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lemurs, llamas and tantrums

we went to tangayika wildlife park.
i had no clue what this place was so i was impressed with what i say.
and the kids LOVED the lemur exhibit.

IMG_8422 you were not allowed to pet them but they can jump on you if you let them.
this was sean's not-so-subtle way of encouraging the lemur to climb onto his lap.

craig was wearing camoflauge….at least in the lemur exhibit.

the goats were noisy. 


yes…you are correct….you eyes are not deceiving you.
it was a FAMILY night.  all 7 duerksen's in attendance.
not all 7 were happy about it but we did it…and survived.

annie fell down towards the end of out time and never recovered.
she cried for a really long time.  
she finally yelled "UGH!!! why did i w'run in my flip flops?!"  so mad at herself.
and later when getting in the car to go home "i am not going to run in my flip flops ever again"
yeah right…..

jeanne - That last photo…sweet girl. So cute what she said.

Kellie Dugan - Oh, those tears! So sweet. I still have to remind myself not to do things at 38. We never learn. I hope she feels better.

Elisa - Poor Annie…flip flops are a big deal for little girls. You have a big family like mine…I beat you with 8 of us here. My older girls don’t usually like family time together and the zoo is totally out of the question. So glad you were able to spend it together. Have a blessed day.

Gemma - So cute! Running in flipflops is dangerous..the amount of times i’ve nearly had a fall. Looks like a great day out : ) Just to let you know I linked to you in my blog…hope this is ok!
Gemma X

Niki - This is like literally 3 minutes from my new house! I can’t wait to visit and take my 4 kids! I’m so excited to hear good things about it!

Rachael B - I am so surprised to see Lauren! she is so beautiful, glad to see her in some pictures 🙂 lol!

emily - lauren’s dress is ADORABLE. where did she get it?

julia - isn’t it funny how with your fist you’re all on top of them when they cry…by number 5 (3 for me) you take a picture of it! When mine cries I usually turn to whoever is next to me and say “doesn’t she look cute when she cries?”

Heather - How could you NOT pet the lemurs??? When they were so close?? How unfair. And oh the tears. Nobody cries quite so well as a little girl after a long day. I think if we could, we’d have a lot less problems in our lives. Just get it all out and then go play.

designHer Momma - looks like an awesome field trip! Yeah, running in flip flops is danger, danger, danger.

candace - Aww, you’ve built great memories! You seem so good at that – being intentional about good memories for your kids. Annie is sweet! Does she get more upset when you try to take her picture in that state or is she just accustomed to having a camera around? My neice HATES it when I take her picture.

haleigh - i’ve been reading your blog for a while and i love your spark and color. i found your annies preschool blog through yours. i am an elementary education major and i hope that i can create such a fun, learning environment that she has for her preschoolers when i get my own classroom. you’re very lucky to have someone care about annies education so early.

Tam - oh that looks like so much fun. I love Annie’s dress, I bought the same one for my niece. Annie crying breaks my heart-running in flip flops is definitely a bad combo 😉

lifeologia - We love lemurs! Ever since Madagascar my daughter who is only 2 1/2 loves them. I found a cereal for her called Leapin’ Lemurs from EnviroKidz (great organic cereal by the way) and we just love them – wish we could go to a Lemur exhibit too. Poor Annie – big hugs to her.

Georgia - Awww Annie looks so sad, Flip flops are definatly not for running in… Toe scrapes… Owwwwie!!! i can sympathise with her pain.

Vera - I was just going to pop in and pull up pictures of your kitchen to show my husband, but when I was scrolling down, sweet Annie’s tears made it impossible for me not to read and comment – that girl is the SWEETEST!! The lemur exhibit sounds awesome! My kids always want to go into the zoo exhibits, especially the monkeys, so they would love it.

sarah - How NEAT!!
i love that you can be that close the the lemurs.
Poor Annie 🙁

Rachel @ Pencil Shavings - Love these!
I’m sighing over not-all-7 wanting to go together. I’m totally dreading when my little one grows up and doesn’t want to spend time with us. I remember that age so well, when I was soooo embarrassed to be with my parents. I remember wanting the floor to swallow me whole one time at the movies because (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT) MY MOTHER WANTED TO BUY POPCORN. I know! Who on earth EVER buys popcorn at the movies?! ::rolling my eyes::
Hang in there. She will want to hang out with you again. 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, precious!
Kiss sweet Annie’s knee for me!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - Cute! All those lemurs remind me of Madagascar.
Darn flip-flops! Camden had a flip-flop related scraped knee this week too. Which really just means a new princess band-aid every hour.

Courtney Walsh - awww, poor Annie. That is such a cool place, though!! How awesome to be able to sit right in there with them!
I want a lemur. lol

Diana - we are wanting to go to tanganyika sometime soon. sounds like so much fun.
so sorry, annie… i have done that in my flip-flops, too… ouchie.

Tere - love the share

Dianne Avery - You got to pet Lemurs!! That is so cool. I’m going to go google right now and find a place near me to do that too.

Whitney - Megan, I love keeping up with the kids as they grow up. Talby is just “mini-you”! Love the striped shirt and lemur tails photo – hilarious!

Kendra - So fun! Our family has been wanting to go there too but haven’t made it yet! That is so cool to be in there with the lemurs! Thanks for showing us pictures of it!

Krista - How nice you got out will all of the kids– I can’t believe how big they are all getting. Thanks for sharing!!

Staci - Awwww 🙁 That picture captures it all!!! Poor Sweet Annie 🙂 What a great place though!!!!

Laura - This is unrelated to your post. I am hoping that you and your children will make your summer poster this year. And when you do, will you link to your last ones? It will be here before we know it! Thanks, Meg!

Lisa - Hey Meg, I love how close you could get to the Lemurs. Big hugs to you, it is hard when a child wants to distance themselves. Good on you for insisting on holding onto family values. They will be thankful for it one day. xxx

Kristi - How in the world did they resist petting those cute little boogers!

RLG - That picture (Annie’s tears) is priceless. I’m going to have to remember to try and get some of mine crying. LOL Thanks for sharing the good and the bad, Meg. It makes me feel so much more human (and every mom needs that). xoxo

LouBoo - The flipflops comment just made me laugh out loud – so much like my son! They learn but its oh-so-hard! Such a cute picture with the tears – heart-breaking x

Kelly - OMG! I can’t you were allowed to get so close to the lemurs! How cool!!!

angela - Hope ALL of you had fun…even though it’s not COOL to be with your family!

Sandy - Love them all, but I have to say Annie is so precious. What a doll! Wondering if she gets mad when you take pictures of her crying?

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