Masthead header

it’s not you…it’s me.

my thoughts yesterday…were just thoughts.

when i was sitting in my empty kitchen surrounded by dishes, laundry & dirty counter tops.
in my sweats.
and no one to distract me….it was Q U I E T….

those were my thoughts.

but i KNOW for a fact that:

*35 is not old.
*my house can be messy while also being a good wife and mama.
*i can lounge if feel like it…it's ok to just BE.
*i have kids to do the laundry.
*i can have lunch with my girlfriends and i will every chance i get.
*i can go back to bed after i drop kids at school if i am tired. 

what i am trying to say is…..
i am excited for this new chapter!
and i can make it anything i want it to be…i think.

today i just have a couple random pics for you.
none having anything to do with the other.


how many dirty socks can you find in your kitchen?
love this….i have no idea why.

i have been painting…..

i could watch this show all day long.

when we went to bed there were 28 oil pastels in this box.
when we woke up….there were none.  
i guess they taste good to dogs.
i had no idea.

i got to meet another awesome blogger Lori.
she was in town and dropped off some vitamins for africa to me. 
go check her out.

kashya - haha those dogs probably had greasy poops for awhile – I know mine did when he went through a box of those oil pastels.

Kelli - Found the coffee mug here at Crate & Barrel. 🙂

Christina - I am wondering about your dogs?! And…did it affect them, if you know what I mean. 🙂 Goodness!
Do you paint inside your house? And the fumes are fine? Just curious. 🙂

tasha roe - ahhhhh the gun show. 😉 When hubby and i first started dating he worked construction. yum! that’s all i can say about that. lol

Nike Shox NZ - You are right. I am agree with you. Your blog lead people to right direction. After reading your blog I konw much thing ,For example I konw how to get well to other peoples,and now I have a lot of good friends and we help each other ,thank you very much …….

Mary Beth - The BEST thing about the empty house is THE GOING BACK TO BED!!!! No guilt. You earned it back in the newborn daze. 🙂 - I love your randomness!!!! (Is that a word?)

Rach - I need to remind myself of this much more often…
*my house can be messy while also being a good wife and mama.
Thanks. 🙂

karen - The SOCKS! Thank you for showing that! I have socks too…my husband takes part in that too! sigh!

Lisa - I love reading your blog and rarely comment for some reason. I’ll try to not remain a “lurker”! 🙂 Now this has nothing to do with your post (although I also totally related to the sock picture!)
I was making my husband watch a youtube video of Beth Moore cause I think she is a gifted teacher/speaker and we watched a promo video that her ministry put together. Anyway, I could have sworn I saw you in the audience! hahaha Its probably not you but to someone who only sees pictures of you on your blog and doesn’t know you in real life, it looked a lot like you! Here’s the link just in case you want to look.
Back to your post… I am also looking forward to the days of all kids in school. I think I will exercise more when that happens! 🙂

linda - he is going to poop you a rainbow!!! what a sweet dog…i am sure he was thinking of you and how much you love anything rainbow…and knew you would love the end result! your blog is one of the highlights of my day!! 🙂

Laura - you have a new craft for crap art!

Ashlee - Great post! Love the oil pastel mystery. Hope your dog doesn’t yak. By the way, we tried your chicken and biscuits last night. Yum! Yum!

Katie - We actually have a laundry basket in the kitchen! Even though all the bedrooms are upstairs we have a ton of clothes on the main floor! Little ones:)We did the birdhouse project today…lots of fun for my 6, 4 and 2 year old!

Georgia - HA – cant believe waffle ate the pastels! silly dog! lol

Amy G - You are absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!! Things for making me happy!

linda lou - you can sent that guy to my place i’ve got lots of windows to look out at him (: (:………..and its ok to go back to bed after the kids are gone, i’m still doing it (: blessings,

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Socks… they are little creatures aren’t they!

Shelly DeBoer - Oh Meg…. thank you for posting all the dirty socks found in the kitchen. I always swear that is going to be the death of me… I am always thinking “seriously, how many pairs of socks do we wear? and why do they never ever get thrown down the chute instead of left to lie in every room?” Drives me CRAZY! Reading all the posts makes me feel like maybe this is simply NORMAL after all… LOL
Your posts are always sunshine in my day!!

Courtney Walsh - I want that coffee mug! How cute is that??
and what is with the dirty socks?? I have been finding them everywhere!!!

Iris Brown - I am so hooked on your blog! I stumbled upon you from jones design I think and I am in love. Your like the funny, real, girlfriend and mother I’ve always wanted and now can appreciate through your thoughts and pics through your wonderful blog. You crack me up with the pastels and the gun show with your hubby! Please keep this blog up and I wish you could live closer to me. You should uproot and move to MN 🙂 Have a great day!!!

Sandee - Oh my gosh.. I’m so glad I’m not the only one that finds that many straggler socks in the kitchen and all over the house for that matter… Can’t wait to see the finished product of what you’re painting!
Lovin’ all your thoughts on being 35 now.. I’m turning 35 in a week and half!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I totally understood what you said yesterday and I understand today, too. Last night I oddly thought of you…I thought, I wonder if she’ll ever just go back to bed? (Can you tell I’m in those years where “that time” feels a million miles away and I’m just Tired??) So, thank you for answering my unasked question. If you ever really miss the mayhem, I’ll give you my digits and we can conference you in. Delightful back-ground noise!

Brook - Ugh the socks!! I am ALWAYS picking up socks. So glad I’m not the only one with socks strewn all over. Can’t wait to see what the dresser looks like finished.

Erin Darlage - Wowzers! All men should own a navy blue cut-off and a jack hammer.

Marie Tere - You know Meg….I like you for just the way you are. I hope you don’t feel like you have to explain what you mean…justify your thoughts. It is YOU! And that’s why I like you!

BULLYMAMA3 - I love your past few posts…I have been thru those exact same feelings…my youngest started K the same fall that I turned 40…I can so relate to what you are feeling and I love how honestly you have summed it up. It is okay to just “be” sometimes and that may be one of the best ways to recharge our mom selves. Even though my kids are gone in school all day there is so much to deal with when they get home…it is important to be ready for that!! Somedays it is projects, to do lists and excercise, somedays it is time w/friends and sometimes it is just “being” that does that. Thank you for your wonderful blog, it often times helps me thru my day.

Heather - If that went into the dog – what colour will it be when it comes out? Could be interesting.

Sandy - We are in the early stages of painting our kitchen cabinets. Our thought is we’d like to paint the hinges rather than buying new, but wondered if the paint would make them inoperable (kinda like painting a window shut). I noticed the hinges on the doors you are painting. Is it ok to paint them? I’d love to hear an opinion from the “pro painter”. Thanks!

jennifer - Oh my goodness! I thought I was the only one who had a dirty sock collection in my kitchen. One of my kids pulls them off and sets them on the counter. Lovely!

Jenny - I love the sock picture…it reminds me of my house. =)

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - Is all that painting for your dining room??? can’t wait to see it! i love that pic of your kids too. that’s happy stuff. and i think i need to rent a jack hammer and make my husband jack hammer something…

aimee - the oil pastels… i am choking over my coffee…

julia - You have such a happy and colorful home – even your dog has colorful poops.

Kimberlee J. - You’re giving me the “it’s not you, it’s me” routine? I invented “it’s not you, it’s me”. Nobody tells me it’s them not me, if it’s anybody it’s me.-George.
Yeah for lunch dates!!!!!!!
And husbands who show their muscles!
And kids who put away their socks…it’s probably more likely that Waffle will eat them, but it could happen.

angela carter - i am so wishing i could do all those things after dropping my kids off at school….i however took the route of getting a pt job while they are at school, which i love, but darn it some days i just want to drop them off and crawl back into bed! enjoy

Karen Lehmann - I love that you are painting that dresser in your house because right this minute I am painting a dresser and several chairs in my dining room! You make me feel normal…or less lazy than I think I am when I am doing something the “wrong” way again…

Michelle Whitlow - I think you’re going to have a colorful yard pretty soon!!!
And, umm, I think I need to get my husband a jackhammer 😉

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - So glad you are enjoying the new chapter. I am too. Why is it that I have more time and less gets done?? Still trying to figure that one out:)

becky@oursweetpeas - For you it is dirty socks and for me it is hot wheels cars. I counted 20 after just cleaning my family room. 🙂 We are about the same age (turned 34 in june) but at different stages of this parenting thing. Right now grown up time is close to non-existant with twin 3 year olds and an almost 3 month old. I love reading your blog and as I think I said before, (sadly, I cannot remember if I have commented before) I love the fun you have being a Mom to your kids. I too try to get sucked into their little world as often as possible. 🙂

Lori - Forgot to add that I hope your day is EXACTLY what you want it to be.

Lori - Whoasie – impressive…and I think you know what I’m referring to. Also, I LOVE the coffee cup. Where did you find it?

Phoenix_Rising - Rainbow colored dog poo thanks to pastels! You will do anything to find more rainbow colored items, won’t you?! 😉

carolyn - it drives me crazy when socks are inside-out. i hate sticking my hand in and fixing them…

Amy - I am so glad to see you have dirty socks in the kitchen! I probably have that many in my family room right now!! It is the first place my kids take off their shoes and socks after school and I don’t always get them picked up everyday!!

Amy Lynne - That pile of socks looks so familiar…are you sure you didn’t sneak out to CA again? I have to tell my boys they need to put their sock colonies in the laundry room all the time!

the leonard 4 - hi meg…i emailed you a 1.5 or 2 weeks ago to get the address so my family can send some vitamins, but thought it might have gone to spam since i haven’t heard from you. so, i thought i’d try the comment route. please email me when you have a minute! 🙂
p.s. love this post!

Trish - yay… rainbow poop! 🙂

Melanie - I guess people were worried about you but I understand what you were saying. Just enjoy this new phase in your life. The day will fly by so fast you won’t know what happened.

shelly - Oooooh a free gun show, nothin better 😉
I was Just yelling…ummm…politely asking WHY we had so many socks in the kitchen! They’re like one room from the laundry room…really?!?…Really?!?

donna - you are soooooo funny – watching that show all day long – that cracks me up. i would be watching that show too ~ your hubby is HOT……..but then again – you are such a doll, you make a cute cute couple 🙂 by the way Meg – 35 is not bad, it’s 40 that got me – lost my 20/20 vision, my waistline and my patience!!! have a wonderful day 🙂

paige - i absolutely love that everytime i swing by here
i open up a blog written by a real woman
a gorgeous woman
raising a real family
(apparantly married to a hottie or at least appreciate a hottie workman)
who loves the Lord
& who keeps it real
i love that
you rock meg . you just do.

april@gingerbreadgirl - Im wondering where your newly painted furniture is going….love it

Grace - Love the header photo—very vibrant!
The photo with the socks—we are living the same life, only yours is multiplied since you have more children. But everywhere my son goes, there are socks on the floor. 🙂

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Colourful Poo..great fun! lol
Gemma x

ky - Beg my pardon…I mean ‘gawk’.

ky - I could watch that show all day too. I’m very sorry if that is your husband. Don’t mean to gork at another womans man. Lucky you if it is.

Andrea Howe - Are those Craig’s arms?!?! Oh. my. word. Nice 🙂

laurenjean - pretty poop !! lol !!!

Lisa - Yummy…and I’m not talking about the coffee or the oil pastels. 😉
We had a similar incident with oil pastels, and then we were scooping rainbows from the yard for the next couple of days(sorry if that’s a little crass – but it was pretty funny at the time).

pam - OH FUN!!! You might have pretty poop! :o)

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