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sunshine, sisters and bubbles

perfect weather.
beautiful sunshine.
brand new container of bubbles.

that's the good stuff. 

Holly Rhodes - Everyone looks so happy! Now I want 5 kids!!! Ok 4 would be ok! My husband insists that we are done at 2!! They are young but they are still each others bestfriends! =)

Sandy - Talby is getting so tall!!

Rachel / cREaTe - annie’s smile in the 4th one down just put the biggest smile on my face. pure joy in her eyes & smile.

Kellie Dugan - Love the photos! The bonds that sisters have. I always wished I had a sister. I will settle for that cute waffle though. Just send him my way! He truely is part of the family. So sweet.

Diana - awwwwwwwwwwesome! oh Meg, where oh where did you find that huge bottle of bubbles! was that here in town?? i’m out of bubbles and the grandkids are comin’ this weekend!
bubble weather is the greatest!

tamara - Your blog is very sweet, I love visiting. I’m new to blogging, someone just gave me the “sunshine award” and now I’m giving it to you. Details are on my blog at

kelly - Ah, yes…I still love bubbles…

Beth - Those pics of Talby and Annie together are precious!

carissa... brown eyed fox - look at them!
you can tell they are having a ball.
we’re soooo looking forward to bubbles here.
we are down to 25 degrees tonight & the WIND… oh the wind.
i suddenly feel like toto about to blow away! 🙂
it’s nuts!
these pics glow with hope! :O)
make my heart remember the warmth to come!

Traci - that is the good stuff. maybe i should rent a couple little ones so i can play and have fun like that.

Melanie - Annie is starting to look older. Your baby is growing up. It happens fast doesn’t it.

Jack - I hope someday that I can take photos as good as yours, Meg. It helps that you have the cutest kids on the planet! You have such a gift for capturing the emotion behind your shots. I’m all signed up for Karen’s The Photographer’s Workshop and can’t wait for my first lesson! Oh, and I LOVE Waffle too – he’s just the bestest!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - SWEET! Great shots of the sistas playin’ nice and loving on each other:) Cute one of your pup too. I forget his name. His hair cut is just perfect now.

Meagan - How Fantastic… as I drifted through your pictures completely lost in your perfect little moment. I realized I was rubbing my big ole pregnant belly!!! I can’t wait til my little man is old enough for bubbles… they’re just so magical

Melissa Shepard - I was w/ my youngest two kids at Walmart and couldn’t pass up the bubbles, chalk, jump ropes, and bouncy balls. Spring fever! Great job at capturing it!

Suzanne Gallagher - What a glorious day. Your pooch has such personality. What breed of dog is he? Sping Sunshine/Daughters/Bubbles nothing gets better!

La Dolce Vita Gal - So refreshing after driving through snow this morning…I love this. There is nothing like the friendship and love between sisters…lovely to see your girls learning that!

meaghan - do you KNOW how much talby looks like you?! she even stands likeyou!

Courtney Walsh - oh we had just a hint, a tease of sunshine last week, but the past couple days have been freezing and rainy. boo!! Love your shots capturing the sweet sister relationship. 🙂 So cute!

Ana - Your girls are adorable and can I tell you just how envious I am (in a very healthy way, of course) of you because your house is just DREAMY!!

Kate - Yeah!! Happy happy day!

Alicia - You can’t be anything but happy when you have a full bottle of bubbles to play with! Happy Spring Meg!

Jessie Sterling - My mother always said she took the most pictures of the oldest and then took less and less of each kid down the line. I noticed you take a lot of Annie, and I feel like I take the most of my youngest child (I blame this mostly on the invention of digital cameras!). Just wondering if you take more pics now than you did before? Or were you just as into photography when your first was born?

amy jupin - what pretty, pretty light!
talby and annie have such a sense of style. i love it.
i noticed how big talby’s feet are (or at least in this pics) and i started giggling. they are both becoming such big girls. crazy.

Julie - Sweet, sweet sisters! Love it!

Morning T - The good stuff includes your incredible photos! Wow~ those are quite the bubbles. 🙂

Paige - Ah, bubbles….one childhood plaything i have truly NOT outgrown….still love them soooo much. enjoy your kids! 🙂 they are beautiful.

Staci - We’ve had much the same weather as you guys this Winter and it has been sooooo nice to get out and FINALLY enjoy the sunshine!!!!!! I bet Waffle was IN HEAVEN chasing bubbles 😉

rhonda - I love that first shot. Looks like a fun day.

Megan - So sweet! I love the fun kids have with bubbles, any age and they have fun!

linda@LimeintheCoconut - Oh yeah. REALLY good stuff. I love how you have such an amazing ability to capture the moment. simply, beautifully.

Christy - Love that 2nd picture, the sun is in the perfect spot!
Cool shot!

sara@augustfields - new bottles of bubbles are a so great! meg…your pictures and lighting are amazing! but more amazing are the memories that you’re capturing 🙂

PaisleyJade - Those bubbles are amazing!

angela - I LOVE the picture of them looking at each other…I know you must love it too!!

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