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how can this be?
how can my sean….my sparkle eyed boy…my third child…my BABY…be 10??

i did not go to the work of scanning these…i just photo-ed his baby book.

and now?
his feet are bigger than mine.

his mind is complex and detailed.
he has an amazing mind.

we are close…he likes to talk to me.
i love that.
he has requested an ice cream cake and his birthday list is filled with things that are too expensive.

happy birthday to my little man.

Kelly - happy birthday, Sean! I requested an ice cream cake for my birthday last year! yum! hope it’s yummy. Kelly

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy birthday Sean!

Alaina - Happy birthday Sean from all these crazy people who love to follow your mom’s blog that you’ve never met!!! I hope you had a super great day!
Is that Lauren holding him? She looks just like Talby!!!!!!

shelly @familyblt - Happy day you were born, Sean!!!

katy - Oh, that’s sweet! Happy b-day to Sean.

Mindy Harris - beautiful boy. Happy 10th, Sean.

benson - I remember when “baby” Peter turned ten–we kept telling him not to get any older…that this was fine…that he could always be ten. It’s a wonderful age (btw–he’s 23 now and still baby Peter and we still think he’s wonderful)

Ruth - happy birthday sean! he seems like such a cool guy 🙂

Deputy's Wife - Ten years ago I must have been going into the hospital as you were coming out. My oldest will be ten in a few short days. All I remember that summer is that it was hot. Plain old hot.
Happy Birthday!!!

Lynda - congratulations Sean!!! What is it with these children? my oldest girl is twelve and wil leave school within one and a half weeks……how come??? what happened???? and now???;)

Rhonda - Oh, they grow up too fast. Love the pictures.

tara pollard pakosta - Happy Birthday Sean!!!
He seems like a very sweet and amazing persoN!

Rachel Johnston - WOW double figures!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEAN 😀 have a superb day 😀

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - Sean is the coolest! 🙂

Charisse - Happy Birthday from another Kansas mom! My little Tate turns 4 today and our Matt, who went to be with the Lord almost 8 years ago, would have been 11 today. Blessings on your day!

amy d - happy birthday sean!!!! hope your having a great day!
amy & miley

Sandy - Happy Birthday, Sean! It always amazes me how much grown up kids still look like they did when they were a baby. Blessings to all of you!

Julie K. - I totally forgot that our boys share a birthday! Happy birthday Sean!

Kelly - Happy birthday Sean!

Staci - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet sweet boy 😉

Gemma - Happy Birthday Sean..have a great one : )
Gemma X

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - My baby is 10 too. It chokes me up a bit. Happy birthday to your Sean:)

Krista - Happy Birthday to your sweet boy!!

Laura Phelps - I just wrote on my own blog today how much I LOVE THIS KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Dew Dew Dude is TEN!
Happy Birthday Sean…
thanks for trying to teach Luke how to play the piano…I know that wasn’t easy…
thanks for making me my very own comic…
you are a great kid!!
I hope your mom gets you everything on your too expensive list!

se7en - So big so fast!!! I hope ten is totally fun!!!

Jennifer - Happy Birthday Sean!!!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - what a handsome guy! The baby pics are all ADORABLE – I’ve got a five year old that shows promise of being a life-time mama’s boy – I’ll take it! 🙂

Megan - What a cutie! Happy Happy day to your big boy!

shelly - Happy Birthday! Our oldest turned 10 in May. I can’t believe the size of his Feet!!! My little snuggle bug is now to big to fit on my lap (not that he’d want to! Mooooom..eyes rolling)

Leah in FL - Happy Birthday, Sean! Meagan, you are blessed … but you know that. :o)

Rita - I want to say what a beautiful boy but I must also say what a handsome young man. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are both lucky to have each other.

Niki - Happy Birthday, Sean! You are my kind of kid with that Ice Cream Cake request! They are the best! Have an awesome day!!

tami - My son is 10 as well, he is very handsome! I cant get any suga anymore now!

Lori - What sweet pictures! Happy Birthday. Oh, and take my word for it, their lists get even more expensive as the years go by. 🙂

Heather R. - Happy Birthday, Sean. (That is my brother’s name :))

angela - Happy Birthday to your boy!!!! What a handsome young man. Boys and their moms have a special bond.

LouBoo - Hi – ohh now that is such a sweet post. The picture of him as a baby with his big sister I presume? That is just precious. Happy birthday to your ‘babe’ not so much a baby anymore. Lou x

Holly - Happy Birthday Sean!

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