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my day was just that.

i was ready to workout…dressed….ready.
but our toilet was backed up.

into the basement.

i don't know exactly why but i am going to say that having 20 different people in our home for several parties and visits in the past two weeks couldn't have helped.

annie said "mom…it was me….i'm sorry….i put a kleenex in the toilet."
ha ha ha.
one kleenex.
i don't think that was it.   

so i called the drain guys…and had to wait on them.
i quickly did the dishes because i hate having the service guys at our house and having them see a sink of dishes.

i went upstairs to read and i fell asleep.
in my gym clothes and shoes.
at 8:30 am.
i was woken up by them at the door at 9:30.

they fixed it.

but i was just done….i never made it out the door to workout.
if i don't go right away i usually just can't pull it off.

i should have taken my christmas stuff done.
i should have vacuumed.
i should have gotten something done.

but i didn't.

i think i need this poster.  (found here)

tomorrow i am doing this.

i am.

no more of this sit-around-all-day-getting-nothing-done-because-there-is-so-much-to-do-that-i-am-frozen.

i am going to just be awesome.

simple as that.



Kari - Oh my goodness!
Your last line: “no more of this sit-around-all-day-getting-nothing-done-because-there-is-so-much-to-do-that-i-am-frozen.”
So it’s NOT JUST ME?!! I’m so happy! 🙂
I guess I should get off the life-sucking computer and go “be awesome”! (Or maybe even just post the pictures that I still haven’t posted from our 6 day Christmas extravaganza…)
You ARE awesome. 🙂

kathy b - I want a day like this today. I need a veggie day..we all do..I seems to happen in a cycle..hmmm, 28 day cycle?
But the contractor who is remodeling my kitchen arrives again in 15 minutes and I have to get dressed, and comb my hair and be nice.
Kathy b

Heike - oh yes! i know exactly what you mean! feel bla also. must try feeling amazing now! ;o)
Greetings Heike

The Fairy's Apprentice - You are awsome anyway 🙂

Alexandra/The Empress - WOW.
Look how many people agree with you.
I’m the same way… I have so much to do, that I just shut down. And, if Ibegin, I get so discouraged, b/c it feels like I’ll never get done.
So sad.
But :tomorrow? FOR NARNIA!!!!!

the whyte house - ah, ‘how i met your mother’. that is some awesomeness. true story. 🙂

Daniela - oh wow, that’s me – frozen-because-there’s-too-much-to-do.
i really hate januarys…

Courtney - Oh I have had some blah days too. It has been a pretty mild winter here in Marysville Kansas. Last year we had sooo much snow. The fresh air has been nice. If I don’t have a list I won’t get anything accomplished except tv or reading between playing with the kiddos.
This 21-day challenge on my blog I am participating in is kicking my bum!! However I am getting some insane organization done in this house. It gets me all pumped up in the morning then I am not so lazy.
Have a great day!! You deserve to relax at least once a week, right!! 🙂

kendal - new here – popped over from dana’s. i like it here very much!

Melanie - I have had one of those days today. It has been cold, rainy, and dreary here and it just has my mood down:( I didn’t even get dressed today! I need to be awesome tomorrow too!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Thanks for the post Meg,
It gave me the courage to press publish later in the morning.

Tracy Fisher - I can sooo relate. I think I might have to order that poster and put it next to my mirror in my bathroom. How inspiring!
Tracy (

Kristin Hayne - We all need those days Meg. You had SOOOOOO much on your plate in December… as most Moms do… so don’t beat yourself up. We all need a day to recup sometimes. Yesterday was yours….
and by the way… you are AWESOME everyday!! 😉

Tina - I really needed this reminder today–THANK YOU! I’ve spent the past two days paralyzed in getting anything done because there’s too much on the to do list, but you’re helping me to change that today.
love love LOVE your blog 🙂

Maine Mummy - I have too many days like that – it’s amazing how you think it’s only you and then it turns out to be everyone!

Nicole - All I have to say is that this post brought a smile to my face. Thank you. 🙂

Anne - I am glad to know I am not the only one 🙂 Great poster!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Honestly Megan,
I could have written this post today. We must be on the same cycle ha ha. I’ll likely link over to it. Thanks for saving me. Sometimes I think I’m the only slouch in town..

annie - i think we can all just blame january. we needed a few days of recovery of post-Christmas, and instead we’re expected to come up with resolutions and take down decorations and reorganize our homes. take a deep breath, take a nap, read a good book. tackle the mess tomorrow. we all need a day or two of catch-up.

Lynn - I do that, too. I totally understand the feeling of becoming frozen.

Ashlyn@pinecone - I am so with you on the doing it right away or else. I was dressed and ready to go walking yesterday…and then a friend from out of state called who I haven’t talked to in a long time. We talked forever…and then of course my motivation was long gone. I didn’t get a whole lot done around the house either. Really unproductive. Really must leave right now for that walk…and quit typing…ha!

Dana@Strawberrytart! - I so need that. I have been dragging also.

Ranee - AWESOME. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels like this some days…I think I need that poster. Or maybe just to write those words on a piece of notebook paper and post it above my sink full of dirty dishes! thanks for being real!

Tracie - It’s totally the winter blues. I really need to do housework, but I don’t feel like it. My kids want to play and I have to fight to get the energy to do it. Don’t beat yourself up.

Jamie - Oh boy, I so get the whole ‘frozen’ thing cause it’s just too overwhelming to do anything else!

Elissa - i TOTALLY need that poster.
doing nothing is only awesome when you WANT to do nothing. If you want to get things done, but find yourself doing nothing it doesn’t feel good. I’m with you, today i am just going to be AWESOME 😉

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - OH MY GOODNESS! I’ve been feeling completely overwhelmed and frozen too. I have so much to do my head spins. I can hardly catch my breath…5 extra hours a day would help. Since when did life spin out of control. Here’s to hopefully getting something accomplished:) Sorry about the toilet. That’s yuck!

Jen Joy - Okay. Reason #2,368 why I absolutely love you and your blog. I could have written this verbatim. Well, except for the toilet part. *knock on wood*
And I’m buying that poster. Like RIGHT NOW.

katie - sometimes just doing nothing is great though!!!
you are awesome:)
have a great day!!

Laura Phelps - …on my way to be awesome.
we can be awesome today together!

Staci - I soooo wish it was a simple as that 🙁 Good luck!!! I will choose to be awesome too!

Kim Howell - Love that .. be awesome! Thank you Meg.. love reading your blog and you nailed where I am.. right beside you frozen!
I choose to be awesome too!

Jodi - Thought I was the only one who did that! haha..
I’m borrowing that saying. :o)

Mandy - OH, you are totally AWESOME! Because I am feeling that same awful dread that comes along with having five children as well, and it is cleaning up after all of them. So much to do that it is overwhelming to know where to even begin. But we rock, don’t we? Because you are AWESOME and after reading this post I am going to be AWESOME today too! Let the cleaning begin!!!

debbie - Thanks so much for sharing this. I thought I was the only person who felt like this and am glad to see I am not alone!
Here’s to being AWESOME!

Laura Lee - I want to be awesome 🙁 I am 8 months pregnant right now, and I have had a head cold for over a month… my doctor says rest… yeah right!!! I have 3 little kids and I NEED to nest, I want to nest! I just can’t find the energy to do anything or the time to rest either:(
Hope both of our Blah’s go away today!!!!

Judy - Great post and great poster. I’m going to be awesome today, too.

ruth - LOVE that poster
very blah here too… new year makes me scared of all the things i want to change. i like the phrase “don’t let the fear of not doing EVERYTHING stop you from doing SOMETHING”.
have an awesome day!

Tess S - my friends and i would have cleaning challenges. it sounds lame but if you’re at all competitive it works. you clean as much as you can in a given time span making usre to jot it all down and then you compare lists. it helps. kind of like how working out with a buddy works better than working out alone.
today I WILL BE AWESOME. it’s been noted.

Wendi - I, too get paralyzed by the ‘to do’ list. It overwhelms me, sitting on my desk. So yesterday I ignored it. And I haven’t taken ONE Christmas decoration down yet either. This weekend, then everyone can help! Love the saying – it is so true; it’s all about mind over mater. But oh so hard!

Southern Gal - I have a disease that combines procrastination and perfectionism. It makes it where I cannot start nor finish a project without panicking about how it’s not going to end up “right” or “perfect” or whatever. I needed to read this today. I can never be perfect, but I can be purposeful.

Ali - See, you ARE awesome, and now, I am going to be too!

Nicole - you are awesome , Meg!
I watched 4 old episodes of Grey’s Anatomy yesterday instead of facing the real world. You were not alone.

Karina - Love it! I totally understand those days. I even think I’m going to have one of those days…kind of like a cold I can feel it coming on! Or maybe, it’s because I have so much catching up to do and I started new years organizing projects resulting in everything being everywhere…ugh. My mind is working faster than my body and my newborn will allow! But I’m going to be AWESOME not sad! Tomorrow will be your AWESOME day!

Mary Beth - You did fine. Do NOT beat yourself up!
You dealt with the problem.
Also, I ALWAYS clean up for repair guys, too!
I can just hear them at coffee…..”Oh man, MB’s kitchen had THREE DAYS worth of garbage just sitting there…..!”
Here’s to a better Thursday.

Lisa - Awesome! LOVE it! Why do Christmas decorations look so pretty and festive during December, but in January they just look messy and cluttered? - Meg you’re so real you’re awesome:). I look forward to getting a little dose of happy reality from you nearly every day! I too get paralyzed by my to-do list. Sometimes you just have to check out. And the next day the list isn’t quite as daunting.
Enjoy all the awesomeness tomorrow will bring!

amber - you are awesome no matter what. every one has those blah days. tomorrow can only be better

se7en - right. If I had a blocked toilet I would go back to bed and not for just an hour…. tomorrow can only be better!!!

julia - Sometimes it’s nice to wallow in being broken down. Go ahead, wallow.

Kori - 😀 I love how you put it…being frozen by there being to much to do. I was frozen for the last week or so, but guess what?
I AM BEING AWESOME RIGHT NOW! 😉 I decided I was tackling Christmas tonight. No matter what. And it feels great.
Have a great day!!

dawn - I love your blog. 🙂 I really, really do. And I’ll say it again — you’d be right at home at my house!!!

Lemonade Makin Mama - We had the exact same day. And the exact same conclusion. Let’s be Awesome together!!!! Yeah!!

T Galle - It’s nice to know that you are Human!! Although…I think you are pretty AwEsOmE all of the time…good or bad days! When I have one of those days…several Blah days lately…seems to happen after Christmas…I go to your list of Happy Things! I did that today and this morning while I was awake in bed from 3 to 5…and last night as I was trying to fall asleep! I have several things that I’m geared up to make for my craft room and a couple of recipes! That takes away my Blah days!! Wish I could return the favor and inspire you! Thanks for being the inspiration to take away my Blahs!! 🙂

Joni - I feel the same way about taking Christmas down…and I just scheduled a blog post about it, too. BLAH is the word for that job…can’t explain why, it just IS.
I did get to walk this morning and like you, if I don’t do it FIRST, it just DOESN’T HAPPEN. I feel your pain!
You will be awesome again, don’t worry! It’s the winter blah season….!

Heather - The.coolest.poster.ever!!!!!!

Four Flights - Awesome, awesome, awesome, you are awesome! hehe 🙂

Ana - I thought I was the only woman on the planet who gets in a state of catatonic denial because the list of to-do’s just grows and grows. Thank you!

shauna reed - maybe you already know this, but those pizza rolls are #1 on the request list of the kids/husband in my fam.
my people would eat them every. single. night. if i allowed it.
their favorite filling? pepperoni and sausage with mozzarella.
you know- frozen sausage, packaged pepperoni, and preshredded mozzarella….so easy!

lorraine lewis - i am new to your blog. i love this wonderful place you have created!
you are awesome!

Andrea - Never underestimate the power of a nap no matter how much there is to do.
If you’re disappointed in today, let it go. Tomorrow is another day, another chance to be awesome! You are!

Jill - I have days like this, often. I usually pack so much in a day or two after that, that it CAN feel awesome! Though don’t beat yourself up too much, it’s good to do nothing sometimes, you deserve it. You deserve to relax every once in a while.

Lisa - I. hear. that.

stephanie - just as i slip into “blogworldenvy” you gift me with a dose of reality…thanks;) i feel you (and your awesomeness).

Holly - I have been sick for 2 days….I think sick or not I wanna be awesome tomorrow also!

a pocket full of posies - Awesome!…I’m choosing to be “awesome” tommorrow too- instead of being “frozen” by the waaaaay to many things on my to-do list!
Thanks for sharing your “blah-day”- as always you inspire!
Many Blessings!

Kate - You are totally going to be awesome because you are headed out to take pictures of my awesome niece! Sweet!

Jaimie - hahaha. i feel ya. some days it’s like NO, i will do nothing and the next i am ridiculously motivated and get so much done that i am just exhausted. it all balances out.

katherine - This is a “How I Met Your Mother” quote. A few episodes of it would probably cheer you up a bit too 🙂 - I’ve been a follower of your blog for some time, but have never commented. I’m coming out of the shadows because I HAVE to tell you thank you for being such a positive person. It really does make my day to read your blog. Even if you’re blogging about being lazy, you finish it up with something positive! I had a lazy day, myself, and fully intend to be AWESOME tomorrow!

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - What is it that Scarlett O’Hara says, “Tomorrow is another day”. Love that movie and I love that you are going to be awesome tomorrow. I think I will be too 🙂

Becky - Wow, love that…’just be awesome’
love it.
im going to have to steal that and repeat it to myself a lot tomorrow. I had a blah day today too.

Becky - I stayed at home with a very, very sick hubby today, and the two kids. My plan was to take care of the (huge) pile of clean clothes in my laundry room, and organize. I had not planned on cleaning up vomit, and that froze me, as well. I feel your pain. 🙁
Of course, I’ve been trying to get my days organized so that I can exercise and spend more time in the Word for weeks now, so in a way, I’m also envious of you. 🙂
Tomorrow is another day. Go ahead girl, be awesome!

sarah - your honesty is so refreshing.
also, if you fell asleep like that, listen to your body! it was tired and needed that extra rest. now tomorrow your run is going to go that much better because it got some much needed sleep in.
also, i try to look at interruptions in the schedule as a divine appointment. God likes to shake things up and keep us dependent on Him. sometimes we need a reminder that things don’t go exactly the way we planned for them to go. and this is good. reminds us God is God and we are not!

Janie Fox - You are allowed a lazy day… you are a mom to 5 for goodness sakes and it takes a lot just to clothe and feed that bunch. You work non-stop I am sure! Don’t beat yourself up. Start on that list tomorrow and remember 100 years from now no one will remember you for your clean house or your finished projects. It’s about making a happy family… and you are! 🙂

Grace - So sorry about the stinky start to your day. That is no fun whatsoever. Glad the guys were able to come fix it.
Whenever I have a bad day, I think about tomorrow, and how different tomorrow will be. So much possibility—and it can’t be a bad day in the same way today was.
Here’s to tomorrow!

Kat - Dragging my feet here too and it’s summer and the toilet is fine.
BUT kids are home for 8 weeks and so is my Hubby and we are doing a kitchen reno, so maybe that is enough to make me feel frozen too.
Meg, it is just one day and tomorow is a new day. So go forth and be awesome and don’t be so hard on yourself. (so typical of us Mum’s huh? I should take my own advice.)

Sandee - Oh I totally had a day like this too…
Thanks for the inspiration to be awesome tomorrow!
I s-t-i-l-l need to get my Christmas stuff down too…
Wish me luck!

Carol S. - Oh geez, backed up toiled is really a drag. Cut yourself some slack and GOOD FOR YOU for taking a nap. Don’t worry about Christmas down yet, it’s only the fifth. If it takes 2 weeks to get it all out, I figure you’ve got at least until the 10th to have any stress about it still being all over. Plus it looks so empty when its gone! Happy New Year Meg, you’re awesome (tomorrow).

Ali Richardson - Cheers to that! I feel your pain though, some days just never get goin’! I only have 2 kids, I can’t imagine if I had 5! Hang in there 🙂

Carrie - Just started reading your blog and I am a fan. Big time. Your honesty is refreshing and makes me feel sane during this time… I have an almost 4 yr old, a 2 yr old and a 10 week old. Yup I get nothing done…and my day was blah and our toilet worked fine haha. By the way, I think we went to the same school of decorating Looking at your home pics is like looking in my window!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - I kind of went on a tidying rampage today…EVERYTHING was out of sorts, misplaced, upside down, full of crumbs..blahblahblah.
It usually causes me to go into stunned-freeze mode too.
I won’t pretend that there weren’t a few “sharp” words spoken to the kids while their mom was a cleaning lunatic.
But ya know what?
Now they’re in bed…and the house isn’t tidy AGAIN…
And sometimes you just need A DAY…you just do.
You’re awesome quite a lot of the time I would guess 😉
(I’ve cut sugar and caffeine way back…Did any of that make sense?)

sara @ it's good to be queen - i hear you, i always do that overwhelmed with so much to do that i do nothing…so aggravating!!
also, if you saw a swagger wagon drive slowly by your house three times on sunday . . . well, sorry about that. i really am not a creep.

angela - right. right? right!

Trish - love it… thanks for the kick in the rear… I’m in a frozen state of too much to do and the winter blahs as well! It doesn’t help that I have a sinus headache and I can’t stop coughing, even if I try! Oh and two out of the three kids are sick. There that is my cry-fest! 🙂

Nichole - That is the most awesome poster ever.
I feel the same way on most days. If I don’t get started in the morning, it doesn’t get done.

Tonya Lynn - Just Be Awesome. I may have to put some post its all over the house to remind me to be awesome. January is always such a hard month because its cold and horrible weather so all I want to do is be lazy. However, tomorrow I am going to be awesome as well.

kat - WooHoo! Be awesome, girl, be awesome!!! Although, you kind of already are awesome. I guess you can just be more awesome.

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