Masthead header

no time to blog….very random.

good morning.

i have a mission today.

i have been cleaning every room in this house for a week now.
DEEP clean.
you know….vacuuming baseboards….moving furniture…trash bags of trash….trash bags of donations.

today is another challenge.
the dirtiest room in our house.
and then all three bathrooms.

i know….yuck.

so since that is boring and i am only one cup of coffee into my morning i thought i would pull random
pictures from my old computer's iPhoto.
i am scrolling iPhoto….trying to be random and choose but not go through and choose the best one.
it's fun. 

here goes.

 scott leaving for his first time to camp.                                                                                                   2009


um yeah….i look skinny….and young.                                                                                                              2007

i don't like this game.


for ashley.


when did he stop being so little and toothless??                                                                                2007

this game is mean!                                                                                                                                  2008

who thought this was a good idea?!

yummy.                                                                                                                                                   2009

i love this man.

(you win….you always do)

sweet babies.                                                                                                                                         2007


jenny and i pretending we are on mad men.                                                                                             2008


tiny newborn baby waffle.                                                                                                                         2008
i want to kiss his tiny puppy face.

auwwwww.                                                                                                                                           2008

her writing skills are so different now.                                                                                                       2008
she is very precise now.
i miss wonky letters.

now i miss my babies….AND my flowers….and the SUNSHINE!!!                                                               2007


ok…one last pic.

party like a rockstar.


ok…i have now had three cups of coffee.

and my heart is filled.

i am off to crank up the music LOUD and clean for the next 5 hours straight no stopping.

i will destroy any dust bunny that gets in my way.


happy wednesday. 



racheldenbow - Oh wow. This makes me want a bigger house so I can have at least three more kids and two dogs and lots of laundry! I’ll take the extra laundry!! Thanks for a little perspective there. It makes me want to be more intentional about time with my kids today as we’re snowed in.
I hope your weekend with all that fabulous company was the best!!!

danyele - i have got to mop this house, do the laundry and clean clean clean. i’m seriously in need of motivation. this was a great start, but need 4 more cups of java first.

Lisa - LOvE the pictures, so fun to look at oldies of the kids, sad too though 🙁

Mama - Love your blog! Great photos.

danielle - my favorite is the madman picture 😉
happy day, friend!

Holly - I am on a similar mission tomorrow. I cant wait. Actually I thought of you when I bought a “whatever” shirt yesterday at the Lifeway store. If I can find it online Ill send you a link.

Amy - This is a great trip down memory lane, great pics of a loving family!
Amy @

donna - i am so glad that you decided to start this blog – because you don’t know how it uplifts me when i am having a not so great day! thanks again meg.

julia - Please tell me you were a good blogger and took before and after cleaning pictures. I love make over stories!

princess lasertron - baahahahahha that annie

Courtney Walsh - Toothless looks like my Ethan now. Thank you for pointing out that he won’t stay that way forever…because today I could’ve wrung his little neck!! lol
That last pic…priceless!

Gina - Thanks for the reminder to treasure wonky letters-I only have more little person making those anymore, and they’re getting less wonky by the day. I know I’ll miss that too!

Holly - If I could press REWIND and freeze my babies into one stage of life, it would definately be during the toothless grin stage. Soo Sweet!!!!

Kristen - i love waffle! what breed of dog is he?? (sorry if you’ve answered this already…)

amy jupin - meg,
the pic of you and chicago jenny made me spit out my coffee. literally!
all the others made me feel so happy and smiley.
i know i’ve said it before, but you have a beautiful family!
a sweet, lovable, goofy big ol’ family.
you lucky duck.

Tara pakosta - Your blog is my happy place!!!
Great and fun shots!!!

crystal beutler - Can you just follow me around and snap pictures of the little moments in my life?? You capture it so well. You have such an eye for the details, and that my friend, is what makes you an artist.
Hey, funny you wrote about this. I wrote about the same thing!

Heather R. - Love the flowers, miss the sunshine, love the pic of Annie after “Partying like a rockstar”. Too cute. You go get those bunnies! 🙂


happygirl - I enjoyed this blog so much. Thanks for sharing your family pics and sharing your DEEP cleaning story. And thanks for your commitment to blogging. It encourages me.

Tonya - Fun post, Meg! It’s a good reminder to occassionally go through old pix…your babies are adorable!

Tracy - Awwwwww……. I love these pictures and miss my “babies” too. The sunflowers are beautiful and since I currently live in the Northeast and am under a snowstorm and am really miss the sun and the warm temps! Xoxoxo

Karen Gerstenberger - What a lovely posting. Your family is so precious.
I don’t mean to pry, but between the baby pictures (including Waffle) & the heavy-duty cleaning – you couldn’t be expecting, could you? =)

kat - Love these pictures!!! Great post! I hate cleaning too, not one of my strong points, but you better believe I bust a move when I’m doing it.

Sonia - Ha! I love the Mad Men photo. I just finished Season One and thought to myself they really go overboard with the smoking. And it’s funny to see how they were so at ease over parenting…(smoking while pregnant, plastic bags over kids heads, no seat belts!) Your kids have grown up so much! Love it all!!

Shayne - Hope you had a super-productive day! And loved the pictures, especially the falling asleep on the feet. 🙂

Ky - AWESOME post Meg! I felt your nostalgia and you made me giggle…more than once.
Happy cleaning! I HATE cleaning, but loud music sure helps make it fun.
Ky from Melbourne x

Toni :O) - Okay, you had me at Waffle’s ADORABLE photo and then Annie shows up last and I busted out laughing. Gosh, I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog…it’s just one of the best out there EVA!! Now I feel guilty that it’s been too long since my own house was cleaned…sheesh, thanks a lot! LOL!

erlfisher - “KA-POW- Really?” Do you love that QT commercial as much as I do? And those flowers — awesome!

Rachel / cREaTe - awwwww! that is a sad, but sweet little game. happens to me every time i go through my iphotos, too. 🙁 by the way, that pic of annie sleeping standing up – i think i remember that from your new years a couple years ago after i 1st found your blog! so adorable. have fun cleaning! 🙂 i admire your gusto!

Stacie - Love it! Happy cleaning!

Tanya H - This post was loads of fun for me, and I loved your commentary. That last pic of Annie is fabulous! My brothers and sisters have hilarious sleeping photos and my kids never do that. maybe I don’t work them hard enough… LOL! or party liek a rockstar enough!
Good luck with the cleaning!

Mary - Mad Men
Gotta love it.
I grew up in that world and marvel at it every time I see an episode.
We had that TV
I had that wallpaper
We drove that car
Those were our kitchen cupboards
My mom had a dress like that
That was my favorite doll (Patty Playpal)
etc . . . .

Sheri - I love love love your blog. You totally rock! Just thought I should tell you that 🙂

Jen Brandt - Love this post. Thank you! Hope cleaning was a success.

Lisa - That picture of Talby hanging upside down is just perfect. Such beautiful color…and her little flip-flopped feet. All of these are precious. Thanks for sharing!

Kristin S - Love.
And you ARE skinny!

Jessica - That last picture cracks me up! I have a pic of my middle son when he was about 3 in a similar position. He fell asleep on the stairs at my parent’s house. Thinking about that makes me miss the baby stage!

Staci - You go girl!!!!! Loved the pics down memory lane 🙂

Dawn - That is too cute and such a great idea to just pull out those random photos and remember all those time.

Denissa - I’m on the same mission!! 1 bathroom down, 2 to go..needed more coffee and made the mistake of stiing down! Then realized I missed a few days of posts!! 🙁 now back to scrubbing..ugh..

sarah - i love the deep clean! and purging…it feels so good. you feel clean and wonderful and somehow SIMPLIFIED! you go girl!

Joy - I feel guilty now about my dirt and pictures. Maybe that will inspire me as well.

AshleyAnn - So I saw the frog and thought “Meg! Not another frog. You are killing me.” Then I saw it was for me. I am not sure if I should say “thank you”.
Cleaning baseboards….a week of cleaning…you should stop and go read a magazine or something. Clean houses are overrated.

Tara - LOVE this…
need to pull some old photos and stroll down memory lane….

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Happy Spring Cleaning!
Love your old photos : )

traci in virginia - That last picture is priceless! Sometimes you just gotta take a nap!! 🙂

angela - I should be destroying my bunnies too…but……….

Londen @ Sixty-Fifth Avenue - I will be joining you today! I’ve been saying that all week to myself so maybe it will happen if I tell you. My super cleaning will be a little slower since I have a 4 year old helper wanting to play insead of watching me clean.

becky@oursweetpeas - Love it. Thanks for a smile this morning. I love a women that loves her husband and kids. 🙂 Here’s to you for doing the worst room AND all 3 bathrooms. I am just aiming for the 2 grossest bathrooms. Twin 3 yr old boys = the MOST DISGUSTING BATHROOM FLOORS EVER!!!!!!

Lori - I am deep cleaning today too! I can’t believe that we can all breathe given the amount of dust I am finding! Good luck!

Tara M. - I decided to deep clean my bedroom yesterday. My heavy blackout curtains hadn’t been washed EVER. Read the label, it said dry on low heat. I guess they were serious! They came out all stuck together. Guess I’ll be buying new ones!

shauna reed - i just really love this game.
especially with dramatic Legends of the Fall music on while i look at the pictures of your babies.
don’t try it.
if you want to clean or do anything besides turn into a crying mass on the floor in front of your computer, don’t try it.

RLG - You rock, Meg.

Kelly - KA POW! Have fun! You can do it. I’ll bet you are all kinds of awesome today! This was a fun post! The pic of Talby (right?) hanging upside down in front of that field is just beautiful! Greeting card material. I also like the frog. 🙂 How is it that frogs can look cute? Kelly

Jen H. - Fun post! 🙂 - I LOVE to clean!! I used to beg my mom to let me clean our bathrooms. I even like to clean other’s houses. I think I should have started my own cleaning business!
(I have been reading your blog for a few months now and you have inspired me to create my own blog. I started a couple days ago and so far I really enjoy it!)

Dani - When you are done, my house is only a flight away and I know for sure I have some dust bunnies that need your KA POW!
Love the pictures. Makes me want some spring weather!

sandy toe - Wish you lived could do mine! Maybe the music helps???
sandy toe

amber - Awesome last picture. The frog made me laugh out loud. And I LOVE deep cleaning. It feels so good when it’s all done. Happy cleaning!

Heather - that picture of the girls with the flowers is making me miss the spring sunshine and little feet in flip flops.
happy cleaning day!!

T.O. - Great post! When I saw your Mad Men picture – I thought Hmmm…I never pictured Meg as a smoker….ha ha!!

Becky Bridge - I don’t remember how I came upon your site a couple of weeks ago, but I’m glad I did. You are so funny and adorable and relatable and make me wish I lived near you so I could hang out with you!!
Thanks for posting and for being so real!

Deb Meyers - wow, i started reading you when Annie was a little thing. I’m going back to my cleaning, too, cause I don’t wanna feel older anymore either ; )
deb meyers

Krista - AWWWW they’re not even MY kids and I am loving seeing them so small, I guess I’ve been reading your blog for a long time. Love seeing how everyone has changed over the years – how does Craig manage to look exactly the same?
Good luck to you on your cleaning, you’ll be so happy when it’s done!

sarah @ Perpetual Blind Date - Party like a rockstar, that caption sums up a fabulous picture! Isnt it crazy to see how much time changes things? great pictures.

BriBedell - Hilarious! I need to be doing this too, but my third pregnancy is killing me right now. Off to ride the couch I go!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Hi! Oh, I was just checking my reader for some get up and smiles from you and you popped in!
Just what I needed 🙂

Holly Rhodes - You go girl!!!! I love deep cleaning! I do it after Christmas and in the Spring!! My mom always did it when I was growing up and I always helped and we jammed out to Madonna and I still do that!!!

Jen Joy - Party like a rockstar, indeed! I love that photo. Adore it, actually.
And YAY for cleaning! If we do our spring cleaning early, does that mean spring will come sooner?! I sure hope so! 🙂

april - Hahahaha
funny stuff man…

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