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i got nothin’

i am leaving to go work out….

while i am gone
can some body give me an idea of WHAT to blog about today?

what do you want to know?


karin - I’d like to know down there with Baby Cole – where is that white ruffly smooshy blanket from? Yummy..

Sarah Alcantara - I agree with house pics, recipes, and I liked an above idea about your wedding! I love seeing wedding pics!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - How you met your honey.

Sandy - Always love house & random pictures, but I’m also wondering if you realize how much you look like Kate (plus 8) G in your latest picture you posted (even though she now has new hair). That’s a compliment; I think she’s pretty.

Lisa Lentini - More about your trip to Africa. How are you feeling about it now? Are you going back?

susan woodward - anything !!!!
pics pics and more pics of your home. paint colors??
ps..i love love love your haircut..getting mine chopped off this weeked. hope it looks as good as yours.

se7en - Oh what a great post idea!!! I am dying to see what you come up with… I so want to see something happening on the third floor – in your free time of course!!! And your hair is fabulous!!!

4JJM - How are you “doing” your new hairdo? Round brush and hairdryer? Curling iron?? I love it!!

tricia - i love your recipes and any craft ideas

donna - more pictures from around your house – those are my favorite!!! How bout a peek into your closet or jewelry box i love the purses and jewels you show us. However, I am lovin all the other suggestions 🙂 Love you hair Meg – super cute.

ashley - Recipes, kiddo pics.. ANY pics, really… More about that haircut, photo tips for us with point and shoots…

Aurora - Your Camera!!! I’d love to know what you shoot with and maybe a tip on how to photograph children! I have a 2 1/2 yr old and I can’t seem to get a decent photo lately. She moves too much!

Meaghan - What ever (haha) happened to the third floor?

Carrie - I’d like to know how you found your house. I want an older house with character…did you say to a realtor “find us ____” or did you go looking by yourself? how did you find your amazing home?

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Did you watch the SNL special last night? If so, on a scale of 1 to 10, how cute is Jimmy Kimmel? And Jason Sudeikis. And Andy Samburg. And do you like Will Forte? Because I find him terribly annoying and can’t think of anything funny that he’s ever done. Oh wait, I’m now recalling that you enjoy that MacGruber nonsense… 😉
Also, do you think Alec Baldwin is as funny in real life? What exactly might be wrong with Rachel Dratch? Is it ok that I have a bit of a girl crush on Kristin Wiig? And Tina Fey? And have you seen Date Night yet?
And on a scale of 1 to 10, how annoyed are you with this comment?

Mary - I say RECIPES, what’s for dinner, and the pros & cons of having 5 kids. I’m at 3, thinking of having one more!

Sabrina - Im with the photo people maybe a “where to begin with taking pics” maybe a weekly posting on tips you learned

jack - How about some blogging tips? How did you get your blog ‘out there’ and read by other people? I’ve been blogging for a year now and have yet to have my blog read by anyone other than family or friends. Any tips would be gratefully received. Have a happy weekend!

Jackie - Pictures of your house in Chicago

Sarah@Clover Lane - I’m with Georgia…dating/wedding etc…
Photography tips too…
see I told you…everyone wants to see your house!

charlene @ lanfranchi family - definitely without a doubt photography tips…beginnings…and what programs you use. and yesterday I saw your hair cut and liked it…today I saw the finishing touches and i love it!

Suzanne Gallagher - Me, again. I finally caught an episode of “9 by Design”, thanks for mentioning this show. I didn’t even know it was on. I think this family is neat, I can see your point about the dad, he is a little abnoxious. Thanks for sharing this show. What are other shows that interest you?

Bec - I always love your color blogs where you just post pics of things that are colorful 🙂 Especially now that it is spring!

Kambria - house pics please….and love the new sassy doo!

Suzanne Gallagher - House Pics. What is your workout?

Crystal - I agree with the “how you got started” photography, home pictures, and routines.

Rebecca - Pics of your house please.
Hair cut info.
Love your blog!

Sheila P. - I wish I were you. Who do you wish you could be?

Dianne Avery - Who’s your favorite blogger/bloggers?

Kimberlee J. - Since we’re on the dinner topic—are your kids picky eaters?

Ingrid Blanchette - we just found out that we’re having a baby….God has blessed us with such a beautiful gift. heard the heart beat on monday and wow what an emotional moment. would ♥ to see pictures of when you were pregnant and maybe some mommy-to-be tips.
love your blog!

Maureen - Megan, Hey there, have you ever posted complete pictures of dining room/pool table room. How did you decide to put those in there? Really, how tragic am I that I need to know that about someone I have never met…Hope you weekend is good.

J.B. Kinrich - I vote for, “What’s for dinner?”

Denissa - Do you menu plan for the week? Whats for dinner tonight? 🙂
LOVE your new haircut!!!!!!!!! So cute 🙂

Kimberlee J. - Who inspires you?

Anna Marie - Point me in the direction of a “beginners” book or website about sewing. I need to know the basics. I have a sewing machine (still in the box). Nervous about getting it out and feel stupid about my knowledge of sewing.
Also, do you go mushroom hunting in Kansas? I went for the first time last year (here in Missouri) and I LOVED it!

CarrieBeth James - i love hearing about morning routines. you should share yours!

Jessica Reed - More pictures of your house – you (and your house) inspire me!

Jackie - I like the cleaning idea too. Also what are your favorite things around your house? Things that just make you happy.

Jessie Miller Sterling - Your kids bedrooms! I don’t think I’ve seen them all, but wold LOVE to! Maybe your basement…do you have one? Or your laundry room…love your house. Or maybe some old pics of where you used to live. Or just more Happy Things, I love those too!

Georgia - Meg,
I really want to know about when you got married, and what your wedding was like etc
Im getting married in 2012, so i cant stop thinking and talking weddings at the moment! 🙂
Geo x

Lee Ann Willis - tips for cleaning house! Anything quick and easy or how you handle cleaning your house, do you have a schedule of what room you clean when? any favorite cleaning products?

Jackie - I vote on recipes, house pictures, (I love your house and style) kid crafts, what you did in your workout, Where are your favorite places to shop?

Tara - yep. I’d like to see more of your home…

stephanie - photos of your home…kitchen. Always lovely!!!

Janine - I would love to learn how to sew and don’t know how to get started. What kind of sewing machine do you use/ recommend?
Oh and I’d love to hear about the photography stuff too. I love taking photos and I would like to get better at that too. Your photos always come out great. I have a cheap point and shoot digital but I’m hoping I can still take good pics with it.

Caterina G. - I’m agree with the comment above me 😉

Kim - I’m with the photography people. I’d like to know how you got started and where you learned to take such great pictures. What type of editing software do you use? Can you give us “momographers” some tips?

Linnea - Yes we are in need of a new recipe!! - have you ever been to the kentucky derby? the derby festival is starting here tomorrow night!
– love from louisville, ky 🙂

Jennifer Waters - I want to hear about some photo tips!

Lee Ann - recipes and house pictures! Anything new up in the attic?

Lacy Brauner - recipes! u have some of the best, great hair by the way, its not mom hair..its MILF hair! ha!

Martina - What’s your favorite spot in your house?

Lori - What’s for dinner? I could use an idea…
Your hair cut, I’ll say it again, it awesome! Very chic.

Jill - does your house look any different now that it is spring? any change arounds with decor?

Heather R. - When do you make your summer poster? Do you have an end of school year party for the kids? ~Heather R.

Jackie Parlee - Hi Meg,
I’d love to know how you got started with your photography business, tips you might have for others who would like to take one up and what lenses are your go to favorites for those great candid shots. 🙂
Washington State

BriBedell - New projects your working on…another recipe..your favorite fabric right now…hope that helps..LOL

Shauna Howington - I vote for photo tips! I love your pictures!

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