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don't you love a day when you have big list and you kick butt at it?!

post office

check check check!

it's the little things that make me happy….

like finding $5 dvds that are good at the grocery store.  YES!

like 2 magazines in my mail box on the same day.

like yummy salsa and sour cream with chips for lunch.

like texting with a friend half a country away….ahhhh.

i have more good things to tell you about.
REAL good things.

over one hundred of you asked me for the address to send your crafty goodness to the 
water4christmas etsy shop.  

it will open december 5.
be ready to shop.  
(confession….as of now…i still only have the one shirt and one burp cloth made….)

but it's not about me….it's about YOU crafty ladies!  
you are SO AWESOME!


another cool….REALLY COOL thing…..the
YOU can be a part of it too.

the Adventure Project is this:

read this post.   and this post.  and this is a good one too.

you can help by buying COAL for christmas. 


check it all out at the ADVENTURE PROJECT.
we can't wait for you to join the tribe.

blog it…facebook it….tweet it…join us….BUY COAL!

i know that i spent a lot of money this weekend on stuff for my family.
just stuff…to play with…or wear to feel pretty in…to entertain us.
and i am guessing you did too.

not stuff to keep us healthy, alive and safe.
i spent money on just stuff.
buying coal is so much more important than my STUFF.
i am excited about this opportunity! 


julia - uh..$4 for Elf at Target….

Casey - I need one of these days..

shelley - ok…i know this post is about more than your list, but crazy that this morning as I was opening my blinds and looking around my messy came to my mind. I have never even met you, but I thought “how does Meg get all this done, have such a beautiful family and home…and look so great” geeesh !! Then you go and post this list ugh !! Oh well. Jude is down to nap, guess I need to get offline on onto the chores.

Lisa - Thanks for providing us with the info and organizations where we can give. I think sometimes people want to help but don’t know where or what to give too. By talking about it on your blog you are giving lots of people an opportunity to feel like they are a part of something that is helping others! Hopefully this will spur others to continue doing this all year long! I am trying to never forget that there are so many who need our help. Its easy to forget and live our lives as if they don’t exist. My prayer is that I would never push these issues aside. Thanks for using your blog for these kind of things as well as all the other fun and real things you share!

Trina McNeilly - Ok.. I like how getting you’re groceries done makes you happy. I’m going to keep that in mind tomorrow when I go. I don’t know what it is about the grocery store but it is like my least favorite place.
I had a little something to say about you and christmas decor on my blog today 🙂
Glad you are having a great Monday!!!!!
xo Trina

april - very cool…i will check these charities out!!!

christy - finding 2 good 5$ dvds at the grocery store is awesome. but i think giving coal for christmas is even more awesome!!

Gina - I’d still love to get that address for Water4Christmas too. I’ve e-mailed you and someone else and haven’t gotten it. I’m sure I just got missed in the awesome response. Thanks!!! 🙂

emily - what a cool new organization. We are exchanging donations to our favorite charities in our family this year and I have yet to decide! I’m going to take a look at this one and perhaps someone will give coal on my behalf this christmas!

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