Masthead header


as we left swimming lessons i saw this car parked in front of my big truck.
i said "oh….that is pretty….ohhhhh…..i like that car"
sean looked at it and said "but mom, there are only two seats!"
and talby said "exactly.  one for her and one for dad."
i smiled.
annie didn't miss a beat "WELL…i'm gonna need 2 CAMPER CARS when i have my 12 kids!"

we went to the zoo for a short visit.
it was hot.
very hot.
the zoo had the misters everywhere to cool the kids off.
sean's hair was so funny.

all the animals were loving the kids.


we gave him some ice.  
he liked it.

we were alone by the lions.
all three were asleep.
sean gave this very realistic roar a few times….woke up the daddy.
that got them very excited.
he got up and walked right up to the glass and started pawing at the glass and showing his teeth.
if there was no glass….he would have killed us.
he was not playing with us.
the zoo keeper came over and stood there till we left…..kind of to get us to leave.

the tigers were asleep too.
until we sat down next to them.
then they were wide eyed.
the were convinced that talby & annie's yellow shirts were the cause of the animals liking them today. 

snow cone break.
we saw these in the gift shop and we were inspired for craft thursday.
which will be craft friday again this week.
then to the car.
hot drive home.
quiet drive home.

oh how i love the dvd player and wireless headphones.
we came home and every child went somewhere seperate….by choice.
they each played quietly….for hours.
it was like there were no children here!
i took a book to my lawn chair in my swimsuit and vegged for an hour.

i needed that.
it rocked.

Vannessa Gabbett - Wow! The car is definitely pretty, but I guess, your kids didn’t appreciate the beauty of the car, but instead, they noticed how many seats the car has. It only shows that they do want to come along with you every time you have a date with your husband. Heheh. I’m just kidding. Your kids did have a great time in the zoo. I can see it all over their faces. 🙂

Tyra Shortino - You have such lovely kids. It’s kind of funny how they noticed that the car has only two seats, one for you and for your husband. Heheh. You need to buy two of those so that your 3 kids can ride with you. 🙂 But the car is definitely pretty. Though I wonder how it would accelerate in an open highway.

ana from australia - just saw these, the animal pics are FANTASTIC…. thank god for thick glass hey?

Musings Of A Gem - That Lion looked crazy!!!
Gemma X

Trina McNeilly - sounds like a fun day and the perfect ending.. some quiet alone time! I can’t believe the how close you are to the hippo & how the cats were so animated – wow …..sooooo coool!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I’m thinking a trip to the zoo is in order. Those were great pics. That lion looked a little pissed;)

Jenn - Isn’t it crazy that kids don’t get freaked out by lions getting mad at them?! I took my daughter to the Denver Aquarium last summer and they have tigers there. She wasn’t even two and was just standing there at the glass and a tiger totally charged at her. Everyone else took an involuntary step back and she just stood there all happy just to see the tiger! Can’t wait until we can {finally} get some nice weather to go to the zoo. Glad you had such a fun day!

Lauren - Such a fun zoo day! Glad to see that you guys are fellow QT supporters…love their great fountain drink deals!! It’s the little things in life, right? 🙂

jen - Separate by choice and quiet for hours? Was there Benadryl in that QT cup?

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - looks like an amazingly awesome day for all – EVEN you!! Love that. Can I order up one of the same for me???

Jessica - That lion looks too scary… even behind that wall… No thanks.. i think i would have ran! 🙂 The hippo is my fav!

Melanie - Sounds like you had a great day and I just love what Talby said about you and Craig:)

tara pollard pakosta - what a nice day!!!
we need a Zoo day!
my girls will often do that after
a full day out, just find somewhere, alone
in their room or wherever and just read a book,
draw, go on their laptops etc. they need alone time!!
great pix as always!

Sixty Fifth Aveune - Amazing pictures, as usual! We visit the zoo all the time and we would be lucky to get one cool animal shot. What a great day!

Lori - Awww. Summertime is great, isn’t it? I love the tiger picture and the snow cone.

shelly - That lion picture looks fake, which is good, because knowing it is real-is a little freaky to me. What a fun day though!

heike - how funny! may i show you which picture i posted just today?
i had to laugh a lot when i realized this coincidence… ;o)
it’s all about hippos… - lions, tigers and hippos — what a fun day!!!

jennifer - We went to the zoo yesterday too! SO hot!
And the lawn chair in the backyard with a book by myself… my favorite!

Staci - We’ve had VBS all week….I’m looking forward to veggin’ ALOT next week myself 🙂

Kelly - great day! Kelly

jack - Oh! Wireless headphones! I didn’t know they even existed. I’m off to investigate…..

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - those are some serious teeth on that tiger. looking forward to taking our kids to the zoo…it’s a big trip for us, an hour and a half each way. wish we could just pop over for the morning like that. glad you got a quiet afternoon. 🙂

Stacia - Oh my gosh I love QT pops in the summer! I live in Colorado and we don’t have QT 🙁

Debbie S. - My husband and I always talk about when all four kids are grown, we are going to reward outselves for surviving parenthood with a two-seater car and a white couch!!

Jocelyn Stott - What a great day and oh my goodness, that lion!!!! Super cool but also slightly creepy. It is humbling how magnificent those animals are.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - What a wonderful day. I LOVE misters. We don’t get heat for very long, but when it comes it is HOT. At our local street performer festival they attach the misters to the hydrants. I wish I had one in our backyard. (It would go nicely with the pool : ) Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your quiet time, its hard work keeping us up to date. But I for one really appreciate it.

Gekakel - Beautiful pictures of your family to the zoo!

beth - Gosh it has been ages since I went to the Atlanta Zoo…what fun you all had…loved all the pics and can’t wait to see your craft Friday from the inspiration pic.
Ahh the sound of silence when kids are with you…nothing but a great gift from them…peace and love among them all.
Oh yeah I see that car and I will raise you on it…oops sorry have nothing to raise on
Loving your blog as always Meg! Have a great weekend and can’t wait to be back on Monday…I so look forward to your piece of life each day!

Kacey - I want to go to the zoo! Sadly, I think we would melt right now. No zoo in the triple-digits for this girl!
You always have so much fun with everything! Love your outlook on life.
P.S. A whole HOUR by yourself with a book with kids at home? Fantastic!

Kimberlee J. - We’re hitting the zoo tomorrow for Ella’s birthday. Did I hear it right? 100 degrees!!!! I hope they have the misters on for us, too! Love ya!

Heather - what i wouldn’t give for an hour with a book. ahhhh. sounds heavenly.

Julie - Oh, and when we do go to the zoo, we will wear yellow to test your kids’ theory 🙂

Julie - Those zoo pictures are unreal! It always seems like the animals are hiding or sleeping when we are there. The zoo is on our summer to-do list… now I’m pumped. I want the zookeeper to come stare us down because the lions are aggitated and threatening us. Haha! Not really–that would put me way out of my comfort zone.
We were able to squeeze in Craft Thursday yesterday… letter mosaics. I found the idea through a link on your blog. The kids each made one for themselves and I made one for baby on the way and then the boys decorated D-A-D with items from the toolbox… for dad for Father’s Day. So much fun and way less messy than I thought it would be. Yay for that!

Georgia - WOW how big are them Tigers teeth!!!!! I went to our local zoo a week ago and was really close to a tiger and i couldnt believe how BIG their paws were…. !!! huge.
The Lion pic’s funny. Looks like hes making goofy faces on the glass…

Sophie - Looks like such a fun day!
Darn, I want to go to the zoo now! 😀

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