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melissa sent me the cutest little brown baby doll.
let me tell you a little about melissa.
she has five children also…but her oldest child is 4 years old.
you read that right.
five under four.
and she sews.  
with five children under four….she still sews!!
she creates cute cute dolls with different bible verses and lots of texture and color.

she sent me this doll to help raise money for the africa trip.
she said "i thought you could auction him off"
(but i kind of want to keep him….)

can you believe that?
generous and kind.

i just love him.
he has the sweetest hair.
and the softest skin in that brown minky fabric.
he has a bible verse on his chest.
it is such a good verse for my trip.

IMG_2935  IMG_2940

so….since jess found out that raffle aren't legal with paypal…    

we will try it as an auction.
it will be like ebay.
you can outbid each other by leaving your amount in your comment.
you have to bid a dollar higher than the comment before yours.
the bidding will close at 8 AM thursday….feb. 18.

if you want to bid…leave a comment.
if you don't want to bid…go visit melissa and leave her some comment love.  :)

everyone loves comments!

melissa….you are so kind and generous.
thank you so much.

andgeiil - how many time i do not do what i want to do but do what i dont want to do

Seattlemom - So sorry I missed the bid deadline. He is so cute! God bless you and all the girls on your trip. May you be a blessing to all you come across. I found your blog recently and it’s a blessing to me. Thanks!

tami reed - He is too too adorable awh! I just dont like ebay lol

Annie - Hi! I just found your blog & I love it and your home. PS – I also love your daughter’s name 🙂

Cristi Clothier - Just found your blog. Love it! Love the doll too!
Jeremiah 29:11 is my absolute FAVORITE scripture. It’s always in the back of my mind when life is handing me things I feel like I can’t handle.

Chalk Inscriptions - How can someone take a picture of eggs and it looks great! You are an amazing photographer – love it!

Kara - I’m past the time, but can we just donate? I don’t need anything, but would like to help!

purejoy - ohmystars, so cute!! love love love this! if only all my $$ wasn’t going to the DR for my son’s mission trip to work with haitian refugees.

Kait - Thanks Rebekah! We had hoped to adopt a waiting child who sadly passed away so we’re back at square one with the waiting on a referral.

Staci Danford - That is the cutest thing.. I wanted to reach right in a run my fingers down his little face..

Rebekah Brummel - We are too Kait. . . a five year old. I don’t know you but good luck on the journey and congratulations on your son. We are hoping to go sometime this summer.

Kait - $55. We’re working on adopting a little boy from Ethiopia and this would be the most perfect doll for our son.

linda lou - he’s so cute…………..i’ll bid $50.00 good luck with the auction. blessings.
linda lou

Annie - OK – I don’t know you – just found your blog from a friend, but I heart you. I heart your blog & all it’s colorful glory so much! Thanks for inspiring me today 🙂

Jen Christians - $38 Jen Christians

Amy Petz - 37

Rebekah Brummel - $36

jeana - $35 Oh wow! I’m in love.

sara - so precious! $30

Heidi Jo the Artist - $25 AWESOME!

Cori - $20.00 cute doll!

Micah - $15

mom - Hey – I’ll start it with $10.

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