Masthead header

one day.

"getting ready to go to school was like getting ready for extended deep sea diving"  
name that movie line.

– 2 degrees.
a very cold school drop off today.

spoiled rotten dog…cuddling by the space heater.

best heart yet.
annie found it in the yard last week…so random.

mmmm….hot coffee.

mail has arrived….happy mail.

time to start a project…

cut and cut and cut.

pumpkin muffins with chocolate chips.
two dozen gone in one day.
my kids love them.

my snack…apples and peanut butter and a little honey.

lasagna for dinner.

be happy.
she's happy because she just ate some chocolate apparently!

she gets him super wound up….they are good buddies.  :)


oh yeah….that is the best picture in the bunch.  

hot bath.
glass of wine.
Mad Men Season 3.

it was a good day. 

Faith - Mmmm. Your pumpkin muffins look divine!

tami - I havent had a hot bath in so long, quick showers usually. I think i will do just that today!

Anne Good - Where did you get the pug shirt? I LOVE it! I have a dog blog and I would love to get my hands on one!

Courtney - It is everyday pictures of life that makes me happy! Your blog makes me HAPPY!! In my time of despair this is a fabulous reminder of what I am surrounded by, thanks for that!!

allison - the pumpkin muffins look and sound amazing!!
can you please maybe post the recipe? πŸ™‚

Paula Montalvo - I have recently found your blog and Love it! Agreed……A Christmas Story! My favorite Christmas Movie EVER!!
Looks like you made the most of a VERY cold day! You are a girl after my own heart…….Bath, candles, wine and Mad Men!! I think we are cut from the same cloth! Blessings <3 Paula

Rach - Spoiled dog for sure, but smart too. I’ll send you guys some warm weather. It’s down right balmy out here right now.
Happy for your good day. I love days like that.

Linda - Love Love Love this kind of post. So bright and colorful yet simple and real. It’s what I love most about your blog. Thanks for brightening my day!

Jen - so glad my kids aren’t the only ones who can down a dozen pumpkin muffins like there’s no tomorrow!

Blanca - That is a perfect day, Meg.

Mary - I am intrigued by your sewing project with that fun fabric and look forward to seeing what you are making.

Jill Tracy - Seriously LOVE this blog Meg! I love seeing your day to day with your family. I love how open and honest you are. And all the color, yep love that too πŸ™‚

Melissa - I love ending the day with a warm bath.

Danett - Love this idea. I think I am going to try it tomorrow.

Dandy - Love it- I might try that tomorrow.
It was 76 at the beach today- I’ll try to send some warmth your way πŸ™‚

Liz Prince - LOVE your blog. I only read three daily and yours is always first πŸ™‚ Can you PUHLEASE email me or post in your comments where you got that multi-colored cream fabric w/ polka dots? I NEED IT! Thank you so much!

karen - i’m glad you had a good day.

Jaimie - I just love how real you are. I love that you don’t “stage” your life for photos. You show a coffee mug on a paper towel, not delicately placed in a totally white background on a nice little plate. It’s so real and comforting and I think that’s a big part of why people love you so much. : )

Lisa - Please share the pumpkin muffin recipe!! Thanks for always brightening my day.

Julie - I never knew pb and apples was weird?? now pb and pickles… not too sure about that!

sarah - Oh you had me with the space heater AND the hot bath! Is it spring yet?

Kristin S - That IS a good day!

kat - Fun, Fun, FUN! Whad’ya get from Piperlime? Also, where do you buy your fabric from? Do you order it online?

Kimberlee J. - Nice movie quote. πŸ™‚
Happiness is Waffle in front of that heater. I have been freezing today. I am about to join him.
Happy Mail rocks.

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - That is some great fabric you have there. I can’t wait to see how you are using it.

sarah - Wow that’s some serious cold weather.
I love the pictures of your day πŸ™‚

deedee - loved the post! loved the header! loved the pics! i love your blog… πŸ™‚
those muffins look good.. would you be willing to share the recipe? i’ve got this great recipe book that i want to fill for the little ones. πŸ™‚

amy jupin - love the new header.
all that fresh new fabric…yummy!

amber - cute new header. i can’t wait to see what “project” you are talking about.

Tracy Fisher - Had the rainbow cake at my daughter’s 13th bday… glazed apple bars at a friends house… and just made the Mexican chicken the other night… All were delicious!!! Can you please post the pumpkin muffin recipe? Pretty please???
Tracy Fisher
ps.. loved the Be Happy shirt with chocolate on the face… I love youth!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - If you want to feel warmer, just pop over to see what real cold is. And now, even though I’ve stopped drinking coffee at home, I am about to get up and go make myself a cup. Your happy cup of java did me in.

Sam Miller Gott - A Christmas Story!! Yeah for hot baths and wine. x

Gina - Love that movie! Stay warm, looks like it was a great day for a hot bath too!

gina f. - cute pix! Can’t wait to see what you are making with that beautiful fabric! Have fun!!

Lindsay - apples and peanut butter = greatest snack EVER.
I wish so badly that I had an awesome bathtub. We’re in an apt now with a shower/bath and I don’t do baths in shower/baths. Is that weird? I’m grossed out by the walls. And that it’s an apt. Ew. Can’t wait to have a home with a NEW tub. I will soak forever.

karen - You can put your arms down when you get to school!!!
My family spent Christmas in NYC and our hotel did not have the channel that showed A Christmas Story all day. My family really missed that.
We love Waffle

Maria - mmm…you just reminded me that I was going to try to convert my pumpkin bread recipe to a chocolate chip pumpkin bread recipe…this weekend might be perfect for it!

patti - Love your new header!!! Where do you find such beautiful fabric?

Alli - What a fabulous day!


jennifer - -love your new header
– A Christmas Story?
-It was 10 below here yesterday when I dropped the kids off. SO wrong!
-PiperLime always makes for happy mail.
-what are you going to make?
-I really, super duper need your recipe for those muffins! πŸ™‚
-have you tried apples and almond butter? That’s my favorite.

margo sexton - You wrote about this a few posts back but I wanted to comment on it. You wrote that you love movies with Vince Vaughn PLEASE tell me I am not the first person to tell you your husband looks very very much like him. I have thought it for as long as I have read your blog. Just wanted to share and would be curious to hear if you have been told that

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - eeeek! are you making a quilt??

Carrie Kiser - Perfect day indeed.
Especially if there was no “you know what” out in the hallway on your only clean towels while you were in the bathtub! LOL

april - love this post!!! -2 degrees is way to cold!! Waffle may be the samrtest dog ever to lay in front of the heater…I would do that too!!! lol

Jenny Joy - I can’t wait to see what you do with all that adorable fabric! Pillows? Something else? I’m sure it will be great! πŸ™‚

Beth - Love the last picture especially if it is that cold where you are at.
Yeah I agree can’t wait to see what you make!

Shannon - A Christmas Story! I love that movie so much and I love coming here to lurk at your blog πŸ™‚ Your pictures are the best, your family is adorable and I want your house!
Thank you for always sharing your life with all of us.

ashley jensen - I love heart shaped things and a rock like that would be on display in my house if I found one! Our dog likes to lay in front of our space heater (in our computer room) too.

Ryanne - Love the new header. And envious of your bathtub!

Stacy - oh ya hot baths are my new obsession. I have to run in icy snow packed Wichita so you know what i’m dealing with. I can’t seem to warm up so i find myself soaking up some warmth in the bath. & I need your pumpkin muffin recipe!! They look wonderful!

nancy beach - so where do you get all your wonderful fabric? I LOVE all the colors.
Don’t you love the Piperlime boxes? I turned mine inside out and reused it that way.

Cari - Well, I thought 7 degrees was cold this morning. I’ve got nothing on your -2! Ha! πŸ˜‰ And there’s nothing like a handwritten note in the mail. It truly is a lost art! Stay warm today! πŸ™‚

Janie Fox - AWW I adore Mad Men. I have just started watching How I Met Your Mother….loving it. I might steal that Waffle!! And Talby and Annie- too cute!!

Keri @ Keri's Korner - And I thought my family was the only one with spoiled rotten dogs! LOL. My mom has a chihuahua that will scratch at her house coat until she open it and lets him in to snuggle. If she is sitting down, he is right there tucked under her arm. It doesn’t matter if it is winter or summer. That’s his spot.

Laura - That last picture just made me relax… I realized I was sitting at my laptop all tensed up.
And, as always, I adore your dog.
(and I adore the fabric and Piperlime box)

chasity - a christmas story???
love this one too~
fragile….must be italian
great photos!

happygirl - I think one may have had to live under a rock for 20 years to not ID the movie. I LOVE your day, all but the -2 degrees. I could live without that forever. Please stop by my blog some time. You have inspired me.

sarah @ Perpetual Blind Date - My favorite is apples and fat free caramel. Yummy! Looks like you had a fantastic day.

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - Line from A Christmas Story, ha!
I love peanut butter and apples too.
After your house tour photos, these are my favorite kind of posts! πŸ™‚ Stay warm!

katie - i LOVE apples & peanutbutter!! I think it’s hillarious when people say it sounds weird!! and your dog is soooo stinkin cute!! He’s getting fluffy again!!!

Sarah - Oh those muffins sounds so good, would you be able to share the recipe?

Tammy - Great pictures!! Love the one of the puppy by the heater. That is hilarious. =) Beautiful girl in the pictures too!

kasey - starting season 3 of mad men myself today.
with a glass of wine.
in the afternoon.
as soon as Fin gets on the bus at noon.

Christy - Can’t wait to see what your going to create!

Kimberly - Hi Meg….I have been following your blog for over a year and here is my first public appearance! What made me finally speak you ask???? Peanut butter and apples…I have been eating that since I was a little girl… glad to know I’m not the only one. Other friends thought it was strange but it tastes oh so good!!! I love your home, your family, your blog, your photos…the way you see life and share with all of us. You are a blessing to this world. keep sharing! xoxoxoxo

Elisabeth - This cracks me up because we had 6 inches of snow in Atlanta and are on day four of school being closed! We have cabin fever–wish we were as snow hardy as you all! What are you planning to make with all the gorgeous fabric?

Shana - A Christmas Story!

elisa - Sounds perfect πŸ™‚

Melissa - Love this post!
You really did show a perfect day.
Especially the tub at the end!

Shayne - Love the space heater picture! That’s exactly where I would be. πŸ™‚

Tara - perfect day.
all except the 2 degrees part.

Jen - Can you give us your pumpkin muffin recipie?

danielle - looks like a wonderful day, indeed.
love your header…and that fabric… can’t wait to see what you’re making!
and i could use some of those muffins. for reals.

Jess Mead - Adorable pics, as usual!!! The last one is my favorite too. Glad to see you shop Piperlime. I can barely find anyone that even knows the store exists. Love it!!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
Looking forward to seeing what you make!
Gemma x - “A Christmas Story” which I think is the greatest movie of all time. - Apples and peanut butter? Hm… interesting
Loved your red coffee mug, yesterday was looking for red plates, love red dishes!

Kori - Apples and peanut butter are yummy together….
Have you tried a peanut butter and (sliced dill) pickle sandwich??
SO very good. Promise. πŸ™‚

PaisleyJade - Such good photos – going to have to try apples and peanut butter now!

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