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Category Archives: crazy stuff

can i have a mini pig?

you guys… annie and talby keep asking to get a mini pig!
i am serious.
is this a thing?

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of course they are adorable!
and we LOVED the Olivia books and show but i am not sure that qualifies us for pet pig owners.
it would be clean and an inside animal… like a dog.

what would waffle and Stanley think?

what do you know about mini pigs?
great idea or horrible idea?
where does someone even GET a mini pig?
please share any insight into pig pets that you might have.   🙂

these girls of mine come up with some pretty wild stuff!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - OH my goodness – that is hilarious! Today, I took Riley to preschool, we walked in the door, and the cutest little two month old pig (named Louie) was all wrapped up in a blanket in their teacher’s arms. Apparently he is the new mascot and he’ll be allowed to walk around the classroom in a few weeks. So…. I guess it is a thing?

Jennie - I know not a single thing about mini-pigs, but just wanted to say that if you get one, you must get him or her four little red rain boots. Because that picture was the most rediculous/adorable/hilarious thing I’ve seen all week. 🙂

Jenni - Just catching up on your blog and found this. Which is HILARIOUS…because Mailey (my 13 year old) has been begging for a mini pig as well. And has gone so far as to set up appointments to meet with breeders. No lie. She has researched caring for it, life span, etc… We live in a neighborhood with strict “no farm animal” rules and think this might fit within those perimeters. But she wants to go before the board and ask permission. I tell ya, I love my strong willed fight for what she wants girl. And one day she will make a kick ass lawyer. For now….we shall look at mini pigs on the internet.

rebecca - So, my son works a part time job at Schlotzsky’s deli and had a customer come through the drive thru with a mini pig. He said they have dog treats for dogs so he offered the girl lettuce for her pig and she accepted!

Melanie - I read your comment section because my son really wants a mini pig too. I never took his request seriously until I saw your blog post about it! I thought maybe I was being a little harsh. Glad I read the comments! We will not be getting a mini pig any time soon!! Too funny.

Lisa - The one with the rainboots!!!! I am dying!!! 😍

anita - We have 3 pigs … they did get kicked to the back with the other big animals because they did get so big (supposedly are teacups … but are pretty big). But I’ve heard there is a type called Julianne that does stay small. I would buy another pig for sure! We loved having ours indoors … they potty train in a day, are easy to train and can be great pets if trained correctly. Ours did find food and eat whatever they could find, but so do our dogs. LOL! Even now our pigs out back, come when you call them, love being scratched and probably still remember their tricks … but too fat to do most. LOL!

mama lola - have you ever heard of esther the wonder pig? they thought she was a mini pig and now she is an enormous full grown pig! check out her dad’s and facebook page here…

she’s actually an amazing force of life, full of personality. she eats a vegan diet, is house trained and lives each day to the fullest.
i would be very cautios about getting a mini pig!!!!

Beth Ann - My daughter REALLY wants a pet pig. They are actually super smart and can be trained. However, there is no such thing as a mini-pig or teacup pig. Pigs grow, and Grow, AND GROW. and they eat and Eat AND EAT. A ‘mini’ pig is between 100-200 lbs when they are full grown. They need space to be outside and need a ‘buddy’. My sister is actually a farmer and she laughs at me all the time about ‘the time you really thought mini-pigs were a thing’. ssshh…. piglets are adorable still.

Ruth - Our friend Fran had a mini, like the others have said, it grew and grew and GREW! Not so mini, and no shocker it acted like a pig, if you can believe it! Tread cautiously…

misty - I had a “mini” pig except he did not stay mini…when he learned to open the fridge my mom said he had to go. A farm they said…but they are cute, when they stay small! ha

Sheila - Just say no to the adorable mini pig, mama. It’s a bad idea. Pigs are meant to be bacon, sausage and ham, not pets. They root and dig, they smell terrible, they are not loving or loyal, they will eat their babies, and they bite. They’re really sort of vile. We had a hog farm for years and no one can convince me they would make a good indoor pet.

Rebecca - The only way piglets stay “mini” is by improper feeding (i.e. starvation). With proper care they grow into pigs that weigh in the hundreds of pounds. Rescues are full of “mini” pigs that grew up. Yes, Esther is a full grown “Mini” rescue pig. RESCUE A PIG! 🙂

Lisa - One of the girls on my daughter’s softball team has a mini pig, her dad brings it to some games on a leash. From what I’ve seen, it poops non stop! It was smelly and gross!! It also did this snorty/whiny thing, which could only be quieted by constant treats. Constant treats = constant poop. I don’t know its age, but it was tiny as pictured. Definitely one of those things that is cuter in a picture than real life.

Shelly - I have read horror stories where people thought they were getting a mini pig, and it ended up growing to 200-300 pounds! Because really, how would you know? I did marketing for a swine breeder facility and when I toured , the smell about knocks you over. And they do get mean.

Dawn Hagle - Get them a guinea pig! Much smaller, lives in a cage but can be out and held. My daughter spent hours making clothes and bedding for hers.

Katie - I grew up on a farm – we had pigs – a far cry from having a pig as a pet in the house, but… no. Don’t do it!

CiCi - Same thing happened to a friend, google Ziggy the Piggy.

Cathy - Those pictures though! 💗🐷💗

Laura Martin - Good lord…don’t do it. A family I babysat for got a “mini pig” that turned into a 200 lb monster they kept in the basement and were terrified of until they finally gave it away.

Erin V - We had one… for approximately 3 days! While they adorable as can be, they don’t EVER shut up and oink day and night HAHA And they will root into your carpet, the edges of your cabinets, your feet… we sent it to go live on a friend’s farm and it (and we!!) are as happy as can be with that arrangement 🙂

Laura - It’s actually estherthewonderpig on Instagram.

Laura - Be very careful. We had a friend who got one and it ended up being 500 lbs. Check out Esther the Pig on Instagram!

Debbie H - I concur with Jane. I had friends who got a “mini” potbelly pig for their youngest daughter when she was about 5. Not so mini. It grew to be enormous, meaning not at all what the mother was bargaining for. It lived to be about 12, if I recall. Yes, smelly, they root up your yard – meaning they do all the things pigs do. Go to the fair or a farm. And keep living through others on pinterest. You have ENOUGH other things going on in your life. Tell them if they really want it that bad, they can get it when they are full on adults and live in their OWN place. 🙂

Janel - I think mini pigs grow to about 50-60 ibs? Med size dog? They usually outlive cats and dogs…20+ years???and they are messy like pigs…mud, water, dirt…which may make you a bit crazy with the clean up. I think males are not recommended as pets as they become quite unruly with maturity and can grow tusks even. Perhaps you will consider visiting a pig farm….they kinda smelly.

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ice ice baby.

All right STOP. Collaborate and listen.

(dorkiest title E V E R but i did listen to that song on my first date with mr. duerksen)

yesterday i wore a skirt and flip flops.
we woke up this morning to a blanket of ice.
it was wrapped around everything in site.
kansas is going off the deep end!



these are icicles!!
icicles on every branch and leaf and blade of grass.
and it was still raining.



i took all these pictures in my yard while i waited 20 minutes for my car to warm up enough for the ice to melt off the windshield!
SOMEONE took my ice scraper this morning before she left for school even though she got her own ice scraper in her stocking this past christmas… a NICE one with a fur glove from eddie bauer!  

the ice was so thick over all the windows that i couldn't see out AT ALL.
this was my view from the driver's seat out my front windshield!!!



and if you have never experienced an ice storm…
it has a very weird sound.
it seems quieter because of how the ice must absorb sound? maybe 
but then all the branches and bits of ice touch together when there is wind and it makes a crackley sound.
and then big tree limbs fall off all over town because of the weight of the ice on old heavy braches.
very exciting!  

for now… we have power so that is good.
this happened 8 years ago when annie was a new baby and we lost power for 8 days!
so i am hoping this ice junk (even though it's pretty) will be all melty by tomorrow.

besides… i have running to do!
that little 13.1 mile run is only 18 days away!

i wish it was 18 days ago.
i am ready to stop thinking about it.
i want it over! 


i put bbq ribs in the crockpot this morning.
then drove very slowly to the craft house for a hot bath because the hot water was out at the farm.
for reals.
the washing machine is broken too.
a tree limb knocked down the fence in the yard.
and the glass in the back door shattered last night.
AND for some reason this storm makes everything smell like the lagoon in the back. 

so yeah… a hot bath was happening no matter what.

and now a blanket and a movie?







Tracy Fisher - hi. i swear there was a full moon. our fence just fell down too. and one toilet is not flushing and one sink not draining… and i’m leaving on vacation at 4am tomorrow (sigh!). good news is i got my computer back… 748 messages to return by 4am. i think i will take a HOT BATH!!!! hugs, tracy fisher

Karen Gerstenberger - My friend MB in KC tells the same kind of weather stories – spring, then winter, then spring again – all in one week!
Your windshield view looks like the surface of a lovely pond.
I hope you continue to have power, and that your hot water is restored soon. Power outages are NO FUN – we’ve had them due to high winds – but they are survivable if you are prepared (and even better, have a wood-burning stove).

tinaehb3 - Confession…. I like to watch “The Vanilla Ice Project” show on DIY 🙂

Leslie - Your pictures are SO cool – love the pine tree ones at the end! We don’t get this in CA so of course I think it would be neat to see in person 🙂

Carrie - I have a 1/2 marathon on 5/12 and I also want it done!! I am racewalking mine and I look like a freak of all sports to be talented in, argh! I also just agreed to work an extra day at work for the next month and then remembered about this race, I guess my training schedule just got harder!

elisa - Pretty pictures, I hope it warms up there soon. You can move here to Arizona where were in the 90’s. Already too hot.

kate@stillroomtogrow - we woke up to 4 inches of snow in wisconsin. we have not had a warm sunny day in about 6 months. it is brutal! i am from missouri, so i’m used to the random warm days to get you through the winter months. on a positive note the pictures look pretty.

Katey Deasy - You make me laugh.

Tracy - Awesome that you remember hearing that song on your first date! It’s the little things.
Beautiful photos!

Kristin S - The ice on the grass needs to be blown up and added to your shop. Beautiful

Angela - Fun times 😛 Beautiful pics meg!!

Lisa - Wan’t the ice beautiful this morning, with the sun shining on it – the trees and shrubs looked like they were made of crystal. The crabapple trees with the small red berries were just beautiful! Enjoy the Lord’s fine art, for it is already melting off and we’ll be enjoying springtime weather by tomorrow, with an awesome weekend on the way!

Lindsey - Love the title – my two year old and I jam out to that song almost daily (and nightly – will it ever stop? Yo! I don’t know) The ice pictures are gorgeous, but glad we don’t have that here. Yuck-o.

ranee - i ran a half marathon last fall and it was so great…i was kind of unsure and dreading it beforehand as well, but trust me, you will be so glad you did it and i can almost guarantee you’ll at least consider doing another one when you’re done! 🙂 sorry about that junky ice, i am sick of winter too…hopefully the bath helped!

Valerie - Meg your pictures are stunning 😀

Tiffany - Ug, so sorry for you that you are having that yucky weather. Here in MN we are getting hit with snow! Like a foot of it! Rediculous. On the plus side, you got some KILLER photos. Such talent you’ve got, girl.

Andrea - Oh Meg…yuk…once you break the flip flops out it’s tough to go back. So sorry….I think so many of us are ready for winter to get out… showed up late to the party and doesn’t want to go home!!!!
Hang in there!!! hope the bath did some good!

Michelle from Australia - We live in the sub-tropics. We are the same latitude South of the equator as Tampa, FL is north of the equator. So I know nothing about ice storms, ice scrapers, snow or anything related to having 4 distinct seasons. Just another reason I hope to one day get to Kansas…..

Kla - We are having the same weather in Oklahoma as well! I love the picture of the prickly tree covered in icicles!! Hope you guys stay warm and it warms up again soon!

Kristi - Wow! Glad we dodged that! Hard to believe ~ it was absolutely beautiful last weekend!
Missing you and the craft house!! xo

valerie - Hahaha BEST title ever… When you hear STOP do you immediately think
a.)STOP collaborate and listen, OR
b.)STOP in the name of love, OR
c.)STOP (insert disco lights here) weee ohhh ohhh STOP weeee eeeee ohhh ohh
Good times either way! I love your blog so entertaining!

Susan - These are truly beautiful. Sorry about the weather glitch, but at least you’ve captured its glory.

Janna - Commiserating in Nebraska. I had just done a yard walk-through noting what was finally coming up Now it is all covered up with sleet and a fine layer of snow. Needing a refund on spring!!

Stephanie - Ahhhh…Kansas weather. Next week you will have a tornado warning, no doubt? Still, I loved KS when we loved there. LOVED. His used to happen in OK too, when I was there. It was beautiful, but kinda scary.

Karie W - Oh I remember those ice storms from when I lived in Missouri…

Southern Gal - Wow. We were in the 80’s today which makes me concerned that we may skip spring all together this year.

Amy @Lucky Number13 - the joys of living in the midwest : ) i am in illinois… shorts and flip flops for the kids yesterday, rainy and chilly today– but no ice here, so that’s good. i do love the changing seasons of the midwest, don’t get me wrong, but just kinda wish they didn’t all happen in the SAME week!!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - This makes me appreciate that all we had was some rain and cold. Keep warm!

Rebecca - Sorry to hear about ICE in APRIL!
Would love your crockpot rib recipe. Would you mind posting it?

caroline - That was s crazy ice, glad we didn’t get it here in Topeka! About the only fun thing about ice is your pictures 🙂 ha!

Sarah - Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen ice quite like that. It’s nutty weather here too, but nothing like that. Near 80 yesterday, high 30s to low 50s for today. Not a fan.
Hope you all stay safe and warm!

Susan - This has been crazy weather in TX too. We are in Fort Worth in the 40s but yesterday it was 29 and snowing in Amarillo and 106 in Laredo. This has so far been a psychotic spring! Stay warm and dry!

Nicole - oh my goodness! I’m glad you’re family is safe & sound!
I think I remember the storm from 8 years ago. What we thought was lightening turned out to be power transformers exploding all across town.
here’s hoping & praying it all melts away soon!

Sara Torbett - Oh my word, I hope you enjoyed your bath, blanket, and movie….all those other little inconveniences are just too much! I will say though, your “deep end” looks so beautiful still…..the chippy paint of the chair with the ice IS rather beautiful, don’t you think? But then chippy paint makes everything better. 😉 Sending warm thoughts your way!

Linda - WOW those pictures are amazing. I’m glad you have the craft house to take refuge in!

Gail - Got to love Kansas, agree it is pretty but am ready for Winter to be done. Believe me the last week or two of long distance training is the hardest. You are just done and want to get the race over. But after the race, you will be amazed on how you feel about yourself, like you can deal with anything. I am so ready to be able to run in shorts and a tee instead of layers of clothes. Come on Spring, I know you can do it.

Terrie - I’m getting ready to go out & see if I can photograph some cardinals against the icy backdrop.
Isn’t this weather the craziest!
And with all this ice…I never even thought of that for a title!
Now, it will run through my head for days! LOL!!

Marsha Kern - I live in KC so I know exactly what you are talking about! Our weather can change so fast in the Midwest!

Mandy - Same weather here in Iowa! Isn’t it lovely!?
That was sarcasm….:)

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blue lily is my fave.


our last day of GoPro we had a session of discussing business plans & ideas, a flash seminar, camera cleaning, personalized critiques (that's a good thing) and two more shoots.

some of our group went up on the gondola and hiked around.
but i could barely walk around the house and up the stairs so i wasn't up for a hike.
i stayed at the house and we practiced on each other and did headshots.  :)



IMG_6258-1 IMG_6324-9

i am thinking my editing looks funny on all of these….hmmm.
it's hard to learn something new!

there was a fox that was all around the house during our stay.
he was wild but seemed to really not care that we were there.
we were all very close and he ignored us.
and cool. 

i promised the girls that if he attacked i would be sure to take lots of pictures of that.
and then of course i would try to help save them. 




we had our group photo very impromptu… with some taxidermy.


Blue Lily Go Pro Reunion-382-1

coolest group photo ever taken….NO OFFENSE.


we went out in the evening to practice some harsh lighting shots.
wendy and tyler had us turn our backs and then when we turned around this is what we saw!

how crazy cute are those masks?!!
so so funny.
these are their kids…not wendy and tyler in the masks.  :)

(ps…their kids are so lovely…i want to squeeze them.)


they said the masks were ordered from amazon.

not as cute on a grown up….

my new friends.  :)

we went on to our last photo shoot of the weekend.
i was so excited.
i was going to be one of the models!!

everyone was helping wendy set up.
it's looking cool already….

well….i don't have many pictures yet since i was IN the shoot….but it ended like this.


that's my kind of modeling job.
we had a big paint war!!!

6 of us threw paint on each other while the other 16 people photographed it.
it was washable craft paint mixed with water to make it fly faster. 


it was SO MUCH FUN!!!

and you can see our photo shoot last year with colored powder here.

i can't say which one i liked better….they were both AWESOME. 

you can read about it here on the Blue Lily blog and see when the next GoPro workshop is.

if you are considering going to a workshop….DO IT.
you will learn so much.
you will be encouraged.
you will meet people who love what you love and have great ideas.
you will be SO glad you took the leap and tried something BIG.

and check their travel schedule….they take pictures ALL OVER THE WORLD.
get signed up for a photo session with them near you! 

you will be so happy you did it.

thank you AGAIN wendy & tyler.  
i loved my time with you.


Jodi - I LOVE this recap! Your photos are awesome and thanks for including photos of me! Oh, and the striped shirt is from Anthropologie! It was my pre-reunion splurge.
I loved meeting you in person, Meg. You have been a long time inspiration of mine and it was nice as you said….to come full circle. The real Meg only strengthened my adoration for your blog, your photography, your words, and all of the inspiration that I feel when I am here at your blog!

Tracy - Loved this post! The foxy fox pics are amazing. Also love the paint pics. O a personal note I am so excited as we’re doing a family shoot with the awesome Wendy & Tyler in October…one of my bucket list things will be done! Now if I could just borrow your amazingly gorgeous hair…

Carol Short - oh, wonderful pictures!
i love the fox stretching out
(sudoku puzzles)

Peggy Lee - Fantastic!Really its very owsome!I like very much this post and i would like to forward this to my friends to visit this page.Thank you lot.
gotowe prace dyplomowe

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - So much awesomeness in this post I don’t even know where to begin! You are gorgeous and your hair is rockin in these pics!

Donna R - Fantastic! Great pics of an awesome weekend. You were a great sport to get pummeled with paint!

Kelley Wenzel - Such an awesome weekend all around. Loved the shot you got of the fox yawning and the cougar over Wendy’s head as it was being carried around. Enjoyed Sunday morning getting to know you better, as well as the drive back to Denver. Thanks for sharing so many of your pics!

Ashley F. - Seriously awesome weekend, I don’t think I fully appreciated it until seeing it all laid out like this! I am SO happy to have met you and discovered your awesome blog. I have pictures to send you. 🙂

Lisa - The paint picture of you is seriously amazing. What an awesome thing to be a part of.

Tiffany - The paint war looks like a blast! And you look adorable all paint splattered! I recently got word that I’m going to Craft Weekend, and I can hardly contain my excitement! I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog and following you on instagram, and love it even more knowing that I will actually get to meet you soon! Is that so strange, having a total stranger so excited to meet you? I told my husband it’s like I’m getting to meet a celebrity! 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. I am so stinking fascinated by that striped shirt with the orange lace up top. Yum.
2. You have good hair and look beautiful with paint splatters.

Tiffany - That photo of u after the paint war is full of color! Its a great shot. This post was full of encouragement, go big or go home!

jackie grandy - What an amazing weekend and those photos totally rock! I especially love the ones of the fox (so cool) and the one of you covered in paint is a keeper. Maybe you should get it framed and hang it up. It has tons of color and it’s so modern looking! I’m being serious here!
I need to work on taking more photos of people. I’m taking way too many shots of food and not enough of my family and friends. I have been trying to change that and my kids are like “get that camera away.”
I think I may have to look into a weekend photography course!
Jackie 🙂

Karly Shelton - Reading your blog ALWAYS makes me smile and think of all the good things there are in life! Beautiful pictures and I want to do a paint war soooo bad!

Agnieszka - Just a word of caution about wild animals that are not afraid of humans. Sometimes it means they are infected by rabies. Apparently that’s one of the symptoms. And they may look fine otherwise. Keep it in mind for the future.
Looks like you had sooooo much fun! I’m jealous, especially of that last shoot 🙂

Lisa M. - Oh Meg, it looks like you had such an awesome time! I love the paint war!! Wish I could get some of my friends to participate with me in somehting like that!! 🙂 Blue Lily is coming to a town near me, but it is unfortunately about 2 hours away and we are already so full of obligations that day, but I’m trying to work it out!! I love their work and it would be such a privelage to have them photograph me and my family.
Great post! Thanks for sharing!

Kati - Love the masks and the color paint throwing!! So much fun!

Brooke - I have ALWAYS loved Blue Lily…back before you could “pin”, I had one of their photos bookmarked and I have always thought back on it when I am taking photos of people. I’m saving up for one of their workshops…but honestly…saved up for craft weekend first… 🙂 So glad I’m coming that in just a couple weeks!
I am dreaming of a paint session with friends of mine this fall…I”ll have to get all the deets about how that went down. It looks super fun. I was thinking of having a canvas that the whole family could paint on during the session (as they are throwing paint), so that they have something to hang on their wall afterwards.
in other news…those masks are AWESOME.
Your friend in the blue/white stripe shirt with the orange lace…I WANT TO OWN THAT SHIRT….can you hook me up with her? Her info?

Lori Austin - Had to show my hunter husband the animal pics. He said “that mountain lion
probably cost about $4,000 – sure hope they didn’t drop it!” Ha! 🙂
My little guy LOVED the fox pics.
Fun weekend.

happygirl - Love the pics after a paint war and those masks are adorable. What a wonderful experience this looks to be. Good for you for pursuing your passion.

Jennifer - LAUGHING OUT LOUD! WHAT fun?!! Those masks! HILARIOUS!

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last day of summer F U N!!!

i was really ready for school to start but feeling like this summer was missing some FUN.
you know…REAL fun.
i felt tired and busy all summer.
and a bit checked out.
at the store i got the last minute school supplies i had forgotten before and as i grabbed the shaving cream that was on my grocery list…i had the idea.


shaving cream fight.
it's been two years.
we needed to bring it back.

after dinner that night i called them out for a surprise.
i was nervous they were going to think they were too old for it.


clearly they were not too old for this awesomeness.
well, scott was…but you could tell he really wanted to come out.  
isn't it a bummer to get older and put all these "rules" on yourself?
because are you really ever too old to be in a shaving cream fight?
the answer is no.


i keep a few wet rags nearby for when someone gets it on their eye or mouth.
there were no tears this year or fighting.





the yard smelled amazing.





waffle really wanted to come out and play.








she did throw it at me.
it wiped off my camera.
and i had it all over my shirt….but that is no biggie.

best picture ever!!!


i sent them to the trampoline which was like i told them to get a third scoop of ice cream!
they were so happy.




THEN i turned on the sprinkler under the trampoline and they cleaned most of the shaving cream off of them.
they eventually went in one at a time and showered while i sprayed down the deck.


it was the pefect last night of summer activity.
they said so many times how fun it was and how awesome all that shaving cream felt.


at least we ended on a good note.

goodbye summer.
you were too hot and kind of sucky…..autumn i expect more from you!

my advice today:



craft weekend post is coming on monday!
did you think i forgot?
no way…. those posts just always have so much goodness they take a long time to write.  :)


Lisa - Oh cool! We JUST did the SAME thing. I want to show you our shaving cream fun I just posted. 🙂 It’s here: Ummm…yes, I’m being “that girl” who puts links to my site in your comments lol… 😉
I’ve been loving your “in the moment” photos and am happy I found your blog! Have a super weekend.

Kristen - LOVE this idea. We did it our last day of senior year in high school and I forgot how fun it was. My kids would love this!

playmobil - I can see that you kids really enjoy that activity and the bonding. I think they will love to do it always.

Jennifer - I always love your shaving cream posts with the kids. Really cute!

kristen - you are such a cool mom!

joyce - That looks like sooooo much fun!! WIll have to try it with the kids

Rebecca W - so fun!

Donna R - My daughter LOVED these pics! What a great way to end the summer.
Anxiously awaiting the craft weekend post! 🙂

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Looks like a perfect end! Our summer has been hot and sucky too….just waiting for it to end so we can all start over. Still two weeks here till the kids go back to school. May have to give the shaving cream a whirl too : )

happygirl - LOVE THIS. Why did I never think of this when my son was small. This looks like a blast. Thanks for sharing. My grandchildren (God willing) will have a shaving cream party.

Carolyn - How awesome! I was looking for some fun last-day-of-summer activity, and I think this is it! My kids will NOT expect it at all. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration! Oh- and I loved seeing and hearing all about your trip to Colorado. My husband and I lived in Colorado Springs from 2001-2005 and although I’m glad to be back in Pennsylvania, seeing those pics made me miss Colorado! It is a beautiful state!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I remember organizing a shaving cream fight for our church retreat one year. We were a small church. . it was received well by some but others had thosse “rules” for themselves.
Here’s our tip. . before the fight. . stick a straight pin in the nozzle of the shaving cream can and then put a lighter to the nozzle so that the nozzle melts and the opening is only a little pin hole now. . that way the shaving cream will shoot really really far.
You are a fun mom. I want to add more fun to my motherness. I am going to steal your idea. . and surprise the kids with this next week. We do not start school til the 27th. . I am so ready.

Joy Foster - Hey Meg! ( said with cool calmness..even though you are like a celebrity/BFF to me all wrapped up into one beautiful gal) WE love shaving cream in our house! My children have autism and this is a favorite sensory activity!! Loved seeing that a favorite activity of ours is one that you chose as the coolest last day of summer activity for your sweet kids!! Thanks for loving on the rest of us by being the Mom God created you to be! husband will often say..Who are you reading/talking about..and i will say.. “Oh, my friend MEG in Kansas” ( said without the stalky~mc~stalkster effect ) :/
ps..i loved seeing your pups in the background of the pictures..Waffle was so funny..and the neighbor’s doggie looked suspicious…wink wink.
With a Joyful heart!

Jenn B - That’s awesome! How fun!

Michelle Whitlow - I am TOTALLY going to do this!!! How fun!!!

Shannon - You’re such a fun mom!

peta - love this! might add to our summer (Christmas) holidays activity list.
Love Talby’s suit. Can I ask where it is from?

Jennifer W - I could smell the shaving cream while I read this! Where is the outdoor movie blog? I thought for sure that would be your end of summer activity!

Debby - You should make it a Dream Whip or Cool Whip fight. Now, THAT would be awesome – and tasty too!!

elizabeth - Yes I am doing this too. I feel like I didn’t do enough fun things with my kids,but this is going on the to do list for sure!

Ani G W - Ever since I saw this on your blog, we do it every summer. I think this was our third year. My 9 year old and my 4 year old beg me to do it now… My 2 year old LOVED it this year too and cried when all of the shaving cream was gone. Thank you for this idea. It is a tradition now, thanks to you, and one we LOVE!

Angie - My kids would love this although I might use Cool Whip as an alternative to shaving cream. I have a 2 year old and I can see that being an “in your eyes” kind of disaster. Love the pictures. Your right, your never too old for a shaving cream fight 🙂

seriously sassy mama - I think I know what I am doing with the girls the day before shcool. it is perfect that I took the day off!

W - Can remember your post about the shaving cream party two years ago. What a great thing to do before summer ends!

Heather - I have to do this with my kids! Thanks!

Tracey - We do the shaving cream fight too! We haven’t had it yet this year. Last year I got the idea to have them wear their pool goggles during the event so that there was no tears over cream in the eyes. I think their fave part might be the hose down at the end! 🙂

DLG in Mich - That’s an awesome idea! Totally stealing this. Thanks!

Nicole - Sean is seriously the cutest kid ever!! He looks like such a kind person.

Jill - One word! LOVE!

ira lee - we did a shaving cream fight at my daughters 14th birthday party. it was amazing!!!!! so much fun!

Alicia @ La Famille - you are the funnest mom. ever. the end.

Jessica - I need to do this. Looks like a good time!
btw… I found a KU tshirt at a thrift store (in New Jersey) and bought it for my son. He loves it!

Lee Ann - I think we just may have to do this! And after all of these years reading your blog, (our girls are nearly the same age) I still laugh that the girls have so many of the same clothes. Anna has the same swim suit. Always brings a smile to my face.

Kristin - Hmmmmmmm to somehow talk my husband into allowing this to happen. It would be so good for HIM!
What a blast 🙂

angela - Love this. They will remember this for a long time! (We made the mistake and got menthol one time…burned their eyes like crazy!!) Love all the pics! What a fun night!!!!!

Carey - Love it! We had a shaving cream day in toddler time at the library this summer during the reading program. Not quite like this though! At first, my 2 year old wouldn’t even touch it but once my 4 yr old son taught her to put it on herself, well, they were both covered!! So much fun. Thanks for reminding me of this fun idea!!

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tornado alley

we are ok.
there were tornados in kansas this weekend….LOTS of tornados….but not at my house.
this was one about 8 or 10 miles away.
craig and scott saw this one on the video driving home from scotts game. (which i was not at because i was in the basement!)

they did not make this video…it was just someone driving in a severe weather watch…that seemed surprised that there was a tornado!  whatevs. 


that's kansas though.
every year.

i was in the basement with my other kids…telling them it was fine….relax….it's going to be fine.
my little girls worry.
i try to just be very calm and hope for the best.
we were watching HOP and i didn't mention the sirens.
then Scott came running in and yelled "I SAW THE TORNADO!"  and they were done for….
they ended up sleeping in my bed.

thanks for ALL the emails asking if we were okay….so sweet.

i am so thankful that EVERYONE is ok.  


now…the winner for LuciusART's wood block City Print.


NYC is my favorite city in the US, so I would want that- but I live in Joplin, MO and I would love that too! Maybe I need two…

Posted by: Carrie | April 12, 2012 at 03:41 PM


email me Carrie and i will hook you up with Kevin!!

thanks for entering everyone!!!




i am trying SO hard not to be nervous about the SNAP conference this week.
lots of prayer here.

i am going to be spending extra amounts of time with God the next few days getting a clear vision of what HE wants me to share in my session.  
i am on a panel with Jeannett and Ethan about "Using Your Blog for Good."

i know, i know, I KNOW that God is able to take away these fears and nervousness.
He can and He will.
because HE brought me to this….God gets all the glory….i have to share that.

so….here's the deal.
if YOU are going to SNAP and YOU see me…PLEASE say  hello.
i think i will know 3 people that i have met in real life.
out of 300+ people that makes me feel extra nervous.
it's hard to leave your kids, husband and home and go some place NEW with lots of people.
at least it is for me.

so i promise to wear a big friendly smile and fill your ear with lots of chit chat if you promise to say Hello.


so many decisions. 


i did get some new shoes….maybe too many shoes.
i WISH Payless Shoes would be sponsoring me…but they are not…..BUT THEY SHOULD!

i just always seem to find great shoes there all the time.
i did a little online BOGO shopping.
just for me.

i think the glitter flats are my favorite.
but it's a hard choice.
the red wedges are REALLY cute and comfy and come in several colors.
even yellow.
and i LOVE the little yellow flower sandals too.
shoes sure do make me happy.
i am a dork. 


ok….have a great monday!

i just got back from a run and i feel like today is going to be a good one.

thank you God for that.



maia - hey meg…you’ll probably never read this…haha…. but i wanted to show you these 2 things because i think you would love them!!
super fun flats by the way!!

Krissy - Im so glad you’re okay!! The tornado that hit Wichita was only about a mile from my mom, so I was freaking out. A little. (And im 24. haha) Anyway, i love ALL of your shoes. The silver sparkly flats are my fave. :o)

Hanah - Ok so I read your blog all the time. And although I am not going to snap. I do live in Utah. If you are lonely (which I doubt you will be!) you can always email me and I’ll come down and say hi! I’ll keep you company!

cindy g - Use your nerves of steel that Springtime in tornado alley must give us at the conference. You’ll do great!

Lisa - Have fun at SNAP! Remember, all those 300 people are your friends already, you just still have to meet them face to face. They’re not coming to hear a lecturer, they’re coming to hear . . . whatever! 🙂

Cheryl - HA! I just bought those same sparkly flats at Payless to wear at my wedding in May 🙂 Those are AWESOME!

Cari - So glad you are all ok! My husband works in the aviation industry and he was telling me about the damage at their site in Wichita. I was being a good wife and listening intently, but as soon as he was finished I said “I wonder if Megan is okay?”. Lol! He had no clue what I was talking about and I had to fill him in! 😉

Amanda - I am so glad to hear you and your family are safe. The midwest sure got hit hard. I’m in Missouri, but one of my co-workers parents are in Salina, praying for everyone affected by the storms. By the way, cute, cute, cute shoes! I would have a hard time choosing too! 🙂

Terrie G - My Dad was 1 1/2 miles from that Tornado…and my daughter’s family was close to the one in Salina. It was a late night for me…I had family near almost all those tornados on Saturday! So thankful no deaths…but praying for those hit.
You will be Awesome this week! Who wouldn’t love you?! Just be yourself… 🙂
Love those yellow sandals!

Jacci - Prayed for you here, too 🙂 Thankful you’re safe and all is well! We live in a part of Ohio that gets its fair share of tornado warnings. I gre up here. I probably have gotten too used to them at this point. I stand on the front steps and look at the sky when the sirens go off! Unless it’s really freaky outside… then I head downstairs. Glad you’re okay! Have a great time at snap!

Lisa - Isn’t it strange how we don’t really even “know you” but I checked the weather channel and your blog all weekend to make sure your family was ok?! So glad you are all safe. Have fun at SNAP!

Linda Keaveney - So glad that you and your family are safe…
We had CRAZY strong winds today, here in Southern Ontario..
Apparently the tail end of your storm…
Break a leg at SNAP!!
Linda :o)

kami @ NoBiggie - Hi Meg!
I’m so glad you and your family are all safe and okay. What a scary thing to deal with every year.
I will be at SNAP, and I’m excited to meet you! You will be awesome on your panel…I just know it!

Shann - Hi Meg!
My sister and I both were talking about you this weekend. You know…since we know you and all. 🙂 When we heard about the storms, we both instantly thought of you. Then, I said a prayer for you and your family that God would keep you safe. So glad that He did.
p.s. love the yellow sandals

tinycandi - I’m about 20 miles southwest of Wichita. We actually went in the basement for this one…usually it doesn’t get to that point. Luckily the tornado jumped back up into the air and went over our town before coming back down and heading to Wichita. We were lucky. But my heart goes out to all of those who were in the path. It was a pretty crazy day, that’s for sure.

amy jupin - i am so glad y’all are ok.
last night (for the first time in a long time) i was grateful for facebook.
kimberlee fb’ed that she was ok.
so relieved.
tornados are scary and way too real for me to handle.
now, as for snap…you are going to be just fine.
i have faith in you!
when you feel the nerves creep in, just keep reminding yourself that you are not alone.
He will be with you.
He will not let you down.
it’s going to be so great.
and with sparkly flats, it usually is.

Michelle From Australia - The tornadoes have been making news here in Australia 🙁 So glad you are all ok.

Dian Olivr - glad you all survived with everyone and everything intact! i live in alabama and we’ve had our share this year and last…the anniversary of our really bad ones is in a couple weeks…the bad stuff was only a mile or two from where we live. it terrorized my grandchildren who spent the day in the hallway of their schools. thank heavens for our safety. and yours too. bless

Sheila P. - People who are in cars that close to a tornado should not be filming it from a moving vehicle. Tornados move incredibly fast, up to 250 miles per hour, and can change direction at any moment. In this situation, they should have put the camera down, pulled the vehicle over and laid flat in the ditch until it was over. Sorry to sound like a public service message, but having lived through a tornado, it is just not safe. If you are at home, go to your basement, preferrably the SW corner. Don’t stand looking out the window at the tornado. That is how people get injured and killed by these storms.

sandee prince - Dont listen to my sis. I am not OBSESSED with you but I do enjoy gettin my MEG on every morning! lol.
Glad you guys are safe from those scary tornados. Come to AZ sometime if you ever want a nice boring life 🙂 Good luck at SNAP! and if you run into my sister (LollyJane) punch her in the arm for saying I am obsessed with you!!

Georgia - I would be scared to death if i had to live with Tornados!
The wizard of Oz scares me enough! haha
Glad your all safe. xx

Sarah - Jealous. I wish we had a basement.
Texas homes need basements.
I have always been a little more fearful of tornados than normal, but have gone to crazytown since one hit half a mile from my home a few weeks ago. home alone with kids trying to be strong and fearless for them is no fun.
I was so glad to hear back from you and know that you and your family were safe.
Don’t be nervous you’ll do great.
Cute shoes.

Sara Torbett - Glad you and your family are ok. I was also thinking of you all! Such cute, happy shoe choices! I may need to re-visit Payless! 🙂 I pray you will have the perfect words to share at the Snap conference. Be yourself! That is the most beautiful thing to God and others! 🙂

Gale - I, too, am in Kansas and hate tornadoes – but am used to them after living here and Oklahoma!
Love all the shoes – and my hubby works for the Payless corporate office so I am sending him the link to your post and asking, “Why don’t they sponsor my invisible friend, Meg?” (that’s what he calls all my “blog friends”.. LOL. I don’t think he gets it!)
We went to Marion KS on Saturday despite the tornado warnings and had a lot of fun – definitely will be going back. The shop looked so big in your pictures and it was so skinny.. LOL.. but lots of good stuff! The lady said, “Why are you all so crazy about globes?” when I asked if she had any 🙂

Kim - I’ll admit that I was praying hard for you and your family! Glad you posted and that everything is all right. I admire you I would be freaked out scared and screaming..

amanda - praying you get a clear word of what to share at the blog conference! love to see how God uses women and blogs for His glory!

Kelly - Glad your family is all OK! You’ll do awesome at SNAP. You have more confindence than you give yourself credit for!
And my vote is for… all of the above. My advice….see how many shoe changes you can make during your stay! 🙂
Have a blast!

Patty Palmer - I’ll see you at Snap! Meg. Can’t wait to meet you!

Tracey Garcia - I vote for the glittery flats and the yellow sandals. LOVE!!! Now I want to go to Payless.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Thanks to God for keeping you guys safe! You are one strong mamma keeping calm for your kids. I don’t know if I would have been as cool as you 🙂

Kelli @ Lolly Jane - Hey Meg! First off, GLAD you’re all okay! We lived in MN for a short 6 months and after 2 tornado warnings, we moved back to AZ cuz it scared the bajeebers out of us!! (:
We’ll be at SNAP. Well, one of us (we’re twins that run our craft blog). I’m SUPER excited to meet you…our older sister is obsessed with you and talks about you all the time, LOL.
I’ll be sure to come say HELLO! And you’ll do a great job speaking. Good luck, girl!
XOXOX, Kelli

Laura Phelps - Nick was born in Kansas. He is SO SCARED of tornadoes.
My girls would be scared too.
glad you are ok.
sad I didn’t win!!!!!!

Laura Lee - I was thinking of you this weekend as I saw the news. Glad you are all ok!

Kim - Glad you are okay! The kids practice tornado drills at school, but they are not a common occurrence here. My kids get scared too.
Just wondering – are you watching Mad Men? Haven’t heard you talk about it.

Trish - glad you are okay! storms are scary! have fun at snap you will do awesome. how do i know? because of your attitude and your willingness to let God have the glory! love you and i will say a prayer for your nerves this week!

happygirl - I am so glad your family is safe and sound. I was praying you would be safe. I’m still praying for the families that were hurt and left without family and homes from this HORRIBLE storm system. I believe God is good. It was hard to remember that while knowing many were hurt so badly during this weekend.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I was listening to the reports this morning on the news and actually thought of you…and a couple other Kansas bloggers I’ve met. Glad your family is safe.
Love your new shoes:) You’ll do fine at Snap. Have a great time!

Kerry - OMG! So glad you’re all ok….. that is just SO hectic! We only see that kinda thing in the movies 🙂
LOVE all those shoes. ALL.OF.THEM…. I so wish I was going to Snap… So I could meet you and possibly steal all your shoes.
Kerry x

Rachel J - Over here in AR-kansas 🙂 we get bad weather too. We missed the REALLY bad weather and just had some bad thunder and lightning. I hate all the spring weather with bad storms. I worry too. And hide under my covers in bed when the hubby is away during the week and think- oh dear, what was that?! Is that the train sounds that tornadoes make? And then I remember that God has got it all under control and I fall asleep, snoring like a baby. Hah! Love the shoes Meg! Sparkly ones are my fav too!

Lori H - When you get nervous, think about how God sent you to AFRICA! Much less familiar and farther away. And how much you loved the trip and how much good you did. And then the conference should seem like a SNAP! (haha, sorry, couldn’t resist the play on words). You will do great! I wish I were going and could meet you. Boo. Have fun! Prayers for you, for sure.

Brooke - Praying for courage! You are going to do GREAT at the conference. Just think…..your blog is popular FOR A REASON. People love reading here….you are honest, sincere, funny, entertaining, inspiring. What you share here comes from what is inside you….and that is exactly what you’re taking to the conference! Be you. It works well for you. 🙂
HEY!! GUESS WHAT?? Ever since I started reading your blog I’ve had a love affair with Waffle. Yesterday my boys, who have wanted a dog for-ev-er, got a female Golden Doodle! They are beyond themselves. 🙂 She is a cutie pie. I’m pretty nervous about surviving puppyhood, but she is growing on me!!!
Thought you might like to know that Waffle is inspiring some Doodle love in the blog world. Ha!
Have a wonderful day, and praises for safe habors from the storms!

Sierra - I’m so relieved to see an update from you. I have been worried about you and your family all weekend. Glad you’re okay!! 🙂

Annika - I cannot even imagine what it would be like to live in an area where natural disaster could strike at any given time. I am glad to hear you are fine!

amy cornwell - I’ll be there – can’t wait to hear you speak! See you in a few days 😉

Han - The sparkly ones!
My penpal is in Ellinwood, KS. I emailed him yesterday morning as the news switched on in the b&b our friend was staying in – he emailed back yesterday lunchtime and like “Yeah don’t worry we’re all good! Thanks for caring though”

Lindsey - I am glad you are all safe. Good luck speaking at Snap! I am sure you will be wonderful!

Aby - Thank God ya’ll are okay!! I thought about you all weekend! I kept checking your blog to see if you’d updated!!! So glad you did this morning!!! GOD IS GREAT!!! And as for the conference… you will be maaaaaa-velous!!!! No doubt!!

CathyC - I am glad you posted that you & your family are alright following those tornados. I have been watching the news and was worried.

Jennifer - Thank you for the update. I was thinking about you when we heard the news about the tornados. So glad you all are ok! Ok, those are seriously cute shoes. Love the yellow ones!

Leah - I’m so glad you all are okay. My sister and her family live in Iowa and they had crazy weather too. We just keep praying and thinking good thoughts for all you mid-westerners.

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christmas craft #3


this craft is a bit more time consuming
all three kids said "that is AWESOME!" when i showed them. 
sean said "it's so creative!"  

i saw one at the hallmark store that was similar but clearly mass produced & i thought "i bet i could make that"
so we did! 

you will need clear ornaments, foam balls that are smaller than the glass ornament, fake snow and scrap fabric. 
i found those all at hobby lobby. 

i did this step apart from when the kids were working.
i carved a hole in the foam that was exactly the size of the top of the ornament where it hangs from.
i used a screwdriver….? it was what i found in my drawer.
the foam is really soft and easy to work with.
it will look like that.

take the silver ornament hanger off the ornament.
make a cone with paper and fill your ornament with fake snow….as much or as little as you want.
this stuff goes everywhere so the cone was the least messy way we found to work.

add hot glue to the top of the ornament… around the top ring.

then you IMMEDIATELY push the foam ball that was hollowed out onto the ornament.
it should be tight… i had to help annie.


we made hats by cutting a circle of black paper for the brim and rolled paper to fit inside the silver ornament hanger.
and hot glued it all together.
there is a close up picture of the hats below.

cut a strip of fabric or felt for a scarf about 12" long.

tie it around the head in a knot.

we cut some "fringe" on the ends.

the faces are painted onto the head before the hats are glued on.
and buttons on their tummies.

and we added a little scrap of fabric or felt for the hat.
(p.s. mine is the one with the really wide set eyes…i like my snowmen that way.  :)


for this hat we hot glued felt around the head and tied the top together.
then snipped the end into fringe.


we watched frosty the snowman tonight on tv.
man….frosty returns was on afterwards….ummm….yuck.
how did that movie become a "classic?"

we watched "it's a Wonderful Life" last night.
i cried from the start.
love that movie.
but i fell asleep at the last 10 minutes.
like…i was out cold…missed the best part.



the sound was nuts wasn't it?


do it.

come on….join us!

it's $10 to change lives!


it's real.


you make a difference.

your heart is big.

you matter.



don't forget to enter my giveaway (and the others) if you donated!



crystalbeutler - What a fun craft!!!! Hey, did you change your hair?? Super cute photos of you. 🙂

Katrina - My 7 year old saw me reading this post and said “I want to make that!”. Looks like I’m going to have to head over to the craft store.

Lori Austin - Such cute snowman. Love the flannel.
Just watched the weather – looks like a white Christmas for you. Hope you have a lot more crafts stashed.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

Amber Pamper - Meg I am so grateful to have your blog. I’ve been reading for a long time and I look forward to your new posts!! :o) Merry Christmas!

Gretchen - The nearest Hobby Lobby is about an hour away, but it is SO worth it! Thank you for inspiring me to do more crafts with my kids. Before finding your blog, I had forgotten that crafts are still magical, even for older kids. Hugs!!!

Jen Brandt - I am crazy about snowmen and have added this to our craft list for next Christmas. Thank you!
Meg, on an I’ve-never-met-you, but love your blog kind of way – I love you. Your blog is very uplifting. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Kayla - My kids say that my “catch phrase” is….”I bet we can make that ourselves!” Drives them crazy….and I do sort of say it a lot! But it is true….and it always saves us money. I love this idea and that each snowman has a personality all its own!

Kara @ June & Bear - crazy cute snowpeople. and we are with you on the frosty returns. it’s not good.

Kara @ June & Bear - crazy cute snowpeople. and we are with you on the frosty returns. it’s not good.

Hannah - seriously. the. cutest! i love it!

Kati - Super cute!!! I will be ‘pinning’ this for next year! My son makes ornaments every year for our family. I love this one.

stacey - Super cute! Living overseas makes me miss good craft stores 🙂
Merry Christmas!

tami - that is too cool! Love snowmans!

Kristen - That is an adorable craft. I’m tucking it away for future crafts.

gramme joy - … adorable snow people!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - These are such cute ornaments! Love love love. And those zebra scissors? Ive been eyeing them at Walmart since this past summer. Maybe Santa will put them in my stocking:)

Rachel - Love your snowmen! I am a collector of snowmen so I know a good one when I see one 😉

sheryl salik - where did you get your fabric? no where ive found had chevron!!

Leah - That is an AWESOME craft! I’m not sure if my 4-year-old can do it, but I certainly want to try it. And though I have not seen Frosty Returns, we did watch some of Rudolph’s Shiny New Year today and all I can say is BIZARE! Glad I didn’t waste money buying that one.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - So pinning this to make next year with my girls!
And can I just tell you that that picture of Annie is SO adorable! Her sweet face, the shirt, zebra scissors (!), polka dot fabric, the chippy paint chair in the background.. Love it all. 🙂
Happy Holidays, Meg!

Nikki - That is adorable!! I’m so doing this!

shannon - so adorable! how do you come up with these things. I’ll have to make these next year when my girls are a bit older.

Holly - those are super cute!

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - Really love this one…might give a whirl one day when I have time.

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he could quit his day job…..

let's just call him Magnum P.I. from now on.

he checked on my phone through t-mobile & got all the numbers that had been called since i'd lost it friday night.
i had lost my phone 30 minutes away from home.
he called them.
he got names and figured out who took it and was using it.
and then talked to the thief's neighbor!
she said "what?! that is terrible!  i will go and get it for you! that is AWFUL!"  
and she called back with my phone.
Magnum drove to her house and picked it up and surprised me with it.
we are sending the neighbor a thank you gift! 

he is awesome.

like….way awesome.
thanks MAG.

so yeah…….i googled magnum pi and there were over a million results for images.
a million!?!
that is pretty crazy.
and worthy of a picnik collage don't you think?? 

come on….you know you want THAT on your pinterest!

when i look at those pictures i feel like i am 6 years old.
my uncle had that mustache….my parent's friends had those….everyone!
can't you hear his voice in your head????  smoldery tom selleck…..mmmmm. 

but you can't stop there……i had to YOUTUBE him.

and then i found you can find full episodes on hulu from season one!

oh my.


how was that for a monday morning post???

there was NO WAY you saw that coming.




answers to the question on the photo collages above the summer list?

i posted about it here.


chrissie grace has had a FABULOUS response to the fundraiser for Davis!
thank you so much for ordering from her shop so we can get Davis to his mommy!
amy was so surprised and happy.
she was crying and texting me.
loved that!
surprises are too much fun!

well……chrissie decided to be PURE awesome 

and give 25% from ANY sale in her entire shop in june to davis's adoption. 
what a beautiful heart chrissie has! 

she answered some questions you may have about the pillow order on her blog.

i think i may need this….

and these two are really cute…..
Il_570xN.216065866   Il_570xN.224694207

25% of chrissie's sales in june go toward Davis's adoption fees through resses's rainbow!

i cannot wait to see davis in amy's arms.

go shop!



Dianne Avery - Tom lives near me!!!!! And let me tell you he doesn’t disappoint in real life!! He is yummy. 🙂

angie - I think I’ve only commented on your blog once or twice, but I couldn’t resist commenting on a post about Tom Selleck! I grew up with that mustache! No, Tom Selleck isn’t my dad, but my dad had one just like it. But I think it’s the dimples that make it especially delicious.
So glad you found your phone! Your hubby is quite the sleuth!

jessicakiehn - gosh…don’t you just love awesome husbands? You are so blessed!

Kristin S - Never in a bazillion years would I have thought to call through the numbers. So smart! Brave neighbor too.

Aimee - Woot, go Magnum!
Speaking of, have you seen Waterfall-Selleck-Sandwich? I know I got the order wrong, but it’s too much trouble to retype it.
Fun. 😉

megan - hahahahahaha! magnum….oh, how my 5-year-old self loved tom selleck and i wanted monica to end up with him so bad on friends! and, wow! that was some amazing detective work! good job hubbie!
blessings to you this day, meg…

Courtney McIlwain - How cool is that!!! You have an awesome husband

deborah@applesinwonderland - i wasn’t ready for that shock. magnum. aw. but, craig? he does sort of rock, doesn’t he? you should fashion him a cape. he’s a SUPERHERO. that would be funny. would he pose for that pic? yeah, i just mustached my whole family on picnik. they didn’t think it was quite as hilarious as i did.

elz - Ah…Magnum. Sigh…So happy you found your phone.

amber - Amazing. Really amazing…

alicia @ la famille - that’s awesome! what a stud!!

Talia - Your husband rocks! And the neighbor who went after your phone — she rocks too! 🙂

Amy Lynne - Yay for Craig! That’s awesome!

jodi @ back40life - way to go magnum & way to go neighbor…you have some rockstars on your team! woo hoo!

kristen b - okay meg – this shows my “real” age, but i used to watch dear Tom EV.ER.Y. thursday night during my freshman year away at college while my roomie and i did our nails. a huge big family room full of young gals watched him too so i wasn’t the only one drooling. AND i hung his poster above my bed so he was the last thing/ i mean man, that i saw at night. ahhh. . .
i’m thrilled to know who i can call in the future for my local detective work!

Janine - Glad you got your phone back. I looove Tom Selleck. Me and my friend were the weird 8 yr olds who were in love with him on Magnum PI. Like it was his poster on the wall along with NKOTB. Loved the mustache. Yeah we were weirdos but he was and still is dreamy!
Oh and those pillows are amazing. I may be ordering 2 for upcoming Christenings. I think they will make a great gift for the girls.

Kimberly Dial - Really aging myself but here goes … Oh how I loved Magnum P.I. Tom Selleck still makes my heart go pitter-patter every time I see him!

Kimberly Dial - Really aging myself but here goes … Oh how I loved Magnum P.I. Tom Selleck still makes my heart go pitter-patter every time I see him!

jen - okay, that is the funniest thing i will see probably all week.
i have more of the western movies crush on him.
but your hubby rocks as does the neighbor.
that’s absolutely AWESOME!!
but the moustache, it does kind of creep me out a little, there’s too much of it!

rachel - that. is. awesome.

Tiffany - I want to send that neighbor a thank you gift. AWESOME!!! what does she like? how’s that for doing God’s work.

Kate - YEAH, your husband! YEAH, Chrissie (her shop is AWESOME!)! And as for the ‘stache. What is REALLY sad – is that it makes me think of my dad – he still sports on of those…

Chrissie Grace - oh my word…I laughed out loud at that story.
I’m not much of a mustache person…

Michelle from Australia - I’m so happy that your phone came home thanks to your SuperSleuth husband. WAY TO GO CRAIG!!!

Lisa - I cannot believe he was able to track down your phone!! That really does make him awesome. btw my dad totally looked like Tom Selleck back in the day. 🙂

Kacey - Way to go, Detective Craig! That is awesome!!!

happygirl - YOUR HUSBAND ROCKS. the mustache. I met Tom Selleck 20 years ago at the ProAm at Pebble Beach. I got to put a bandaid on his hand. I was twitterpated. He was So Handsome. But I was 20 years younger and pretty cute myself. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Cindy - GREAT you found your phone. Last school year an 8th grader walked my classroom after school when my door was open (I teach 6th, so it was just a random drive, I mean, ‘walk-by’) and long story short, I ended up tracking down my phone by having Sprint put a GPS track on it. I found the exact house where it was at, knocked on the door the next day w/my principal next to me and got my phone back. ha ha SUCKA!! and since then I pay $5 a month for contact back up. I wanted to cry when I thought about losing all those numbers!

jenni@talkinghairdryer - We just did that EXACT SAME THING when our son’s phone got stolen on the last day of school. Except we had to threaten to get the police involved before anyone was motivated to help us. They finally did help, though, and we got the phone back. My son dug in his piggy bank and gave the man a reward. He was glad to get the phone back, but bummed because the people who had it erased everything and he lost all his numbers 🙁

dotsie (aka podso) - What a guy (your husband) and T.S. isn’t bad either … thanks for the memories!

kat - Okay, you are seriously hilarious! I love your posts, they always make me smile. I just know we would be awesome friends in real life! 🙂 Your summer list inpires me each year to make one of our own. It is such a great idea. As always, thanks for all the laughs and the inspiration. Thanks for being awesome!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - that is so stink’n AWESOME! well done!
no lie, my hubby and i were just talking last week about how fun it would be to have the Magnum P.I. intro as a ring tone.
i think mr. duerksen must absolutely have it! ha! 🙂

miss lynn -
what a man!!!!

Jenny B. - That’s amazing about your phone! He’s a keeper! 🙂 Love Magnum too. A channel here still shows it at least once a week, and we end up staying up late to watch it quite often. I just ordered the Isaiah 43 print from Chissie Grace. I had my eye on it a while back when you first posted about her shop on your blog. I’m so glad that it will help Davis and his family!

Angel/TaDa!Creations - So glad you got your phone back!
I hear Magnum too. We own seasons 1 and 2 and can’t wait to buy the rest. *sigh*

rachel / - that is TOO FUNNY about your thief’s neighbor! 😀 loved that story! also, my son’s name is davis. i know he would LOVE to help out a little boy named davis. he just saw a photo on CNN of a boy named davis who lost his home in the joplin tornado & he still brings it up – it really struck a chord. we’ll have to check out the shop together!

sam - Love magnum! Your post has made my day:-)
Glad you’ve been reunited with your phone – clever husband!!

Jennnifer - my ring tone for a long time was the magnum theme song… it just makes me happy. My dad is still rocking that mustache 🙂 Julie’s story above cracks me up. But it is a little scary. hahah.

stephanie - I LOVE that he tracked down your phone. What a guy. : )
And, I have bookmarked those pillows – I can’t afford them now, but I would LOVE to have one for each of my kids. Someday.

alyssa - my dad had that mustache!!

Kim Barlow - Way to go Craig!! Love the Summer List, the Pillows, and the BOO/YAY recount! Way to Rock IT OUT girl!

Kirsten J - omigosh he’s a hero! I think he should hang his shingle right now…you could be his cute assistant…and then Bravo could get wind and you’d have a series 🙂

Julie - Want to know some of my childhood trauma? My mom had this Tom Selleck poster in her armoire. Scandalous right? And weird. When I asked who it was, she said “if he shows up at the door I am leaving your dad for him.”
WHO SAYS THAT TO A KID????? Because believe you me, every time the doorbell rang, I was afraid that it was mustache man coming to take my mom away.
Thanks a lot Magnum.

Courtney Walsh - I have such a crush on Tom Selleck. Blue Bloods is one of our very favorite shows and he’s amazing in it. Seriously. Sooo glad you got your phone back! 🙂 I wish someone would steal mine. I need a new one. ha.

Debbie - I love this post! Hot.
And I love those pillows!

Cathy - I love Tom Selleck! Did you know he’s on a show on CBS called “Blue Bloods” right now. Well, I guess it might be done for the summer but you can watch episodes on hulu. I love the mustache and the dimples.

jen - WoW he does have mad detective skills… I am glad you got your phone back unharmed and lets hope you don’t start getting a bunch of calls from the yahoo who found its friends… hahaha Happy Monday!

melanie - wow that neighbor sounds awesome! glad she could help and yay for good husbands who save the day.

BriBedell - This post is awesome. Seriously, can we be friends in real life? Lol glad you got your phone back 🙂

Karen Gerstenberger - What a great “Craignum P.I.” you have! Good work, Craig!
I loved that show…had a BIG crush on Tom Selleck. I was a very serious student in college, but during my senior year, we used to start the weekend early by watching “Magnum” on Thursday nights! Woohoo! Getting pretty wild there! =) – I am wilder now (in my 50s) than I was then. Thanks for the walk down memory lane, and the eye-candy! That guy STILL looks great.

Necole - No man could wear those sexy khaki daisy dukes like Magnum PI. What a yummy way to start a Monday. Thanks

Jennifer - That is really awesome-I love it when people have the stones to stand up and go after someone who does wrong. So very cool!

Jennifer - Yeah. George’s got nothing on Tom! 🙂
SO glad that your own personal Magnum got your phone back for you. That totally ROCKS!
And I’m thinking Magnum P.I. might be the show we watch for the summer with our two older boys. Too fun!

pam - GLORY, what a grand way to start the week! And can I say WOO HOO about HULU! LOVED that show!

Lorilee - We keep our phones “locked” with a password to make it more difficult for someone to use if they find it! My husband once found and returned 2 phones in one week.

robin - I ordered a print from her site when I saw your first email, and was sad that I wasn’t contributing to the 25% pillow discount, but I couldn’t pass up the print. Now I know it counted towards Reece’s Rainbow, too. Awesome!

amy d - it’s gotta be that he’s named craig…they make awesome detectives! glad you got your phone back…i would freak if i lost mine! craig in the stash is creeping me out though… 🙂

Linda - YAY….What a way to start a Monday! 🙂

Terrie G - Blue Bloods…friday nights…just sayin’! You are so lucky to be married to Magnum’s twin! And he could probably have a full time job as a phone locator p.i.!! So glad you got your phone back…unless you did lose it on purpose. 🙂

Siobhan aka Kiwivandal - I have a laundry list of things that have “gone missing” if you feel like lending him out? No. 1 on the list is the powercord to my computer, that my kids swear “got up and walked away, Mom”

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Bwahahahahahaa…Magnum. I used to watch that show every day after school when I was little. Good times!
I just may have to ask for Craig’s John Hancock if I ever meet him in person. Afterall, hes a total hero. Ive lost different cell phones three different times. And I feel like Im missing one of my kids when I do. Glad yours is back. Poo poo on the person who stole it. YAY for the awesome neighbor who retrieved it:)

Holly - ha! That is too funny! Glad you got yoru phone back!

Chelsea - Awesome news all around! SO HAPPY you found your phone and about the fundraising, HAPPY MONDAY!

amy b. - ok, that Magnum montage brought back alot of memories! Loooved that show!! The 80’s were totally Awesome! Glad you got your phone back! That mustache on your husband cracked me up!!Funny!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Yay! So glad you found your phone : )
What a hero !
Gemma x

Courtney - That’s great! I got a “lewd” phone call the other day and went totally Magnum on that guy’s butt. Found the “unlisted” number and turned it over to the cops who were looking for him. Felt great! I like to be called Nancy Drew now 🙂

Niki - Don’t you love it when your husband turns out to be your hero!!!!! Awww! That is PURE awesomeness!

Kerry - Wowwwee! Go Magnum aka Craig! thats awesome 🙂
Love the love that is being spread through your blog, the pillows are just too gorgeous and for such a great cause.
LOVE that rainbow book, if shipping doesnt work out too expensive i may just have to order myself one 🙂
Have an awesome day meg,
kerry x

Helen Wall - MAGNUMnumnumnum!!!

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