’t comment enough despite reading your blog for quite a while now. Just had to say hello and love your colorful style! I have now decided that I want some rainbow pennants hung across my office walls! How could you not be happy and productive with rainbow pennants surrounding you??! πŸ™‚
God Bless!

Courtney Walsh - dude. my kids are making me cranky too. at least we have rainbows to cheer us up! What if I did my whole new house in rainbows? do you think that would be TOO much? cause I’ll do it.
whatever it takes to unleash the happiness.
and put skittles up all over in glass jars with easy access. πŸ™‚

Alicia @ La Famille - i didn’t even know i like rainbows until i started reading your blog…now i want blank white backdrop of walls with great colorful pops all over my house. i guess i was a HUGE fan of Rainbow Bright back in the day, tho.
also, my kids made me crazy today.
also, i want to make that abc picture thing
also, what is pinterest…i don’t think i need another ‘hobby.’
i just found that a photo from my blog had been “pinterested” whatever that is??

Erin - kids would totally come to your sunday school class – i bet if you told them “if we have (fill in the # of kids) next week I will color my hair rainbow,” you’d have the biggest class ever!

Emily - how are you not on Pinterest! you would love all the rainbow goodness!

amy - I made the cake. It was WAY too sweet for me, but oh so pretty! I wanted to keep a slice just to look at πŸ™‚

Blog Reader - Bummer that you didn’t source the photos you borrowed to post on your super popular site. If you are going to use them the least you can do is send some traffic towards the owner of the photo…would make me sad to see one of my photos and no credit. just saying. Do unto others you know…

Nichole - My office needs a rainbow party. How awesome is grey and grey every day?

tami - abe would love your rainbow hair πŸ˜‰

Happygirl - Hmmmm rainbow is not my favorite theme, but we may not be coming at this from the same direction. Pretty though.

Jill - Love it! Thanks for the inspiration…I’m planning a rainbow party for my soon to be 4 year old!

Leah - Thanks for the inspiration! Did you watch Parenthood last night?!

Carolyn - I want a rainbow party too!! I really like the stairs…I wonder if military housing people wouldn’t mind….wait, of course I NEED stairs to paint…hmmm =P

Daniele Valois - I am grumpy mc grumpy today. Thanks for all the color! - I want a rainbow cake! That looks really fun to look at and then eat it!

Holly - I want to have a rainbow party too! ha! Wonder if my father in law would like his 60th to include rainbows?? ……maybe not so much, huh?

Sonya - I think you should have a rainbow party all for yourself! You deserve it! One of the other blogs I stalk just posted about the rainbow party she had for her daughter and I love it! Here’s the link:

jill - love the rainbow squares canvas! i must make something similar some day when my own kids aren’t making me a little cranky! πŸ™‚ thanks for sharing the goodness!

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this week….


remember when i partied in my cardigan?
that was for my sister's birthday.
well that was almost a month ago….and i just got her gift to her….really late.

(if you know me in real life….that is the NORM for me…)


but i think her gift was worth the wait.

this is my favorite necklace in lisa leonard's designs.  (i like it all but i really love this one)
it's simple and classic.
you can get printing on both sides.
it goes with everything.
it's my fave.

my sister loved it.
lisa makes giving gifts so easy!  a few clicks and it's all done.  love that.

on friday my three youngest came out of school with reading reward coupons for free ice cream cones.
i drove them straight to the source.
they were very surprised and happy.

talby pulled out her brand new book that was published from her ELP group. 


i swooned over it. 
it was adorable.

i don't know what this was about…..i can't recall….but annie made this face twice in ten seconds.
i caught the second one.

what a goofy girl.

we hit the park.
the sunshine was so needed.
i felt so much lighter.

and it was still so nice friday night that we had a campfire in the back yard!

today….it hailed, sleeted and snowed.

so….this week:

i really want to get my shop opened!

wish me luck.

before i die in a freak pillow collapsing accident in the craft room…..

don't worry there will be no surprise shop openings.
i will give you lots of warning.
i promise.

also….i have a five more rainbow hoodies!



kristine - natalie is on my lap looking at this post with me and she just said, “whoa mommy. a huge stack of pillows!” πŸ™‚

Molly - where do you buy your fabric?
love love love reading your blog!!

Tiffany - OMG…pillow love here!!! Apparently I am living under a rock, I missed the hoodie pic…wonder if you’ll have it in size 7/8?? Or a 10 even…

chasity - it would be sooooo much fun to fill a fort with those piles of pillows and sit down to a good story.
such great colors and fabrics!

Julia - I love that sneaker shot!

carolyn - popped over her via marta writes, and now i don’t want to leave!

shelley - I pray that all those pillows fall onto my couch ! and I totally cant wait to see more of your little hoodies.

elisabeth - I am really. really. really. excited about the rainbow hoodies. Keeping my fingers crossed for a 3 T!
And I stalk your blog ALL the time. Just love it.

Jill - OMGosh…my children and I say, “lovel” too! :o)

Crissie - I am a lurker on your blog. I feel bad because I should have let you know my feelings about your blog by now. I ADORE your blog, and it soothes my soul and warms my heart. I have been lurking for about a year and should have already told you what gift you give me on a daily basis. The thing I love the most about it is how you remind me to appreciate the little things in life and to cherish my children (just as I am ready to wring their little necks! LOL) So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! πŸ™‚
Anyway, I have to have a rainbow hoodie! I spied it in your pic the other day and I thought, “I have to ask her where she bought that!” Then I scroll down and read your caption! Lo and behold you answered my question! LOL I’m glad you are enjoying your sewing!

Sara - My daughter definately NEEDS a rainbow hoodie! Can’t wait!

Courtney Walsh - You know that front stack of pillows? The 8th one up from the bottom. That’s the one I want. πŸ™‚ lol

mel @ the larson lingo - Love that Lisa necklace…I have a giftcard to her shop & can’t decide what to get! eek!
And, I want to buy one of your pillows for my guest room! Can’t wait for your shop to open πŸ™‚

Tracy E. - Open that shop already! I NEED one of those pillows! Stat! πŸ™‚

Shauna - Are you making Rainbow hoodies in baby/toddler sizes too?? (pretty please??)From the response to them I think you need to make 50 more!! Did you go to a trunk party for Matilda Jane or did you just order the stuff through someone? I love their skirts and dresses but Im afraid to buy something only to find out I need a smaller or larger size…I just LOVE Annie’s dress!

Mindy Harris - so excited for your shop to open. i am going to try to buy a bunting if they don’t sell out first.
also, i can’t wait to hear you speak at blogsugar.
i hope you remember me because i am going to come up to you and hug you!

Caroline - Oh my heavens! You are so talented! I have got to get a rainbow hoodie for my twin girls to share…or maybe they each need their own!

LIlly - Lovely things! I live in Ethiopia and am always worried I will miss the “opening” … so glad you will give us some warning. Look forward to snatching up some of those lovely pillows and hoodies for my girls. God bless πŸ™‚

Esther - Hurry up and open the shop!!! I am dying over here with all of them “pillow eye candies” soooo… like loving them pillows!!! Let us all know when…PLEASE!!!!

Valerie Page - Every time I see these pillows, I get so excited. I can’t wait till your shop opens. Those Published books are awesome. As a retired(decided to stay at home with my baby) teacher, I cannot even begin to tell you how long it takes to make those books. All the time and effort that goes into them is well worth it. I used to be exhausted at the end of the day when I would help my students with them. But then, I would just get soooo excited when the published books came in and I couldn’t wait to open them. My students loved sharing them with the other students. My older daughters still look back and giggle what they wrote and drew in the books. Great keepsake:)

virginia - i really think your pictures are more crisp looking since you went to that blue lily thing, what’s your secret?

Ivy Smith - I can’t wait for the shop to open. I have been desperately needing some new sofa pillows but I have been holding out cause I want some from you! Everytime you post a pic of the pillows I pick out the ones I want:)

Jenny Joy - Who knew that an enormous pile of pillows could put a big ol’ smile on my face?!
And I cannot wait to see these rainbow hoodies. Seriously. Cannot. WAIT.

Kirsten J - Love those little books….I had the pleasure of putting them together for my daughter’s 1st grade class…and must confess, I spent a few too many minutes reading all of the books πŸ˜›

Hoosier at Heart - Looking forward to seeing your lovelies in your shop! By the way, I’m going to BlogSugar and I’m so so excited to meet you.

Leah - I feel like laying down in the pile of pillows. Looks so peaceful. Are you going to have the Hungry Caterpillar pillow like you did last year? Sophie and I love that story!

Shannon - Everybody better leave me some pillows to buy in your shop, Oh and I want a sweatshirt too! Can’t wait to see all the goodies πŸ™‚

erlfisher - A freak pillow collapsing accident? Well, let me help by taking some of those pillows off your hands! The sleety-snow thing was weird. Glad it didn’t stick around. Great, colorful pictures on such a gloomy day!

megan - can’t wait for your “shop” to open. also, so wishing my girls could pull off the matilda jane look. think they are too old or too finicky! lord knows they could use some new clothes…you should have seen what #4 wore today!!
thanks for the beautiful pics.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Love that Talbly has her own book. Is that wonderful or what? By the way Talby, goofy faces rock. Love the pillows Meg. Good luck on opening this week.

Christy - ooh can’t wait for the shop opening! Dying for a rainbow hoody.

Gemma - Love love love that necklace! Very simple but lovely!
I wish I had some icecream : )
Gemma x

ashley jensen - I was so worried yesterday while we were coming home from camping that you could have possibly opened up your shop and I would miss out on a hoodie! Gald to know you will be giving us lots of notice! I think I see a pillow in there I might have to have also.

Hannah - hoodies….are they for adults??? πŸ™‚ hope so… πŸ™‚

deborah@applesinwonderland - annie makes the best faces….i’m willing to bet big money that surprise ice cream had a little to do with that. i blame you for my sudden need to fill my artsy/fartsy space with pom-pom ric-rac….don’t worry i’ve already forgiven you:) love when my kid’s wrote book in and out of school. talby’s vacation to michigan? if i had known i’d have baked a cake. or something. πŸ™‚

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - As we just moved my youngest DD into her own room and will soon be painting her walls just like your girls”(she keeps telling me, “mommy..I want THAT pink room”) I will also be needing a heart pillow. And Im already wanting a rainbow hoodie. I cant wait….

Sonia - ummmm, i hope the hoodies come in adult sizes. πŸ˜€

Jeddie - I’ve been checking like crazy, so glad we are going to get a heads up:). Still hope I am quick enough!

Jenn Thomas - London wanted to know if those were Annie’s “lucky tights” Like Olivia (the pig) because she also has a pair of striped tights
that her lucky tights πŸ™‚
I would hate for a fellow neighbor to die from a stack of falling pillows – I don’t think it would be good advertisment for the selling of our house. πŸ™‚ Have a good week – it’s been a while since I’ve seen ya.

Trish - i love the foot shot of annie’s cute shoe. so fun!

Jessica @ This Blessed Life - I’m sure you probably got 80 million e-mails about this already, but in case you didn’t: you were featured in my babytalk magazine as a top mom blogger! They did a little blurb about you with a link to your site. Congratulations!

andria - are you going to post a bit of advance notice when the shop will be open? i would love a rainbow hoodie and am worried everything will be sold out before i can access your shop. thanks!! gorgeous pillows by the way!

georgia - I love them pillows!!!! I don’t dare buy one as my dogs are partial to the odd pillow…. Ill be eager to check your other stuff though πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
Eeeeeeeee so excited for shop opening! What do the proceeds to towards, you or a charity? I’m not fussed either way, just wondered if it was for a charity event

Sandy - I know which pillow I want and I hope & pray that I get to it first because I know many others will want it too.

karen - yay for more rainbow hoodies!
i think you are going to crash the etsy server!!

Stefanie Shultz - I want those pillows! πŸ™‚

tam - The weather looked fantastic, we are still dreary and snowy-I’m hoping spring is right around the corner! I love Talby’s book, QB’s class did that this year too. A pillow avalanche would be….colorful! Can’t wait for the shop opening.

Su@The Intentional Home - I have been checking your blog everyday for the announcement of your shop opening…I had to giggle when I read that line that said do not worry, there will be no surprise openings. . .it was like you were reading my mind. πŸ™‚

erica - rainbow hoodie! and love that book by talby…so cute!

Kori - Talby’s real, live, actual book? AWESOME! What a cool memento to have!!

Michelle from Australia - Is it sad that I will contemplate sitting up in the middle of the night here in Australia to try and snag a rainbow hoodie? OK, don’t answer that. I know it is sad. But a girl has got to do what she had to do in search of rainbows doesn’t she???

Jennifer O'Steen - swooning over your pillows! i absolutely have to buy one <3

sue - Lovely pillows !!!

Barbara - Such a pretty stack of pillows!

Christina - I MUST HAVE THAT HEART PILLOW!!! SOOO CUTE! You must know I am serious about that because I am on my phone and had to make all those caps individually! Can’t wait for your opening. πŸ™‚

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false alarm.

my etsy shop will not be opening today.
there is still too much fun stuff to sew!

if i had gotten everything together this week…..photographed it…..uploaded it…..listed it….
and then you guys bought it (hopefully)….then i had to ship it all…..

i knew i wouldn't sew again before photo season starts.
and once that starts….i don't have time for anything else creative.
(except craft thursday)

and i love to sew.

like….really love.

so instead of doing all of those things above to get the shop open…i just kept sewing.

and now it's monday and i am not one step closer to opening.

want to see a little peek?





i have more pillows to fill.
a few tees to sew.
and lots of the computer part of etsy to do this week.

i will keep you updated.

back to the craft room…….



erin - Beautiful pillows! I have been following your blog for a while, found it through The Lettered Cottage when they featured your guest room, which is so fun! Ok, 2 questions for you about the pillows: 1) do you use pillow forms or loose stuffing to fill them, and 2) how do you close them (zipper, sew up the 4th seam, or overlap the back so they slide in? You have inspired me to do more creative things with my 4 kids and for myself. Thank you!

Mallory - Pretty pillows! I am looking for something beautiful to add color to my living room and your pillows might just be it! I can’t wait!

Su@The Intentional Home - those sneak peaks have me giddy. . . I already see pillows and prints I want. . I love me some bright bold color. . .I am afraid you are gonna sell out in the first day.

Angie P - LOVE! πŸ™‚

Valerie Page - I am excited about your pillows. This is a project I would love to learn how to do. I can’t wait till your store is open. I may have to buy quite a few. Of course, I need pillows for all three of my girls’ rooms and let’s not forget my couches in the living room. I’m getting excited just thinking about it. I will keep checking back and look forward to ordering some.:)

Pop & Lolli - Hi Meg – I’ve been a fan ever since you’ve blessed us with “featuring” Pop & Lolli on your side bar as a thing you love – and I have been hooked ever since! You’re such a wealth of talent and inspiration and beauty and blessing weaved together – it is a happy find to have found you! Thank you for always brightening the day! Your Etsy stuff is GORGEOUS – I could have EVERY Pillow!!

Pop & Lolli - Hi Meg – I’ve been a fan ever since you’ve blessed us with “featuring” Pop & Lolli on your side bar as a thing you love – and I have been hooked ever since! You’re such a wealth of talent and inspiration and beauty and blessing weaved together – it is a happy find to have found you! Thank you for always brightening the day! Your Etsy stuff is GORGEOUS – I could have EVERY Pillow!!

Annika - You’ve been busy! I wish I had your drive!

mandie - I just found your blog from the Blog Sugar site, and I can’t wait to see what your shop is full of! πŸ™‚ Good luck!

shelley - Meg….hurry…i have to have some of those pillows !!! so adorable and colorful !!! I love all the pom pom trim ! Praise God that you can sew..i just stare at my sewing machine in the box..i am scared to take it out. It was gifted to me and I am afraid of it !

mulberrytreehouse - These are adorable! Can’t wait to see your etsy shop!

Kristin S - Meg, Meg, Meg, Meg!!!
No wonder you bought 80 million yards of white pom pom trim. LOVE.
So glad my birthday is coming so I can treat myself.

kristin - i’ll take one of everything, please.
: )

Danielle - Oh man… there’s a pillow I see that I want soooo bad!!! And perhaps a bunting or two. πŸ™‚ I always miss your shop. It’s like everything sells in 20 minutes. πŸ™‚ I’m going to be more diligent this time… because, oh that pillow. OH that pillow.

Christina ( - Sooooo fun! Do you follow a pattern or just make it up?! That made me so happy to look at those pictures!

Kathie Simmons - Bummer!!! I’m having a somewhat stinky day and buying some of those things would definitely have helped. Everything looks so fun and bright and happy. Well, good things are worth waiting for! And that stuff looks AWESOME!!

Andrea - But I’ve set money aside to shop your store! I NEVER set money aside!
I guess the good news is you’re still sewing because the way these comments read you’re going to sell out in no time!

Brooke - I think this might be the first time I’ve commented here, but I’ve read your wonderful blog for some time now. Not only are your posts inspiring, both in creativity but also spiritually, but you also give me a taste of home, as I grew up in western KS and can’t return enough.
I saw the pillows on this post, linked below, and you immediately came to mind. Is that weird? πŸ™‚
Thank you for the work you put into your blog.*+Sycamore%29&utm_content=Google+Reader

rachel / - good for you!!! that IS the fun part & if you still have the time & desire to SEW & be CREATIVE, strike while the iron’s hot. LOVE all your stuff so far! πŸ™‚ [and seriously. so funny you have the problem that you have. you can’t list anything because you’ll sell out & it’ll be game over. i can’t say i know of any other etsians that have a problem like that? hilarious.] πŸ™‚

Michelle - I can’t wait to order a pillow, some wall art and a flag banner!!! I love it all!!!
I will be checking out your blog daily to find out when it will open!!!!

Lisa - I better not forgot to check your blog and then find out you opened your shop a few days after the fact. I’m sure it will sell out quickly. I NEED the flag banner for my kids’ playroom. Like REALLY NEED it.

Linda - I’m so excited pillow and bunting!! Makes me happy!

Heather - Those pillows make me smile!

Nichole - I want to raid your fabric supply, seriously. I can never find such awesome prints!

Jess Mead - I love your fabric. Trying to think of a place for new pillows. I’m sure I could find a place! πŸ™‚

Desiree' - 1-Can’t wait for your store to open…just like everyone else! πŸ˜›
2-I LOVE Francis Chan! That video is the first one I saw of him and have loved him since.

Kat - How much each are the pillows? Just trying to work out if I can afford to buy one and the postage to send it to Aus….

Kat - Nice pillows Meg!
Funny, when I read the topic “false alarm” I thought you were going to say that you thought you were pregnant, but it was a false alarm.
Ah must be on my mind, the whole concept of babies and pregnancy seeing as we have (mostly) decided to stop at 4.

Amber - EEEKkkk I need the HB green pillow in the top right!!! PLEASE!!!!

Carol S - Don’t sweat it! That’s the beauty of being a freelancer, you can work on your own schedule. And while procrastinating, you’re building up a little anticipation along the way which is a good sales technique. Smart lady!! Just enjoy the process and have a great week Meg.

tiffany feger - i just saw your name and blog link in my “baby talk” mag today:) it’s on how to be a great SAHM:)

Andrea B - These are all so happy! I covet your mad pillow skillz.
Seriously, though. So lovely!

a pocket full of posies - *SWOON*! can’t wait!

sarah - you’re amazing. we can wait a bit longer if inspiration is still lingering…it will be worth it in the end!

se7en - Would you just look at all those stunning colors… oh come over to our house and play and bring all those colors with you!!!

Jeannine - Gorgeous! Those pillows are dreamy.
Hopefully I won’t be in a class when your store opens and I’ll be able to snag a pillow or two =)
Can you please teach me how to sew? Haha.
Happy sewing Meg!

erica - can.not.wait!

jaz - Oh so yummy seeing all those pillows together like that!

crystal beutler - Super duper cute stuff!!!! You will sell out in no time! You are going to love my new shower curtain I made this weekend. It has pom pom fringe — my fave! I put it on everything.
Hope all is going well. Can’t wait to see your Etsy shop. πŸ™‚
Hey, do you know enough craft people in your area to do a boutique somewhere in Kansas? That might be way fun! I’d participate! You could even hold “make and take” classes as part of it. Get your organizing friend working on that! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Sarah@this farm family's life - those photos are killing me. i can’t wait!

Lorie Yoder - I’m just dyin’ for the opening…tell me…do you fill your pillows with fill or a pillow insert? Where do you get all your chenile for the back of some of your pillows? Is it an old bedspread? Totally LOVE all of them! Your admirer in COLD Indiana!

Dawn - Your pillows are so gorgeous! I hope I’m able to snag one up before they are all sold out!

Aimee - I want that sock monkey pillow!!!!

Shelly foster - I can’t wait ! I already see 3 things I want !! Yay !

Ali Richardson - EVERYTHING you just showed up is EYE CANDY!!! WOW! Just gorgeous!!

Esther - I want some of them pillows…how do I find you??? just go t Etsy??? let me know Meg, thanks!!

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - I have a question….what kind of fill (stuffing) do you use on your pillows? Do you buy somewhere special? I’ve been buying mine at Walmart and I’d like to find a place with a better deal than $4 a bag.

Sandee - I’m dying here… I cannot wait for it to open!
I’ll take one of each, seriously… Oh and a gumball print too!

JeAnNiE - Oh my goodness … be still my heart. I LOVE chenille and those pillows are DELISH!!!!

karen - & white polka dot one is mine!! I sure hope you are shipping to Canada πŸ™‚

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Ohh very exciting! Looking forward to having a nose around your shop : )
Gemma x

Staci - Makes me very happy πŸ™‚ and today is my birthday….so thanks for all the happiness your blog brings me πŸ˜€

Sharla - LOVE those pillows.

jennifer - That picture of the pillows is a big tease! πŸ™‚
One of them really needs to come to my house!

Sarah - i LOVE the pillow with the hearts on one side and the red and pink polka dots on the other side!!

mary elizabeth - i want a pillow!!!! i need a happy meg spot at my house πŸ™‚

Janie Fox - bring it dude!!

Kris - Love that pom pom trim!

erlfisher - Torture, I tell you! Torture! I will dream about those pillows! And those colors – would spring get here quicker if I put those beautiful pillows on my sofa? It might help!

april - wow I have to say meg those look awesome….

happygirl - Isn’t it funny how time slips by. I’m constantly struggling with time management. Your pillows are so pretty. I’d love to have one, but they just end up being a chew toy for my dog. I just can’t break him of the pillow chewing. It’s the ONLY thing he chews. I feel the same way about getting my items listed on ebay. Photograph, write description, package for shipment, get to the post office. Where does the time GO…..

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Squeal! I can’t wait! Woo hoo!

Jessie - I really want a pillow for my new office. I am worried I am going to miss the opening! All so cute:). I’m going to be checking like a crazy lady!!!!

Katie - Stop the Madness!!!! I can’t wait!!!!

danielle - pretty sure one of those buntings has my name allllll over it.

Lisa - Ooo-la-la! I want some!!! πŸ™‚

Tracey - Open, open, open, it’s like black Friday and I am salivating at the windows. I want some scrumptious pillows

Patricia - The photo of your pillows makes me smile! Happy Sewing!!

Maria - The black and white pillows are mine for my daughter (I hope)!
What a tease!

Sugar Mama - So excited for the opening because I have a feeling SEVERAL of these items will be perfect for the re-decorated daycare room!!! In fact, I now have neutral colored curtains just so I can add colorful accessories… like pillows and wall art. Can’t wait! (But I have to, I guess) ;o)

Adrienne S - The pillows! I want some of those. Will be watching for the opening of the shop.

Tracie - Oh I hope you are selling the whatever print. I have been eyeing that on your sidebar, thinking about trying to recreate it in photoshop, but I’m way too lazy. I hope you list it!

Trish - fun πŸ™‚ i’m making buntings for my etsy shop too πŸ™‚

jeannett - i just died. my husband is going to kill you. πŸ˜‰

Kimberlee J. - I am happy you are doing what you love today.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - You’re killing me over here, Meg! Im drooling over these photos:)

georgia - Meg, can u give me a quick email to let me know what UK time ur shop opens as I get totally confused and last time the shop was empty πŸ™ boo sniff lol

Jenny Joy - You are single-handedly responsible for my new obsession with pom pom fringe. MWAH!

Cha Cha - ahhh, so glad I am not the only one this happens to. You made my day by letting me know I am not the only one who is behind. Thank for always being real.
Cha Cha

deborah@applesinwonderland - just for fun, wouldya’ artfully arrange all the pillows on your bed? πŸ™‚

Courtney - Are you taking pre-orders? I want the one with the cursive writing on the back of it…pretty please…and a gumball print for my play room!

Amanda - Please open soon! I already see a pillow or two I HAVE to buy and a few prints!!!

stephanie - open, open, open…..i want some of those pretty pillows πŸ™‚

Tara Swartzendruber - Are you taking any pre-orders? I pretty much want all of the pillows. πŸ™‚

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just a short 5 hour nap….

was all i needed to recoup from the awesomeness that was this weekend.

how can i describe the GoPro?
i have been trying to think of ways to sum it up.

when i got to talk out loud to craig about it last night i almost cried….because my heart is full.

for me….it was the absolute perfect environment to learn.
i never have done well in a classroom setting.
i have a very short attention span when put in a setting that is restricting.
so learning like this about something i love was dreamy.
it seemed out of body.
i didn't think that this kind of learning was an option for me…..and that is what made me teary.


having freedom to walk around, talk, interact and say "wait go back…i missed that."





this is a photo that i like to call "PAY BACK".
crystal b walked in friday morning and i was shocked!
it was such a SUPER surprise for my email friend to walk in the door!  
blogland rules!

the entire oceanside of the beach house was floor to ceiling windows.
some people get to live like that everyday??


everything was high end…very fancy….ooh la la.
check out the creepy 7 foot portly chef statue in the background…..
i did double takes ALL the time thinking someone was standing there.
so weird.
he was a source of entertainment for everyone.

this is the view sitting at the kitchen table.
come on!!!!

"did you see that sky today? TALK about blue." (name that movie)

we had a family shoot to watch and learn.
and then take our own shots.
these are a couple of mine but i didn't edit much like we were taught because i need lots more practice.




the kids were troopers!

then we practiced on each other.
(i am missing two people in the group….sorry girls)
IMG_9537-1 IMG_9667-35

IMG_9556-8 IMG_9570-14

IMG_9547-4 IMG_9552-6
cam was the token dude.
he was good at tolerating the ladies…very fun to be around.  HI CAM!!

and tyler is hillarious.
i laughed more this weekend than i have in quite awhile (except for when i was in da club in my cardi)
"being tall is pretty much the most amazing thing you can be"

we had a time learning how to shoot in studio light.



then we had a bridal shoot on THE bridge.
if you know wendy and tyler's work then you know the bridge.  :)


kansas doesn't have views like this in too many places….or anywhere.
today is wendy's birthday!
happy birthday to the coolest red head i know. 


every minute was good.
i learned SO MUCH.

i have so many things to remember and review.
i left with a really happy heart and completely encouraged to continue to find MY purpose in photography.
to make my business be what i want it to be.
to be awesome like wendy and tyler.

but that is not possible.

they are out my league in that department.

do you realize they are leaving for the next 9 months to travel & photograph and teach all over the world?! 
as a family.

they rock.
in every way.

thanks for THE BEST weekend wendy and tyler.
i had really high expectations and you far exceeded them.
i am full and overflowing with joy. 

********************************************************************** - It’s in your interests to create a customer journey from landing to conversion that’s as streamlined.

Wendi Garland - Hi – I looooove your blog. I live here in San Diego so hearing about the Gopro workshop (and that it was right here!) was so neat. I need to go out an find ‘the bridge’ – it looks like a fun spot. Many thanks for your awesome blog.

Debbie - Grrr. I hit post too soon, sorry!
I also wanted to say your photography from the workshop is amazing! I hope we can swap some shots…

Debbie - Again, thank you so much Meg for introducing me to Blue Lily. They were amazing and much better than I could have ever dreamed.
What a joy to meet and visit with you IRL!
I’m getting rest as needed. πŸ™‚
I spent the afternoon with Dana yesterday and continued the party with her. We had a blast!

Trina McNeilly - So happy for you. Looks like it was beyond amazing. Love Wendy and fun to meet them at ALT. And yes, what a dream to travel with you’re fam and take amazing photos!
xo Trina

Tracy Fisher - My favorite part was… “My heart was full”. Lucky girl. Lucky girl. That might be the best description ever.
Tracy Fisher

amy jupin - lots of things i want to tell you, so much happiness for you, so proud of you, so excited for you, but the right words just aren’t coming to me…i guess mostly i want you to know that i feel so happy that you are rediscovering YOU.
that you are getting the chance to do things that you sacrificed before, that you are slowly and most surely becoming who you want to be, discovering that fire in you, and going for it!
there is so much in you meg, so much.
and when i read this post, and see you so insanely happy, i get choked up too.
it’s insane, i know.
it sounds so creepy, i know. i’m sorry.
you look happy and content and comfortable being you and…beautiful too!
the hair! and the little bits of long bangs!
ok, ok…like i said, the right words are missing. but i bet you know exactly what i mean, don’t you, friend? πŸ™‚

Kristin S - So glad you enjoyed your time!

Kellie S. - LOVE your haircut
so happy for you and envious of your creative life!

jennifer - It sounds (and looks!) like you had such an amazing time. Yeah! And I super, duper love your hair. It looks so good on you!

Heather - I’m so happy for you, Meg!!! So amazing.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - What a great time you had!! The pictures are lovely. It must of been a very inspirational location : )
Gemma x

Rach - Alright… now I want to go! πŸ™‚

Danyelle - What a wonderful, happy experience! I can relate to your overwhelming feelings, that always happens to me too. πŸ™‚
Oh, and hooray for meeting Crystal B. She one of my favorite people. So kind + genuine.

danielle - YOUR HAIR! oh my goodness it is fabulous.
“in da club in my cardi”

Anne Marie - first time here I “think”…..and this ‘go pro’ sounds like it was a very enhancing experience! I would love to go to something like that –

Tiffany - how cure is ur haircut! thanks for sharing ur experience, it’s fun to read your words and to share in the excitement. i’m not a weirdo. promise.

Amanda Evans - OK, so I may have cried a little seeing one of the pics you took of Ken and I. I love it. LOVE it. Thanks so much, if you could email it to me I would really appreciate it.
Amanda πŸ™‚

Ha ha… quite awesome indeed. It was an incredible pleasure to have had the opportunity to meet “the one and only” Megan rockstar blogger mom photographer (any titles I’ve missed? lemme know…)
Hey, I’ve got some kick butt photos to send you… of you.
I consider myself blessed to have spent time with and learned from you and the group last weekend.
Check yer emails.
All the best,

AshleyAnn - Wahoo….I’ve been waiting for this post. I am a bit distracted by your awesome haircut! I can’t wait to see where all this leads for you…good times.

Jaala Allen - Thanks for the Emperor’s New Groove reference. One of my all time fav movies. Thanks for sharing these! How fun! What part of CA were you in??

Rebecca - You hair looks AWESOME, very good cut for you! keep up the great blog!

lisa - emperor’s new groove is THE best most quotable movie in our house. and it’s not because of our 11 month old … i have loved that movie for YEARS!
beautiful pics … awesome trip! luckeeeeeee!!

Katy Frame - Great pictures, as always. Glad to see that you’re back safely and that you had a blast. πŸ™‚
I found a couple of things out in blogland today that reminded me of you..

Lindsay - What a fun adventure! And as a side note, love your new haircut!!!

Sugar Mama - Meg,
My heart is full FOR you. I was overwhelmed with emotion reading this, especially when you wrote that you felt you had found your true purpose. That tells me that we can ALL have that… we just might have to put ourselves out there.
What an incredible experience for you. Thank you for sharing it with all of us and reminding people like me that we CAN feel full from the things we love in life.

Elizabeth - Okay – this has absolutely not one little thing to do with photography (sorry!) but i am dying to know just where you got that shirt you’re wearing in the last pictures?!? the cream colored one you’re wearing over the green?!? I am in LOVE!!! It looks so beautiful on you!!! please do share…

CathyC - Meg, you look So Happy!! I’m glad you had a wonderful time. And your hair Rocks!!! πŸ™‚ - Thanks to your first blog post about this I found their site and asked if they could come to Paris and they said YES!!! We are getting our family photos with them and I’m beyond excited!

Jen - Firstly, I love your hair do. It’s my favorite do on you of those you’ve had since I started reading your blog! It’s always nice, but this one is especially so and the color suits you so well.
I am so pleased to hear that you had a great time! How wonderful it looks.
I am still going on and on about having family snaps by Wendy & Tyler down here in Melbourne, Aus in a little over a month. When you do your world tour, I’ll book in too πŸ™‚

Rachel - GAH! That sounds like an AMAZING experience!!!
And I am kinda laughing at myself for trying to figure out what those flying saucers were in the first ocean picture! hee hee!

Courtney - I’ve already noticed an improvement in your work and I mean that in the absolute nicest way! I hope that’s read as a compliment πŸ™‚

Heather - I love that you had that opportunity. What a beautiful setting! I already think that your photos are absolutely top notch. But being better is always so fun! I can’t wait.

Rebekah - I’ve been reading your blog for awhile… maybe commented once. Then a few days ago I read your story about getting married young, five babies in ten years, etc. Now to read about your new experiences in figuring out your style (love the MJ clothes, too), a passion in photography, having the opportunity to learn/travel…. I am so happy for you! You’ve found your “sweet spot” as Max Lucado would say. πŸ™‚ Congrats and blessings.

karen - So great Meg!! FYI..your shots are great!
Love that red neckalace. You look super in dark hair..go black!!

Janet - Yay! I am so happy for you that you got to go, enjoyed it, learned some things and had fun!

Kris - Wow….what a wonderful opportunity! I hopped over from my friend Holly’s blog, and found myself going back, and back and back to read as much of your blog as I could. On the photography, I love it too, and so does my daughter. In fact, she got way into it, and has taken a few online classes, and is now doing some photo sessions for friends. She would have loved to do this workshop. We are near San Diego too!!!
I love your blog. So fun. I will be back.

the.mrs - So fun!! And Wendy’s bag!! You could do a giveaway of that bag with this entry as the only entry and I would not be angry!! πŸ˜‰

amanda - Such great pictures! And the sky .. wow, it is really blue!

Heather - Glad you had a great time, but I am posting because I can’t get over how good this haircut is on you! πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - you under estimate your talent my dear friend
you are in a league of your own
this is beyond fabulous

melissa stover - i think that’s incredible. i’d love to be able to do something like that.

Kacey - Sooo thrilled for you, Meg! I know it was absolutely fabulous. We just loved Wendy when she did our family photos – I bet she is an amazing teacher.
Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you. Some day I will go to a GoPro workshop!

crystalbeutler - I am laughing my head off at “pay back” I look INSANE!! Sadly, I think I look like that most of the time. πŸ™‚
My favorite comment all weekend was “I have news for you, he already knows he’s short! No surprise there!” So funny.
It was super awesome spending the weekend with you!! Hope we can do it again sometime. Like at some cool craft retreat . . . hummmm still trying to figure out how we can make that one happen.

Cari - The beach. Sigh….
So glad you had a wonderful time. Your joy is spilling over.

Shayne - So glad you had a wonderful time!
Love your new cut, btw.

mel - So fun!!!! What an amazing opportunity!
I would LOVE to do something like that one day!
So happy for you & can’t wait to see even more awesome photos from you! πŸ™‚

Kimberlee J. - Do you know how happy I am for you?! I love it that you got to go there. I love it that you learned the way you need to learn. I love it that the people you lived with for the weekend weren’t Sleeping with the Enemy Weird AND I love it that I will get to see you put it into practice here. Shine on.

Kelly - Love, love your hair, Meg. Such a fun weekend. So glad you got to go. Kelly

Cory - Oh my goodness! This looks stinkin’ amazing!
P.S. It’s super awesome that you added a link to Libby’s story under your happy things!

Carolyn Dewey - Looks like a really fun time. I am SOOOO homesick for California. LOVED your photos of the BLUE sky and ocean and I’m stuck here in Kansas! Kansas has its moments, but there’s NO place like Southern California!

Renae - Hey Meg, looks like a fantastic time was had by all! I wanted to share a site of a photog friend of mine whom I think is amazing and does beautiful and amazing work. She works out of Fremont, Nebraska so we have a lot of the same types of settings (though nothing like the bridge) that you probably have in Kansas! I thought you might get some inspiration from her!!

happygirl - Either every person you photographed is GORGEOUS or, YOU REALLY ARE TAKING AMAZING PICTURES!! I wish I could look as great as the folks in the pics you took. I LOVE IT.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - What an amaaaazing experience!
I am so happy for you!
I’m so jealous you got to meet Trish! One of my favorite bloggy friends.
And now, after seeing your photos I am totally geared up for my trip home in two weeks!!! (I’m making Cindy’s yummy quiche one of the mornings.)
Now, please teach us everything you learned πŸ™‚

Lena K. - hey, you were 4 miles from my house! You passed my house off the 76 to get to the old bridge! Glad the rain wasn’t too crazy.

Sara - I am so proud of you for going, and by the way, LOVE the haircut. Its SOOOO cute. Sassy even. Heh heh.

Maria - Looks like such a Fun weekend! I love your new do! So cute!

Tricia - Your trip sounds amazing! I’m glad that you were able to have that experience. Love your new hair cut!

Karen Gerstenberger - I’m rejoicing with you – at God’s goodness and love for each of us, exactly as He made us. This is another proof of that, to me. Thanks for sharing the joy with us!

Hoosier at Heart - What an amazing opportunity for you. I’m so happy for you that you were able to go, learn and enjoy yourself so much. Keep sharing with us and don’t forget about us little people when you’re all famous and everything.

Mary - haha, I laughed out loud when I read “in da club in my cardi”. Only because that’s me…and I’m only 21.
I’m so happy you had a wonderful time, Meg! I love your blog!

Holly Cox - I’ve got a question…SOMEONE ANSWER because it’s driving me nuts….
Is the girl in this pic : (long dark hair in the middle)
one of the girls from the Eighteen25 Blog, in this pic:
(long dark hair in the middle)
If not, they could so be twins! - First of all you are totally rockin’ that new haircut. So glad that your expectations were over and above what you had hoped. Go Meg!

shauna reed - um.
i want to steal that necklace in those last photos.
if i was there i might just rip it right off.
SO glad you had a good time meg!

kat - Lucky, lucky, LUCKY girl!!! That sounds amazing on every possible level!

Shannon - I was in San Diego last week! It is a fantastic place! So beautiful. The fact that people get to live like that everyday makes me so envious! I was actually kinda depressed when I got back. Glad you got a chance to enjoy the beauty. To bad it was cold….brrr!

georgia - Sounds like a supeR cOol weekend!
I see they are in london, if only I was wedding saving I wud be there in a blink of an eye!

Trish - lovely πŸ™‚ i’m going to pull out my photos tonight and see what i have too. my brain hurts. πŸ™‚

Ryanne - wow, i was kind of jealous when you first posted about your go pro weekend. but now i am so happy for you. congratulations and keep up the good work. and thanks for the 411 on the tummy trimming leggings. totally trying them.

Courtney Walsh - so so awesome.
i mean, learning new things in a creatively conducive environment is so inspiring!! so so fun. πŸ™‚

Holly - very cool! Looks like you had an awesome time!

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