happy birthday lorel.
you have always been an awesome sister.
a whole bunch.
have a great day.
thanks for taking me dancing……even though i wore a cardigan.
who ever said good hip hop doesn't come from omaha?
Category Archives: birthdayshappy birthday lorel. you have always been an awesome sister. always. a whole bunch. have a great day. thanks for taking me dancing……even though i wore a cardigan. who ever said good hip hop doesn't come from omaha? you thought i was going to tell you more about atlanta didn't you? well….i just need one more day to process my thoughts. so for today it's about talby. talby requested a chocolate cake with white frosting and oreos and was very excited to see balloons! we had cake as a family the next day and watched Harry and the Hendersons! such a big girl…growing up too quick for her mommy. oh I just love seeing birthdays at your house! Kelly Oh yea….I wanted you to know I am making your blueberry buckle tonight for Bunco at my home 😉 Can’t WAIT!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TALBY!!!!!!!
Happy birthday Talby! You have a wonderful mama! Happiest of birthdays Talby! I think your choice of cakes is absolutely brilliant!!!!
Love Harry and the Hendersons! Happy birthday to your sweet Talby. 🙂 Where is the picture of the birthday girl alone with the parents???? Happy Birthday to Talby!! from Clara and all of us
Oh Happy Happy Birthday you cute thing!!! Hope nine is a year full of totally happy fun!!!
I haven’t thought about Harry and the Hendersons in forever! Too funny.
Meg, I have never neen ablt to take a pic of tne birthday girl withe lit candles. Can you shareany tips on shooting in tnst light setting? Please. 🙂 talby’s my fave 🙂
She’s beautiful! Happy Birthday, Talby! (and I’m so glad to hear she still likes Fancy Nancy. I don’t want my girls to outgrow her 🙂 ah Happy Birthday!!! Sleeping at all during a sleepover seems like a success 🙂 What a sweet girl-happy birthday Talby! My 8 year old had her first sleepover in March of this year-total disaster! 5 girls plus big sister = one ER visit (big sister fell off chair), screaming and dancing until midnight; we had a movie to watch (was some icarly thing that some kids claimed they weren’t allowed to watch, so no down time)…my daughter didn’t get enough sleep and was a grouchy rude host in the morning. UGH! I’m so glad that yours went differently! How fun? Meg, I have 2 11 yr olds and a 13 yr old and a 5 yr old………They just wont stop growing up! BTW I posted this great video on my blog that my kids LOVE and I am certain yours would too……I like it also 😉 Yummmmmmmmmy cake!!!!! Such a cutie! Happy b-day Talby!
Oh happy birthday Talby!! Love her cake:) Just because our kids are getting older doesn’t mean we are, are we??? Happy Birthday to Talby! Love Talby’s new outfit. 🙂 And the sunflower behind her head in the first picture! Looks like she had a great Birthday. And let me know if you find out how to keep children from growing up so fast.. I’d like to know, too! Hey, happy birthday to your little lady! in the pic of her by the chalkboard, i spy a b&w “whatever is lovely, etc.” where or where did you get that? Have a fabulous day, susan She really does suddenly look SO much older!!! Darn her!
Happy Birthday Talby!! Looks like she had such a great time. :o)
love all the pictures….she is just beautiful!
Happy Birtday, Talby! Happy Birthday, Talby! Love your new outfit and the cake you chose. Who wouldn’t love a cake with oreos wrapped around it?! 🙂
Happy birthday Talby! Yummy looking cake!
That cake is amazing. She is so cute and I love the drawing on the chalkboard…it is also super cute. I love all the color on your blog and in your house! It’s very inspiring! the cake looks yummy…birthdays are so fun!! annie decided that she could turn SIX. she received money in the mail from great grandma….the best! birthday dinner: spaghetti with garlic bread and fruit salad. she gets nervous when everyone looks at her. whether i like it or not. i LOVE this. i also hate the birthday song, so my family sings we wish you a merry christmas as well! which is slightly appropriate, being that i’m a new years eve birthday! such a fun birthday!
adorable pictures of your birthday girl! (and glad to know I’m not the only one who hates the name Dress Barn…what were they thinking?!) happy birthday to your baby!! what a gorgeous, grown up girl! we have that flower print dress and LOVE it!
Happy birthday, Annie! It seems that if was a very nice party! Have a good week ahead!
Six was hard for me too. It happened so quickly. One minute she was a baby, and the next she’s a big girl of six! I don’t know how it happened so fast. annie i’m singing happy birthday to you !!!! (: and next time call me I Love Chocolate cake (: yummy yummy for your tummy little girl!! love and blessings, amy d’s Mom I love the instructional picture submission for the cake order..love it! Great shots 🙂 I remember bringing over lasagna after she was born – so little – in your house in Des Plaines – I remember holding her and giving her some of her bottle while you put dinner in the oven…. I also remember her cardiology appts, especially when David (who is now three!!) was born, and he needed to go to…. So sweet…the cake, the directions for the cake, the chalkboard cake…And the idea about the picture of the birthday kid with mom and dad–love it! I think I’ll steal that one too! Happy Birthday little miss Annie. She gets cuter every day, Meg! I love the idea of just the birthday child and the parents picture alone – it would have been perfect had she been looking at the camera with you and Craig. I laughed out loud about the no happy birthday singing but the wishing you a Merry Christmas singing was too funny! xoxoxo
Happy birthday Annie! To funny about the cake and the picture! Looks like she had a good day. That is too funny!
Happy birthday to Annie! She is the cutest. Love the cake “instructions”! Love the cake directions she gave you!! — I just sent off for my 31 bits party stuff! Can’t wait! Oh so cute….to be 6 again and have We Wish you a Merry Chtistmas sung to me at my birthday party. Love the cake by the way,
This is my favourite blog posting of yours I’ve ever read! Too cute!
awww happy birthday annie. my baby turned 7 this year. it’s crazy to have them that big already! loved your outfit from the “moo” dress barn…very cute. BUT it’s the cake that got my attention. that looked sooooooo good! Adorable. Great idea to take a pic with the birthday girl! Six is a fun age! Cute, cute- and I love the idea of a pic with mom and dad every year.
Ahh that is so sweet! And I competely understand what you mean about Dress Barn. Happy Birthday Annie! ( believe me, you wouldn’t want me to sing to you…you’d run and cover your ears, they would hurt so… ) My baby just turned 11 – how fast they do grow! And lol at the “Barn” – what were they thinking????
it’s my baby’s birthday today too! my sweet baby James, youngest of 6, turned 8 today…i cannot believe it has been 8 years. he will always be my baby, as all of mine still are. i still call my 24 year old “baby”. 🙂
Happy Birthday Annie !! what a sweet tradition. I can see the love in all your photos. My baby just turned 6 too. I keep telling him to stop it! No more growing! None of them are listening to me though. Happy Birthday Annie! My oldest turned six this summer. I told her no way was she bigger than five, b/c I only went up to one hand. So, she had to stop growing! She thought I was funny, but really… where do the days go?!!
Happy birthday, Annie! Awww!! Merry Christmas, Annie! What a sweet memory! And you two look like twins in the mom, dad, and birthday girl picture. All of your babies now have to use two hands (or more) when they show how old they are. That’s sad! 🙁 Have a great weekend! 🙂
Merry Christmas, Annie! Happy Birthday Annie!!!
Oh Annie you didn’t turn six already!!! Happy Happy Birthday… I hope six is a totally awesome year for you, full of fun and lovely surprises!!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Annie!!!!!! My Jake will be six in March….so, we have a little more time…but I am NOT ready!!!!!!!!! But are we ever? Happy Birthday Annie! She is so cute, and it looks like her birthday was very special-just like her! I am still laughing at the “moo”! We had a dairy farm for 10 years. Thanks for making me laugh and smile this morning again! You are a very wonderful Mom. We love birthdays at our house too!
My mom says it only really kicks you in the butt when your baby turns 30. 🙂 I’ll have to take her word for it since mine is only 1 1/2. Happy 6th birthday sweet Annie. What a cute girl! I don’t like being sung to on my birthday either. Annie and I can be friends. 😉
AWESOME!!! shes a big girl now!!! what a sweet post! and an awesome lookin’ cake! happy 6th, annie! 🙂
Merry Christmas Annie. Love this post. Happy Birthday to Annie and Merry Christmas one and all! Happy Birthday sweet Annie! happy birthday to annie, or maybe i should say feliz navidad annie!! so sweet….. birthdays seems so sweet at you’re house! She is so precious, and what a WONDERFUL birthday she had! You know exactly how to make each child feel special and unique – it shines through their eyes. An amazing gift. Awww… I love it! Singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas is just something our family would do. Thanks for the giggle. Happy Merry Birthday Christmas, Annie! I love the idea of a pic with just Mom and Dad. 🙂 And I love the blueprints for the birthday cake. I hope she got spoiled rotten. 🙂
Merry Christmas Annie! Happy Birthday Annie! Great post…I think she made GRAND choices…she knows what she wants…but don’t all of us who are the baby of the family. :o) Merry Christmas Annie!
happy birthday to your sweet annie. my son is five but will turn six dec 21. i didn’t realize they were so close in age. i will keep that in the back of mind as i read/see things with annie. love to observe other kids the same age as mine. i also have a 4 1/2 year old. so your baby is my oldest…but i am about 5 years older than you (that was a gift for you, lol). i get having a hard time with 6…weren’t they just born?!?! i want time to slow down, maybe even stand still sometimes. especially since i will be the big 4*0 december 29. ugh. i love your sweet family…you are an amazing mom!!! What a sweet birthday. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas to Annie! Really cute.. My 7 year old requested we hum the Star Wars theme music instead of Happy Birthday last summer.. tricky. How cute! And happy GIVING birth day to you. 🙂
i love that new tradition. i’m totally stealing that. is it still stealing if i say, *i am stealing that*? my youngest will not allow us to sing to him either. your annie looks so much like my sweet adorable niece–that just makes me smile everytime you post a pic of her:) Happy (belated) Birthday sweet Annie! I love being her art teacher! That look in the money picture is priceless! Milestones with your baby seem so much bigger somehow, don’t they? oh my – I just laughed out loud that y’all sang “We Wish you a Merry Christmas.” Can I please come stay at your house a few days? I’m pretty sure I would like it. Happy Birthday to Annie! So sweet! Happy birthday Annie!
the day after liza's party i got to be the decoy for Chicago Jenny's birthday party! she picked me up from my lunch with my parents and sister before they flew home. 🙂 that made me so happy. she drove me to IKEA. then we dropped off her kids with dave. we ate very well at cheesecake factory. oh how i miss her! we were ready to go and i was secretly texting her husband "we are leaving now" when we got back to her house it was full of her friends and her mom had helped dave with lots of food. dave had arranged for two manicurists to come and we got our nails done! there were three kinds of cupcakes. abby won first prize for their owl pumpkin! isn't that an amazing owl? jenny is a nicer mom than me…. i got to meet her new friends and see some old friends. it was so fun to be a part of it all. BUT…i missed out on 4 hours of time with just jenny!!! we need more time….all the time. happy birthday chicago jen. HA! how fun! what an adorable husband to get all of that set up for her. glad you had fun! You have me in tears missing my BFF!!
What a fun time! Aren’t friends great! Jackie sounds fun…girlfriend time is the best… I was thinking “decoy”? Like a duck? I finally got it.
i have a lime and bright blue daisy pin identical to the one you are wearing above-i love it! my grandfather bought it for me when i was a teen and we were in an antique store together. seeing yours made me think of it and him today and made me smile. :0) hey, who won the giveaway for “the glass is half full” picture love me some IKEA. great fun and cupcakes too…yum! Boy you managed to pack a lot of fun and love into a short time. However…next time you are in the area I’m going to have to kidnap you to take some family photos. For real. ooh cheesecake factory! have you tried the pasta divinci? it’s my favorite food ever now.
how fun of a weekend! and i love the paper star lanterns! i’m swedish so there is a lot of history to those stars. they are literally hung in every window of every house in sweden. it gets so dark in early october…so we swedes do all we can to light up the house. it’s a sing to welcome guests in the house. my parents will have them in their windowns in vaxholm sweden and me&my husband will be hanging them here in costa mesa california! enjoy them in kansas too….you will love them!
Awww, you gotta love Dave! Sounds like great time I LOVE it when kids confuse friends for family. 🙂 Um….Ikea light up christmas cardboard goodness?!?!?! Pics pretty pretty please!!!! I need to know if I need to send my sister there before she comes to visit me for a crafty sewey sistery weekend!!! : ) How special to have such amazing people in your life. Looks like you are a very blessed lady. i flew to chicago last week for a celebration. she is described as "sharp as a tack" by everyone. my sister and i sat with the women that owned a boutique with her in 1965 – 85. when i lived in illinois i would see liza fairly often. this summer liza sent me a shirt she'd embroidered for her son in college. you always know what liza is thinking.
such a sweet sweet post. that funny fiesty attitude works for her, gotta love that!!!! my dear grandma was also born in 1910. it was a very good year:)
Awww. How sweet. I have 5 kids too, and that woman got it exactly right. Though I sometimes thought I might go off the deep end, it all pays off in the end. My most troubled child is now my most vocal in voicing his love for his whole family. He never fails to make me tear up, because he has come so far, and I fought so hard for his soul! The kid who couldn’t wait to shake the dust of this home off his feet, has since bought a house only one road away, and I get to babysit for his daughter, plus they have one on the way! God is good! Two others are out of state now, but always keep in touch. The two youngest are finishing college, so we’ll have to see where they end up, but they always want to come home. When they all get together, they always, even as adults, end up in a (literal) tangle on the floor, resting on each other and discussing how things are going. After everything is discussed, they eventually they end up in laughter! That’s LOVE! It is so funny that you posted this. We are getting ready to go to SW Kansas to celebrate my Great Grandmother’s 100th birthday as well. She still lives on her own, drives, and is still sharp as a tack and I too love to hear her stories. I am so blessed to still have her and blessed that nearly all of my kids are old enough to remember her. She still plays games with them, reads to them, tells them stories, prays with the every night before they go to bed when we are there…..It is just amazing. Like your Aunt, however, she is so ready to go and says she never knew what lonely was until she got old and all of her friends have long gone, some of her family has gone on, and she tells everyone she is just ready to check out and I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t wish it on anyone either. Oh, wow. How wonderful! I got all choked up when I read what the lady said about having five kids. And then I read that you cried too! And then I cried some more. 🙂 Beautiful Meg….just beautiful
Oh how beautiful!!! Loved every word – and you know, once I read an interview with Martha Stewart (*before jail…*) and she said her only regret in life was not having more children. I wish I had a “middle” in between my 20 and 11 year old…. Beautiful post! Your comments about a big family bought tears to my eyes. We can all hope we will live that long and be surrounded by so much LOVE!
Awesome! We just lost our gram on sept 10th and she was going to be ninety two this past month. We miss her dearly and am sure you have the same sort of relationship with your aunt. I just adore older people….i make the kids understand the importance of respecting and taking time for them too. Would have been cool to bump into you – oakbrook cheesecake factory? My mom and sister and i are going to go away shopping next weekend to oakbrook/aurora for a christmas/girls weekend and I am so excited! Thanks for sharting,,,,,
That is amazing…and some pictures that will be cherished for generations to come. I love her quote about big families…
Truly beautiful and special…the time with your aunt, family, and the people in her life. That’s all! 🙂 This is to Angie above. I hope you see this. We also were surprised (to say the least) about our number 5. Our youngest two are exactly to the day 14 months apart. My husband was in shock for about three weeks. I got over it more quickly, …..because I had to! Our #5 was delivered in the car…by my husband…on the way to the hospital. I still say it was God’s way of making sure they would have a special bond. And they have. That shock at finding out about #5 is long forgotten. We often say, “Can you even imagine if we had not had #5?” Angie if you see this you can contact me. I have SO many stories about God’s plan in our lives by giving us Five. Believe me. You are blessed. You will know that soon. Lori Lucas
happy bday liza! the pillow is great! what a sweet gift “the oldest of five) gave you. I was about in tears! It’s true…I’m the youngest (at 40) of six children and have been surrounded by love my whole life. Beautiful post! 🙂 Ok, you made me cry! So glad you were able to go! And to Angie above…you can do it! It will be wonderful! Congratulations!
Well shoot…now I’m choked up. What a great day. I can just feel all of that love through your pics. Your aunt Liza is precious. And may I just say you always have the best necklaces. 🙂 Amazing to think of what she has witnessed in her lifetime! My Nana passed away 3 years ago at 95. Her mom and dad were one of 8, she was one of 5, and she had 5 kids of her own. On my wedding day she asked me how many kids I wanted to have. I told her that I didn’t know at that point…perhaps as many as God had planned for me. She told me to always remember that it wasn’t the number of ties that bind one’s heart, but rather the strength of those ties. She said she had witnessed plenty of large families that barely got along, and those members that got together out of obligation. Love can be strong in families of any size, shape or dimension..it just needs to be nurtured well! I love what you said about big families. I am the oldest of five and have five children of my own. I couldn’t imagine it any other way! Beautiful Post….Simply beautiful!
That’s awesome. Family is so cool. That’s wonderful to be able to celebrate such an awesome milestone with your loved one. And I just had to comment to tell you how right that lady you talked to was. I’m your age and the oldest of five. My siblings are absolutely the most wonderful gift my parents ever gave me. I adore coming from a big family. The only thing better would be having my own. I only have two but I love coming to your blog and reading about all your kids! I also have FIVE childern. I raised them in Hiawatha,Kansas (which is the northeast corner). I now live in Oklahoma. My children are 21-28 years old now. Yes, if you did the math, I had five children in seven years. All single births. And I lived through it. And when I say that I mean I LIVED through it. They were the most wonderful years of my life, so far, while I was busy every single night going to ballgames and concerts and practices and lessons. It was a wonderful, magical time. Now when we are all together it is special, since everyone lives different places. My uncle passed away in January and he too had five children. I took all 5 of them to see him in the hospital and we filled the room. He wrote me a note (he could not speak at the end), and he wrote, “Who would have 5 kids.” I said, “Only a couple of crazy people I know.” He wrote back, “Don’t let anyone ever tell you it is not GREAT (he wrote it like that) to have 5 kids.” I said, “I agree. But there are very few people that know the secret these days.” He wrote back, “But you and I did. And we’ll always be happy we did.” That was the last time I saw him alive. But when I think of five children, there is nothing but wonderful memories. Enjoy every minute of it! Lori Lucas congratulations! wonderful pictures. wonderful people. and such a photogenic family!
Happy, happy birthday! She is an amazing little lady, I wish her all the best in the world! Great Post! Today is the 1 year anniversary of my Grandma’s passing – she was 97 years old. I miss her wisdom everyday. Weepy is good. I cried reading it. She must be a pretty amazing woman with some wonderful stories. What I wouldn’t give to sit down with a pot of tea and and afternoon to spare to talk to a woman who has been around for so long.
i will confess i did not cry, but i might if i don’t find out where your beautiful necklace is from? love it! and love big families as I am from one. sweet post, meg. your blog is always ubberly delightful!
Meg, thanks for sharing this beautiful post. As a mother of five, it’s nice to be reminded that being surrounded by all that love for the rest of my days is worth every bit of the “grunge” work I do today. What a GREAT old family picture. Your Aunt is what I’m afraid I’m going to be when I’m 100 years old ~ very blunt. Guess if you live that long, you’ve earned the right to be. Looks like she had a good day despite her bruises and bumps. 🙂 Add me to the list of people who are all choked up & teary. How special that you got to be there for such a wonderful celebration! Is it weird that I can see a resemblance between you & your grandpa from that photo at the top? i love that that sweet lady said you’ll be surrounded with so much love the rest of your life. that’s so good. i always say, i want my house to be full of family forever. that makes me all weepy too! i cannot imagine being a little girl in the time period she was little and then seeing how the world is now. wow. I’m in tears reading about your large family and all of the love shared. My husband and I have a two year old and hope to have many more children. We both come from large families… many aunts/uncles, cousins, and knew many of our older relatives (great grandparents, great aunts, etc). We hope to have the love in our immediate family that you have in yours…. and be surrounded by your children and memories throughout our lives. Love your blog. For some reason this one just hit a soft spot. Have a wonderful day! 🙂 Oh Meg- no words. Perfect. Simply Beautiful! I only have one child but I come from a family of 13. It’s awesome to have so many siblings. Your family is awesome too. You can just feel the love through your blog. Even when the kids are being naughty…it’s so worth having all 5 of them. You’re an amazing mom! You make me smile! that is just the sweetest thing. you are blessed meg…5 children. someday all the work will pay off and you will be surrounded by their families and children…wow! thanks for sharing such a tender post. 100 years – AMAZING:) Now you’ve got me all weepy 🙂 What an incredible thing to get to celebrate! Now I am crying ! What a wonderful written memory of your family.I applaud you. Beautiful!! Beautifully written, and such a beautiful lady. She’s seen a lot in her 100 years! So beautiful Megan 🙂 And that first picture with the birthday cake….LOVE IT!! What a beautiful life 😉 Thank you for sharing. 🙂 Wonderful post! Poor thing I feel terrible for her with that huge bruise on her head and face. Ouch! So glad you got to go out to celebrate!
Love this! What an inspiration! wonderful celebration for a wonderful lady. so glad you were able to go and share such a special time with your sweet aunt. awesome job on the pillow. =)
I love it! The pillow is priceless. Im actually going to make one for my gma from my gpa’s old ties. Terrified.
Beautiful. I have a 92 year old Mother in law who could easily live to 100…so healthy. She too is pretty bold. I think as she got older there were just a lot of things she had figured out and didn’t want us wasting time. So cool you could go.
Precious! I lost it too when I read what that lady said to you. How sweet! You are truly blessed. She’s beautiful. I had a lump in my throat when I started reading, and then I got to your pic with her and I boohooed! Geez Meg…i have to go to work!!!!! Seriously, what a beautiful legacy.
that had ME teary eyed! wow, what a precious lady and special time to celebrate!! so touching, what a great lady I love the comment about the 5 children. I have 3 and have always wanted 5. I’m currently trying to talk my husband into just 1 more. I think I’m going to send him this link… Crying here! I get it ! I had 5 but lost my twins when they were 17 days old. I was able to have 2 daughters after that , but then I had to quit… doctor recommended. I am blessed to have 3 grown daughters who all have married and live close by with my grandkids..so it is all good. My dad is 91 and my mom is 86… hope we have 100 yr celebrations too. God bless you. This entry brought tears to my eyes. You are so blessed to have Liza in your life!!! Thank you for sharing. It brought tears to my eyes and memories filled my heart. My own grandfather lived to be 101. And I loved him so dearly. I am the youngest of 5 and it truly is the best to be from a large family. That woman you sat to is right there is so much love. Thank you for sharing. I know am I am complete stranger to you but somehow it really touched me. So thanks again. My grandmother turned 100 in February and I’ll never forget when she told everyone that she was 2 years old when the Titanic sank. Wow! This is a wonderful post, thank you! My grandmother will be 83 on Christmas Eve and I am overly grateful that my five children are able to know and love her. We have five living generations going right now. She comes from a line of women that have lived up to 103 yrs. of age and I do pray that one day my future grandchildren will also have the chance to meet her. Amazing!
I love this post. Thank you so much for sharing with us. You had ME tearing up with this post! What a precious gift family is! This *is* amazing. I got teary-eyed, too. My Nana is 87.5 years old, and I can only hope and pray that one day we’ll all be celebrating her 100th birthday. God bless Liza! I teared up with you at the thought of being surrounded by so much love. I’m even more glad I had four children 🙂 Ah, geez…now I’m teary-eyed. Great post, Meg. Okay, I cried too. My husbands Grandma turned 92 last week. They asked her, “Do you have any regrets?” and she said “I regret not having MORE kids!”…. She has 8 children, dozens of grandchildren, several GREAT grandchildren and a few GREAT GREAT grandchildren! She said when you have lots of kids, you get to be around lots of babies your whole life. sob… She is beautiful! She doesn’t look like she is 100! What wonderful stories she must have to share.
So Sweet! Wow! What a wonderful celebration to be a part of!! And as always, beautiful pictures!!! Whew. Glad I didn’t have the mascara on yet. Cry-baby over here in Chicago lost it when you said what the lady next to you said about having 5 kids. Beautiful. All the weary days of today will bring love and joy in the decades to come. A great reminder.
Hey Meg – LOVE this post…I have 6 kids and although it’s been difficult, the blessings are amazing…I bawled reading it right along with you. People have thought I was crazy having 6 kids but we have so much fun together! Happy birthday to your great aunt, she deserved a big party!
i got my martini lunch yesterday. the martinis were half off. we ate a lot. then we hit the GAP and i tried on all the skinny jeans in my size. girlfriend time is THE best. i always….ALWAYS…feel better after time with my girlfriends. thanks for lunch and a wonderful day KIMberlee. girlfriend time is sooooo necessary. truly. and please keep rockin’ the sweater–i have it in the pink, grey, olive and cream. hello? and some days i rock it with a ruffled shirt. whatever makes you happy, i say. i also say, cheers to 35 and 1 week:) My goodness you are beautiful. I always admire the colours you put together. And I NEED me a sweater like that!!!! Damn Target-less Canada. Please stop apologizing for your fantastic sweater….I love that you can even get such a cute sweater at Target and that it is great enough to wear over and over, that’s even better…thanks so much for the peek into your life through your blog..I love it.
your hair is FABULOUS! Sounds like a great day! I love the sweater so no worries there:) What a nice day, there is nothing like girlfriend time, I so agree! the sweater is darling 😉 I love spending time with my girlfriends too! That martini lunch sounded positively divine! Welcome to 35, I just turned 36 and am on the climb to 40…. Yikes!
I love the pink cardigan! Glad you finally got your bday lunch and girlfriend time. 🙂 Food, drinks and a girlfriend – what a fun day! Don’t shame the cardigan… if we were friends I’d raid your closet. You always look so fricken cute! Your clothes, the jewelry … love it all! Happy happy Birthday. I can’t wait to be 35. I think my kids will be potty trained by then and I won’t have to change diapers. Sounds amazing.
girlie…you look fabulous!! I’m late but happy birthday!! Target has a cute skinny jean called the Slouchy Skinny for about $30 that look really cute on even if you aren’t a stick thin girl! I told you should’ve put lipstick on. I am lipless. I agree with you. I don’t get enough of it. I think as a mom it allows you to feel like yourself again… like an individual instead of a parent or a wife. Maybe with all the kids in school now you can make it more of a regular thing. 🙂 So true! I just had lunch with an old friend from college this week (toddler-free) and it was just what I needed. 🙂 Glad you were able to enjoy your birthday lunch – even if it was a week later. I think our lunch is way overdue! Miss you lots. Phil read your post and said “she’s hilarious”. I could use a good dose of you in my life right now! You know what?…you crack me up. You’re so fun and it looks like you really enjoyed your 35+one week birthday lunch…good for you and good for girlfriends that care.
Happy belated birthday Meg! I’m so glad you got both the massage and the martini lunch. 😉 and I am so in love with rufflie-type-things.
old navy has some pretty cute skinny jeans right now. and they are cheaper than gap. i mean i love gap, but i do like a bargain too! happy hunting!
happy 35 and one week. too funny. wish i was there. the margarita sounded yummy and i could use a pair of skinny jeans;) happy weekend girlie. A good friend is such a beautiful treasure. So glad you’ve got a good friend in Kimberlee.
looks like Bella Luna!!!
the sweater…. love it!!! i have it in black and want to go back and get the charcoal grey… it’s super cute!!!! glad you got your lunch!!! happy 35 to you : )
mmmmmmm whatever you guys are eating looks sooooo good. yay for half price martini 😉 Happy Happy Birthday! Our 21 year old is CONSUMED by all things ruffle…she would say there is NOTHING wrong with embracing the ruffles. :o)
thirty five is going to be a big year. deep thoughts….i know right? ha. but i am just saying it now. i hope it's not menopause. and i have no answers. so there. i will be honest with you ladies……it took me awhile to let my lunch go. i went to the spa (i know i know…i am a big baby…whining about a spa…get a life meg!! ) well…it was….she did her job. thank you craig.
i ate it and it was YUMMY. now….i must get some sleep. 35…..it's gonna be a big year. bring it.
So glad you had a wonderful birthday!! I turn 35 in June! Kelly Happy belated birthday! I hope you do have an absolutely amazing year.
Happy Belated Birthday!!! Hope 35 is a fantastic year for you….I’m 35 as well and am going to embrace it, or at least that’s what I keep telling myself. I absolutely love your blog!!! Happy belated birthday! Can’t wait to watch your 35 story unfold…
Happy Birthday! I am one of your daily lurkers that de-lurked for your birthday. Love your stuff! Thank you for making my day bright everyday! I hope 35 is your year for wonderful things!!!!!! Happy birthday! I’ll turn 35 next year and I think I know what you mean: it feels different. Happy 35 years! Must have one of those adorable sweaters!!!!! I can’t find them at my Targets–yes, that’s plural. I am a Target Queen. Which brand is it–Merona or Mossimo? Thanks for your help! 🙂 oh, RATS, i’m late! – happy belated birthday! sounds like it was just wonderful! i have that sweater in grey and cream and i love ’em! Happy Bday – that cake looks delicious.. i hope 35 is GREAT
I just have to tell you that I love your blog! It’s so real and so fun! The pictures of you with your cake were amazing! I’m 49 and trust me you will only get better with age so enjoy! What a blessing! I can’t wait to read what big thing is next…
so glad you had a great day. 🙂 i understand that feeling of something big coming. i have that feeling lately too…and i have no idea what it means. kind of fun though. have a great weekend! 🙂
Happy birthday!! Your sweater is adorable. Happy birthday!!! I’m glad it was wonderful. You are a treasure 🙂 oh snap…no martini!!!! Oh well…have one today instead!!! Glad you had a great day!! Ohhh Happy Birthday Gilry!! You are just a baby 🙂 Happy birthday, I turned 35 this year too…. Still not too sure how I got here so quick!!glad you had a fun day. Love love love your blog 🙂
Sounds perfectly lovely – even if you did have to reschedule your martini lunch. You look so beautiful and happy and relaxed! It always stinks when two or three really good things are scheduled at the same time.I love how you chose to honor your husband. I love those feelings when it feels like something “big” is around the corner. . .probably something you couldn’t imagine in a million years either — ha! Or maybe it’s just more of the same, but more vibrant. . .know that you’ll continue to share with us and that makes me smile 🙂 And the best part is that someone actually took your picture with your cake. . .I always have to *ask*, which then takes away from the picture, y’know? Anyways. . .happy 36th year!!! Here’s to the best ahead. And maybe an caramel apple martini this weekend? Happy Belated Birthday! Happy Belated Birthday!! I also turned 35 this year (in April) and I hope that your feeling that this is going to be a big year is right:) Here’s to 35+ many more happy birthdays!!
Yikes! ONe day I’m out of town and don’t read your blog and you go and have a bday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Your gift was totally awesome! I think Talby had ulterior motives when picking out an ice cream maker 🙂 Love the sweater! Meg- I am wearing that grey sweater right this minute! I hope this next year is amazing for you!
Very nice… looks like you had a great birthday 🙂
I am glad you had a good day! I always try to stretch it out to Birthday Week…because we have family close by and get to celebrate with everyone! You looked beautiful. Love the glow of candles…great shot. What a sweetie giving you a massage like that. So glad you had a great b-day. It IS going to be a great year. I feel can feel it too…BRING IT!
Happy Birthday Meg! Glad you has such a good day! Here’s to a fabulous year!! Happy (now-belated) Birthday, Meg! Happy to hear you had a great day.
Not sure why but your post made me cry. Maybe it’s because I need a massage or because I love that your year is going to bring something good . . . and I feel that about my year . . . on the brink of something – just don’t know what yet. Or maybe I just started my period, oh yeah that’s it! Ha!! Glad you had a great day!
Happy Birthday, Meg. You RoCk!!!
I know, too, how you feel about not talking. Every time I get a massage, if I say anything . . . the masseause takes off and talks non-stop my whole massage. NOT relaxing. It’s like I have this flashing neon sign on my forehead (or somewhere else in this case) that says “talk to me, tell me your life story.” I have that sign on most of the time (believe me, people in the strangest places tell me intimate details of their lives), but I don’t really want it on when I’m having a massage. Happy happy birthday! Way to go on embracing a new year! I can’t wait to find out along with you what that “something” is! Looks like a fabulous b-day! o happy day!!! sounds like you had a great day! Happy Birthday! Happy Happy! What a wonderful gift. You’ll love 35. It is ALL Good. Happy Birthday, friend. We’ll do lunch next week…and I’m still buying. 🙂
Happy, happy birthday! You look great—glad someone grabbed the camera to get your picture with your cake. 🙂 Happy belated Birthday! Looking hot chicky 🙂 happy birthday!!! 35 look fabulous on you. 🙂
Happy Birthday, Meg! Since I’m in California, I’m technically not too late by my time. Sorry I did not de-lurk earlier. I too will be 35 this year (November) and I already have the same feeling as you — I can feel that it’s going to be a big year. By the way, reading your blog is one of the highlights of my day. So thank you and I’m glad you had a wonderful birthday! Happy Barfday! (As they say in this family 🙂
Jill - Happy Birthday to your sister. Omaha, I live in Omaha. LOVE your blog! I love that your you and that’s that! I am fairly surprised to see how many people who live in Omaha have commented on this. Omaha LOVES Hip Hop! Where did you go in Omaha? Just curious. Caridigans… Lol! Have a good day! Jill from Omaha 🙂
meghan - aaaaahhhhhhhh. gotta love the older sisters. I love being the younger one myself 🙂
And you can totally pull off dancing to hiphop with a cardigan on.
you just got to bring it.
Tracy Fisher - Love your sister photos. I miss my sister a lot. Made me go get out some old photos and look through them. Priceless! I think we all had the same hair styles too. And by the way, if my sister was still with us… my mom would make her wear a “cardigan” too. Didn’t know anyone else used that word. Whenever we go on any sort of outing, my mom tells me to make sure to bring a cardigan…then she laughs… because she knows I am rolling my eyes. Inside joke for years! I will have to blog about it one day.
Tracy Fisher
Kari - Who’d you see – 311? Are they considered Hip Hop? I’m live in Omaha…. I wish I had a sister 🙁
Jamie - This NE mom knows hip hop! Not only (foot)ballers come from NE. 🙂
Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Sisters Rule! There’s nothing better than your best friend being your sister. You are blessed.
Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hope you had a great day!
Gemma x
Kat - Having a sister is wonderful, especially when you are close like you two are.
Sisters are that link with childhood and beyond. I love it!
I hope Lorel has a beautiful b’day.
jennifer delossantos - My computer is REALLY slow, so at first all I could see is the title “big sister”. I just knew it was going to be a picture of Annie announcing she was going to be a big sister:) Oh Well! Happy Birthday to your sister!
Kelly - I was wondering if you were going to say that Annie was going to be a big sister. 🙂 Kelly
Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy birthday, Lorel! Meg ~ Annie looks so much like you!
Mary Beth - It’s my birthday today too! Lorel, did you have any George Washington Themed parties like I did?!!!!! (yuckers.)
lauren - haters sthat’s who. east coast west coast haters. the good stuff is coming straight from the middle. 😉 like i know. i have not been up to date on hip hop since approximately 2002. but living in nebraska i appreciated the shout out. 🙂
lorel - Thanks Megan. I had so much fun hanging out with you on Sat nite. I think it ranked up there with the Sand Bar night for fun and hilarity. I have not laughed that hard in a long time. I love you to pieces.
Sara - Love that Sister of yours!!!!!!!!!!!! Jealous of dancing in cardigans. Actually, “Dancing in Cardigans” sounds like a good novel…hmmmmm..
Southern Gal - Happy Birthday to your sister! Reminds me of me and my sister who is 4 1/2 years younger than me. While I’m dark skinned, black headed, dark eyed, she was the fair skinned, blonde headed, blue eyed one of the family. You wouldn’t know we were sisters. I used to tell her she was adopted. I know. I was horrible.
georgia - Your so lucky to have a older sister!!
Happy birthday lorel!!!
happygirl - So jealous!! I always wanted a sister and all I got were brothers. And 3 of them at that.
Mid-west represent represent, now put your hands up
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Molly Pearce - Sisters are the best! Happy birthday Lorel!
~Molly P