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much better.

oh how it helps to exercise!!!

it's totally part of the making of the AWESOME-ness in a day.

YAY for treadmills in assisted living facilities that no one is in at noon so i can watch what i want guilt free.


right now i am watching my favorite disney movie with my two little girls.

it is so funny…..david spade….so sarcastic.  
i love this movie.

my favorite.

"cheese me no likey"



SO…i seem to have nothing to tell you about.

do you have any questions you have been dying to ask me?


Amy - I thought of another question:
When you meet someone new and they ask “What do you do for a living?” What is your answer? Stay at home Mom, Photographer, Blogger? Just curious.

Rebecca - Meg, (I sent you an email with this same info…wanted to cover all of my bases to make sure you read this!!!!)LOVE your blog!
When I saw this week’s Walgreen’s ad, I thought of you and your vitamin’s project for Africa. This week, Walgreen’s has kid’s gummy multi-vitamins (Go! brand) on sale. You buy the vitamins for $5 and you get $5 back in Walgreen register rewards…so you’ll get “free” vitamins and you’ll get $5 towards another Walgreen’s purchase. Note that you can buy multiple bottles of vitamins, but you can’t “roll” the coupons to keep on buying “free” vitamins.
Think of all the vitamins you could get for the kids in Africa if you shared this info on your AWESOME blog!!!!!!

Crystal Paine - I take a ton of pictures & my goal this year is to get my photos organized. How do you organize yours? Do you backup everything to an external hard drive? What about ordering prints, do you order prints of all your photos, or just keep them digital?

tara pollard pakosta - 1. when are you coming to chicago again?
and how much do you charge for a shoot?!
and can you please please either post some sites that have valentine crafts or give links to any you may have done?! OR do a weekly post soon about valentine crafts?!
planning a party for valentines and you are so INSPIRING!!!!

Kirsten J - First: love that movie too – our quote “no touchy! noooo touchy!” with the crossed arms.
Second: I’d love to see a makeup video…and I would have totally thought you used some expensive mascara – I’m kind of lame in the make up department….need a makeover.
Third: Questions…do you have a degree? does that knack for home dec stuff run in your family? you know you should write a book, right?

erin j - That’s my favorite Disney movie too! Hilarious!!

Crystal - Okay, I have a question that’s been on my mind recently. How do you and your family handle the television? I have been seriously considering removing cable and maybe just doing netflix but am not sure. I want my kids to be inspired to make their own entertainment like I was as a child. Just curious…:)

Dawn - Emperor’s Groove is one of the best movies ever! Our family has quotes from that we say all the time!

mel - i’m sure you’ve answered this before, but what lens(es) you use on your camera? i’m practicing, practicing, practicing and thinking about buying a new lens. i would love to start taking family pics one of these days. just trying to settle on a new lens to buy. i have my kit lens and the 50mm. any suggestions?

Katie - Did you paint your fireplace white? If so, how? Do you worry you will regret it someday? My brick fireplace takes up almost a whole wall and I dream about painting it but so far have not worked up the nerve to do it!

Lisa from Paint in My Hair - I would love to hear more about the transition to not having kids at home during the day…next year my youngest two will both start kindergarten (full day) and I am DREADING it…I feel like my “mom years” will be over and it went way too quickly…any advice?

Alisha Gibb - Did you ever finish the quilt you started at your friend’s house? Sewing is my new hobby and I love the fabrics you use and colors you put together!

Sarah Mahan - How did you and Craig meet? Would love to read a post on that love story!

Sarah - What is one food you could eat everyday for the rest of your life and never get sick of?
I thought I’d stick with an easy one in case you are still recovering from the toilet debacle. (I had the same thing happen to me the same day!)

Lori - P.S. Youtube-SNL Jimmy Falon-Barry Gibb talk show skit. Makes me laugh everytime.

Haydee - I love your style and admire you so much. Im wondering if you can share some photography tips. I also have a canon but I don’t use it to it’s full potential. Please share some of favorite lens, settings …. Thanks

Karen - Hi Meg! Love your blog because you are so real. Your post from Mother’s Day last year really got me (I was feeling the same way).
Question: Are you a reader? If so, do you have a favorite author? What about magazines (my guilty pleasure)? Any favorites?
One more thing, a previous commenter asked about fun things to do in Lawrence. Lawrence is fun, but I actually live in Olathe KS, where the school her friend works at is located. I would love to share fun things to do around here if she is interested.
Really, this is the last thing; Meg, come do fun things in Olathe with me sometime!

Lori - If you and your husband had an almost 10 year old son and a 7 1/2 year old daughter that were the most wonderful gifts from God (via His adoption plan) and you had the opportunity to add 4 more kiddos ages 1,2,3 & 6…would you? We’re in the waiting process of this journey right now.
I’ve shown your laundry pile with kids jumping on it to my husband and told him “I want that”. But we are still petrified at the real possiblility of it.
I love your blog and you are always a bright spot in my day when I read it. Even when it’s about vomit:)
I don’t know what possessed me to ask a total stranger that question….I’m not whacky in real life, only online…

Amanda - You mentioned before that you moved from Illinois I believe…(I live in central IL) and was curious what town you were in?
Also, you’d said when you did your kitchen reno that you used the same cabinetry I think? I’ve never run across any photos of your previous house and would love to see a post on that out of curiousity 🙂

Darcie L. - My husband and I love to watch this movie post-fight/reconciliation. Kind of silly, but you can’t help but be in a better mood after resolving with your hubby, then watching this movie. 🙂

kat - yes would love to see what other blogs you read and ask readers to respond with blogs they love!

Angela - So glad you asked this…I’ve been wondering did I miss the dining room reveal? You mentioned working on it a while back, and there were glimpses of it in your Christmas posts….
I love, love your blog. Secretly…I get a little disappointed when I click on it and there isn’t a NEW post. Thank you for sharing and wanting questions!

Amy - When you sew, do you use patterns or more just freestyle? Do you make up your own patterns?
What is your family heritage? I am part Italian and you look a lot like my family members.
How often did you and Craig have dates when you had little ones? And how often do you have them now? We go maybe once every 2 months and it sucks. lol.
LOVE your blog. Thanks for letting us ask questions.

lorel - I would love it if you could post a video of Talby and Annie saying “(gasp) My spinach puffs!”

nic - what are your top five must-visit sites daily? (perhaps you have covered this vital info in a previous post…i’m a little on the newish side here, so i have a bounty of archives to enjoy. happy friday to me!)
love that movie.
ps no touchy.
pps or to save on postage, we’ll just poison him with this.
ppps why does she even HAVE that lever?!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Kristen Wiig vs. Amy Poehler.
Who is funnier, and why?

Jennifer VeStrand - How do you exercise at an assistant living facility? Do you pay? I didn’t read other responses so I’m sorry If I’ve missed your answer! But I’ve never thought about that for exercise! 🙂

mary beth - You had no idea we were all so nosy did you? These questions are cracking me up! Sneaking into an assisted living home to use their tread mill is cracking me up even more! I think I will try that and see what happens..oops, nope, better not do that, they might mistake me for a runaway resident! Love reading your blog even when you don’t have anything to say! Keep it up!

Janelle - Yes…how is the Kindle working out for Sean? I was thinking about getting my ten year old one this Christmas as he is a crazy reader but then I wasn’t sure about buying all the books for it, what books are free with it, if he would really like it better than holding a book, etc. Just thinking about Christmas next year!
Also…sorry to be so demanding :}…I would love to see a list of your favorite things…I know you share them all the time but perhaps a list of 10 or so things that you really can’t live without…what makes your life run easier with 5 kiddos?
Thanks Meg 🙂

Angela Miller - Here’s a good one. Tell me what is awesome in Lawrence(KS). A dear friend just took a job as the Student Sustainability Affairs Coordinator @ Johnson Co. Community College and as a transplanted Virginian she needs all the help she can get.

Kimberlee J. - I love reading these questions!

Adrienne S - Why were in an assisted living facitlity using their treadmill?

Jack - Meg, how did you get people to discover and start reading your blog?

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - Since I’m still surrounded by my Christmas stuff that I may or may not ever get taken down, I’m still in a Christmas-y mood.
So, I’m curious about your Christmas!
What we’re the big hits with your children this year?
Did you do gifts that were ‘family gifts’ this year?
Was there a favorite gift that you received?

erica - are you going to answer all of these questions?;) i love your blog – first thing i read every morning (at5am!) when the house is quiet – with my first cup of coffee…keep on writing!:D

Kim - I want to know about your granny square afghan. Did you make it? Where did you get it? Do you know what type of yarn it was made out of? I’m thinking about making one. Your afghan is darling!!

Karen - OK – I have been dying to ask if you have a cleaning lady or other help around the house?

bobbie - I love Emperor’s New Groove, watch out for llamas, they spit.
Why were you in an assisted living facility at noon?

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - Do you shoot fully in manual or AV mode? What is your current camera?
Can’t wait for the answer post w/ everyone’s questions. 🙂

se7en - Hay movies are good… we are sitting with a pile of library books under the table – its shady!!! And right now in Cape Town it is so hot as to be a little mind blowing!!!

Maggie Nunez - I saw your playroom featured on the Lettered Cottage post on RE-Dos and I absolutely loved it. I especially love the vibrant colors and the storybook picture frames.
Question: I am a beginner blogger(I started my blog on 1.1.11) and wanted to know how you spread the word about your blog?

Lisa - I’m wondering why you work out in an assisted living facility? 🙂

Heather - The transition from young couple to young family is in the not-too-distant future for me, and I would love to hear how that went for you as a woman and as a couple, what you learned, etc. How do you still stay yourself and also a wife and then expand hugely to be a mom? I feel like you have a good balance on that, and I would love to hear how that came about.

Karen - Meg,
I have loved your blog ever since I found it a year or two ago via Apartment Therapy. Two things I have totally copied from you are taking the family (our boys are 15 and 12) on a trip to California, including to Monterey Aquarium and the tide pools at Lover’s Point, and making a rainbow cake. Oh, and I just made your spinach artichoke dip for Christmas Eve and everyone went nuts over it.
Anyway, here are my two questions: 1. I never see you post about any stress over homework or school projects — how does all that work out at your house? 2. Same question about video games — do they cause any problems at your house?
If you ever want to bring your family to NYC (or come by yourself), I would be happy to host you all and take you around. Weird, right? 🙂

Laura Phelps - my question…
it will all be OK…right?
that is my question 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - I so love your blog and think you are awesome. So glad you’re day was better. If I could ask you a question I think I would ask…if you had one day all to yourself, what would you do?

Lisa - Me too on the dining room! I’d also love to see a tour of your favorite flea markets/antique stores, etc. I thought about “being awesome” all day today. It kept me going!

Becky - I thought you werer fabulous yesterday – just sayin’. :o)
I have a few questions! I, too, wanna know if your day is scheduled out (as in a daily routine) or if you go with the flow. It seems that I have to have a schedule just to survive, but I’m having trouble finding my “groove”. Hehe!
Also, what format do you use for your blog? I wanna start one (or two!) sooooo bad, but am completely ignorant to all things computer programming. Since your layout is my fave, I’d love to hear how it works.
I come over here every. single. day. I love everything about your blog.

Whitney R - I would love to see how your dining room turned out! I too live in an older home built in 1930. (In Kansas may I add,lol)
I have crown moulding I have debated on painting a fresh white-I would love to know the paint color you choose for your trim, it’s beautiful!!
Should I do it??
Thanks so much!
Whitney R.

Kat - Oops I meant glad you are having an awesome DAY not name. Doh!

Kat - What is your daily routine?
Do you walk or jog on the treamill? How far and at what speed?
What else do you do for me time?
Favourite meal, dessert, drink, flower, colour?
That is probably more than enough questions for now 🙂
Glad you are having an awesome name.
Btw I am using my treadmill for 30 mins (walking) each night and trying to lose the extra tummy from 4 little cherubs.

Allison - How did you come up with Talby’s name? I love it and have never heard it before. Plus I love to hear about how people named their children.

jodi - what’s your white balance setting at on your camera again? you had emailed me the specifics of your most used settings several years ago and i lost the email when we moved/switched…

Misty - Ahh I love this move too! So funny. And the scary thing is (without being horrible awful and rude) I know someone who looks very similar to Yzma he he. Ahem…

Mindy Harris - I agree about fitness. Wholeheartedly. It’s been my new year’s resolution (as much as I hate those) to workout regularly. I worked out Mon-Wed this week and I was a whole new woman. I have more energy and patience with my kids, and, I feel prettier. This dimply tush needs a love affair with the treadmill.
How is it you get to work out at an assisted living facility? Is it open to the public? (just curious–I have a heart for old people and interned at a nursing home my last semester at KSU).

Dana@Bungalow'56 - So do you just have to sneak into the assisted living facilities or do you know someone there? Would you believe blogging royalty arrived at my blog house today….and it was really really messy? How do you keep your house tidy? Do the kids do chores and I think they do because I’ve seen a list on the blackboard. I’m more interested in how these are enforced ; ) Do they always get done. Any rewards? Just curious, I need to start creating more routines and I always struggle with how to stay consistent? Any info on this would be hugely helpful.

sarah - do you journal?
what is your favorite book EVER (besides the Bible)?
what did you want to be when you were growing up? do you still have some crazy dream you’d like to fulfill “when you grow up?”

sarah - When did you start blogging? Who influences your style the most? I LOVE your blog!!

KTG - I was wondering if you have a daily routine? I’m in a new stay at home mom job. Would like to find time to craft etc but the chores overwhelm me.I ignored a lot of house stuff when I was working full time.
I admire your style and love of your family.Thanks for being a mentor over the internet 🙂

That’s my favorite part.
We love that movie. Our teenage babysitters love it. Thus the kids get to watch it a lot a lot a lot.

regina - do you have a kindle or a nook or you are one of those people that loves the feel of books?

Sandy - I just finished reading the last (so far) of the comments and want to say that I’m sure Ashley doesn’t mean her comment the way it sounds. WOW, if anyone works its YOU!!! I work 40 hours a week outside the home and I don’t work 1/2 as hard as you do!

Kori - Not quite sure why this feels weird, but here you go:
I googled you one day and something came up about your house being in a magazine. Is this true?
Also, someone asked about you writing about your birth stories, but my curiosity lies with you and Mr. Craig. It seemed like you met young (if I remember correctly you mentioned something about seeing him drive by cheer practice or something when you were 14). As nosy as it seems, I’d love to hear your tale.
‘How we met’ stories are my favorite. 🙂
Anyway, good for you for working out! I need to get off my duff (actually I’m not being lazy per se, just trying to put Christmas away) and get my work-out on!! 😉

LibraryGirl62 - My fav Disney Movie ever!

Sandy - Mandy Friend’s comment made me remember what I’ve been forgetting to tell you…
I was at my local thrift store (aka Goodwill) a few weeks back and they had a Kansas Jayhawks hooded sweatshirt for $3.29. You know I couldn’t resist buying it because you and your family make the Jayhawks games look SO amazingly fun! I’ve intended to send you a picture of me wearing it, but you don’t really care to see me but you might like to know that your Kansas-Awesomeness is alive and well in Ohio. 🙂

Mel - Any advice/fun ideas for teenagers? ie., attitudes, hormones, grades,friends, etc.? I have two, almost three of them, and WHOA!!
I love seeing the things you do with your family! : ) Thanks for sharing.

Megan - What’s your middle name? I’m a Megan too and I love to hear other “Megans” full names~

jessicakiehn - what does Craig do for a living?! I’ve always wondered..

Ashley - I want to know if you are going to continue to stay at home since your babies are all grown up, or if you might start working? And if so, what would you want to do?

Mary-Beth - Yes! This it totally personal, but would you ever consider writing about your birth stories? I had my first child 6 months ago and had a c-section after being in labor for 30+ hours. I so want to have more children, but I worry about needing another c-section and having to experience a new baby under the cloud of major surgery. I figure since you have a big family you must have some encouragement to share about labor.

sue - I would like to ask you what is your favorite lens that you use on what camera. Thanks.

Carrie - I know this is taking you way back to your early mom years but I want to know how/when/did you find time to be creative when you had little (under four yrs old)? I have things I want to do but can’t find an hour to do them. Also when do you get to sleep through the night regularly as a mom of five? Haha. I only have three and wonder if I’ll ever sleep again. Keep posting!

mandy friend - no questions, but…i was browsing through The Company Store catalog and saw an owl pillow,colorful and random, made me think of you. which is odd since i’ve never met you, but hey, there ya go:)

Cindy in WA - What did Mr. Waffle get for Christmas? 🙂

Jeannette - Glad your day was AWESOME!!!!!! I am curious who gave you the Christmas gift with your name and looked like your blog? Also, what was it? I can’t figure it out, blanket, something to hang on the wall????? I LOVE it though, someone was very thoughtful.

kat - That movie is one of my all-time favorites too. It is soooooooooo hilarious!!! My question is how long have you lived in that awesome house?

Londen - What are your favorite blogs? I love yours!

katie - Was your blog “fame” overnight or gradual?? I mean, did your number of readers climb slowly or did something trigger an abnormal number of visitors all of a sudden?

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - I’d love to know what blogs you read regularly! 🙂
I know just what you mean about the difference working out makes – I just got back from ZUMBA – SO fun – I think you’d love it!

Kerri - Here is my question: way back when you went to Africa and collected and distributed the vitamins, I have been wondering this ever since…
You know they say that if you don’t take vitamins daily with regularity that you might as well throw them in the garbage.
So I was wondering, are the vitamins just like a healthy treat for the kids, or do the doctors over there think they really do the kids some good?
Either was I think it’s a GREAT idea – I was just wondering…

Suzette - What kind of make up do you wear? (for example, in the picture of you wearing the red flower on Dec. 11) I would love to know of a great mascara that doesn’t give me raccoon eyes!

courtney - hi! i’m wondering what program you use to edit your photos. i know you said you want to learn how to use photoshop…so i’m wondering if you have an easier, more user friendly program! i get sooo overwhelmed trying to figure out photoshop!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Maybe it was a subliminal reminder from your blog yesterday…
The kiddos went for naps, and I hopped into bed myself…then as quick as I’d snuggled in…I jumped back out and went to the gym instead!
That’s pretty awesome right?
I did get robbed while there which wasn’t so awesome BUT it’s not the part I’m focusing on 🙂
I don’t think I have any questions…but you’re one of my faves for sure. LOVE THE REAL. Love it!

Kelly - Yea for an awesome day! Kelly

brooke - Yes! Let’s talk about your pictures, from Christmas at your house for example. Clearly you are not using a flash. I think flashes are yucky! What do you have your camera set on, what lens and at that point is every available light source in your house turned on? My no-flash pictures never turn out right. Your pictures are fab-o!!

Christa - So funny, I assume you’re talking about the Wellness Center in H-town? I used to work there! Wonder if we ever ran across each other and didn’t know it? 🙂
Also one of my favorite movies.
Question: Where do you get your inspiration for artistic ideas? For instance, I often get mine from magazines and photos.

Angela - Since all your kids are in school now what do you normally do while they are gone? Do you have a daily routine or just do whatever you feel like doing? Are you enjoying your time alone?
Have you seen Dispicable Me? It’s a super cute movie.
Love your blog, your photos and your style!

Melanie - Maybe some of your mojo will rub off on me:) I need it!

Rae - At what point did you decide to start charging for your photography??
Love your blog!!

Lisa - Where in the world would you like to visit, outside of the states? and why?

AshleyAnn - Treadmills bring back horrible memories from college….if I use one again it is best it be in an assisted living facility…the residents can probably run faster on them than I can.
never seen that movie!

Tania K - Could I get Waffle?
Does your hair do have a specific name? I love, love your hair! Please tell me is thick so I can ask my stylist for a Med-do 🙂
Love your blog 🙂 Love Waffle more!!!!

Tere - I’m dying to see the unveiling of the dining room?
And how about that upstairs attic space.
I love your decorating and David Spade.

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - Glad you were Awesome today! Isn’t it funny how just saying out loud, “I’m going to be awesome today!” makes things a little easier? I do that more often than not. I wake up, hear the monkey’s stirring out my bedroom door, and tell myself almost on a daily basis, “I’m going to smile and have a good day.” Then I force myself to smile, at which time my husband is usually getting out of the shower and comes in to see me laying in bed with a big smile on my face and wonders what in the world. I also think making your husband blush in the morning due to what he thinks is a potentially awkward moment helps in making your day better. Happy Thursday!

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - Glad you were Awesome today! Isn’t it funny how just saying out loud, “I’m going to be awesome today!” makes things a little easier? I do that more often than not. I wake up, hear the monkey’s stirring out my bedroom door, and tell myself almost on a daily basis, “I’m going to smile and have a good day.” Then I force myself to smile, at which time my husband is usually getting out of the shower and comes in to see me laying in bed with a big smile on my face and wonders what in the world. I also think making your husband blush in the morning due to what he thinks is a potentially awkward moment helps in making your day better. Happy Thursday!

Russanna - What’s your favorite non-Disney movie? Great job on exercising!

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