our last day of GoPro we had a session of discussing business plans & ideas, a flash seminar, camera cleaning, personalized critiques (that's a good thing) and two more shoots.

some of our group went up on the gondola and hiked around.
but i could barely walk around the house and up the stairs so i wasn't up for a hike.
i stayed at the house and we practiced on each other and did headshots. :)

i am thinking my editing looks funny on all of these….hmmm.
it's hard to learn something new!

there was a fox that was all around the house during our stay.
he was wild but seemed to really not care that we were there.
we were all very close and he ignored us.
and cool.
i promised the girls that if he attacked i would be sure to take lots of pictures of that.
and then of course i would try to help save them.

we had our group photo very impromptu… with some taxidermy.

coolest group photo ever taken….NO OFFENSE.
we went out in the evening to practice some harsh lighting shots.
wendy and tyler had us turn our backs and then when we turned around this is what we saw!

how crazy cute are those masks?!!
so so funny.
these are their kids…not wendy and tyler in the masks. :)
(ps…their kids are so lovely…i want to squeeze them.)

they said the masks were ordered from amazon.

not as cute on a grown up….

my new friends. :)

we went on to our last photo shoot of the weekend.
i was so excited.
i was going to be one of the models!!

everyone was helping wendy set up.
it's looking cool already….

well….i don't have many pictures yet since i was IN the shoot….but it ended like this.

that's my kind of modeling job.
we had a big paint war!!!
6 of us threw paint on each other while the other 16 people photographed it.
it was washable craft paint mixed with water to make it fly faster.

it was SO MUCH FUN!!!
and you can see our photo shoot last year with colored powder here.
i can't say which one i liked better….they were both AWESOME.
you can read about it here on the Blue Lily blog and see when the next GoPro workshop is.
if you are considering going to a workshop….DO IT.
you will learn so much.
you will be encouraged.
you will meet people who love what you love and have great ideas.
you will be SO glad you took the leap and tried something BIG.
and check their travel schedule….they take pictures ALL OVER THE WORLD.
get signed up for a photo session with them near you!
you will be so happy you did it.
thank you AGAIN wendy & tyler.
i loved my time with you.
Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - OH my goodness – that is hilarious! Today, I took Riley to preschool, we walked in the door, and the cutest little two month old pig (named Louie) was all wrapped up in a blanket in their teacher’s arms. Apparently he is the new mascot and he’ll be allowed to walk around the classroom in a few weeks. So…. I guess it is a thing?
Jennie - I know not a single thing about mini-pigs, but just wanted to say that if you get one, you must get him or her four little red rain boots. Because that picture was the most rediculous/adorable/hilarious thing I’ve seen all week. 🙂
Jenni - Just catching up on your blog and found this. Which is HILARIOUS…because Mailey (my 13 year old) has been begging for a mini pig as well. And has gone so far as to set up appointments to meet with breeders. No lie. She has researched caring for it, life span, etc… We live in a neighborhood with strict “no farm animal” rules and think this might fit within those perimeters. But she wants to go before the board and ask permission. I tell ya, I love my strong willed fight for what she wants girl. And one day she will make a kick ass lawyer. For now….we shall look at mini pigs on the internet.
rebecca - So, my son works a part time job at Schlotzsky’s deli and had a customer come through the drive thru with a mini pig. He said they have dog treats for dogs so he offered the girl lettuce for her pig and she accepted!
Melanie - I read your comment section because my son really wants a mini pig too. I never took his request seriously until I saw your blog post about it! I thought maybe I was being a little harsh. Glad I read the comments! We will not be getting a mini pig any time soon!! Too funny.
Lisa - The one with the rainboots!!!! I am dying!!! 😍
anita - We have 3 pigs … they did get kicked to the back with the other big animals because they did get so big (supposedly are teacups … but are pretty big). But I’ve heard there is a type called Julianne that does stay small. I would buy another pig for sure! We loved having ours indoors … they potty train in a day, are easy to train and can be great pets if trained correctly. Ours did find food and eat whatever they could find, but so do our dogs. LOL! Even now our pigs out back, come when you call them, love being scratched and probably still remember their tricks … but too fat to do most. LOL!
mama lola - have you ever heard of esther the wonder pig? they thought she was a mini pig and now she is an enormous full grown pig! check out her dad’s and facebook page here… https://www.facebook.com/estherthewonderpig?fref=ts
she’s actually an amazing force of life, full of personality. she eats a vegan diet, is house trained and lives each day to the fullest.
i would be very cautios about getting a mini pig!!!!
Beth Ann - My daughter REALLY wants a pet pig. They are actually super smart and can be trained. However, there is no such thing as a mini-pig or teacup pig. Pigs grow, and Grow, AND GROW. and they eat and Eat AND EAT. A ‘mini’ pig is between 100-200 lbs when they are full grown. They need space to be outside and need a ‘buddy’. My sister is actually a farmer and she laughs at me all the time about ‘the time you really thought mini-pigs were a thing’. ssshh…. piglets are adorable still.
Ruth - Our friend Fran had a mini, like the others have said, it grew and grew and GREW! Not so mini, and no shocker it acted like a pig, if you can believe it! Tread cautiously…
misty - I had a “mini” pig except he did not stay mini…when he learned to open the fridge my mom said he had to go. A farm they said…but they are cute, when they stay small! ha
Sheila - Just say no to the adorable mini pig, mama. It’s a bad idea. Pigs are meant to be bacon, sausage and ham, not pets. They root and dig, they smell terrible, they are not loving or loyal, they will eat their babies, and they bite. They’re really sort of vile. We had a hog farm for years and no one can convince me they would make a good indoor pet.
Rebecca - The only way piglets stay “mini” is by improper feeding (i.e. starvation). With proper care they grow into pigs that weigh in the hundreds of pounds. Rescues are full of “mini” pigs that grew up. Yes, Esther is a full grown “Mini” rescue pig. RESCUE A PIG! 🙂
Lisa - One of the girls on my daughter’s softball team has a mini pig, her dad brings it to some games on a leash. From what I’ve seen, it poops non stop! It was smelly and gross!! It also did this snorty/whiny thing, which could only be quieted by constant treats. Constant treats = constant poop. I don’t know its age, but it was tiny as pictured. Definitely one of those things that is cuter in a picture than real life.
Shelly - I have read horror stories where people thought they were getting a mini pig, and it ended up growing to 200-300 pounds! Because really, how would you know? I did marketing for a swine breeder facility and when I toured , the smell about knocks you over. And they do get mean.
Dawn Hagle - Get them a guinea pig! Much smaller, lives in a cage but can be out and held. My daughter spent hours making clothes and bedding for hers.
Katie - I grew up on a farm – we had pigs – a far cry from having a pig as a pet in the house, but… no. Don’t do it!
CiCi - Same thing happened to a friend, google Ziggy the Piggy.
Cathy - Those pictures though! 💗🐷💗
Laura Martin - Good lord…don’t do it. A family I babysat for got a “mini pig” that turned into a 200 lb monster they kept in the basement and were terrified of until they finally gave it away.
Erin V - We had one… for approximately 3 days! While they adorable as can be, they don’t EVER shut up and oink day and night HAHA And they will root into your carpet, the edges of your cabinets, your feet… we sent it to go live on a friend’s farm and it (and we!!) are as happy as can be with that arrangement 🙂
Laura - It’s actually estherthewonderpig on Instagram.
Laura - Be very careful. We had a friend who got one and it ended up being 500 lbs. Check out Esther the Pig on Instagram!
Debbie H - I concur with Jane. I had friends who got a “mini” potbelly pig for their youngest daughter when she was about 5. Not so mini. It grew to be enormous, meaning not at all what the mother was bargaining for. It lived to be about 12, if I recall. Yes, smelly, they root up your yard – meaning they do all the things pigs do. Go to the fair or a farm. And keep living through others on pinterest. You have ENOUGH other things going on in your life. Tell them if they really want it that bad, they can get it when they are full on adults and live in their OWN place. 🙂
Janel - I think mini pigs grow to about 50-60 ibs? Med size dog? They usually outlive cats and dogs…20+ years???and they are messy like pigs…mud, water, dirt…which may make you a bit crazy with the clean up. I think males are not recommended as pets as they become quite unruly with maturity and can grow tusks even. Perhaps you will consider visiting a pig farm….they kinda smelly.