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talby has been thinking about getting her ears pierced for quite awhile.
but she was very nervous about it.

this week i said "you want to just do it right now so you won't be scared anymore?"
she debated….hyperventilated…..laughed shakily….then said "ok" really quietly.
so we parked the car and went in and did it.

at wal-mart.

poor thing.
she was pretty scared.
and her brothers were making it so much worse by watching everything and then saying "it's ok talby"
i think they were both honestly compassionate towards her pain.

she did it.
little rhinestone studs.
surprise dad!

and then there was little miss annie.
the opposite of talby….jumping up and down…not nervous…so excited to be like her big sister.
"i want to get MY EARS PIERCED TOO!"
"pleeease. pleeeease!!!"

she picked the same earrings.
she was giggling she was so excited.
then the count down 1, 2, 3 pop.

tears and tears and tears.
VERY very loud in wal-mart.

(surely that was the first time a child has cried loudly in wal-mart….)

we did some deep breathing with the jewlery counter girl…she passed out the smarties…
and that was that.

gigantic GIRL milestone crossed…on a whim…just for fun.

way to go girls!!!
you look so beautiful with your sparkly new bling.    

and it's just in time for family pictures!
they are today.
i am so excited about it.

we chose shirt #1 for lauren.
thank you to all the 600+ voters who helped us chose.
i told craig "it just proves how important fashion is to women…" with the 600 comments.
she matched us best in #1.
but looked great in every single one.
wish me luck that i don't blink in every shot.
and that my kids aren't a nightmare for wendy & tyler.


Elizabeth Gleason - I was such a chicky baby when I was a kid. I got my one ear done. Screamed and said noooo way that’s all for me and I had only one ear done. A month later I went back to seal the deal! My poor mom!

Vera - Cuties! My 5 year old was begging to get her American Girl doll’s ears pierced at the AG store (big eye roll) so to buy myself some time (you know, so I could save up the $50,000 I’ll end up spending there) I told her when she’s 8 she can go get the doll’s ears pierced AND her ears pierced – she thought that was awesome. Can’t wait to see your family pictures!!!

beth - Meg…
Woohoo for Annie & Talby, love their bling! Now I have pics I can show Lexi…she has been wanting to get hers pierced for awhile but I have been sort of weary she would not do so well. Maybe this is more for mom than Lexi. hehehe
Woohoo seconds on the shirt…that is the one I choose. I loved them all but just that one and 4 spoke out.
Have fun with pics and can’t wait to see them!
Have a great week!

angela - i LOVE THE proud LOOKS ON THEIR FACES!!!

Staci Danford - Toally precious.. What a darling memory and such a sweet post.. I loved the tears photo. She was a trooper though. So glad I didn’t miss this post. TOOOOOO cute!!

Tricia - Yay, girls! Two of my girls got their ears pierced this week too. My younger one cried afterward too, but now all is well, and they think they are SUPER COOL!!

Holly - Yay for the girls! I am glad I am not the only one who waited to get my daughters ears pierced! I can’t wait to see the family pictures!

amy jupin - soooo cute, meg! anna was checking out the pictures too, shyly asking, “does it huRt??!!” and “that girl is crwying!”
needless to say, i don’t think she’ll be getting her’s pierced just yet. 🙂

KK - Very beautiful! The bling is so awesome. 🙂 Love the little diamond studs!
And just wanted to mention that I loved all of Lauren’s shirts. In fact, I just bought the 2nd shirt (from CR) yesterday in a different color. I loved the ruffle sleeves! All of the shirts are pretty & she is a gorgeous girl!

Tasha Griffin - I still remember getting my ears pierced…what a special and fun thing for a girl! The little earrings look adorable!
: )Tasha

Kathryn - Too cute, they looks great with they’re new earrings.

Sophie - Aww! I didn’t think it was possible, but they look ever sweeter with earrings (:
I had mine done when I was about Talby’s age.
Good luck with your photos, Meg!

Jaime A. - Awww. Talby and Annie looks sooo cute with their sparkles in! I have been thinking about taking my daughter to get her ears pierced a second time. Not that she’s ever asked… Is that weird?
GL with Family photos!

Melanie - They look so cute with their new earrings! Annie was adorable in the picture of her crying:)

Pattie - There is not a child out there who cries cuter than Annie. Every time a see a picture of her with tears I always think what an adorable little thing she is.

Jill Jones - I loved this post…well, I pretty much love all your posts, but this was too sweet. Your girls are all so beautiful! I have a son. Just one. That’s enough. I will continue to enjoy fun girl things through you! :o)

jaz - So pretty!

Beth - meant Talby & Annie, although the way I wrote it looked like I meant Ellie. I’m a dork.

Beth - Love the earrings. Ellie got hers pierced two summers ago at Claire’s and everyone walking by at the mall gave me the STINK EYE like I was forcing the poor child to get her ears pierced. LOL. They look beautiful. And I loved shirt #1 (although I didn’t vote).

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh we just did this with Little Chick. I think I was hyperventilating! It’s a big deal. Makes them all grown up…all of a sudden:)

Laura - Before our girls got together, I knew they were so much alike! They too got ears pierced on a whim and had the same reaction!
Now I want to buy your girls earrings.
Oh.. And Annie cried so hard
and loud that the little girl waiting for her turn changed her mind!

Chiot's Run - SOOO cute! My nieces are just getting theirs pierced – so fun!
I was born in Colombia (American parents that work there) and they pierce baby girls ears as soon as their born. My dad ran to the nearest jewelry store when they announced, “It’s a girl” and the little thread loops were replaced with gold balls when he returned. Gladly I never had to deal with the pain of getting them pierced

Janie Fox - Cute post! They look so adorable together in the after. I wanted to cry when I saw Annie’s crocodile tears! Too sweet…love it!

DreamGirlLisa - Such a rite of passage for girls…I remember when mine got theirs…my oldest nearly passed out (she kinda did actually)…scared the s**t out of me!lol Your girls look darling w/ them. Can’t wait to see your family photos, I’m sure they’ll be beautiful!

Julie - My girls want their ears pierced too. I look forward to showing these to them. Your girls are all so beautiful ~ I love the picture with the two of them together. Such a sweet sister moment showing off their new earrings!

Posey - I got my ears pierced when I was 12…about 1970, a spanish lady down the street did ours (my 13 yr old sister & I). First we had to numb our ears with an ice cube, then she held a cork behind the ear and pushed a needle through, followed by an earring!!! Sounds like fun doesn’t it!?! Boy, were we proud when it was over, we thought it was worth all the pain.

Gemma - Awww bless!! They look beautiful : )
Just to let all of you know i’m having a giveaway at my blog. The lucky winner will receive a CSN gift voucher. Come and check it out!!!
Gemma X

Julie K. - I can’t wait to see your pictures!!!

Juli - Oh, they are beautiful!

kristine - that’s awesome! i have tears in my eyes!!!! you’re right – gigantic milestone! HOW FUN!!! oh but annie’s tears… oh my!!! and they look darling after!
hope the pictures go/went well! yaay!

laurenjean - I love BLUE LILY !!!! We had our pics done by her last Christmas !!

Ashley Stinson - Oh, the piercing of the ears. A major girl milestone is right! Your girls are adorable! 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - cannot wait to see your family pix!!!!
please share them!!! we plan to get ours done
in october!
savannah got her ears pierced at age 6, but ava wants NOTHING to do with it! funny how different they can be!

betsy - In our family, we were allowed to get our ears pierced at age 13. Well, at 12 & 1/2 I BEGGED my parents to let me get mine. I think my Mom was so tired of hearing me whine about it that she made my Dad take me.
Tell the girls that at age 12, I held my Dad’s hand, was terrified & I’m pretty sure I cried. I think it’s the noise AND the quick pain that scares the bejeezus out of everyone!

april - what a great memory….LOVE it!!!

Melissa - So precious!!

Deedra P. - Ha-congrats girls!! We did that at Christmas time with our only daughter (and our entire extended family that was visiting) 18 of us inside the little Claire’s boutique. Grace didn’t cry…but she WANTED to :)) Good luck with pics…always an adventure with a big family!!!

linda lou - made sure the girls clean them regularly just ask MS amy d……? blessings,

Lynda - WELL DONE GIRLS!!! It’s a big thing……having your ears pierced!!!!!!! Here they “do”both ears in one time…….saves a lot of breathing ;)!!!
But you look FANTASTIC!!!!!

shelly @familyblt - hooray for earrings! they both look too cute! looking forward to seeing the fam pics

chasity - great going gilies. you both look so pretty.
when my little girlie got hers done~ she was 4 and had been asking for a year!~ they did them one at a time.
we almost went home with only one ear pierced!
as we passed back by the earring pagoda in the middle of the mall after an ice cream treat she scowled and said~
i’m mad at that lady.

Staci - Awwwww 🙂 Such cutie pies 😉 And I love that you picked No. 1 for Lauren!!!! 600 comments!!! HOLY SCHMOLY!!!!!! THAT is funny! Good luck with the pics!

Marla - This is not the first time I’ve noticed how Talby and Clara have paralleled each other. Clara is getting her ears pierced for her birthday next month.

Carrie - Are you a blinker too?! My husband blinks in 90% of our pictures. I swear I am not exaggerating. I gets so frustrating. We finally resorted to outside pictures in our sunglasses.
Good luck! Have fun with the pictures!

Liz - Poor Talby looks soooo tense in that first photograph. Both girls did better than me. I was in my 30’s before I had my ears pierced. Even so, my dad still thought it was such a bad thing to have done and said he wouldn’t have babysat my daughter if he’d known where I was going!

karen - so cute!
good luckkkk!

elma - Oh the girls are sooooo cute with the new bling!!!
So glad number 1 shirt one!! It was my favorite”) Hope all goes well with the family pictures!!Can’t wait to see them.

tami - Awh they are too cute. Great job

Karen Lehmann - oooppps got that wrong – that would have been the pic of Annie (sorry) 🙂
they look beautiful

Karen Lehmann - the pic of talby crying made me cry.

Nikki - Their earrings look great!
We had a special outing when my daughter got her ears pierced…. both nana’s, two aunties and best friends all came to watch. Yana had so amny people watching she was too scared to cry!
Can’t wait to see your family photo’s 🙂

Susan - They did great! I had mine pierced in 1972 and fainted! Way to go girlies!

Krista - Good job girls! They both look great in their new earrings!

Lorelei - adorable. stinkin’d adorable. I remember the day my Aunt took me to get mine pierced. My parents finally let me at age 12!! I was a nervous wreck too. But was surprised that it didn’t hurt as bad as I thought it would. Congrats girls on such a fun milestone. and they LOOK beautiful!!!!

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