some scenes from the craft room that is quickly closing in on me……
so much fun to make ruffled streamers!!
and bunting!
the SWAG pile has grown to out of control proportions.
the ladies at walmart couldn't believe i bought ALL their scissors.

special bunting from a friend….LOVE.
pretty pretty pretty.
fun garland….doilies, ruffles, flash cards, paper, ribbons…..awesome.
i treated myself to some zebra scissors this week.
i bet i can't lose those!
and they make me smile when i look at them.
i don't think i will be sleeping much between now and next sunday.
i am so excited for each and every woman who is coming to craft weekend!
if you are new here…..and a bunch of you are… can read about craft weekend HERE and HERE and HERE.
and get on the waiting list if you want to!
happy long weekend to YOU.
winner for the star is picked tomorrow. :)
Chikita - Jaelyn Scott – Oh my goodness. You are so icdlenibry beautiful!!! taking after your sister, i see. the shots are amazing. i love the camera angles and poses as well as the backround scenery. such a good job on the photography. love love love. p.s., i think you should put the 5th one down or the 2nd on up in the yearbook. much love =]
Maman - What two little cuteis with the best smiles ever! =)(I used a cheap black throw for the baby picture. I put it over a big pillow and then put the baby on it while her Mom held up the back. It looks alot blacker than what it actually is because I painted it black in photoshop! =) Don’t know it that was what I should of done but I like it. )
Rach - Please please please let me come next year. Just looking at the pics makes me want to be creative.
CathyC - This is so lovely and fantastic, I wish I had been there! Great job!
Jaclyn - OK, seriously???!!! HOW FUN!!! I want to go to the next one!!!
mel @ the larson lingo - SO fun!!! Can’t wait to read more about it & see what you guys made!!!!
Krystle - ha! you mentioned cookies and coffee and obediently I’m going to make some.
Kerry - I KNOW you girls are having the most Awesome time and you are loving every minute :)) cant wait for the pics Meg! xxx
leonieke - it must be soooo much fun! enjoy! (and sleep a little,…`)
looking forward to the pictures!
Elizabeth Grandon - Woot woot! I had hunting weekend with my hubby…came back with great memories, good photos, and a life long scar to show for it, wish I was getting pricked by a needle at craft weekend!!! Hope you’re recovering better than I am:)
Liz - I know my friend Keri is having an awesome time!!! She had to get the prize for farthest away!!!
Melissa - Best. Weekend. Ever! I can’t say “thank you!” enough.
Melissa - DYING to see what y’all have done all weekend!
Kimberly Dial - Glad you gals are having so much fun (not that I doubted it for a moment! 🙂
Samantha - jealous.
can’t wait to see your creations!
sharron - have fun!
yay for the winner of the ll giveaway too!
alicia @ la famille - kiiiinda thinkin you need to do this twice a year and kiiiinda thinkin i should be there next time 🙂 glad you’re having fun!
Shannon A. - How cute is your house?! LOVE the banner, pumpkins, and topiary! Happy crafting!
Suzanne - That craft house is awesome! I was there earlier this year for part of the day with my mom and some of her coworkers. I just wish I had a group of people to go there with again. Glad you are having an awesome time!
Heather G. - Awh, man I wish CA was closer!! Have a fabulous weekend – I can’t wait to meet you in a few weeks at Julie’s house! xo!
Julie - This definitely looks like a fun place to be!!! I can’t wait to see the photos of Craft Weekend in action!
Alicia - Have a complete blast ladies!!! I wish I could be there to join you…maybe next year! Have Fun!
Melissa Bailey - Swag banner, SO cute! I’m off right now to raid my fabric stash and copy it! Now all I need is a cute house to hang it on! Mine is so ugly and NOT my style, but at least we have a roof over our heads! And hey, maybe the banner will help!
miss lynn - wishing i
was there!!!!
Jenna@MomofManyHats - So happy for you and Sarah 🙂 Can’t wait to see some of your crafty work!
Sally - Can’t wait to see/hear more about the craft weekend. Have a blast!
I want to make it to next craft weekend!!
Terrie G - You are a hardcore crafter girl!!
I’m sure you are having fun!!
What a great weekend!!
And to think you can recuperate while watching Parenthood!!!!!
Lori Austin - Hope you girls are having big fun! 3 a.m. – wowwheee!
Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Oh man I just about jumped off the couch when I read the name of your winner but then realized its not me afterall.:( Congratulations to Sarah, the winner:)
I cant wait to see pics of this amazing weekend you girls are having. Ive got my own excitement going on here as we’re just about finished with our master bath reno(that started LAST summer). Remodeling in an 1800s home is never quick or easy:)
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
tiffany m gardner - So happy for you and all the gals! Have super fun this weekend. I would have tried to have been there but yesterday I had 10 little eight year old boys at my house for my son’s birthday and who wouldn’t love that? 🙂
Sarah Alcantara - I’m so jealous!!! I’m sure you are all having a blast!
Southern Gal - I was sewing until 3am. Craftiness must be in the air!
(Why am I up at 7:45???)
Holly - I bet yall are having a blast! Have fun!
Michelle from Australia - Wishing Australia was closer to Kansas. So I could have seriously contemplated coming to the Craft Weekend. Which my husband says is total madness as I am THE most uncrafty person ON THE PLANET. But a girl can aim for miracles can’t she 🙂
Kat - Love the bunting and the house. Both gorgeous!
Have fun!!