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well….that was a good weekend.
thank you for buying out the shop.  :)
and now it's me and the postman together again.

what can i tell you about this weekend?

i missed this baby shower.  
i was sitting at home doing nothing in particular and completely forgot.
sometimes i am such a space cadet.  (most times?)

i watched the super bowl and we didn't host a party.
we never do that.

i forgot to sign up my kids for indoor soccer…so i have to pay a late fee.
space cadet….
i have so much laundry it's insane.
here is half the clean laundry….who is going to fold that?

i am sending in for my visa in the morning.
africa is getting closer and closer.
it's just unreal that i am going….amazingly awesome.

i was running/walking on the treadmill this morning and everything felt like it's soooo heavy.
cause it is.

hot coffee really is so good.

now…how about some pictures.
of nothing and everything.

breakfast on the go.

scott is #3.
these were from a few weeks ago.
he LOVES basketball.   
the other kids….don't like waiting and waiting at their siblings games.

on sunday i only had sean and annie for the afternoon.
we got groceries after church and i told them they could pick a meal in the freezer section.
"we CAN?!!  THIS is the BEST DAY EVER!!!"
talk about easy to please?           

annie and micah (her buddy) are talking in the other room and i just heard her say 
"micah…my mom signed me up to play soccer and i am going to!"
he said "i already play soccer and i have shin gaaarwds"
annie was so interested and asked "SKIN GOGGLES?!"

happy monday. 

Lisa - Meg, you’re awesome! I just checked out your Whatever Shop and had to buy the typewriter print. I also featured it on my blog in hopes to drive more traffic to your blog and etsy shop. Hope it helps w/ funds for your Africa trip, but more likely you’ll be the one helping whoever is reading, like you do for me! Can’t wait for my print 🙂 It’s soooo cool. Thanks for keeping me sane everyday! xoxo, Lisa

Nan - I am LOVING your blog! So freakin’ cute! :^D

Katie Fuller - my 4 year old, Autumn Grace, and i were checking out your pictures this morning. she loves to look with me. anyways, she had a little something to say here and there… like things we have that are similar. when we got the the picture of your son she said “well i dont know who he is, but he’s REALLY cracking my out”… that means cracking me up around here ;). thanks for all your beautiful pictures, you totally inspire me!!! hoping one day to have a good camera and take beautiful pics like you 🙂

Trina McNeilly - i always love your randomness…. fruit loops have never looked so good

Melanie - I love all the pictures. I wish I had your creative eye.

Vicki - Why is it when one woman speaks “mom” (my kids would rather have a frozen dinner than me cook, or the laundry pile is so high I can’t see over it) we all can give a collective, “UMMMMM, HUMMMM.” The human expereince is really more the same than we think I suspect…
Good luck with Africa…I went when I was 19 years old. The sights, the smells the feel…still there.
It is a humbling experience.
I think Dr. Suess said it best, “oh the places you will go…”

Erica - Love, Love the sock monkey tee! Monkey with a bow? Too cute!!

lucy - my favorite picture was the one of your daughter and her ‘baby’sweetly sleeping under her blanket:)

Laura Phelps - You wanna know why I love you? Why I so totally enjoy looking at pictures of fabric, and yogurt, and children I do not even know?
I love it because every single word…color…expression…all of it screams JESUS.
Is this weird?
Let me try again here.
There are some people who preach and preach and shove their God down your throat…and when they do that, it makes people turn the other way.
Then there are those like you. People who have that “certain something”. In Hollywood, we call it the “x factor” or simply “it.” Some people you look at…and you think, “I want what SHE has.” And it is not the house, or the kids, or the husband..although yours ARE fabulous..but rather, it is the way you make God the center of your life. IT SHOWS. In your words and photographs, without even mentioning God name, IT SHOWS.
That is why I love being here.

mel - Your laundry pile is about as big as mine. I just can’t keep up with it & I only have 2 kids. I can’t imagine how out of control it would be if I had 5 kids! did you make Annie’s sock monkey shirt? LOVE it! My Kate would LOVE that! You should list those in your shop!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - Thanks for showing your laundry pile. It makes me feel better. Is that your picture that just made it into the first group finalists on Pioneer Woman? The cheerios picture up above is awfully similar to one in today selection.
I’ve also missed important parties, just because I didn’t remember, and it has become a family tradition to sign up for things late. It makes it more exciting to see if there is still room : )

Christy H - Great photos, Lauren looks so grown up., That awesome that your shop sold out Congrats, hope you get the $ you need towards your trip! ooh and love the fabric shot

ashley - Okay, so you wash my pile that high, and I’ll fold them! Laundry’s everywhere.
Lovely photos. Just lovely.

susan - what great photos, i could relate to the pile of laundry 🙂 and a few others. we have a basketball player too! have a great week! susan

Carrie - Meg –
I am telling you, if you are willing to take in a 33 year old I will take care of all that laundry for you. I am still not sure why you haven’t taken me up on the offer.
Love your pictures. My husband got me a DSLR for Christmas. I am already noticing a difference in my pictures. My biggest issue is that it seems HUGE compared to the little digital I have always had and I feel like everyone is staring at me when I take a picture. I love it though!

Cary - Your pictures are so pretty!
Have to know where you found that chenille fabric (photo of your fabric stash)!!!!

gena - The bowl of fruit loops look really good at 1 am. BTW I just awarded you the Sunshine Blog Award. You can check it out at Just add it to your umpteen awards!

Staci Danford - LOVE your honesty.. LOVE your heart. Glad to know a few other gals space out every so often. haha

Amber - two thoughts…that you don’t have to reply to. 🙂
i think i have the same couch. or at least similar couch from the same place. your denim couch is looking an awful lot like my loveseat that came from sofa mart. and actually i have it in couch form too – but in the cream color. purchased at differant times. love the couch…but wow! the denim fades from sunlight!
second thought…love your red curtains. i’m going out on a limb and assuming you made them…and wondering where you found the fabric?!
btw…great post.

purejoy - the mountain of laundry made me sigh. now that it’s just the hubster and i, i STILL look at my paltry little pile and avoid it.
i wanna play soccer. i want some skin goggles, too. sounds so fun the way she says it!

Anna Marie - Is that your “cool new phone with texting”? Ha! 😉
Love these posts! Makes my crazy days seem not quite so crazy knowing that others go through the same stuff :o) Thanks!!!

Dianne Avery - Okay, now I have to go get chalk paint and paint a wall. I love that!!

Rachel - I love your random photos. Now THAT is real life! Some of them are just plain ART. And your kids are adorable.

amy jupin - what parallel lives we lead!
i’m surrounded by hungry kids, dogs, laundry, stuffed animals, crayons, and silly conversation too!
where, oh where, is talby lou?

Jessica Reed - Looking at pictures of your kids makes me want to drop out of college and have a BABY!… but then I realize I only have one semester left and though babies are SO cute… the responsible thing is to just wait a few months… ah! You’re kiddo’s are cute though… that was the main thought. 😉

angela - Meg,
I smiled when I saw the basket of laundry waiting to be folded. I did a post tonight on laundry. Check it out.
Oh, and the picture of Lauren with the dog….Love It!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Love the posts where you just ramble and show random pics. Feels like I’m a fly on your wall:) Those were great! That one with your oldest and your sweet dog…just beautiful. She should go into modeling…gasp:o

JerriR - Cute pics, cute post…ugh I hate those laundry piles and “skin goggles” totally made me smile 🙂
PS Don’t worry with 4 children you so allowed many “space cadet” moments…its all good!

Tiffany - Your photos are great!! Your mountain of laundry made me laugh out loud. I’ve been right there. {grin}

Hattie - Love all the pics! Skin goggles! Baaaaaahahahahah!

Heather - Love the pics. We live in Kansas now…so question: Why do they say Rock Chalk Jayhawk? Thanks, Heather R.

Amy at The Red Chair Blog - Love that pic with the tucked-in stuffed animal in the foreground and Annie in the background. Precious!

Joni - You certainly are a BUSY woman! And going to Africa, too…aMaZiNg!!!! I love that your everyday life pictures are worth sharing….we love them as much as you do!

Tara - love this post…we could be friends in real life.

Staci - Favorite pic….Annie in the background coloring and her little kitty cat (?) all tucked in nice and cozy 🙂 HOW sweet is that?????

jerusalem - love the everything pictures. just life – so great : )
Once a month at our church we have a “brown bag sunday” where we all have lunch together – either fast food, take-out or brought from home. my kids love Brown Bag Sunday b/c it is the one time a month they get Lunchables – very exciting indeed!

Colleen/And Baby Makes Five - Just discovered your blog via TaDa Creations…
What an inspirational space! And your ginormous laundry pile is making me feel oh-so-much better about mine.
Sometimes I wish there were a Laundry Fairy…
Enjoy your week and all of that everyday busyness!

Cori - Thankyou thankyou for showing your laundry. I have a huge mountain in my house. Yours looks prettier somehow. I have a dream of someday having every bit of wash put away every sock matched, every bin empty. A crazy dream, maybe unatainable but it gets me through the day!

Immyyas - Laundry totally multipies doesn’t it!!! Lope the pics… those all the fun colors you always have going in your house. Annie is adorable… love how she tucks in Micha… my girls do that too 🙂

Jo - Lauren is VERY beautiful 🙂 I love her hair, she is a total cutie!
Annie’s conversation’s are too cute. THE BEST!!!
Your kids are so fun, just kids in general

Tonya - i love the glimpses you give of your life…’s so real! Seeing a little “ROCK CHALK” helps too! 😉

emily - lauren is absolutely gorgeous. & i love hearing the tidbits of annie’s conversation.

annalea - ha, sounds and looks familiar – i think i washed 7 laods of laundry this weekend and i am avoiding folding the last three loads cause i am worn out. i checked out the shop on saturday afternoon and it was almost gone even by then – how awesome that it sold out! i went to honduras last year all by myself – left the kiddos and husband at home – and it was so amazing. crazy hard and life changing. i pray that your africa prep continues to go smoothly.

Jen - I love that you shared a pic of your laundry pile!! Mine looks the same way after a day of washing!

candace - Oh to be a fly on the wall when Annie is engaged in conversation – how cute it would be!
Do you happen to know the basketball coach/school that got “punked” with that blindfolded half-court shot? If you guys haven’t seen the youtube video, your son may really enjoy it!

Lindsay Thomas - I could look at pictures of your kids all day long! (Is that creepy? I don’t mean for it to be!) The picture of your oldest daughter is beautiful – the one with the dog. Look at those eye lashes! All of your kids are just adorable.

Genevieve - Loved this post! Thanks for sharing a bit of your lovely & colorful life!!

Dawn Gahan - I can’t believe how much Waffle looks like our sheered-back Old English Sheepdog Gideon. Makes my heart melt looking at these two fellas.

Beth - and you dropped your hat in the parking lot, it’s hanging behind the desk at the WC.
You’re welcome!

Katy - Love your pictures!! Where is sweet Talby at?

Charity Palmer - I love Annie’s tie-dyed dress…very cute. If I ever have a daughter I will make her a tie-dye dress 🙂

jack - Thanks for giving us a snapshot of your weekend – I love the chalkboard wall!

julie - what a precious family!!

Sophie - Such a beautiful family you have, Meg. Such great pictures. The random everyday ones are the best.
By the way, I’m really loving Annie’s sock monkey t-shirt. So adorable (:

emily anderson - rock chalk, jayhawk.
love that picture.
well, love all your pictures!

Jenn - Um, those red and white curtains??? Did you make them? I am in love. How about posting some of those lovelies in your shop? 🙂 If you bought them, please tell me where they are from. I love your blog

julia - send ticket = someone to fold your laundry
I have a pic just like your car one from our last trip home! I love my iPod thing that I use…I can’t drive w/o music

Cathy - Skin goggles – love it! I have to ask again, because I’m a stalker like that. What kind of camera is it you have? I sooo need a new camera.
Oh… did I ever tell you we did try that crescent chicken, its a huge hit here, I’ve made it 3 times so far (in a little over a month) my daughters loveeee helping with it because its so easy 🙂

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