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merry christmas


Marisol Avila - Merry Christmas!! Love this! What did you use to create it? Hope you have a very Happy New Year! 🙂

Lori - LOVE this 🙂

edie - Hey Meg! I love this collage. Do you do your collages in typepad? Your photography is so inspiring. I got photoshop cs4 for Christmas and have been working on a ’40 things to do while I’m 40′ list—I liked yours so much this fall and wanted to try it.—except unfortunately mine say 40 instead of 35!! I’ll link to you when I get mine posted. I just wanted to thank you for all the inspiration this year. Wish we lived closer, I’d love to meet you. You aren’t by chance going to Blissdom in Nashville are you?
And any chance you’d do a post with some of your photography tips?
Lots of love and enjoy the kiddos this week!

michelle - merry merry christmas meg!!!!
love your card. cheery, colorful, happy, beautiful, vibrant, unique… just like YOU!

princesslasertron - we loved your card! it’s right next to my computer so bright and pretty. merry christmas duerksens!

gina - LOVE your collage- so very MERRY!!

Tegan and Tage - Amazing Christmas card! I am going to have to mimic that (best form of flattery, right?) next year. 🙂

tami reed - This is adorable your family looks too cute and colorful!

sarah - Hope you had a very wonderful Christmas!!

Christina - That is just great! Merry Christmas!

Kelly - merry Christmas!

mel - Merry Christmas to you & your family!
Hope you had a wonderful day together!
p.s. I did some of the crafts you posted about last week & blogged about them (and linked back to you) It was so fun! And, I made the red velvet cupcakes yesterday…YUM. Thanks for the great ideas!

Sara Cameli - I’m Pooped! Merry Christmas yawls! ha ha

Brittany - Merry Christmas, Megan and family! I love your card!! Can you tell me what font you used? I hope you all had a blessed day!

Betsy - Very cool card!
I happened upon your blog this summer when I was blog hunting on my summer vacation (from teaching). I wanted to say “thank you” for giving me lots of great ideas, inspiring me to do things to my new condo & entertaining me.
I’d love to know how you did this … of course, AFTER you have a lovely day with your family!
Merry Christmas 🙂

julie - best card ever.
true story.
the end.

elizabeth - Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!

Meredith - Merry Christmas to you and your family from sunny Australia! Hope you are having a wonderful day with your lovely ones. Meredith xo.

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Merry Christmas, Meg!!! I hope you have a wonderful time with your family!

Kat - Merry Christmas to you and your family. I hope you have a great day!

Laura Phelps - right back at ya, baby

adrienneK - so sweet! merry christmas to you too!!!!

jennifer - Merry Christmas Megan! Hope you’re having a wonderful day with your family.
I just got to see a bunch of the pictures that you took of my sister, niece and other assorted family members. They’re beautiful!

Diana - Merry Christmas and many blessings to you, neighbor!

Jill J - Beautiful! Thanks for sharing yourself and your family with us! Merry Christmas to you too.

Stephanie Howell - merry, merry christmas to you, meg!
hope you have a beautiful, blessed day!

Chiot's Run - Love love love!

Tracy - Merry Christmas to you and your family, Meg! :o)

Heather Richter - Merry Christmas! ~Heather R.

julia - Merry Christmas to you too!

donna - that is adorable!!! is that your xmas card? i want to do one like that. i never send them out anymore because it is too hard to get all my kids together – teenagers aren’t home much and one in college………but that is a great idea. How did u do that?

Lorilee - Love all those photos! Merry Christmas.

sara @ It's good to be Queen - Love it! So cheery & bright, just like your blog!! 🙂 Merry Christmas.

Melanie - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you Meg.

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